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Ancient lighthouse of alexandria in the state. Foundation "Russian Lighthouse Society"

Lighthouse of Alexandria or Pharos is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. The construction was started under Alexander the Great, completed under Ptolemy I. Briefly described, its significance was of a strategic nature. The uniqueness of the building was due to the non-standard height of the building.

Alexander the Great founded the city of the same name south of the Nile Delta. To create strategically important sea trade routes, a port and a harbor were needed. The harbor was necessary because of the frequent shipwrecks in that area - at night, ships crashed on the rocky terrain of the reservoir.

The lighthouse carried an important functional solution - to illuminate the location of the stones, to direct ships towards the port and to warn the enemy attack in advance.

History of creation

Only a sufficiently tall building could cope with such functionality. According to the plans, the architect Sostratus of Knidos indicated the height of the lighthouse at 120 m. Some sources indicate 135-150 m. At the time of the 4th century BC, such a structure became a giant. Construction was supposed to last 20 years, but it went much faster - up to 12 years. According to another version - for 5-6 years.

Where is the lighthouse of Alexandria located on the world map

The lighthouse of Alexandria, a brief description of which allows you to find out about the proposed place of its construction, was located on the island of Pharos in Alexandria. Now it is connected to the mainland by an embankment. This part on the modern world map belongs to the Republic of Egypt.

Construction features

The appearance of the Lighthouse of Alexandria differed significantly from the architecture of that time. The direction was set in such a way that each wall pointed to the corresponding cardinal direction.

Under Alexander the Great, there were not enough resources for a quick construction. Therefore, initially the construction was supposed to last 20 years. But after the death of Macedonian and the conquest of the lands of Ptolemy, these resources appeared.

Ptolemy had several detachments of Jewish slaves who could begin construction. A dam was organized between the island and the mainland for easier transportation of people and building materials.

What did the Lighthouse of Alexandria look like?

Sailing sailors artistically described the characteristic features of the sculptures located along the contour of the lighthouse. One of them pointed to the sun. At night, the hand of the sculpture went down. Another statue struck the time every hour. The third one indicated the direction of the wind.

The version with the third sculpture can be called confirmed, since the second tier was located in the direction of the wind rose. Accordingly, one of the statues could indeed show the direction, according to the principle of a weather vane.

There is a version that the mechanisms responsible for displaying weather conditions were involved. One of the statues worked on the principle of the accumulation of solar energy or a similar mechanism, and the second - on the principle of a cuckoo clock. This version has not been reliably confirmed.

I (lower) tier

The lowest block was in the form of a square, each side of which was 30-31 m. The height of the first tier reached 60 m. This foundation part became the main one. In those days, the height of the foundation did not exceed 10 meters, which was an innovation for the lighthouse. The corners of the lower floor were decorated with statues in the form of tritons.

The practical purpose of the tier was to position the guards and the lighthouse workers in these rooms. Food and fuel for the lantern were also stored here.

II (middle) tier

The middle tier had a height of 40 m, the outer cladding was made of marble slabs. The octagonal shape of this part of the building was facing the direction of the winds. Thus, the enlarged architectural solution of Sostratus of Knidos took into account all the outgoing data. The statues decorating the tier served as weathercocks.

III (upper) tier

The third cylindrical tier was the main one for the lighthouse. The statue stood on 8 granite columns.

There are 3 versions whose figure was depicted:

  1. God of the seas Poseidon.
  2. Isis-Faria, the goddess of prosperous sailors.
  3. Zeus the Savior, the main god.

Its material also differs in two versions: bronze or gold. The height of the statue reached 7-8 m. The top of the lighthouse was domed in the form of a cone. Under the statue there was a platform for a signal fire. An increase in the amount of light was created using concave mirrors (possibly bronze) made of metal according to one version and the same shape of smooth polished stones according to another. G

A number of disputes arose on the basis of fuel delivery:

  • One of the versions about the delivery using a lifting mechanism inside the lighthouse in the mine.
  • Another story speaks of raising fuel on mules up a spiraling ramp.
  • The third version modified the second one - donkeys were delivered along a gentle staircase.

One of the versions of the delivery of fuel for the lamp to the upper tier of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

Pharos is the island on which the lighthouse was located. The delivery of fuel and provisions for the guards would take place on boats, which would greatly complicate transportation. Therefore, it was decided to build a dam from the island to the mainland. Subsequently, the dam trampled down, forming a land isthmus.

Height and distance of outgoing light

Regarding the range of outgoing light, very conflicting data. One version - 51 km, the other - 81. But according to the mathematical calculations of Struysky, for a similar range of light, the height of the lighthouse should have been at least 200-400 m. The most probable version is that the light from the building came from no more than 20 km.

At night, the lighthouse illuminated with the help of fire, and during the day it served as a designation in the form of an outgoing column of smoke.

Additional purpose

The lighthouse of Alexandria, a brief description of which is in scientific publications, had an additional purpose. By the time of construction, Alexander the Great was expecting an attack by the Ptolemies on the water. Lighting could forestall the advantage of a surprise attack by enemies. For this purpose, a sentinel post was located on the lower floor, which periodically looked through the sea.

Macedonian feared, based on the experience of other rulers. At that time, Demetrius Poliorcetes suddenly attacked the harbor of Piraeus, taking advantage of the enemy's limited visibility. Demetrius also appeared off the Egyptian coast after an unsuccessful campaign against Ptolemy.

Egypt then escaped the fight due to a severe storm that destroyed a large part of the enemy fleet. Alexander began the construction of an important lighthouse, but only Ptolemy I was able to complete it. Under the lighthouse, on the underground floor, there was a large water cistern for the duration of the proposed siege.

What happened to the Lighthouse of Alexandria

There are several reasons for the destruction of the lighthouse:

  • Due to the death of Alexander the Great, the central focus of the lighthouse was lost. Gradually, it collapsed due to insufficient funding.
  • The sea trade route to Pharos was blocked, so the need for a lighthouse and a bay disappeared. Copper statues and mirrors were melted down into coins.
  • The remains of the lighthouse were destroyed by an earthquake.

Until 796, the story is the same: the lighthouse was gradually destroyed, and the earthquake caused damage.

Alternative version of destruction

The further history is divided into supposed parts:

Total destruction version Versions of partial destruction
The lighthouse was completely destroyed to the very foundation. Almost 800 years later, it was partly rebuilt from strategic military targets. The height of the new lighthouse did not exceed 30 m. The earthquake partially destroyed the lighthouse, but it was successfully repaired. It stood until the 14th century. The troops were stationed here. Due to countless raids, the lighthouse was destroyed to the ground of 30 meters within a hundred years.
There is another version in which the lighthouse was partially destroyed. It is assumed that its plundering caused the destruction. During the capture of the Egyptian state by the Arabs, the Byzantines and Christian countries wanted to lure people and weaken the enemy. But the lighthouse prevented them from getting into the city. Therefore, several people secretly made their way into the city and spread rumors about the treasure of Ptolemy, which is hidden in the lighthouse. Arab people began to dismantle the inside of the structure, melting down metals. This caused damage to the mirror system and permanently broke the beacon. The construction remained in the form of a standing building, and half a century later it was converted into a fortress.

The meaning of the wonder of the world in the modern world

The lighthouse of Alexandria has preserved the remains of the foundation, which in the modern world is occupied by Fort Kite Bay (or Alexandria Fortress). Briefly described, the fortress served as a defensive citadel of Turkey, but was conquered by the Napoleonic army during the weakening of the state.

In the 9th century, the Alexandria fortress was under the rule of Egypt. At this time, it was strengthened and equipped with modern tools for that time. After a strong attack by the British troops, it was again destroyed. By the end of the 20th century, the fort was completely rebuilt.

Having such a long history, the fortress acquired a new value. For this reason, they did not want to rebuild the Lighthouse of Alexandria in its original place - this would have destroyed those historical monuments that were erected after the destruction of the lighthouse.

Possibility of recovery

By the 15th century, the fort-fortress of Kite Bay was built on the site of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. According to one version, the wreckage of the lighthouse was used. According to another, the fort was built in the preserved part of the building. At the end of the 20th century, there was an international discussion about restoring the lighthouse.

The Egyptians planned to start work elsewhere, their initiative was supported by countries:

  • Italy.
  • Greece.
  • France.
  • Germany.

The project is planned to be called Medistone. It includes the reconstruction of architectural buildings from the Ptolemaic era. Expert evaluation of the project in the region of $40 million. The bulk of the budget will be spent on the construction of modern amenities: a business center, a restaurant, a diving club, a hotel and a museum themed around the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

The location of the new reconstructed structure was discussed at length. The Egyptians did not want to give up the original location of the lighthouse due to its current importance with the fort built. It was decided to build a new lighthouse to the east in the bay on a five-pointed float. The center of the float will be decorated with a glass interpretation of the lighthouse.

The number of floors will be saved with different level parts. Each of them will be equipped with an observation deck for tourists. From each floor you can go out to view the sea and the city. The height of the New Lighthouse will be up to 50 m. A star on steel supports will be installed on top, which will serve as an illuminator. The highest point is planned to be up to 106 m.

The main interest of tourists is caused by the planned construction of an underwater hall. Its depth will reach 3 m.

The possibility of this building was due to the location of the royal quarter of Alexandria. The city was located on a seismically active zone, so a significant part of it went under water. It is problematic to transport the find due to many years of being under water. The presence of an underwater hall will allow anyone to view the lost quarter.

Interesting facts about the Lighthouse of Alexandria

The lighthouse of Alexandria, a brief description of which allows you to learn about the details of the internal structure, is surrounded by several curious facts.

For example, like this:

  • The search for the lost quarter began in 1968 by archaeologist Honor Frost. By the time the remains of the city were found, she was awarded the medal "For Egyptian underwater archeology."
  • Sostratus of Knidos wanted to perpetuate his name. Under the plaster, he applied the phrase about the construction of this lighthouse by his hands for sailors. The top layer testified to the dedication of the building to Ptolemy. This was discovered many years later when the plaster began to fall off.
  • The lighthouse is known under two names - Alexandria and Pharos. The first name is due to the city near which the lighthouse was located. According to another version - in honor of Macedonian, who began construction. The second name is known because of the island on which the structure was located.
  • It is not known for certain which statue stood under the dome of the lighthouse. This is due different countries who occupied the land. A different culture with a foreign religion changed the oral history. There is no documented information, so the versions about the statue are so different. They have a common feature - the figure was associated with the deity of government and / or the sea.

The lighthouse of Alexandria provided people with work and food, stored water supplies for the city in case of a siege.. To briefly describe its functions: it illuminated the rocky bottom and helped to see the enemy. Its uniqueness attracted Herodotus, which is why he mentioned the lighthouse in his list of wonders of the world.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

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Alexandria (Faros) lighthouse:

One of the seven wonders of the world is the Lighthouse of Alexandria, a structure built on the island of Pharos in the third century BC. The building is located near the famous Alexandria, in connection with which it was given such a name. Another option may be the phrase "Faros lighthouse" - from the name of the island on which it is located.


The first wonder of the world - the Lighthouse of Alexandria - was originally intended to help lost sailors who want to get to the shore, safely overcoming the underwater reefs. At night, the path was illuminated by flames and signal beams of light emanating from a huge fire, and by day - columns of smoke emanating from a fire located at the very top of this sea tower. The lighthouse of Alexandria served faithfully for almost a thousand years, but was very badly damaged by an earthquake in 796. After this earthquake, five more very powerful and long tremors were recorded in history, which finally disabled this magnificent creation of human hands. Of course, they tried to reconstruct it more than once, but all attempts only led to the fact that a small fortress was left of it, which was built by Sultan Kait Bey in the 15th century. It is this fortress that can be seen today. She is all that remains of this majestic creation of man.


Let's delve a little into history and find out how this wonder of the world was built, because it's really exciting and interesting. How much has happened, what are the features of the construction and its purpose - we will tell you about all this below, do not be too lazy just to read.

Where is the Lighthouse of Alexandria

The lighthouse was built on a small island called Pharos, which is located off the coast of Alexandria in the Mediterranean Sea. The whole history of this lighthouse was originally associated with the name of the great conqueror Alexander the Great. It was he who was the creator of the first wonder of the world - a thing that all mankind is proud of. On this island, Alexander the Great decided to establish a large port, which he actually did in 332 BC during his visit to Egypt. The structure received two names: the first - in honor of the one who decided to build it, the second - in honor of the name of the island on which it is located. In addition to such a famous lighthouse, the conqueror decided to build another city of the same name - one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean. It should be noted that in his entire life, Alexander the Great built about eighteen policies with the name "Alexandria", but it was this one that went down in history and is known to this day. First of all, the city was built, and only then its main attraction. Initially, the construction of the lighthouse was supposed to take 20 years, but no such luck. The whole process took only 5 years, but despite this, the construction saw the world only in 283 BC, after the death of Alexander the Great - during the government of Ptolemy II - the king of Egypt.

Construction features

I decided to take a very careful approach to the issue of construction. According to some sources, he has been choosing a place for the construction of the port for more than two years. The conqueror did not want to create a city in the Nile, for which he found a very good replacement. The construction site was pitched twenty miles south, near the dry lake of Mareotis. Previously, there was a platform of the Egyptian city of Rakotis, which in turn slightly facilitated the entire construction process. The whole advantage of the location was that the port was able to receive ships from both the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River, which was very profitable and diplomatic. This not only increased the conqueror's profits, but also helped him and his followers build strong ties with both merchants and sailors of the time. The city was created during the life of Macedon, but the lighthouse of Alexandria was the development of Ptolemy the first Soter. It was he who finalized the design and brought it to life.

Alexandrian lighthouse. A photo

Looking at the image, we can see that the lighthouse consists of several "layers". Three large marble towers stand on the base of huge stone blocks, with a total weight of several hundred thousand tons. The first tower has the shape of a huge rectangle. Inside it are rooms intended for the housing of soldiers and workers of the port. At the top was a smaller octagonal tower. The spiral ramp was a transition to the upper cylindrical tower, inside of which there was a large fire, which served as a source of light. The entire structure weighed several million thousand tons, excluding decorations and appliances inside it. Because of this, the soil began to subside, which caused serious problems and required additional fortifications and construction work.

Start of fire

Although the Pharos Lighthouse was built between 285 and 283 BC, it only began to operate at the beginning of the first century BC. It was then that the whole system of signal lights was developed, working thanks to large bronze disks that direct light into the sea. In parallel with this, a composition of gunpowder was invented, which emitted a huge amount of smoke - a way to indicate the way during the day.

Height and distance of outgoing light

The total height of the Lighthouse of Alexandria is from 120 to 140 meters (the difference is the difference in ground height). Thanks to this arrangement, the light from the fire was visible at a distance of more than 60 kilometers in bright weather (there is evidence that the light was visible for 100 kilometers or more in calm weather) and up to 45-50 kilometers during a thunderstorm. The direction of the rays was due to a special construction in several rows. The first row was a tetrahedral prism, the height of which reached 60-65 meters, with a square base, an area of ​​900 square meters. Inventory and everything necessary for supplying fuel and maintaining the "eternal" fire were stored here. The basis for the middle part was a large flat cover, the corners of which were decorated with large statues of Tritons. This room was an octagonal white marble tower 40 meters high. The third part of the lighthouse is built of eight columns, on top of which there is a large dome, which is decorated with a large eight-meter bronze statue of Poseidon. Another name for the statue is Zeus the Savior.

"Eternal flame"

Maintaining the fire was a difficult task. More than a ton of fuel was required daily so that the fire could burn with the necessary force. Wood, which was the main material, was delivered in specially equipped carts along a spiral ramp. The carts were pulled by mules, which required more than a hundred for one climb. In order for the light from the fire to spread as far as possible, huge bronze sheets were placed behind the flame, at the foot of each column, with the help of which they directed the light.

Additional purpose

According to some manuscripts and surviving documents, the lighthouse of Alexandria served not only as a source of light for lost sailors. For soldiers, it became an observation post, for scientists - an astronomical observatory. Accounts say that there was a large amount of very interesting technical equipment - clocks of various shapes and sizes, a weather vane, as well as many astronomical and geographical instruments. Other sources talk about the presence of a huge library and a school that taught elementary disciplines, but this does not have any significant evidence.


The death of the lighthouse was not only due to several powerful earthquakes, but also due to the fact that the bay almost ceased to be used, because it was very silted up. After the port became unusable, the bronze plates that cast light into the sea were melted down into coins and jewelry. But this was not the end. The complete death of the lighthouse occurred in the 15th century during one of the most powerful earthquakes ever to occur off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. After that, the remains were restored several times and served as a fortress, as well as a home for the few inhabitants of the island.

In modern world

Today, the Faros Lighthouse, whose photo can be very easily found, is one of the few architectural monuments lost in history and time. This is something that is still of interest to both scientists and ordinary people who like centuries-old things, because many events, literary works and scientific discoveries are associated with it, important for the entire development of the world. Alas, not much is left of the 7 wonders of the world. The lighthouse of Alexandria, or rather only part of it, is one of those structures that humanity can be proud of. True, all that remains of it is just the lower tier, which served as a warehouse and a place of residence for the military and workers. Thanks to many reconstructions, the building was not completely destroyed. It was converted into something like a small castle-fortress, inside which the remaining inhabitants of the island lived. This is exactly what you can see when visiting the island of Pharos, which is quite popular among tourists. After complete construction and cosmetic repairs, the lighthouse has a more modern look, which makes it a modern building with a long history.

Future plans

The Lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the objects under the protection of UNESCO. Due to this, various repairs are carried out every year in order to protect the fortress from destruction. There was even a time when they talked about completely resuming their former appearance, but this was never done, because then the lighthouse would lose its status as one of the wonders of the world. But you must see it if you are already interested in history.

The history of the seventh Wonder of the World - the Lighthouse of Alexandria - is associated with the foundation in 332 BC. Alexandria, a city that was named after the great Roman general Alexander the Great. It should be noted that during his career the conqueror founded about 17 cities with similar names, but only the Egyptian project managed to survive to this day.

Alexandrian lighthouse

Foundation of the city to the glory of the great commander

Macedonian selected the site for the founding of Egyptian Alexandria very carefully. He did not like the idea of ​​a location in the Nile Delta, and so the decision was made to set up the first construction sites 20 miles south, near the swampy Lake Mareotis. Alexandria was supposed to have two large harbors - one was intended for merchant ships coming from the Mediterranean Sea, and the second for ships sailing along the Nile.

After the death of Alexander the Great in 332 BC. the city came under the rule of Ptolemy I Soter, the new ruler of Egypt. During this period, Alexandria developed into a thriving trading port. In 290 BC. Ptolemy ordered the construction of a huge lighthouse on the island of Pharos, which would light the way for ships going to the harbor of the city at night and in bad weather.

Construction of a lighthouse on the island of Pharos

The construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria dates back to the 4th century BC, but the system of signal lights itself appeared only in the 1st century BC. The creator of this masterpiece of engineering and architectural art is Sostratus, a resident of Cnidia. The work continued for a little over 20 years, and as a result, the Lighthouse of Alexandria became the world's first building of this type and the tallest building in the ancient world, not counting, of course, the Giza pyramids.

The height of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was approximately 450-600 feet. At the same time, the building was absolutely unlike any of the architectural monuments available at that time. The building was a three-tiered tower, the walls of which were made of marble slabs fastened with lead mortar. The most complete description of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was compiled by Abu el-Andalussi - the famous Arab traveler - in 1166. He noted that in addition to performing purely practical functions, the lighthouse served as a very noticeable attraction.

The fate of the great lighthouse

The Pharos Lighthouse has been illuminating the way for sailors for over 1500 years. But strong tremors in 365, 956 and 1303 A.D. badly damaged the building, and the most powerful earthquake of 1326 finally destroyed one of the greatest architectural structures peace. In 1994, the remains of the Lighthouse of Alexandria were discovered by archaeologists, and subsequently the image of the structure was more or less successfully restored using computer modeling.

Lighthouse of Alexandria - help to sailors, a challenge to the sea. This seventh wonder of the world arose thanks to skillful human hands and died due to the vagaries of nature. The Lighthouse of Alexandria (Faros), which served people for 1.5 thousand years, was crushed by a series of tremors. The majestic building did not want to give up for a long time and fought to the last, having withstood three earthquakes and collapsed during the fourth. So the tallest building in the ancient world perished.

Pharos Island is the perfect location for the Lighthouse of Alexandria

The glorious Egyptian city of Alexandria during the time of the ruler Ptolemy Soter quickly grew into a large trading policy. Strings of ships with a variety of goods stretched towards him. But in order to get to the local port, they had to maneuver between treacherous reefs, which were very numerous on the approach to Alexandria. Bad weather increased the risk of shipwreck.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was located on the island of Pharos, not far from the Egyptian Mediterranean coast.

At first, they wanted to improve visibility for sailors by lighting fires on the shore (as the Athenians did in the 5th century BC), but this was not enough to give signals to ships sailing far from the coast. "Lighthouse! That's what we need, ”it dawned on one of the sleepless nights of Ptolemy.

The lighthouse of Pharos was a landmark for ancient sailors going to the port of Alexandria.

The ruler was lucky - according to the map, at a distance of a little more than a kilometer from Alexandria in the Mediterranean Sea was the island of Pharos, and God himself ordered to build a lighthouse there. The construction of the lighthouse of Alexandria was entrusted to the engineer Sostratus, a resident of Cnidia. Construction began immediately, for the sake of it, a dam was even built between the mainland and the island. Work on the Faros lighthouse lasted approximately 5 to 20 years and was completed at the end of the 3rd century. BC. True, the system of signal lights itself appeared only after 100 years.

The power and beauty of the Faros Lighthouse

According to various sources, the height of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was from 115 to 137 meters. For reasons of practicality, it was erected from blocks of marble, fastened with lead mortar. The best Alexandrian architects and scientists were involved in the construction - it was they who came up with the project of the lighthouse, consisting of three tiers.

The lighthouse of Alexandria consisted of three steps: pyramidal, prismatic and cylindrical.

The first level of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was pyramidal in shape with planes oriented to 4 cardinal points. Its ledges were decorated with statues of tritons. The premises of this level were intended to accommodate workers and soldiers, store equipment, fuel and products.

A spiral ramp was built inside the Faros lighthouse to deliver firewood and oil to the top

The eight faces of the second step of the Pharos lighthouse were designed by ancient architects according to the wind rose and decorated with bronze statues. Some of the sculptures were movable and served as weathercocks. The third tier of the structure had a cylindrical shape and ended with a dome, on which stood a 7-meter bronze statue of the ruler of the seas, Poseidon. But they say that in fact the top of the dome of the Faros lighthouse was decorated with a statue of a woman - the guardian of the sailors Isis-Faria.

Sostratos was proud of the lighthouse not in vain

At that time, mankind did not yet know electricians, and for signals to sailors, a giant fire was kindled at the very top of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Its light was amplified, reflected in polished bronze plates, and was visible up to 100 kilometers in the area. Ancient legends said that the radiance coming from the Pharos lighthouse was capable of burning enemy ships even before approaching the shore.

A fire was constantly burning in the dome of the lighthouse, illuminating the way for sailors at night and during the day in poor visibility.

At night, powerful tongues of flame indicated the direction of the ships, during the day - clouds of smoke. To keep the fire burning, the Romans established an uninterrupted supply of firewood to the top of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. They were drawn on wagons pulled by mules and horses. To do this, they built a gentle spiral-shaped road inside the Faros Lighthouse, one of the first ramps in the world. Although some scientists claim that firewood was dragged to the top by lifting mechanisms.

Drawing of the Faros Lighthouse by the archaeologist G. Tirsh (1909)

Interesting to know. The lighthouse of Alexandria was surrounded by a powerful fence with loopholes, so it could serve as a fort and an observation post. From the top of the lighthouse it was possible to see the enemy fleet long before it approached the city. In the underground part of the structure, supplies of drinking water were kept in case of a siege.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was at the same time a fort and could withstand a protracted siege

Sostratus of Knidos was very proud of his offspring. He hated the idea that the descendants would not recognize the name of the creator of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Therefore, on the wall of the first tier, the engineer carved the inscription: "Sostratus from Cnidia, son of Dextifan, dedicated to the gods-saviors for the sake of seafarers." But the loyal subject was afraid of the wrath of the Egyptian ruler, who usually takes all the credit for himself, so he hid the phrase under a thick layer of plaster, on which he scratched out the name of the conceited Ptolemy Soter. Pieces of clay fell off very quickly, and even during the life of the Pharos lighthouse, travelers could read the name of its true creator.

Decline and destruction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

Alarming signals about the destruction of the Pharos lighthouse began to appear at the time of the fall of the Roman Empire. It was not maintained in proper condition, and the once majestic building began to fall into disrepair. The current brought silt into the bay, ships could no longer enter the port of Alexandria, and the need for a lighthouse on the island of Pharos gradually disappeared. Over time, the bronze plates-mirrors of the Lighthouse of Alexandria were taken apart and melted down - it is assumed that they "dispersed" around the world in the form of coins and settled in the collections of numismatists.

The only images that give an idea of ​​the architecture of the Pharos lighthouse are embossed drawings on ancient Roman coins.

Earthquakes in 365, 956 and 1303 AD significantly damaged the building - the epicenters were at a short distance from the place where the lighthouse was built. And in 1323, the most powerful tremors hastened the death of the Lighthouse of Alexandria - only ruins remained from the building ...

Modern reconstruction of the building of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

One of the options for the architecture of the Farosso lighthouse, made of sand

Modern 3D visualizers give different ideas regarding the appearance of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

In the 14th century AD. Egypt was settled by nimble Arabs. The first thing they did was roll up their sleeves and try to restore the lighthouse of Alexandria. But their zeal was only enough for a 30-meter structure - then the construction work stalled. Why the Arabs did not continue the restoration of the Faros lighthouse - history is silent. And only 100 years later, in the place where the Pharos lighthouse was erected, the Sultan of Egypt Kite-Bey built a fortress - it still stands there, having successfully survived to this day. Now here is the base of the Egyptian fleet. From the Lighthouse of Alexandria itself, only the plinth remained, entirely built into the fortress.

Faros lighthouse will be revived!

For many centuries, the Lighthouse of Alexandria was considered the tallest building on Earth. Therefore, it is assigned to 7 ancient wonders of the world. The lighthouse, or rather, all that was left of it, was discovered in 1994 - some fragments of the building were found at the bottom of the sea - archaeologists were delighted with this message from the historical past. And in May 2015, the Egyptian government decided to rebuild the Pharos Lighthouse on the same spot where the original was once erected.

The reduced building of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was built in one of the Chinese parks for entertainment and recreation

Volumetric reconstruction of the Faros lighthouse on a scale

When construction will begin is still unknown. The biggest difficulty when trying to build an exact copy of the structure is the lack of “living” images of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, therefore, the architects will have to puff, relying only on information from descriptions in several written Arabic sources and photos of the ruins. The appearance of the Pharos lighthouse was reconstructed using computer modeling - only the ruins and its images on Roman coins testify to the appearance of the seventh wonder of the world.

Model of the lighthouse of Alexandria made of cardboard, giving an idea of ​​the main structural elements of the building

Interesting to know. Another possible clue to the creation of a project for a future lighthouse could be a tomb in the Egyptian city of Abusir. It was built in the same period as the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The people even call the tower the lighthouse of Abusir. Historians suggest that it was specially built as a smaller copy of the Pharos lighthouse.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was described by ancient historians and travelers, including the "father of history" Herodotus. The most complete description of the Pharos lighthouse in 1166 was compiled by Abu el-Andalussi, a famous Arab traveler, who stated that the lighthouse was not only a useful structure, but also a worthy decoration of Alexandria.

One of the seven wonders of the ancient world life-size in the landscape (3d modeling)
  • The Pharos lighthouse remains today a symbol of the city of Alexandria. His stylized image adorns the flag of the city. Moreover, the drawing of the Lighthouse of Alexandria flaunts on the seals of many government agencies, including the local university.
  • The structure of the minarets of Islamic mosques is identical to the architecture of the Lighthouse of Alexandria.
  • Reconstructions of the Pharos lighthouse are strikingly similar to the New York skyscraper Empire State Building.
  • A copy of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was built in the Chinese amusement park Window of the World.
  • It is assumed that during the first attempts to determine the radius of the Earth, ancient Greek scientists used the Lighthouse of Alexandria (Faros).

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In 332 B.C. Alexander the Great founded Alexandria. In 290 BC. the ruler Ptolemy I. ordered to build a lighthouse on the small island of Pharos as soon as possible as a symbol of the city and a coastal landmark.

Pharos was located near the coast of Alexandria - it was connected to the mainland by a huge artificial bridge (dam), which at the same time was part of the city harbor. The coast of Egypt is distinguished by the monotony of the landscape - it is dominated by plains and lowlands, and sailors have always needed an additional landmark for successful navigation: a signal fire in front of the entrance to the harbor of Alexandria. Thus, the function of the building on Pharos was determined from the very beginning. Actually, the lighthouse, precisely as a structure with a system of mirrors reflecting sunlight and signal lights on top, dates back to about the 1st century AD. e., which refers to the times of already Roman domination. However, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which served as a coastal sign for sailors, was erected as early as the 4th century BC.

The lighthouse was designed by the architect Sostratus from Cnidia. Proud of his creation, he wanted to leave his name on the foundation of the building, but Ptolemy II, who inherited the throne after his father Ptolemy Soter, forbade him to commit this free act. The pharaoh wanted only his royal name to be engraved on the stones, and that it was he who was revered as the creator of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Sostratus, being a smart man, did not argue, but simply found a way to circumvent the order of the lord. First, he carved the following inscription on a stone wall: "Sostratus, the son of Dexiphon, a Cnidian, dedicated to the savior gods for the health of seafarers!", After which he covered it with a layer of plaster, and wrote the name of Ptolemy on top. Centuries passed, and the plaster cracked and crumbled, revealing to the world the name of the true builder of the lighthouse.

Construction dragged on for 20 years, but in the end, the Lighthouse of Alexandria became the very first lighthouse in the world, and the tallest building in the ancient world, not counting the Great Pyramids of Giza. Soon the news of the Miracle spread all over the world and the lighthouse began to be called by the name of the island of Pharos or simply Pharos. After, the word "faros", as the designation of a lighthouse, was fixed in many languages ​​​​(Spanish, Romanian, French)

In the 10th century, two detailed descriptions Lighthouse of Alexandria: travelers Idrisi and Yusuf el-Shaikh. According to them, the height of the building was 300 cubits. Since such a measure of length as "elbow" had different sizes among different peoples, when translated into modern parameters, the height of the lighthouse ranges from 450 to 600 feet. Although I think the first figure is more true.

The lighthouse on Pharos was completely different from most modern structures of this type - thin single towers, but rather resembled a futuristic skyscraper. It was a three-story (three-tiered) tower, whose walls were made of marble blocks, fastened with a mortar mixed with lead.

The ground floor was over 200 feet high and 100 feet long. Thus, the lowest tier of the lighthouse resembled a massive parallelepiped. Inside, along its walls, there was an inclined entrance, along which a cart drawn by a horse could climb up.

The second tier was built in the form of an octagonal tower, and the top floor of the lighthouse resembled a cylinder topped with a dome resting on columns. The top of the dome was decorated with a huge statue of the god Poseidon - the ruler of the seas. There was always a fire on the platform below him. It is said that from ships it was possible to see the light of this lighthouse at a distance of 35 miles (56 km).

In the lowest part of the lighthouse there were many service rooms where inventory was stored, and inside the two upper floors there was a shaft with a lifting mechanism that allowed fuel for the fire to be delivered to the very top.

In addition to this mechanism, a spiral staircase led along the walls to the top of the lighthouse, along which visitors and attendants climbed to the platform where the signal fire was blazing. According to sources, a massive concave mirror, probably made of polished metal, was also installed there. It was used to reflect and amplify the light of a fire. It is said that at night the way to the harbor was indicated by a bright reflected light, and during the day - a huge smoke column, visible from afar.

Some legends say that the mirror on the Pharos lighthouse could also be used as a weapon: supposedly it was able to focus the sun's rays so that it burned enemy ships as soon as they appeared in sight. Other legends say that it was possible to see Constantinople on the other side of the sea in it, using this mirror as a magnifying glass. Both stories seem too far-fetched.

The most complete description was left by the Arab traveler Abu Haggag Yusuf ibn Mohammed el-Andalussi, who visited Pharos in 1166. His notes read: " The lighthouse of Alexandria is located on the very edge of the island. Its plinth has a square base, the length of the sides of which is approximately 8.5 meters, while the northern and western sides are washed by the sea. The height of the eastern and southern walls of the basement reaches 6.5 meters. However, the height of the walls facing the sea is much higher, they are more sheer and resemble a steep mountain slope. The masonry of the lighthouse here is especially strong. I must say that that part of the building, which I described above, is the most modern, since it was here that the masonry was most dilapidated and needed to be restored. On the side of the plinth that faces the sea, there is an ancient inscription, which I cannot read, because the wind and sea waves have worn away the stone base, due to which the letters have partially crumbled. The size of the letter "A" is slightly less than 54 cm. And the upper part of the "M" resembles a large hole in the bottom of a copper boiler. The sizes of the rest of the letters are similar.

The entrance to the lighthouse is located at a considerable height, because an embankment with a length of 183 meters leads to it. It rests on a series of arches, the width of which is so great that my companion, standing under one of them and spreading his arms to the sides, could not touch its walls. There were sixteen arches in all, and each one was larger than the last. The latest arch is especially striking in its size.".

How did the very first lighthouse in the world end up at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea? Most sources say that the lighthouse, like other buildings of antiquity, fell victim to earthquakes. The lighthouse on Pharos stood for 1500 years, but aftershocks in 365, 956 and 1303 AD. e. severely damaged him. And the earthquake of 1326 (according to other sources in 1323) completed the destruction.

The story of how most of the lighthouse in 850 was turned into ruins due to the intrigues of the emperor of Constantinople seems completely unreliable. Since Alexandria competed very successfully with the aforementioned city, the ruler of Constantinople conceived a cunning plan to destroy the lighthouse on Pharos. He spread rumors that a treasure of fabulous value was hidden under the foundation of this building. When the caliph in Cairo (who was at that time the ruler of Alexandria) heard this rumor, he ordered the lighthouse to be demolished in order to find the treasures hidden under it. Only after the giant mirror had been broken and two tiers had already been destroyed did the caliph realize that he had been deceived. He tried to restore the building, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Then he rebuilt the surviving first floor of the lighthouse, turning it into a mosque. However, no matter how colorful this story is, it cannot be true. After all, travelers who visited the Pharos lighthouse already in 1115 AD. e. testify that even then it still remained safe and sound, regularly performing its function.

Thus, the Lighthouse still stood on the island when the traveler Ibn Jabar visited Alexandria in 1183. What he saw shocked him so much that he exclaimed: "Not a single description can convey all its beauty, there are not enough eyes to take a look at it, and there are not enough words to tell about the greatness of this spectacle!"
Two earthquakes in 1303 and in 1323 destroyed the lighthouse on Pharos so badly that the Arab traveler Ibn Batuta could no longer get inside this structure. But even these ruins have not survived to this day: in 1480, Sultan Kite Bey, who ruled Egypt at that time, erected a citadel (fort) on the site of the lighthouse. For the construction, the remains of the masonry of the lighthouse were taken. Thus, the lighthouse became part of the medieval fort of Kite Bay. However, the blocks from which the Lighthouse of Alexandria was once built can still be discerned in the stone walls of the fort - thanks to their gigantic size.