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Flag of Turkmenistan Coat of arms of Turkmenistan. handmade has become a national symbol

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The presentation on the topic "Turkmenistan" (9th grade) can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

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Official language: Turkmen Capital: Ashgabat Largest cities: Ashgabat, Turkmenabat, Dashoguz, Balkanabat, Turkmenbashi, Mary Form of government: presidential republic President: Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Territory: 53rd in the world, 491,200 km² Population: 5,240,502 people. On February 19, 1992, the modern flag of Turkmenistan was approved.

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Turkmenistan is a country in Central Asia. It borders with Afghanistan and Iran in the south, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the north, is washed by the internal Caspian Sea in the west, and has no access to the world ocean. Turkmenistan is the 4th largest country in the world in terms of natural gas reserves. It has the second largest gas field in the world.

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The subsoil of Turkmenistan contains valuable minerals: oil and natural gas, sulfur, lead, mirabilite, iodine, bromine. The country also has a variety of raw materials for the finishing industry: limestone, marl, dolomite, granite, gypsum, refractory clay, quartz sand, gravel, pebble. Such sectors of the national economy as the oil production and fishing industries are closely connected with the natural resources of the Caspian Sea.

Satellite image of Turkmenistan

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The Turkmen dog - Alabai - is a beautiful and courageous animal. For many centuries, it has been helping the Turkmens protect flocks of livestock in difficult conditions of the sandy desert. Powerful, well-built, the Alabai captivates with its nobility of movements, confidence and calmness.

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Papakhas are the national treasure of the Turkmens. Despite the sometimes forty-degree heat, Turkmen elders wear large, shaggy fur hats, which causes considerable surprise among tourists. However, this unique headdress, invented by the Turkmen in ancient times, on the contrary, saves from the heat.

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Manat is the official currency of Turkmenistan. The manat has been in circulation since November 1, 1993. The design of all modern banknotes was developed by the English company "Thomas de la Rue"

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The state of Internet freedom in Turkmenistan is one of the worst in the world. During the reign of Saparmurat Niyazov, the Internet was unofficially banned. After Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was elected president, the Internet began to develop rapidly. However, the government blocks access to such famous sites as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
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  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
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  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

  • Turkmenistan (officially Turkmenistan, Türkmenistan) is a state in Central Asia. The capital is Ashgabat. It borders with Afghanistan and Iran in the south, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the north, is washed by the internal Caspian Sea in the west, and has no access to the world ocean.

    The form of government is presidential republic. The head of state is the president, elected by direct secret ballot for a term of 5 years. The lifelong president of Turkmenistan until December 21, 2006 was Saparmurat Niyazov, who changed his name to Turkmenbashi. Currently, the president is Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov. Legislative body Mejlis (parliament, 125 members). Deputies are elected for 5 years in single-member constituencies. The competence of the Majlis is the adoption of laws, adoption and amendment of the Constitution. Saparmurat Niyazov

    The country has a total area of ​​488 thousand square meters. km is located in the western part of Central Asia, occupying almost half of the territory of this region. The relief is mostly flat, the climate is subtropical, desert: the Karakum Desert occupies more than 80% of the territory. Has access to the Caspian Sea (length coastline about 1.8 thousand km). Karakum desert

    5.1 million people, concentrated mainly in riverine oases and the foothills of the Kopetdag. The huge area of ​​the Karakum Desert is sparsely populated. Average density 10 people. per 1 sq. km. Average annual growth in years 1.4%. Life expectancy is about 64 years (2005). 85% of the population are Turkmens, 5% Uzbeks, 4% Russians, 2% Kazakhs. The official language is Turkmen, spoken by 72% of the population (12% Russian). 89% of the population are Muslims, 9% are Orthodox. According to 1999 data, 98% of the adult population is literate. Turkmens in national clothes

    The basis of the country's transport system is road transport, the functioning of which is closely connected with the construction of bridges on the Amu Darya. According to official data for 2000, the volume of road freight transport amounted to 408 million tons, by rail transported - 10 million tons, inland water - 1.7 million tons, sea - 161 thousand tons and air - 11 thousand tons. Passenger transportation in the same year amounted to: road transport - 842 million people, railways - 2.629 thousand people, air - 1.293 thousand people and sea - 11 thousand people.

    If you try to associate Turkmenistan with a color, it will be yellow. A flat desert country, where a sea of ​​sand with takyr islands, saxaul thickets, flocks of sheep and majestic camel ships awaits you everywhere. And only in the most outlying parts is the yellowness bordered by a green tint: there, there is or where water was carried, giving life to cotton fields, melons and vineyards, and human settlements. And of course, the gray Caspian Sea, which allows the country to have a fleet, ferry service, and in the future additional oil and gas resources. Now the country is being intensively built: new enterprises are being introduced, houses are being built, historical places monuments are created. If you try to associate Turkmenistan with a color, it will be yellow. A flat desert country, where a sea of ​​sand with takyr islands, saxaul thickets, flocks of sheep and majestic camel ships awaits you everywhere. And only in the most outlying parts is the yellowness bordered by a green tint: there, there is or where water was carried, giving life to cotton fields, melons and vineyards, and human settlements. And of course, the gray Caspian Sea, which allows the country to have a fleet, ferry service, and in the future additional oil and gas resources. Now the country is being intensively built: new enterprises are being introduced, houses are being built, monuments are being created in historical places.

    Basic data. Area - 488.1 thousand km2 The greatest length is from north to south - 650 km, from west to east - 1100 km. Capital - Ashgabat 676.4 thousand people. Administrative department - for 5 velayats (regions). Population - 5.7 million people. Population density - 12 people. Per 1 km.2 Urban population - 47% Official language - Turkmen. Religion - Islam. The monetary unit is the Turkmen manat.

    Turkmenistan is located in Central Eurasia. Its territory stretches from northwest to southeast between the Caspian Sea and the Amu Darya. Turkmenistan is located in Central Eurasia. Its territory stretches from northwest to southeast between the Caspian Sea and the Amu Darya. Turkmenistan since October 1991 Independent country. The President is the head of state and the Cabinet of Ministers. In 2002 Saparmurat Niyazov was elected president for life of the country.

    Natural resource potential. Geographical position countries are determined by their distance from the World Ocean. An advantage can be considered access to the Caspian Sea and relatively convenient access to the south, to Iran. Turkmenistan is the flattest of the countries in the region. Almost 80% of the territory lies within the Turanian Lowland. The largest part of the territory is occupied by the sandy Karakum desert. Large reserves of combustible minerals, natural gas and oil, are associated with the sedimentary rocks of the Turan Plate. There are deposits of sulfur, kilium and table salts, etc. Turkmenistan is distinguished by an abundance of light and heat. The climate is sharply continental with minimal precipitation throughout the year. Summer is always dry and hot.

    Rivers and lakes. The largest river is the Amu Darya. Much less watery, lost in the sands, are Murghab and Tedzhen. The country's western river Atrek flows into the Caspian Sea. There are several salt lakes. The largest of them are Sarykamyshskoye and Kuuli. The Karakum Canal is of great importance for the country's agriculture. The natural appearance of Turkmenistan is deserts and oases.

    Population and settlement. In 2004 5.7 million people lived in Turkmenistan. Average population density is 12 people. Per 1 km2, but its distribution is extremely uneven. The population continues to grow due to high natural growth, especially in rural areas. Today, rapid population growth poses a number of problems characteristic of countries with a traditional type of population reproduction, and above all the problem of employment. More than 100 nationalities live in the country. Almost 77% of the population are Turkmens. Other ethnic groups include Uzbeks, Russians, Kazakhs, and Armenians. The share of the urban population is 47%.

    Economy. The gross domestic product of Turkmenistan in 2009 amounted to $16.24 billion. At the same time, industry accounts for 34%, agriculture - 10%, and the service sector - 56%. In 2008, the labor force amounted to 2.3 million people. 48% of workers are employed in agriculture, 14% in industry, and 38% in the service sector. With large reserves of natural gas (15-20 trillion cubic meters) and oil (1.5-2.0 billion tons), Turkmenistan is one of the important exporters of fuel resources. However, transportation and exploration problems complicate the development of this sector of the economy, which forms approximately 70% of the gross national product. Major industries include oil and natural gas refining and processing; production of glass, fabrics (mainly cotton) and clothing; food industry. Industrial development is slowing down due to shrinking sales markets in the CIS countries and strong jumps in world prices for raw materials.

    Industry. The oil and gas complex has been and will remain the basis of the country’s specialization. It is the country's most important export industry. Natural gas production accounts for about 60% of GDP. All oil produced is now processed at two oil refineries in Turkmenbashi and Turkmenabat. Turkmenistan is one of the world's largest producers of natural gas. The main deposits are Achak in the north of Lebap velayat, gas-bearing areas in the area of ​​​​the city of Mary and on the Caspian coast. In the recent past, the mechanical engineering industries ensured the normal functioning of priority industries (oil and gas and agriculture). Now the state is trying to create new industries that will contribute to the formation of the country's main specialization.

    Industry. In the chemical complex of Turkmenistan, two cycles are most developed: oil and gas and mining chemical based on local mineral resources. In the eastern part of the country, unique deposits of sulfur, rock and potassium salts, polymetallic ores, iodine, and boron are concentrated. But so far only sulfur from the Gaurdak deposit is used. Based on imported raw materials, enterprises in Turkmenabat operate, producing sulfuric acid, mineral fertilizers, and aluminum sulfate. The western region is distinguished by reserves of sodium sulfate, mirabilite, iodine and bromide compounds, and bentonite. Plants in Balkanabad, Khazar, and Bekdash process extracted raw materials. Thermal power generation can be considered a promising industry. Up close major cities thermal power plants were built. In the future, it is planned to build power lines to Iran for export supplies of electricity.

    Agro-industrial complex and light industry. Areas suitable for agriculture account for just over 3% of the territory, mainly in oases. Strait lands occupy 95% of the total cultivated area. During the years of independence, grain crops have tripled. Grain harvest has increased 3.5 times compared to the last decade. In the future, it is planned to fully meet our own needs.

    Cotton, although no longer a monoculture, remains one of the most profitable and powerful components of the country's exports. Turkmenistan is one of the world's top ten exporters of raw cotton. Cotton, although no longer a monoculture, remains one of the most profitable and powerful components of the country's exports. Turkmenistan is one of the world's top ten exporters of raw cotton. Almost 97% of Turkmenistan's agricultural land is pasture. Therefore, in the economic complex of the country, livestock farming follows immediately after cotton growing. The main branch of livestock farming is Karakul sheep breeding, based on distant pastures of the Karakum desert. The share of sheep in the total animal population exceeds 50%.

    Food and light industry. The food industry is focused on local needs. Moreover, recently, each of the velayats has created its own production. In Soviet times, primary processing predominated in light industry. In the future, it is planned to increase our own processing of raw cotton to 50-60%. Large silk industry factories are located in Ashgabat and Turkmenbad.

    Transport complex. Turkmenistan, having an advantageous geopolitical position and being a transit territory, is trying to develop the transport complex. total length railways is 2330 km. Roads are now being built to all centers of the velayats. A special role is given to transit roads. The country is trying to develop and sea ​​transport. The weak link in the transport complex remains the automobile sector. The republic's pipeline network was formed during the Soviet era.

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    Turkmenistan is located between 35°08min. and 42°48min. northern latitude and 52°27 min. and 66°41min. east longitude. The total area of ​​the state is 491.2 thousand sq. km, the length of the borders from north to south is 650 km, from west to east – 1110 km. Turkmenistan borders: in the north - with Kazakhstan; in the east and northeast - with Uzbekistan; in the south - with Iran, in the southeast - with Afghanistan. ++ Total length of rivers km. The longest river is the Amudarya (total length 1437 km, across the territory of Turkmenistan - more than 1200 km) The largest mountain system- Kopetdag. The tallest Mountain peak- peak of the Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi (height 3139 m).++

    As in other countries of Central Asia, the population of Turkmenistan professed Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Since the 7th-8th centuries. Since the Arab conquest, Islam has become the dominant religion. Today, the overwhelming majority of religious residents of Turkmenistan are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi persuasion. Small part local population, immigrants from Iran, are Shiite Muslims.

    Representatives of many nationalities live in Turkmenistan. The majority are, of course, Turkmens (72%). Turkmenistan has large communities of Uzbeks (9%) and Kazakhs (2.5%). A significant part of the population is made up of Russians (9.5%) and Russian-speaking peoples (about 7%). Other peoples living here are Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Persians, Lezgins, Uyghurs, as well as Baluchis, Kurds, etc. In terms of their anthropological appearance, the Turkmens belong to the Trans-Caspian racial type of southern Caucasians. Turkmens are distinguished by their tall stature, oblong head shape, narrow face, rather high forehead, and relatively dark shade of hair, eyes and skin. Their Mongoloid features are insignificant. Turkmenistan, like other Central Asian countries, has a high birth rate. Turkmens are characterized by large families.

    The standard (flag) of the President of Turkmenistan was approved on July 15, 1996. It is the most important and main attribute symbolizing presidential power. Article 54 of the Constitution stipulates that “The President of Turkmenistan is the head of state and executive power, the highest official of the state.” It is the standard that confirms the role and importance of the institution of the presidency in Turkmenistan and at the same time emphasizes the exercise by the head of state of the highest executive power in the country. The standard (flag) of the President of Turkmenistan personifies Turkmenistan as a presidential republic, proclaimed in Article 1 of the Constitution. Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov head of Turkmenistan from 1985 to 2006 of Turkmenistan

    Ashgabat (Ashgabat). The capital and the most Big city Turkmenistan, whose name can be translated as “City of Love,” is located in the southwestern part of the country, in a vast oasis lying in the foothills of the Kopetdag, on the very edge of the sultry desert.

    The sights of Turkmenistan are a mixture of the country's ancient cultural heritage, communist monuments and works of modern masters. One of the oldest monuments in Turkmenistan is the Orthodox Church of Alexander Nevsky (19th century) Mary - a city in the south of Turkmenistan. The third largest city in Turkmenistan, Mary, is located in a large oasis in the middle of the Karakum sands. Now it is the largest center of a rich cotton-growing region, a major transport hub and the main center of the country's gas industry - the main source of income for Turkmenistan

    Turkmens are a highly moral people. In their attitude to life, they cultivate hospitality, respect for elders, modesty, nobility, truthfulness, honesty, courage, and generosity of spirit. “A noble man, says the Turkmen proverb, if he promises, he will definitely keep his word.” Turkmenistan is known throughout the world for the amazing carpets that Turkmen women weave by hand. The work of carpet weavers is comparable to a real feat. If today carpet weaving is the work of professionals, then in past centuries every Turkmen woman knew how to weave carpets

    Tourists to Turkmenistan are attracted by unique natural monuments: stunning flora - forests of wild fruits and nuts, juniper forests on mountain slopes, pistachio savannah woodlands, saxaul forests, floodplain tugai; diverse fauna - Central Asian leopards, argali, kulans, goitered gazelles; a fascinating landscape - from picturesque mountain ranges to lifeless sands of the desert, from green oases to many kilometers of sea coast. Turkmenistan has a huge number of caves. The most famous of them are the Karlyuk caves. They are located on the slope of the Kugitangtau ridge and are unique natural monuments, they have no equal in Eurasia, and they are rightfully included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

    About 30% of the economically active population is employed in agriculture, about 40% in industry, and about 30% in the service sector. The main natural wealth of Turkmenistan is natural gas. In 2007, it is planned to produce 71.1 billion cubic meters of gas, with about 50 billion cubic meters to be supplied to Russia, and 8 billion cubic meters to Iran. According to official data, the economic growth rate of GDP was: %, %, 2001, %, %, %. Oil and gas production and their subsequent export. Various modes of transport are used to supply energy resources, the main of which is the Central Asia Center gas pipeline, built in Soviet times. Projects for the construction of gas pipelines to Afghanistan, China, India and others are at various stages of development. Asian countries. To transport gas to Europe, bypassing Russian territory, the Nabucco gas pipeline is being designed. The leading sector of the economy is light industry, primarily the textile industry, and the agricultural sector. Foreign trade exports: the main place is occupied by gas, oil and petroleum products, as well as electricity, cotton goods, carpets and carpet products. Exports reached $4.4 billion. Foreign trade imports: machinery and equipment (for the oil and gas industry), coal, chemicals, medicines, etc. Imports were at the level of $2.4 billion.

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    Presentation on the topic: Turkmenistan

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    If you try to associate Turkmenistan with a color, it will be yellow. A flat desert country, where a sea of ​​sand with takyr islands, saxaul thickets, flocks of sheep and majestic camel ships awaits you everywhere. And only in the most outlying parts is the yellowness bordered by a green tint: there, there is or where water was carried, giving life to cotton fields, melons and vineyards, and human settlements. And of course, the gray Caspian Sea, which allows the country to have a fleet, ferry service, and in the future additional oil and gas resources. Now the country is being intensively built: new enterprises are being introduced, houses are being built, monuments are being created in historical places.

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    Basic data. Area - 488.1 thousand km2 The greatest length is from north to south - 650 km, from west to east - 1100 km. Capital - Ashgabat 676.4 thousand people. Administrative department - for 5 velayats (regions). Population - 5.7 million people. Population density - 12 people. Per 1 km.2 Urban population - 47% Official language - Turkmen. Religion - Islam. The monetary unit is the Turkmen manat.

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    Turkmenistan is located in Central Eurasia. Its territory stretches from northwest to southeast between the Caspian Sea and the Amu Darya. Turkmenistan since October 1991 Independent country. The President is the head of state and the Cabinet of Ministers. In 2002 Saparmurat Niyazov was elected president for life of the country.

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    Natural resource potential. The geographical position of the country is determined by its distance from the World Ocean. An advantage can be considered access to the Caspian Sea and relatively convenient access to the south, to Iran. Turkmenistan is the flattest of the countries in the region. Almost 80% of the territory lies within the Turanian Lowland. The largest part of the territory is occupied by the sandy Karakum desert. Large reserves of combustible minerals, natural gas and oil, are associated with the sedimentary rocks of the Turan Plate. There are deposits of sulfur, kilium and table salts, etc. Turkmenistan is distinguished by an abundance of light and heat. The climate is sharply continental with minimal precipitation throughout the year. Summer is always dry and hot.

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    Rivers and lakes. The largest river is the Amu Darya. Much less watery, lost in the sands, are Murghab and Tedzhen. The country's western river Atrek flows into the Caspian Sea. There are several salt lakes. The largest of them are Sarykamyshskoye and Kuuli. The Karakum Canal is of great importance for the country's agriculture. The natural appearance of Turkmenistan is deserts and oases.

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    Population and settlement. In 2004 5.7 million people lived in Turkmenistan. Average population density is 12 people. Per 1 km2, but its distribution is extremely uneven. The population continues to grow due to high natural growth, especially in rural areas. Today, rapid population growth poses a number of problems characteristic of countries with a traditional type of population reproduction, and above all the problem of employment. More than 100 nationalities live in the country. Almost 77% of the population are Turkmens. Other ethnic groups include Uzbeks, Russians, Kazakhs, and Armenians. The share of the urban population is 47%.

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    Economy. The gross domestic product of Turkmenistan in 2009 amounted to $16.24 billion. At the same time, industry accounts for 34%, agriculture - 10%, and the service sector - 56%. In 2008, the labor force amounted to 2.3 million people. 48% of workers are employed in agriculture, 14% in industry, and 38% in the service sector. With large reserves of natural gas (15-20 trillion cubic meters) and oil (1.5-2.0 billion tons), Turkmenistan is one of the important exporters of fuel resources. However, transportation and exploration problems complicate the development of this sector of the economy, which forms approximately 70% of the gross national product. Major industries include oil and natural gas refining and processing; production of glass, fabrics (mainly cotton) and clothing; food industry. Industrial development is slowing down due to shrinking sales markets in the CIS countries and strong jumps in world prices for raw materials.

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    Industry. The oil and gas complex has been and will remain the basis of the country’s specialization. It is the country's most important export industry. Natural gas production accounts for about 60% of GDP. All oil produced is now processed at two oil refineries in Turkmenbashi and Turkmenabat. Turkmenistan is one of the world's largest producers of natural gas. The main deposits are Achak in the north of Lebap velayat, gas-bearing areas in the area of ​​​​the city of Mary and on the Caspian coast. In the recent past, the mechanical engineering industries ensured the normal functioning of priority industries (oil and gas and agriculture). Now the state is trying to create new industries that will contribute to the formation of the country's main specialization.

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    Industry. In the chemical complex of Turkmenistan, two cycles are most developed: oil and gas and mining chemical based on local mineral resources. In the eastern part of the country, unique deposits of sulfur, rock and potassium salts, polymetallic ores, iodine, and boron are concentrated. But so far only sulfur from the Gaurdak deposit is used. Based on imported raw materials, enterprises in Turkmenabat operate, producing sulfuric acid, mineral fertilizers, and aluminum sulfate. The western region is distinguished by reserves of sodium sulfate, mirabilite, iodine and bromide compounds, and bentonite. Plants in Balkanabad, Khazar, and Bekdash process extracted raw materials. Thermal power generation can be considered a promising industry. Thermal power plants have been built near large cities. In the future, it is planned to build power lines to Iran for export supplies of electricity.

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    Cotton, although no longer a monoculture, remains one of the most profitable and powerful components of the country's exports. Turkmenistan is one of the world's top ten exporters of raw cotton. Almost 97% of Turkmenistan's agricultural land is pasture. Therefore, in the economic complex of the country, livestock farming follows immediately after cotton growing. The main branch of livestock farming is Karakul sheep breeding, based on distant pastures of the Karakum desert. The share of sheep in the total animal population exceeds 50%.

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    Food and light industry. The food industry is focused on local needs. Moreover, recently, each of the velayats has created its own production. In Soviet times, primary processing predominated in light industry. In the future, it is planned to increase our own processing of raw cotton to 50-60%. Large silk industry factories are located in Ashgabat and Turkmenbad.

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