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Tiger Leaping Gorge - technical information. Lijiang and Tiger Leaping Gorge

In the southwestern part of China, in the Sino-Tibetan Mountains, the famous Yangtze River flows through the beautiful Hutiaoxia Gorge. But this place is better known as Tiger Leaping Gorge.
A 15 kilometer section of the river divides mountain ranges Yulongxueshan (up to 5596 m high) and Habasueshan (up to 5396 m high).

Tiger Leaping Gorge on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 27.216974, 100.134853
  • The distance from the capital of China Beijing is about 2000 km
  • The distance to the nearest airport in Lijiang County is approximately 60 km

The gorge is located in Yunnan province, 60 kilometers north of the city of Lijiang.
The name of the gorge comes from an old legend. Once upon a time, one very fast and dexterous tiger, fleeing from hunters, was able to jump over the river in a place where its width was as much as 30 meters, and in the middle there was a large stone. The tiger saved his life, and the gorge became known as Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Observation deck

The Golden Sands River (as the Yangtze is called in this area) forms entire cascades of rapids here. They are quite dangerous to pass, but this does not stop rafting enthusiasts.
The first attempt to overcome the gorge by athletes from China in 1980 ended in tragedy - the guys disappeared in the turbulent streams of water. They were never found. Another Chinese team conquered the river rapids in 1986. If you don’t need such extreme sports, then it’s better to pay attention to the Verdon Gorge in France.

Tourist access to Tiger Leaping Gorge was only allowed in 1993. There are two main routes: Upper and Lower. The lower one is a regular road. You can walk along this path. It is located close to the Yangtze River. Of course, it’s up to you to choose, but it’s still better to use the second option. The upper path runs along the left side of the gorge. A leisurely journey along it usually takes a couple of days. The views from this path are incredible, especially of the five-thousander mountains (well, it’s clear that this is their height, not their cost). You can spend more time hiking to truly enjoy the views. And for such sophisticated tourists, there are several guest houses along the way, similar to those on the way to the top of Fuji in Japan. These houses, guest houses (as they are called in English), are quite comfortable and inexpensive, although they look unsightly at first glance. And they were built in places where the view from the window never ceases to amaze the imagination. Rest and food here are organized quite well, literally and figuratively.

These guys will politely ask you to show your ticket. And they will also politely offer to buy it if you suddenly “forgot” to do so.

There was a fee to enter the gorge. There are barriers, ticket offices and security on the road. And don’t try to enter the gorge without a ticket, it won’t work. Firstly, there are cameras installed at all entrances. Secondly, even if you slip unnoticed (as it seems to you) into the territory of the gorge, do not rejoice. The security doesn't eat its bread in vain. Most likely you will not be sent to prison, but they will politely ask you to purchase a ticket. So be wise and make sure you visit this beautiful place legally.

Walking along the paths of the gorge, you will probably notice interesting fields, exactly like rice terraces Huanglong Valley. True, here their area and size are much more modest.

The fields are very similar to the Huanglong Terraces

Actually, what you think is actually your usual place of residence local population. Here, just like thousands of years ago, people live, grow grain, and now also work in the tourism industry. Indeed, since the official opening of the Gorge, there are more and more travelers wanting to wander through it every year.

You can only get lost if you try really hard. There are signs everywhere along the route. These are either red arrows on stones or ordinary signs indicating directions to guest houses and travel times. There is a place on the route called “28 turns”. It is considered the most difficult section on the route. But, overcoming it gradually, while admiring the surroundings, you are unlikely to feel overwhelmed.

While walking and filling your camera with tons of pictures, don’t forget the basic rules of hiking. Experienced travelers advise taking plenty of water with you. Oddly enough, sunscreen will also be very useful, because these are mountains. And in the mountains, as you know, it’s very easy to get sunburned. And, of course, shoes should be comfortable and practical. The weather in Tiger Leaping Gorge is changeable - a jacket and a small set of warm clothes will not be out of place.

The best time for a hike is spring and early summer.

Tiger Leaping Gorge in the photo

But for local residents this is an ordinary landscape

One of my main goals in Yunnan was a two-day trek through the Tiger Leaping Gorge ( Tiger Leaping Gorge) from Qiaotou Village.

Tiger Leaping Gorge(Hutiao Xia, Hutiao Xia) is located in the north of Yunnan Province - this is one of the deepest gorges in the world, with a depth of 3900 m and a length of 16 km, sandwiched between the snowy mountains of Haba Shan in the west and Yulong Xueshan in the east. The gorge is well trodden, and every 2 hours along the way there are guesthouses and you can stay in them if you wish.

It’s probably possible to complete the route in 1 daylight hours, but it’s not easy.

The best time to visit is late May - early June, when everything is in bloom.

How to get to Tiger Leaping Gorge

There are regular flights from Dali and Lijiang to Shangri-La (Jongdian), almost every hour during the day. There are also several flights from Kunming to Shangri-La. All buses to Shangri-La can go through Qiaotou and can stop here. After this, all you have to do is turn towards the gorge, and after 50-100 meters you will be intercepted by ticket sellers, persistently pointing to the tourist center of the gorge.

Cost of visiting Tiger Leaping Gorge

70 baht regular and 35 baht student. Asking for free, most likely, will not work, and in response to the statement that there is no money, they may say that they will not be allowed into the gorge, because... I need money to stay overnight. A tent and sleeping bag do not convince the cashiers of your trustworthiness and it is easier to buy a ticket than to argue with them.

2 hours in the gorge

It so happened that I came to the Tiger Striking Gorge from Dali with an upset stomach due to excessively spicy food. And before I had time to buy an entrance ticket, a guy came up to me and offered to go with his company. The four of them came all the way from Xinjiang by car.

I agreed, but wanted to drive only to the beginning of the route up, but while I was thinking, we missed the right turn, and after 5 minutes we were already far away.

So, I went to see the gorge along the route of organized tourists.

The main and, in fact, the only attraction in this case is the narrowest place of the river with a very strong and turbulent flow - it was here, according to legend, that the tiger jumped over.

The place, of course, is beautiful and grandiose in scale, but too touristy and, perhaps, a little boring.

There are 2 tigers here.

One is on the other side of the river and it is not clear how to get there. There's probably a bridge somewhere.

Having visited this place, I probably saw only 1/5 of the local beauty. To truly appreciate the beauty of the gorge, you need to walk it. On the way back, when we were driving towards the entrance/exit, I decided to go with them to Lijiang. The gorge remains unclimbed, but there is something to return to these parts for again.

Lijiang - an ancient city on the Tibetan tea route

Like Dali, Lijiang has ancient history an important point along the caravan route of the famous Tea and Horse Road, when for hundreds of years the Chinese supplied tea from Yunnan to Tibet and received horses as payment.

Now Lijiang is one of the most popular tourist cities in southern China, visited by more than 5 million people a year.

Getting to Lijiang

By plane: from Kunming, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Xishuanbanna. This is not a complete list.

By bus from one of two bus stations: from Keyunzhan Main Bus Station in the south of the city to Kunming, Lugu Hu, Xiaguan (Dali), Ninglan, Qiaotou, Zhongdian (Shangri-La) and from Gao Kuai Express Bus Station Keyunzhan) in the north to Kunming, Xiaguan (Dali), Lugu Hu, Zhongdian (Shangri-La).

By train to Kunming and Dali there are several trips a day, including several Lijiang branded double-deckers. They are painted in Lijiang themed sketches, and the flight attendants wear funny branded aprons and skirts.

Around town

You can take buses around the Old Town for 1 yuan.

From the center you can take a direct bus or a transfer to the railway station in 30-45 minutes, depending on traffic congestion. There are regular buses to the airport from the intercity bus station and from the CAAC office.

Lijiang Old Town

Officially, entrance to the city costs 80 yuan. At some checkpoints inside the city they can check your ticket. With a paid ticket, you can visit some paid attractions in the Old Town, including Black Dragon Pond Park. But after 7 pm, the inspectors at secondary entrances disappear, and no one will stop you from entering the city for free.

Black Dragon Pond Park

Black Dragon Pond Park - Heilongtan Gonggyuan - a park with a gorgeous view of Xueshan Elephant Mountain (Jade Dragon Snow Mountain), if you are lucky with the weather. I was unlucky; it was raining all the time in Lijiang, and the sky was covered with a thick veil. The appearance was very modest.

Naxi people

For 1,400 years, Lijiang has been home to 286,000 Nakxi or Nahi people. The Naxi are descended from the Qiang ethnic Tibetan tribe. Despite the fact that the Naxi rulers were men, everything else was controlled by women (a kind of hidden matriarchy).

The Naxi matriarchy somehow miraculously coexisted with a loyal attitude towards the love affairs of men. The chaju (azhu, literally "friendship-based") system meant that couples could form intimate relationships and even have children without marriage. The children belonged to the mother and recognition of paternity was not fundamental. The man provided support to the family, but only during the relationship, and after its end, any material assistance ended.

Religious building of the Naxi people

The mother's strong position in Naxi life is reflected in their language.

Nouns enhance their meaning if a feminine word is added to them. For example, a stone, if you add “female” to it, becomes a boulder, and if you add “male”, you get a “rock pebble”. This is such an insignificant masculine gender in Naxi culture.

Traditional Naxi clothing is especially visible on women, with the characteristic blue berets and aprons that they wear in everyday life.

Pavilion of Looking into the Past

Wangu Luo - the Pavilion of Looking into the Past - rises on a hill in the western part of the Old City. According to the description, the pavilion has a unique design with dozens of four-story columns made from hundred-year-old trees from northern Yunnan.

Requires a separate ticket of 35 yuan.

You don't have to visit the pavilion to enjoy the view of the city from this hill. Several cafes on the hill have great views where you can take photos without even having to buy anything.

Old market area(Sifang Jie) Formerly a favorite trading place for the Naxi, it is now a crowded place for selling souvenirs, meat and yak milk yoghurt.

If you're lucky, you can watch women dressed in modern Chinese dances.

The main water artery of the city, the Yu River, with many elegant bridges, adjoins the square. Perhaps the river embankment and several other old narrow streets are the most pleasant part of Old Lijiang.

Where to Stay and Eat in Lijiang

Probably half of all the houses in the old city are guesthouses and hotels, most of which belong to the Naxis. There are also backpacker hostels with shared rooms and cheap hotels. The cheapest room (not in very good condition) will cost 50 yuan per night.

There is a wide variety of food in Lijiang Naxi restaurants And Chinese cuisine. But due to the very high prices, I have not tried anything and cannot boast of a good knowledge of Naxi dishes.

According to the descriptions, they are very good Woman(Baba) - local specialty naxi wheat flatbread with or without filling. “Nasi omelette” with goat cheese, tomatoes and eggs and “nasi sandwich” - the same ingredients between two wheat tortillas.

They sell a variety of things everywhere puff pastry stuffed with flowers, including a rose, most often in a package from 20 yuan (5 yuan) or 10 yuan per piece. 10 yuan is clearly an overprice for a small pie with a sweet filling. In many places these pies are cut up for tasting.

Goat cheese nasi- cheese in the form of small balls or cubes with an unexpressed goat taste in a package for 20 yuan. This cheese is also often cut for tasting - try before you buy. I found it too dry and almost tasteless.

There is an opportunity to try goat cheese ice cream, but the weather was not hot, and I did not try it.

In the local forests, between Dali and Lijiang, many different mushrooms grow and there must be many dishes made from them.

But I tried it - here it is quite thick and moderately sweet, and very tasty.

Although the price for it, as elsewhere in China, is high - 8 yuan for a small bottle. Perhaps, somewhere in villages where it is produced for their own and neighbors’ needs, you can buy such yogurt completely without sugar and at a reasonable price.

About my difficult mission

In China, without knowing the language, finding such places (for example, villages and houses where non-standard drinks are produced according to family recipes) and other rare places, foods and drinks is a non-trivial task, not feasible for everyone. If you have money and/or friends, the task will become easier.

Knowledge of the language, money and/or connections are the main postulates of success in China, in principle.

Not far from the ancient Chinese city of Lijiang, between two mighty mountain ranges - Yulongxueshan and Habasueshan, right above the Yangtze River, lies one of the most picturesque attractions in China - Tiger Leaping Gorge.

History of creation

Several centuries ago, in the Golden Sands area (where the Yangtze River currently flows), a huge block of stone formed. Over time, the water chipped away at it, turning it into a steep, inaccessible rock. Subsequently, it received the name “crouching tiger” rocks. An ancient legend says: ... “one day, a fast and brave tiger went hunting. In the mountains he came across hunters. Taken by surprise, the tiger began to run away. In fear, he jumped over a gorge 30 meters wide. Hence the name – “Tiger Leaping Gorge.” In the 80s this place gained incredible popularity. Many foreign scientists and travelers flocked here in search of something new, hitherto unknown. In 2003, the Gorge was included in the list of UNESCO sites.

Mysterious Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge is the deepest in the world, so mysterious and breathtakingly beautiful. Tourists have the opportunity to go on a walking tour along specially equipped trails. There are small but quite cozy hotels and hotels nearby. You can have a snack at one of the many roadside eateries or cafes. Arriving here by trolleybus or tourist bus, visitors find themselves in a magical valley that surprises and delights with its beautiful natural landscapes. The gorge is located right at the intersection of three Chinese rivers. Entering the road leading to the valley, guests are greeted by a large statue of a tiger, surrounded by a low carved fence. Nestled at the foot of the mountains is a charming palace - a wooden trapezoidal structure created in the oriental architectural style.

The valley consists of three parts - Lower, Upper and Middle gorge. Here tourists will be able to admire the wonderful landscapes overlooking the Yangtze River and sparkling mountain waterfalls, and appreciate the grandeur and beauty of Crouching Tiger Rock. To the west of the gorge you can see the Hub mountain ranges, to the east rises Mount Shanzidou. Along the road leading to the valley are quaint little houses made in traditional Chinese style. The trails here are not very steep, so anyone can climb them. Along the way, guides advise you to make small stops and sometimes stop for the night. Having reached the cave, tourists find themselves in a magical land. The walls and ceiling of the cave are a real work of art created by nature itself. Icicles of multi-colored stalactites hang from above. On the walls you can see ancient drawings and paintings. Thousands of years ago, this area was inhabited by ancient people engaged in hunting and fishing. It was they who left such a reminder of themselves for the coming generation. Currently, there are several small villages in the valley. Naxi people live here, their main occupation is crop production and tourism.

Excursion to the Gorge

First part of the journey

It will take more than one day to explore all the sights of the valley. To begin with, guides advise visiting the Qiaotao area. This is 17 kilometers of picturesque trail - dense forests, steep cliffs, mountain rivers and streams, small waterfalls, green valleys. The trail leads to one of the cozy eateries. This is where the group usually has lunch, and summer time still waiting out the midday heat. Next, the path leads to a section called “28 bends”. There is a wide observation deck from where tourists can enjoy breathtaking views of the snowy peaks of Mount Yulong. There is a wonderful hotel nearby where you can stay overnight.

Second part of the journey

Having had a great rest and breakfast, the tourist group moves on. A long descent along a narrow path awaits her. Along the way there are waterfalls shining in the sun and dark mysterious gorges. Having overcome this difficult part of the journey, travelers find themselves right on the banks of the Jinsha River. Its main decoration is the Mantianxing reefs. Further the path lies through the narrowest part of the gorge. Having overcome this distance, tourists are given the opportunity to take a boat trip by ferry to the town of Dajiu. There you can take a break from a hard hike, stay in a cozy hotel, take a hot bath and treat yourself to dishes of national Chinese cuisine.

Reminder for tourists

Getting to Tiger Leaping Gorge is not at all difficult. Several flights depart daily from Lijiang and Dali to Shangri-La itself. Along the way, the bus makes a stop in Qiaotou, and then, after making a slight turn, it ends up right in front of the gorge.

Today I want to talk about a highlight of our trip to China - Tiger Leaping Gorge. Again, if you believe the internet, this is one of the most popular trekking routes in Yunnan province and throughout Southwestern China. Any Yunnan guesthouse has a description of this trekking at its reception; the Internet is full of photographs and diagrams. At the same time, it is surprising that the trekking is practically deserted. The thing is that for some reason this attraction is not suitable for domestic Chinese tourism. Probably because here you have to walk for 2-3 days, gaining altitude on a fairly steep climb, and spend the night in some village guesthouses. The Chinese tourist is not ready for this. And only a European, an American or some random Japanese stomps along the path hanging over the giant abyss of the gorge. And that’s exactly what we need!

Photo 2. The beginning of the path, we are just entering the gorge. We are lucky with the weather again. The previous three days had been cold and cloudy. And it couldn’t have happened without rain. And here it even bakes so well!

Photo 3. The gorge is one of the deepest on the planet! It is formed by the Haba ridge with a height of 5396 meters and the Shanzidou ridge with a height of 5596 meters. The vertical distance to the Yangtze River, which flows along the bottom of the gorge, is 3800 meters.

Photo 4. Technically, trekking is not difficult, but physically you need to be prepared for a significant increase in altitude almost throughout the first day. Here we are after 3 hours of travel and this is just the beginning. Dasha points to the starting point, somewhere from the river level.

Photo 5. There are many maps of this gorge. Absolutely all of them do not correspond to the area in scale and orientation. These are schemes that belong to a specific guesthouse, where this guesthouse will be highlighted in a large way, so that one gets the feeling that it is not possible to pass through the gorge without spending the night in it. However, schematically, all objects are usually located correctly and the distance between them is indicated, measured “in hours of walking.” There are three paths into the gorge. The lower one is for vehicles, the upper one is for pedestrians, and the top one. Finding the latter is not easy, and walking on it is absolutely not recommended for anyone. The path there is not clearly laid out, cattle do not walk along it, tourists periodically climb there (either by mistake or on purpose) and often die by falling into an abyss somewhere. The topmost path is not indicated on all diagrams. We just walked along the top one.

Photo 6. Not only tourists walk along the path here, but also local residents. The cows are being grazed. Therefore, in some places the trail is almost like a small road :)

Photo 7. Curious animal:) Almost licked the lens:)

Photo 8. Throughout the entire route you can admire the snow caps of the peaks. And what a scale and scope there... wow... you can’t convey it in a photograph, it’s breathtaking!

Photo 9. Clouds sometimes reveal new peaks like this.

Photo 10. I often had to stop to look around, otherwise my head would start to spin and I might lose my footing on the narrow path. And it's a long way to the bottom :)

Photo 11. By the evening of the first day we reached the Half Way guesthouse. As the name suggests, it is located right in the middle of the road. I highly recommend it if you ever find yourself in those parts! The food is delicious, the rooms are decent (well, relatively speaking, decent for the mountains). What I liked most was the rooftop area with an amazing view where you can sit and have a bottle of beer :)

Photo 12. Actually, here it is :) Here we had a festive dinner. We ordered fried potatoes with meat and a portion of soup. The Chinese surprised again. A serving of soup was like a small bowl with a ladle :) It could feed 3-4 people :) They didn’t skimp on the potatoes either, to put it mildly :)

Photo 13. View from the room directly to the peaks

Photo 14. In the morning I couldn’t take my eyes off this picture. Well, how can you lie down here? I had to crawl out from under the blanket to get my camera :)

Photo 15. And this is the view of the guest house from the third floor. There is a very cozy courtyard here and from the side you can see our favorite area (on the right).

Photo 16. In general, we relaxed for a long time. Looks like we were the last ones to hit the road :)

Photo 17. Well, I really didn’t want to leave here... well, really :)

Photo 18. The views on the second day were no worse than on the first. The weather was good, we walked briskly.

Photo 19. At times the light performed some miracles! Let's go and admire it!

Photo 20. Around lunchtime, the trail gradually began to go down. That's right, judging by the map diagram that I found on the Internet in advance, we should go to the very bottom of the gorge directly to the Yangtze. So far everything was going according to plan.

Photo 21. To get down to the bottom of the gorge, in some places you had to climb down straight down the vertical ladder laid by the Chinese. The roar of the river, echoing throughout the gorge, made the heart beat faster. Every cell of the body felt the unbridled power of nature!

Photo 22. The ubiquitous Chinese have arranged everything here too. Although there would be no way to get here otherwise. This is the second place in China after

Tiger Leaping Gorge is another attraction of China, widely promoted by Lonely Planet. I must say, it is not in vain that it is promoted; the place is definitely worthy of a visit. Here you will be expected to climb mountain paths, spend the night in small guest houses neatly hidden on the slopes of the hills and, of course, incomparable views of the Gorge itself.

The path is designed for two full days of trekking and don’t be fooled a large number of tourists who visit this place every year. The route is not easy, especially if you decide to walk it with a backpack on your shoulders. After all, about 50 kilometers from edge to edge. But before starting the story, I would like to dwell on one interesting point - entering the territory of the Gorge for free

Tiger Leaping Gorge. Which way to choose - paid or free?

The ticket office workers who offer to exchange you 65 yuan for an entrance ticket can be easily compared to the legendary Ostap Bender, who charged a fee for entry into “Proval”. To walk along the narrow mountain paths, you need to buy a ticket. Perhaps someone will disagree with me and will be partly right, since it cannot be said that absolutely nothing is being done for the convenience of tourists (for example, along the route you can see signs indicating the way), but still there is a certain similarity.

One way or another, the backpackers forum has repeatedly discussed options for how to get into the Tiger Leaping Gorge for free, bypassing the security post. In order not to retype what has already been written, here is the link, if you are interested, you can read it. Of course, everything free is much more interesting and I couldn’t pass up the possibility of not trying it.

Having bypassed the controllers on the left, going up the path, I managed to bypass the security post and reach the main route. Everything seemed too simple to be true. Proudly walking along the highway, already at a considerable distance from the ticket office, mentally boasting to my friends, I did not notice how a car with security overtook me. They didn't wave their hands or say they would give me four life sentences. No, they simply asked to see the ticket and, making sure that it was not there, offered to buy it from them. This is how the free pass attempt was unsuccessful, but it was still worth a try

Route along the Tiger Leaping Gorge. The first day

Before that day, I had never climbed mountains, even not very high ones, and my lack of experience made the first day one of the most difficult of the entire trip. In general, it was not a difficult route, but at times it completely exhausted me and it was not entirely clear how I was going to reach the end. Trying to walk quickly, all the time losing my breath, loaded with a backpack and a camera, sometimes I stopped so tired that only the realization that there was no way back forced me to move on. But the places are beautiful, what can I say.

Weather. January “frosts”

I would also like to say something about the weather. I didn’t quite understand what temperature to expect in Tiger Leaping Gorge in January, so I initially prepared myself for cold weather, even frost. In fact, it turned out that a T-shirt and jacket are quite comfortable, but a jacket can only be useful in the morning and after sunset.

Also, don't worry about spending the night. Along the route you can easily find guest houses where you can spend the night for a very reasonable fee. That's exactly what I did, stopping with two Americans at a popular Naxi Family G.H, so that in the morning you can start climbing to the most difficult section, called “28 turns”.

Second day. 28 turns

On the second day we had to reach a section of 28 turns, overcome it and begin the descent. This section of the route begins almost immediately after Naxi Family G.H. and to tell the truth, I didn’t find it too difficult. Having drawn conclusions from yesterday, I did not rush anywhere and overcame the most difficult climbs slowly, making sure not to lose my breath. This tactic bore fruit and conquering a height of more than 2.5 kilometers was achieved with almost no effort. Moreover, there were quite a lot of stops, since it was simply impossible to miss such beauty and pass by without taking a photo. And admiring the magnificent mountain beauties that nature bestowed on the Yunnan province was no less interesting.

Another shot of "Tiger"

After getting up

After the climb, a relatively simple route awaits you, when you can simply walk down the hill, waiting for the next guest house, where you can refresh yourself, drink tea and rest. The most popular place on this stage of the journey is considered to be Tea Horse G.H. Here you will be offered rice with meat for 12 yuan and enjoy the view from the terrace. By the way, I have repeatedly come across opinions that this is where the most beautiful view from a public toilet on planet Earth is. Well, I don’t know, it seems like nothing special, we’ve seen better

"Roll of Honor" at Tea Horse G.H.

This was the end of my trekking, as I mistakenly turned right at one of the turns and began to descend towards the highway. But as I have noticed more than once, everything that is done is for the better. Having descended onto the highway, about 20 kilometers of an unremarkable path awaited me, swallowing dust from passing cars. I decided I would try hitchhiking. And the first pancake didn’t come out lumpy. Literally 10 minutes later I managed to stop the sports Lexus, which comfortably took me to Tina`s Guest House.

Tina`s Guest House. Great place to stay overnight

A few words about Tina`s G.H. This place is very popular among backpackers, as it is mentioned in the LP, which is so popular all over the world. Here you can stay in a dorm (multi-person room) for as little as 30 yuan, get excellent service from an English-speaking manager, and head back to Lijiang or further north to Shangri-La.

Route summary and prices

Summing up the two-day trekking along the Tiger Leaping Gorge, I would like to say that it would be a real crime to miss this place while in Yunnan province. See the local beauty with your own eyes, the opportunity to test yourself and learn something new about our Planet, all this can be done here. Visit the Gorge, you won't regret it, it's worth it

As for costs. Prices for year 2014, but China is not a place where prices jump every year, so you can safely focus on these indicators.

  • train Kunming - Lijiang - 154 yuan
  • bus Lijiang - Qiautou - 40 yuan
  • hostel Naxi Family G.H. - 30 yuan
  • hostel Tina's G.H. – 30 yuan
  • All the best in Hong Kong -