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Do-it-yourself fishing crafts. How to make fishing tackle with your own hands

Fishing has long ceased to be a simple entertainment and hobby; for many men, this is the time when they can relax, take a break from problems and focus on a complex but interesting process, and homemade fishing tools for summer fishing will help with this. Therefore, there are a great many ways to fish, as well as varieties of fishing tackle, everyone selects them to suit their own needs, and some even create several home-made fishing products for summer fishing. This could be a simple hand-made wooden stick with fishing line and worms, or a high-tech novelty, complemented by your own spinners and modern baits for fishing. predatory fish.

And it doesn’t matter how you prefer to fish: the old fashioned way or using modern gadgets - a homemade fishing device for summer fishing will help you adjust a ready-made device to your requirements. Since ancient times, fishermen had to make everything themselves, and even in the modern world, many experienced people prefer to rely on equipment they created themselves, which will never fail, unlike purchased ones.

This practice is common because factory production is set up to create crafts that will suit as many situations as possible, and with rare exceptions they do not take into account many details.

So, what can you do yourself to make summer fishing easier if you are new to this activity?

No matter how developed your imagination is and no matter how varied your DIY fishing gear may look, they can still be classified into one of 8 main types:
  • a spoon is one of the most necessary things when fishing on a river;
  • feeder - helps you not to bother with additional feeding;
  • A float is the main gear that will help you understand whether the fish has eaten the bait along with the hook. Some experienced fishermen prefer to get rid of floats and follow the movement of the line, but this requires many years of training and not everyone can master this style;
  • mugs or otherwise called zherlitsy;
  • fishing rods are the main component, and with proper skill you can make your own fishing rod. They also have many varieties;
  • equipment - various additions to the fishing rod that simplify fishing and change it to suit the needs of the environment;
  • nods - help to more accurately recognize the catch;
  • homemade boats - their creation requires experience in woodworking and carpentry, but they can also be made from polymers.

With rare exceptions, almost all fishing crafts fall under this type, and if you miss the difficult to implement fishing rods and boats, then you can make most of the other gear yourself.

A very common and indispensable equipment when hunting predatory fish:

  1. Thanks to vibrations due to the flow of the river or the movement of the fishing rod, it allows you to imitate fish or other small animals.
  2. Easy to make and use.

It is most convenient to use them in conjunction with a spinning rod, and these are the simplest fishing homemade products that anyone can do. In order to make homemade spinners, it is enough to make “petals”, which are cut out of metal according to pre-marked templates. After that, several holes are drilled in such a part, and it itself is bent at a right angle so that the first and second holes are on the same straight line. Next, this entire structure is secured to the main fishing line in a simple way.
You can experiment with templates from the Internet or create your own, but to make the work easier, it is better to use ductile metals that are not subject to rapid oxidation.


It is impossible to imagine modern fishing without a float; it has become a kind of symbol of fishing and is displayed on signs in specialized stores.

Most beginners think that this gear has a couple of trivial functions:
  • hook support at a given depth;
  • bite signal.

In reality, everything is completely different, and, depending on modifications, this simple equipment can perform dozens of different functions. If we talk about the design, then it is a simple “stick” attached to a fishing line, the lower part of which is in the water, and the upper part is above it and should record the movements of the hook. This base can be supplemented in a variety of ways, as evidenced by the many varieties of floats, and each fits its own individual situation, performing certain tasks.
Creating a float at home is accessible to anyone, because its main characteristic is its density is lower than that of water. Therefore, for the base, you can use any container with air that will allow the homemade product to float, so that it does not turn over from side to side, you need to install a keel or weight on one side, in simple terms. Attach a signal antenna on top, which should be drawn out in advance. Next, all that remains is to find a metal ring or rubber band that will allow you to attach it all to the fishing line and your homemade float is ready!

Experiment with shapes and materials, but always take into account the Archimedean force, which must exceed the attraction of the hook with bait, and you can equalize it thanks to weights.

Properly selected equipment and gear for winter fishing guarantee effective fishing and reduce the risk of emergency situations on the ice. Staying on a pond during freezing periods is unsafe, especially for a beginner, so when choosing equipment you need to pay attention to frostbite protection and rescue tools.


Clothes and shoes

The list of clothing requirements for winter fishing is as follows:

  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • wind protection;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the ability to “breathe”;
  • light weight;
  • strength;
  • functionality;
  • convenience.

Functionality means the presence of a large number of capacious and accessible pockets with water protection, reliable fasteners and adjusters for the width and length of individual clothing items.

It is also important to take care of comfort for a particular fisherman - clothes should be selected according to size. It is important that things do not pinch, rub or restrict movement anywhere.

Equipment should be prepared in accordance with fishing tactics. The one who sits at the hole and the one who is constantly moving, checking the holes, will be dressed differently. In the first case, one-piece overalls with insulation are preferable. In the second - a jacket combined with overalls, which can be conveniently removed when drilling holes.

Required elements of a winter fishing uniform:

  • socks;
  • thermal underwear;
  • underdress;
  • outerwear;
  • shoes;
  • headdress;
  • hand protection.


The simplest and most budget-friendly scheme is to take regular, non-sports socks and put them on in this order:

  1. Wool sock. Wool stimulates blood circulation due to tingling sensations and prevents the foot from getting cold. It’s convenient that these socks can be knitted at home, having first chosen a comfortable thread composition.
  2. Cotton sock. Removes excess moisture so your feet stay dry.
  3. Synthetic sock. Holds the entire structure together and protects the inner layers from abrasion.

If you choose socks from a specialty store, you can get by with fewer layers. The manufacturer usually provides a complex structure of the product, an uneven width of knitting depending on the part of the foot. Socks from a sports or fishing store are durable and comfortable, but are expensive.

Thermal socks

Another option is neoprene socks. Sometimes they are also made with a layer of Gore-Tex material. It has three layers: between the outer and inner layers there is a membrane. It is a microporous fabric, and its pore size is smaller than a drop of water and larger than a steam molecule. Thus, moisture evaporates out, but water does not seep in, which ensures that you stay dry and warm. This microcirculation technology makes neoprene socks the highest quality, but significantly more expensive.

Neoprene socks are worn over a thin wool sock.

Thermal underwear

To feel comfortable in extreme cold, you should start with one or two layers of thermal underwear. Additional layers retain warm air between themselves and remove excess moisture from the body. The material of thermal underwear is usually synthetic; cotton is rarely added to it, more often wool is added to it. The material has a cellular structure, which ensures the removal of moisture and its evaporation to the outside. The air in the cells additionally stores heat.

Thermal underwear

The description of thermal underwear often contains information about the optimal temperature at which it should be used.


An additional heating layer is needed between thermal underwear and outerwear. The most budget option is a wool sweater with a high neck. A more preferable and comfortable suit is a specialized suit.

The latter can be executed in the form:

  • overalls;
  • pants and jacket;
  • overalls and jackets.

The underwear has several layers: a soft inner and durable outer layer, impregnated with Teflon, which has thermal and moisture protection. Fleece and down are used as insulation.

The advantage of buying such an underwear is its versatility, because this is a full-fledged demi-season outerwear that does not have to be worn only for fishing.


The choice of outerwear is entirely determined by fishing conditions:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • wind force;
  • fishing tactics.

As a rule, all serious winter clothing is marked, which indicates the operating temperature range and the membrane density, which determines the water resistance of the material.

A beginner fisherman needs the most versatile kits. It’s worth starting fishing with short test trips to understand what exactly suits him.

Suitable outerwear for ice fishing

When choosing outerwear, you should pay attention to details:

  • elastic bands on the sleeves and legs will protect against cold penetration under clothes;
  • large zipper pulls allow you to use the fasteners even with thick gloves;
  • pockets with flaps will protect the contents from rain and snow;
  • The adjustable leg width will provide the ability to conveniently use different types of shoes.

It is better to try on outerwear in full gear: it is important that it does not fit too tightly on the underwear and does not bulge.


There are two types of traditional non-specialized fishing shoes:

  1. Felt boots with galoshes. The disadvantage of such a pair is that in the rain and wet snow the felt boots get wet.
  2. High boots. The downside is their heaviness: they are not suitable for fishing tactics with frequent transitions between holes.

Winter boots

There are four types of specialized shoes for winter fishing:

  1. Rubber boots with removable insulation. Convenient for temperatures down to -5 degrees or in cases where you need to walk a lot.
  2. Canadian boots. They are a rubber galosh with a boot made of canvas, leather or multilayer materials. Insulation - liner made of felt, wool or synthetic fabrics. Designed for a temperature range from -15 to -40 degrees, therefore they are most versatile.
  3. Boots made of leather or substitutes. They have fur or synthetic insulation, often with inserts made of material with Gore-Tex technology. The absence of a high boot immediately reduces the comfortable temperature range. At the same time, boots are more comfortable than boots: in mild frost, you can, without changing shoes, take the train to the desired station, walk to the fishing spot and go fishing.
  4. Boots made of leather, suede or substitute. Insulation - multi-layer synthetic materials with a membrane that allows moisture to pass out and retain heat.

Headgear and hand protection

As a headdress, you need to choose a hat with earflaps (Norfin, Shimano “HFG XT Siberian Hat”). Its convenience is that when the temperature rises, the ears can be raised.

The choice of gloves or mittens depends on the temperature and comfort of the fisherman. For mild weather, fleece is suitable, but as the temperature drops, it is worth switching to gloves with water and wind protection or heated models.

Hat and gloves

In severe frost, mittens and mittens are preferable to gloves: fingers that are not separated by fabric freeze less.

Rescue gear

Life-saving gear for solo fishing will help you get out of the water if the ice at the place of the fall does not allow you to support yourself and breaks.

Structurally, life preservers consist of two sharp pins with wooden or plastic handles. They are connected by a strong rope approximately 1.5 meters long. You can buy lifesavers or make your own. It is important to always have them with you and use them quickly, so they are hung around the neck so that the pins lie on the chest.

Having fallen through the ice, you need to pull the life preservers from your neck and stick them into the ice as far as your hand can reach from the edge. This way the ice floe won't break off. Then you need to put your foot on the rope, like on a step, and get out.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Handles. Must be strong, hard, and resistant to low temperatures. Wet plastic is slippery and can slip out of your hand. You need to choose corrugated plastic or wooden handles.
  2. Rope. It is selected taking into account the weight of the fisherman, it must be durable and non-slip. There are models with a step in the middle.
  3. Connection points. All connections must be reliable, and the ropes must be held firmly in the grooves.
  4. Color. Ropes and handles should be brightly colored so that life preservers are clearly visible even in the water.

Before using any life preservers, it is useful to practice getting out of a pond with them and learn how to at least stick them into the ground. When training in summer, you should remember that in winter the fisherman’s weight will be greater due to wet clothes.

Ice pick, ice auger and scoop

An ice pick and ice drill are used to cut holes. Scoop - for catching ice chips from the hole after drilling.

Ice pick or ice screw

There are two requirements for the design of the feeder:

  • the bait should be delivered almost to the very bottom;
  • The bait must be prepared so that it remains intact and does not have time to be destroyed by water.

Both of these requirements mean that the feeder must sink quickly and not be carried away by the current; for this, it has an additional weight in the bottom.

In addition to the feeder itself, the design provides two ropes: one will lower the device, the second will open the lid.

If there is data on the depth of the reservoir at the fishing site, then this value minus thirty centimeters should be noted on the rope to which the feeder is attached. The lid must be opened near the bottom so that the food is evenly distributed over the desired area.

The holes on the sides and bottom should be such that the bait can be easily washed out of them. If you are not sure about the depth and you plan to lower the device to the very bottom, there may be no holes in the bottom.

The feeder can be either purchased or homemade. Since these are consumables, they are often lost during fishing; it is more profitable to make such devices yourself from scrap materials.

Echo sounder

An echo sounder is a device that uses ultrasonic research to give an idea of ​​the bottom topography and, depending on the model, of fish concentrations. If a fisherman goes to catch a specific species, then it is worth studying what features of the bottom the fish prefer, then the relief picture will help to find the desired prey.

Telescopic hook models are not recommended for winter fishing, as water gets into the mechanism, the tool freezes and does not fold back.

The key characteristic of this tool is the sharpness of the sting, because it must be quickly and accurately stuck into the fish. This is also related to the safety requirement: when folded, the tip must go completely into the handle so as not to accidentally stick into the angler’s hand.

Fishing box

Structurally, factory boxes differ as follows:

  1. Duralumin box with soft seat. Heavy but durable, usually has only two compartments and a non-closing rod compartment. The gear gets tangled in it, since the fishing rods are not rigidly attached with rubber straps.
  2. Styrofoam box. Lighter than duralumin, durable, has good sound insulation, which will allow you not to be distracted by the noise of fluttering fish, and thermal insulation, which keeps food warm for a long time. Such a box will not sink, but due to its light weight, it can be carried away by a strong wind on smooth ice. The gear is secured using rubber straps. There are two- and three-chamber ones.
  3. Box made of plastic or frost-resistant polypropylene. Unlike the other two, it is sealed. It has many compartments and is equipped with cases for small items. It does not absorb odors, is easier to clean, but is the least durable - it can crack from impact during transportation.

Duralumin box Styrofoam box Polypropylene box

Homemade fishing boxes are also popular. The basis is most often a plywood parcel box.

Often there are runners at the bottom of the box to make it easier to transport it over snow or ice.

The fishing box strap must be wide and strong to support the weight of the entire structure with the catch. It is convenient if it is adjustable and the luggage can be carried not only on the shoulder, but also behind the back, like a backpack.

If a fisherman engages in his hobby regularly, and not just once a season, then it makes sense to purchase a fishing box, because:

  1. The box is comfortable to sit on. Its advantage over a folding chair is the ability to cover the hole from wind and drifting snow, which is especially important when using a jig.
  2. The box is spacious. If you pay attention to the design, everything will fit in: catch, tackle and all fishing equipment, snacks and a thermos of tea.
  3. The box is compact. In summer, all winter equipment can be stored in it, nothing will get lost or get in the way.

Other required accessories

The following equipment will provide additional safety and comfort during winter fishing:

  1. Tent. When you plan a long fishing trip, it will be difficult to do without it. It will provide shelter from precipitation and strong winds and provide a place to rest. A tent should be chosen with windows, then during the day it will be light and easy to ventilate. Its frame version is as stable as possible and is useful for those who sit in one place. Those who walk from hole to hole need an automatic tent.
  2. Travel mat. You can relax on it after sitting in one position for a long time.
  3. Heater. For those who have to sit in one place for a long time, a heater will be useful. It usually runs on gas cylinders, which you should take with you in excess.
  4. Sled. If the box is not equipped with runners, and the walk is far, equipment for it may include a sled. They can also be useful in case of an accident, if you have to transport a friend who has fallen through the ice.
  5. Head Torch. Useful for fishing at night and in poor visibility.

Choosing and making gear with your own hands

Types of gear for winter fishing are divided into seven types according to fishing directions:

  1. Jig tackle. For all types of fish in still or slow water.
  2. Float rods. On lakes and reservoirs for non-predatory fish.
  3. Postavushi. For passive fishing of all types of fish in still water. Visualization of bites is carried out by guards and nods.
  4. Live bait fishing rods. For active fishing of predatory fish.
  5. Zherlitsy. A type of live bait for passive fishing that does not have a fishing rod.
  6. Fishing rods for the current. For catching non-predatory fish on rivers with medium and strong currents.
  7. Fishing rods for trolling. For catching predatory fish using artificial bait.

Winter fishing rod size

The average length of a fishing rod is 25-30 cm.

The length is determined by:

  • type of fish;
  • fishing method: the fisherman will walk or sit.

Small fish require a short rod. Small fish are usually caught while sitting; swinging a long rod is inconvenient. Large fish are caught standing up and people walk after them; in this case, you need to take a longer fishing rod.

Types of fishing rods

The design of winter fishing rods is based on fishing rods:

  1. Balalaikas. The reel is one piece with the handle. To wind the fishing line onto the bobbin, you need to unscrew the safety screw and remove the spool. The fishing line is first threaded through the hole from the outside, then tied to the reel. The spool is installed in the reel and the final winding of the fishing line is carried out.
  2. Fishing rods with handles and legs. They differ in design, coil size and overall dimensions. Used with different types of gear for small fish.
  3. Fishing rod for trolling. A blank up to 70 cm long, which is equipped with a large inertial, small inertial or multiplier reel. Suitable for lure fishing for large predatory fish.

Balalaika Blesnilka Fishing rod with legs

Choosing a fishing line for a winter fishing rod

Requirements for winter fishing line:

  1. Small thickness. The optimal values ​​are 0.08-0.12 mm for regular fishing line and 0.18 mm for fluorocarbon. To lure large, strong predatory fish, a fishing line with a diameter of 0.2-0.4 mm is useful. The thin line is invisible in clear water and works well with small baits. Many people use fluorocarbon fishing line, which is ideal for the role of both main and leader (it is almost invisible in the water, but there are also disadvantages, such as poor wear resistance and tensile strength).
  2. Strength. This requirement argues against the use of fluorocarbon. This line is almost invisible in the water, but has low wear resistance and tensile strength, that is, it is not suitable for large fish.
  3. Lack of memory. For winter fishing, only monofilament lines are suitable, since their types form spirals when stored on the reel, which leads to poor bite control.
  4. Abrasion resistance. This property is important, since the fishing line constantly rubs against the edge of the ice and can break. To prevent this from happening, it must have a diameter of 0.2-0.4 mm.

Coil dimensions

The diameter of the reel drum should be 60-70 mm. The drum should be chosen open; it can clearly see how much fishing line is left.


The whip will help you not to miss the resisting fish immediately after hooking. Its second function is to complicate the game of a jig or spinner.

As a rule, the fishing rod is equipped with a whip, but this option is rarely of high quality. It is better to buy it separately, choosing fiberglass models. You can also make a whip yourself from light titanium alloys.


Types of nods:

  1. Metal. Used for fishing in the current or at depth.
  2. Spring. Suitable for large fish.
  3. Balanced. Not suitable for winter fishing, as the oil in the bearings may freeze.


Fishing with a spinning rod in winter is possible in the absence of continuous ice cover, in thaws, and in mild weather.

Disadvantages of this type of fishing:

  • hands are cold;
  • the braided cord and rings of the fishing rod quickly freeze;
  • because of the crust of ice or snowdrifts, you cannot fish where there are probably fish;
  • the fish is lethargic and does not respond well to bait.

It is better to opt for a fishing rod made of composite material, since carbon fiber behaves unpredictably in the cold. The reel should be chosen inertialess. The overrunning clutch, which is responsible for the reverse stopper, freezes, so it is better to abandon models with it.

Fishing with a spinning rod in winter is carried out with a jig; for this method it is necessary to choose a braided fishing line. This thread freezes over, unlike monofilament, so you need to use anti-cold impregnations.

A foam fish is considered a catchable jig bait. Also used silicone baits: worms with slugs and twisters with vibrotails.

Wiring technique:

  • classic step;
  • smooth dragging along the bottom;
  • slow retrieve with bait hanging.

Float tackle

Float tackle is a hybrid of a jig and a float. It is equipped with legs for installation on ice. There is no need to play with bait: the bite is determined by the float.

Equipment composition:

  • sinker;
  • fishing line;
  • hook;
  • float.


Jig fishing lines are the thinnest - from 0.06 to 0.14 millimeters. In addition to the fishing line and jig, the tackle includes a sinker with a retractable mounting. When fishing for bloodworms, a balalaika rod with a whip and a nod is used; it is small and light, without a reel. Fishing rods for reelless fishing are lighter than regular ones.

The video from the Fishing Pro channel describes the intricacies of winter fishing and jig fishing tactics:

For fishing with the current

For fishing with currents, a fishing rod on legs with a handle and an open reel is suitable. You will need up to 50 meters of fishing line 0.18-0.20 mm. To prevent the tackle from tipping over, a lead weight is inserted into its handle.

You must select one of the following equipment:

  • paternoster;
  • Gardner loop;
  • inline;
  • helicopter.

Winter donka

Donka is fished in winter from the ice in a hole, without casting.

Advantages of winter donka:

  • no need to constantly monitor the fishing rod;
  • the equipment is not carried away by the current from the fishing spot and does not lift from the bottom;
  • The nozzle is located next to the bait.

In cold water, the fish's metabolism is slowed down; there is no need to feed it generously. In donkey bait, the bait is served next to the hook, and the likelihood of a bite increases.

Structurally, the winter donka consists of:

  • fishing rod;
  • nod;
  • spools of fishing line;
  • rigging.

There may be no reel in the design, but it increases the usability of the fishing rod.

The nod should be flexible, accurately responding to the smallest touches of the fish.

It may consist of:

  • lavsan;
  • plastic;
  • metal

The diameter of the main line for winter bottom tackle for peaceful fish is chosen to be 0.16-0.20 mm, the diameter of the leader line is 0.1-0.14 mm.

The hooks need to be thin and sharp, so they need to be sharpened after every 2-3 fish caught. Sizes - 12-18 according to the European classification.

Hook color:

  • matte black;
  • golden;
  • red;
  • blue.

Hooks with a nozzle are always in the bottom layer, and when the bottom bites, self-hatching occurs. If the angler sees a bite, then to be sure he hooks the fish. But even if the attention of a winter fishing enthusiast is distracted and he does not have time to hook, the fish is caught on its own under the weight of the main sinker.

Live bait

There are two types of live bait fishing rods:

  • girders;
  • live bait.

The fishing rods are equipped with reel stands and flags and are suitable for catching large fish.

Types of girders:

  • changeling;
  • on the platform;
  • under-ice;
  • with legs.

Live baits are fishing rods with legs, suitable for small specimens, and, unlike the bait, they have a one-piece design.

Their components:

  • nod of bright color;
  • legs;
  • pen;
  • coil;
  • equipment;
  • whip.


The stand is used for passive fishing and is installed directly on the ice.


  • nod;
  • coils;
  • equipment;
  • legs;
  • whip.

For glitter

The fishing line used for trolling is monofilament with a thickness of 0.14 to 0.28 mm.

The thickness of the thread depends on:

  • bait weight;
  • probable trophy;
  • fishing depths.

The following are used as baits for trolling in winter:

  • vertical spinners;
  • amphipods;
  • balancers;
  • silicone on jig heads;
  • rattlin wobblers.

A multiplier or inertia-free reel will allow:

  • quickly reel in and collect gear;
  • Use the clutch to pull out large fish.

Lures for fishing in winter

The following are used as baits in winter:

  • spinners;
  • balancers;
  • jigs;
  • bait and live bait.


Vertical lures are often used in winter fishing.

Popular and catchy models:

  • "perch";
  • "carnation";
  • "pikeperch";
  • “Vlasovskaya”;
  • "pike";
  • "fish".

Pike-perch spoon Pike spoon


The balancer is a three-dimensional imitation of a fry. There is a hook soldered into the front and tail of the fish, and a movable tee is hung on its belly. When falling into the water, the balancer swings from one side of the hole to the other.


Mormyshka in the general view— a sinker with a soldered hook.

There are two types:

  • for setting bait;
  • mothless

The most suitable for winter fishing are:

  • "a drop";
  • "ball";
  • "ant";
  • "goat";
  • "devil";
  • "nymph";
  • "Uralka".

Bait and live bait for winter fishing

The following are used as live bait by jigs:

  • bloodworm;
  • burdock moth larva;
  • amphipod crustacean;
  • earthworm pieces;
  • dough.

The best live bait is small fish from the same body of water in which you plan to catch a large predator. Crucian carp is universal in this sense.

It is useful for novice fishermen to learn safety measures during winter fishing:

  1. No alcohol. Winter fishing is associated with danger to the life of the fisherman due to the need to go out onto open ice. Alcohol may cause a feeling of warmth, but it dulls a person's attention and motor abilities. A drunk fisherman has an increased chance of falling asleep in the cold, which can lead to frostbite of varying severity.
  2. You cannot go out on early, weak ice. It is always necessary to have an ice pick with you and move from the shore, tapping the cover with it.
  3. If you suspect problems with ice in a situation where the fisherman is far from the shore, you should remove the backpack strap from one shoulder. This way you can quickly release the load in case of danger.
  4. Donka Fishing rod and reel


    The video from the Aleks Stah channel talks about winter fishing for beginners.

One of the leisure components of people who are keen on hunting the inhabitants of the deep waters is to make homemade products for fishing: all kinds of floats and feeders. This activity requires certain skills and perseverance. The objects that you have to deal with are small in size, and only the accuracy of the operations can lead to the desired result.

Of course, you can buy everything in a store, but fishermen have a prejudice against purchased baits: they think that bait they make with their own hands will catch fish better. And sometimes this is true.

This passion for homemade fishing is inherent in every amateur fisherman, and no one spares time for this activity.

You can do a lot with your own hands, but the feasibility of making one or another attribute allows you to form three directions for applying your own strength and skills:
  • equipment elements;
  • accessories;
  • groundbait.

Most often, homemade items for fishing are precisely the components of the equipment of a fishing rod: a rod, a line, a hook with bait, a float and a sinker. You can’t really get creative with fishing line, but with other elements you have a wide choice of realizing your ideas. So, you can experiment in terms of length and material, number of sections and rings, models of reels installed on the fishing rod. And the variety of imitators of live baits is innumerable; they can be made in the form of various designs and colors.

Auxiliary equipment is fishing homemade products that help the amateur, for example, in the case of fishing for a large specimen, these include landing nets and hooks, and for storing the catch - cages or kukans. When swallowing the hook deeply, use an extractor. All these elements can be made independently.

And, finally, bait - here every self-respecting fisherman has his own secret component, which he keeps and will not give out to anyone. Very often, instead of ready-made bait, when preparing for fishing, they prefer to assemble individual ingredients in order to prepare the most suitable mixture for the conditions in the area chosen for fishing.

Often, fishing crafts bring good luck when fishing. But a more significant result is moral satisfaction from the creative process itself, from doing what you love.

You should start with a hook - of course, no one is going to do it on their own, but even a novice amateur knows that it tends to become dull over time. And sharpening sometimes has to be done in the field: some people just sharpen it on a stone, but experienced fishermen always have a homemade sharpener with them.

The reason the fish disappears after biting is often a dull sting. To prevent such cases, you need to periodically check the hook: a sharp one is easily stuck into the nail and fixed.

Restoring properties is not difficult; to do this, it is enough to have useful things with you - any of the following items:
  • thin file;
  • zero sandpaper;
  • a sharpener made of hard material with a groove to fit the size of the hook.

In any case, two or three movements are enough for the fishing gear to regain its sharpness. In places with a rocky bottom, you cannot do without the ability to sharpen the tip. It is necessary to check the degree of sharpness after each hook.

This fish bite alarm is a typical homemade object: many of today’s fishermen, as children, made a float from a goose feather or a bottle cap and took the homemade product to the pond.

In addition to the things mentioned, any other light airy objects can be materials for the pointer:
  • Styrofoam;
  • plastic tube;
  • wood rod or block.

To make the tackle you will also need pieces of wire, elastic and paint. The tool will fit any of the devices available in the house.

Foam and cork melts are very sensitive, made in the shape of a ball or drop. It is processed with a stationery knife and cleaned with emery cloth. When the model is ready, it is blown off from dust and covered with paint, and when it dries, a hole is pierced in the center for the rod. It can be made from any thin-tubular object of suitable size: a feather, a plastic cocktail tube, sandwich skewers. A wire loop or eyelet from a hook is attached to the lower part of the axle for threading the fishing line.

A goose feather, like a float, behaves well on waves, is sensitive and easy to manufacture. To begin with, it should be cleaned of the spine without damaging the body. The top is cut off at the thinnest point, and a ring is attached to the bottom. An elastic band along the diameter of the tube is placed in the center of the rod for attachment to the fishing line. Now you can paint or varnish your homemade products.

Melt from a plastic tube is made by analogy with a goose feather. First, by soldering its ends, a resemblance to the pen shaft is achieved, and then all operations are performed in the same order.

Homemade fishing floats painted in bright colors are clearly visible on the water and are sensitive to bites from even small roach.

And their position in relation to the surface is regulated by the selection of sinkers

One of the necessary additional devices when catching large fish is a hook. To make it, you can use old abandoned fishing rods or handles from household household tools like a mop. The hook can be made from suitable elastic wire or a knitting needle.

The sequence of actions when making a homemade product at home:
  1. The handle of the hook is made of wood; a hole is drilled into it on one side for the tube, and on the other for fastening the cord. The latter is secured in the hole using a threaded plug.
  2. The tube is then inserted into the prepared groove in the handle with epoxy resin fastening. A retractable insert of a smaller diameter is selected into the tube to create the length of the hook - in the folded state it is 50 cm, and in the working state it is 90. Movement inside the tube must be free.
  3. The hook is bent according to the size of the fish and is fixed on the retractable part with a bolted connection. As a rule, the bending value is within 3–6 cm. A rubber tube is pulled over the tip of the hook itself for safety.

Having tested the ease of assembly and disassembly of the device, you can take your homemade product fishing and at the same time be sure that the tool will not let you down. After all, the hook is made with your own hands and you can vouch for every detail.

To prepare a mixture for fishing with your own hands, you don’t have to buy the ingredients in the store - you can use the products that are available in your apartment kitchen. It is enough to verify this using the example of selecting bait components for bream. In order for food to be desirable for the fish, you need to know the preferences of the future trophy.

And they depend on several factors:
  • quantity and quality of the natural nutrient medium of the reservoir;
  • seasonality in terms of the predominant diet;
  • weather.

There are some fishing tricks for creating a composition for bait: when the constituent products are sifted through a sieve, the mixture becomes aerated and free of lumps. Due to this, the food is more quickly dispersed throughout the casting zone. Aroma is an important component in the attractiveness of a bait, but moderation is needed here: a strong odor can create a negative effect.

Homemade bait for bream is usually made with cake, although you can use rapeseed, pumpkin, hemp and flax seeds, as well as ground or crushed crackers for this purpose. It also includes bran as a leavening agent when rolling feed balls.

Clay, cereal or pea flour and oatmeal are added as a binder. Flavorings can be fragrant seeds of some plants, oils and essences.

As mentioned above, the feed mixture must correspond to the specific fishing conditions.

You can make homemade baits with your own hands using the following recipes:
  1. Summer mix for the lake - 300 grams of crushed crackers, bran and boiled millet. Roasted and ground sunflower seeds - 200 g and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Use clay as a binder, adding it to the required thickness.
  2. The same summer mixture, but for the river - 200 g of sunflower cake, sprouted peas and boiled oatmeal, as well as 100 g of breadcrumbs. As a flavoring – 3 teaspoons of coriander powder.
  3. Autumn bait - sunflower cake, crushed crackers, boiled rice and rye bran, 100 g each. 50 g each - bloodworm, maggot and finely chopped lard, add a teaspoon of coriander for flavor.
  4. A homemade spring mixture for fishing is also made on the basis of sunflower cake (100 g) and 0.1 kg of boiled rye bran and boiled millet are added. Add 80 g of feed bloodworm and 2 teaspoons of ground coriander. To bind and dilute the mixture, clay and sand are mixed.

Thus, making any kind of homemade product is not a burden for the fisherman, but a pleasure. And in terms of educational knowledge regarding fishing, this brings a lot of new things, and the hunting process becomes more successful.

Just give our craftsmen from the people a reason to make something. A special article is fishing tricks and homemade products. Firstly, they performed (and sometimes continue to perform) purely practical functions in an era of total shortage of fishing goods. Now you have wobblers, twisters, bloodworms, and telescopic fishing rods - all sorts of good things in bulk (though not always High Quality, but with serious companies you will go broke). But I remember there was a time when even a standing hook or a Klin fishing line - during the day with fire. So the fishing people did their best. And I must say, he did it quite well and with high quality, and most importantly, functionally.

Attempt at classification

All fishing tricks and homemade products can probably be divided into several large categories in the context of their practical application. Firstly, these are all kinds of gear, either copying (with invariable success) foreign fabulous analogues, or real inventions, which, in turn, were copied without a twinge of conscience by Western manufacturing companies (since, naturally, none of the fishermen received a patent ). This broad group includes hooks, floats, spoons, leashes, jigs, donks and much more. Secondly, fishing tricks and homemade products are proven by experience and even invented methods and methods of fishing, feeding, types of attachments and baits. This all relates to the big topic: how exactly to fish in different places and at different times of the year.


The third large group includes fishing accessories, invented or copied from existing samples. These are all sorts of devices for storing fish for a longer period of time. summer time when fishing, winter subtleties in terms of equipment on ice, used to avoid freezing, containers for storing bloodworms and other baits. All of them, with rare exceptions, are a real storehouse of folk wisdom, a book of fishing luck. So, for your attention - a small hit parade of homemade products, made from what the fishermen themselves came across.

Toothbrush poppers

Fishing tricks and homemade products sometimes amaze you with a play of imagination. Since newfangled imported things are quite expensive, it clearly makes logical sense to make them yourself. Poppers or walkers are surface baits and should not sink. A little submersion is allowed, but still, the material should float quite well on the water. Therefore, first you need to check toothbrushes for buoyancy. This can be done by collecting water in an ordinary bucket and throwing a brush into it. If it doesn’t sink, but floats on the surface, then that’s it. We carry out the work with a small grinder, reminiscent of a micro-grinder, with removable attachments. We saw off the part with the bristles. We process the edge with a sandpaper attachment. In the lower and upper parts it is necessary to make a hole for attaching the lower tee (attached using a ring with a swivel). We tint the homemade bait (in this case, you can choose red and green - bright colors). We insert the tees. A test in a water bath shows that the weight of the tees is sufficient to sink the structure. To prevent this from happening, glue a narrow strip cut from foam onto the top of the nozzle with superglue. Now the popper does not sink and floats well on the water.


If we are making a wobbler, then we also cut in an additional blade in front of the structure (it can be made from a plastic bottle cap by cutting out a small part). You can paint it with bright nail polish borrowed from your wife. You can also insert an additional weight for weighting. But in our case, the design turned out to be of quite the required weight, and flies far when casting. This is how simple toothbrushes can serve as the starting material for spinning baits.

Spinner for pike perch from broken tweezers

Fishing crafts are sometimes made from anything. But even from broken tweezers. The tool is of high quality (it was once), made of good stainless steel. Why not use a spinner for pike perch? As you know, these predators have a rather narrow throat, and you don’t need a wide spoon either - it’ll do just fine! So, from one leg of the tweezers we cut the workpiece to the required length. We sand it a little, giving it shape and getting rid of small burrs. Now we drill holes where the tee and fishing line will be connected using rings and swivels. This procedure is not so easy to carry out: you can even break a thin drill, since the material is quite durable. Well, it's done. We screw on the tee (preferably on the heavier side, so the spoon will stay more stable in the water column). For aesthetes: you can cut the scales with the same grinder (they already have transverse layers from the tweezers) - just make a couple of even cuts along the length, and the scaly, shiny lure for pike perch or pike perch is ready for use. Such homemade products for fishermen are practically no different from the notorious branded ones. This one turned out even better: the analogue has a tee on the less heavy side, which leads to overlaps and overturning of the spoon.

Fishing trifles in summer

Homemade products for fishing in the warm season can be very useful for both beginners and experienced fishermen. Summer fishing has its own specifics. Great attention should be paid to preserving the catch, since in the heat the fish can spoil very quickly. And a catch caught in the morning, without proper preservation (and in the field, rarely does anyone have a freezer box - except perhaps some car enthusiasts) may simply not survive until the evening.

How to save what you catch

  1. After fishing and pulling the fish ashore, carefully, without squeezing the insides, release it from the hook (otherwise it will quickly fade). You should also not throw severely injured fish into a bucket with the rest of the caught ones - it can ruin the entire catch in a few hours in the heat. Wounded prey is best killed, gills removed and gutted. Next, wrap it in fresh grass (the best option is nettle) and store it in the shade, preferably where there is coolness and a breeze.
  2. Gutted and gill-free fish can also be salted before storing.

Live storage

If you intend to bring home live prey, you need to store it in water, in a cage or on a kukan (a kukan is well suited for underwater sea hunting, for example). And the cage should have fairly wide rings, the mesh should be made of fabric, not metal. The fish will be seriously injured when trying to escape from the metal. You need to hang it, immersing it in water, in the shade. So that the fish can swim calmly and not hit each other. In a cramped cage there is also a high risk of self-poisoning of the catch with metabolic products.

Homemade cage

More about fishing homemade products. A good branded fish tank is quite expensive - not every angler can afford such luxury. But a cage for storing catch in the summer, long and wide enough (and, importantly, foldable) can be made independently. To do this, we will need strong steel wire or ready-made rings made from it. If you need a compact device, take three rings of descending sizes. Medium is in the middle, small is at the top. You will also need a nylon mesh (the kind that was used for windows against mosquitoes before the widespread installation of metal-plastic ones). We sew a sock from the mesh according to the size of the rings. We put it on and sew it tightly to the rings with stitches. We make sure that the cage is uniform and neat. To prevent the fish from jumping out of the cage, you also need a lid. It can be made from another ring of wire with a mesh stretched over it. Little tricks for the fisherman: our homemade fishnet is attached using a strong nylon rope, which must be tied in a knot to the structure so that it does not float away with the catch, for example. And to prevent your homemade fish tank from flooding if you fish at great depths, you can put a children’s life ring on top of it, as in the photo. Please note that the cage is easy to fold and transport when moving to the fishing spot on foot.

Sensitive float

Let's make fishing tackle with our own hands. Of course, in a store or on the market there is a great variety of floats of different colors and sizes. But choosing a good one costs good money. And if you are a fan of fishing float rods, you need to purchase a dozen floats. And many fishermen prefer to make floats with their own hands the old fashioned way. These tackles are made very well from goose feathers. Where there is a lake or pond or river, these birds are sure to graze. And sometimes they lose their feathers. So all that remains is to bend down and pick it up. You can make large floats and small ones (depending on the size of the feather). We cut off everything unnecessary, leaving only the base of the pen. The result is such a thin stick, light and quite durable. We measure the size of the product. We cut off the unnecessary from the top side (from below, in the place where the feather was attached to the bird’s skin, the structure should have its original appearance, the opposite will lead to the float getting wet). It is convenient to carry out the work with a sharp stationery knife. In principle, the main part is completed. We paint the float in bright colors so that it can be seen on the water. The easiest way to do this is with nail polish, which comes in a variety of fairly bright colors. In addition, the varnish is waterproof. We attach a mount to the cut part of the float where the fishing line will be threaded. You can go fishing. But before that, here are two or three more little tricks for successful fishing.

How to balance a float at home

Often, upon arrival at the float rods, poor balancing of the floats interferes (they are carried away by the current or they lie down for no apparent reason). But on the spot, especially in rainy or windy weather, you don’t want to do this, but you have to. Therefore, the most correct solution is to balance the floats in advance, at home. This can be done by taking a full bath of water and uncovering your gear. So, we tie the float to the fishing line (or attach it to a mount) and begin the process of selecting sinkers. The float should not lift the sinker from the bottom. But the load should not be too heavy, as small bites will not be visible. We find experimentally the golden mean (a lead weight that is too heavy can be cut well with metal scissors, and if it is too small, add another piece of lead). The float in the bathroom should stand clearly, almost vertically, without lifting the sinker from the bottom, but also without lying on its side. Now your fishing crafts are well balanced and you won’t have to do this outdoors. This is especially important in adverse weather conditions.

Fishing crafts: tube for storing floats

For removable floats - one of the most important parts of the tackle. However, some of them are quite fragile and can break when the fisherman moves from place to place. To prevent this from happening, we will make a tube for storing floats with our own hands. We take the base from Tuba, which is very durable. Even if you accidentally step on it, it will not break like plastic, and your floats will be intact. You also need a piece of loose foam about 2 cm thick. Two plugs need to be cut out of it. We make an imprint of the film reel on the foam and cut it out with a stationery knife. One plug should fit very tightly into the hole in the tube. To do this, you can glue it, or use the second one - it acts as a lid. We use a stuck paperclip as a handle for easy removal. The floats are attached from the inside with keels to the foam, securing them well. And the lid closes on the other side. And in order to prevent the cardboard from getting wet, for example, in the rain, you need to additionally wrap the structure around the circumference with tape.

Fishing crafts - a treasure trove of fishing experience

Many generations of amateur fishermen pass on their secrets to each other. And today, despite the abundance of products offered for fishing, someone still needs these fishing tricks. Of course, no one can know everything about fishing. But the above and other tips, we hope, will be useful to both beginners and more experienced fishermen. Happy fishing everyone!

In this article we will look at the list of things that you need to take when going ice fishing. The ice has not yet had time to properly strengthen when crowds of fishermen go to their favorite fishing spots. I would like to note right away that in this case it is very dangerous to go out on the ice without an ice pick. When moving on ice, you should carefully check [...] ↓ Read article

Homemade tackle

Fishing rods, spinning rods, hooks, spoons, reels, cages, landing nets, boats, tents... How many different tackles are here, how many pieces of simple fishing equipment! My eyes widen. And everything was done - soundly, carefully, with imagination - by the fishermen themselves. This is their creativity, invention.

According to an established tradition, exhibitions of fishing sports and equipment for fishing are organized annually in the Kharkov City House of Physical Education. winter species recreation such as horse riding alpine skiing. I would like to talk about some of the exhibits of recent years.

I think that homemade gear from Kharkov residents will be of interest to many fishermen. There are three fishing rods at the crossroads. They are made of rapiers, the handles are cork. A special feature of the gear is electric light signals when biting. The light bulbs from the flashlight are in the hands of the rods, and there is only one battery: its three elements are sequentially inserted inside the joint. This is a very careful and delicate work of the athlete V. Vasiliev.

Similar fishing rods were presented at the exhibition by L. Meilaks. But each fishing rod is equipped with two signals - sound and light. A numbering device with a battery is installed near the arrow. When there is a bite, a bell rings and a colored light comes on; By the color of the light, the angler can determine which fishing rod is taking a bite, which is very convenient when fishing at night. A. Shelestov made a combined fishing rod. It has two fishing lines and two reels. The M. Anopa fishing rod is light and practical, made of metal rod and reed. The line from the reel enters the rod through the core of the handle. A. Gruzinsky demonstrated a simple but very convenient fishing rod for vertical trolling.

It is made from a young tree. A successfully curved branch extending from the stem forms a device for winding fishing line. Spinning rods attract attention. Here is the spinning rod of I. Gulius. Well balanced, the reel has an automatic brake that prevents the formation of “beards”. Nearby is A. Shelestov’s flexible, durable spinning rod, made of stainless steel, as well as a spinner with a shock absorber from Saturn. Such a spoon will never catch on a snag or log lying at the bottom of the river. Spectacular spinners, oscillating, rotating, made by the same Comrade Shelestov.

A particularly original spinner is the one that makes the sound of a swimming fish. This sound is obtained thanks to four ribs made in the center of the spinner body. M. Zahodyakin presented many wonderful lures. It is worth noting the “Beetle” spinner with a movable plate fitted at the bottom. The pike will grab the spoon, press the plate - and two double hooks will be thrown out to the sides and dig into the fish’s mouth. Small, light boats, convenient collapsible rafts are the dream of many fishermen. A lot of them were exhibited at Kharkov exhibitions. Let's mention a few. M. Anop uses an inflatable boat, which is based on sixteen basketball tubes.

They are placed in a frame made of two layers of material: at the bottom - rubberized nylon, at the top - a raincoat-tent. The bottom of the boat is made of the same material. All amenities are provided: there is a seat cushion - also inflatable, from one chamber in a cover; An electric flashlight powered by a battery is installed. On the oarlocks there are light, duralumin oars with cork handles. This boat is designed for two people. D. Vlasyuk demonstrated a very simple cheap inflatable raft. Twelve basketball tubes, four bamboo sticks, three crossbars and three canvas panels (two of them form bags for the tubes) - this is a raft that can withstand a load of 160-170 kg. This raft easily folds into a small package; it weighs 4 kg.

I would like to tell you more about N. Blinchikov’s fishing suitcase for ice fishing. It is installed on a sled. It contains everything you need: an ice pick, fishing rods, a set of spinners, a scoop, wind shields, food for the whole day. And all this is conveniently, compactly packed! Not only fishing enthusiasts come to exhibitions of exhibits made by fishermen. There you can meet representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and local industry. They get acquainted with new products and select samples for industrial production.

P.S. For fishermen who decide to go fishing in Moscow or the Moscow region. Apartments for rent in Moscow You can rent an apartment and enjoy your free time.

Homemade gear for winter fishing

Winter is a long-awaited season for those who gravitate towards ice fishing. There are even people who simply cannot stand the summer season; for them, ice fishing is something exquisitely attractive. There is simply a colossal number of products on the fishing market, but they all have some shortcomings, flaws, and therefore our brother fisherman is forced to modify and come up with new gear himself. There are fanatics who are engaged in the original production of baits and homemade products. We will talk about this now; you will learn how to make a bait or fishing rod for winter fishing yourself, and it will cost just a few pennies.

Improving the balalaika and making a nod

To begin with, let’s look at the simplest example of modifying the tackle, and this will be an ordinary winter balalaika fishing rod. The balalaika is an ageless classic that does not require much discussion, the favorite fishing rod of all athletes, it is distinguished by its lightness, good balance and excellent control. Most fishing rods of this type have one problem: they are almost completely poor quality. Either the whip is not right, then the balance is shifted, or the puck is too stubborn. All this can be modified, and is done as follows. For finishing we only need two types of sandpaper, a file, and a replaceable carbon fiber whip. And so let's start refining. First, we need to decide what type of balalaika we will work with. There are several types of such fishing rods. The first type is plastic balalaikas, and the second type is foam. I chose a foam balalaika, it can be processed very well with sandpaper. At the same time, it has the biggest advantage: at sub-zero temperatures, the foam warms the palm, and this is very important. First, we reduce the size of the balalaika, making it small and neat, remove the unnecessary part with a sharp knife, refine the chamfers with a file, and complete the final stage with sandpaper. At the same time, the width of the balalaika will be reduced by almost half, it will turn out even lighter than it was. A standard whip is not suitable at all, since it is very soft and due to this, the tackle loses sensitivity quite a lot, but a carbon whip will be just right. We shorten the whip, making its length approximately 15-20 centimeters. There is no need to modify anything further. Think for yourself about how the line will go inside the whip, or you can still use a set of cambrics and the line will go directly along the whip itself.

The winter season is jig fishing, and jigs are used in a variety of shapes and sizes. And naturally, in order to properly set the game for the jig, we need a good responsive nod or guard, everyone calls it their own, but the meaning does not change from this in one word - an ordinary bite alarm. There are many different types of nods at the moment. I will tell you about one that I use in most fishing trips - this is a nod made of lavsan. Everyone knows what lavsan is, we won’t go into details. To make a nod, we will need lavsan, a sharp knife and fine sandpaper size 00. Here we need to decide for ourselves which jigs we will work with, and what kind of fish we mean to catch, if perch is a high-frequency game, therefore, we make a short and elastic nod, if the roach is softer, the nod is made longer. It is very important to maintain proportionality and taper of the nod. Do not overdo it with thickness; the tackle should be harmonious and narrowly targeted. Once you have chosen the taper, sharpened it, decided on the length, cut it out, the finishing touch is to make a hole and paint it. The hole is made with a hot needle, then the edges will be smooth and without jagged edges. We paint it in the color that will be clearly visible in the snow: red, black, yellow. Be sure to apply stripes, then you will have more control in the wiring of the jig.

Homemade spoon and two types of jigs

And finally, the most interesting thing about winter fishing is the bait. How to make your own jig and spinner is a question asked by many fishermen, most often beginners. Answering this question, I will say that there is nothing difficult here, the main thing is to want and spend a little time. First of all, I’ll tell you how to make the simplest lead jig. To do this you will need liquid lead, a hook of a suitable diameter, and a small casting mold. The uniform can be bought at a fishing store, and it costs a few pennies, say 100 rubles, I’m sure that this is not a big waste for you. We insert a small needle into the eye of the hook and fill it with lead. When the lead cools down a little, we pull out the needle, it turns out that the needle does not allow the jig to fill the hole. But we don’t finish making jigs here. The lead has hardened, we can start painting, to degrease the surface we use alcohol, and regular alcohol, then we apply waterproof varnish of any color you like, and we attach a small cambric of a bright color, say red, to the hook, this way the number of bites will increase. But this is the simplest variation of a homemade jig; it is best to make something bright, unforgettable, and catchy, such as a lesotka jig. A line is a hook with a long shank on which wire is wound, but wound so as to form a slight taper. And then comes painting. By the way, you can use ordinary copper wire for winding. It should be painted in bright colors; such a jig will be appreciated by the finicky perch and the ubiquitous fidgety roach.

Lures are probably the easiest to catch. We take a teaspoon and cut out the desired shape from it, after which we process the edges with a file, drill holes, apply a design, most often in the form of scales, you can also paint it, but silver color works well anyway.

In this article, you are convinced that you don’t need to spend money to do something with your own hands. big money, the main thing is to want and show imagination; if you don’t have imagination, then find similar analogues on the Internet and make them according to the model.