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The mineral springs of Issyk-Kul are the main wealth of Kyrgyzstan. Thermal springs in Kyrgyzstan Features of thermal springs in Kyrgyzstan

Ak-Suu mineral water deposit is located in the gorge of the same name, 80 km. southwest of the village of Belovodskoye. The local mineral water belongs to carbonic low-mineralized, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narzan, and in its chemical composition it is similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort Dara-Suna.

Alamudun mineral water deposit is located 30 km. from Bishkek in the gorge of the same name at an altitude of 1200-1600 m above sea level. A well drilled to a depth of 507 meters brought thermal mineral water with a temperature of +53 C to the surface of the earth. Currently, the Teplye Klyuchi sanatorium operates here, which is also an active recreation center - numerous trekking routes begin from here in the surrounding mountains.

Issyk-Ata deposit of mineral and thermal waters is located 77 km. southeast of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 m. The Arashan resort operates here with numerous hot springs and muddy mud. In addition, there is a source of clean drinking water with a specific smell, which is also used to treat chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Among the balneological resources of the Chui Valley, an important place is occupied by Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye low-mineralized hydrogen sulfide deposits of therapeutic mud. Nowhere else in Central Asia, in such a limited area, there are so many outlets of medicinal waters, surrounded by such marvelous nature.

Practically within Bishkek there is a modern "Sanatorium of Cosmonauts" with its own thermal spring.

Lake Issyk-Kul is incredibly beautiful. The Russian traveler P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, who visited the lake, compared it with Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and preferred Issyk-Kul. Issyk-Kul has long been considered enchanted by the local population. Before the arrival of Russian settlers here at the end of the 19th century, practically no one swam or fished in it. The great transparency of the rivers flowing into the lake and the bright sun change the color of the Issyk-Kul water from pale blue to dark blue tones, depending on the place and time of day. There are about 20 picturesque bays and coves here. The swimming season lasts 6 months. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C. Crystal clear water, mineral springs, combined with mountain and at the same time mild, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for a spa holiday with mud and thermal treatment.

Cholpon-Ata is a resort town on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Here it is worth visiting excursions on a boat on the lake, going to the mountains, making a day trip through the most beautiful mountain places to Alma-Ata, there are also helicopter excursions with an overnight stay in the mountains. The Altyn-Arashan hot springs, lying at an altitude of 3000 m in a beautiful open alpine valley, the huge and quiet Karkara summer pasture in the upper part of the valley, the fantastic red cliffs of the Jety-Oguz canyon and excellent trekking trails in Terskey Alatau are very popular with tourists. (Terskey-Ala-Too), south of Karakol. The best time to visit Issyk-Kul is September, although trekking in the mountains is best done between July and August.

Lying at the eastern end of the lake, it is the main city in the region and the best "base" for exploring the lakeside, Terskey-Alatau and the central Tien Shan.

Water is the main wealth of Kyrgyzstan. The river one is known for its strength, the lake one for its beauty, the drinking one for its taste, and the mineral one for its medicinal properties. If a beach holiday and walks through the picturesque mountains and valleys of the country are not enough to accumulate health and vigor for a year, then thermal springs will help. To visit them, you do not need to wait until the height of summer. At the mineral waters, the holiday season is all year round.

At the beginning of summer it is still cool in Issyk-Kul - plus 20 during the day, the water temperature in the lake is still about 16 degrees. In addition, the day was cloudy. So Nina goes to the hottest outdoor pool. Nature itself heated this water to almost 44 degrees. A few minutes in hot water, then for contrast - in a cold pool. Yes, up to 5 times. At the end of the wellness procedure, Nina basks in 35-degree water for 15 minutes.

The Kyrgyz woman is not afraid of the coolness of the air. Nina Egorova, a resident of the metropolitan region, came to this spring for the first time 3.5 years ago on January 3rd.

“Polyarthritis tortured. Joints hurt. Especially the knees. Three years ago, I could hardly walk, I lived on pills. They advised me to go here - for mineral waters. It was in winter. We met the New Year and immediately went - there was no strength to wait until the summer. That's when I realized that my native Issyk-Kul is good all year round. It’s just different,” says Nina Egorova.

Arthritis medication 63-year-old woman no longer drinks. After one day of taking mineral baths, he does not remember about his knees for up to two weeks. Then back to the source. But it is rather just a healthy habit and a favorite way to take a break from household chores. He comes with his spouse, and sometimes with grandchildren.

The water tastes very salty. But it doesn't sting the skin. But it allows you to feel lightness in the body - keeps you afloat and relaxes.

“Transparent, fresh, does not smell of anything, but just warms up through and through. On the advice of the local doctors, we come to the pools in any weather with a terry towel and a blanket. We took a bath - dressed, covered ourselves with a blanket and keep warm. No showering or swimming in the lake for several hours after the water treatment. Contact of minerals with the skin must continue. If you do everything right, then you will feel the warmth and strength of this water inside for another three days, ”says Nina.

So the water of a local source affects the body due to temperature and strong saturation with salts. The level of its mineralization is high even for Issyk-Kul. The lake never freezes: it is - like veins - surrounded by many underground hot springs. The sanatorium is proud of its. This hidden hot river is the highlight of the holiday here. But she might not have been. The development of a local deposit of thermal waters was abandoned even in Soviet times - it was expensive.

The rest house in the village of Kara-Oi, Issyk-Kul region, has been operating since 1965. In Soviet times it was called "Pearl". The modern complex has almost the same name - from the Kyrgyz language into Russian "Ak bermet" is translated as "white pearl". The deposit of thermal waters on the territory of the sanatorium was explored by 1975. At this time, the hydro-mineral resources of Issyk-Kul were discovered and developed most actively. Then, in the 1970s, a well was drilled. The water lies at a depth of 1515 meters. They got to it, but did not begin to extract it. The well was sealed. The rest home continued to operate without a source. Even then, hot waters spouted from underground in health resorts in the neighborhood.

Akzholtoy Nasridinov has been running the sanatorium since the mid-80s. He recalls that after the collapse of the Union, there were no funds to extract water from underground. The holiday home survived. But they knew and remembered about the explored deposit. When free money appeared - already in the 2000s - Akzholtoy Nasridinov decided to invest it in health tourism. I went to Bishkek - to the State Geological Agency and the Institute of Balneology - to clarify what kind of source under the sanatorium. When I found out, there was no doubt about the need to raise water to the surface of the earth.

“Water is sodium chloride, of the same type as the well-known Mirgorod. Mineralization is strong: 15 grams per cubic decimeter. We also say the saturation with salts is 19%. For comparison: this indicator for the water of most sources in Issyk-Kul is 12-13%, for water in the lake - 2-3%. But it is also useful, ”explains Akzholtoy Nasridinov.

Re-drilling the well was only half the battle. Mineral water lying at a depth of one and a half kilometers is heavy, with an admixture of silt, it is difficult to raise it to the surface. Cleaning with a special system that does not destroy the structure of the water made it possible to bring it to a depth of about 50 meters. To raise from there, pumps were installed. The hot spring cost the sanatorium several tens of thousands of dollars. Water appeared on the surface in 2012.

Every day, water from the spring is directed from seven pools. They are different in volume - the smaller the bowl, the hotter the water in it. So everyone will find water of their own temperature.

“They come from other regions of Kyrgyzstan. But more - from abroad. The Russians fell in love with the source, the Kazakhs. They come from China, Korea, Europe. Both in winter and in summer. From far away they usually come for a few weeks. At the same time, about 150 people rest and improve their health on mineral water,” says Akzholtoy Nasridinov.

Doctors have no doubts that the mineral springs of Issyk-Kul help to treat many diseases. Due to the chemical composition of water, under its influence, cellular metabolism and metabolism are accelerated, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. Sodium chloride baths normalize the work of the autonomic nervous system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and increase immunity. Diseases of the heart, bones, joints, spine, reproductive system recede, digestion improves, nervous disorders, inflammations and skin rashes disappear. Baths help in the fight against excess weight.

There are few contraindications for taking mineral baths in Issyk-Kul. The family of Irina, a resident of Almaty, chose a spring in the village of Kara-Oi several years ago. Since then, he has not changed. Irina knows that in its properties the source is close to the waters of famous resorts in Russia and the Baltic states.

« The air in Issyk-Kul is just wonderful, the climate is lovely! I go here with my grandson. Teachers at school are surprised - for a year not a single pass due to a cold. Here is his health now! ”, Irina rejoices.

Kazakh woman speaks on the go. He and his grandson - flushed after mineral baths - rush to dinner. Appetite after water procedures at the mountain lake is excellent. Leave in the morning. And Irina still wants to draw water from the source to take with her to the city. She loves to wash her face - it tones and softens the skin, and if you rinse your mouth with Issyk-Kul mineral water, the dentist will praise you for the condition of your gums.

In the treatment of a number of diseases, mountain resorts are increasingly being used. The main healing factors here are crystal clear air and increased solar radiation. The charm of mountain valleys, picturesque rocks, waterfalls, dark blue mountain sky has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. It is known that emotional influences, especially in nervous diseases, are often more favorable than other curative factors.

The resort possibilities of Kyrgyzstan allow treating many diseases. Useful springs contain such a quantity of mineral substances that they are equal in quality to the waters of the North Caucasus or even surpass them. One liter of Chatyrkul water contains 3-4 grams of carbon dioxide, and in Kislovodsk narzan - only 2 grams. The water of the Yassinsky spring combines the qualities of Essentuki, Arzni and Borjomi.

There are many useful sources in Kyrgyzstan. 15 types of mineral waters are known only on the Issyk-Kul lake. Here there are radon springs, yielding half a million liters per day, and nitrogen-siliceous springs, yielding over four million liters per day.

Lake Issyk-Kul is a unique place with a mountain-marine climate. Many resort factors are combined here - thermal mineral springs, a long duration of sunshine (more than 2500 hours a year), etc. The annual arrival of solar radiation on a horizontal surface with a clear sky is about 143 kcal / cm 2.

Returning along the southern coast of Issyk-Kul from Przhevalsk, Few people do not turn off at the twentieth kilometer. Here, in the picturesque Terskey-Alatau gorge, one of the best balneological resorts in Kyrgyzstan is located - Dzhetyoguz (translated from Kyrgyz as "Seven Bulls"). The huge red rocks surrounding the resort really seem to resemble seven bulls. Jetyoguz is famous for a rare combination of high mountain climate, forest air and radioactive thermal springs with a water temperature of 38-44. Summers are cool (average July temperature is +17°C), winters are mild. Here, at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level, on the banks of a stormy mountain river, patients with non-tuberculous inflammation of the joints, diseases of the stomach and liver are treated. Patients come here from various parts of the Soviet Union.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that with increasing altitude, the air becomes more and more rarefied, and this has a strong effect on the body, leading to hypoxia - oxygen starvation. Hypoxia causes palpitations, shortness of breath, headaches, mental disorders.

Interesting experiments carried out by Soviet scientists have shown that hypoxia can be put at the service of restoring and hardening health. This is done by stepwise acclimatization. Patients are raised first to a small height, then higher. It is easy to combine treatment with radon baths and gradual acclimatization at the Jetyoguz resort.

Far beyond the borders of Kyrgyzstan, the beaches of Cholpon-Ata and Dolinka are known, well protected from the winds. Here is a well-known children's sanatorium in the republic, created back in the years of the Great Patriotic War. On the very shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, the slender white buildings of the Blue Issyk-Kul sanatorium rise. Gentle sandy shores, abundance of sun, mild maritime climate and the beauty of the surrounding landscape attract vacationers and tourists from all over our vast country. But, coming to these wonderful places, you must remember that not everyone and not always benefit from sun treatment. With cardiovascular diseases, active forms of tuberculosis and some other ailments, prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated. The sun of Issyk-Kul is generous, but its generosity should not be abused. In these places, in the morning and evening hours, ultraviolet radiation exceeds all types of radiation.

In a deep picturesque gorge of the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Range, 75 kilometers from the capital of the republic, at an altitude of 1775 meters above sea level, the cozy buildings of the Issyk-Ata resort are located. Thermal springs with water temperature from +20 to +50°C, mud and high mountain air give good results in the treatment of brucellosis, some types of stomach, nervous and other diseases.

A prominent place among the balneological resorts of Central Asia is occupied by the all-Union resort of Jalal-Abad. Its hot alkaline springs have valuable medicinal properties. Treatment of rheumatism, diseases of the liver and nervous system, skin diseases gives excellent results here. But the resort is especially famous for the treatment of kidney diseases. In this regard, doctors compare Jalal-Abad with the world-famous Cairo resort. From the outskirts of the vast park of the Jalal-Abad resort, a wonderful view of the valley of the river opens. Kugart.

The resort wealth of mountainous Kyrgyzstan is still far from being fully used. The construction of resorts is growing from year to year. In the coming years, holiday homes, sanatoriums and resorts in Kyrgyzstan will be able to receive more than 60,000 vacationers. In the near future, Kyrgyzstan will become the country's third all-Union health resort.

Ak-Suu mineral water deposit is located in the gorge of the same name, 80 km. southwest of the village of Belovodskoye. The local mineral water belongs to carbonic low-mineralized, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narzan, and in its chemical composition it is similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort Dara-Suna.

Alamudun mineral water deposit is located 30 km. from Bishkek in the gorge of the same name at an altitude of 1200-1600 m above sea level. A well drilled to a depth of 507 meters brought thermal mineral water with a temperature of +53 C to the surface of the earth. Currently, the Teplye Klyuchi sanatorium operates here, which is also an active recreation center - numerous trekking routes begin from here in the surrounding mountains.

Issyk-Ata deposit of mineral and thermal waters is located 77 km. southeast of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 m. The Arashan resort operates here with numerous hot springs and muddy mud. In addition, there is a source of clean drinking water with a specific smell, which is also used to treat chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Among the balneological resources of the Chui Valley, an important place is occupied by Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye low-mineralized hydrogen sulfide deposits of therapeutic mud. Nowhere else in Central Asia, in such a limited area, there are so many outlets of medicinal waters, surrounded by such marvelous nature.

Practically within Bishkek there is a modern "Sanatorium of Cosmonauts" with its own thermal spring.

Lake Issyk-Kul is incredibly beautiful. The Russian traveler P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, who visited the lake, compared it with Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and preferred Issyk-Kul. Issyk-Kul has long been considered enchanted by the local population. Before the arrival of Russian settlers here at the end of the 19th century, practically no one swam or fished in it. The great transparency of the rivers flowing into the lake and the bright sun change the color of the Issyk-Kul water from pale blue to dark blue tones, depending on the place and time of day. There are about 20 picturesque bays and coves here. The swimming season lasts 6 months. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C. Crystal clear water, mineral springs, combined with mountain and at the same time mild, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for a spa holiday with mud and thermal treatment.

Cholpon-Ata is a resort town on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Here it is worth visiting excursions on a boat on the lake, going to the mountains, making a day trip through the most beautiful mountain places to Alma-Ata, there are also helicopter excursions with an overnight stay in the mountains. The Altyn-Arashan hot springs, lying at an altitude of 3000 m in a beautiful open alpine valley, the huge and quiet Karkara summer pasture in the upper part of the valley, the fantastic red cliffs of the Jety-Oguz canyon and excellent trekking trails in Terskey Alatau are very popular with tourists. (Terskey-Ala-Too), south of Karakol. The best time to visit Issyk-Kul is September, although trekking in the mountains is best done between July and August.

Karakol, lying at the eastern end of the lake, is the main city in the region and the best "base" for exploring the lakeside, Terskey-Alatau and the central Tien Shan.