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Beauty of Kyrgyzstan: petroglyphs museum, thermal springs and high mountain pastures “dzhailoo. Resorts of Kyrgyzstan Beaches in Kyrgyzstan

Ak-Suu mineral water deposit is located in the gorge of the same name, 80 km. southwest of the village of Belovodskoye. The local mineral water belongs to carbonic low-mineralized, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narzan, and in its chemical composition it is similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort Dara-Suna.

Alamudun mineral water deposit is located 30 km. from Bishkek in the gorge of the same name at an altitude of 1200-1600 m above sea level. A well drilled to a depth of 507 meters brought thermal mineral water with a temperature of +53 C to the surface of the earth. Currently, the Teplye Klyuchi sanatorium operates here, which is also an active recreation center - numerous trekking routes begin from here in the surrounding mountains.

Issyk-Ata deposit of mineral and thermal waters is located 77 km. southeast of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 m. The Arashan resort operates here with numerous hot springs and muddy mud. In addition, there is a source of clean drinking water with a specific smell, which is also used to treat chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Among the balneological resources of the Chui Valley, an important place is occupied by Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye low-mineralized hydrogen sulfide deposits of therapeutic mud. Nowhere else in Central Asia, in such a limited area, there are so many outlets of medicinal waters, surrounded by such marvelous nature.

Practically within Bishkek there is a modern "Sanatorium of Cosmonauts" with its own thermal spring.

Lake Issyk-Kul is incredibly beautiful. The Russian traveler P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, who visited the lake, compared it with Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and preferred Issyk-Kul. Issyk-Kul has long been considered enchanted by the local population. Before the arrival of Russian settlers here at the end of the 19th century, practically no one swam or fished in it. The great transparency of the rivers flowing into the lake and the bright sun change the color of the Issyk-Kul water from pale blue to dark blue tones, depending on the place and time of day. There are about 20 picturesque bays and coves here. The swimming season lasts 6 months. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C. Crystal clear water, mineral springs, combined with mountain and at the same time mild, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for a spa holiday with mud and thermal treatment.

Cholpon-Ata is a resort town on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Here it is worth visiting excursions on a boat on the lake, going to the mountains, making a day trip through the most beautiful mountain places to Alma-Ata, there are also helicopter excursions with an overnight stay in the mountains. The Altyn-Arashan hot springs, lying at an altitude of 3000 m in a beautiful open alpine valley, the huge and quiet Karkara summer pasture in the upper part of the valley, the fantastic red cliffs of the Jety-Oguz canyon and excellent trekking trails in Terskey Alatau are very popular with tourists. (Terskey-Ala-Too), south of Karakol. The best time to visit Issyk-Kul is September, although trekking in the mountains is best done between July and August.

Lying at the eastern end of the lake, it is the main city in the region and the best "base" for exploring the lakeside, Terskey-Alatau and the central Tien Shan.

For the beauty of the alpine meadows and snowy peaks of the Tien Shan and the Pamirs, Kyrgyzstan was nicknamed "Asian Switzerland" and the country of "Celestial Mountains". A trip there will cost much less than to Europe, but you will definitely get no less impressions. By the way, tourists from Europe in Kyrgyzstan are almost more common than Russians. We tell you why you should go there, what to see and try.

1. Bishkek

The capital of the country contains the remnants of the Soviet past, modern architecture and Asian flavor. Bars and coffee houses are replaced by traditional teahouses, shops with koumiss and ayran, and among fashionable young people, old men in national headdresses - caps embroidered with oriental patterns - walk slowly.

For a large number of parks and gardens, Bishkek is called a "green" city. In the center of the capital there is a long and wide boulevard Erkindik with old tall oaks and a year-round outdoor art gallery where you can buy paintings by local artists. Near Oak Park - the central and oldest park in the city. Some of the trees here are over a hundred years old. In the park there is St. Nicholas Church - an architectural monument of the 19th century, and an open-air sculpture museum with statues made of concrete, wood and metal.

You can see the panorama of the city against the backdrop of the peaks of the Tien Shan from Mount Boz-Peldek, which is accessible by public transport. At its foot there is a curious sight - the ancient Kyrgyz cemetery "Khan's Graves", where one of the rulers of the valley, Baityk Khan, is buried. A stone mausoleum in the form of a domed tower was erected over his grave.

To immerse yourself in oriental life, head to the Osh bazaar. Here you can buy felt hats with patterns, bright carpets, stock up on cheap dried fruits and nuts, spices, take fresh cakes with a variety of patterns and try the popular national dish - kurut from each counter. The Kirghiz take these dry salted sour-milk balls with them for long pastures in the mountains. A nutritious and long-lasting snack. Follow their example and take a kurut for your upcoming trips to the mountains, which cover almost 90% of the country's area.

2. Ala-Archa National Park

The Ala-Archa National Park is located in the mountain gorge of the same name, just 40 kilometers from Bishkek. You can stay in the national park itself in the hotel "Ala-Archa" or in the houses of the alpine camp. The most popular route is the trail to the Ak-Sai waterfall, the glacier of the same name and the Ratsek hut, named after the Soviet mountaineer Vladimir Ratsek, the organizer of expeditions and ascents in this region. You can easily go the route in one day - the round trip is 12.8 kilometers and, taking into account the rise, it will take 8-10 hours. A faster and easier option is to walk along the same path to the Ak-Sai waterfall - it is 8 kilometers and about 4-5 hours round trip. On the way there are observation platforms from which dizzying views open.

If you decide to go to the end of the route, then in the Ratsek hut - a two-story stone house, or in a tent next to it, you can stay overnight (for a fee, you will be given a sleeping bag) in order to make a simple ascent to the Peak of the Teacher 4,500 meters high the next day above sea level. To do this, you only need good hiking shoes, trekking poles and the desire to reach the top. Do not be alarmed when you meet a herd of agile mountain goats - they are harmless and more afraid than you. From the top of the mountain, you can see the steppes on one side and the Tien Shan mountain range on the other. Together with the descent, the ascent will take 5-6 hours.

3. Lake Issyk-Kul

Issyk-Kul is the second largest salt lake in the world, surrounded by snow-capped Ala-Too peaks. The lake never freezes, so tourists come here all year round. In winter, many hot thermal springs are available for swimming.
A huge number of resort towns, villages and sanatoriums stretched along the coast. One of the most popular resorts is the city of Cholpon-Ata with sandy beaches, mineral springs, the opportunity to go diving, snorkeling, trekking to nearby peaks.
For privacy, head to the south coast. The infrastructure here is less developed than in the north, but empty, quiet beaches and untouched nature.

Residents of the city in national costumes

4. Karakol

The city is located 12 kilometers from the coast of Lake Issyk-Kul, at the foot of the Terskey-Ala-Too ridge. It attracts travelers not only with picturesque mountain views, but also with historical sights. Nikolai Przhevalsky, a Russian traveler and naturalist, explorer of Asia, was buried near Karakol in 1888, who died on his way to Karakol during his fifth expedition in Central Asia. Near the grave there is the Przhevalsky Museum, where you can learn about the life and travels of the geographer, see the exhibits brought by him from expeditions.

Another attraction of Karakol is the Dungan mosque. The Dungans are a people who migrated to Central Asia from China in the 1880s. The Chinese-style mosque, more like a Buddhist temple, was built over a hundred years ago. At the end of the cultural journey through Karakol, visit the wooden Cathedral of the Holy Trinity of the late 19th century, richly decorated with carvings.

Among outdoor enthusiasts, Karakol is known for the ski resort of the same name. The mild climate - in winter the temperature rarely drops below minus 5 degrees - and a large amount of snow make skiing on the slopes of the Tien Shan comfortable and popular among tourists. From a height of 3,040 meters above sea level, where the lift goes, views of Issyk-Kul and the nearest five-thousanders open up.

5. Canyon "Fairy Tale"

Canyon "Fairy Tale" is located on the southern coast of Issyk-Kul, 4 kilometers from the village of Tosor. Under the influence of the wind, the rocks formed stone labyrinths, walls and towers, and some took the form of animals and mythical creatures. Bright orange, and at sunset the fiery red color of the rocks is reminiscent of the famous Grand Canyon in the United States.

6. Radon and hydrogen sulfide thermal springs in the Altyn-Arashan gorge

"Altyn Arashan" is translated from Kyrgyz as "Golden Spring". Radon and hydrogen sulfide thermal springs in the gorge are famous for their healing properties and are especially popular among foreign tourists.

It is better to go here for a few days. The easiest way to get to the Arashan resort in the upper reaches of the river of the same name is to buy a ready-made tour in Karakol. On your own, you can get to the resort itself either by public transport to the village of Ak-Suu, and from there walk 4-5 hours. The long road will be rewarded with hot baths at an altitude of 2,600 meters, surrounded by mountain landscapes. In addition to paid pools, almost in the river itself there is a small free bath with hot water, as well as free natural baths right in the rocks.

Outdoor enthusiasts can go from Arashan to the high-mountain lake Ala-Kol or to small nearby lakes at a distance of a couple of hours on foot. There are many beautiful waterfalls near the resort.

7. Museum of petroglyphs

The open-air museum is a "garden of stones", once randomly brought by a glacier to the foothills of the Tien Shan foothills. On many boulders, ancient rock carvings of animals and hunting scenes dating back to the second millennium BC have been preserved. Historians associate these drawings with religious rites. In 2002, with the assistance of specialists from Germany, the petroglyphs were restored. In addition to rock carvings, the museum presents Turkic stone sculptures - balbals, and relics of ancient stone walls.

It is believed that it is better to go to the museum early in the morning or late in the evening, when the outlines of ancient drawings are clearly visible in the rays of the rising and setting sun.

8. Caravanserai Tash Rabat

The mystical and unique monument of the Middle Ages Tash-Rabat is located at an altitude of 3,000 thousand meters above sea level in the Kara-Koyun gorge. The whole structure - even the roof - is built of stone and lime. Inside is a labyrinth that connects 31 rooms. Moreover, most of them without a single window. Many passages and secret exits have been preserved under the fortress. According to one version, the building served as a Nestorian monastery, lost in a mountain gorge far from the Gentiles. Another version - Tash Rabat served as an inn, a hotel for merchants and travelers along the roads of the Great Silk Road.
You can only get here by car, so it is better to get an organized tour. You won’t have to spend the night in a “medieval hotel” - several guest yurts have been built nearby especially for tourists.

9. Jety-Oguz Gorge

The main attraction of the gorge, located on the southern shore of Issyk-Kul, is the Rocks of the Seven Bulls. Large brick-colored rocks, lined up in a long chain, really resemble bulls lying on the ground. A sad story is connected with them - the evil Khan sacrificed seven bulls at the wake of his beloved, whom he himself killed so that she would not get to another. The blood shed by her dyed the bodies of the animals, and they turned into majestic rocks. In addition to this legend, the first to meet travelers in the gorge is the huge rock "Broken Heart" - also red.

From the gorge you can walk on foot or take a horseback riding tour to the Maiden's Hair waterfall. Another popular local attraction is the resort of the same name, famous for its thermal springs and therapeutic mud. In Soviet times, cosmonauts were rehabilitated here after flights, and now the resort is open to everyone.

10. Alpine pastures "jailoo"

From the Kyrgyz "jailoo" is translated as "mountain pasture". Relatively recently, a new and now fashionable direction among wealthy tourists has developed in Kyrgyzstan - “jailoo tourism”. You are taken to a high-altitude pasture, where you spend the night in a real shepherd's yurt, wash yourself in an icy mountain river, roast a ram on a fire, which the owners will slaughter especially for you, drink koumiss - in general, live the traditional life of nomadic Kyrgyz. Not everyone will decide on such an experiment, but whoever dares should be ready to pay a decent amount for it. The cost of such a tour often depends on the number of people in the group - the more, the cheaper. The average price per person in a group of two or three participants for several days starts at about 35 thousand rubles (including jailoo). The most popular jailoos in Kyrgyzstan, where tourists are taken, are in the Semyonov Gorge, on Son-Kul Lake, Sarala-Saz jailoo, Zhaman Echki, Kilemche.

And we also have

Ak-Suu mineral water deposit is located in the gorge of the same name, 80 km. southwest of the village of Belovodskoye. The local mineral water belongs to carbonic low-mineralized, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narzan, and in its chemical composition it is similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort Dara-Suna.

Alamudun mineral water deposit is located 30 km. from Bishkek in the gorge of the same name at an altitude of 1200-1600 m above sea level. A well drilled to a depth of 507 meters brought thermal mineral water with a temperature of +53 C to the surface of the earth. Currently, the Teplye Klyuchi sanatorium operates here, which is also an active recreation center - numerous trekking routes begin from here in the surrounding mountains.

Issyk-Ata deposit of mineral and thermal waters is located 77 km. southeast of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 m. The Arashan resort operates here with numerous hot springs and muddy mud. In addition, there is a source of clean drinking water with a specific smell, which is also used to treat chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Among the balneological resources of the Chui Valley, an important place is occupied by Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye low-mineralized hydrogen sulfide deposits of therapeutic mud. Nowhere else in Central Asia, in such a limited area, there are so many outlets of medicinal waters, surrounded by such marvelous nature.

Practically within Bishkek there is a modern "Sanatorium of Cosmonauts" with its own thermal spring.

Lake Issyk-Kul is incredibly beautiful. The Russian traveler P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, who visited the lake, compared it with Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and preferred Issyk-Kul. Issyk-Kul has long been considered enchanted by the local population. Before the arrival of Russian settlers here at the end of the 19th century, practically no one swam or fished in it. The great transparency of the rivers flowing into the lake and the bright sun change the color of the Issyk-Kul water from pale blue to dark blue tones, depending on the place and time of day. There are about 20 picturesque bays and coves here. The swimming season lasts 6 months. The water temperature in summer reaches +24 C, in winter - +4 C. Crystal clear water, mineral springs, combined with mountain and at the same time mild, almost maritime climate, create unique conditions for a spa holiday with mud and thermal treatment.

Cholpon-Ata is a resort town on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Here it is worth visiting excursions on a boat on the lake, going to the mountains, making a day trip through the most beautiful mountain places to Alma-Ata, there are also helicopter excursions with an overnight stay in the mountains. The Altyn-Arashan hot springs, lying at an altitude of 3000 m in a beautiful open alpine valley, the huge and quiet Karkara summer pasture in the upper part of the valley, the fantastic red cliffs of the Jety-Oguz canyon and excellent trekking trails in Terskey Alatau are very popular with tourists. (Terskey-Ala-Too), south of Karakol. The best time to visit Issyk-Kul is September, although trekking in the mountains is best done between July and August.

Karakol, lying at the eastern end of the lake, is the main city in the region and the best "base" for exploring the lakeside, Terskey-Alatau and the central Tien Shan.

In the modern world, one of the types of outdoor activities and travel is tourism, which provides people with the opportunity to use their free time, and the economy - profit. Tourism in Kyrgyzstan until today remained in the shadow of other sectors of the economy. Its impact on the economy is negligible. The tourism services market has not yet strengthened, we can say that it is still in its infancy. And yet, analyzing the reports of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, we can conclude that in the near future tourism will become a profitable sector of the economy. For example, in 1995, the state treasury received $4.7 million from foreign tourism, and in 2000 - $10 million. In many countries where tourism plays the role of a stimulator of domestic and world trade, it provides up to half of the gross national product. In Kyrgyzstan, this figure is less than 1%. (Data of the Committee for Tourism, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic).

The development of the world tourism industry annually brings in revenues of about $ 3 trillion, including about $ 3,000 billion comes from international tourism. In general, the volume of foreign exchange earnings from tourism for the period from 1950 to 1999 increased 145 times. The practice of development of events and forecasts of specialists of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) show that the tourism market is becoming more concrete, the systems of its connections and communications are more adapted. The need for tourism development planning has increased. Judging by the above events, the level of socio-economic development of Kyrgyzstan depends to a large extent on the successful formation of a tourist and recreational complex.

In official government decisions, tourism has already received full recognition. The President of the Republic A. Akaev in his work “On the Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of the Kyrgyz Republic and Urgent Actions” considers tourism as one of the priority sectors that bring foreign exchange income to the structure of the national economy of the republic.

At the same time, Academician T. Koychuev assigns an important role to the recreation and tourism industry, which is profitable and receptive to market conditions, in raising the national economy and gaining recognition in the world market. This industry is able to develop various industries in the republic: jewelry, souvenirs, etc.

Sovereign Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous republic. There are favorable natural and climatic, medical and recreational, aesthetic, cultural, historical and other opportunities that can attract international tourists and climbers for recreation and treatment. Tourists, recreants take into account the peculiarities of the mountain landscape, the mountain climate, the duration of sunshine, the richness and diversity of the flora and fauna, the natural opportunities for mountain sports, hunting, fishing, mountaineering and related profiles (for example, climate therapy in combination with koumiss therapy).

The mountain landscape of the republic is complex and extremely diverse. The lowest altitude of the territory above sea level is 539 m, and the highest is 7439 m. More than 93% of the territory is occupied by mountains and only 7% falls on valleys and plains. A characteristic feature of the landscape is the alternation of high mountains and intermountain basins, hot deserts and dry mountain steppes, alpine and subalpine meadows on arctic glaciers. The landscape attracts tourists and recreants almost all year round and creates opportunities for the future development of tourist and recreational complexes.

Exceptionally diverse climatic conditions associated with mountainous terrain contributed to the formation of a large amount of mineral and thermal waters, therapeutic mud, different in physico-chemical composition and content of balneological microelements. The average annual duration of sunshine ranges from 2500-2800 hours (such an indicator in Moscow is about 1600 hours). The steady summer season starts from May. In the valleys, the average summer temperature is 20-25 degrees, in the valleys of average height 15-17 degrees.

The organization of types and forms of tourist and recreational activities should depend on the set of natural resources the territory of mountainous Kyrgyzstan has.

Studies of modern regional features of the tourist and recreational potential, the forecast of the prospective development of recreational complexes, are based on materials from scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. I propose to divide the republic into tourist and recreational areas.

Issyk-Kul resort and tourist area

The presence of a non-freezing lake creates such climate features that have no analogues in other regions of Kyrgyzstan, therefore the Issyk-Kul resort and tourist area is a generally recognized and actively visited resort area by residents of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia and other CIS countries. In addition to the above, it is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty. The Russian traveler P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, who visited the lake, compared it with Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and preferred Issyk-Kul. The snow-white peaks surrounding the lake rise to 4500-5000 meters, protect from the penetration of cold air from the north and hot air from the deserts of Central Asia. The water surface, open all year round, makes the climate somewhat milder and warmer compared to the climate of other regions located at the same latitude. On the coast of Lake Issyk-Kul, the average annual duration of sunshine reaches 2880 hours, while in the resorts of Crimea, located somewhat to the north in latitude, it is equal to: in Sochi - 2253, in Yalta - 2250, Evpatoria - 2440 hours. Even in such southern cities of Transcaucasia as Yerevan and Tbilisi, it is 2627 and 2053 hours respectively. In the summer months, sunshine lasts up to 300 hours, and the maximum value of total radiation is 1.67-1.68, cal / cm2. min. For comparison, we point out that the maximum values ​​of total radiation in Sochi are 1.47, and in the famous resort of Davos (Switzerland) - 1.59 cal/cm2. min. The water in the lake is salty, the total mineralization of Issyk-Kul water, according to the latest data, is 6.02/g/kg, which is not lower than the salinity of sea water. Approximately the same mineralization in the eastern part of Lake Balkhash.

With deepening, salinity rises to 18 g/kg. In addition, Issyk-Kul is rich in therapeutic mud, which are lagoon, coastal and underwater deposits. An abundance of greenery, ecologically clean mountain air, beautiful beaches, koumiss-healing sanatoriums, therapeutic mud, horseback riding or walking through picturesque gorges, fishing, swimming and boating - all these combinations are extremely unique, excellent for development tourism in the area.

Chui tourist resort area

It has a great advantage over other regions of the republic located at the same absolute height. The district is located in the north-western part of the republic, the area is 20.19 thousand km2 (less than 10% of the territory of the republic). The valley is crossed by rivers flowing from the crest of the Kyrgyz Range. They are beautiful with narrow gorges for a short rest. The Chui tourist and resort area is divided into the following tourist sites: Alamedin, Ala-Archa, Burana, Issyk-Ata, Shamshy, Chon-Kemin, Ak-Suu. Bishkek is a cognitive and at the same time a distribution hub of the entire system. Burana is a historical and cultural object. Shams are a specialized national hunt. Chon-Kemin - sports and health complex and equestrian tourism. The remaining facilities are multifunctional and can be used for a wide range of activities for both short and long stays at any time of the year.

On the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too, which belongs to the Chui tourist and resort area, there is an extremely sharp mosaic of territorial natural complexes without much difference in borders. In the low and middle mountains, where the main recreational recreation facilities are located, there are dissimilar mountain ecosystems, in the form of chains towering one above the other, covered with spruce forests, juniper forests and meadows. In these climatically favorable zones for the human body, the main resources of therapeutic mineral springs, therapeutic mud, warm springs, elements of biological origin (adrashman), medicinal herbs, etc. are located. Mass recreation and tourism are possible throughout the year. Here the climate is milder, summers are cooler, the average temperature does not exceed +18-20 degrees, winters are warm, the most comfortable for recreation. Within Bishkek are the main objects, such as: Ala-Archa National Natural Park; Mountaineering camp Ala-Archa; ski and sports camp site Chon-Tash; sanatorium "Cosmonauts" with a thermal spring, Chunkurchak and others. These facilities can accommodate tourist and recreational facilities for winter recreation: ski lodges, mountain skating rinks with cable cars and winter thermal swimming pools.

In addition to those listed, in the Chui region there are attractive natural gorges of Kara-Balta, Aspara, Ak-Suu, Dzhilamish, Ala-Archa, Alamudun, Issyk-Ata, Kegeti, Shamshy, Chon-Kemin. In the Chon-Kemin Gorge, the national natural park “Kemin” has been organized and operates with the functions of sports and recreation, mountain, water and equestrian tourism.

The landscape and geological conditions of the Chui tourist-resort region determine the presence of medicinal mineral waters of various physical and chemical composition. These include the Ak-Suu mineral water deposit, which is located in the gorge of the same name, 80 km southwest of the village of Belovodskoye, Moscow region. Ak-Suu mineral water, like other mineral waters, belongs to carbonic, slightly mineralized, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium narzans, and in their chemical composition they are similar to the mineral water of the famous Siberian resort Dara-Suna.

Alamudunskoe spring deposit of mineral waters is located 30 km from Bishkek in the gorge of the same name at an altitude of 1200-1600 meters above sea level. A well of thermal waters drilled at a depth of 507 meters brought mineral water with a temperature of 53 degrees to the surface of the earth.

On the basis of thermal waters, the sanatorium-preventorium "Teplye Klyuchi" for 100-125 places is currently operating, with the prospect of expanding it to 600 places.

The Issyk-Ata deposit of mineral and thermal waters is located 77 km southeast of Bishkek, in a narrow gorge at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. There is also a health resort - the resort "Arashan" with numerous hot springs and silty mud. In addition, there is a spring clean source of drinking water with a specific smell for the treatment of chronic diseases of the digestive system. The main promising issue for the rational use of Issyk-Ata mineral waters is the construction of new sanatoriums, therapeutic pools that meet the requirements of modern international standards.

Among the balneological resources, an important place is occupied by the Kamyshanovskoye and Lugovskoye low-mineralized, hydrogen sulfide deposits of therapeutic mud, which are used in the health institutions of Bishkek and the resort "Arashan" of the Kant region.

Talas tourist area

In comparison with other regions of the republic, it is poorly developed in socio-economic terms. With the transition to market relations, he began a comprehensive study of environmental protection measures, improving the environmental situation, social infrastructure, recreational and other resources. The Talas region is a separate part of Northern Kyrgyzstan, occupying 11.5 thousand square kilometers. (about 6%) of the area of ​​the republic with a population of 198.6 thousand people (about 5% of the total population).

The climate of the Talas Valley is highly continental with hot, dry summers and relative cold in winter and the availability of hot summer winds from the desert of neighboring republics, and winter colds from Siberia. This feature is predetermined by the northern location. In contrast to the Chui tourist and resort area.

In general, the favorable climatic regime of the Talas tourist and recreational region creates conditions for the development of tourism. The events dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the Manas epic determined the further development of international tourism in this zone. Guests from near and far abroad were convinced that there are wonderful places to relax here. Such as the gorges of the rivers Talas, Uch-Koshoy, Besh-Tash, Korumdu, etc., where it is possible to build hotels, sanatoriums, resorts, rest houses, tourist campsites, camps for local and foreign tourists in the near future. The further development of the tourism industry of the Talas region will be determined precisely by the presence of complexes of natural and recreational resources, such as unique gorges, rivers, lakes, forests, mineral waters, therapeutic mud, natural caves, waterfalls, mountain climate, etc. Here you can organize visits to national yurts for vacationing tourists with a treat with a medicinal drink of koumiss, hunting for wild animals and animals, fishing in small lakes located within transport accessibility. In the future, for the development of international tourism, it is necessary to form the material and technical base of tourist and recreational facilities, improve the infrastructure of the service sector, and after the completion of all these activities, tourists can be received, which will become an additional source of replenishing the income of the treasury of our republic.

There are several challenges in realizing this potential.

*Training of highly qualified personnel, marketers for organizing and conducting promotional events, guides, guides, travel agents, tour guides, tourism managers with knowledge of foreign languages ​​to serve foreign tourists. For the training of the above specialists, there is a good educational base and conditions in the professional lyceums of the Issyk-Kul, Chui, Jalal-Abad regions. Personnel trained in the universities of our republic, in the specialty of tourism, work in the upper levels of management and leadership, and personnel trained in the vocational education system work in the links of the tourist service sector.

* An important task is the creation of a modern material and technical base and infrastructure of the service sector that would meet international standards. With the transition to a market economy, part of the existing tourist and recreational facilities in Kyrgyzstan (health resorts, tourist and sports facilities and other facilities) were privatized, and the rest, built in the 1950s and 1960s, has a weak material and technical base and does not meet world standards. standards of living comfort for vacationers and visiting tourists, which affects the reduction in their number. If we analyze digital data, then in 1990 the total number of visiting tourists in Kyrgyzstan was 464 thousand people, and in 2000 it decreased to 446 thousand people, of which about 41.1 thousand were foreign tourists.

In the future, in order to attract the attention of tourists, it is necessary to build new sanatorium and recreational facilities, modern hotels with all amenities and 4-5 star hotels to meet the needs of tourists and vacationers. This requires the creation of a modern material and technical base, the development of the service sector and its infrastructure, the organization of a marketing and advertising service. Tourist and recreational facilities left over from the times of the socialist system, with a weak material and technical base, must at least be maintained at the current level.

At the second stage, it is advisable to implement measures aimed at improving the recreation system and expanding its capabilities. At this stage, it is appropriate to build a cable car near the village of Orto-Sai to the Chon-Tash sports base, viewing platforms for viewing the city in the area of ​​the village of Chon-Aryk, a funicular in Chunkurchak, arrangement of a zone of short-term water recreation at the Ala-Archa reservoir and at the Chumysh dam , creation of a developed network of campsites, hotels, institutions of cultural, community and commercial services. Thus, after the establishment of organizational work in the field of tourism, it will be possible to attract tourists as an additional source of replenishment of the income of the treasury of our republic, not only from nearby regions, but even from Central and East Asia, whose population is interested in unique corners of nature, architectural and memorable, cultural and historical places and ethnographic museums - gumbez of Manas, Babur, Sulaiman (Sulaiman Too), Uzgen architectural complex, Burana tower and other places of interest in Kyrgyzstan.

Omorbek Turmanbetov, Ph.D., CES NAS KR

Dokturbek Mursakmatov, Applicant of CES NAS KR

In the treatment of a number of diseases, mountain resorts are increasingly being used. The main healing factors here are crystal clear air and increased solar radiation. The charm of mountain valleys, picturesque rocks, waterfalls, dark blue mountain sky has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. It is known that emotional influences, especially in nervous diseases, are often more favorable than other curative factors.

The resort possibilities of Kyrgyzstan allow treating many diseases. Useful springs contain such a quantity of mineral substances that they are equal in quality to the waters of the North Caucasus or even surpass them. One liter of Chatyrkul water contains 3-4 grams of carbon dioxide, and in Kislovodsk narzan - only 2 grams. The water of the Yassinsky spring combines the qualities of Essentuki, Arzni and Borjomi.

There are many useful sources in Kyrgyzstan. 15 types of mineral waters are known only on the Issyk-Kul lake. Here there are radon springs, yielding half a million liters per day, and nitrogen-siliceous springs, yielding over four million liters per day.

Lake Issyk-Kul is a unique place with a mountain-marine climate. Many resort factors are combined here - thermal mineral springs, a long duration of sunshine (more than 2500 hours a year), etc. The annual arrival of solar radiation on a horizontal surface with a clear sky is about 143 kcal / cm 2.

Returning along the southern coast of Issyk-Kul from Przhevalsk, Few people do not turn off at the twentieth kilometer. Here, in the picturesque Terskey-Alatau gorge, one of the best balneological resorts in Kyrgyzstan is located - Dzhetyoguz (translated from Kyrgyz as "Seven Bulls"). The huge red rocks surrounding the resort really seem to resemble seven bulls. Jetyoguz is famous for a rare combination of high mountain climate, forest air and radioactive thermal springs with a water temperature of 38-44. Summers are cool (average July temperature is +17°C), winters are mild. Here, at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level, on the banks of a stormy mountain river, patients with non-tuberculous inflammation of the joints, diseases of the stomach and liver are treated. Patients come here from various parts of the Soviet Union.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that with increasing altitude, the air becomes more and more rarefied, and this has a strong effect on the body, leading to hypoxia - oxygen starvation. Hypoxia causes palpitations, shortness of breath, headaches, mental disorders.

Interesting experiments carried out by Soviet scientists have shown that hypoxia can be put at the service of restoring and hardening health. This is done by stepwise acclimatization. Patients are raised first to a small height, then higher. It is easy to combine treatment with radon baths and gradual acclimatization at the Jetyoguz resort.

Far beyond the borders of Kyrgyzstan, the beaches of Cholpon-Ata and Dolinka are known, well protected from the winds. Here is a well-known children's sanatorium in the republic, created back in the years of the Great Patriotic War. On the very shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, the slender white buildings of the Blue Issyk-Kul sanatorium rise. Gentle sandy shores, abundance of sun, mild maritime climate and the beauty of the surrounding landscape attract vacationers and tourists from all over our vast country. But, coming to these wonderful places, you must remember that not everyone and not always benefit from sun treatment. With cardiovascular diseases, active forms of tuberculosis and some other ailments, prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated. The sun of Issyk-Kul is generous, but its generosity should not be abused. In these places, in the morning and evening hours, ultraviolet radiation exceeds all types of radiation.

In a deep picturesque gorge of the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Range, 75 kilometers from the capital of the republic, at an altitude of 1775 meters above sea level, the cozy buildings of the Issyk-Ata resort are located. Thermal springs with water temperature from +20 to +50°C, mud and high mountain air give good results in the treatment of brucellosis, some types of stomach, nervous and other diseases.

A prominent place among the balneological resorts of Central Asia is occupied by the all-Union resort of Jalal-Abad. Its hot alkaline springs have valuable medicinal properties. Treatment of rheumatism, diseases of the liver and nervous system, skin diseases gives excellent results here. But the resort is especially famous for the treatment of kidney diseases. In this regard, doctors compare Jalal-Abad with the world-famous Cairo resort. From the outskirts of the vast park of the Jalal-Abad resort, a wonderful view of the valley of the river opens. Kugart.

The resort wealth of mountainous Kyrgyzstan is still far from being fully used. The construction of resorts is growing from year to year. In the coming years, holiday homes, sanatoriums and resorts in Kyrgyzstan will be able to receive more than 60,000 vacationers. In the near future, Kyrgyzstan will become the country's third all-Union health resort.