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Description of the resort Riga: photos, beaches, what to see, prices, distances. Riga seaside City resort on the Riga seaside

Riga is a symbiosis of modernity and antiquity. City of old European traditions. Among the Baltic capitals, it is famous for its interesting architecture of a mixture of styles. The wars did not affect the ancient buildings, you can spend hours admiring the historical heritage of the ancestors of the central part of the city.

A bit of history

The city, since the 13th century, has been a famous cultural and commercial center. The main population for centuries up to the 20th century was the Germans, who left a strong imprint on the culture and mentality of the modern population of Riga. The vicissitudes of modern migration created the conditions for the emergence of a multinational composition of residents in the capital of Latvia. The confluence of cultures has also influenced the mood of the city, but German remains the main contributor.

How to get there

Riga is located in the central part of Europe, near the coast of the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea. The river Daugava (Western Dvina, renamed in Latvia) flows through the city. The historical center is located on the right bank of the Daugava.

The city has excellent transport routes. The railway station is a junction station in the center of the capital of Latvia, providing communication with any city, there are direct routes from Moscow. Despite the comfort of branded cars, the fare has become prohibitively high, so many city guests prefer to travel by air. The airport is located in the suburbs, at a close distance, it is not difficult to get from there. In addition to taxis, public transport functions well, fares are paid in euros.


The city is located close to the coast of the bay, which affects the climate of the city. There are no sharp fluctuations in temperature, but the climate is close to temperate continental. There is little precipitation, the summer is not hot, the temperature rarely rises above + 250C, winters are with a slight frost. The swimming season on the coast opens in mid-June. The best time to travel is the middle of summer. This is also emphasized by the large number of beau monde gathering at this time in Riga and surrounding areas.

Where to stay

The city welcomes guests with a large number of hotels; there are 260 hotels in Riga. Main class 4-5 stars. There is a sufficient number of free places, but in the best hotels it is better to book rooms in advance. Popular are Wellton Elefant, a new hotel in 2012, located on the highway from the airport to Old Riga, the Islande hotel, located in the center on Kipsala Island, a former student town, as well as a boutique hotel in an old building Wellton Gertrude, a great place to stay with the whole family close to the famous Latvian National Opera next to Old Riga.

What to see

During the beach season it is interesting to visit the coast. Few people know that, in addition to the Jurmala direction, there is a resort area in the direction of Vecaki, where many summer cottages of famous people are located. The entire coast is provided with infrastructure, there are many interesting cafes, open areas for recreation with tea drinking and various places for recreation. Here you will not hear impolite treatment, as tourists are respected for their ability to generate income.

The coast is a paradise for middle-aged people or families with small children. There is also a lot of entertainment for young people, but this age is more characterized by expression, which is lacking in the measured rhythm of the resort area. Young creatures prefer to rest mainly in Riga itself.

The city has many attractions. In addition to just sightseeing tours, you can visit the Dome Cathedral, a huge number of museums located in the city center, as well as medieval castles, located no more than two hours from Riga.

The city is visited by people of all ages. Someone is attracted by nostalgia, someone wants to see the famous city live. Calm and measured, worthy to look at him. With all the recent belonging to a large country, the tourist must remember that now it is a foreign state, and the native Latvians are distrustful of the citizens of another state. Under the guise of European benevolence, one can consider the unwillingness to communicate. It is better to rely on your own strength, stock up on guidebooks and euros.

In 10-15 minutes by train from Riga, 16 kilometers to the west of it, a resort of all-Union significance begins - the Riga seaside, the city of Jurmala. Riga seaside - the pearl of the Baltic. The resort area stretches along the southern coast of the Gulf of Riga in an 18-kilometer strip overgrown with pine forests. From the south and east, the seashore for 22 kilometers is washed by the waters of the river. Lielupe. The width of the resort strip between the bay and the river is about 3 kilometers, and in the Majori-Dubulti region it decreases to 350 meters. The resort begins with the summer cottage Lielupe and stretches with an uninterrupted chain of holiday villages (Bulduri, Dzintari, Majori, Dubulti, Pumpuri, Melluzi, Asari) to the Vaivari station.

43 kilometers from Riga there is a large balneological resort of Kemeri, located 5 kilometers from the Gulf of Riga. On the shore of the bay, the construction of the balneological sanatorium complex Jaunkemeri - New Kemeri, which will be the largest in the Baltics, is being completed.

Along the entire seashore stretches one of the best beaches in the country with a width of 50-100 meters. It is covered with clean, fine, yellowish sand.

The coastal zone is shallow, and therefore the water near the coast warms up well in summer. Its heating is also facilitated by shallows stretching along the coast.

The beach along its entire length is framed by dunes overgrown with pines. The width of the dunes is about 50 meters, and the height varies from 10 to 15 meters. The dunes reliably protect vacationers from the cold northern winds blowing from the bay. Behind the dune strip to the river. Lielupe stretches pine, and in some places deciduous forest.

Summer-type houses are scattered among the trees, in some places the buildings of sanatoriums and rest houses rise. Only Majori and Dubulti, lying in the center of Jurmala, resemble a city in their appearance.

There are more than 25 sanatoriums on the Riga seashore, including new or modernized Ķemeri, Baltija, Latvija, Chaika, Jurnieks, Bulduri and others. There are also more than 30 rest houses, including including the House of Creativity of the Art Fund of the USSR, the House of Creativity of Writers. Rainis and others. Every year, tens of thousands of workers rest and receive medical treatment on the seaside.

In the sanatoriums of the Riga seaside, diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia that has arisen after blood loss, infectious diseases and on the basis of chronic diseases of various organs, functional diseases of the nervous system (neurasthenia, neurosis), etc. are treated. origin, treatment with mud and hydrogen sulfide waters of mineral springs is used. A new polyclinic with modern equipment has been built on the Riga seaside, a bioclimatic station and an agroclimatic pavilion are operating.

The Riga seashore provides ample opportunities for active recreation for tourists and "savages". There are many routes for walking tours and boat trips on the Lielupe, to Riga, to Lake Kisezers, etc.

The favorite places of hunters and fishermen are the arms and oxbow lakes at the mouth of the Lielupe and especially the lake Babite with an area of ​​26 square kilometers. On the coast there are sports bases and several boat stations. All-Union competitions in sailing, rowing and water-motor sports are held on the Lielupe.

The Riga seashore is one of the seaside climatic resorts of the temperate zone, and it is natural that its climatic conditions are an important part of the entire medical complex. The climate of the Riga seaside is semi-marine. Summers are relatively cool, winters are relatively mild. The warm period is especially favorable for climate treatment and relaxation. It starts in May. May is the driest and sunniest month of the year. During the month, the sun shines for 260 hours, and there are only four cloudy days. Clear days and days with partly cloudy are about 20 per month. Sunny dry weather is only occasionally replaced by relatively cold with northern winds, sometimes with frosts. Winds from the bay are generally frequent on the Riga coast, but there are places on the coast where the wind speed is significantly reduced. These are forested dunes and the streets of Jurmala stretched parallel to them. With an average air temperature in May of 11-12° during the daytime, it is in the range from 15 to 20° in half of all days of the month. The sea, however, is still cool in May, the water surface temperature during the day is only 10-12°, on clear days it rises to 13-14°. On such days, the temperature of the sand surface on the beach is 13-15° in the morning, and around noon it rises to 25-27°. In the second half of May, when bird cherry, lilac, apple and cherry trees bloom, the villages of Jurmala turn into a garden.

In June, during the daytime, the average air temperature is already 19-20°, while on half of all days of the month it is above 20°, and on some days even above 25°. The sun shines during the month for 270-280 hours, and there are only one or two days without sun in the summer. Throughout the summer, partly cloudy or partly cloudy weather prevails. During the day in clear weather, a light breeze blows from the bay, a sea breeze that improves well-being. Rains fall 10-12 times a month. However, summer rains are short-lived and the sun usually shines again in an hour or two. The sands of the seaside quickly absorb rainwater, so the streets and the beach dry out quickly even after heavy rains.

The temperature of the water surface near the coast in June, as a rule, is still low - in the morning it is usually 14-15 °, and in the daytime and evening it rises to 16-17 ° and only on some days it can be warmer - 20-22 °. The sand on the beach in June is already very hot. During the day in sunny weather, the temperature of its surface reaches 32-36°, and sometimes even exceeds 40°.

In July and August - the warmest months of the year - the best conditions for recreation on the Riga coast. The average air temperature in these months is 16-17°, and in the daytime it is 21-23°, while in the afternoon on half of all days of the month it stays in the range from 20 to 25°, 5-7 days it is above 25°, and on some days and above 30°.

It is during these months, at the height of summer, that the swimming season unfolds on the seashore. The water temperature in the morning is 16-17°, on sunny days in the morning it rises to 18-19°, and in the afternoon and evening to 18-20°. On some days, when northern winds drive warm water from the surface of the bay to the coast, the water temperature near the coast can rise to 23-26 °. Swimming in such water is especially pleasant. The south wind, on the contrary, drives warm water away from the coast, and although the air is warmer on such days, the water near the coast usually remains cool, and sometimes its temperature drops to 8-10 °. The surface of the sand on sunny days heats up to 34-36g, and on the unforested southern slopes of foredunes - up to 45° and above.

In July-August, there is usually relatively much rain (13-14 days with rain per month). However, in about half of all cases, especially in August, it rains at night or early in the morning, and by noon the weather improves on the coast. The heat, sometimes felt on the beach, thanks to the sea breezes, does not tire. In addition, you can hide from the hot rays of the sun in the shade of the seaside forest. The air, especially in a pine forest, is highly ionized, saturated with the smell of pine needles and refreshingly clean.

September is quite often still warm and dry, it even happens that it turns out to be warmer than August. This month, the temperature of both air and water begins to decrease. The average air temperature in September is 12°, during the day it rises to 16°, and at this time of the day the temperature is from 15 to 20° (14 days) and only 6 days can it be above 20°.

The swimming season usually ends in mid-September.

Although there are not as many sunny days on the Riga coast as in the Crimea or the Caucasus, the summers here are still quite warm.

The climate of the Riga seaside hardens and trains the human body.

A small difference between the temperatures of day and night, frequent, albeit slight, fluctuations in temperature and air humidity from day to day have a beneficial effect on the entire body, they improve blood circulation, metabolism, and increase the tone of the nervous system. The resistance of a person to colds also increases.

Sea bathing, air and sunbathing, gymnastics, sleeping in the fresh air improve overall health, strengthen the nervous system, give strength and energy.

The bay, which will be discussed in this article, is located between two small states - Estonia and Latvia. It is located in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea.

Briefly about the Riga seaside

Speaking about it, many people first of all represent the well-known Jurmala - the resort of the Gulf of Riga. However, not everyone knows that this coast is located only on the left side of the mouth where the capital of Latvia, Riga, also stands.

There are also recreation areas on the right side of the coast, which are part of the Riga region and have the same magnificent beaches with golden sands, where you can have a great summer vacation. There is only one feature of this site - even at the height of the season it is much calmer here, which is also welcomed by many vacationers.

Gulf of Riga: location, description

One of the most popular tourist destinations is the Riga seaside.

On the north side of the bay are the islands of the Moonsund archipelago, which belong to Estonia. Most of the banks of the reservoir are made of sand. The area of ​​the bay, which flows into the land at a distance of almost 174 km, is 18.1 thousand square meters. km. In width, it stretches for 137 kilometers. The maximum depth of the Gulf of Riga is relatively small and equal to 54 meters.

The islands of the bay are separated from the mainland by the Irben Strait, located between the southern tip and Cape Kolkasrags, as well as Väinameri (Strait). Among them there are islands belonging to Estonia. These are Kihnu, Manilaid, Ruhnu and Abruka. For the most part, the coast of the bay is lowland, and its bottom is mostly sandy.

The Lielupe is a river in the Gulf of Riga. Pärnu, Salaca, Gauja and Age also flow into it.

The largest port of these places is Riga. It should also be noted that the western shore of the bay is called Livsky, and it is a protected area.

In the nearby territories to the bay there are magnificent natural attractions: Pisiuras Park, the Vella Kalva boulder ridge, the Randu Plyavas botanical reserve, the rocky Vidzeme seaside area, etc.

Flow pattern and temperature

In summer, the water temperature reaches 18 ° C, in winter it drops to 0-1 ° C. The bay is covered with ice in December and is hidden by it until April. The salinity of the waters reaches 6%.

The flow has a rotational type, and its average speed is about 8 cm/sec.

Resorts and cities

Beautiful Latvian towns and resorts attract numerous guests for recreation. On the southwestern coast is the glorious city of Jurmala, on the north - the magnificent Pärnu, on the island of Saaremaa is the city of Kuressaare.

The Gulf of Riga has placed many settlements on its shores. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages.

One of the most beautiful resorts not only on the Riga coast, but also in Europe is Jurmala, located 14 kilometers from the capital of Latvia. This resort area stretches in a narrow strip along a long section (32 km) of the coast of the Gulf of Riga.

The most famous of the settlements are the following: Dzintari, Lielupe, Bulduri, Asari, Dubulti, Majori and Kemeri. Each of these villages is original and unique. Below is a brief description of some of them.

1. Dzintari is famous for its famous concert hall, where the New Wave music competitions, KVN festivals and concerts of world pop stars take place.

2. Lielupe is a large sports center with excellent tennis courts and a yacht club. The largest water park in Latvia is also located here.

3. Asari and Melluzhi are mostly designed for a more relaxing holiday.

4. Majori is notable for the lively Jomas pedestrian street with numerous shops located on it.

6. The park of magnificent water attractions can be visited in Vaivari.

Mangalsala Peninsula

The Gulf of Riga washes this extraordinary peninsula. This area is a place where a wonderfully green pine forest gradually turns into soft golden beaches. The main man-made attraction of the peninsula is the Eastern pier (Mangalsalskaya dam), built in 1861 during the reign of Alexander II.

Also here you can see with your own eyes the catacombs that have survived from the period of the Russian-Swedish war. All this is protected by the Latvian state. Stunning picturesque sunsets look great here. The Gulf of Riga is rich in natural wonders.

A bit about the history of the formation of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf

Quite interesting is the history of the formation of the youngest (in terms of geology) in Europe, the Baltic Sea, with which the Gulf of Riga is also connected.

The Holocene is the time of formation of its current boundaries. Much earlier (the Pleistocene period), continental ice kept its waters in a closed space (the Baltic depression). During the melting of ice, the sea turned into a lake. Then, as it filled up (10 thousand years ago), it again turned into a sea - Yoldium (named from the mollusk Yoldia, which got into it from the Atlantic), which connected with the North. As a result of certain tectonic processes over the course of two thousand years, the central territory of present-day Sweden has risen. Thus, the connection with the ocean was closed, and the lightly salted Yoldian Sea turned into the freshwater Lake Ancylus.

Due to the gradual warming of the climate, the isthmus sank in place, and already the so-called Littorina Sea (also from the mollusk - Littorina litorea) reached the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, 4 thousand years ago, the outlines of its shores arose, of course, changed over 1.5 thousand years.

Since the level of the previous Littorina Sea was 6 meters higher than the mainland, the sea spread over vast territories, forming bays, among which the Riga one turned out to be the smallest.

The city has 900 thousand inhabitants. Magnificent architecture - from medieval to modern,
Riga attractions - Old Town (Vetsriga), Dome Square, buildings of the Small and Big Guilds.

Churches and cathedrals:

  • The Dome Cathedral(Dome Square) (Domus Dei - house of God) was built in 1211, the interior dates from the 17th century. There are many artistic treasures in the cathedral, but undoubtedly the greatest of them is the magnificent organ, made in 1884 by the masters of the German company Walker and Co. in Ludwigsburg. Its height is 25 m, width - 11 m, depth - 10 m. Ancient paintings, amazing wood carvings and stone-cutting creations multiply the cultural significance of the cathedral. Divine services and organ music concerts are regularly held here.
  • Cathedral of St. Jacob, built in 1226 outside the city wall. The church has retained its Gothic spire. In the 18th century, during the next major restoration, the craftsmen found the remains of a man immured standing in the wall.
  • Reformed Church, built in 1733. Each
  • Sunday services are held here, at the same time you can see it from the inside.
  • alt="Nativity Cathedral" border="1" height="120" hspace="5" src="http://image2..jpg" vspace="5" width="150" />Православный Рождественский кафедральный собор. !} In Soviet times it was used as a planetarium.
  • Church of St. Peter. Built in the 13th century. At one time, its tower was the tallest wooden structure in Europe. The current height of the tower is 123.25 m. The wonderful city opens from the observation deck of the tower, where you can take the elevator. Behind the church, the statue of Roland by August Foltz is waiting for better times. A copper plaque in the floor immediately after the entrance announces that this is where the center of Riga is.
  • Church of St. John. It was consecrated in 1234 as a temple of John the Baptist. Outside, there is a barred window in the wall. According to legend, two monks were immured here, and the parishioners served them food and drink through this very window.
  • Riga castle. Originally, the castle of the Livonian Order, built in the 1330s, stood here. During the clashes between the knights and the inhabitants of Riga, the castle was destroyed. The current castle was completed in 1515 and is a striking example of medieval architecture. Now it is the residence of the President of Latvia. The Latvian Historical Museum is also located here, founded in 1869 as the Museum of the Scientific Commission of the Riga Latvian Society and since 1920, already under the auspices of the government of the Republic of Latvia, transferred to the Riga Castle.


  • Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts;
  • Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation. The oldest museum in Latvia, founded in 1773;
  • Museum of the 50 Year Occupation of Latvia;
  • Latvian Museum of Photography;
  • Museum of Pharmacy;
  • automobile museum;
  • Memorial apartment-museum of J. Rosenthal and R. Blaumanis;
  • Ethnographic open-air museum - located 11 km. from the center of Riga in a pine forest on the banks of a picturesque lake. Yugla. Here are concentrated the most typical buildings (the oldest one is from the 17th century) from all ethnographic regions of Latvia.

    There are many entertainment centers in Riga - night clubs, casinos, discos and you will not be bored here. And in 2001 Riga turns 800 years old! The whole city will be filled with events dedicated to the anniversary. The main celebrations will take place from 17 - 19 August.

    South of Riga stands the magnificent Rundale Palace, the summer residence of the Duke of Courland, built by the architect Rastrelli.

    beautiful Latvian resorts with a mild climate and clean pine air:

  • Baldone, located near Riga - a balneological and mud resort with a picturesque park;
  • Liepaja- seaside mud and climatic resort;
  • Jurmala, stretching along the sandy coast of the Gulf of Riga for 33 km. There is also a museum-cottage of the poet Jan Rainis;
  • A popular resort is located on the picturesque bank of the Gauja River Sigulda. Caves, dense forest, ruins of medieval castles create a unique originality of this place.

    Jurmala- a seaside resort on the coast of the Gulf of Riga, 25 km from Riga. Pine aroma combined with sea air, wonderful landscapes make every corner of the coast of Jurmala attractive from Lielupe to Jaunkemeri. Jurmala is numerous sanatoriums, hotels, campsites; concert hall "Dzintari" and tennis center in Lielupe and many other places for entertainment and recreation.

    Sigulda- a medieval city and a picturesque corner of Latvia. The castle of Turaida, which served as a fortress for the ancient Livs, has been preserved here. Gauja National Park: the unique beauty of its ancient shores is given by the forested cliffs of white and red sandstone and dolomite cliffs up to 20 m high. The highest is Randatu cliff. From its 25-meter height, a stunning view opens up. In Sigulda, next to the ruins of a medieval fortress, modern hotels and restaurants are comfortably located.

    Cesis- a city with cobbled streets and wooden houses, located 38 km. from Sigulda. The ancient town of Cesis has preserved the ruins of the ancient Livonian castle. Now in the castle of Livonian times in Cēsis, a costumed theatrical performance is being organized: guests are greeted by knights in armor, torches are lit, ancient music sounds, dances are performed, a real medieval meal is offered (in those days they did without cutlery). The surroundings of the city are one of the most picturesque places in Latvia.

    Another medieval monument - Kuldiga, located on the banks of the river Venta. Kuldiga - the heart of Kurzeme - was first mentioned in historical documents in 1242. The architecture of the Old Town captures the features of many centuries - Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque buildings, burgher and merchant houses. The decoration of the city is the waterfall "Venta Rumba" - the largest in Latvia (110 m wide and 1.5 high).
    Interesting excursions in Kurzeme:
    - excursion along the valley of the rivers Abava and Venta (Kurzeme);
    - visiting the ancient castle Jaunmokas (1901), built for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of Riga;
    - Sightseeing in Kandava and Sabile.

    Unique archaeological and historical monuments in Araisi(The most valuable are the remains of the Latgalian settlement of the 9th-10th centuries on the island of Lake Araishi).

    Place Sabile- the northernmost point in the world where grapes are grown. Enthusiasts are ready to restore the traditions of winemaking - at least to attract tourists.

    Daugavpils- the second largest city in Latvia. It mainly presents architectural monuments of the 19th century - ensembles of the former fortress with fortifications.

    In the city Aluksne there is a wonderful park (XVIII-XIX centuries), the ruins of a castle of the XIV century, the suburban landscapes are also magnificent.

    beautiful Latgale, the land of many peoples whose culture has contributed to the appearance of the region: Latgalians, Russians, Belarusians, Poles, Lithuanians. This is the center of Catholicism in Latvia, as evidenced by numerous churches and basilicas. In 1993, the Pope of Rome celebrated Mass in the Aglona Basilica. The ruins of once majestic castles remind of the Northern Crusades. Many lakes, picturesque hills.

    Not far from the city Kraslava Sauleskalns hill is located - 211 m above sea level. From its top, a wonderful panorama of the blue-green realm of water and forest opens up, from here, in clear weather, 26 lakes are visible. And children in Latgale are offered to see ceramics workshops and even try to make something on the potter's wheel themselves.

    Traditional applied art of Latvia- weaving, metal, amber and wood processing, knitting and embroidery, Latvian ceramics is famous.

    The most popular and widely celebrated holiday in Latvia is Janov day- 23 June. If you are a beer lover and you come to Latvia on Jan's Day, then you will fall in love with Latvia like beer! In any case, you will get an unforgettable experience! Folk song festivals are regularly held in Riga, starting with a colorful procession of participants in national costumes.

    Leisure. Farms and farms, homesteads, cottages and campsites, tourist camps in the national parks of Latvia, among forests, on the banks of numerous rivers attract lovers of nature, hiking, horseback riding, fishing and other outdoor activities.