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Where to buy liquid bags for carry-on luggage. How much liquid can you carry in hand luggage and checked luggage (2018)

Finding cheap flights

We all take liquids on a trip: shampoo, cream, deodorant. If you want to avoid problems during inspection, study the rules and check in advance how many tubes are in your suitcase. And most importantly, look at what substances the airlines consider liquid.

How many ml of liquid can you take on a plane?

Rules regarding the amount of liquids on board are issued by international aviation and apply at the airport of each country. Knowing the transportation norms, fly without problems with transfers in Russian and international airports, even if your ticket does not include luggage.

If you want to know which tickets do not include luggage, read our review

Liquids in luggage

In your luggage, take as many liquids as you can carry (or as much luggage as the airline allows you to carry). The main condition is tightness. The contents of the suitcase must not harm or stain the belongings of other passengers, even if the container breaks on the road.

Aerosols and pressurized cans are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage. Place in checked baggage: if there is a cap, the volume of the cylinder is less than 500 ml and the weight of all cylinders does not exceed 2 kg.

Liquids in hand luggage

If you are flying alone, take a maximum of 1 liter of liquid and jelly-like substances in separate 100-milliliter packages into the cabin. We tell you in detail how to comply with these restrictions.

How to carry liquid on a plane?

Pack all liquids in 100 ml or 1 deciliter containers and wrap them in one transparent bag. Do not take more containers (even if they are filled to the bottom), they will not be allowed on the flight. Choose a bag with a zipper, but this requirement is not critical. Follow the rule: one passenger - one package.

When flying to the USA and Canada, the permitted volume is slightly less - 90 milliliters (3 ounces).

Pour all liquids into small containers. Where to get them:

  • buy a mini version of your product,
  • keep the miniature shampoos given at the hotel,
  • repurpose empty containers, such as cosmetic jars,
  • buy a flight travel kit: cosmetic bag plus tubes.

Collect bottles in a bag:

  • tie a transparent plastic bag or secure it with an elastic band;
  • buy a stationery bag with a zip fastener;
  • fill a transparent cosmetic bag with a zipper.

It will be a plus if the container has a mark in milliliters. Do not overfill medications; they will only be released in the manufacturer's box. Put everything on top of your bag in case they ask you to show it at the airport.

Where to buy a bag for liquids on a plane

This package is not uncommon. Look for packaging bags with a Zip Lock in a stationery store; the size 20x20 cm, colorless and without a pattern, will suit you. You can find the same bags in hardware stores.

Choose a transparent cosmetic bag with studs or a zipper from a cosmetics store. There, ask about special travel kits for cosmetics: several empty 50-100 ml bottles in transparent packaging.
Travel kits from supermarkets and convenience stores are also a great option.

There is no time to search - take a simple transparent bag or file and put everything in it. Do not tie it tightly - during inspection they will ask you to take the bottles out, it is better to secure them with an elastic band.

What about liquids in hand luggage?

There is a lot in this list that will surprise you, so read and remember which substances airlines consider liquid:

  1. food: canned food, caviar, pate, sauces, soups, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, jelly, jam, preserves, butter, soft cheese, honey, chocolate and peanut butter;
  2. cosmetics and perfumery: perfume, eau de toilette, cream, sun lotion, cosmetic mask, varnish, lipstick and lip gloss, mascara, creamy eye shadow;
  3. personal hygiene items: toothpaste, roll-on deodorant, shaving foam and lotion, shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, shower gel;
  4. medications: aerosols, inhalers, sprays, syrups;
  5. drinks: juice, syrup, carbonated drinks, water, alcohol.

That is, everything liquid, paste-like, jelly-like, puree-like, gel-like, a mixture of liquid with solid particles of the airline is classified under these rules.

Why you can't take liquids on a plane

Due to the growing terrorist threat and the risk of sabotage on aircraft at the beginning of the 2000s, security measures were strengthened and requirements for baggage and hand luggage passengers. The impetus was the discovery by the British intelligence services of a terrorist cell that intended to detonate a “liquid bomb” on several planes. Due to the difficulty of identifying liquid explosives and flammable substances during inspection, restrictions were introduced on the volume of containers and the amount of liquid per passenger.

In 2006, European Union countries agreed on additional safety regulations for civil aviation, it included enhanced screening procedures, the installation of screening devices and restrictions on the carriage of liquid substances in hand luggage. In 2007, Russia also introduced such rules. During major events, such as the Olympics, there is a complete ban on carrying liquids in hand luggage.

- a question that interests passengers of many airlines. People do not always understand what belongs to this category of luggage, what items can be taken into the cabin, and what is better to leave at home or check in with regular cargo.

What is the essence?

First, let's look at what is considered hand luggage on an airplane. This is a special type of baggage that is allowed to be taken into the cabin of an airliner. It has its own rules and regulations for transportation, depending on the rules of the airline. For example, economy class passengers receive one seat, and business class and 1st class passengers receive twice as many.

It is believed that the equivalent of one place is a bag or backpack containing personal belongings. This is wrong. The main criterion is the weight of hand luggage and its dimensions. It is these parameters that the carrier is based on. Such baggage is subject to a number of restrictions, which may vary.

General prohibitions

Before checking in for a flight, it is important to be clear about what you cannot take on the plane. Generally speaking, the category of prohibited cargo includes weapons, liquefied gases, as well as dangerous substances (radioactive, toxic, caustic). The category of prohibited items also includes explosives, liquefied gases, sharp objects, including household appliances such as wire cutters, a corkscrew, scissors, a folding knife and others.

Below we will consider in detail what you can take in hand luggage on a plane, and what items are prohibited in relation to food, cosmetics, medicines, digital equipment and other cargo.


First, let's look at what you are allowed to carry. from food. As a rule, airlines restrict passengers in this matter by prohibiting the carriage of jelly-like and liquid foods. But you can take with you:

  • Nuts.
  • Fruits.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Cookie.
  • Chips and other products.

If you are flying with a child, you are allowed to take baby food. If jellies, juices or yoghurts are found before departure, they will most likely be prohibited from being carried. This also applies to food that is packaged in cans. Those products that are allowed to be brought on board are recommended to be packed in transparent bags, which speeds up the inspection procedure.

Before departure, pay attention to the carrier's requirements, as they may vary. Pay special attention to goods from DutyFree stores. They are allowed to be taken on the plane, but only if they are packaged in a bag and have a receipt in hand.

Cosmetical tools

Women often ask what they can take with them. from cosmetics. As a rule, carriers allow you to bring into the cabin:

  • Blush.
  • Eyeliner.
  • Shadows.
  • Powder and other means.

As for jelly-like compositions, as well as liquids that are packaged in containers larger than 0.1 liters, it is prohibited to take them with you. The only option is to transfer your items to checked luggage. In addition, it is not permitted to bring pressurized cans into the cabin. In this case, the total volume of liquids carried should not exceed 1000 ml. This nuance should be taken into account before departure.

Medical supplies

An equally important issue is medications. The following medications are allowed as hand luggage:

  • Pills.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Materials for dressing.
  • Various drops.

All products should be sealed and carried with instructions for use. Otherwise, customs officers may have questions for the passenger, up to and including the need to conduct a detailed inspection. If there is an injury, hand luggage can be supplemented with special means for movement, for example, crutches. Regarding the upper limit of liquids, the same rules apply here as mentioned above.

Digital equipment

According to air carrier rules, you can take digital equipment on board the plane - a laptop, player, tablet, camera, charger and even a hairdryer. But there is a limitation regarding mobile phones. It can be brought into the cabin, but must be turned off. This is due to safety concerns, as radiation from mobile devices can interfere with the operation of aircraft electronics.

If you plan to carry large equipment with you that exceeds the permissible dimensions, it is better to check it as regular luggage.

What to do with documents and jewelry?

According to airline rules, you are allowed to take valuables, jewelry, wallets and important documents with you in hand luggage. You also need to take your passport with you so as not to accidentally end up in a foreign country without documents. There are situations when luggage does not fit on one plane and then it can be sent on the next flight.

Clothing and personal care items

When it comes to personal hygiene items, you can bring a toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb (without a handle), wet wipes and even nail polish remover on board the plane. At the same time, it is prohibited to take cutting or piercing things into the salon. This rule also applies to nail scissors.

From clothes you can take with you a coat, a jacket (sweater), an umbrella, a blanket and a shawl. Generally speaking, it is allowed to take almost all clothing if it does not contradict the airline’s rules and does not exceed the permissible standards (dimensions, weight).

What are the weight and size restrictions?

Separate question - How much hand luggage can you take on a plane?. Here, each airline has its own rules, which depend on the destination, ticket price, flight class and other factors. There are only two main criteria, namely size and weight:

  • Dimensions. They should not exceed 56 cm in length, 46 cm in height, and 25 cm in width.
  • Weight. Requirements vary here and different airlines may have limits ranging between 3 and 15 kg.


Despite some similarity in the requirements of air carriers regarding hand luggage, some rules are strictly individual. For example, low-cost airlines that provide budget flights are stricter about hand luggage and allow you to take a minimum of things into the cabin. There is a maximum of one seat per person. More established companies will have fewer restrictions. In any case, it is important to clarify these points in advance, even before purchasing a ticket and checking in for the flight.

With the start of the summer holidays, tourists have become increasingly interested in the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage on board an airliner. After all, travelers often do not have reliable information about what is allowed to take on board an aircraft and what is strictly prohibited. Usually, our compatriots, when packing their bags for a trip, rely on the advice of friends who often fly with various airlines. However, even they may not have an idea of ​​all the intricacies of baggage transportation rules. Baggage rules also change regularly. Therefore, by the summer season, every major air carrier tries to publish an updated list on its official website, which indicates everything that passengers need to know. Most of all, those who travel with large families with children of different ages are concerned about the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage on an airplane. In today's article we will give you the most up-to-date information on this issue.

Hand luggage: description of the term

Anyone who has flown by plane at least once is well aware of the phrase “carry-on luggage.” It seems that this term should not raise questions, but, as practice shows, not every traveler correctly understands its meaning.

According to international terminology, hand luggage is understood as a bag with the passenger’s personal belongings, corresponding to the dimensions and weight established by the airline, and also marked with a special tag.

Each air carrier independently sets the dimensions of hand luggage, so you must carefully read the rules before flying. Quite often, when booking a ticket via the Internet, this data is displayed on the screen, which greatly facilitates preparation for the trip.

Many tourists classify as hand luggage everything that they take with them on board an aircraft, but this is not at all true. Each passenger is absolutely free to bring the following things onto the plane:

  • handbag;
  • laptop or tablet;
  • umbrella;
  • paper folders;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear or suit in a case.

All of the above does not need to be weighed or marked, so these items cannot be classified as hand luggage. Remember this when planning a trip.

Liquids on an airplane

Just a few years ago, the rules and regulations for transporting liquids on an airplane were quite relaxed. They did not have strict restrictions, which made life much easier for passengers - they could take almost everything they wanted into the aircraft cabin. However, for last years In the face of increasing terrorist threats, airlines have significantly limited the carrying of liquids on planes.

Therefore, before the flight, each passenger should carefully study what and in what quantities he can take with him. Many travelers are interested in what baggage rules they need to follow on planes - Russian or international. This point usually raises numerous questions, because each country pays attention to its own specific nuances. How not to make mistakes when planning a trip?

In fact, everything is simple: in order to correctly calculate the amount of liquid that you are allowed to take on board, you should look not for the rules of the country you are flying to, but for the airline operating the flight. The carrier’s website will indicate all the nuances that meet the requirements of international transportation standards, and the air carrier’s own changes.

Since we cannot cover all the famous airlines in the world, in the article we will focus on international standards, and also consider the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage of two Russian leaders in air transportation - Aeroflot and S7. After all, these are the companies most often used by Russians to fly within the country and abroad.

Rules for transporting liquids in airplane baggage

Many travelers flying to the sea take with them a lot of creams, as well as other cosmetics that are equivalent to liquids. Some tourists even manage to bring their own drinks on vacation - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. When packing bags, questions often arise about whether all this can be carried in the luggage compartment and whether airline employees will force you to take these things out of the suitcase.

If you are also concerned about such issues, then you don’t have to worry - you can carry in your luggage any amount of liquids and substances that fall under this category in terms of consistency. The absence of restrictions is due to the fact that all bags and suitcases entering the luggage compartment of the aircraft must undergo an X-ray inspection. Therefore, airline employees are confident that there can be nothing prohibited in your luggage, and liquids do not pose any danger at all.

The only thing a traveler may encounter is a restriction on the import of foreign alcohol into Russian territory. Of course, this nuance does not apply to air carriers, but concerns customs rules. However, this information cannot be superfluous. Please note that when returning to the country you should not have more than three liters of alcoholic liquid per person. Otherwise, customs will confiscate the excess alcohol.

Liquid purchased at duty free

Often our compatriots, having checked in their luggage and gone through all stages of personal search, head to duty-free shops to buy something interesting. Usually these purchases are alcoholic beverages and perfumes, which, of course, are liquids. And therefore, they will be subject to the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage. How not to be left without your purchases and deliver them safe and sound?

There is some deviation from the general rules in this regard. According to it, passengers have the right to bring on board liquids purchased at a duty-free store. However, they must be packed in a sealed bag, which must be kept closed during air travel. In addition, you should not throw away the receipt confirming the purchase. Airline employees can request this document from you at any time to ensure that the purchase was made on the day of departure.

Rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage

If you plan to take on board any liquids that you cannot do without during the flight, then you should very carefully study the rules of the airline carrying you.

Keep in mind that liquids must be in a container not exceeding one hundred milliliters in volume. Russians often try to carry liter bottles of water with very little content left, and are very surprised when airline employees take them out of their hand luggage during security. Remember that the container itself should not exceed one hundred milliliters, but the amount of liquid in it no longer matters.

There may be several containers that comply with the rules, but they all must be packaged in a transparent plastic bag. It is in this form that all bottles and vials can be allowed to be placed in hand luggage. You can get a plastic bag free of charge at the baggage inspection point and, in the presence of an airport employee, place all available liquids in it.

The rules seem to be quite simple, but travelers are often confused about which liquids are allowed in carry-on luggage.

List of permitted liquids

To make it easier for you to prepare for your trip, we decided to publish a list of substances that you can take with you on board the plane:

  • water, juices, soups and other food products of appropriate consistency;
  • cream, oils and similar cosmetics;
  • perfumery (perfume, eau de toilette, etc.);
  • aerosols and containers in which the contents are under pressure (for example, deodorants);
  • any gels and pastes;
  • mascara.

It is also not forbidden to carry non-hazardous substances that resemble liquid in their consistency in hand luggage.


Tourists often doubt whether it is possible to take various medicines in liquid form on a plane. After all, it is quite difficult for many people to do without some medications during a flight. Given this nuance, airlines allow you to bring medications on board, but they reserve the right to require you to prove the need for these medications. This evidence can be an extract from the medical history, a certificate from a doctor or a pharmacy prescription.

Baby food

The issue of baby food is very pressing for young mothers planning an air flight. Many kids are quite biased in their choice of food and, in the absence of their favorite jar of puree, begin to loudly express dissatisfaction. Can I take baby food on board?

Airlines are unanimous on this point - you have the right to carry any number of jars and bottles of food for your child in your hand luggage. But just in case, before departure, review changes in your airline's liquid rules.

Russian airlines: carrying liquids on board

Since the largest and most famous Russian air carrier is Aeroflot, the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage of this company are of interest to many travelers.

If you are also planning to fly on Aeroflot planes, then know that this company does not have any special requirements for liquids on board that contradict general international rules. Before boarding the flight, if necessary, you will be given a plastic container into which all liquids up to one hundred milliliters in volume that you decide to take on board will be sent. You have the right to transport any amount of liquid substances in the luggage compartment.

The S7 has the same clear rules for carrying hand luggage. This company allows liquids to be carried on board only in containers not exceeding one hundred milliliters in volume. This year, the airline has not made any changes to the list of liquids permitted for transportation on planes, as well as to the rules for their packaging.


Traveling is always pleasant chores and the anticipation of adventure. And so that the trip is not ruined at the very beginning, you should carefully prepare for it. We hope that our article will make your long road trips easier.

When planning a trip, a tourist must know exactly how much liquid can be carried on the plane, so as not to violate the requirements of the air carrier. Each company sets its own rules, which must be studied before flying. This will help you not to spoil your mood and not lose the necessary things during the inspection.

What belongs to the category "liquid"

Restrictions on the transportation of liquids are related to ensuring aviation security

Liquids on airplanes are not only water or juice. This category includes:

  • baby food;
  • dairy products - yogurt, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • cosmetic products - mascara, creams, toothpaste, suntan oil;
  • gel for washing, perfume, eau de toilette, deodorants (aerosols);
  • packaged soft cheese - feta, mozzarella, camembert;
  • honey, jams, preserves;
  • red or black caviar;
  • homemade preparations, canned foods with 25–30% syrup or juice.

A passenger cannot always accurately determine whether a particular substance is classified as a liquid from the airline’s point of view. A jar of baby food with puree or porridge will definitely be interpreted as a liquid. Canned meat or fish are also considered liquid products.

How much liquid can you carry on a plane?

It’s better to know the allowed number of milliliters or liters in advance to avoid unpleasant situations at the airport

The total volume of liquids carried is set by the airline's rules, but these rules vary depending on whether the passenger takes the containers with him on the plane or leaves them in a suitcase with checked baggage.

In hand luggage

Restrictions on the carriage of liquids on an airplane are mainly imposed on transporting them as part of hand luggage.

The container containing the liquid contents should not exceed 100 ml in volume. The maximum number of such packages in a bag with personal belongings is 10 pieces, with a total volume of one liter. This rule applies most often to Russian airlines.

It should be remembered that the 100 ml limit does not refer to the amount of contents of the tube, but to its denomination. So, if a passenger tries to bring an almost empty 200-250 ml jar on board the plane, it will not be allowed on board.

All bottles and tubes with liquid must be closed and packed in a sealed bag, the size of which cannot exceed 20 x 20 cm. The use of an opaque and unclosed bag is not allowed. In addition, there is only one plastic bag per passenger.

According to the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage, the following substances are allowed on the plane:

  • baby food in the form of purees or diluted mixtures - when traveling with babies under two years of age;
  • medical diabetic medications required by the passenger - subject to an appropriate certificate from a doctor;
  • expressed breast milk.

All liquids that are an exception to the general rule must be screened by airport security. You need to be prepared for the fact that if the slightest doubt arises, an employee may offer the passenger to try the contents of a bottle of baby food.

The medications that a tourist intends to take with him on the plane must be included in the list of approved medications in the country where the traveler is going. For example, Corvalol cannot be transported to the USA, and in many European countries you will need to fill out a special form in accordance with Article 75 of the Schengen Convention.

First aid for wounds: brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and other antiseptics, according to the rules for transportation in hand luggage on an airplane, should not exceed a volume of more than 1 liter per person

Potent prescription drugs can be transported with a stamped certificate from a doctor. In most cases, the security service will require a medical certificate translated into an international language and notarized.

Before you travel by plane, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the current rules for transporting liquids as part of hand luggage when connecting flights- V different countries Various restrictions may apply.

In luggage

It is important to transport liquids in luggage in plastic containers, as glass bottles can break during loading

There is no limit on the volume of liquid carried in packed baggage. You can put any containers in a suitcase, the main thing is not to exceed the permissible weight of the filled container:

  • economy class - 20 kg;
  • business and first class - 30 kg;
  • for children under two years old - 10 kg.

Each kilogram of cargo in excess of the established limit must be paid at the air carrier's tariffs. The suitcase should not be damaged; for reliability, it is advisable to wrap it with a special film.

Baby food, perfumes and cosmetics can be safely placed in a suitcase, focusing only on the total weight of the luggage. And in relation to alcoholic beverages or medicines, you should familiarize yourself with the customs rules for the import and export of certain categories of cargo.

Good alcohol costs a lot, so knowing customs rules and airline restrictions will save you from unnecessary expenses and delays when going through control.

Alcohol is only allowed to be carried by passengers who have reached the age of majority. Before your flight, you need to clarify how much alcoholic beverages can be transported duty-free.

Different quantities of alcoholic beverages are allowed to be transported in airplane luggage, varying in strength:

  • up to 24% alcohol - unlimited;
  • 24%-70% – 5 liters per person;
  • over 70% cannot be transported.

At international flights There are differences between the standards for transported alcohol. All alcohol must be packaged in store containers and have factory labels.

From Duty Free

Alcohol and other liquids purchased at Duty Free can be carried in hand luggage if they are properly packaged

Most people traveling abroad take the opportunity to stock up on alcohol or perfume at the airport's duty free shops. Here you can buy a bottle of alcohol in containers larger than the permitted 100 ml and take it with you on board the plane.

In air travel, there is a rule according to which the total weight of hand luggage should not be more than 10 kilograms per passenger. This restriction does not apply to Duty Free products provided that the original packaging remains intact and each purchase is accompanied by a sales receipt.

It is not recommended to consume alcohol purchased at Duty Free; this may lead to confiscation of the alcohol and a fine for the passenger.

Limits for transporting liquids for different airlines

Many air carrier requirements are indicated on their official websites.

Each air carrier has the right to establish its own rules for the transportation of hand luggage and baggage. The main goal of the requirements is safety.


Each passenger of this airline has the right to carry up to 15 kg of hand luggage on board the aircraft. This includes a briefcase or handbag (5 kg) and a main piece weighing 10 kg with a total of 115 cm. The dimensions of hand luggage are strictly controlled - 55 cm in length, 40 cm in width and 20 cm in height.

Goods purchased in Duty Free must be transported in a sealed bag, the sum of the lengths of the sides is no more than 115 cm. All purchases made in the free trade zone should be placed here.

The requirements for transporting liquids are standard - no more than 10 containers of 100 ml each.

"S7 Airlines"

The general rules for transporting liquids on this airline comply with Aeroflot requirements. A distinctive feature is that diet food and medications are not included in the total weight of hand luggage and can be carried additionally.

A significant disadvantage for S7 Airlines passengers are recommendations for transporting goods from Duty Free. Each person can take on board the aircraft only one package weighing 3 kg and with a total dimensions of 75 cm.


At the North Wind company, a passenger is allowed to take no more than 1 piece of hand luggage weighing 5 kg on the plane. In this case, it is allowed to transport 1 liter of liquid in 10 separate containers. All bottles and jars must be in a separate closed bag.

During international flights, you can check in checked baggage up to 2 liters of strong alcohol, toiletries and perfumes in the form of sprays or aerosols - up to 0.5 liters per passenger, alcohol-based or varnish-based liquids - up to 0.2 liters. This also includes acetic acid, the permitted amount of which is up to 0.5 liters per person.

When planning a flight, you should not overload your hand luggage with unnecessary items. Passengers always have the opportunity to purchase special sets of toiletries, packaged in a transparent bag, at the airport. In addition, all air carriers provide passengers with drinking water and drinks during the flight, so it is not necessary to carry liquids with you on the plane.

Airplane passengers often encounter a situation where, before boarding the plane, during the security screening process, drinking water and other drinks intended to quench their thirst are confiscated from them. But not everyone knows that this is being done for the safety of air travel. There is a worldwide legal regulation according to which it is prohibited to bring your own drinking beverages on board. The same document regulates the rules for transporting any other liquids. To understand whether it is possible to take water on a plane in hand luggage, you should understand the reasons for such legislative regulations.

How much water can you take in hand luggage?

Any airline has clear rules regarding the carriage of liquids on board an aircraft in hand luggage. These rules also apply to the transportation of water. To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to know three important points:

  1. It is allowed to carry liquids on board the aircraft in containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml. The total volume should not exceed 1 liter. That is, theoretically, you can carry 10 100 ml bottles of water without breaking the rules.
  2. It is prohibited to bring your own drinks and food on board the aircraft in any way (in a purse, hand luggage, or in your hands).
  3. Water and other liquids (even alcohol) purchased in the duty-free zone (Duty Free) can be carried in hand luggage, provided that the integrity of the packaging is preserved. The rules of paragraph 1 and weight restrictions do not apply to such products (you can take on board, for example, mineral water in a 1.5-liter bottle).

Products that are allowed to be carried in hand luggage must be packaged appropriately: a tightly closed container must be placed in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper. You can put all containers allowed for transportation in a common package (but no more than 10 pieces).

Important! During the inspection, security officers have the right to check what you are carrying. Therefore, access to liquids must be free.

During the inspection, the airport employee will definitely ask you to get rid of the open bottles that you have in your hands, or the excess volume of liquids if the permitted limit is exceeded. For example, if they found perfume in your purse, the volume of a bottle of which is 150 ml, your arguments that there is less than half there will not convince the inspectors to let you through. The bottle will have to be thrown away even if there are 70 or 50 ml of perfume left in it. If you have a bottle of water in your hands, during the inspection you will have to throw it in the trash bin or drink it on the spot.

An exception is provided only for passengers with children. They are allowed to take baby food and drink into the cabin with them. The law does not regulate what is included in these concepts, so in practice, parents of children freely bring drinks, cookies, and chocolates with them. The amount allowed is determined by airport employees at their discretion. It is clear that you are unlikely to be allowed to take two 1.5 liter bottles, but 2-3 bottles of 0.5 each can be carried safely.

Why you can't take water on a plane

Strict restrictions on the transport of liquids were established in 2006 after the capture of a group of terrorists who tried to carry out a large-scale terrorist attack using liquid bombs. According to members of the special services, it was planned to blow up about 20 aircraft.

Water is an ideal solvent. Therefore, in liquid form, attackers can transport toxic substances, flammable solutions, and various reagents for creating explosives. To make a full-fledged bomb, more than 1 liter of liquid is required. That is why the current standards have been established.

According to intelligence services, explosives made from water with a volume of less than 1 liter are not capable of causing a large-scale fire. Modern aircraft are equipped with fire-fighting equipment, including fire extinguishers, which can quickly help put out a local fire in a timely manner.

Is it possible to carry water in airplane luggage?

There are no clauses in airline requirements prohibiting the carriage of water as baggage, and there are also no restrictions on its volume. If you do not question the appropriateness of this action, you can assume that you can carry water in your luggage in quantities that correspond to the established weight standards. If the airline has a weight limit for one piece of luggage of 23 kg, then that’s how much liquid you can carry. The question “why carry 23 kg” remains open.

But you can find reasons to carry a small amount of water in your luggage. For example, a person decided to bring local medical treatment to foreign relatives. mineral water. Or a passenger on a transit flight with a transfer does not want to spend money on buying a drink at the airport, since prices there can be very high, or he simply does not have the necessary currency.

Thus, the ban on carrying water on board an airplane is related to flight safety issues, and not the intention of local merchants at the airport or duty free zone to profit from passengers, as many assume. There is no need to take drinks on board with you, as drinks are provided without fail, even if meals are not provided during the flight. Nobody forbids you to bring a bottle with you to the airport, but you cannot bring it on board the plane. Therefore, when planning a plane flight, calculate the time of connections and waits, and make sure that thirst does not overtake you at the most unexpected moment.