All about car tuning

The main customs rules that a tourist needs to know about. Customs rules and shopping: how much and what kind of things can be imported into Russia? What can be carried across the Russian border

You will have to issue even for the smallest children if the parents have a biometric passport (with a chip). If the parents have an old-style passport (without a chip), you can enter a child under the age of 14 in it - then you don’t have to make a separate passport. Also, don't forget to take your child's birth certificate with you on the trip - and the original. This way you can confirm that the child is yours.

Attention! Foreign border guards may ask you to present tickets for the return journey when entering the country.

But the notarized consent of one of the parents to the departure of a minor abroad must be issued only if the child travels without parents at all (for example, with a grandmother or other accompanying person) (Article 20 of the Law of 15.08.1996 N 114-FZ).

Although some countries require the consent of the nontraveling parent in order to obtain a visa. Just in case, take it with you on your trip.

Money loves an account...

Large amounts of cash or cash checks are required both for export and import:

  • filling it out and handing it over to the Russian customs (Approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 N 287). This must be done if the total amount of cash and traveler's checks per person exceeds the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars (Clause 1, Article 3, Clause 1, Article 4 of the Treaty, approved by the Decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC of 05.07.2010 N 51) ;
  • filling out another one (on the form valid in a foreign country) and handing it over to a foreign customs office. When it is required depends on the rules in force in that particular country. So, for example, when entering the EU countries, customs and traveler's checks with a total amount of 10,000 euros per person. In other countries, other limits may be set, including significantly lower ones.

Imported and exported other monetary instruments (bills of exchange, bank checks, securities) must be declared regardless of the amount indicated in them.
Each tourist fills out the customs declaration for himself. And for a child under 16, this is done by the person accompanying him.

Reference. In Russia, non-declaration (inaccurate declaration) of cash and monetary instruments threatens (Article 16.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • or a fine in the amount of one half to two times the amount in excess of the amount allowed for transportation without declaring (Article 16.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • or confiscation of an undeclared amount of money and monetary instruments.

And if the undeclared amount exceeds twice the amount of cash allowed for transportation without a written declaration (20,000 US dollars), this is already a criminal offense - smuggling (Article 200.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, if the amount of cash available exceeds $30,000 per person (including a minor), then not only fines and confiscation are possible, but also imprisonment.

Goods with you: we export from the Russian Federation

Hotels for relatives and friends that our vacationers take abroad are not such a rare occurrence. It also happens that on vacation you want to take something familiar, for example, a few packs of cigarettes.

From now on, by goods we will mean any movable property moving across the customs border (and not goods intended for resale). And keep in mind that only goods for personal use that are not related to entrepreneurial activity are exempt from customs duties (Memo, approved by Letter of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated July 19, 2011 N 04-30 / 34327).

The purpose of the goods is determined by the customs inspector, based on the citizen's statement about the goods being moved, the nature and quantity of goods and the frequency of transportation of goods across the border (Article 3 of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.06.2010 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement dated 18.06. 2010)).

Name of exported goods

Conditions for export from Russia (from the customs territory of the Customs Union)

Temporarily exported jewelry

Do not require declaration. But they must be intended for personal use (Clause 20 of Appendix 3 to the Agreement dated 06/18/2010). A large amount of jewelry (especially in packages and / or with price tags) may attract the attention of customs officers and raise suspicions about being transported for sale. It is better to declare very expensive products so that when returning to the Russian Federation, customs officers do not take them for those bought abroad

Alcohol, tobacco (cigarettes, cigarillos, etc.)

They do not require declaration, there are no strict restrictions on the quantity (Clause 20 of Appendix 3 to the Agreement dated 06/18/2010). However, you can only export for personal use, and not for commercial purposes.

Pictures, books and other things that can be classified as cultural property

Modern books (not older than 100 years) and paintings (not older than 50 years) do not belong to cultural values ​​(Section 2.20 of Appendix No. 2 to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of 04.21.2015 No. 30). They can be exported without any conclusions, certificates, licenses or permits (Clause 54 of the Methodological Recommendations, approved by the Ministry of Culture of Russia on December 25, 2015 (finished by Letter of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated January 11, 2016 N 1-01-39-BA)).

For items related to cultural property, an export permit is required ( -> Ministry -> Departments -> Department of Cultural Heritage)

Fish, caviar

It is forbidden to export more than (Clause 2 of Appendix 1 to the Agreement dated 06/18/2010; subparagraphs "h", "i" clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/26/2005 N 584; Letter of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated 12/12/2011 N 04-30 / 60671 ):

  • 5 kg of fish, seafood (except sturgeon caviar);
  • 250 g sturgeon caviar (black caviar)


Do not require declaration, can be exported for personal use (Clause 20 of Appendix 3 to the Agreement dated 06/18/2010)

Weapons, ammunition

In most cases, export is prohibited


In most cases, they do not require declaration (with the exception of potent ones containing narcotic and / or psychotropic drugs), if they are exported for personal use in reasonable quantities (Part 8, Article 47 of the Law of 12.04.2010 N 61-FZ; Law of 08.01.1998 N 3-FZ; List approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.06.1998 N 681).

For prescription drugs, it is desirable to have a prescription (medical certificate). For potent drugs, you also need a certificate from the attending physician with the seal of the medical institution and documents confirming the legality of their purchase: a prescription with a mark of dispensing from a pharmacy or a certificate of issuance of these drugs in a medical institution

For your information. A list of goods that are prohibited from being imported into the Russian Federation or exported outside the Russian Federation, as well as goods that can be imported without paying customs duties, can be found on the FCS website: -> Website for individuals -> Information to information when traveling abroad.

When traveling by car, remember that, in addition to the fuel in the tank, you can take no more than 10 liters in a canister with you.

Reference. There is a list of goods that cannot be classified as goods for personal use. These are, for example, natural diamonds (not part of jewelry), medical equipment and equipment (except for those necessary for medical reasons), as well as any goods for which export customs duties are established.

When taking food, alcohol and / or tobacco with you, ask if the customs officers of the country of entry will let them through. As a rule, if foreign customs officers suspect that a tourist wants to bring goods into their country for sale, they demand payment of a tax (customs duty).

Let's take for example the import regulations in force in one of the EU countries closest to us - Finland. If you are traveling to Finland by train or car and plan to be there for more than 72 hours, then without paying the "import" tax you can import per adult (over 18):

  • 4 liters of still wine and 16 liters of beer;
  • 1 liter of strong alcohol (more than 22% of the fortress - only those over 20 years old can import it) or 2 liters of weaker alcohol (less than 22%, for example, vermouth, liqueur, liqueur, champagne, long drink, cider).

Tobacco products can be carried by persons over 18 years of age, while each can import 200 cigarettes (1 block or 10 packs) free of tax, or 50 cigars, or 250 g of smoking or pipe tobacco.

The import of perfumes, tea and coffee into Finland is also limited. Each traveler can take with him a maximum of:

  • 50 ml perfume and 250 ml eau de toilette;
  • no more than 200 g of tea or 40 g of tea extract;
  • no more than 500 g of coffee or 200 g of coffee extract.

Meat and meat products, milk and dairy products are prohibited from being imported into Finland from Russia. But if you intend to eat, for example, a chicken or a sausage sandwich in a train compartment, the customs officers will not find fault.

As an exception, a passenger may bring in for personal use breast milk substitutes, foodstuffs for infants, foodstuffs consumed on medical grounds (with a total weight of not more than 2 kg).

Medications intended for self-treatment can be imported in a limited amount corresponding to consumption for no more than 3 months (related to narcotic drugs - no more than 14 days). Prescription drugs must have a prescription or a medical certificate.

Other goods may be imported duty-free if their value does not exceed:

  • EUR 430 per person for sea and air transport passengers;
  • 300 euros per person for passengers of other modes of transport.

If, for example, a husband and wife from Russia import new equipment worth 500 euros, then they will have to pay tax on the entire cost of the equipment. After all, it cannot be divided between two persons. To confirm the value of the goods, the customs officer may require you to present a receipt for the purchase.

Advice. Sometimes problems arise when importing expensive equipment into Russia, which tourists took with them on vacation. Customs officers are asked to provide evidence that it was purchased in the Russian Federation, and not in the country where the holiday was spent. Or they ask you to pay a fee. To avoid such situations, it is better to declare your expensive equipment when you export it from Russia (as well as expensive jewelry). This is optional, but you will be able to present your copy of the "export" declaration when you return to your home country. And this will remove all the questions of customs officers.

There are also goods that are prohibited from being imported into Finland. So, it is forbidden to import telescopic batons, baseball bats, stun guns, brass knuckles and stilettos. Radar detectors are also not allowed to be imported - even if they are built into the DVR and / or are in the off state. If such a device is found, Finnish customs officers will confiscate it and may fine it.

Information on the import of goods into the country of your holiday can be obtained from the embassy. You can also find it on the Internet, and it is better to use the official websites of government agencies. For example, information for passengers traveling to Finland by car can be found on the website of the Finnish Border Guard, and in Russian ( -> Information -> Information for passengers).

Shopping and souvenirs: we take home

Without paying duties and filling out a declaration, only goods for personal use can be imported into Russia (into the territory of the EAEU) from far abroad countries.
If you are importing heavy and/or expensive items into Russia, be prepared to pay import duty at Russian customs. And some goods cannot be imported at all (Clause 1, Article 4 of the Agreement dated 06/18/2010).

Type of goods

Duty-free import rate (Appendix 3 to the Agreement dated 06/18/2010)

Customs duty (Appendix 5 to the Agreement dated 06/18/2010)

Alcoholic drinks and beer

Not more than 3 liters per adult

The duty is 10 euros per 1 liter of excess volume.

It is impossible to import more than 5 liters even with the payment of duties (Appendix 2 to the Agreement of 06/18/2010)

Tobacco products

No more than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars (cigarillos) or 250 grams of tobacco per adult

It is forbidden to import tobacco products in excess of the limits established for duty-free import (Appendix 2 to the Agreement of 06/18/2010)

Other goods for personal use (except ethyl alcohol and indivisible goods, but including the above-mentioned alcoholic beverages, beer and tobacco products)

If you are traveling by plane - the value of the goods must not exceed 10,000 euros, and their total weight must not exceed 50 kg;

If you are traveling by other means of transport (for example, by train or by car), the value of the goods must not exceed 1,500 euros, and their total weight must not exceed 50 kg.

These norms are established for each person, including minor children.

In terms of excess weight and / or value, a duty is taken: 30% of the customs value, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg

Indivisible goods for personal use (Subparagraph 4, clause 1, article 2 of the Agreement dated 06/18/2010). This item weighs more than 35 kg. It can be a set (for example, a kitchen set transported unassembled)

You can't import without paying duties.

The total customs payment is determined on an individual basis (Article 77, paragraph 2 of article 360 ​​of the Customs Code of the Customs Union)

If you import more than three of the same goods, customs officials may consider that they are imported for resale (and not for personal use).

Please note that if you have not kept receipts for your purchases, customs officers will independently determine their value based on price data in the country of purchase (Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2010 N 15-P). Price catalogs, as well as data from the Internet and other sources, can be used for this.

It is also not uncommon to find smuggled items in the luggage of tourists. For example, on June 16, 2017, the website published news that customs found undeclared jewelry in the luggage of a passenger on a Dubai-Moscow flight. The total estimated cost is about 5 million rubles. A woman faces criminal liability for evading customs payments (Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). One of the options for the minimum punishment is a fine of 100 thousand rubles, but imprisonment is also possible (Part 1, Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Attention! Before buying something abroad, find out if you can take it out of the country without paying duties.

We bring home products, including sanctions

When importing products for personal use into Russia, additional restrictions must be taken into account (Clause 1, Article 4 of the Agreement dated 06/18/2010):

  • ready-to-eat animal products can be imported weighing up to 5 kg per person (for example, cheese, butter, canned food, sausages and fish products that have undergone heat treatment). Such products must be in undamaged original packaging. Also, there should be no quarantine in the country of export due to contagious animal diseases (Part 1, Article 14 of the Law of 14.05.1993 N 4979-1; paragraph 6 of clause 4 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.06.2011 N 501) ;
  • You won’t be able to bring in a lot of plant products either: a maximum of 5 kg per person. And raw tuber potatoes, seeds and other planting material are generally prohibited from being imported without phytosanitary certificates (Part 6, Article 22 of the Law of July 21, 2014 N 206-FZ).

Attention! Store packaging does not replace the factory packaging. For example, vacuum packaging for a piece of cheese cut off from a bar in a store will not save you from customs claims. Fresh fish and fresh meat are also prohibited from being imported into Russia.

In addition, there may be restrictions on the import of plant products from a particular state due to an outbreak of a dangerous disease in it or for other reasons (Part 1 of Article 23 of the Law of July 21, 2014 N 206-FZ). So, for example, the import of such products from Ukraine and Georgia is temporarily limited (Letters of the Rosselkhoznadzor of July 24, 2014 N FS-AS-3 / 13487, of October 28, 2015 N FS-EN-3 / 19466).

Many fear that it will not be possible to bring goods across the border, the import of which is prohibited due to the imposition of sanctions. However, sanctioned products are prohibited for import only within the framework of foreign economic activity (Part 1, Article 3 of the Law of December 30, 2006 N 281-FZ; Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 N 560).

This activity does not include importation for personal use. So if the products are on the sanctions list (for example, Spanish jamon), but the tourist imports it into Russia in small quantities (one or two small packages), then there should be no problems. But, if the same tourist tries to import 10-kilogram packages of jamon, customs officers can seize everything.

Before traveling to another country, it is better to carefully study what can be imported into it (and how), and what can be exported. For example, products made of ivory and animal skins cannot be exported from Thailand. Also, in most countries where there are corals and large shells, they are prohibited for export. But sometimes such goods can be exported if they are bought in a store and there is a check and an export permit. Such an order, for example, operates in Egypt.

When organizing a trip that involves moving across the border, a citizen of the Russian Federation needs to know the list of things that cannot be transported. This is a very serious issue, causing a lot of unpleasant accidents and problems at customs. It is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself in advance with items that can and cannot be transported.

Table of contents:

What is forbidden to import and export outside the Russian Federation

Certain groups of goods, as well as items of tangible and intangible property, cannot be imported and exported outside the Russian Federation. These include:

  1. Information in any form (printed, video, audio), of the following type:
    • carriers of propaganda of terrorist ideas and organizations, as well as any activity related to extremist orientation;
    • pornography transported for the purpose of distribution;
    • information that is aimed at attracting the attention of people that violates the legislation of the Russian Federation on the conduct of elections;
    • carriers of Nazi propaganda (any symbolism and characteristic objects);
    • any information that carries a potential threat to the security of the country, as well as neighboring countries that are allied with the Russian Federation.
  2. Weapon :
    • firearms;
    • edged weapons that have a knife length of more than nine cm;
    • weapons that are supposed to attack with harmful chemicals, gases and poisons;
    • any items that are supposed to be used as weapons;
    • bullets, cartridges, as well as individual parts of any weapon.
  3. Waste that poses a threat to the life and health of others.
  4. Equipment devices that are designed for secret collection of information:
    • photographic equipment with extended pupil;
    • photographic equipment veiled under other things;
    • listening devices.
  5. Poisons that pose a potential threat to the health and life of others, for which, at the same time, a citizen crossing the border does not have an official permit.
  6. Any narcotic and psychotropic drugs that are illegal in the country. At the same time, the transportation of medicines is legally allowed if a citizen is able to present evidence documents or a prescription from a doctor, which would confirm the need for a citizen to have them.
  7. Human organs and blood. Transportation of certain components of blood and other organs is also prohibited.

What is forbidden to export from the Russian Federation

It is forbidden to export the following groups of items outside the country:

What is forbidden to import into the Russian Federation

What goods are subject to declaration when transported across the border

In conditions when a citizen carries certain items that are subject to declaration, while not included in the declaration, the transported cargo is considered contraband. Russian legislation assumes that in the case when a citizen does not enter a certain transported item into the declaration, he orally confirms that this item should not be declared.

Responsibility for smuggling is provided in the form of heavy fines and seizure of items. However, ignorance is no excuse.

So, the list of transported items subject to declaration includes:

It is not necessary to declare items for personal use: clothing, jewelry, hygiene items, personal photographic equipment.

Customs regulations of Ukraine 2018 (new rules from 01/01/2018). How much currency can be exported from Ukraine in 2018, the rules for the import of currency, goods, food, medicines and preparations, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, objects of history and art are the main questions of all tourists, namely “ What can be carried across the border?”

You can find up-to-date information for 2019 in the updated article.

Customs regulations of Ukraine 2018 are the same for all types of crossing the customs border of Ukraine: by plane, by train, by car (except for the total purchase amount), by water. The allowances for the transport of currency, goods, medicines, food, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and other items are calculated for one person of any age for one border crossing within one day (24 hours).

When crossing the border in international ports, passengers independently choose one of two types of border crossing: along the "green" corridor, passengers pass without declaring and without paying customs duties; along the "red" corridor - passengers must pass customs control, check documents, make a written declaration (filling out a customs declaration) and pay customs duties. How to choose a corridor?

The content of the article:


The passage of customs control involves an oral or written declaration of goods and items that the passenger is carrying in hand luggage and in luggage. For convenience, traffic lanes in the form of a corridor are organized at international checkpoints:

"Green" corridor (without declaration) - the process of simplified customs control, which excludes all types of written declaration and payment of customs duties.

The passenger passes customs control along the "green" corridor (without filling out a customs declaration and without customs fees), if he carries personal belongings, food for personal use for a total amount of up to 200 euros, goods for a total amount of up to 1,000 euros, currency up to 10,000 euro (equivalent), medicines no more than 5 packs, alcoholic beverages (strong alcoholic drinks up to 1 liter, wine up to 2 liters, beer up to 5 liters) and tobacco products (no more than 1 block of cigarettes or no more than 250 grams of tobacco).

Passing customs control along the "green" corridor frees citizens from filling out a customs declaration.

⚠ Remember, by choosing the “green” corridor, you confirm that you do not have any items that are subject to a written declaration, taxation and that are prohibited or restricted from being imported into Ukraine.

"Red" corridor - the process of passing customs control with mandatory written declaration (filling in a customs declaration) and payment of customs duties.

The passenger passes through the "red" corridor, mandatory customs control, fills out a customs declaration and pays customs duties if he has the following items with him and in his luggage: weapons, explosives, narcotic, psychotropic, poisonous, potent substances and medicines; radioactive metals; antiques, objects of history and art, musical instruments; printed publications, audio and audiovisual materials, other information carriers; objects of flora and fauna, their parts or products derived from them, domestic animals (in the presence of the original international veterinary certificate of the country of origin of this animal); medicines, goods and foodstuffs in amounts that are subject to taxation (medicines and medicines in the amount of more than 5 packages or cans, goods for a total amount of more than 1,000 euros, food products - more than 200 euros); precious metals, stones and products; currency more than 10,000 euros, including national currency and traveler's checks (traveler's cheque); over the norm alcoholic drinks (strong alcoholic drinks over 1 liter, wine over 2 liters, beer over 5 liters) and tobacco products (more than 1 block of cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco).

⚠ The passenger has the right to independently choose the corridor, but remember that violation of the rules for passing customs control and the requirements for declaring objects and goods entails administrative and criminal liability!

IMPORTANT! From 01.01.2018 new rules for duty-free importation of goods in hand or accompanied luggage came into effect - up to €500 (at airports - up to €1000) and weighing up to 50 kg will be valid for those who have been absent in Ukraine for more than 24 hours and enters the country no more than once within 72 hours. According to the amendments to the Tax Code adopted by BP (No. 6776-d), with more frequent entry without taxes, you can import goods up to €50. The new restrictions do not apply to the carriage of baggage through checkpoints open to air traffic.

Parcels to Ukraine from abroad

Regarding parcels to Ukraine from abroad, a limit has been introduced on the number of parcels received from abroad up to 3 per month per recipient (tax-free value each parcels must be 150 euro). That is, 450 euros per month is the maximum that you can count on if you do not want to pay a fee. Starting from the fourth departure, you will have to pay 10% duty and 20% VAT. If the goods are excisable, then there is also an excise tax, the amount of which depends on its weight, volume and quantity. Fees will be charged on the amount that exceeds the duty-free minimum of 150 euros. That is, if the amount of goods in the parcel is 200 euros, then the duty and VAT will be calculated by 50 euros, and an additional 15 euros will have to be paid (without excise duty). You can receive such a parcel at the customs post after paying fees, filling out a declaration and a special form.


Personal items are items intended solely for personal use:

  • clothing, underwear and footwear;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • cosmetics and perfumes used (up to 500 ml of eau de toilette or up to 100 ml of perfume);
  • personal jewelry, including precious ones, with traces of use;
  • 2 wrist watches;
  • 2 mobile phones, 1 video camera, 1 camera, 3 flash drives, 1 calculator, 1 e-book, 2 portable personal computers (laptop), 1 portable projector, 1 portable TV, 1 portable typewriter;
  • 2 portable musical instruments;
  • 1 portable sound reproducing device (tape recorder, voice recorder, CD player, etc.);
  • a reasonable number of discs, records, films, cassettes;
  • a reasonable number of accessories (charger, battery, headphones, cable, etc.);
  • sport equipment;
  • 1 binocular or 1 monocle;
  • 1 stroller;
  • other personal items.

If the passenger's luggage contains only personal items, then you can safely go along the "green" corridor without filling out a customs declaration.

  • Read also:

GOODS: what goods can be transported across the border

Goods are items not for personal use. To confirm the cost of transported goods, we recommend that you have checks, receipts or invoices with the names of goods and prices with you. In the absence of documents confirming the value of the goods, the Customs Service employees evaluate the goods in accordance with the internal regulations.

What goods can be transported through the border of Ukraine:

  • Goods with a total value of less than 1,000 euros are subject to verbal declaration and the passenger passes through the "green" corridor. You do not need to fill out a customs declaration and pay duties.
  • Goods with a total value of more than 1,000 euros (or in case of importation more than once a day) are subject to mandatory written declaration, the passenger fills in a customs declaration, pays customs duties and passes through the "red" corridor.

Customs duties on imported goods:

  • If the total customs value of goods exceeds 1,000 euros, but less than 10,000 euros, then such goods are subject to an import duty of 10% of the total customs value, value added tax (VAT).
  • If the total customs value of goods exceeds 10,000 euros, then such goods are subject to import customs duty at full rates according to the Customs Tariffs of Ukraine, value added tax (VAT).

The amount of customs duties to be paid is calculated from the total value of the goods. The passenger can confirm the cost of goods with the help of sales receipts, labels, receipts, invoices with the names of goods and prices, and other documents presented to the customs officer. If the passenger does not have such documents, then the customs officers will be forced to determine the customs value of the goods based on the prices of similar or similar goods.

⚠ Remember that in the customs declaration you must indicate the exact data on the goods you have, their quantity and names.

FOOD PRODUCTS: what products can be transported across the border

It is allowed to transport food products for own consumption to the territory of Ukraine for a total amount of up to 200 euros in the following volumes:

  • Products in the manufacturer's packaging intended for retail trade (for example: chocolate, spaghetti, tea, coffee, olive oil, etc.) - it is allowed to carry 1 package or a total weight of up to 2 kg of each item;
  • Products without packaging (for example: fruits, vegetables, meat, lard, cheeses, etc.) - it is allowed to carry up to 2 kg of each item;
  • Products without packaging - an indivisible product, ready for direct consumption (for example: smoked chicken, sausage, home preservation, etc.) - it is allowed to carry in the amount of 1 piece of each item.

Example: One person can carry a package of tea, coffee, chocolate, up to 2 kg of apples, up to 2 kg of pears, up to 2 kg of potatoes, up to 2 kg of carrots, up to 2 kg of mushrooms, up to 2 kg of meat, up to 2 kg of bacon, 1 smoked chicken, 1 stick of sausage, 1 can of homemade preserves, 1 can of homemade honey, etc. But the total amount of all foodstuffs must not exceed 200 euros!

Secure your personal luggage and the luggage of other passengers by hermetically packing food in a special container for transportation. In the case of import of food products into the territory of Ukraine, they are declared (oral or written - at the request of the owner of the products or at the request of a customs official).


Medicines and preparations can be transported in baggage and hand luggage in the following volumes:

  • no more than 5 packages (cans) of each item per person (except for drugs that contain narcotic and psychotropic substances);
  • no more than the amount indicated in the prescription from the attending physician (usually for a course of treatment that requires more drugs). This is possible only if you have a prescription that contains the names of the attending physician and the patient, the signature of the doctor and the seal of the clinic.

⛔ It is forbidden to transport medicines containing narcotic and psychotropic substances without the written permission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


Parents, guardians or other family members may bring into the territory of Ukraine special baby food that is not produced or sold in Ukraine. Applies to children with diseases requiring special nutrition. Special baby food can be carried in hand luggage and baggage in the following norms:

  • no more than 5 packages (cans) of each item per person;
  • no more than the amount indicated in the prescription from the attending physician. The prescription must contain the names and surnames of the attending physician and the child being treated, the signature of the physician and the seal of the clinic. Passengers carrying special meals must have documents confirming family ties with a sick child.

CURRENCY: How much currency can I bring into Ukraine? What amount can be exported from Ukraine without a declaration in 2018?

One of the most frequently asked questions in the section “Customs rules for the import and export of Ukraine” is a question about the rules and restrictions on the movement of cash, namely export of currency from Ukraine in 2018 and import of foreign currency. "Cash" is often replaced by the word "currency". Below are the rules for importing currency into Ukraine and exporting currency from Ukraine. How much currency can be exported from Ukraine without a declaration and how much can be imported into Ukraine without providing any documents and without filling out customs declarations. Read all about it carefully below.

Currency (cash) is the monetary units of states, the cash currency of Ukraine (Ukrainian hryvnia) and cash foreign currency (US dollars, euros, Russian rubles, Turkish liras, etc.) in banknotes and coins that are in circulation and are a legal payment method on the territories of the respective states.

  • If the amount of cash is less than 10,000 euros (for CIS countries - less than 10,000 US dollars) per person of any age, then an oral declaration at customs control is sufficient and the passenger passes through the "green" corridor (without providing documents and without filling out a customs declaration).
  • If the amount of cash exceeds 10,000 euros (for the CIS countries - more than 10,000 US dollars) per person of any age, then a written declaration (filling in a customs declaration) is required and the passenger goes along the "red" corridor. You must present a bank statement showing the withdrawal of cash from your personal account at a bank or financial institution. These statements are valid and accepted within 30 calendar days from the date of issue. At the request of an employee of the Customs Service of Ukraine, the passenger must provide documentary evidence of the source of receipt of the currency.

⚠ Persons who have not passed the mandatory declaration and violated the customs rules of Ukraine on the export / import of cash are liable in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The completed customs declaration is the basis for the export / import of the cash indicated in it and the conduct of operations within one year from the date of registration of the declaration.

Thus, without providing documents and without filling out a customs declaration, it is allowed to export currency from Ukraine and import currency into Ukraine in the amount of 1 person of any age up to 10,000 USD. For example, Ukrainians can travel to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries with cash up to $10,000, and to Turkey, European countries - up to €10,000.

The total amount of cash is converted into euros or US dollars on the day of crossing the border at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), published on the website Cash in hryvnia is recalculated at the rate of Ukrainian hryvnia - euro / US dollar, in foreign currency (Turkish lira, Russian rubles, etc.) are recalculated at the cross-currency rate.

Transportation of bank metals among ordinary passengers is a rather rare occurrence, but for information we inform you that bank metals are gold, silver, platinum, platinum group metals, brought to the highest standards, respectively, to international standards in ingots and powders, which have a quality certificate, and also coins made of precious metals of at least 900 fineness.

Customs clearance is a prerequisite for the import and export of goods of various specifications. and individual entrepreneurs engaged in foreign trade activities are guided by those regulated by the Customs Code of the Russian Federation. In 2016, they were supplemented by some norms and remained relevant.

Since 2010, uniform rules and procedure for registration have been applied for the member states of the Customs Union. The procedure is distinguished by the possibility of simultaneous production of two procedures - export and transit

The procedure for registration of goods transported across the border

Customs clearance consists in the joint action of officials to ensure the legality of the transport of goods and vehicles across the border. Foreign economic cargo turnover is carried out in compliance with the interests of the Russian Federation, the norms and provisions of international law.

The functions of customs clearance of goods imported / exported through customs are:

  • inspection of the transported goods by a customs representative;
  • filling in a written declaration or oral declaration indicating the code according to the TN VED;
  • selection of the clearance procedure according to the purpose of import-export;
  • calculation of collected customs payments;
  • issuance of permission for the further movement of imported or exported goods.

The current rules for the movement of goods across the border provide for different procedures for placing goods under a certain regime, depending on the purpose of import-export. Distinguish:

  • customs clearance of goods within the free economic zone;
  • registration of temporary import-export;
  • registration of goods in transit;
  • re-export, re-import;
  • release for sale on the domestic market;
  • warehousing (temporary storage);
  • release of goods without duty;
  • conditional release and some other procedures.

The registration procedure requires the cargo owner to provide additional business papers. Their number and nature depends on the volume and type of products, the purpose of transportation across the border.

What official papers are needed to move goods across the border

The main documentation required for the implementation of foreign trade operations is reflected in the following list:

  1. Registration documents: certificate of state registration of a legal entity, its Charter, protocols (decisions) on the appointment of management, memorandum of association, etc.
  2. Certification of registration with the tax authority and receipt of TIN.
  3. Documentary evidence of a bank account.
  4. Contract for the movement of goods across the customs border.
  5. Copy of the passport of the head of the organization.
  6. Statistics codes for OKPO, OGRN or TIN.
  7. Power of attorney for an authorized representative of the organization.
  8. Business papers for goods: invoices, waybills,

In Russia, you will not surprise anyone with foreign shopping tours for a long time, which have become especially popular after the imposition of sanctions and restrictions on imports. But, returning home with purchases, many Russians forget about the existence of customs rules. Firstly, they determine the maximum values ​​of goods and products allowed for transportation, and, secondly, they determine the goods and products prohibited from entry. So that ordinary travelers are not taken by surprise, we propose to figure out how and what can be transported across the border of Russia, and what is prohibited.

Customs requirements

Customs is considered to be a state body that ensures compliance with the procedure established by law for the movement of vehicles, goods and other things across the state border. In addition to observing the order of movement, customs controls the passage of other customs procedures, the payment of import duties, and the clearance of imported items.

On the territory of Russia, these functions are performed by the Federal Customs Service (FCS). As follows from the information on the official website, it has 65 customs offices and over 400 customs posts under its control.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 809 dated September 16, 2013, the FCS, in particular, is entrusted with the following functions:

  • registration and maintenance of registers of persons operating in the field of customs;
  • defining the rules and conducting customs clearance and control;
  • classification of imported goods, determination of their origin and customs value;
  • combating crimes and offenses at customs;
  • collection of customs duties and fees and so on.

Controlling the import and export of property across the border, employees of the Federal Customs Service have the right to inspect things and check the necessary documents.

Documents when crossing customs

To pass the state border, citizens must present documents to customs officials. The specific package, of course, will depend on the identity of the traveler, the goods they bring in (the amount of imported funds, specific items, and so on), their cost and classification.

According to the memos approved by the letter of the Federal Customs Service No. 04-30 / 34327 dated 07/19/2011, the following documents should be included among the required documents:

  • identity documents: passport, (when crossing the border by car), birth certificate (for children) and so on;
  • documents confirming the legal representation of the interests of minors: adoption act, birth certificate;
  • documents confirming the price of imported items and ownership of them;
  • bills of lading and other shipping documents;
  • documentary confirmation of the availability of customs privileges for imported baggage;
  • documents confirming the fact of personal use of the imported vehicle and so on.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive: depending on the specifics of a particular situation, customs officials may require other documents provided for by the Customs Code of the Customs Union in force at the beginning of 2019.

Duty free goods

Russia, by virtue of the Agreement signed between it, Belarus and Kazakhstan on 06/18/2010, is a member of the Customs Union (CU), therefore, the movement of goods across its borders is regulated by the legislation of the CU. Please note that this Agreement will cease to be valid after the entry into force of the Treaty on the Customs Code of the EEC, however, as of the beginning of 2019, it remains in force.

In particular, it determines the main criteria by which the import and export of items is allowed, lists of prohibited or restricted items are determined, the norms for transporting alcohol across the border, the allowable amount of cash, and cases when it is necessary to pay mandatory duties and fees are established. Let's figure out what exactly can be imported.


So, according to part 1 of Art. 12 of the Agreement, the main condition for duty-free (without the need to pay duties and fees) import is the import of things for personal use and their inclusion in the list approved by Appendices Nos. 3 and 4 to the Agreement.

It is worth noting that the limit on the quantity and price of imported goods may differ depending on the method of their movement (accompanied baggage, international postage, delivery by a transport company, and so on).

So, the number of goods that can be transported across the border without paying duties includes:

Kinds of thingsDuty Free Limits
Any products for personal use (except for alcohol and goods that, according to paragraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Art. of the Agreement, are classified as indivisible)If they are not more expensive than 1.5 thousand euros (or 10 thousand euros if transported by plane) and weigh no more than 50 kg
If the specified limits are exceeded, according to section I of Annex No. 5 to the Agreement, the owners pay a fee of 30% of the cost, but not less than 4 € / kilogram of weight.
Any types of vodka, beer and other types of alcohol, including the above restrictionNot more than 3 liters per one entering citizen, if he has reached the age of majority
If the limits for the import of alcohol are exceeded, in accordance with paragraph 4 of section I of Annex No. 5 to the Agreement, the importing citizen pays a duty of 10 € / extra liter. At the same time, the maximum import norm is only 5 liters.
Any tobacco products subject to the above limitsIf it is not more than 200 cigarettes, 250 g of tobacco, 50 cigars or other goods of this category, not exceeding 250 g in total weight per adult citizen
Any goods for personal use, already in use, if imported by refugees or migrants
Any things if they are received as inherited property, subject to confirmation of the fact of inheritanceNo additional restrictions
Any items that are imported by citizens who have been living outside the Russian Federation for more than 12 monthsIf their cost is not more than 5 thousand €
If the specified limits are exceeded, a duty of 30% of the price is paid, but not less than 4 € / kg of weight.
Urns with ashes, coffins with bodiesNo additional restrictions
Re-imported items, provided that they were originally exported from RussiaNo additional restrictions
Any items imported by foreigners for their temporary stay (jewelry, appliances, personal hygiene items, etc.)Within the limits established by Appendix No. 4 to the Agreement
Currencies and travelers checksIn the equivalent of no more than 10 thousand dollars, according to Art. 4 of the Agreement approved by the Decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC No. 51 dated 05.07.2010.

Please note that, according to Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement, goods for personal use are not:

  • diamonds;
  • heating boilers for central heating;
  • solariums;
  • internal combustion engines;
  • tractors and trailers for cars;
  • medical furniture, hairdressing chairs;
  • equipment for photographic laboratories.


With regard to export, there are slightly different rules. Thus, following section 4 of Annex No. 3 to the Agreement, any export restrictions are set only in case of export of precious metals and stones worth more than $25,000. The restriction is removed for precious metals and stones previously imported into the territory of the CU countries, regardless of who imported them.

The export of cash abroad is carried out according to the same rules as the import. That is, Art. 4 of the agreement, approved by the decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC No. 51 of 07/05/2010, duty-free export is possible only if a citizen exports less than $ 10,000 in equivalent.

Take a sociological survey!

What needs to be declared

In case of compliance with all the above limit amounts, equivalents and volumes, the law does not require customs declaration. If the limit values ​​are exceeded, citizens and foreigners, when importing goods, even if they are transported for personal use, are required to include them in the customs declaration.

In addition to such goods, according to Art. 8 of the Agreement, the following shall be included in the declaration:

  • items of personal use transported by the carrier to the address of a citizen or transported in unaccompanied baggage;
  • things for personal use, to which prohibitions and restrictions may apply;
  • vehicles other than those registered in the Customs Union;
  • cultural and historical values ​​recognized as such at the state level;
  • items of accompanied baggage, if its owner carries unaccompanied baggage, and so on.

Declaration procedure

The procedure for declaring imported things is determined by Art. 8 of the Agreement and Chapter 27 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Customs declaration includes:

According to Art. 196 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, no later than one working day after the registration of the declaration, the declared items must be released from customs.

In case of violation of the established procedure for passing the declaration procedure, the release of property to the declarant may be denied.

Prohibited and restricted items

It is worth noting that not all things, even subject to the above limits, can freely move across the state border. In particular, Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement defines a list of substances, things in a certain amount and other objects, the import of which is prohibited or restricted.

What is limited

Goods, the import of which is restricted in accordance with Art. 4 of the Agreement, can move across the border with the Russian Federation, subject to the availability of an appropriate permit. That is, for example, certain types of weapons can be imported only with permission from law enforcement agencies. Items subject to restrictions include:

The name of the thing restricted in movement
Encryption machinesIn any form
Narcotic, psychotropic substances that are medicines, provided that the declarant has documents confirming the treatment
Service and civilian weaponsIn any form during personal movement
Radio equipment restricted for import into the territory of the Customs UnionWhen imported in any form
Collectible items restricted in movement on the vehicleWhen exported in any form
Endangered species of flora and faunaWhen exported in any form
Archival documentsWhen exported in any form
When exported in any form other than mail

What is prohibited

Now we propose to figure out what is forbidden to move across the border of the Russian Federation, regardless of quantity and cost. Such things, according to section I of Annex No. 2, include:

Name of things prohibited for movementForm of movement across the border
Printed, audio and video information prohibited for distribution on the territory of the Customs Union (for example, of an extremist nature)In any form
Service and civilian weapons, if its movement on the vehicle is prohibitedIn any form
Hazardous waste and poisonous substancesIn any form
Narcotics and psychotropic substances, except for cases of their medicinal useIn any form
Human organs, tissues, blood and so onIn any form
Scrap metal subject to restrictionsWhen exported in any form
Raw precious metals and stonesWhen exported in any form
Wild live animals and some wild plants (excluding trophies) more than 3 piecesWhen exported in any form
Tools for the extraction of aquatic biological resourcesWhen imported in any form
Alcohol and alcohol over 5 litersWhen imported in any form
Tobacco products over the limit (200 cigarettes, etc.)When imported in any form
Alcohol, tobacco, weaponsImported by postal service
Live animals (except bees, leeches, silkworms), plants, seedsImported by postal service
Cultural and historical valuesImported by postal service
Drugs, psychotropic drugs, medicinesImported by postal service

Let's pay attention to those who are interested in what. Considering all of the above, without restrictions (except by mail) any drugs that are not narcotic or psychotropic can be imported / exported. However, even such drugs can be imported if there are documents confirming the disease and a prescription.

Returning to general prohibitions: the import of prohibited items into the territory of the Russian Federation can threaten both administrative and criminal liability. So, according to Art. 16.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, for such actions a fine in the amount of 1-2.5 thousand rubles may be imposed with confiscation of prohibited items. In more severe cases, according to Art. 226.1 of the Criminal Code, a sentence of 7 years in prison and a fine as an additional punishment may be imposed.


The legislation of the Customs Union defines a specific list of things and their volumes for personal use that can be imported into the Russian Federation duty-free and do not require declaration. In case of exceeding the established limits, the legislator requires the objects to be included in the customs declaration and payment of the established duties. In addition, a list of things is regulated, the movement of which requires permission or which are prohibited for import and export. In the event of their unauthorized movement, both criminal and administrative liability may occur.