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Comoros. School encyclopedia Hotels, hotels, prices

Motto: "fr. Unité Solidarité Development»
"Unity, Solidarity, Development"
Hymn : "Umodja wa Masiwa (Union of Islands)"
Independence date 6 July 1975 (from France) official languages Comorian, French, Arabic Capital Moroni The largest city Moroni Form of government federal presidential republic The president Azali Assoumani Vice Presidents
  • Abdullah Said Saruma
  • Jafar Ahmed Said
  • Mustadruan Abdu
State religion Islam (Sunni) Territory 168th (169th) in the world Total 2235 km² / 1862 km² % water surface slightly Population Score (2016) 806,153 people (158th) Density 433 people/km² GDP (PPS) Total (2016) $1.259 billion (182nd) Per capita $1,528 (167th) GDP (nominal) Total (2016) $0.613 billion (179th) Per capita $744 (178th) HDI (2013) ▲ 0.429 (low; 169th place) Currency Comorian franc (KMF, code 174) Internet domain .km ISO code K.M. IOC code COM Telephone code +269 Time Zones +3 Car traffic on right[d]

The name comes from the Arabic word al-qamar(al-qamar), which means "moon". The moon is present on the state flag.


The state is located on the volcanic archipelago of the Comoros Islands, which includes four main islands. The islands of Ngazidja (Grande Comore), Ndzuani (Anjouan) and Mwali (Moheli) actually constitute the Union of Comoros, and the island of Maore (Mayotte) actually has the status of an "overseas region" of France, but is claimed by the Union of Comoros.

Since the 1600s, the second wave of settlement of the islands began with people from Africa, the countries of the Arab East and the island of Madagascar. The archipelago was also a haven for pirates, who brought captured Indians and Chinese here. Since 1785, raids from Madagascar were carried out to capture slaves, which is why at the beginning of the 19th century the island of Mayotte was practically depopulated and, together with the island of Mohéli, was controlled by the rulers of Madagascar.

Colonial period

The colonists' farms were based on the cultivation of vanilla, cloves and coffee. The local elite worked closely with the colonial administration. After occupation by British troops during World War II, France's new constitution granted it the status of an "overseas territory" in 1947. In 1957, the Government Council was established (in 1961 it was headed by a native of the country, S. M. Sheikh), and in 1961, an elected Chamber of Deputies was established. Local self-government (except for issues of finance, defense and external relations) has been introduced since 1968. The administrative center in 1968 was moved from the city of Mamoudzou (Mayotte island) to the city of Moroni (Grande Comore island). The administration was headed by the High Commissioner.

The first political organizations representing different groups of the Muslim aristocracy arose in 1962: the Democratic Union of the Comoros (DUCO, created by S. M. Sheikh) - the so-called Green Party (party of senior civil servants) and the Democratic Union of the Comorian People " (DOC), called the "party of whites" or "party of princes". In 1963, the Comorian community in Tanganyika created the Movement for the National Liberation of the Comoros Islands (MOLINACO), recognized by the OAU as the leader of the national liberation movement on the islands. Its branch, the Party for the Evolution of Comoros (PEC), has operated on the archipelago since 1970. In 1972, the People's Party (Umma) was created on the island of Grande Comore.

At the referendum on independence (December 1974), the majority of residents of the archipelago spoke positively. Of these, 96% of the inhabitants of the islands of Anjouan, Grande Comore and Mohéli voted “for” his separation from France, and 64% of the population of the island of Mayotte voted “against”. On July 6, 1975, the local Chamber of Deputies unilaterally proclaimed the independent Republic of the Comoros (RCO), controlling three islands: Anjouan, Grande Comore and Mohéli. The Chairman of the Government Council, Ahmed Abdallah, became President. This council was abolished, a parliament was formed, a constitution was adopted, and the Arabic names of the islands were restored.

In November 1975, Comoros was admitted to the UN as part of four islands as a single state. France, having recognized the independence of the RKO, unilaterally assigned the island of Mayotte the status of its “territorial unit”.

After independence

As a result of a bloodless coup d'etat on August 3, 1975, Maoist sympathizer Ali Sualikh came to power, proclaiming the course of so-called “national socialism”: the nationalization of large land holdings and property of French colonists expelled from the country, the introduction of economic planning, the abolition of Sharia law and the limitation of influence Muslim clergy, dissolution of political parties. The anti-Islamic direction of the government's policy led to destabilization of the situation in the country. RKO found itself in conditions of international isolation.

In May 1978, a new coup took place, led by the French mercenary Bob Denard (Ali Sualikh was killed, power again passed to A. Abdallah). The activities of the administrative apparatus, private French and local companies were resumed, land was returned to large owners, foreign investment was encouraged, and diplomatic relations with France were restored.

According to the 1978 constitution, the country was renamed the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros (FIRCO) (fr. République Fédérale Islamique des Comores; Arab. جمهورية القمر الإتحادية الإسلامية) ‎, parliament - to the Federal Assembly, and Islam was declared the state religion. After the introduction of a one-party system (1979), the only party became the ruling Comorian Union for Progress (Ujima, created in 1982).

The 1990 presidential elections were held in a multi-party environment (14 legal parties were created). Said Mohamed Johar was elected president (55.3% of the votes). Constant confrontation between parties contributed to a new coup in September 1995, carried out by foreign mercenaries. From 1996 to 1998, the presidency was held by Mohamed Taqi Abdulkarim. The new constitution (1996) established the existence of a multi-party system and Islam as the state religion.

After the death of the president, T. Massunde took this post. The deteriorating economic situation (including due to the fall in world prices for vanilla and cloves) and separatism (unilateral declaration of independence by the islands of Anjouan and Mohéli in 1997) destabilized the situation in the country. As a result of the military coup on April 30, 1999, Colonel Azali Assoumani came to power. In 2001, government troops foiled military coup attempts on the islands of Anjouan and Moheli.

After a referendum on December 21, 2001, a new constitution was approved, granting the islands greater autonomous rights. The country became known as the Union of Comoros (UCO). In the presidential elections on April 14, 2002 (postponed several times and held in two rounds), A. Assoumani won. In March-April of the same year, the presidents of the islands of Anjouan and Moheli were elected. A. S. Elbak, opponent of A. Assoumani, was elected president of the island of Grande Comore in May 2002 (63% of the votes).

According to the 2001 constitution, Comoros retains claims to the island of Maore (Mayotte), considering it an integral part and one of the four autonomous islands of the state of the Union of the Comoros.

Parliament (assembly) - 33 deputies, of which 18 are elected by universal suffrage, 15 by the assemblies of the three islands, for a five-year term.


According to the 2012 census, the country's population was 724,294 people (excluding Mayotte (Maore), with it - about 936,900 thousand people).

Annual growth - 2.7% (fertility - 4.8 births per woman).

Average life expectancy is 61 years for men, 66 years for women.

The official languages ​​are Arabic and French, the majority of the population speaks Comorian (a branch of Swahili with a large admixture of Arabic).

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Union of Comoros- a state in the Indian Ocean, located in the northern part of the Mozambique Channel between northern Madagascar and northern Mozambique.

The central part of the islands, surrounded by coral reefs, is occupied by volcanic massifs; in the coastal areas there are narrow strips of plains. There are many active and extinct volcanoes. The highest point is the active Kartala volcano (2361 m, located on the island of Grande Comore, the last eruption occurred in September 2003).

Comoros Airport

Moroni Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport

Hotels Comoros 1 - 5 stars

Weather Comoros

The climate is tropical, maritime. There are two distinct seasons: warm and humid (November-April, air humidity reaches 100%) and cool and dry (May-October). The average annual air temperature on the coast is +23°–28°, in mountainous areas – about +18°C. In the mountains, about 1100 mm of precipitation falls per year, on the coast and mountain slopes - up to 3000 mm.

Comoros language

Official language: Comorian, French, Arabic

The population speaks predominantly Comorian (a mixture of Swahili and Arabic). Knowledge of Arabic is acquired from childhood, since the Koran is compulsory in the country.

Currency of Comoros

The Comorian franc is equal to 100 centimes. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 10,000, 5,000, 2,500, 1,000 and 500 francs, coins in denominations of 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 franc, as well as 20 centimes.

Foreign currency can be exchanged at banks. The best place to exchange currency is Banque Nationale des Comores (BIC). Banking facilities are very limited in Njuani and Moili. You can exchange currency in supermarkets, hotels and restaurants, but the exchange rate there is much worse.

Credit cards are accepted for payment only in bank offices and in large hotels of international systems. Banque Nationale des Comores (BIC) is the only bank in the country that can cash traveler's checks.

Customs restrictions

There are no restrictions on the import or export of foreign and local currency.

The import of: weapons (including pneumatic and spearfishing), vegetables, fruits, plants, non-canned meat and meat products, printed and video products that contradict Islamic norms is prohibited.

The export of: shells, corals and products made from tortoiseshell is prohibited.

Mains voltage: 220V


Tipping is not accepted, although in more “French” areas of large settlements tips in good restaurants are 5-10%; in small private establishments they are not expected (however, for good service you can leave the staff any amount at the discretion of the guest).


Shops are usually open from Monday to Saturday, from 08.30 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 18.30 (some large retail outlets often remain open until 19.00-20.00).

It is customary to bargain in markets and small shops. The trading process should be leisurely and conducted in a spirit of mutual admiration for the skill of the bargainer. Hostile or agitated offers will only increase the price of the item.

Office hours

Banks are open from Monday to Thursday from 07.30 to 13.00, on Fridays - from 07.30 to 11.00.

The working day (office hours) in most organizations lasts from Monday to Thursday from 07.30 to 14.30, on Fridays - from 07.30 to 11.30, on Saturdays - from 07.30 to 12.00.


The general political situation on the islands is quite turbulent. Cases of fraud and petty theft are quite common. There are also a lot of pickpockets in areas where tourists may be concentrated. You should not display expensive photographic and video equipment, valuables or documents. It is not recommended to walk alone on the streets at night. You should not leave things unattended.

Code of the country: +269

Geographic first level domain

All water must be assessed as potentially hazardous to health. It is recommended to consume only well-fried meat and fish products; preference should be given to hot dishes.

Emergency numbers

To call emergency services, local numbers are used, which differ in each locality.

Geographical position

Comoros located in the Indian Ocean, at the northern entrance to the Mozambique Channel, between Madagascar and the coast of Mozambique (Africa). The archipelago consists of four small islands - Ngazidja (Grande Comore), Njuani (Anjouan) and Moili (Moheli) are part of the Union of the Comoros Islands, and the island of Maore (Mayotte or Mayotte) has the status of an overseas territory of France.

The total area of ​​the country is about 2.17 thousand square meters. km (Ngazidzha - 1148 sq. km, Njuani - 414 sq. km, Moili - 290 sq. km).

The capital is Moroni (Grand Comore island).

How to get there

By plane

The most logical way to get to the Comoros Islands is by plane from Madagascar with Air Madagascar.

Comores Aviation International flies to Mayotte, Madagascar and Tanzania. Comores Air Service - in Mayotte.

Kenya Airways also flies between Kenya and Comoros, offering convenient connections from London, Dubai and Paris.

Air Austral flies from Paris and Marseille with a stop in Reunion. Yemenia Airways flies to Comoros from Yemen. Air Tanzania operates weekly flights from Tanzania.

By sea

The Comoros Islands can be reached by sea from the islands of Madagascar and Zanzibar (Tanzania). It costs less than flying, but takes significantly longer. You need to negotiate prices with the captain (if you have good bargaining skills, the price can be reduced to 100 euros). You can also catch passing ships in Reunion, Mombasa (Kenya), Mauritius and Mayotte.


Russian citizens require a visa to visit the Comoros Islands
, which is issued upon arrival at the Immigration Service office.

To obtain a visa on arrival, the following documents are required:

A foreign passport, valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry. The passport must have at least one page for affixing a visa;
- two forms filled out in English, French or Arabic (issued upon arrival).
Upon arrival, each foreigner undergoes fingerprint scanning and digital photography. The data specified in the application form, together with a digital photograph, is transferred to a visa sticker, which is immediately printed and pasted into the passport.

Validity of tourist visa- 45 days.

Visa fee applies in the amount of $50. The fee is paid in dollars or other freely convertible currency equivalent to the specified amount.

In case of transit through the territory of the Comoros to third countries, a visa is issued free of charge, provided that you stay on the islands for no more than 24 hours. The status of this visa can be changed to tourist by contacting the Immigration Office in Moroni. You will need to provide a completed application form and pay a visa fee, the amount of which depends on the length of your stay.


Tropical, quite hot and humid
, with two distinct seasons: warmer and wetter - from November to April, and cool and dry - the rest of the year. Average monthly temperatures range from + 24 C to +27 C, annual precipitation falls from 1100 mm. in the central regions of the islands up to 3000 mm. on mountain slopes and coastal plains. The wet season from November to April is not a very good time to visit the Comoros Islands - the heat is sweltering and the humidity reaches 100%. The best time to visit is during the cooler period between May and October, when most of the islands have an almost perfect climate, the air does not warm above 25 C, is rich in the scent of blooming ylang-ylang, carnations, cinnamon and vanilla, and is constantly refreshed by the ocean trade winds. But sometimes during this period the weather can deteriorate sharply, which is associated with the arrival of monsoon winds and cyclones from the ocean.



Population is
549,338 people (1995), average population density of about 295 people per km2. The islands are inhabited mainly by Comorians - descendants of Arabs, mixed with Malagasy and people from the east coast of Africa; there are also Malagasy and Africans. The country has two official languages ​​- Arabic and French, many residents speak the local dialect - a mixture of Swahili and Arabic. Sunni Muslims make up the majority of believers (86% of the population), Catholics - 14%. Birth rate - 46 newborns per 1,000 people (1995). Mortality -11 deaths per 1,000 people (infant mortality rate - 77 deaths per 1,000 births). Average life expectancy: men - 56 years, women - 61 years (1995).


The Comoros archipelago is of volcanic origin and quite mountainous
. On the relatively small territory of this island group there are about three dozen active and extinct volcanoes, and the highest point of the country - Le Kartala (2360 m, Ngazidja Island) is an active volcano.

Ngazija Island(Grande Comore) is the largest and youngest island of the archipelago, whose natural conditions are also the most typical for the entire group. It is a vast volcanic massif with a central ridge running north to southeast and long, narrow grassy plains sloping steeply down to the coastline. The northern part of the island is occupied by a fairly extensive rocky plain known as La Grille. The southern third of the island is a single massif of the Le Carthala volcano (2360 m), whose crater reaches almost two kilometers in diameter, making it one of the largest in the world. Since 1857, almost two dozen major eruptions have been recorded here (the most extensive occurred in 1918), and the most recent dates back to 2003.

The coast of the island is composed of black lava rocks that form coastal cliffs, and is framed by sandy shores of dozens of shades, which gives them the status of one of the most colorful on the planet (the total length of the coastline is about 340 km). Almost the entire island is surrounded by a chain of young coral reefs.

Natural world of the islands- one of the relics of the biological history of the planet. Due to their isolation and intermediate position between the African continent and Madagascar, the islands have long preserved many ancient life forms. Suffice it to say that it was in these waters that coelacanth was first discovered - the oldest lobe-finned fish known today, 65% of the planet's "perfume plants" grow here, a giant bat lives - Livingston's flying fox (wingspan about 1.2 m) and about a dozen endemic bird species. It was here that, until the 17th century, lived the wingless giant bird dodo or epiornis (Aepyornis, height up to 3 m), found only here and in Madagascar.

And at the same time, the Comoros Islands themselves are quite deserted, and agricultural lands occupy up to 36% of the island's land area, which inevitably causes soil erosion and deforestation. Therefore, the once vast ancient forests (in the south) and grassy plains (in the center and north of the islands) are preserved here only at altitudes of more than 800 meters above sea level.

Hotels, hotels, prices

Hotels in Comoros
They are not distinguished by luxury and brilliant service, but they are known for their local flavor and hospitality. In addition to a hotel room, you can rent a villa, a bungalow or a room in a guest house - it all depends on what type of vacation you prefer - active or relaxing. In any case, both the hotel and the villa will offer you the services of a diving instructor, tour guide and concierge.

The Comoros Islands are located on the continent of Africa and the territory occupied
is 2170. Population
is 691,000 people. Capital
located in the city of Moroni. Form of government
- Republic. IN
speak: French, Arabic. The Comoros Islands have no land borders.
It is believed that the first people on the Comoros Islands appeared in the ancient times of the formation of humanity.
The Comoros are famous for their unique fauna, which “mastered” these territories in the era when Madagascar separated from the African continent. Chaos of rocks, numerous lava fields, relict forms of vegetation make up the natural appearance of these extraordinary islands. Almost forty species of animals live here and about sixty varieties of plants grow that cannot be found in any other corner of the globe, and the oldest forms of life on the planet have been discovered in the coastal waters of the Comoros Islands. Comoros is one of the most exotic areas of the world, but at the same time it is rather poorly developed in terms of tourism.
The largest city of the archipelago and also its capital is the city of Moroni, which is also known under the old name Port-aux-Boutres. It is located dangerously close to the hot Kartala volcano, so the name of the city (roughly translated - “on fire”) fully justifies itself. Moroni is a relatively young and very pretty village, similar to a typical Mediterranean port - with clusters of neat houses peeking out from lush green gardens and stone piers. In the harbor, along the stone piers, a wide variety of boats are crowded, stretching for almost six kilometers, which gives the city a special charm.
The architectural design of Moroni is very picturesque: the local Medina is replete with Arabic traditional two-story houses, which are decorated with numerous balustrades, galleries, elegant wooden shutters and grilles. The entire Old City is penetrated by a network of narrow old streets, in which the influence of Arabic traditions is also noticeable. There are many slender mosques scattered throughout the city, the most popular of which is the Vendredi Mosque, from which you can admire an incomparable panorama of the city and surrounding areas of the island.
The wildest and smallest of all the islands of the archipelago is called Moili. Magnificent tropical forests, volcanic soil, picturesque valleys, usually covered with coconut groves, beautiful pastures, old cocoa and coffee plantations, ylang-ylang forests - this is what tiny Moili is famous for. But even magnificent exotic forests, perfectly white sand and an excellent tan do not contribute to the development of tourism. Blame it on the apparent shortage of many goods and lack of development. However, if you have a tent, you can linger on the beautiful banks of Niumachua, Miringoni, Domoni and Kawe Hoani.
The city of Fomboni is the capital of another island of the archipelago - Moheli. It is a small and rather poor town, more like a sleepy village than a capital. There are no noteworthy attractions here, with the exception of one - the market, where you can sometimes find very interesting goods imbued with the spirit of local culture.
In addition, the picturesque waterfall in Miringon, the mountain range stretching across the entire island, the unique lake Dziani-Bunduni, the Jandro plateau and evergreen forests, which are a real bird's paradise, are deservedly popular - about ten endemic species of birds and more than fifty other species of exotic birds live here .
The Comoros Islands are a corner of the Earth almost unexplored by tourists, attractive for its originality, cultural characteristics of the local population, exoticism, beauty of landscapes and incredible wealth of flora and fauna.

Moroni 03:31 24°C

Country population 773,407 people Territory of Comoros 2,170 sq. km Located on the continent of Africa Capital of the Comoros Moroni Money in Comoros Franc (KMF) Domain zone.Km Country telephone code 269


In the western part of the largest island of the Comoros, Ngazija, there are excellent beaches with all kinds of entertainment venues: cafes, bars, restaurants, casinos.

Buni is the best beach on the island, with exotic wildlife, the peace and quiet of which is conducive to a romantic holiday. South of Buni, the town of Somoni is located, in a beautiful bay, with a snow-white sandy shore and black lava rocks, the contrasting combination of which makes the beach spectacular and special.

Fumbuni is rich in white sand beaches and is recognized as the best place for diving. Moya is a quiet place where you can take a break from the benefits of civilization. It features fantastic beaches that are associated with a “tropical paradise” and has ideal conditions for snorkeling thanks to its reefs.

Climate of the Comoros: Tropical marine. Rainy season (November to May).


The Comoros Islands can provide tourists with many options for a comfortable and cozy stay. You can rent a room in hotels of various star ratings, as well as an inexpensive bungalow. Prices for hotels in Comoros depend both on the number of “stars” and on the season. During the low season, many hotels reduce the cost of living, since a large amount of rain is not conducive to a beach holiday and tourists are in no hurry to come to the Comoros Islands. When visiting the Anjouan island of the island state, you can stay in hotels: “Al Amal”, “La Paillotte” or “Moya Plage Bungalows”. When visiting Moheli Island, good choices would be Les Abou, Relais de Singani and Moheli Laka Lodge.

Terrain of the Comoros: Volcanic islands, terrain varies from steep mountains to low hills.


The main attraction of the Comoros Islands is its untouched wildlife, warm sea with rich aquatic life and clean sandy beaches. But besides a pleasant beach holiday, the island state can offer tourists a visit to the Old Friday Mosque, which is located in the capital of the state - Moroni.

This attraction, a popular place among tourists, is located on the shore of the harbor. The mosque was supposedly built in 1472 and since that time, for five centuries, services have been held in it. The temple is made of white coral limestone. According to traditional Arabic architecture, the Old Friday Mosque has arched two-tiered galleries, a carved border along the perimeter of the roof and a square minaret topped with a green dome with a crescent.

Comoros has resources like:: none


When you come on a tourist trip to the Comoros Islands, you should definitely visit its capital - Moroni. This is a bustling young city with many cafes and restaurants, a bazaar, and a variety of shops that will be interesting for shopping lovers to visit. This city is bustling with life at any time of the day. Tired of the bustle of the city, you can retire to one of the remote beaches of the island, enjoying the smell of cinnamon, vanilla, ylang-ylang, the aromas of which fill the air. Diving enthusiasts come to the country, since the waters surrounding the islands have many aquatic inhabitants. While diving, you can see exotic coelacanth fish, sailfish, sunfish, large stingray, as well as other marine inhabitants.

Money of the Comoros Islands: The state circulates banknotes with a face value ranging from five hundred to ten thousand Comoros francs. The coin version of francs is presented in sizes from five to one hundred. Due to the depreciation of the monetary unit, centimes have been withdrawn from circulation, and the metal equivalent of francs is more used as tourist souvenirs than as a full-fledged official currency.


When visiting the Comoros Islands, traveling around the country or coming for a quiet beach holiday, tourists will be interested in visiting the National Museum of the Comoros Islands. The museum is located in the picturesque capital of the state, the city of Moroni.

The National Museum will give its guests the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the state of the Comoros Islands and the people living on it. The museum's exposition is represented by exhibits from both ancient and modern eras, and allows you to plunge into the life and traditions of different eras, to understand the way of life of distant times.

It is also worth seeing ancient books and writings, myths and legends, from which you can better learn the history of the country, collected in the National Library. This collection of books can be easily accessed by visiting the city library.


The island state of Comoros has four airports within the country. Two of them are located on the main island, one is international, located in the capital of the state, Moroni. Between the islands of Ngazige, Anjouan and Moheli, you can travel using a local airline. There is no public transport on the Comoros Islands. To get around the islands, you can rent a car or take a taxi. It is worth noting that the country has water transport that connects the islands with each other, but it runs quite inconveniently and rarely, and it is not always safe to use it due to the condition of the ships. Large ships sail between Moroni and Fomboni several times a week. Boats, which are more mobile, connect the main island with Moheli, while a ferry runs between the capital and Anjouan Island.

Standard of living

Union of Comoros, one of the poorest Arab countries in the world. Life expectancy in the country does not exceed 60 years. The state has a low level of development, both healthcare and education. In the country, compulsory secondary education was recently introduced - nine grades. The Comoros Islands do not have higher educational institutions. The main branch of the country's economy, in which most of it is involved, is agriculture, both for the country's domestic needs and for export. Livestock farming and fishing are quite developed. The Comoros exports vanilla, ylang-ylang, cloves for the perfume industry, as well as coffee, essences, and copra (dried coconut pulp).


The archipelago located in the Indian Ocean is called the Comoros Islands. Several islands of the archipelago are part of the republic called the Union of the Comoros.

The capital of the state is the city of Moroni, located on the largest of the islands - Ngazija (Grand Comore). The main city of the republic is home to about fifty thousand inhabitants.

The second most populous city is Mutsamudu, the largest city on the island of Anjouan.

Fomboni is the third major city in the country, the center of Moheli Island.

Also, on the territory of the Comoros Islands there are such cities as: Ounkazi, Domoni, Tsimbeo, Sima, Ouani, Mirontsi, Basimini, Ikoni, Dindri, Ngandzale and Mbeni.



Ile Autonomous de Grande Comore

11.70216 x 43.25506



12.16672 x 44.39944

12.28 x 43.7425


12.25694 x 44.53194


12.19556 x 44.27667


12.13222 x 44.42583



12.15667 x 44.40806



12.22972 x 44.48167


12.30667 x 44.43778

Ile Autonomous de Grande Comore

11.50139 x 43.3775