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Where is the island of Bali? Bali - what country is this? Where is Bali? Bali official name


The island's area is 5,780 km², its length is 150 km from east to west and 80 km from north to south. The so-called Wallace Line, stretching from Bali and Lombok in an easterly direction, serves as the border between the flora and fauna of tropical Asia and natural areas Australia and New Guinea.



Flora and fauna

There are 4 types of forests in Bali: tropical evergreen forests in the west, deciduous forests in the northwest in inaccessible areas, savannah forests and mountain forests. Wet evergreen forests are represented in Bali Barat Park (translated as “Western Bali”). Here you can find rare plant species, huge centuries-old trees that are under protection. There are many plants of the ficus family, fig and banana groves. Deciduous forests grow in the northwestern part of Bali. They change their foliage depending on the season, and this flora is dominated by sapota trees. Mountain vegetation is rarely located above 1500 m above sea level, it is mainly casuarina and phyla. Banana palms are sacred in Bali, they grow very well, reproducing from their roots, and feed many animals: monkeys, squirrels, bats. Rare cave crab Karstama balicum included in the International Red List of the IUCN. Palm trees are particularly well represented in Bali. The leaves of borassa palms, dried and pressed, are used to make “lontars” on which sacred texts are written. Sugar palm leaves are used to make bouquets that are brought to temples as ritual offerings. There are also other types of trees, for example, ebony, or ebony, as well as balsa wood, which is extremely light - a convenient material for traditional masks. There are many bamboo trees, some species of which reach 30-40 cm in diameter. Found almost all over the island, bamboo is also a versatile building material for the Balinese.

Landscape architecture has become a real industry. The abundance of labor and fertile soil, in which everything planted easily takes root, contributes to the development of horticulture, especially in the south of the island and in the Bedugul region. Red, pink and white hibiscus, jasmine, bougainvillea, white and pink laurels, water lilies, lotuses and quite exotic plants such as Ingsoca, cempaka (yellow magnolia), manori and orchids.


A total of 4,225,384 people live on the island (2014). Since the beginning of the 21st century, the island's population has increased by more than a million people.

Bali is a Hindu society living in a Muslim country and constantly in contact with foreigners. All this only fuels interest in local customs. The Balinese themselves are quite proud of their traditions and usually follow a strict code of conduct. Tourists should take this for granted when visiting the island and adapt to local customs.


  • Denpasar is the capital and largest city of the island.
  • Singaraja is an industrial city in the north of the island.
  • Kuta is a resort city.
  • Ubud is the center of Balinese artistic life.


The majority of Balinese (83.5% of the population) profess a local form of Hinduism called Agama Hindu Dharma. 13.3% of the population is Muslim. They live mainly in Denpasar, Singaraja and small coastal towns. These figures do not include “temporary” migrants from other parts of Indonesia. There are few Christians (1.7%) and Buddhists (0.5%) - these are the Chinese, the indigenous population, as well as foreigners living on the island (British, Australians, Dutch, French, Italians, Russians and others).

In total there are about 20 thousand temples in Bali [[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] .

Terrorist activity


The central and most important transport hub on the island is Ngurah Rai Airport. This is a modern and well-equipped airport located near Denpasar, 3 km from Kuta, 15 km from Nusa Dua and 12 km from Sanur. There are many taxis serving it. In 2013, a new, large international terminal was put into operation at the airport. In 2014, the terminal serving local flights was significantly modernized.

A project has also begun to build a new airport in the north of the island.

A common and inexpensive form of transport on the island is bemo, small minibuses. There are several bus companies.

The most common transport among the local population is a moped or scooter.

Numerous agencies are available to tourists and guests of the island, where you can rent cars and motorcycles and move around the island on your own.


After recognition of independence, tourism was rather poorly developed, and the infrastructure was in its infancy. Even in the days of hippies, who flocked here from all over the world, there were only small bungalows without electricity on the beaches of Kuta, cheap rooms without amenities and seafood dishes for a few cents. However, in Sanur, tour operators were already developing tourism for the rich. The Indonesian government, whose economy was highly dependent on oil exports, needed to find other sources of income and greatly contributed to the development of the tourism industry.

At first, these efforts were aimed at changing in the eyes of the entire world community the unsightly image that was attached to the ruling elite of Indonesia after the military coup.

A professional analysis of the situation in Bali and a tourism development plan was made in 1969. The project was financed by the UN under the guarantee of the World Bank. Particular emphasis was placed on the Bukit Badung area. In 1978, Balinese Governor Ida Bagus Mantra invited interested parties to pay attention to the island's rich culture. Since that time, music, dance, religious festivals, sculpture and painting have played as much a role in the tourism business as the constant improvement of infrastructure. The airport has been reconstructed, luxury hotels and modest inexpensive hotels are being built to cover the entire social spectrum of travel lovers. Rice fields are being drained and water pipelines are being built in the driest areas. Inexpensive tourism has been replaced by luxury tourism. Now world-famous stars come to Sanur for wedding ceremonies, and European ministers spend their holidays at the Mediterranean Club in Nusa Dua.

From 2001 to 2008, the annual women's tennis tournament Commonwealth Bank Tennis Classic was held in Bali, in 2009-2011 it received Tournament of Champions status and became known as the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions.

From 18 to 26 October 2008, Bali hosted the 1st Asian Beach Games, which took place on the beaches of Kuta, Nusa Dua, Sanur and Mertasari, and Serangan Island became the venue for sailing competitions.

In 2009, the XVI Asian Archery Championship took place in Bali.

Bali has several golf courses. In 1994, the Bali Golf and Country Club's golf course was chosen to host the Alfred Dunhill Masters.

Several marathons are held annually. Including the international BII Maybank Marathon with more than 5,000 participants, Bali Beach Run.


  • Pura Besaki is the largest and most important Hindu temple in Bali.
  • Taman Ayun is the main temple of the Mengwi kingdom.
  • Botanical garden in the crater of a volcano.
  • Ulun Danu Temple on Lake Bratan.
  • Uluwatu Temple, where the Kecak dance performance takes place.
  • Tanah Lot Temple. It is also called the temple on the water.
  • Volcano Agung.
  • Git-Git and Aling Aling waterfalls. In total, according to various estimates, there are about 130 picturesque waterfalls in Bali.
  • Gunung Kawi.
  • Goa Gaja - a temple in the mouth of a demon.
  • Tirta Ganga - Water palace with holy springs in Amlapura.
  • Tirta Empul is a temple with holy springs a little north of Ubud.
  • Taman Ujung is a royal residence in eastern Bali.
  • Monkey forest in Ubud.
  • Bali Safari Park.
  • GWK Park.
  • Taman Nusa Park.
  • Hot mineral springs at the foot of the Batur volcano.

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  1. Geographical encyclopedic dictionary: geographical names / Ed. A. F. Treshnikova. - 2nd ed., additional.. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989. - P. 54. - 210,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85270-057-6.
  2. , With. 86.
  3. . - Soviet encyclopedia. - T. 2. - P. 572.
  4. Ageenko F. L.. - M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2001. - P. 35. - 376 p. - ISBN 5-93196-107-0.
  5. / Kalesnik, Stanislav Vikentievich. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1973. - 808 p.
  6. , With. 53.
  7. Abramenko V. G. Southeast Asia (reference book). M.: Crystal, 1996. - 168 p.
  8. Orlinkov A. F. Geography of Asia. M.: Nauka, 1994. - 296 p.
  9. Petrov S.S., Petrova I.G. Large directory of Asian countries. M.: Mysl, 1997. - 134 p.
  10. (2010 Census).
  11. Volodin A. A., Mikhalev P. I. Balinese Hinduism. - St. Petersburg: Iris, 2001. - 98 p.
  12. Golovina E. I. Bali. M.: Le Petit Fute, 2001. - 192 p.
  13. Dinas Pariwisata.. Retrieved September 12, 2016.
  14. Tales of the island of Bali. Arranged by J. Heuckas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp. Per. with him. Z. A. Mirkina. M.: “Nauka”, 1983. 272 ​​p.
  15. (English) .
  16. - article on the official website of the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions (English).
  17. - description on the website (English).


  • Korigodsky R. N., Kondrashkin O. N., Zinoviev B. I., Loschagin V. N. Large Indonesian-Russian dictionary. - M., 1990. - T. 1.
  • Pospelov, Evgeniy Mikhailovich. Geographical names of the world. Toponymic dictionary. - 2nd edition. - M.: Russian dictionaries: Astrel Publishing House LLC: ACT Publishing House LLC, 2002. - P. 512. - ISBN 5-93259-014-9.
  • Demin L. M. Bali Island / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Asian Peoples.. - M.: Nauka, Chapter. ed. eastern lit., 1964. - 304 p.(region)
  • Ulig G. Bali - the island of the living gods / Helmut Uhlig; Per. with him. - M.: Science. Main editorial office of oriental literature, 1990. - 264 p. - (Stories about Eastern countries). - 15,000 copies. - ISBN 5-02-016883-1.(region)


Excerpt describing Bali

So far, for some reason, no one showed up anywhere, and no one expressed any great desire to meet us... It was a little strange, since usually the owners of all these wonderful worlds were very hospitable and friendly, with the exception of only those who had just appeared on “ floor” (that is, they had just died) and were not yet ready to communicate with others, or simply preferred to experience something purely personal and difficult alone.
“Who do you think lives in this strange world?” Stella asked in a whisper for some reason.
- Do you want to see? – unexpectedly for myself, I suggested.
I didn’t understand where all my fatigue had gone, and why I suddenly completely forgot the promise I made to myself a moment ago not to interfere in any, even the most incredible, incidents until tomorrow, or at least until I had at least a little rest. But, of course, this again triggered my insatiable curiosity, which I had not yet learned to pacify, even when there was a real need for it...
Therefore, trying, as far as my exhausted heart allowed, to “switch off” and not think about our failed, sad and difficult day, I immediately eagerly plunged into the “new and unknown”, anticipating some unusual and exciting adventure...
We smoothly “slowed down” right at the very entrance to the stunning “ice” world, when suddenly a man appeared from behind a sparkling blue tree... She was a very unusual girl - tall and slender, and very beautiful, she would have seemed quite young , almost if it weren’t for the eyes... They shone with calm, bright sadness, and were deep, like a well with the purest spring water... And in these wondrous eyes lurked such wisdom that Stella and I had not yet been able to comprehend for a long time ... Not at all surprised by our appearance, the stranger smiled warmly and quietly asked:
- What do you want, kids?
“We were just passing by and wanted to look at your beauty.” Sorry if I disturbed you...” I muttered, slightly embarrassed.
- Well, what are you talking about! Come inside, it will probably be more interesting there... - waving her hand into the depths, the stranger smiled again.
We instantly slipped past her inside the “palace”, unable to contain the curiosity rushing out, and already anticipating something very, very “interesting” in advance.
It was so stunning inside that Stella and I literally froze in a stupor, our mouths open like hungry one-day-old chicks, unable to utter a word...
There was no so-called “floor” in the palace... Everything there floated in the sparkling silver air, creating the impression of sparkling infinity. Some fantastic “seats”, similar to groups of sparkling dense clouds accumulated in groups, swaying smoothly, hung in the air, sometimes becoming denser, sometimes almost disappearing, as if attracting attention and inviting you to sit on them... Silvery “ice” flowers, shining and shimmering, they decorated everything around, striking with the variety of shapes and patterns of the finest, almost jewelry petals. And somewhere very high in the “ceiling”, blinding with sky-blue light, huge ice “icicles” of incredible beauty hung, turning this fabulous “cave” into a fantastic “ice world”, which seemed to have no end...
“Come on, my guests, grandfather will be incredibly glad to see you!” – the girl said warmly, gliding past us.
And then I finally understood why she seemed unusual to us - as the stranger moved, a sparkling “tail” of some special blue material was constantly trailing behind her, which sparkled and curled like tornadoes around her fragile figure, crumbling behind her. with silver pollen...
Before we had time to be surprised by this, we immediately saw a very tall, gray-haired old man, proudly sitting on a strange, very beautiful chair, as if thereby emphasizing his importance to those who did not understand. He watched our approach completely calmly, not at all surprised and not yet expressing any emotions other than a warm, friendly smile.
The white, silver-shimmering, flowing clothes of the old man merged with the same, completely white, long hair, making him look like a good spirit. And only the eyes, as mysterious as those of our beautiful stranger, shocked us with boundless patience, wisdom and depth, making us shudder from the infinity visible in them...
- Hello, guests! – the old man greeted affectionately. – What brought you to us?
- Hello to you, grandpa! – Stella greeted joyfully.
And then, for the first time in the entire time of our already quite long acquaintance, I was surprised to hear that she had finally addressed someone as “you”...
Stella had a very funny way of addressing everyone as “you”, as if emphasizing that all the people she met, whether an adult or a completely toddler, were her good old friends, and that for each of them she had her heart wide open. the soul is open... Which, of course, instantly and completely endeared even the most withdrawn and loneliest people to it, and only very callous souls did not find a way to it.
– Why is it so “cold” here? – immediately, out of habit, questions started pouring in. – I mean, why do you have such an “icy” color everywhere?
The girl looked at Stella in surprise.
“I never thought about it...” she said thoughtfully. – Probably because we had enough warmth for the rest of our lives? We were burned on Earth, you see...
- How did they burn it?! – Stella stared at her, dumbfounded. - Really burned?.. - Well, yes. It’s just that I was a Witch there - I knew a lot... Like my whole family. Grandfather is a Sage, and mother, she was the strongest Sage at that time. This means that I saw what others could not see. She saw the future the same way we see the present. And the past too... And in general, she could and knew a lot - no one knew so much. But ordinary people apparently hated this - they didn’t like too many “knowledgeable” people... Although, when they needed help, it was us they turned to. And we helped... And then those whom we helped betrayed us...
The witch girl looked somewhere into the distance with darkened eyes, for a moment not seeing or hearing anything around, having gone into some distant world known to her alone. Then, shuddering, she shrugged her fragile shoulders, as if remembering something very terrible, and quietly continued:
“So many centuries have passed, and I still feel like the flames are devouring me... That’s probably why it’s “cold” here, as you say, dear,” the girl finished, turning to Stella.
“But you can’t possibly be a Witch!” Stella said confidently. – Witches can be old and scary and very bad. This is what it says in our fairy tales, what my grandmother read to me. And you are good! And so beautiful!..
“Well, fairy tales are different from fairy tales...” the witch girl smiled sadly. – After all, it’s people who create them... And the fact that they show us old and scary is probably more convenient for someone... It’s easier to explain the inexplicable, and it’s easier to cause hostility... You, too, will have more sympathy if they burn the young and beautiful rather than the old and scary, right?
“Well, I’m also very sorry for the old women... just not the evil ones, of course,” Stella said, lowering her eyes. “It’s a pity for any person when there’s such a terrible end,” and, shrugging her shoulders, as if imitating a witch girl, she continued: “Did they really, really burn you?!” Quite, completely alive?.. How painful it must have been for you?!. What is your name?
Words habitually poured out from the little girl like a machine-gun burst and, not having time to stop her, I was afraid that the owners would eventually be offended, and from welcome guests we would turn into a burden that they would try to get rid of as quickly as possible.
But for some reason no one was offended. Both of them, the old man and his beautiful granddaughter, answered any questions with friendly smiles, and it seemed that for some reason our presence really gave them sincere pleasure...
- My name is Anna, honey. And “really, really” I was completely burned once... But that was a very, very long time ago. Almost five hundred Earth years have already passed...
I looked in complete shock at this amazing girl, unable to take my eyes off her, and tried to imagine what a nightmare this amazingly beautiful and gentle soul had to endure!..
They were burned for their Gift!!! Just because they could see and do more than others! But how could people do this?! And, although I had long ago realized that no animal was able to do what a man sometimes did, it was still so wild that for a moment I completely lost the desire to be called this same “man.” ..
This was the first time in my life when I actually heard about real Sorcerers and Witches, in whose existence I had always believed... And so, having finally seen a real Witch in reality, I, naturally, terribly wanted to “immediately and everything- everything” ask her!!! My restless curiosity was “fidgeting” inside, literally squealing with impatience and begging me to ask now and definitely “about everything”!..
And then, apparently, without noticing it myself, I was so deeply immersed in an alien world that had so unexpectedly opened up to me that I did not have time to react correctly in time to the suddenly mentally revealed picture... and a fire, terribly real in its eerie sensations, broke out around my body !..
The roaring fire “licked” my defenseless flesh with burning tongues of flame, exploding inside, and almost depriving me of my mind... Wild, unimaginably cruel pain overwhelmed me headlong, penetrating into every cell!.. Soaring “to the ceiling”, it hit me in a flurry unfamiliar suffering, which could not be appeased or stopped. Blinding, the fire twisted my essence, howling with inhuman horror, into a painful lump, not allowing me to breathe!.. I tried to scream, but my voice could not be heard... The world was collapsing, breaking into sharp fragments and it seemed that it could not be put back together ... The body blazed like a terrible festive torch... incinerating my wounded soul, which burned along with it. Suddenly, screaming terribly... I, to my greatest surprise, again found myself in my “earthly” room, still chattering my teeth from the unbearable pain that had so unexpectedly struck from somewhere. Still stunned, I stood, looking around in confusion, unable to understand who and why could do something like that to me...
But, despite the wild fright, I gradually managed to somehow pull myself together and calm down a little. After thinking a little, I finally realized that this, most likely, was just an all too real vision, which in its sensations completely repeated the nightmare that had once happened to the witch girl...
Despite the fear and still too vivid sensations, I immediately tried to return to the fairy-tale “ice palace” to my abandoned, and probably already very nervous, girlfriend. But for some reason nothing worked... I was squeezed like lemon, and there was no strength left to even think, let alone such a “journey”. Angry at myself for my “softness,” I again tried to pull myself together, when suddenly someone else’s force literally pulled me into the already familiar “ice” hall, where my faithful friend Stella was rushing about, bouncing excitedly.
- Well, what are you doing?! I was so scared!.. What happened to you? It’s good that she helped, otherwise you’d still be flying “somewhere” right now! – choking with “righteous indignation”, the little girl immediately blurted out.
I myself still didn’t really understand how this could happen to me, but then, to my great surprise, the voice of the unusual mistress of the ice palace sounded affectionately:
- My dear, you are Darina!.. How did you end up here? And you are alive!!! Are you still in pain? – I nodded in surprise. - Well, what are you doing, you can’t watch something like that!..
The girl Anna tenderly took my head, still “boiling” from searing pain, into her cool palms, and soon I felt how the terrible pain began to slowly recede, and after a minute it completely disappeared.
“What was that?..” I asked, stunned.
“You just looked at what happened to me.” But you still don’t know how to defend yourself, so you felt everything. You are very curious, this is your strength, but your trouble is also, dear... What is your name?
“Svetlana...” I said hoarsely, gradually coming to my senses. - And here she is – Stella. Why do you call me Darinya? This is the second time I've been called that, and I would really like to know what it means. If possible, of course.
– Don’t you know?! – the witch girl asked in surprise. – I shook my head negatively. – Darinya is “the one who gives light and protects the world.” And at times, even saving him...
“Well, I wish I could at least save myself for now!” I laughed sincerely. - And what can I give if I myself don’t know anything at all? And so far I’m making only mistakes... I still don’t know how to do anything!.. – and, after thinking, she added sadly. - And no one teaches! Maybe grandma sometimes, and then Stella... And I would so like to study!..
“The teacher comes when the student is READY to learn, dear,” the elder said quietly, smiling. “And you haven’t even figured it out within yourself yet.” Even in things that have been open to you for a long time.
In order not to show how much his words upset me, I tried to immediately change the topic and asked the witch girl a sensitive question that was persistently spinning in my brain.
- Forgive me for my indiscretion, Anna, but how could you forget such terrible pain? And is it even possible to forget this?..
– I haven’t forgotten, my dear. I simply understood and accepted it... Otherwise it would have been impossible to continue to exist,” the girl answered sadly shaking her head.
- How can you understand this?! And what do you understand about pain?.. – I didn’t give up. – Was this supposed to teach you something special?.. Sorry, but I never believed in such a “teaching”! In my opinion, only helpless “teachers” can use pain!
I was seething with indignation, unable to stop my racing thoughts!.. And no matter how hard I tried, I could not calm down.
Sincerely feeling sorry for the witch girl, at the same time I wildly wanted to know everything about her, which meant asking her a lot of questions about what could cause her pain. It was reminiscent of a crocodile, which, devouring its unfortunate victim, shed burning tears over it... But no matter how ashamed I was, I could not help myself... This was the first time in my short life when I almost I didn’t pay attention to the fact that I could hurt a person with my questions... I was very ashamed of this, but I also understood that for some reason it was very important for me to talk to her about all this, and I continued to ask, “closing on “all eyes”... But, to my great happiness and surprise, the witch girl, without being offended at all, calmly continued to answer my naive childish questions, without expressing the slightest displeasure.
– I understood the reason for what happened. And another thing is that this was also apparently my test... Having passed which, this amazing world, in which my grandfather and I now live together. Yes and much more...
– Was it really necessary to endure this just to get here?! – Stella was horrified.
- I think yes. Although I can't say for sure. Everyone has their own path...” Anna said sadly. “But the main thing is that I still got through it, managing not to break down.” My soul remained pure and kind, not angry at the world or at the people who executed me. I understood why they destroyed us... those who were “different.” Whom they called Sorcerers and Witches. And sometimes also “demon children”... They were simply afraid of us... They were afraid that we were stronger than them, and also that we were incomprehensible to them. They hated us for what we could do. For our Gift. And also, they envied us too much... And very few people knew that many of our killers themselves secretly tried to learn everything that we could do, but nothing worked for them. The souls, apparently, were too black...
- How is it that you studied?! But didn’t they themselves curse you?.. Didn’t they burn you because they considered you creatures of the Devil? – I asked, completely taken aback.
“So it was,” Anna nodded. “Only at first our executioners brutally tortured us, trying to find out what was forbidden, only known to us... And then they burned us, tearing out the tongues of many, so that they would not accidentally divulge what had been done to them. Yes, you ask my mother, she went through a lot, more than everyone else, probably... That’s why she went far after death, by her own choice, which none of us could.
-Where is your mother now? – Stella asked.
– Oh, she lives somewhere in “alien” worlds, I will never be able to go there! – Anna whispered with strange pride in her voice. - But sometimes we call her, and she comes to us. She loves and remembers us... - and suddenly, smiling sunnyly, she added: - And she tells such miracles!!! How I would like to see all this!..
“Can’t she help you go there?” – Stella was surprised.
“I think not...” Anna was saddened. “She was much stronger than all of us on Earth, and her “test” was much more terrible than mine, which is why she probably deserved more. Well, she was much more talented, of course...
– But why was such a terrible test necessary? – I asked carefully. – Why was your Fate so Evil? You weren’t bad, you helped others who didn’t have such a Gift. Why did they do this to you?!
– In order for our soul to become stronger, I think... So that we can withstand a lot and not break. Although there were also many who broke... They cursed their Gift. And before they died, they renounced him...
- How is this possible?! Is it possible to renounce yourself?! – Stella immediately jumped indignantly.
– As much as possible, dear... Oh, as much as possible! – the amazing old man said quietly, who had previously only observed us, but did not interfere in the conversation.
“Grandfather confirmed it to you,” the girl smiled. – Not all of us are ready for such a test... And not all of us can endure such pain. But it’s not so much about the pain as it is about the strength of our human spirit... After all, after the pain there was still fear from what we had experienced, which, even after death, tenaciously sat in our memory and, like a worm, gnawed at the remaining crumbs of our courage. It was this fear, for the most part, that broke the people who went through all this horror. As soon as later, already in this (posthumous) world, they were only slightly intimidated, they immediately gave up, becoming obedient “dolls” in the hands of others. And these hands, naturally, were far from “white”... So later “black” magicians, “black” sorcerers and various others like them appeared on Earth, when their essences returned there again. Magicians “on strings,” as we called them... So, it was probably not for nothing that we passed such a test. Grandfather also went through all this... But he is very strong. Much stronger than me. He managed to “get away” without waiting for the end. Just like my mother did. Only I couldn't...
- How to leave?! Die before he was burned?!. Is this even possible? – I asked in shock.

The island is washed by the Indian Ocean on the south side, and by the Bali Sea on the north. The western part of the island is separated by the Bali Strait from the island of Java, the eastern side of Bali is separated by the Lombok Strait from the island of Lombok.

Everything you need to know about Bali

All tourists who have ever vacationed in Bali can confidently say that the island is a fabulous place created by nature and carefully preserved by the local population in its pristine beauty.

The island is not distinguished by its territorial expanses, but it cannot be called very small either:

  • Bali's area is 5780 km²;
  • its length from east to west reaches 150 km;
  • and the length from north to south is 80 km.

Not everyone who goes on vacation to Indonesia knows one of the peculiarities of the island of Bali: that a mountain range with an increased zone of volcanic activity stretches across the entire island in the direction from west to east.

And some are especially surprised by the fact that there are two active volcanoes in Bali:

  • Gunung Agung (3142 m);
  • and Gunung Batur (1717 m).

The capital of the island is Denpasar, which is also the largest city in Bali.

Everything you need to know about Bali's climate

The climate in Bali can be described as equatorial-monsoon. The island does not have all 4 seasons, to which many Russian tourists are accustomed.

It is worth knowing that in Bali it is customary to distinguish 2 seasons:

  • dry season, lasting from June to October, ideal for relaxation;
  • the wet season lasting from November to March, often referred to by tourists as the "rainy season in Bali".

Largest quantity precipitation falls in January - February. The wet season should in no case discourage those wishing to spend time on the island: thunderstorms usually occur at night and last about 2 hours. In Bali, all seasons are good for a holiday, and perhaps a small amount of rainfall during your holiday will save you from the sweltering heat. The average annual air temperature does not fall below 26ºС. The water temperature in the ocean never drops below 26ºС, the average annual water temperature fluctuates around 28ºС.

All the most necessary information about the population of Bali

According to the 2010 census data on the population of Bali, it is known that the entire island's inhabitants are 3,890,757 people. The Balinese respect traditions very much and are immensely proud of them. The most important and revered inhabitants of the island are babies, whose souls, according to the belief of the local population, are closest to heaven. Every inhabitant of the island, when born, receives a gift from the priest. The whole life of the Balinese is accompanied by certain rites and rituals performed during the allotted time period of life.

The following can be said about the regelialia on the island of Bali:

  • about 84% of the population professes Hinduism, namely its Balivian variety, called “Agama Hindu Dharma”;
  • about 13% of residents are Muslim;
  • only about 2% of the population are Christians;
  • less than 1% profess Buddhism (all Buddhists on the island of Bali are Chinese or permanent foreigners).

Local residents always welcome guests. The flow of tourists has been growing over the years, but the attitude of the Balinese towards visiting guests has not worsened at all.

Official language

Indonesian. The indigenous local population speaks Balinese. Balinese whose field of activity is related to tourism speak quite well in English language, a special young generation.

Resort towns in Bali

All Bali resorts are good in their own way. You can get the most plausible ideas about each of them only by being in Bali.

Main resort places:

  • Sanur is an ideal place for a family holiday;

  • Nusa Dua is the most prestigious resort place in Bali, which everyone unanimously calls the most expensive place on the island;

  • Benoa is the best place that gives you the opportunity to get a complete picture of Bali, looking from the windows of the property with views of the ocean and the nearest islands;

  • Jimbaran is a resort where modest bungalows coexist with luxurious 5-star hotels with ocean views;

  • Kuta is the most popular and affordable place for a young audience of tourists, where a huge number of surfing opportunities in Bali are concentrated;

  • Legian is a resort closely adjacent to Kuta, but characterized by tranquility;

  • Ubud is an area that will tell you everything about the creative life in Bali.

Currency in Bali

Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).
Currency exchange rate:
1$ - 9550 rupees;
1€ - 12440 rupees.

Difference in time

Difference in time:

  • between Bali and Novosibirsk is 1 hour (in favor of Bali);
  • between Bali and Moscow - 4 hours (in favor of Bali).

Visa to enter Bali

All Russian citizens dreaming of a trip to the island should know whether a Bali visa is required upon arrival at the airport. Upon entry into the country, an individual stamp is affixed to the tourist’s passport.

The visa is valid for 30 days. The visa cost is $25.

Bali is a unique island where you need to be in person at least once in your life.

There is everything for a comfortable holiday here: the beautiful beaches of Bali, the beauty of which is not forgotten and

The island of Bali is one of the provinces of Indonesia, located between the islands of Java and Lombok. Bali is the largest tourist destination in the country. The island is famous for its highly developed art, magnificent natural resources and fabulous temples.

General information

Bali is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands. The population of the province, according to 2012 data, is 4.22 million people. Most of the population (over 90%) professes “Agama Hindu Dharma” - a type of Hinduism.

The history of Bali spans the period from the Paleolithic to the present day. The island has been inhabited since prehistoric times. During its rather rich history, Bali was under the influence of the Javanese Singasari dynasty (in the 13th and 14th centuries); since 1511, the island was a colony of Portugal. In 1597, Bali became a Dutch colony until the mid-20th century, when the Netherlands recognized Indonesian independence on December 29, 1949.

The major cities of Bali are the provincial capital - Denpasar, the industrial city of Singaraja, the resort of Kuta and the cultural center of Bali - the city of Ubud. In 2010, Bali was awarded as best island for relaxation and travel, thanks to the attractive environment, varied attractions, friendliness of the local people, excellent international and local restaurants.

The inhabitants of the island are proud and strictly observe their traditions. When visiting Bali, you should adhere to several strictly established rules.

  • Public hugs and kisses are not allowed.
  • It is forbidden to point at objects with your foot.
  • When visiting the temples of the island, you should wear a special long cape - a sarong.
  • It is forbidden to stand in front of a Balinese performing prayers.
  • It is not customary to appear in public places without a shirt or in a swimsuit.

Weather in Bali

The island is located in the equatorial-monsoon climate zone. In this regard, there are 2 seasons in Bali: dry (May - October) and wet (November - April). The greatest amount of rain occurs in January and February. During these months, the nature of the island comes to life, the vegetation acquires a rich emerald color.

The air temperature remains virtually unchanged throughout the year. Its average annual temperature fluctuates around 26 °C. The coolest month is July, the hottest month is February. The favorable period for a holiday in Bali lasts from May to August.

Transport Bali

Public transport on the island includes rickshaws and cheap three-wheeled minibuses - bemos. Comfortable buses run between the main tourist centers of Bali, the fares for which are slightly higher than for regular buses.

There is still no train service in Bali. The local population of the island gets around mainly on mopeds and scooters. To travel independently in Bali, you can rent a car, moped or bicycle. Please note that in Indonesia, traffic drives on the left.

Districts of Bali

Kuta is the busiest area of ​​the island. It attracts tourists with its vibrant nightlife, beautiful beaches with fine golden sand and a cheerful atmosphere.

Nusa Dua is an elite resort located in the south of the island. The resort is the safest and most peaceful place in Bali. This is a closed area intended for foreign tourists.

Jimbaran is a popular resort located 20 km from the airport. The area is famous snow-white beaches with warm sand, gentle calm seas and restaurants serving superbly prepared seafood.

Sanur - popular for family vacation resort. This is a calm area with smooth and wide sidewalks, numerous green spaces, flowers and huge trees.

Chandi Dasa and Tulamben(Candidasa and Tulamben) - an ideal place for diving. A popular place in the area is the wreck of the American ship Liberty, which sank off the coast. This is a haven for corals, shellfish and various fish.

Ubud is an area located in the center of the island. It is surrounded by picturesque hills, virgin jungle, rice fields and rivers. The magnificent landscape of the area attracts numerous photographers and artists.

Nature of Bali

The nature of Bali amazes with the variety of landscapes and the splendor of colors. The island is of volcanic origin. There are active volcanoes here, the most famous of which is the gigantic Gunung Agung (3142 m). The most picturesque place of the island is the eastern coast with majestic mountains and sea coast.

Natural attractions of the island

Sacred volcano Kintamani with two craters, one of which contains the picturesque Lake Batur. Climbing to the top, which lasts for 2 hours, is popular among tourists.

Volcano Gunung Agung, located in the center of the island. There are several fascinating hiking routes leading to its summit.

The Monkey Forest is a nature reserve located in the south of Ubud. Over 200 long-tailed Balinese macaques live here. On the territory of the reserve there is an ancient temple, which is considered a refuge of evil spirits.

Elephant Park is a nature reserve located in the Taro jungle. Guests of the park can feed and touch the elephants, and even go on elephant safari. The walk is also available for children.

Bedugul Mountain Reserve, located 18 km from the city of Denpasar. On its territory there are picturesque Botanical Gardens with a variety of trees and numerous species of orchids.

The Coral Garden at Chandi Dasa and Tulamben Resort is a dense thicket of soft and hard corals, home to a variety of reef fish species.

Menjagan Marine Park It is famous for its purity, magnificent corals, colorful tropical fish, seashells, stars and sponges.

Reptile Park, located near the city of Kuta, is rich in a variety of reptiles, including Komodo dragons and huge pythons.

Bird Park is a tropical forest with numerous aviaries, home to more than 250 species of birds.

Lake Bratan in the center of the island. According to legend, everyone who swims in the lake gains youth and longevity.

The Git Git waterfall in northern Bali is a truly magical place, accessible by a scenic path through the wild jungle.

National Park Bali Barat, occupying 10% of the island's area. On its territory there are mangrove and mixed forests, savannas, islands, coral reefs and volcanic mountains. The park is home to Balinese starlings, of which there are no more than 30 individuals in natural conditions.

Beaches of Bali

The island is primarily popular among beach lovers, thanks to its ecologically clean beaches with golden sand and warm sea. The southern part of the island is mainly covered with snow-white sand, the western and northern parts are covered with black sand.

The most popular beaches in Bali

Kuta Beach is the pearl of Bali. This place is famous for its breathtaking sunsets. In addition to the traditional sunbathing and swimming in the warm sea, guests can enjoy a variety of activities, from surfing to great shopping.

The beach at Jimbaran resort attracts novice surfers with its small waves. Among the entertainment options, you can rent a fishing schooner, where you can take part in traditional fishing.

Beaches for lovers of a relaxing holiday are located in the Sanur area. This is the ideal place to swim in the calm ocean, explore the beauty of the rich underwater world, and simply enjoy sunbathing on the snow-white sand.

Sights of Bali

Popular places on the island include numerous temples, historical, religious and cultural monuments.

Palace on the water Tirta Ganga(Tirta Gangga) is a magnificent combination of ancient traditions and unique Balinese culture. The palace is located in the east of the island, among the fabulously beautiful rice terraces.

Ujung Water Palace(Ujung) is a beautiful and well-kept complex of buildings surrounded by water and huge gardens.

Taman Ayun Temple with many beautiful pagodas overlooking a magnificent courtyard. The temple was the main Hindu sanctuary of the Mengwi kingdom.

Besakih is the largest and most important Hindu temple on the island. Located on the slope of Mount Agung and is a grandiose complex of three large sacred temples (Shiva Temple, Vishnu Temple and Brahma Temple) and 20 small sanctuaries.

Uluwatu Temple, located on the top of a cliff hanging over the ocean. Every evening, in front of the entrance to the temple, the famous kecak dance is held, in which about 150 performers take part in colorful national costumes.

Tanah Lot is the famous temple of the island. It is often depicted in Bali guidebooks and on souvenir postcards.

Ulun Danu Temple on Lake Bratan. This is an ancient structure, dating back about 3 centuries. The temple is dedicated to the life-giving power of the lake, which nourishes plants, animals and people.

Goa Lawah is a dark and mysterious temple on the east coast of Bali. The name of the temple translates as “Cave of Bats,” of which several hundred live in the building itself.

Buddhist monastery Brahma Arama Vihara(Brahma Arama Vihara), built in traditional Buddhist style. The temple premises contain golden Buddha statues, and the walls are decorated with traditional Balinese carvings.

Catholic Church in the village of Palasari - a snow-white building, skillfully decorated with Balinese carvings. A notable feature of the temple is the harmonious combination of two cultures. The room contains Catholic angels dressed in traditional Bali robes.

Gunung Kawi Temple Complex, erected in the 11th century as the tomb of King Anak Wangsu. The complex is divided into 2 parts by a picturesque river. On one side are the tombs of the king's wives, on the other is the main temple where the king himself was buried. A staircase with 371 steps leads to the temple.

Temple complex Pura Saraswati(Pura Saraswati), erected in honor of the goddess of water and knowledge Saraswati.

Goa Gaja or Elephant Cave is a temple whose entrance is made in the shape of a demon's head with an open mouth. The walls in the interior of the cave are decorated with magnificent stone ornaments depicting animals, people and plants.

The most visited museums in Bali

  • Historical Museum (Denpasar).
  • Art Museum (Ubud).
  • Neka Museum of Private Art Collections (Ubud).
  • Rice Museum (Tabanan).
  • Archaeological Museum Purbakala (Gilimanuk).
  • Kamasan Art Center (Klungkung).
  • Art Museums: Puri Lukisan (Ubud), Taman Werdhi Budaya (Denpasar) and Gunarsa (Klungkung).

Bali Holidays

The island is famous for its unique culture, including traditional and modern dance, painting, sculpture, music, metalworking, textile painting and wood carving. Balinese culture is reflected in numerous festivals and holidays, which are determined according to two local calendars, wuku and saka. You can find out about upcoming events from local tourist offices.

The main festival of the island, according to the wuku calendar, is the Galungan festival, which is held annually for 10 days. During this period, gods and barongs (mythical deities) come down to earth to celebrate.

Another important annual holiday, according to the saka calendar, is Nyepi - the day of silence. On the eve of the holiday, noisy rituals are held to drive out evil spirits. Directly on the day of the holiday, residents try not to leave their homes, sit in silence, without light, and don’t even prepare food. Thus, the inhabitants show that the island is completely uninhabited.

Bali regularly hosts vibrant religious festivals throughout the year. According to local religion, power over the island of Bali was transferred to the sacred people by the supreme god Sangiang Widhi. The inhabitants of the island try in every possible way to thank the gods for their trust by worshiping idols and performing sacred rites.

Traditional dances with a large number of performers in bright national costumes are a unique spectacle. Balinese dance is a grandiose theatrical performance, the main idea of ​​which is the eternal struggle between good and evil. The most exciting of them are the dramatic barong-kris dance and the mesmerizing kecak dance, which is performed at sunset at the Uluwatu Temple.

Bali Restaurants

Best restaurants in Bali

  • Sakala Bali is an impressive restaurant serving modern European cuisine. Famous for its large selection of dishes and excellent wine list.
  • Ju.Ma.Na is a romantic restaurant located in the open air. The restaurant offers French and Japanese cuisine.
  • Fair Warung Balé is a great family restaurant serving local cuisine. Famous for well-prepared food low prices and smiling staff.
  • Pearl French Restaurant is one of the best restaurants on the island. Famous for its romantic atmosphere, excellent French cuisine and high prices.

Traditional Bali cuisine

  • Babi guling - roasted pig.
  • Betutu - stewed or fried poultry (chicken or duck).
  • Bubur Sum-Sum - rice porridge with palm sauce and grated coconut.
  • Bubur Injun - black rice pudding.
  • Sate Susu is beef brisket served with a spicy chili sauce.
  • Sate Lilit - minced meat on a stick with the addition of hot spices.
  • Rendang - meat with coconut milk and spice paste (ginger, turmeric, garlic, chili pepper, etc.).
  • Gado-Gado is a salad made from boiled vegetables and served with a nut sauce.

Bali Hotels

The island features magnificent hotels from world-famous chains - Four Seasons, InterContinental, Hilton, Hyatt, Sofitel and others.

Best hotels in Bali

  • The Samaya Bali (Ubud) is a luxury hotel very popular for a romantic getaway. It offers luxurious villas with a beautiful garden and a cozy courtyard with a swimming pool.
  • Komaneka at Rasa Sayang (Ubud city) is a comfortable hotel located near the Monkey Forest. It offers a wonderful SPA salon and a small swimming pool. Each room has a balcony and a comfortable daybed.
  • Damai (Lovina Beach) is an extraordinarily beautiful five-star hotel. This is truly a heavenly place that attracts newlyweds and simply lovers. The hotel is famous for its excellent restaurant, the best in the region.

Shopping in Bali

Bali is primarily famous for its high-quality batik and intricately crafted wooden sculptures. On the island it is customary to bargain, and the offered price should be divided by at least 4 - this will be the real price of the goods.

The best areas for shopping are Kuta, Sanur and Ubud. The largest shopping centers The islands are Galeria and Discovery Kartika Plaza.

The Kuta area is famous for its large shopping centers, the largest of which is the Matahary shopping complex. Here you can find everything from souvenirs to clothing from famous brands. The quality is quite high.

The Ubud area is the cultural center of the island. Here you can buy high-quality batik and unique handicrafts, skillfully made by local artisans.

Entertainment in Bali

Popular things to do in Bali

  • Excursions to the tops of sacred volcanoes.
  • Rafting along mountain rivers flowing through picturesque jungles.
  • Elephant safari through Balinese villages and rainforest.
  • Diving on a submarine in the ocean.
  • Traditional fishing.
  • Visit the mysterious island of Komodo, where huge lizards live.
  • Visiting fabulous temples.
  • Exciting diving.
  • Getting to know the ancient customs and traditions of the Balinese.

The best places to relax with children

  • Waterbom Bali is a water park surrounded by tropical forests with numerous water slides, a relaxation area and an area for children.
  • Peek A Boo is a large amusement park with play areas for young children. For older children there is an outdoor playground with swings and slides.
  • Bali Zoo is the island's only zoo, housing many species of animals, reptiles and tropical birds. Among the exotic animals: Sumatran tigers, which are the smallest in the world, giant monitor lizards and huge cassowary birds. There is a special area for children in the zoo where they can climb trees or rope courses under the supervision of an instructor.

The center of Bali's nightlife is the Kuta resort with numerous bars, clubs and discos. Nightlife starts around midnight and ends around 4 am.

Best nightclubs in Kuta

  • The island's most famous club is Double Six, with glass walls and a cool swimming pool.
  • Popular nightclub SkyGarden, occupying an area of ​​3 floors. On the first there is a cafe, on the second there is a dance floor, on the third there is a magnificent evening restaurant. A special feature of the nightclub is its open roof.
  • Nightclub MBarGo, occupying an area of ​​2 floors. On each floor there are dance floors where different styles of music are played.

The fabulous island of Bali is an ideal place for all types of holidays: romantic, beach, family, ecological, extreme, etc. Bali attracts with its unique culture - vibrant religious holidays, mesmerizing dances, lush cremation ceremonies, gastronomic masterpieces and skillful handicrafts. No wonder the island is considered one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.


Bali Island Map

The island's area is 5,780 km², its length is 150 km from east to west and 80 km from north to south. The so-called Wallace Line, stretching from Bali and Lombok in an easterly direction, serves as the boundary between the flora and fauna of tropical Asia and the natural areas of Australia and New Guinea.


The island of Bali is the extreme point of the Sunda Islands before the islands of Lesser Sunda and Nusa Tenggara. A mountain range stretches from west to east of Bali - a zone of high volcanic activity. Two large active volcanoes, Gunung Agung (3142 m) and Gunung Batur (1717 m), are located in the northeastern part of the island. Volcanic activity causes high soil fertility and affects the development of culture. The major eruptions of Gunung Batur and Gunung Agung in 1963, which resulted in numerous casualties, devastated the eastern regions of the country, forcing many Balinese to emigrate.

Among other mountain peaks, the highest are Batukau (2278 m) and Abang (2152 m). This mountain range, with a limestone plateau located in the south, which is called “bukit” - hills, divides the island into two completely different regions. Northern, rises quite sharply from a narrow coastline to the mountain slopes. The climate here is relatively dry, conducive to coffee cultivation. In this part of Bali there are two rivers that irrigate the rice fields around Singaraja and Seririt. The southern region consists of terraces stretching from north to south on which rice is grown. Numerous rivers flow through gorges with lush vegetation. The southwest is made up of small, well-irrigated tracts of land and arid lands of coconut palm plantations.


Flora and fauna

There are 4 types of forests in Bali: tropical evergreen forests in the west, deciduous forests in the northwest in inaccessible areas, savannah forests and mountain forests. Wet evergreen forests are represented in Bali Barat Park (translated as “Western Bali”). Here you can find rare plant species, huge centuries-old trees that are under protection. There are many plants of the ficus family, fig and banana groves. Deciduous forests grow in the northwestern part of Bali. They change their foliage depending on the season, and this flora is dominated by sapota trees. Mountain vegetation is rarely located above 1500 m above sea level; it is mainly casuarina and phyla. Banana palms are sacred in Bali, they grow very well, reproducing from their roots, and feed many animals: monkeys, squirrels, bats.

Palm trees are particularly well represented in Bali. The leaves of borassa palms, dried and pressed, are used to make “lontars” on which sacred texts are written. Sugar palm leaves are used to make bouquets that are brought to temples as ritual offerings. There are also other types of wood, such as ebony or ebony, as well as balsa wood, which is extremely light and a convenient material for traditional masks. There are many bamboo trees, some species of which reach 30-40 cm in diameter. They can be found almost all over the island, and bamboo is a universal building material for the Balinese.

Landscape architecture has become a real industry. The abundance of labor and fertile soil, in which everything planted easily takes root, contributes to the development of horticulture, especially in the south of the island and in the Bedugul region. Red, pink and white hibiscus, jasmine, bougainvillea, white and pink laurels, water lilies, lotuses and quite exotic plants such as Ingsoca, cempaka (yellow magnolia), manori and orchids.


A total of 3,890,757 people live on the island (2010).

Bali is a Hindu society living in a Muslim country and constantly in contact with foreigners. All this only fuels interest in local customs. The Balinese themselves are quite proud of their traditions and usually follow a strict code of conduct. Tourists should take this for granted when visiting the island and adapt to local customs.

The Balinese are quite friendly towards tourists, but not towards Indonesians from other islands. Despite the abundance of tourists, the attitude towards them does not deteriorate significantly, unlike most popular resorts.


  • Denpasar is the capital and largest city of the island.
  • Singaraja is an industrial city in the north of the island.
  • Kuta is a resort city.
  • Ubud is the center of Balinese artistic life.

Administrative division

Together with the adjacent islands, Bali forms the province of Indonesia of the same name, which is part of the administrative region of the Lesser Sunda Islands. The province of Bali is divided into 8 districts (kabupaten) and one city municipality (kota):

Adm. unit Adm. center Territory
people (2010)
1 Jembrana District Negara 841,80 261 618
2 Tabanan County Tabanan 839,30 420 370
3 Badung District Mangupura 418,52 543 681
4 Gianjar District Gianjar 368,00 470 380
5 Klungkung District Semarapura 315,00 170 559
6 Bangli District Bangli 520,81 215 404
7 Karangasem District Amlapura 839,54 396 892
8 Buleleng District Singaraja 1365,88 624 079
9 Denpasar Denpasar 123,98 788 445
Total 5780,06 3 891 428


Hindu temple in Bali

The majority of Balinese (93.93% of the population) profess a form of Hinduism called Agama Hindu Dharma. About 5% of the population is Muslim. They live mainly in Denpasar, Singaraja and small coastal towns. There are few Christians and Buddhists - these are the Chinese, the indigenous population, as well as foreigners living on the island (British, Australians, Dutch, French, Italians, Russians and others).

In total there are about 20 thousand temples in Bali.

Terrorist activity


The central and most important transport hub on the island is Ngurah Rai Airport. This is a modern and well-equipped airport located near Denpasar, 3 km from Kuta, 15 km from Nusa Dua and 12 km from Sanur. It is served by a large number of taxis available day and night.

The most inexpensive type of transport is large modern buses (less than $1), which appeared just recently, in 2011. There are still very few lines, but work is now underway to expand the transport base and build stops. In fact, only one line operates - Nusa Dua (a famous tourist destination) - Batubulyan (a city in the center of the island, near a zoo, a bird and reptile park, a center for the production and sale of batik)

The most common transport among the local population is a moped or scooter. There are a great variety of them, from young to old (from 10 years old). Local police respond to only 2 terrible offenses: driving without a helmet and driving beyond the stop line. They ignore everything else (driving in oncoming traffic, driving without a license, high speed).

Cars in Bali are super slow, because... Everywhere there is an economical small-displacement engine. And they themselves are usually large and roomy (minibuses), because... Families are usually large and it is less convenient to carry them in a regular sedan.

Numerous agencies are available to tourists and guests of the island, where you can rent cars and motorcycles and move around the island on your own. However, not everyone will decide to take this step, because... The traffic is on the left and is now quite active. An automatic transmission is very rare. So hiring a driver is a completely reasonable decision. Moreover, the cost of this service is low, from $30 to $50 per day.


After recognition of independence, tourism was rather poorly developed, and the infrastructure was in its infancy. Even in the days of hippies, who flocked here from all over the world, there were only small bungalows without electricity on the beaches of Kuta, cheap rooms without amenities and seafood dishes for a few cents. However, in Sanur, tour operators were already developing tourism for the rich. The Indonesian government, whose economy was highly dependent on oil exports, needed to find other sources of income and greatly contributed to the development of the tourism industry.

At first, these efforts were aimed at changing in the eyes of the entire world community the unsightly image that was attached to the ruling elite of Indonesia after the military coup.

A professional analysis of the situation in Bali and a tourism development plan was made in 1969. The project was financed by the UN under the guarantee of the World Bank. Particular emphasis was placed on the Bukit Badung area. In 1978, Balinese Governor Ida Bagus Mantra invited interested parties to pay attention to the island's rich culture. Since that time, music, dance, religious festivals, sculpture and painting have played as much a role in the tourism business as the constant improvement of infrastructure. The airport has been reconstructed, luxury hotels and modest inexpensive hotels are being built to cover the entire social spectrum of travel lovers. Rice fields are being drained and water pipelines are being built in the driest areas. Inexpensive tourism has been replaced by luxury tourism. Now world-famous stars come to Sanur for wedding ceremonies, and European ministers spend their holidays at the Mediterranean Club in Nusa Dua.

From 2001 to 2008, the annual women's tennis tournament Commonwealth Bank Tennis Classic was held in Bali, in 2009 it received Tournament of Champions status and became known as the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions.

From 18 to 26 October 2008, Bali hosted the 1st Asian Beach Games, which took place on the beaches of Kuta, Nusa Dua, Sanur and Mertasari, and Serangan Island became the venue for sailing competitions.

In 2009, the XVI Asian Archery Championship took place in Bali.

Bali has several golf courses. In 1994, the Bali Golf and Country Club's golf course was chosen to host the Alfred Dunhill Masters.

Bali is a real surfing mecca, where there are good waves almost all year round. In the summer (May-September), eastern winds predominate, so surf spots on the western side of the island, such as Batubalong, Kuta, Balangan, Padang Padang, work well. In winter (November-March), due to southwest winds, spots on the southeast side, such as Serangan, Nusa Dua, Geger and Greenball, begin to work well. Bali often hosts world-class surfing competitions such as the Padang Padang RipCurl Cup. There are Russian and international surf schools and camps.


  • Pura Besakih is the largest and most important Hindu temple in Bali.
  • Taman Ayun is the main temple of the Mengwi kingdom.
  • Botanical garden in the crater of a volcano.
  • Ulun Danu Temple on Lake Bratan.
  • Uluwatu Temple, where the Kecak dance performance takes place.
  • Tanah Lot Temple.
  • Royal graves.
  • Git-Git waterfall
  • Gunung Kawi
  • Goa Gaja - temple in the mouth of a demon
  • Tirtaganga


  1. Official website of the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency
  2. Great Soviet Encyclopedia . - Soviet encyclopedia. - T. 2. - P. 572.
  3. Ageenko F. L. Proper names in Russian: Dictionary of accents. - M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2001. - P. 35. - 376 p. - ISBN 5-93196-107-0
  4. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Geographical Names / Kalesnik, Stanislav Vikentyevich. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1973. - 808 p.
  5. Abramenko V. G. Southeast Asia (reference book). M.: Crystal, 1996. - 168 p.
  6. Orlinkov A. F. Geography of Asia. M.: Nauka, 1994. - 296 p.
  7. Petrov S.S., Petrova I.G. Large directory of Asian countries. M.: Mysl, 1997. - 134 p.
  8. Volodin A. A., Mikhalev P. I. Balinese Hinduism. St. Petersburg: Iris, 2001 - 98 p.
  9. "Bali death toll set at 202". BBC News
  10. CNN report
  11. Golovina E. I. Bali. M.: Le Petit Fute, 2001. - 192 p.
  12. Tales of the island of Bali. Arranged by J. Heuckas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp. Per. with him. Z. A. Mirkina. M.: “Nauka”, 1983. 272 ​​p.
  13. Indonesia Sailing Federation (English).
  14. “The journey to Bali has begun” - article on the official website of the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions (English).
  15. Bali Golf and Country Club - description on the website (English).


  • Demin L. M. Bali Island / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Asian Peoples.. - M.: Nauka, Chapter. ed. eastern lit., 1964. - 304 p.(region)

Today we will visit an amazing Bali island in Indonesia and find out what kind of holiday it is like here.

Where is the island of Bali

Bali belongs to the Lesser Sunda Islands and is part of Indonesia. The Indian Ocean washes the island from the south, and Pacific Ocean and the sea - from the north.

Bali– one of the most popular resorts in Indonesia, designed for a luxurious holiday. Tropical forests, marvelous landscapes, huge volcanoes, temples and, of course, endless milky-cream beaches attract tourists from all over the world.

The capital of the island is Denpasar, a major commercial and tourist city in Indonesia. Denpasar is also a kind of “green paradise”: parks, gardens and beautiful streets are fragrant and blooming in full force. Everything here screams: “Come and relax.”

Bali is a heavenly holiday without exaggeration.

The nature and beauty of this place is so welcoming that you don’t want to leave here at all.

What resorts are on the island of Bali in Indonesia

Let's now talk in detail about the resorts of Bali.

I suggest starting from the southern region of the island Nusa Dua, which is the best place to relax. It is here that more than 15 five-star hotels are “collected”.

Southwestern region Jimbaran It opened for tourists quite recently. The good thing about the area is that it is an ideal place to relax and swim in the ocean waters. There are also chic restaurants that you will find right on the shore by the water.

Eastern Bank Sanur ideal for rest and relaxation, as the milky white beaches and incredible beauty of the lagoon evoke only pleasant thoughts.

And if you are a surfing enthusiast, then the coast in the west of the island will be ideal for you Kuta.

central District Ubud famous for its “untouched nature”. The beauty is so enchanting that all thoughts about the “everyday” fly away with a quiet breeze.

Beautiful blue ocean, black and white beaches - resort Candidasa It will be just the perfect place to relax.

For lovers of scuba diving the coast Tulamben will be the most suitable place.

Attractions on the island of Bali

Besakih Temple is a complex of 30 thirty temples. All of them are located in terraces and surround the sacred stone. This temple will surely be remembered by you for its architecture.

And the pearl of Indonesia, the Tanah Lot Temple, will surprise you with an interesting combination of the sea, shiny sand and a temple with a multi-tiered roof. This place is the most sacred place on the island.

The amusement park and Mount Gunung Katur, Barat National Park, Elephant Caves and Bat Cave will be remembered for their idea and beauty.

The Crocodile Farm, Bird Park, Rice Terraces, Water Park, National Marine Park and Monkey Forest will once again remind you that the nature of Indonesia is unique and beautiful.

Mesmerizing Balinese dance Kecak

Kecak is a unique Balinese dance. It is performed by more than 100 men who wear checkered sarongs and chant “chak-chak” while shaking their arms rhythmically.

For the Balinese, this dance has a deep religious meaning. Now these performances are specially staged for visiting tourists. And tourists, in turn, are eager to attend such a performance.

Bali is truly a heavenly place that you want to return to again and again!

That's all, travel and learn a lot of new, interesting and exciting things with us!

Where is the island of Bali located on the map