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Tatar national costume for women detailed description. Tatar national costume (with photo)

The history of the emergence of the Tatar national costume dates back to the middle of the 18th century, but the outfit that has survived to this day was formed a little later, around the 19th century. The Tatar attire was influenced by the Volga Tatars and the traditions of the peoples of the East. Since Tatar women learned to sew and embroider from a young age, when making clothes, they put all their skill and patience into it, and as a result, very beautiful and feminine costumes were obtained.

During the Middle Ages, a dress, a headdress and characteristic shoes were considered the traditional attire of women. Regardless of the status, the clothes largely coincided, but the differences, be it tribal, social or clan, were expressed only in the fabrics used, their price, the abundance of decorative elements and the number of clothes worn. The clothes that have been created over the centuries looked not just beautiful, but elegant, and this is due to decorations, exquisite finishes and traditional embroidery.

Description of the Tatar women's folk costume

Women's costume consists of a long tunic-shaped shirt with long sleeves and a long swing outerwear with a solid core. The bottom of the shirt and sleeves were decorated with frills. A sign of nationality is monumentality, and in women it manifested itself in, which were everywhere: on the chest, on the arms, on the ears.

Women wore a sleeveless jacket or camisole over a shirt, which was sewn from colored or plain velvet, and the sides and bottom of the camisole were decorated with gold braid or fur.

The main element of the national costume was the headdress. By the headdress, it was possible to determine the age of a woman, as well as her social and marital status. Unmarried girls wore white kalfaks, and they all had the same ones. Married ladies' hats differed by clan. Women over the kalfak always wore scarves, shawls or bedspreads.

By the way, kalfaks were also different. Some of them looked like a skullcap, also decorated and embroidered with gold threads, another type had a rag pointed end, to which a fringe of gold threads was attached, hanging slightly forward to the face.

The history of the creation of the Tatar national costume has come a long way, but despite this, the traditions of this people have survived to this day, and although modern society wears more European clothes, nevertheless, from time to time, on holidays, women and men dress up in their traditional costumes and remember the history of their people.

The basis of any traditional men's costume ensemble is a shirt and trousers, made of relatively light linen or cotton fabric. According to the features of the cut in the middle of the 19th and early 20th centuries. there were two types of men's shirts: tunic - without a seam on the shoulders, with gussets under the armpits and with wide insertion side wedges; shirt with beveled sewn shoulders and round armholes for sleeves. Trousers also belong to the ancient part of the clothing of the Tatars. In terms of cut, they are a variant of the waist-length clothing of the Turkic-speaking peoples, which in ethnographic literature has received the name "trousers with a wide step." A common and stable feature, according to which it is possible to systematize all the outer clothing of the Tatars, is the cut of the camp, its back. On this basis, the whole variety of outerwear is reduced to the following two types: 1) clothes with a fitted back; 2) clothing with a straight back. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. the first type of clothing was predominant. This type of outerwear includes: camisole, kazakin, bishmet, choba, bille chikmen, bille tun.

A camisole was worn over a shirt. It was perceived by the people as a kind of home dress.

Kazakin - light long-sleeved or short, long-sleeved clothing. It was sewn exclusively from factory-made fabric in dark tones.

Bishmet - identical in cut to a long Cossack. It was also sewn from factory fabric with a solid fitted (five-seam) back, calf-length; he was insulated with cotton wool or sheep's wool.

Choba - lightweight, unlined outerwear. It was sewn from home-made linen or hemp fabrics, just below the knee length. Choba is an ancient outerwear. This is also evidenced by the fact that she, along with a shirt and pants, was part of the bride's dowry.

Chikmen is a fitted, long-brimmed, peasant demi-season clothing, sewn from homemade cloth. The chikmen was fastened on the left side: the hooks were sewn to the edge of the right floor, and the loops to the left floor.

A fitted fur coat is the most ancient fur clothing. They sewed from naked, less often tanned sheepskins, with fur inside. Among the wealthy Tatars there were fur coats made of fox fur. Clothing with a straight back has the following varieties: jilyan, straight-backed chikmen, sheepskin coat.

Dzhilyan - a spacious and long spring-summer dressing gown with a small shawl collar; they sewed it from factory-made plain or with barely noticeable stripes of matter. Djilyan was the outerwear of men of respectable age. They went to the mosque or other public places in it; worn most often with a long camisole or short kazakin.

Chikmen straight-backed - long and wide, with deeply wrapped floors, upper demi-season clothing; It has a narrow shawl collar that fades to nothing in front and long, slightly tapered sleeves.

Sheepskin coat - long outer travel fur clothing. Sheepskin coats were sewn from sheepskins, less often from fox fur. It was covered with dark factory cloth, more often with cloth. There were also sheepskin coats made of tanned sheepskins.

A mandatory attribute of the traditional clothing of a Tatar was a belt. They girded their outerwear. For the rich, the belt served as a kind of panache. It was made of expensive colored silk, the ends were decorated with gold or silver fringe.


Men's hats, like other items of clothing, are divided into home and weekend. The first variety is the skullcap. The skullcap is a small cap worn on the top of the head. It was sewn from cloth and decorated with embroidery - silks, gold and silver thread, beads, sparkles.

The main headdress for women was the kalfak. Among the Muslim clergy, the Tatars also wore a turban.

Clothing is the attribute by which a person is first of all identified and attributed to a certain nationality, religion, profession.

The traditional costume has always been a hallmark of a particular nation or nationality. Although there are practically no differences in the style of clothing of modern Europeans and Asians, the traditional costume still remains a source of pride for every nation.

The Tatar costume has passed through the centuries and is a unique artifact by which one can judge the customs and traditions of this people.

Outfit history

The classic Tatar costume began its history in the 18th century. The Tatar outfit is an abstract phenomenon, since each subgroup of this people wore clothes that had significant differences from what other representatives of this nationality wore. For example, the traditional outfit of the Crimean Tatars was very different from the clothing of the Volga region. The last ones had the greatest influence on the design of the folk costume..

The nature of clothing was influenced by the religion and traditions of the East: it was decorated with elegant ornaments, taking into account high moral standards. But the main factor that determined the appearance and composition of the Tatar attire is a wandering lifestyle, so that the clothes are comfortable for riding. It was comfortable in both summer and winter. It is lightweight yet warm.

You will learn about the Tatar national costume from this video.

Various materials were used in the tailoring of the costume:

  • textile;
  • Genuine Leather;
  • felt (camel or sheep).

Nowadays, the national costume of the Tatars is almost never found in everyday life. But it is widely used as stage and dance attire.

Costume Features

The costume of the Tatars consists of a shirt (kulmek), trousers (yshtyn) and a swing robe. It is sewn in minimalist colors. The most popular colors are burgundy, blue, yellow, white, green. The outfit, shoes and headdress are richly decorated with decorative elements. Gold embroidery, coins and beads are very popular. Most often used vegetable patterns.

Men's and women's costumes have few differences. In both cases, there is a shirt in the form of a tunic with a deep breast neckline and wedges on the sides. It is very spacious and does not restrict movement. In Tatarstan, instead of a cutout on the chest, a stand-up collar is used. Since the shirt is very spacious, it is worn without a belt. In the past, women's tunic reached the length of the feet.

The shirt was made of cotton, wool, silk and even brocade. It was decorated with bright ribbons, gold braid, the finest lace or jewelry. Women wore a tesheldrek or kukrekche under it, which covered the chest neckline. Bloomers were made of dense linen fabric: women's trousers were made of plain fabric, men's trousers were made of striped fabric.

The top, which was worn on a shirt, swing. The light fit of this clothing gives the Tatars grace. Outerwear is wrapped to the right and has side wedges. Tatar outfit is impossible without a belt - knitted or textile.

The women's suit is longer than the men's and looks richer thanks to appliqués, fur and embroidery. On top of the shirt, women wore dressing gowns and blouses, elegant open jackets, the length of which reached the hips or knees.

The camisole itself could be with or without sleeves. Its floodplain, sleeves and hem were decorated with coins, feathers or braid. The tunic was also richly decorated.. The sleeveless jacket was worn over the shirt. It was made of velvet material and complemented with fur or gilded braid. The belt is another important element of the Tatar costume. It was made using large gold and silver buckles. In winter, fur coats were added to the traditional outfit.


The wealth of the family was judged by the decorations. The quantity and quality of outfits spoke not only about the woman, but also about the couple as a whole. The girl always put on a lot of additional jewelry:

  • rings, rings, seals;
  • earrings, various bracelets;
  • pendants, necklaces;
  • monisto, bracelets;
  • belt buckles.

Earrings are an obligatory attribute of a Tatar woman worn from early childhood to old age. Girls' ears were pierced at 3-4 years old. The shape of the earrings was classical or borrowed from other peoples. Decorations for the neck were of practical importance: they closed the deep neckline on the chest of the suit.

Of all the precious stones, the Tatars preferred carnelian, turquoise, crystal, topazes and amethysts.

Each piece of jewelry was made to order and passed down from generation to generation, the collection was gradually supplemented with new items. This explains the diversity and attractiveness of ancient Tatar jewelry that has survived to this day. Another purely Tatar element is the bandage. This is a strip of fabric worn over the shoulder. Believers had special pockets in which they carried excerpts from the Koran. Men also decorated themselves and wore rings with large stones, as well as buckles.


The ideal of the Tatar beauty is black shiny hair, white skin of the face and hands, almond-shaped eyes. To achieve this effect, the girls painted their eyebrows with usma, their eyelashes with antimony, their faces with Chinese whitewash, and their nails with henna. Hair washed with sour milk, this ensured their health and active growth. It was a rule for a Tatar woman to have long and well-groomed hair. Often girls braided two braids with a straight parting. They smeared the body with oriental aromatics: rose oil, fragrant basil juice.

This video will introduce you to the Tatar culture.


The headdress of a man consisted of a top and a bottom. The first includes a skullcap, on which a cap (felt hat) or turban was put on top. The cap is a cone-shaped hat with straight or curved brim. Such a headdress was worn by rich Tatars. Outside, it was decorated with satin or velvet, and inside it was lined with soft white felt. Motley skullcaps were used by young people, older Tatars preferred monochromatic options.

The appearance of the headdress spoke of the marital status of the Tatar woman. The young ones wore the same type of fabric or fur cap burek or takiya. It was decorated with embroidery, beads, silver and corals. Married women wore a headdress consisting of three parts. The lower part fixed the hair (Tatar women often wore two braids), then there was a coverlet, and then a hoop, bandage, scarf or hat, the task of which was to fix the coverlet.


Chitek or ichigi boots were used as shoes in the traditional Tatar costume - they are worn throughout the year, put on woven stockings. In summer, models with soft skin are used, in winter - with rough. Ordinary options were black, festive ones were decorated with mosaic ornaments, appliqué and embroidery. Traditional work shoes are a kind of Russian bast shoes called chabata. Shoes were always with socks turned up: the Tatars believed that it was impossible to scratch their native land with socks.

Baby clothes

Tatar clothes for the little ones are universal. In the outfit for older children, the first differences appear. First of all, the difference is visible in the colors. The outfit of young beauties was made in burgundy, blue or green, the boys' costume was made in laconic black or blue tones. As the child grew older, accessories were added, shoes and hats changed.

Holiday outfits

On special occasions, the Tatars wore especially magnificent and elegant clothes. It differed from the ordinary one by expensive material, as well as an abundance of decorative ornaments. So, the bride's dress could be white or deep green, cherry or sea green - these are the traditional Tatar colors. Brides preferred to combine white dresses with a camisole and boots.

The bride's head was covered a wedding cape or a painted kalfak. The groom wore a dark blue suit, which is embroidered with a folk pattern. He must also have a headdress that matches the general style. Modern Tatar outfits, although made in the European manner, retain their color and traditional elements. For example, the obligatory attributes for such clothes are the classic A-shaped style, observance of length, an abundance of jewelry and traditional ornaments.

The costume for dancing has also changed. It has become shorter and can be sewn from other materials. Despite this, it retains the national style. The composition of this outfit includes a vest, a flyaway, a hat with a tassel and a bedspread. In combination with ornaments, all this makes the modern dance Tatar costume still recognizable.

From this video you will learn about the national clothes of different peoples of the world.


Over time, the traditional Tatar costume has changed. Now the outfit may have a different style and length, but recognizable details have been preserved in it. The latter include a floral ornament, an invariable kalfak cap, a large number of decorations both on the girl and on the costume itself. Kalfak is sewn to match the dress, it can be plain, and also have a shape slightly different from the classic one.

Fabric and ornaments

In the manufacture of the outfit, different fabrics were used, it depended on its purpose. Clothing for daily use was made from cotton linen or hand-made cloth. Sheepskin or ordinary cotton wool was taken as a lining. Festive camisoles and shirts were made of silk thread, brocade and woolen material. They were complemented by luxurious embroidery and braid. Fur inserts are represented by sable, arctic fox or fox.

Decorative seams characteristic of Tatar fabric:

  • Scattered - thick multi-colored threads form an ornament of stripes. Used in the manufacture of scarves and belts.
  • Cypriot fabric - the fibers are superimposed on the warp threads, completely covering them. A characteristic handwriting of this style is stepped gaps.
  • Board - the threads are repeated on the wrong side and the front side. Such sewing resembles the original embroidery.

Floral ornament plays a key role in embroidery. This is a collective image in which forms, flowers, leaves and fruits that do not exist in the world are realized. The patterns are dominated by asymmetry, although it does not disturb the naturalness and balance. The nature of floral ornaments was influenced by the traditions of the peoples of the Near East and Asia Minor. Conventionally, these patterns are divided into three categories:

  1. Steppe - poppy, carnation, tulips, forget-me-nots.
  2. Meadow - bluebells, cornflowers, chamomile, wild rose.
  3. Garden - chrysanthemums, dahlias, asters, peonies, roses, daffodils, irises.

Also in the outfits there are ornaments in the form of a vine and spikelets, berries, palm leaves. Tatar embroidery is characterized by polychrome - when the same motif is made in different colors. Geometric patterns play a secondary role. First of all, these are meanders, waves, hearts. Ancient Tatar outfits were sometimes decorated with Arabic script.

The national costume is a wonderful heritage that the Tatar people are proud of. Folk clothes are not only of aesthetic value, but also of cultural value: an outfit can tell a lot about the customs and history of the Tatars. Although it has undergone many changes, its essence has remained unchanged - grace, convenience and dignity.

Ministry of Public Education

Republic of Tatarstan

School No. 33

Topic: "The history of the creation of the Tatar

national costume"


7B class student

secondary school №33

Islamova Lily



Kharisova G.A.



Decorative and applied art of the Tatar people

Tatar costume

Jewelry Art


List of used literature


The costume is the brightest and most original determinant of national identity; in it, the material principle is integrally combined with the spiritual world of the past.

The costume, like a mirror, reflects the occupations of ancestors: tillers and pastoralists, climate and trade routes, ideals of beauty and religion, changing socio-economic conditions and contacts with other peoples.

Merging with the physical appearance of a person, the costume tells about the individual characteristics of the wearer, his age, social status, character, aesthetic tastes, he is also the embodiment of people's ideas about the ideal appearance of people of their nationality, nationality.

In different periods of history, the costume combined the strength of traditions, moral norms, the historical memory of the people with the natural human desire for novelty and perfection.

It should be noted that the most vivid national characteristics in clothing can be traced in the women's costume - due to the emotionality of women and their inner need for beauty, it is distinguished by its extraordinary originality. For all the color exoticism, the Tatar traditional costume does not fall out of the general world fashion trend, it traces the desire for a fitted silhouette, the rejection of large white planes, the widespread use of longitudinal flounces, the use of volumetric colors, braids, and jewelry in decoration. The clothes of the Tatars are characterized by a traditional trapezoidal silhouette with oriental saturation of colors, an abundance of embroideries, and the use of a large number of decorations.

Studying the Tatar folk costume, we sought to trace the development of the arts and crafts of the Tatars and the manifestation of the spiritual life of the people in it.

Ethnographers and art historians, artists and folk ensembles, film and television workers constantly turn to the collection of Tatar folk clothes.

By publishing sets of clothing (camisole, ichigi, shoes, headdress, jewelry, dress, pants) in our work, we hope to contribute to the expansion of the use of the rich heritage of the Tatar people.

Goal of the work:

To reveal the features of the Tatar national costume.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

1) explore the history of the formation of the creation of the Tatar national costume;

) to reveal the essential features, the national color of the traditional clothes of the Tatars;

) describe the traditional jewelry that adorns the Tatar national costume.

As methodological basisthe works of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Abdulatipov R.G. and ethnographer Zavyalova M.K.

Method: analytical.

Work structure:introduction, main body, conclusion and appendix. The content is accompanied by illustrative material.

The decorative art of the Tatars appears before us as wonderful creations of hundreds and hundreds of nameless masters and craftswomen. The artistic talent of the people, their creative potential, spiritual, aesthetic ideals clearly and visibly revealed themselves in it.

The decorative art of the Tatars has its roots in the depths of centuries. Having gone through a difficult path of development, it manifested itself in a unique tuberculate and flat openwork filigree, in the "polychrome style" of jewelry, in embroidery of ornamental motifs in leather goods, in the finest gold-embroidered embroidery of cloths and women's hats, in elegant patterned boots, in false ornamentation. rural dwelling.

The progressive traditions of the Tatar folk art are of particular value and artistic significance today. Called to enrich modern artistic culture, they bring into it features of unique originality and high spirituality.

The art of the Tatar people is made up of the culture of ethnic groups: Kazan, Crimean and Orenburg Tatars, Mishars, Kryashens and others.

One of the oldest types of artistic creativity is ceramics. Disappearing in the second half of the 16th century, it has revived today: in 1963, a ceramic workshop was established in Kazan.

Pottery is demonstrated by various vessels that have come down to us (jugs, kumgans, korchags, etc.), household items (dishes, inkwells, lamps), and toys. The high level of ceramic products is largely due to the firing culture achieved by local craftsmen. The play of colors gave the vessels lightness and dynamics. (Annex 1)

No less ancient type of decorative art of the Tatar people is the artistic processing of metal. These are weapons, jewelry, the main parts of horse equipment, accessories and clothing fittings. The material was copper, bronze, silver, gold, lead and iron, which were processed by casting, embossing and stamping, chasing - it was an ornament and small plastic in the form of sculptures of various animals and birds.

The ornament, consisting of flowers, plants from the Garden of Eden, used in the design of stone tombstones, in the decoration of the Bulgar and Tatar architecture, is admirable, which demonstrates the high art of stone carving.

A component of Eastern civilization is calligraphic writing - one of the original areas of artistic creativity of the Tatar people, most closely associated with spiritual culture. This art appeared before us in the design of a handwritten book and in the peculiar form of wall panels "shamails" - with sayings from the Koran. (Annex 2)

As an integral system of arts and crafts of the Tatar people, the art of the national costume appears before us. The degree of man-madeness of the Tatar costume depends on the nature of its components: elements of embroidery, weaving, jewelry art, participating in its composition and discussed by us in the next paragraph.


The Tatar costume was created over the course of centuries. However, the national costume can be seen today only on the theater stage or variety venues, in concert performances of musical groups.

It includes clothes, both everyday and festive, for working at home and in the field, performing rituals, visiting guests, and mosques. The constituent elements of folk clothing depend on the natural environment: summer heat or winter cold, as well as the way of life associated with certain economic activities. Artistic tastes and religious beliefs play an important role in the design of the costume.

In addition, in different areas and regions where the Tatars lived, their own characteristics in clothing developed. In general, the basis of the Tatar costume is the ancient forms of Turkic clothing. This is the so-called kulmek - traditional men's and women's shirts with a special tunic cut with a neckline and long sleeves and harem pants (pants) with a free wide step. The costume complex also included a camisole - a vest in the waist, kazakin, chekmen, beshmet. The forms of headdresses were varied: takya - a hemispherical hat with and without fur edging, kalyapush (skullcap), kalfak, sewn from felt, fur and fabrics. The costume was complemented by patterned shoes - ichigi, chitek (leather boots) with soft and hard soles, shoes made of leather, velvet and other material with and without heels. (Appendix 3).

The classically traditional complex of the Tatar folk costume has been formed since the middle of the 18th century, but its characteristic appearance, which has come down to us, dates back to later times - the 19th-20th centuries. Most of them have been preserved in the village chests of our grandmothers or in museum collections.

The Tatar costume incorporates many types of decorative art of the people. This includes weaving, embroidery, gold embroidery, and artistic leather processing.

Precious items made of gold and silver were the main element of the nobility's costume. Decorations were part of the clothes: metal belts with large clasps - kaptyrma, massive openwork buttons, collar pendants - yak chylbyry, fixing the collar of the dress, bibs - izyu, covering the incision on the chest. All of them were decorated with stones and gems. An important role in the costume was played by embroidery, which was located on the hem and sleeves of women's dresses, aprons, scarves and head covers - orpek. Sparkling islands of precious gold embroidery adorned camisoles, skullcaps, kalfachkas and festive shoes. (Appendix 4,5,6).

Various details of the design of the Tatar costume gradually change over time, responding to changing artistic tastes and trends in the development of clothing. The suit becomes more practical, lighter, gets rid of weighting and complicating details. Disappear such traditional elements as the chest bandage - hasite, izyu, head covers and others. The Tatar costume is strongly influenced by fashion. However, the desire of the Tatar people for beauty continues to live in the costume. Its aesthetics and poetics are confirmed by the artistic talent of the Tatar needlewomen and craftswomen, who bring national identity to the modern costume.


The works of Tatar jewelers - komeshche - received worldwide recognition. For centuries, the traditions of artistic metal processing were formed and improved: from the products of the ancient Bulgarian masters to the later decorations of the period of the Kazan Khanate and further - to the decorations of the middle of the 18th - early 20th centuries.

Products of Tatar jewelers are presented in the form of the richest collections kept in the funds of museums in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ufa and a number of large cities of the Volga region.

Jewelery products were very diverse. These are various adornments of women's clothing: collar pendants, chest straps, metal belts, buttons, various plaques, cases for miniature Korans, clasps for camisoles and body jewelry: earrings - alka, necklaces - muens, braids - chulpas, bracelets - belezek, rings - Jozek, the rings are a mess.

Noisy or ringing jewelry when walking was also supposed to protect their wearers from evil forces. (Appendix 7).

The material - gold or silver, the forms of jewelry, the stones and gems used in them had a magical and symbolic meaning, which was intertwined with rituals, religion, mythology. Some of the decorations were amulets and talismans that served as amulets. They believed that they bring prosperity and happiness. However, gradually they lose their ancient meaning and become only decorative elements of clothing, symbols of nobility and nationality of their owners.

Products of Tatar jewelers are original and original. They wrote a bright page in the history of the national culture of the Tatars. Magnificent in form and perfect in execution, they came to us as the spiritual heritage of many generations of masters and entered the treasury of world art.


At the beginning of the 20th century, many types of artistic crafts, jewelry, and traditional costume elements disappeared from the life of the Tatar people. This was due to the fact that consumer demand for antique types of products has decreased; the deprivation of the economic base of crafts led to the loss of the folk foundations of decorative art, its artistry.

However, the traditional Tatar costume exists unchanged in our time in the practice of folklore and musical ensembles. Art fashion designers develop some decorative motifs of national clothes in a modern costume: bibs, flounces, frills, shirts, trousers, helmet-shaped hats.

The degree of man-madeness of the Tatar costume depends on the nature of its components: elements of embroidery, weaving, jewelry art involved in its composition. Each of the peoples has its own distinctive features that make it especially attractive and interesting. Singing the most delicate and fragile creatures of nature - flowers, the masters of the Tatar national costume are able to convey their charm, that special subtlety and poetry that are inherent in them. Exquisite combination of pattern and background of embroidery in color, dynamics in the composition of the ornament - this is what captivates the creations of Tatar embroiderers.

Thus, the art of the national costume appears as an integral system of arts and crafts of the Tatar people.

We should not forget the traditions that have passed to us from our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. For example, you can decorate household items, clothes, and other things with national ornaments. To do this, you need to carefully study the works of applied art of the people, look for your own way to the spring of folk art and draw from it a handful.


tatar national costume art

1.Abdulatipov R.G. My Tatar people.- M.: Classics Style, 2005.- 208s.

2. Zavyalova M.K. Tatar costume. - Kazan: ZAMAN Publishing House, - 1996.-256p.

History and culture of the native land // Comp. Miftakhov B.M., Islamov F.F. - Kazan: Magarif, 1994.- 191s.


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The national costume is a kind of visiting card of every nationality. Fashion trends are constantly changing, and the national costume continues to be the hallmark and pride of every nation. The traditions of its production are carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation in descriptions and photos.

Features and varieties of the Tatar national costume

The main component of both men's and women's attire is an elongated spacious shirt. Its mandatory components should be wedges on the side and a deep cutout on the front. The shirt was worn without a belt and decorated with various decorative elements. The silhouette of the clothes is trapezoidal. The most important component is a belt made of bright velvet and decorated with the most valuable fur or gilded ribbon. It was decorated with large gold and silver buckles. Bloomers were sewn from dense linen fabrics.

The expression of national color is most clearly expressed in women's costume. It looks much richer than men's, since Tatar women have been trained in sewing, embroidery and various handicrafts since childhood. It is characterized by a fitted silhouette, giving women an exquisite grace.

Over a long shirt with large sleeves, women put on a sleeveless jacket or camisole. The camisole was sewn from colored or plain velvet, and along the length it had to cover the knees. It could be either with sleeves or without bottoms. It was decorated with coins, feathers and other beautiful items. They also wore stockings sewn from cloth materials or knitted from woolen threads.

Both women's and men's clothes were decorated with expensive and valuable fur skins. The fur of beaver, sable, marten, black-brown fox was highly valued. In winter, fur coats were added to the traditional outfit. The folk costume is decorated with an abundance of embroidery elements.

Important! Clothes for children were sewn in the image and likeness of adult clothes. A distinctive feature is the abundance of all kinds of bright details and bright catchy colors.

Boys also wore loose long shirts. Cuffs were sewn on the sleeves for convenience. Also, young people wore elegant camisoles and trousers in contrasting colors. The girls' outfits are even more sophisticated.

For long evenings, their mothers and grandmothers created exclusive outfits for their beauties. Dresses were sewn in tiers. They completely covered all parts of the body and were very long. The head was decorated with a traditional headdress, from which an almost transparent fabric hung down, covering the back.

Festive costumes and modern style among the Tatars

At present, people in traditional costumes can hardly be found walking along the streets of cities. However, they are very fond of being used by costumers as a way to create images for dances or performances. In general, costumes should retain the basic blacks of national clothes, but may differ in a variety of design solutions. For example, there is no longer a strict binding to the length of the suit.

Women's clothing has become much shorter over time. But in the decor they try to preserve traditional floral ornaments. The kalfak also remained an obligatory attribute. You can see such a hat of the most intricate shapes. More often it is sewn to match the color of the dress of its owner.

Reference! Especially traditional costumes are in demand for festive events, for example, for weddings.

The bride's dress can be either snow-white or made in bright catchy colors. It must be long and cover all parts of the body. A good addition to it are the traditional camisole and kalfak. A huge number of different jewelry is certainly welcome: bracelets, massive earrings and rings.

The abundance of expensive jewelry testifies to the high social status of its owner. Grooms prefer ordinary classic suits, decorated with colorful ribbons. If the wedding takes place with more strict observance of customs, then the man should be dressed with a traditional shirt and a camisole made of velvet.

In the manufacture of modern clothes:

  • Light and airy materials such as silk or satin are popular;
  • They like to experiment with combining materials in color and texture, creating unusually complex combinations;
  • In the process of developing clothes, first of all, they listen to the wishes of people and their taste preferences.

What materials are used for the national costumes of the Tatars

A variety of materials were used to make clothes. These were mainly tissue compositions and chickens of animals. The edges of the clothes were decorated with fur inserts. They also loved to use exquisite velvet in a contrasting color. Over time, clothes began to perform other functions and become much lighter. Accordingly, fabrics began to be used less dense.

Wool, cotton and silk were popular. Camisoles were sewn from patterned brocade, they are sewn from brocade. For everyday wear, cheaper and more wear-resistant materials were used. For festive dresses, fabrics were often created by hand with author's drawings and decor, while not skimping on expensive stones, furs and other decorations.

Attention! Particular attention in ancient times was given to the color characteristics of products. The colors for the Tatars served as a certain reflection of life's realities. Each color reflects a person's religious preferences and position in the social hierarchy.

For example, in the 19th century, red symbolized belonging to a certain family and class, and later on the financial independence of a person. After some time, this color began to be widely used in festive attire at various celebrations. But the majority of people associate white clothes with old age and mourning events.

Currently, there is a tendency to use a variety of catchy and even daring shades. Increasingly, emerald, lilac and blue colors are combined with contrasting tones and bright patterns. An outfit embroidered with gold looks more elegant.

Accessories to complement the national costume

The main part of the costume is a headdress, by which a knowledgeable person can easily determine the social status, age characteristics, as well as the marital status of its owner. The main types of hats:

  • Skullcap. It is a male headdress. It can be used as a small hat at home, and on the way out. In their manufacture, a large number of interesting materials, ornaments and decorations were used. That is why museum collections now contain a huge number of different versions of this clothing;
  • Kalfak. It was worn by women, and a lot could be said from its appearance. So, if a girl is not married, she was supposed to wear a white kalfak. For married women, they were sorted in a certain way depending on the clan. The shape of the products could also be different. Most of them looked like a man's skullcap. Caps with a pointed cloth end, decorated with a fringe of golden threads, looked interesting;
  • Hats with fur were especially popular in the cold season. In shape, they resembled a cylinder and had a flat top. They were sewn from valuable fur. They mainly used astrakhan fur and added inserts from the fur of sable, marten, beaver and other animals. With such a hat they wore a special skullcap called kalyapush. She was sewn from velvet and also effectively decorated, despite the fact that she was only an addition to the main thing;
  • Cover. A special item should be highlighted coverlet. It was mandatory to wear it. This is due to the peculiarities of ancient pagan beliefs. Since ancient times, it was believed that hair has special magical properties. Each religion has its own specific dress code. For example, adherents of Islam must cover their face and head, and also hide the shapes and outlines of their figure under massive fabrics;
  • The kosnik is a special type of decoration for a woman's head. They are very diverse in design, decoration and color scheme.

The clothes of the Tatars stand out among the outfits of other peoples with an abundance of all kinds of high-quality jewelry and the brightness of colors. Jewelry was worn by everyone, regardless of age and gender. The male part of the population wore voluminous rings with stones. Women also preferred large and massive jewelry, often very heavy. They were worn around the neck, arms and ears. Earrings were one of the oldest and favorite types of accessories. They began to be worn from early childhood to old age.

An integral part of the national costume is earrings with interesting pendants. In the course of the conquest and communication with foreigners, elements from the products of the Caucasian and Russian peoples, as well as Central Asia and Kazakhstan, appear in jewelry.

Earrings in the form of rings and with three pebbles were popular with women. Also, in addition to the aesthetic function, decorations on the neck performed another task. For example, decorations in the chest area held separate parts of clothing between themselves and covered a deep neckline. One of the unusual decorations is the baldric. It is sewn from fabric and is shaped like a ribbon. It was worn slung over the shoulder. Adherents of Islam sewed separate pockets there and kept the texts of prayers there.

Times have changed and people wear comfortable European-style clothes, but the national costume remains a source of special pride. Returning to their origins, the Tatars dress it with great respect for the main family holidays and pass on the tailoring features to their descendants.