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What is a light rail tram? Light rail transport

Unlike light rail, which is closer to a regular subway, light rail is closer to trams.

The light rail transport systems implemented in Russia in Volgograd and others and the existing SNiP 2.05.09-90 “Tram and trolleybus lines” are their own concept and do not correspond to the LRT concept accepted in the West due to the requirements for the isolation of the high-speed part of the tram network, from others tram routes.

This type of transport has become widespread abroad - over the past 15 years, about 80 LRT systems have been built in the world, and about 100 LRT systems are currently at various stages of design and construction.

Distinctive features

The main distinguishing feature of light rail transport, as the name suggests, is the lower permissible axle load, in contrast to the subway (15 tons). In addition, a fundamental difference between light rail transport systems is the permissibility of single-level intersections with low-intensity traffic flows, subject to LRT priority. In practice, this principle is achieved through methods such as, for example, controlling the phases of traffic lights depending on the operating mode of the LRT. On average, without organizing such sections, the speed of communication for light rail transport is 36 km/h with a carrying capacity of about 20,000 passengers per hour. The minimum economically justified passenger flow is 1.5 thousand passengers per hour [ no citation provided 3246 days ] . Due to less insulation of the network and lower requirements for the axle load (and therefore for the track structure), the construction cost for LRT is 5-10 times less than for the metro.

At the intersections of light rail lines with heavy traffic flows, overpasses, tunnels, pedestrian bridges, etc. can be built. LRT lines can include little-used sections of the railway track; in some cases, it is possible for LRT trains equipped with the appropriate type of power supply to commuter railway lines ( "Tram-train" technology). In this case, lines, as a rule, are built without reversible rings - with the turnover of rolling stock at dead ends. The platforms are constructed at the floor level of the rolling stock, which can be low-floor tram cars. Depending on urban planning conditions, sections of lines can be developed as main lines (travel speed up to 90 km/h with the exception of single-level intersections); ordinary (up to 60 km/h with single-level intersections); tram and pedestrian zones (up to 15 km/h). According to local conditions, the type of arrangement of the upper structure of the track is also selected: open rail-sleeper grid; lawn flooring; laying paving slabs and others.

LRT systems

In the world

The French automated system VAL, as well as other similar light metro and light rail systems, have become widespread.

  • Busan Subway Line 4 (Busan, Republic of Korea)
  • Busan - Gimhae Light Rail (Busan, Gimhae, Republic of Korea)
  • Uijeongbu Light Rail (Uijeongbu, Republic of Korea)
  • Everline (Yongin, Republic of Korea)
  • Edmonton LRT (Edmonton, Canada)
  • Docklands Light Rail (London, UK)
  • C-Train (Calgary, Canada)
  • O-Train (Ottawa, Canada)
  • Hiawatha Line (Minneapolis, USA)
  • Tyne and Wear Metro (English)Russian) (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
  • Manchester Metrolink (Greater Manchester, UK)
  • Tren de la Costa (English)Russian) (Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Kelana Jaya Line (English)Russian) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  • SkyTrain (Vancouver) (English)Russian) (Vancouver, Canada)
  • River Line (New Jersey Transit) (English)Russian(New Jersey, USA)
  • Tenerife Tram (Spanish)Russian) (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
  • Addis Ababa Light Rail (Ethiopia)

In Russia

In Russia today there is no definition of the concept of light rail transport, nor systems corresponding to this concept in the generally accepted sense. At the same time, some of the lines in a number of existing tram systems (Volgograd, Stary Oskol) belong to its variety - high-speed tram. Currently in Russia the following high-speed tram construction projects are at various stages of preparation and implementation:

  • Voronezh (project for the construction of the first line “Bus station - Airport”)
  • Yekaterinburg (project for the construction of a line to the Academichesky district)
  • Tula (project of the Tula metrotram system of the VTG and Orlkom Metromezhtrans companies)

The Butovskaya metro line in Moscow and the monorail are often mistakenly classified as light rail transport. However, the first is made according to metro standards, with appropriate network insulation and permissible axle load, and the second is not a railway transport at all.

see also

  • Passenger flow in high-speed off-street transport in Moscow

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  • V. F. Veklich New technical solutions for urban electric transport - K.: Budivelnik, 1975. - 60, p. : ill.


An excerpt characterizing light rail transport

- Why, it’s possible.
Likhachev stood up, rummaged through his packs, and Petya soon heard the warlike sound of steel on a block. He climbed onto the truck and sat on the edge of it. The Cossack was sharpening his saber under the truck.
- Well, are the fellows sleeping? - said Petya.
- Some are sleeping, and some are like this.
- Well, what about the boy?
- Is it spring? He collapsed there in the entryway. He sleeps with fear. I was really glad.
For a long time after this, Petya was silent, listening to the sounds. Footsteps were heard in the darkness and a black figure appeared.
- What are you sharpening? – the man asked, approaching the truck.
- But sharpen the master’s saber.
“Good job,” said the man who seemed to Petya to be a hussar. - Do you still have a cup?
- And over there by the wheel.
The hussar took the cup.
“It’ll probably be light soon,” he said, yawning, and walked off somewhere.
Petya should have known that he was in the forest, in Denisov’s party, a mile from the road, that he was sitting on a wagon captured from the French, around which the horses were tied, that the Cossack Likhachev was sitting under him and sharpening his saber, that there was a big black spot to the right is a guardhouse, and a bright red spot below to the left is a dying fire, that the man who came for a cup is a hussar who was thirsty; but he knew nothing and did not want to know it. He was in a magical kingdom in which there was nothing like reality. A large black spot, perhaps there was definitely a guardhouse, or perhaps there was a cave that led into the very depths of the earth. The red spot might have been fire, or maybe the eye of a huge monster. Maybe he’s definitely sitting on a wagon now, but it’s very possible that he’s not sitting on a wagon, but on a terrible high tower, from which if you fall, you would fly to the ground for a whole day, a whole month - you’d keep flying and never reach it. It may be that just a Cossack Likhachev is sitting under the truck, but it may very well be that this is the kindest, bravest, most wonderful, most excellent person in the world, whom no one knows. Maybe it was just a hussar passing for water and going into the ravine, or maybe he just disappeared from sight and completely disappeared, and he was not there.
Whatever Petya saw now, nothing would surprise him. He was in a magical kingdom where everything was possible.
He looked at the sky. And the sky was as magical as the earth. The sky was clearing, and clouds were moving quickly over the tops of the trees, as if revealing the stars. Sometimes it seemed that the sky was clearing and black was showing, clear sky. Sometimes it seemed that these black spots were clouds. Sometimes it seemed as if the sky was rising high, high above your head; sometimes the sky dropped completely, so that you could reach it with your hand.
Petya began to close his eyes and sway.
Drops were dripping. There was a quiet conversation. The horses neighed and fought. Someone was snoring.
“Ozhig, zhig, zhig, zhig...” the saber being sharpened whistled. And suddenly Petya heard a harmonious choir of music playing some unknown, solemnly sweet hymn. Petya was musical, just like Natasha, and more than Nikolai, but he had never studied music, did not think about music, and therefore the motives that unexpectedly came to his mind were especially new and attractive to him. The music played louder and louder. The melody grew, moving from one instrument to another. What was called a fugue was happening, although Petya did not have the slightest idea what a fugue was. Each instrument, sometimes similar to a violin, sometimes like trumpets - but better and cleaner than violins and trumpets - each instrument played its own and, not yet finishing the tune, merged with another, which started almost the same, and with the third, and with the fourth , and they all merged into one and scattered again, and again merged, now into the solemn church, now into the brightly brilliant and victorious.
“Oh, yes, it’s me in a dream,” Petya said to himself, swaying forward. - It's in my ears. Or maybe it's my music. Well, again. Go ahead my music! Well!.."
He closed his eyes. And from different sides, as if from afar, sounds began to tremble, began to harmonize, scatter, merge, and again everything united into the same sweet and solemn hymn. “Oh, what a delight this is! As much as I want and how I want,” Petya said to himself. He tried to lead this huge choir of instruments.
“Well, hush, hush, freeze now. – And the sounds obeyed him. - Well, now it’s fuller, more fun. More, even more joyful. – And from an unknown depth arose intensifying, solemn sounds. “Well, voices, pester!” - Petya ordered. And first, male voices were heard from afar, then female voices. The voices grew, grew in uniform, solemn effort. Petya was scared and joyful to listen to their extraordinary beauty.
The song merged with the solemn victory march, and drops fell, and burn, burn, burn... the saber whistled, and again the horses fought and neighed, not breaking the choir, but entering into it.
Petya didn’t know how long this lasted: he enjoyed himself, was constantly surprised by his pleasure and regretted that there was no one to tell it to. He was awakened by Likhachev's gentle voice.
- Ready, your honor, you will split the guard in two.
Petya woke up.
- It’s already dawn, really, it’s dawning! - he screamed.
The previously invisible horses became visible up to their tails, and a watery light was visible through the bare branches. Petya shook himself, jumped up, took a ruble from his pocket and gave it to Likhachev, waved, tried the saber and put it in the sheath. The Cossacks untied the horses and tightened the girths.
“Here is the commander,” said Likhachev. Denisov came out of the guardhouse and, calling out to Petya, ordered them to get ready.

Quickly in the semi-darkness they dismantled the horses, tightened the girths and sorted out the teams. Denisov stood at the guardhouse, giving the last orders. The party's infantry, slapping a hundred feet, marched forward along the road and quickly disappeared between the trees in the predawn fog. Esaul ordered something to the Cossacks. Petya held his horse on the reins, impatiently awaiting the order to mount. Washed with cold water, his face, especially his eyes, burned with fire, a chill ran down his back, and something in his whole body trembled quickly and evenly.
- Well, is everything ready for you? - Denisov said. - Give us the horses.
The horses were brought in. Denisov became angry with the Cossack because the girths were weak, and, scolding him, sat down. Petya took hold of the stirrup. The horse, out of habit, wanted to bite his leg, but Petya, not feeling his weight, quickly jumped into the saddle and, looking back at the hussars who were moving behind in the darkness, rode up to Denisov.
- Vasily Fedorovich, will you entrust me with something? Please... for God's sake... - he said. Denisov seemed to have forgotten about Petya’s existence. He looked back at him.
“I ask you about one thing,” he said sternly, “to obey me and not interfere anywhere.”
During the entire journey, Denisov did not speak a word to Petya and rode in silence. When we arrived at the edge of the forest, the field was noticeably getting lighter. Denisov spoke in a whisper with the esaul, and the Cossacks began to drive past Petya and Denisov. When they had all passed, Denisov started his horse and rode downhill. Sitting on their hindquarters and sliding, the horses descended with their riders into the ravine. Petya rode next to Denisov. The trembling throughout his body intensified. It became lighter and lighter, only the fog hid distant objects. Moving down and looking back, Denisov nodded his head to the Cossack standing next to him.
- Signal! - he said.
The Cossack raised his hand and a shot rang out. And at the same instant, the tramp of galloping horses was heard in front, screams from different sides and more shots.
At the same moment as the first sounds of stomping and screaming were heard, Petya, hitting his horse and releasing the reins, not listening to Denisov, who was shouting at him, galloped forward. It seemed to Petya that it suddenly dawned as brightly as the middle of the day at that moment when the shot was heard. He galloped towards the bridge. Cossacks galloped along the road ahead. On the bridge he encountered a lagging Cossack and rode on. Some people ahead - they must have been French - were running from the right side of the road to the left. One fell into the mud under the feet of Petya's horse.
Cossacks crowded around one hut, doing something. A terrible scream was heard from the middle of the crowd. Petya galloped up to this crowd, and the first thing he saw was the pale face of a Frenchman with a shaking lower jaw, holding onto the shaft of a lance pointed at him.
“Hurray!.. Guys... ours...” Petya shouted and, giving the reins to the overheated horse, galloped forward down the street.
Shots were heard ahead. Cossacks, hussars and ragged Russian prisoners, running from both sides of the road, were all shouting something loudly and awkwardly. A handsome Frenchman, without a hat, with a red, frowning face, in a blue overcoat, fought off the hussars with a bayonet. When Petya galloped up, the Frenchman had already fallen. I was late again, Petya flashed in his head, and he galloped off to where frequent shots were heard. Shots rang out in the courtyard of the manor house where he was with Dolokhov last night. The French sat down there behind a fence in a dense garden overgrown with bushes and fired at the Cossacks crowded at the gate. Approaching the gate, Petya, in the powder smoke, saw Dolokhov with a pale, greenish face, shouting something to the people. “Take a detour! Wait for the infantry!” - he shouted, while Petya drove up to him.

Recently, it has become a big problem for residents of the capital region to get to the metropolis on time and quickly. The light metro in the Moscow region 2019 should solve this problem and open up prospects for the further development of the Moscow region.

Light rail project

The Moscow region authorities started talking about new transport back in 2013. After this, the design of this type of transport began. Launch high speed trains, which will connect 20 cities of the Moscow region, was scheduled for 2019. However, in 2017 the government changed the concept of this transport. According to their plan, the LRT should now be connected to the Moscow metro. We are talking about stations:

  • "Nekrasovka";
  • "Chelobitevo";
  • "Kotelniki";
  • "Volokolamskaya";
  • "Myakinino".

The first two are only planned to be built. This fact is associated with the delay in the construction of light rail transport.

Currently, all routes going to the cities of the Moscow region pass through the Moscow Ring Road. This creates a lot of inconvenience. A new mode of transport should eliminate this problem. It is planned that the LRT will relieve congestion on both railway transport and highways in the Moscow region. This will make the movement of residents of the Moscow region more comfortable. In addition, light rail transport will open up new prospects for the development of the Moscow region and improve the environmental situation in the region.

According to the project, the first section should connect Domodedovo and Podolsk. According to experts, design and commissioning should take about four years. Total costs will amount to 57 billion rubles. The launch of the “high-speed tram” is generally scheduled for 2022. Ten stations are planned on this line.

Next, construction of the next LRT line will begin. It will connect Ramenskoye and Domodedovo. This line will pass through Zhukovsky. Its length will be 35 km. The cost of the first launch complex will be one hundred seven billion rubles.

The listed cities of the Moscow region were not chosen by chance. The highways in the south of the Moscow region are the busiest. In addition, the passenger flow of Domodedovo Airport is constantly growing. Already now it is equal to thirty million people.

The introduction of the first part of the LRT will also make it possible to connect the railway points of the Ryazan, Kursk and Paveletsky directions of the Russian Railways. This will enable residents of the Moscow region not to have to travel to the capital to use railway transport.

LRT scheme for the Moscow region

New transport will have the following scheme:

Construction of the LRT will take eleven years. Fifty stations should be operational by 2028. The total length will be 245 km. It will bring together all the important settlements regions, train stations and airports.

Distinctive feature of the light metro

LRT trains will consist of three double carriages, equipped to the latest standards. Each carriage will have:

  • climate control system;
  • surveillance system;
  • air conditioner;
  • WI-FI.

The train will move at a speed of 80-100 km/h. The interval between trains will be a couple of minutes, like in the Moscow metro. Soon residents of the Moscow region will be able to get to Domodedovo Airport in a matter of minutes, instead of the current 1.5-2 hours. The train can accommodate five hundred people. Sixty million people will be able to use the LRT annually.

Who is funding the project

Experts who are designing the light metro say that it will cost approximately 259 billion rubles. This is a large amount even for Moscow. Each kilometer of such transport will cost 1.5-2 billion rubles.

About ten domestic and foreign companies expressed a desire to implement the project. They are ready to compensate the costs by twenty percent. Investments will be returned both through the payment of tickets for the light metro and through the development of territories adjacent to the LRT. The approximate ticket price will be comparable to the cost of travel on suburban transport.

It is planned that new shopping malls and other infrastructure will appear next to the light metro. The land will be purchased by the state, but the construction of new facilities will be carried out by investors from China, Germany and France.

Representatives of Russian financial circles also expressed their desire to participate in the project:

  • VTB Bank;
  • Sberbank;
  • Eurasian Development Bank, etc.

Among the investors in the project: Morton, a company engaged in the construction of houses in Vidnoye. This organization is ready to finance a branch line directly to its housing estates. This is approximately 280 million dollars.

Part of the investment will be made by Uralvagonzavod and other enterprises. It is planned that the rolling stock will be built at domestic enterprises. This means that many Russians will benefit from the light Moscow metro, as their enterprises will work on LRT orders.

Also interested in participating in the project:

  • Alstom Company;
  • CPPC;
  • Russian Direct Investment Fund.

Western partners, including Siemens, will also take part in the construction.

What stage of construction is it at now?

As one of the managers of the SETEC MO company, which is developing this type of transport, said, in 2018 the LRT concept will be finally approved and competitive design will begin. Construction of the line from the Kuznechiki microdistrict in the city of Podolsk to Domodedovo Airport will start in 2019. The length of the section is 36 kilometers. It is also planned to build a new depot on this line.

A competition has already been announced for the design work of the next LRT line from Domodedovo to Ramenskoye, 33 km long.

At the third stage, this line will be connected to Zhukovsky Airport. The length of this section is 5.4 km.

In total, the first line with a length of 74.5 km will be built in 2019.

Among the positive trends associated with the launch of the LRT in 2022, experts name in the Moscow region. This cannot but please the residents of this region.

Light rail transport

Light rail transport (also “light rail transport”, LRT, from the English Light Rail) is urban railway public transport, characterized by lower speeds and capacity than metropolitan and railways, and greater speeds and capacity than conventional street trams. A type of light rail transport is high-speed trams, including underground trams and urban railways). At the same time, the differences between such light rail systems from the metro and city railways (S-Bahn) are unclear, which often causes terminological errors. In general, this term is usually used to designate high-speed electrified railway systems (for example, trams), isolated from other traffic flows throughout most of the network, but allowing within the system both single-level intersections and even street traffic (including tram- pedestrian areas). Unlike light rail, which is closer to a regular subway, light rail is closer to trams.

Overpass transport

Elevated railways (abbreviated in the USA: el) - urban rail high-speed off-street separate system or part of a city system railways(S-Bahn), subways, light rail transport (depending on the design, number of cars and weight-dimensional parameters of the rolling stock), laid above the ground on an overpass.

Safety on railway transport.

Today, when transporting by rail, there are a number of main problems associated with potential safety in this type of transportation:

seizure of rolling stock by terrorists;

fire of rolling stock;

gathering of rolling stock;

train collision;


track faults;

damaging factor in a collision (injury);

non-compliance with safety rules by passengers.

The requirements for personal safety on a train are the same as for other vehicles. But there are some features:

When buying tickets, you need to give preference to the middle carriages. In the event of a disaster, they suffer less than the heads and tails;

choose seats facing the movement of the train;

do not fall asleep if fellow travelers cause mistrust;

do not turn off the light in the compartment, keep the compartment door closed, keep documents and wallet in a safe place, and keep the briefcase closer to the window; You need to pay special attention to your belongings at intermediate stops.

The movement of a train becomes dangerous when it collides with another train, another vehicle at a crossing, or when rolling stock leaves the track. In these cases, damaging factors arise that pose a threat to the life and health of passengers, railway personnel, the population, and the integrity of cargo and environmental objects.

The increased danger of railway transport is associated with the widespread use of flammable materials, as well as the danger of the transported cargo. The main causes of accidents and disasters in railway transport are faulty tracks, rolling stock, signaling equipment, dispatcher errors, inattention and negligence of drivers. The most common occurrences are derailments of rolling stock, collisions, collisions with obstacles at crossings, fires directly in the cars, and washouts. railway tracks, landslides, landslides, and floods occur much less frequently. When transporting dangerous goods such as gases, flammable and explosive substances, explosions and fires occur.

Trains are always autonomous along the route, often far from places where it is possible to provide the necessary assistance in case of an accident or fire. The causes of dangerous failures of technical (hardware) equipment are an insufficient safety margin of their elements due to errors of developers and designers, errors of manufacturers when choosing technological processes and materials, as well as manufacturing defects. The list of causes of the accident also includes violations of operating technologies technical means, leading to premature depletion of resources, and violations of maintenance and repair technologies, leading to incomplete and untimely restoration of the safety margin. The same reasons include the degradation of technical means caused by chemical and physical processes in the materials of the elements, even if operating technologies, maintenance and repairs are observed, as well as the influence of the external environment, including its natural, technological and social components. The causes of dangerous software errors are errors of developers, as well as errors of railway personnel during the operation and maintenance of programs.

The causes of dangerous mistakes by railway personnel include:

errors in professional selection and insufficient training of specialists;

low level of technological discipline;

errors when using medications;

taking alcohol and drugs;

deterioration of physical or psychological condition, including under the influence of the external environment.

The analysis of generalized data on injuries for the period 2003-2005 was carried out. showed that the main causes of accidents on railways are:

crossing, crossing railway tracks in unspecified places or in front of a nearby train - 65-75% of all victims;

non-compliance with safety rules at railway stations and platforms - 25-35%;

personal negligence of passengers when boarding and disembarking the train - 8-9% of cases;

suicide - about 1%.

The number of injuries does not decrease from year to year.

if possible, do not sleep while the train is moving;

pay attention to all suspicious persons and suspicious objects, report their detection to the conductor, station duty officers or police officers;

do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors after the train has stopped and passengers have exited, try to board the cars in the middle of the train;

if an explosion or fire occurs, you must cover your mouth and nose with a scarf and lie down on the floor of the carriage or cabin so as not to suffocate;

dress neutrally, discreetly, avoid military uniforms and military colors of clothing, large quantity jewelry;

do not talk on political topics, do not read pornographic, political or religious publications, so as not to provoke terrorists, extremists or hooligans;

do not drink alcohol.

Modern management of transportation safety on the railway network of JSC Russian Railways ensures a very high level of safety. At the same time, it seems possible to reduce the number of rolling stock derailments and train collisions by increasing management efficiency.

The light rail tram (LRT), which is also called the “light metro,” is perhaps the most ambitious and promising transport project in the Moscow region, which is planned to be implemented in the near future. There are great hopes for the “light” tram: it should relieve congestion on outbound highways and railway lines, as well as simplify access for residents of the Moscow region to airports and neighboring areas of the region. A RIAMO correspondent found out how it is planned to “loop” the Moscow region with the help of LRT and what is provided for in the design of the first launch complex.

Without visiting Moscow

The key word here is chords. As Mikhail Oleinik, Minister of Transport of the Moscow Region, noted in an interview with RIAMO, the main transport problem of the region is the overload of radial passenger routes, that is, in order to get from one satellite city to another, residents of the Moscow region are often forced to go to the Moscow Ring Road and return to the region again. The launch of the LRT should solve this problem through the construction of chord passenger lines.

According to the press service of the Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region, the officially stated goal of the LRT is to improve transport services for residents and the economy of the Moscow Region.

In fact, behind such a generalized formulation there are serious numbers: reducing the traffic load on roads by 25%, ensuring communication between 20 major cities Moscow region, reducing travel time from places of residence to places of employment from 2 hours to only 35 minutes.

Circle tram

Siemens high-speed train for light metro

The basis for creating a unified system of rail high-speed passenger transport in the Moscow region and Moscow is the “Ring Tram”.

The Ring Tram line will pass through the most populated areas of the Moscow region, where a total of more than 4 million people live - 7 municipal districts, 9 urban districts.

In addition, the LRT line will connect international airports The Moscow aviation hub, which annually transports about 50 million passengers, will connect 8 stations of the Moscow metro: “Kotelniki”, “Volokolamskaya”, “Myakinino” and the planned opening “Nekrasovka”, “Chelobitevo”, “Rasskazovka”, “Stolbovo”, “ Kommunarka".

First launch complex

Press service of the State University of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region

According to the Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region, the total planned length of the ring tram line is 246 kilometers, of which 192 kilometers will pass through the territory of the Moscow Region, and 54 kilometers through Moscow.

The LRT line will consist of four launch complexes - chords. The length of the first launch complex - the double-track line Podolsk - Domodedovo - Ramenskoye will be 74 kilometers. The first launch complex consists of two construction phases: Podolsk - Domodedovo Airport with a length of 36 kilometers (Podolsk - Klimovsk - Domodedovo - Domodedovo Airport) and Domodedovo - Ramenskoye Airport with a length of 38 kilometers (Domodedovo Airport - Konstantinovo - Ramenskoye, including Zhukovsky Airport).

The first launch complex will pass only through the territory of the Moscow region in the urban districts of Podolsk, Domodedovo, Zhukovsky, the urban settlement of Ramenskoye, as well as the rural settlements of Konstantinovskoye, Chulkovskoye, Sofinskoye, Zabolotevskoye of the Ramensky district and will provide transport links with Domodedovo and Zhukovsky airports.

It is important that the line will connect the cities of Podolsk and Ramenskoye, where there is a shortage of jobs, with the Domodedovo and Zhukovsky airports, where there is an abundance of places to work. The construction of 8 transport interchange hubs (TPU) on the LRT line will provide 27 thousand new jobs by 2030 and 56 thousand jobs by 2045, follows from the project.

The population in the serviced areas and cities of the first launch complex is expected to increase from 850 thousand to 1.3 million people by 2030.

Eight new TPUs

Project TPU "Grasshoppers"

Press service of the State University of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region

In total, within the framework of the first launch complex, it is planned to build 8 transport interchange hubs (TPU): “Kuznechiki”, “Vesennyaya”, “VSM Podolsk”, “Bolshoye Domodedovo”, “Domodedovo Airport”, “Konstantinovo”, “Ivanovka” and “Ramenskoye” "

The line of the first launch complex will begin in the Kuznechiki microdistrict in Podolsk. According to the plan, the Kuznechiki transport hub with a total area of ​​2.5 hectares will be located along Oktyabrsky Prospekt in Podolsk, in the area of ​​Leningradskaya Street. Residents of the Kuznechiki microdistrict will be able to get to the transport hub by city public transport - bus or trolleybus.

Access to the transport hub will be from Oktyabrsky Prospekt. As part of the transport hub in the area of ​​the station and trolleybus and bus stops, it is planned to build a pedestrian crossing at different levels across Oktyabrsky Prospekt.

The construction of the Vesennyaya transport hub with a total area of ​​12.2 hectares is planned in the southern part of Podolsk, at a distance of about 7 kilometers from the Kuznechiki transport hub in the area of ​​the Vesennyaya platform Kursk direction MZD. To organize access, it is planned to build driveways with a total length of 1.4 kilometers with two lanes. Access to the transport hub will be from Starosimferopolskoye Highway (entry only), from Zavodskaya Street (entry and exit).

The territory planning project provides for the transfer of stops public transport on Starosimferopolskoye Highway and the construction of a pedestrian crossing at different levels across the highway connecting the eastern and western parts of the transport hub.

The Domodedovo Airport transport hub will be located on the territory of the airport on the same level as the passenger overpass in the departure area. Stopping points are provided at a distance of 2-3 kilometers from the transport hub. To ensure the safety of pedestrian traffic in the area of ​​stops and transport hubs on the line of the first LRT launch complex, it is planned to build 9 pedestrian crossings.

To service the line of the first launch complex, the project provides for the location of a tram depot north of Domodedovo airport within the boundaries of the city district.

As specified in the materials of the State Administration of Architecture and Urban Planning, the VSM Podolsk transport hub is planned to be built in the western part of the village of Chulpanovo in the Domodedovo urban district, the Bolshoye Domodedovo transport hub will be located in the western part of the city of Domodedovo, the Konstantinovo transport hub will be located in the rural settlement of Konstantinovskoye, Ramensky district, the transport hub "Ivanovka" - on the territory of the rural settlement of Sofinskoye, Ramenskoye district, TPU "Ramenskoye" - in the area of ​​the Ramenskoye platform in the central part of the city of Ramenskoye.

Work has begun

Project of a new terminal at Domodedovo airport

Press service of the State University of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region

The light tram line "Podolsk - Klimovsk - Domodedovo - Domodedovo Airport - Konstantinovo - Ramenskoye" crosses roads and streets, water bodies at different levels through tunnels, overpasses, overpasses and bridges in 37 places. In particular, 48 kilometers of the LRT line will run along the roadbed, 26 kilometers - using artificial structures.

“We proceeded from the potential passenger flow and the possibility of routing the line as painlessly as possible. Plus, it is necessary to take into account that Domodedovo Airport will develop. In addition, in the foreseeable future it is planned to open the fourth Zhukovsky airport, which will also generate significant passenger traffic,” Oleynik commented on the work on the first launch complex.

The project for planning the territory for the construction of a section of the ring tram line from Podolsk to Ramenskoye has already been approved by a resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region.

As Oleinik said, the construction of the LRT line is planned in the format of a public-private partnership. In 2016, it is planned to conclude an agreement with the concessionaire, who will further develop this project.

Anton Shamarin

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The possibility of launching such transport as high-speed trams in the Russian capital has been discussed for a long time. In 2005, the project for laying such a line was presented at one of the press conferences by the chairman of the public movement “Muscovites for a Tram” A. Morozov, the representative of UITP V. Tikhonov and the editor of the publishing house “Zheleznodorozhnoe Depot” A. Myasnikov. The prospects for the development of this have been considered by the capital authorities for a long time. At the moment (2015), a decision has been made to implement four high-speed tram projects: to Biryulyovo, to the Lianozovo platform and to the Ivanovskoye and Severnoye districts. It is planned that all these branches will begin to function in the coming years.

How the idea came about

In Europe, high-speed trams are used quite widely. There are such lines in our country: Ust-Ilimsk, Kazan and Stary Oskol. Of course, they are not particularly large-scale, but they received very good reviews from the townspeople. In Ukraine, in Kyiv, such trams were launched back in the days of the USSR - in 1978. So the idea of ​​​​using these light, fast and at the same time economical vehicles cannot be called new. According to the authorities, by introducing trams, the load on other types of passenger transport can be significantly reduced. With such lines, it will be much easier for residents of the capital and its guests to get to the metro, to remote areas of the metropolis, or perhaps even to satellite cities.

What is light rail

What is this type of vehicle and how convenient can it be? According to SNiP, high-speed lines are those lines on which trams can travel more than 24 kilometers in an hour. The main features of such highways also include:

  • Isolation from street traffic and (full or partial).
  • Very long stretches and a limited number of stops. In the projects of Moscow lines, a distance of at least 700 meters is provided between the latter. For comparison: a bus travels approximately 300-400 m from stop to stop.
  • Use of tram trains with a length of at least 28 meters.

The high-speed tram in Moscow, according to the projects, will fully comply with all these standards.

Advantages of light rail

The construction of a line of this relatively new type of transport in Russia is considered by the Moscow authorities as a very good alternative to the metro, buses and trolleybuses. According to the Administration, high-speed trams will make moving around the capital much more convenient. ground transport combines the best qualities of both metro and buses. Its main advantages are:

  • High speed of transportation. 24 km/h is only the lower threshold for the movement of such trains. In practice, trams of this type can travel at speeds of up to 80 km/h. With fewer stops, travel time is reduced even further.
  • The construction of a high-speed tram route costs 10 times less than the construction of a metro line of the same length.
  • This type of transport is considered more convenient than the metro. After all, passengers do not have to go underground. Its throughput capacity is not much different from that of the metro.
  • A high-speed tram, the speed of which in practice is actually quite high, also does not experience any difficulties when driving in ice and snow (unlike the same buses and trolleybuses).
  • Since this type of transport does not depend on traffic jams, it never deviates from the developed traffic schedule.
  • An important advantage is that this type of vehicle is absolutely environmentally safe.

Disadvantages of light rail

There are practically no downsides to this type of transport. Some disadvantages include only the need to build a separate roadway, which significantly increases the width of city highways. The additional load on city power grids can also indirectly be attributed to the disadvantages of such transport as high-speed trams. However, since such compositions do not consume too much energy, this disadvantage is not considered particularly serious.

Line to Biryulyovo

According to the project, this new highway in Moscow will be designed to transport about 150 thousand passengers per day. The tram routes of this line will run from the Prazhskaya metro station to the western and eastern parts of Biryulyovo. According to preliminary data, the travel time for residents of this area to the subway will be reduced by approximately 30%. If now Biryulyovites have to get to Prazhskaya in 70-85 minutes, then with the launch of the high-speed tram they will spend no more than an hour on the road.

The total length of this line will be 8.2 km. Part of it (2.1 km) will pass along an overpass. It is assumed that trams will run at intervals of 4-6 minutes. Their average speed will be 25-28 km/h. The travel time from the final stop in Biryulyovo to the Prazhskaya station will not exceed 10-12 minutes. The project provides for the arrangement of only ten stops (at a distance of 800 m). One of them will operate on the overpass.

Initially, it was planned to loop one of the lines in Western Biryulyovo. However local residents They objected and the project was revised.

Line to Ivanovskoe district

This is another project approved by the Moscow authorities. This high-speed tram line will connect the Ivanovskoye district and the Shosse Entuziastov metro station. According to the project, its length will be about 6.5 kilometers. The tram will stop six times along the route.

The construction of this line will improve transport services for 80 thousand residents not only of the Ivanovskoye district, but also of Perovo. The line will be designed for approximately 105 thousand passengers daily. After the launch of the line, residents of the districts will get to the metro in 30-40 minutes less.

Line to the Northern district

This route is also planned to be accepted in the near future. The length of the Severny line - the Lianozovo platform will be about 5.4 km. There will be five stops along the route. tram, as in previous cases, will be 25-28 km/h. Residents of the area will spend about 11 minutes traveling from the initial station to the final one. The route will be able to accommodate a load of 50 thousand people per day.

Line to Medvedkovo

From the Lianozovo platform station, another line will be built to the Altufyevo metro station. Further, the tracks will stretch to Medvedkovo. Below is a diagram of the high-speed tram from the Severny district to Altufyevo and further to Medvedkovo. Thus, the fourth route project is a continuation of the third. That is, after both of them are implemented, it will be possible to travel from the Medvedkovo station all the way to the Severny district.

Light rail and housing prices

Residents of those areas where such routes will be built will most likely receive another advantage. According to experts, the cost of square meters will increase in these parts of the city. Of course, the price increase will not be as noticeable as during the construction of, for example, metro lines. However, high-speed train routes are capable of housing in Biryulyovo, Severny and Ivanovo quite significantly.

In fact, the tram routes of all lines themselves were developed taking into account the wishes of residents of the areas where they are planned to be laid. So in any case, this type of transport will be as convenient, reliable and also very inexpensive.