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Guide and walkthrough for "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky"

After starting the campaign, you will wake up in the apartments of “Clear Sky” - a group around which the plot begins to revolve.

Lebedev, the leader of this association, will speak to you and explain how you got here. Next, you need to talk with the bartender, who is located in a building nearby.

First task

The bartender will not detain you for long and will send you to Lebedev. To recapture a checkpoint that was attacked by monsters, you need to take equipment from the warehouse.

Lebedev will give you medicines and a sawn-off shotgun - now you can go to the highway, for which you need to report to the Clear Sky soldier.


In the swamps, move carefully, as anomalies are scattered everywhere. On high difficulty they can kill you instantly, so stay vigilant and use a bolt that should be thrown in front of you.

After the first bridge, pass the anomalies and listen to Lebedev's advice about local dangers and treasures. The latter, artifacts, can be found using the detector (O key), and right now you can pick up your first treasure - Medusa, which will appear nearby.

The artifacts themselves have various negative and beneficial characteristics, which is why it sometimes makes sense to attach them to the belt of a suit to activate bonuses. Your suit does not currently have the appropriate slots.

At your destination you will come across dead bodies and a watchtower. Here, examine the carriage for cartridges, and then get ready for battle - wild boars will attack you.

You need to quickly deal with them (shoot them in the face) so that you have time to collect swag from your fallen comrades, and then hide from the beginning of the Release.

Base "Clear Sky"

At the ChN base, report to Suslov to receive your reward. Next, look into the house nearby, where the handyman “Kulibin” sits - this man will give you a new task. At the tower you have already found the flash drive he needs, so hand over your find to receive a reward.

After this, go to Lebedev, who will hand over the next quest to cleanse the Swamps. Go outside and find the stalker "Nimble" if you want to get a briefing.

The guy will teach you the basics of survival in the Zone, tell you about your PDA and, if you toss him a coin, indicate the location of three caches of valuables. When you're ready, ask your guide to lead you.

Big swamps

During this task you will have to fight for the territory of the Swamp. Once here, prepare to be attacked by a swarm of flesh. By the way, if you don’t make unnecessary movements, you can bypass them.

On the spot you will come across Renegades, with whom you will have to fight in any case. Loot their bodies and then move on.

You are required to provide assistance to members of Clear Sky, whose groups are awaiting your appearance at various points (marked on the map). If you take part in the attacks yourself, you will get more money.

At the same time, explore the area. If you search, you will definitely find a couple of caches with valuable items in the area.

So, near the Fisherman's Farm there is a watchtower, at the top of which lies PSO-1 (sight). When all the tasks of the same type to capture points are completed, Lebedev will contact you.

At the base, talk with the commander, who will give you a new task to destroy the Renegades and capture the passage that leads to the Cordon.

Behind the artifacts

You will receive the greatest amount of money from artifacts, of which there are countless quantities in the Zone. In STALKER Clear Sky, unlike the first part, a special device was added - a detector that allows you to quickly find artifacts.

In general, if you want to find such a treasure (artifact), then first you need to detect an anomaly. Sometimes you will come across particularly fertile fields - clusters of anomalies, called things like “Raking Hands”, “Symbiont” and so on.

There are no large accumulations in the Swamps specifically, but here you can find the improved Veles anomaly detector. It is located in the northwest of the location, in a cave near a fallen bridge (look under the mattress).

Renegade Base

Before heading to the renegades, it makes sense to complete some business. So, you may not have collected all the flash drives for Kulibin yet.

As you search, explore all the cabins and camps where you can find additional loot. Also, if you have saved up some money, it is worth improving the weapon you like to increase damage.

Ordinary stalkers who need help can also bring in additional finances. Some guys will need ammunition, others will need medicine.

At the “ChN” base, you can receive a couple of unique tasks to find personalized items - completing them will increase your reputation in the “Clear Sky” group (if you have already decided that you will join them).

Finally, head to the Renegade base. Together with your comrades from the “ChN”, move to the north-east of the Swamps, to a place called the “Mechanizer’s Yard”. Get ready for a very heated meeting and a difficult battle in general, since there are an incredible number of bandits there.

Keep in mind that your comrades can easily die, but this will not affect your reputation in any way. On the contrary, after the battle you can loot the corpses of the fallen to collect good ChN2 suits, as well as good weapons like the AKM-74.

After completing the task, Lebedev will thank you. Now that you have cut off all the tails, go to Cordon.

To order

Cordon is inhabited by fresh stalker blood, Sidorovich, military men and other acquaintances whom the player met in the first part.

When you enter the location, Sidorovich will immediately contact you. A little further you will come across a wave of military men who will indicate their intentions regarding everyone approaching - to shoot to kill.

Open the map to understand your location: to the south of you there is a military base, higher up is the base with Sidorovich. You need to get past the military patrolling the area and get to the newcomers' base.

The problem of the military at Cordon is especially painful, since these guys are endowed with incredibly keen eyes. The military machine gun point will notice you hundreds of meters away and will start firing at you very accurately, so be careful.

Use binoculars to find a checkpoint and decide how to move to avoid them. Most likely, you will be noticed, so you will have to move under fire, running from stone to stone, from tree to tree, right up to the lattice fence.

After this, you will go down the slope, and then they will stop shooting at you. Pass the fence and go left, heading straight to the camp with the stalkers.

On the spot, you can talk with fresh blood and take on several secondary quests (one of them will give you the “Wolf” already familiar to players). To advance along the main storyline, go to Sidorovich.

S Idorovich

The good-natured and husky huckster Sidorovich, if you didn’t know, is one of the most iconic figures in the first part of the series (“Shadows of Chernobyl”).

Sidorovich will not answer your questions about Strelka - first you must do him a favor. You have to find swag for him, but first you will have to visit the stalker Valerian. The leader of the neutrals is at his own base.

Before heading to Valeryan, you can visit the military men who forced you to dance under machine-gun fire. This time you can come in from the back and deal with the machine gunner, but, again, the work will still not be easy, since there are a lot of military men at that checkpoint.

Through the embankment

It doesn’t take long to walk to the railway embankment - less than a kilometer from Sidorovich. On the way, turn down from the road (as seen from the entrance to the newcomers' camp) and go to the bridge under which the military man is located.

Imagine, this guy won’t shoot at you, what’s more, he’ll even give you a task. It is not necessary to provide him with a favor, and the task is not anything unusual - a standard “go and find it.”

On the way to the embankment you will come across stalkers fighting with the military. Help first, and then search the bodies of the dead. Soon you will see a neutral base. Here, by the way, you can complete the same military task, if you have one.

On the bridge you will find a “Teleport” anomaly, which will throw you to the right side of the Cordon. In the tunnel, pick up all the items and the quest item, then return.

Base of neutrals

The neutrals have settled down very well: here you have two barracks, walls, and a cozy view. In the first barracks you will find a dealer and a mechanic, in the second - Valeryan himself, who runs the entire base.

Talk to the latter to learn about a very bad situation: the military, it turns out, is handing over the location of the stalkers to the bandits, after which the latter ambush them. Next, you need to interrogate Khaletsky, a major who may know about Sidorovich’s swag.

After a failed conversation, talk to Valerian again, who will ask you to deal with Khaletsky's comrades. You will find the latter at the ATP, which can be reached through the Elevator. Kill all the enemies at the ATP and collect valuable items (there is also an AKM-74\2U here).

Help for stalkers

When the battle is over, return to Khaletsky at the neutral base. When the major finds out that his comrades have died, he will immediately give you all the information about the swag.

Before leaving, you can provide Khaletsky with assistance, but this, again, is not necessary. Help consists of handing over a pistol to the military man, for which in return you will receive a tip to the cache behind the newcomers’ camp.

Having learned about the location of the swag, take your things and return to Sidorovich. On the way, visit the military man under the bridge to give him the discovered PDA. As a reward you will receive a very ordinary first aid kit.

Having helped the neutrals, you got the opportunity to join their group. In general, in STALKER: Clear Sky, like the original, there are many associations that you can join.

If you agree to become one of the neutrals, you will receive the “Bear” detector, which is significantly superior to the standard device, but at the same time inferior to the “Veles” (you could find it in the Swamps), as well as five anti-radins.

A mechanic nicknamed “Van” will give you a quest to find flash drives, and the huckster Shilov will help you unload your backpack. In addition to unique additional tasks, you can also take quests from neutrals to clear the Cordon of monsters (the tasks pay quite well).

After exploring the Cordon and dealing with all matters (and also reporting to Sidorovich), go to the Landfill. There are two ways to get to the new location: through the pass in the northwest or through the checkpoint in the north.


Where do cockroaches live? That's right, in the trash. What about the bandits? Of course at the Landfill! In the STALKER series, one cannot exist without the other, so get ready for frequent attacks from the “brothers”.

The first bandits will meet you right at the beginning of the location, but it is not necessary to fight them if you do not want to play a kind or neutral guy.

If you are not going to join the ranks of the gopniks, then in this case you should not shoot, but you should not approach the lads either, since they will immediately try to “gop” you.

The bandits are guaranteed to take all your money and leave you almost in your underpants, so either attack them immediately from afar, or go around.

When talking, the bandit will walk towards you and speak. Remove the gun if you are not afraid of losing money (or you simply don't have any), and give them all the currency.

If you refuse to give the money, simply step back and then carefully step towards the side of the hill (the bandits will not shoot now, since the corresponding script is still running). Then you can safely bypass their outpost and move forward without shots.

Finally, there is an option that there will be no lads at the entrance at all - neutrals will appear here and will fight with the bandits.

In this case, do not get caught in the crossfire and just wait to collect things from the corpses after the battle.

Dead stalkers can sometimes find IL-86, TRs-301 and other good guns. When joining neutrals, simply kill the Gopniks.

Follow the main task to the indicated place. You will find it on one of the hills of the Landfill, littered and surrounded by barrels.

D iggers

At the excavation site, examine the corpses of diggers who collect resources here. From one of them you will find a PDA with information, from which it follows that the fallen worked for a certain Vasyan. You will find the latter on the right side of the location, where he will fight off the Blind Dogs.

Save before approaching Vasyan, as during the battle the dogs can eat him. When the battle is over, the stalker will inform you of the location of your target - she is already in the Dark Valley.

Vasyan can also show you several caches scattered throughout the location for a nominal fee.

With talkers and bandits

Before leaving for the Valley, explore the Landfill for artifacts. Be sure to visit the Depot basements and the Old Equipment Cemetery, where great resistance and very valuable loot await you.

If you want to join the ranks of bandits, you need to avoid attacking them throughout the entire passage. At the moment, if you haven't killed a single Gopnik and haven't joined another faction, you can become one of them. To do this, go to their base and talk to their leader, nicknamed Yoga.

Also at the base you can take a standard quest from a mechanic to find flash drives. Yoga will also give you a unique task, characterized by meanness and deceit.

It is worth noting that the Seva armor can only be fully upgraded by a bandit technician. It’s a strange combination of high technology and gangsters at Adidas, but the fact remains.

The Gopniks also have an interesting task of shooting crows, the organizer of which is located near the bar. You can practice with him, or shoot for time or money.

dark valley

The passage of STALKER Clear Sky has reached halfway, and now you have already reached the Dark Valley. You can get to this location in two ways: from below through the Landfill, choosing the path in the southeast of the latter, or from above through the same Landfill, choosing the path in the northeast of the latter.

In the first case, you will stumble upon bandits with whom you will have to fight. Not far from the entrance is the actual base of the lads, but you personally need to go up to the Checkpoint.

In the second case, you will immediately find yourself at a checkpoint. Remove the gun, as the group commander will approach you. He will talk to you about the Fang you are looking for and let you go in peace. Next, go to the Freedom base, which is located in the north of the Dark Valley.


They won’t let you into the Svoboda base just like that, so first you must talk to Commandant Shchukin. It is necessary to carry out an assignment for him, which is to kill a psi-dog.

Before departure, purchase ammunition and dump unnecessary cargo from a dealer named Ashot. A guy from Transcaucasia will friendly help you empty your wallet and wish you good luck.

Go to the point on the map where you last saw the dangerous dog. The Psi Dog can be detected from a distance, and to do this you will have to stop in advance and use binoculars.

If you have a powerful sniper, then you can immediately finish it off with a precise shot. Otherwise, you will have to fight with it for a long time, since the psi-dog copies itself.

Having dealt with the mutant, return to Shchukin for a new task. This time you will have to get to the Freedom group, which is patrolling the area. Take supplies from Ashot and go to your destination.

On the spot, alas, you will come across only corpses, in the pocket of one of which there is a PDA. Take it to Chekhov, the leader of Freedom, who lives in the main room of the base. In a conversation with the leader, it turns out that the commandant is to blame for the death of the soldiers, whom you have to find and punish.


To quickly move to your destination, use the services of a guide. With the help of the latter, you will be halfway to the goal, but then you will have to stomp on your own two feet. Soon you will hear the sounds of shooting - there the Svoboda people are fighting with mercenaries, and you need to help first.

After shooting everyone, finish off the commandant and pick up the PDA from his body. After this, return to Chekhov and report on your success.

As a reward, in addition to currency, the leader of Freedom will tell you more information about the Fang. Chekhov will also give you several secondary quests, which are not necessary to complete if you do not intend to become a Freedom member.

Before leaving the location, explore its corners for valuable resources. Technician Yara, as follows all technicians in STALKER Clear Sky, will give you a task to collect flash drives on the map, so it makes sense to complete it too. The bartender and Chekhov can tell you about the location of the caches.

Even if you complete all the Freedom tasks that are available now, Chekhov will not accept you into the ranks of his organization. But don't worry - the opportunity to become a Svoboda member will appear a little later in the story. If you have completed all the tasks in the Dark Valley, go to the Landfill.

From the roll (part 2)

Here you have already explored most of the location, so now you need to visit the Flea Market. Until this moment, there was a closed door to the basement, but it finally opened.

An ambush awaits you in the depths of the building, so if you don’t want to lose the loot and then look for it, hide your belongings on the second floor of the building in the blue box where the neutral stalkers are located. You can't save money, so you'll lose it anyway.

In the basement you will run into a tripwire and pass out, after which the bandits will take all your belongings. When you wake up, take the gun and detector, and then return to the blue cache and take all the things if you decided to hide them.

Open the map and find the location of the gang. They will be in their camp, where you must enter from the rear to kill them all without a trace. After the battle, all you have to do is collect the loot and return your items. Move in the direction of the Agroprom Research Institute.

Research Institute "Agroprom"

The Research Institute occupies most of the location, however, around the complex itself there is an open area where many anomalies and artifacts are scattered. At the start of the location, contact the person at the checkpoint to find out about the Duty squad.

This group is also here, and it has gone to the same point where you need it. Follow them to make your path easier, and fight off the snorks and other creatures you encounter.

In the middle of the location you will find a base of neutrals, led by a man nicknamed Orestes. He is accompanied by the mechanic Aidar and the huckster Drozd, who will offer you a standard set of tasks, as well as leads to caches.

Before leaving, search the complex, on the second and third floors of which there are electrical artifacts. Immediately find medium-sized tanks, near which there is a hatch.

The latter will lead you to the sewer, where a strange stalker nicknamed the Hermit lives - from him you can buy improved weapons.

On the left side of the location there is a swamp, where the quest for neutral stalkers begins. The guys are moving towards Yantar - help them fight the mutants to get the improved Zarya suit.

The Duty shelter itself is located at the bottom and left of the location, where the squad will go.

Inside you will find many interesting things: an enclosure with monsters, which is a kind of cabinet of curiosities for the Zone, which was supposed to be added in “Shadows of Chernobyl”, but it was cut out at the last moment; a shooting gallery, which is a mini-game already familiar to you (like shooting crows) and headed by Major Zvyagintsev; as well as a bar run by the bartender Kolobok, a repair shop headed by Gromov, and a store run by the unsociable Mityai.

You will find the head of the Debt group on the top floor of the main building. It is to him, Krylov, that you must ultimately go to continue the main plot.

P dungeon of the Research Institute "Agroprom"

Your questions about how you can get into the underground of the scientific complex will not go unanswered. Krylov will tell you about the only way - a large hole, which, as you might guess, was created by mutants.

Inside, the snorks have founded a whole nest, which poses a huge danger to others. Before letting you go, Krylov will ask you to destroy this nest for ten thousand currency.

It's time to visit the snorks' nest, where you shouldn't go unequipped. Collect armor-piercing cartridges, buy first aid kits and go to a group of long-time soldiers led by Nalivaiko, which is located near the hill. Together with them, you must deal with the snorks if you want to get a lead on a good cache.

Move towards the dungeons. You will find yourself in a branched corridor full of hot anomalies. Go to the opposite side of the dungeon, dealing with snorks along the way.

As a result, you need to get to the stairs upstairs, which will lead you to a small room with boxes. Collect your swag and continue through the toilet dotted with Kissel (anomaly).

After some time, you will be stunned, the level of mental influence will rise and you will begin to lose control - these signs will mark the appearance of the controller.

If you are confident in your abilities, then it makes sense to close the distance with the monster as quickly as possible, since it is not capable of fighting in close combat, and then kill it with a sawn-off shotgun or knife.

In the next room you will find a pump control panel. Be sure to save before activating the valve that will release water into the dungeons. After that, turn the mechanism and run behind the bars, without stopping for a second.

Pass the spiral staircase and the corridor, run past the jerboas and reach the stairs that will lead you outside. As soon as you are free, the corresponding cut-scene will start - the entire dungeon will be flooded.

Now you need to go through the upper level of the complex, where the gopota is holed up. Deal with your opponents and find Strelok's Cache, which is located in the same place in Shadow of Chernobyl.

If you haven't played the first part, then look for a ventilation entrance in the wall in the corridor - it will lead you to a cache with useful information. After studying the PDA, you will understand that you need to go to Yantar.

On your way out, you will encounter fiery poltergeists - kill them by shooting right in the center. Finally, all you have to do is visit Krylov to receive your reward. After this, go to the north-west of the location, from where you can get to Amber.

From now on, you can choose one of two main factions: Duty or Freedom. The first group will give you the PS5-M suit, as well as the Grom-S14 cannon. The second one is a “Guardian of Freedom” suit and a “SGI-5k+” gun (plus three first aid kits).

It is not necessary to take sides; moreover, choosing a faction will instantly make you the sworn enemy of the opposing faction, so you will have to fight it on Yantar. Neutrality is the safest option.

I am an amber

Yantar will appear before you as a dry lake, the bottom of which has been chosen by a scientific station headed by the scientist Sakharov.

Before visiting the professor, you will have to deal with the zombies, moving very carefully. Keep in mind that small oases on the lake (not dry areas) have a high radioactive background, so you should avoid them.

Fighting zombies with firearms is a wasteful idea, since these guys are very clumsy and slow, but at the same time they have a ton of health. If there is no risk of being surrounded by several undead, just go around one of them and shut him up with a knife.

When you have dealt with all the zombies, the scientists will let you into the bunker. During the conversation, Sakharov will give you a task to find a PDA. Here you can receive secondary tasks from stalkers acting as bunker guards.

Get to your destination and kill all the blind dogs. Examine the bodies of the fallen stalkers, pick up the PDA and return to Sakharov.

Restarting the psi installation

After a painstaking study of information from the PDA, Sakharov will identify the cause of strong psi emissions. The issue is the installation, which is located next to the bunker, and you will have to turn it off.

First of all, visit Lefty, who is waiting for you near the plant. Together with him, go inside and climb to the top of the hangar. When you turn off the installation, you will have to fight zombies.

Now that the task is completed, report to Sakharov and go to the Red Forest, the path to which lies in the northwest of the location.

Red forest

At the entrance to the location, you will suddenly find Strelok - the same elusive avenger from the first part whom you are hunting for. He will run away from you, so give chase. At the bridge you will be stopped by his neutral comrades, so get ready for battle.

After the battle, you will learn that Strelok ran into the tunnel and blew up the entrance. Next, Lebedev will contact you, who will tell you about another route to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which passes through Limansk.

One problem is that the bridge to the city is defended by Renegades, so you will have to use the help of other stalkers, for example, the legendary Forester.


When the neutrals start to lose to you, they will surrender, so you can interrogate them. One will agree to take you to the Forester in exchange for his own life - a great deal, don’t you think?

After some time, the guide will stop near the group of stalkers, refusing to step further. Here you will receive an SOS signal, however, when you arrive at the place, you will find only corpses.

From the corpse, pick up a map of the Red Forest, which shows a unique spatial anomaly - it is through it that you can get into the domain of the Forester.

At your destination, you will come across a group of individuals - talk to their leader in an exoskeleton, who will ask you to lead his guys through the tunnel for an excellent reward - an artifact.

One way or another, you’d better agree, because a pseudo-giant is waiting for you behind the tunnel, and the extra fire will come in handy in any case.

A flock of snorks awaits you directly in the tunnel - throw a couple of grenades inside to smoke them out. A little further you will come across the Symbiont anomaly, and then a pseudo-giant. If you want to receive a reward for accompanying singles, then it is necessary that at least one of them survives.

After passing the tunnel, go to the anomaly. You will find it right above the tank hatch, deep in the forest. From afar, take out a couple of monsters to clear the path, and then jump up and go through the portal.

As a result, you will find yourself near the Forester's hut, who will tell you many interesting stories and give you a task to find a missing group of stalkers.

Army warehouses 1

You can get to this part of the location from the north of the Forester's hut. On the spot you will come across Svoboda members, and even further - mercenaries who have settled in the village.

They are led by a guy in an exo nicknamed Hog - it is from him that you will receive information about the missing stalkers.

Go to the destination where the looping anomaly mentioned by Hog is located. You must get to the tower where the signal will strengthen. Next, deal with all the mutants and return to the Forester.

To compass

The forester found out how to help the missing guys - with the help of the Compass artifact. To find the last one, walk down from the Forester's hut, past the gate, and then head west.

Soon you will reach a hill behind which you can hear the sounds of battle. Reach the entrance to the mine and kill all the renegades.

Before leaving, it makes sense to deal with poltergeists at the entrance to the mine, since there is also a hole in the dungeon hidden by boards. Inside you will find even more poltergeists, the battle with which, you can be sure, will be difficult. There you will find the desired artifact and a grenade launcher.

For returning the “Compass” to the Forester you will receive a fully upgraded “Vintar” VS sniper rifle. Now visit the warehouses again to contact the missing stalkers.

And army warehouses 2

Hog and his guys will not agree to go with you deep into the military base, but the leader will note that the Svoboda people will definitely go, since in the past the base belonged to them. Together with the Svoboda members, clear the base, killing all the military. Now all that remains is to climb the tower and send a message.

Bridge to Limansk

Lebedev will contact you and tell you about an imminent commotion near the bridge. Get to the point and get ready for battle. After some time, Leshy's group will approach the bridge, and you will have to cover them while they lower the bridge.

Mostly you will have to watch the hill, as the renegade snipers come out from there. When the bridge goes down, go to the other side and finish off the remaining enemies. You can now continue chasing the Strelok.

Before leaving, talk to Leshiy to receive your reward. “Clear Sky” wants to thank you in the same way, so visit their base if you want to get fifty thousand rubles and a powerful “FT200M” rifle.

From the moment you enter Limansk, the final part of the STALKER Clear Sky campaign will begin. That is why spend all your money and buy as much ammunition and medicine as possible, since it will be impossible to go back.

L imansk

Inspect the tunnel that is located near the bridge. Once in Limansk, follow the CN fighters until you find a wounded bandit. If you give him a first aid kit, his comrade will agree to surrender the ambush to you.

It turns out that in front, near the cars, there is a tripwire (in fact, there is far more than one there). When you get to the first tripwire, you will be attacked by a gopota.

Deal with the first ambush and move on. Soon you will stumble upon a battle between Monoliths and bandits - here you need to destroy the machine gun point located in the house. After this, you must deal with the Monolith's minions.


Act quickly and don't sit in one place, as they will try to smoke you out with grenades. By the way, the Monoliths are equipped with an exoskeleton, so you should shoot at them with armor-piercing cartridges and directly at the head.

Continue towards the bridge. From the intersection, reach the anomalies and turn east, towards the arch that you need to pass. From the playground, head east all the way up the hill, beyond which is a landing. Enter the house and exit through the rooms on the opposite side.

Below you will find the leader of the ChN, who will give you a new task - to move to the other side of the canal, where the military is holed up. This task lies only with you, since the CN fighters will distract the warriors at this time. Run across the bridge and get to the two-story building where the machine gun point is located.

From the triple playground

After clearing the area, leave the house on the other side and move west to the bridge. There are spatial anomalies scattered along the road to the site, so you will have to go a certain way (they always return to the beginning of the road).

First, go around the first anomaly from the east, then go through the stairs and go down the path; after that, get to the bus and climb inside the car along the box on the side to get out on the other side; Finally, reach another bus opposite and go around it on the left.

On the horizon from the road you have passed, you will find a half-empty building where the Monoliths have settled. You will have to fight them methodically, since the guys love to knock you out with one bullet to the head.

After the fight, get to the last floor and go out to the other side of the roof, from where you can get down. This way you will get to the construction site - go to the fence leading into the hole.

About the edges of the city

After the fence, you will meet friends from the ChN, with whom you will have to fight against the fanatics. Next, you will run into an electric fence - you need to turn off the voltage by finding a generator. The last one is located behind, where you met the CN fighters.

From that place, go to the buildings near the fence and find an attic in one of them. Climb out onto the roof through the attic and go to the next house, and then, using the pipe, go to the next one.

Finish off the Monolith on the spot and get to the room with the stairs that lead to the new platform. Finally, jump to the left and break the crates to get to the room with the coveted generator. Cut it off and go past the fence. You will receive a new task - to get to the dungeons of Pripyat.

G hospital

There was once a military first aid station here, but now there is only emptiness. At the SOS signal, jump into the pit and go through the tunnel to get into the building.

Climb up the stairs and find CN fighters there who want to get to the nuclear power plant. They are being hindered by a fanatical sniper, and it is up to you to finish him off.

Go to the east of the hospital, simultaneously fighting off the attacks of the Monolith. Go through the broken wall and continue east, going up and down.

Here the machine gunner will interfere with you - his allies will distract him so that you can pass. Come in next room and kill a couple of fanatics, then cross the trees to another house.


After this, you will need to return along the boards to the CN fighters. Near the group you will find a crevice in the wall - go there and pass the tunnel. At the exit, quickly hide, as fire from a helicopter will fall on you. Use the machine gun to blow up the bird.

After this, the CN will blow up all the approaches so that the fanatics can no longer receive reinforcements. Finally, all you have to do is get to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant while your friends fight the Monolith.


In the new location you will be taken directly to the center of the Zone, to the nuclear power plant itself. Here Lebedev will contact you to explain how you can destroy Strelok. First, you have to disable his protection from psi radiation - to do this, attack the enemy with the help of EM-1.

The shooter will fight not only with you, but also with fanatics, which will greatly simplify your task. If the enemy eludes you, then pursue him through portals that allow you to reduce the distance.

Ultimately, Strelok's defense will be disabled, as Lebedev will inform you about. But then the Zone will begin to go crazy, after which a powerful release will occur.

The final video will give more questions than answers to what happened to the main characters of the game. This completes the walkthrough The walkthrough of "STALKER Clear Sky" ends.

Video: walkthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear sky

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Like the previous part of the legendary series, Stalker Clear Sky is full of surprises and surprises that the developers have prepared. One of these surprises for many players was the transition from Bolot to Cordon. After successfully completing the mission and completing all quests in the Swamp location, the main character needs to go to the merchant Sidorovich, located in the Cordon location. This can be done with the help of a stalker guide, but the military, whose checkpoint is located just opposite the place where the main character appears at the location, may not like your appearance.

The military meets Scar with heavy machine gun fire, so many players have a reasonable question about how to get to the Cordon through the military. Your ally in passing the military barrier will be the skillful control and speed of movement of the main character.

You will have to act ahead, so before making a swift throw, try to throw out of your backpack everything that can prevent you from moving quickly and reduces the character’s endurance, preventing you from accelerating as much as possible. Almost at the very beginning of the movement, a large stone will stand in front of you; it can serve as temporary cover, but you should not linger there for long, since bullets due to the ricochet can reach your character there too.

When moving under a shower of bullets, try to stay to the left and do not stop under any circumstances. If you are playing on a master and cannot pass this place, we advise you to temporarily change the difficulty of the game to beginner, and after completing it, return to the previous difficulty level.

It is worth noting that there is an alternative route to the Cordon, but bypassing the military. After crossing to the Cordon using the option described above, return back to the swamps; this can be done by reaching the end of the tunnel. Next, carefully study the location map, pay attention to the village above the Mechanizatorsky Dvor, there is another transition to the Cordon.

This path, although longer, is much safer. The main difficulties may be renegades encountered along the way before the transition (they can be easily bypassed without engaging in battle), and after the transition, crossing an embankment patrolled by the military. The military under the bridge are not so aggressive and if you want to get around them by jumping over the barbed wire fence at the top of the embankment, it is not difficult.


I divided the article into chapters:

1 Artifacts
If an artifact is in your field of vision, but you are not close enough to it for it to become visible, save and load the game - the artifact's radiation will become visible for a few seconds, which will make the search much easier.
a) There is a twist on railway tracks Agroprom locations. Near the tunnel where they first settled. Between the tower and the cars. (It seems so, if not, then just walk along) I found a detector bought from Sakharov (a thousand and something rubles).
b) There are two “Moonlight” artifacts in the building where Krota used to hide from the military (In the Shadows of Chernobyl). Now there are electra and psi zones. We save ourselves from the first by pressing our torso against the wall)) They are lying on the second floor.
c) The Kolobok artifact is also at the Agroprom location. In the very swamps where the deserter used to sit. Not far from the house (there is only one there) towards the transition to Yantar, deep in a crack and reeds.
d) Also there, near the only anomaly in the location " " lies the "Night Star".
e) At the Landfill in the cemetery of radioactive equipment, where the Bes once was, there are artifacts “Fireball” and “Mom’s Beads”, and in the same location Two “Slices of Meat” in the acid swamps.
f) When crossing from the Cordon to the Landfill, without crossing the outpost, looking to the North, turn right. We come across Anomalies - in one of them there is a “Night Star”.
f) When the Forester gives the task to bring him the compass artifact, on the way to it (the artifact) there is a ladder down. Go down there (better save before doing this), there will be a lot of poltergeists there. Go straight. There will be an artifact in the anomaly.
g) the artifact “Battery”, there is in the Dark Valley on the territory of the Freedom base, there’s a heater flying back and forth in the tunnel nearby... well, I came across the “Night Star” there
h) At the beginning I found 5 artifacts in the Swamp, I will try to roughly describe where they are:
1) in the anomaly, when the current left the base to help fight off the monsters, if at the beginning you didn’t know how to look or simply ignored that the tower is in the west, go back and find it.
2) go north there and pick up the chemical burn artifact.
3) right in the Burnt Farm there is a ruin with an anomaly there is an artifact of fire.
4) to the north of the mechanical yard about 50 meters there is an anomaly of fire.
5) if you then walk 200 meters to the east, there is an electrical anomaly, there is an electroshock artifact... a bit creepy, really.
By the way, how to use the map and where north is, I hope you know =)
i) In the red forest (where you accompany the stalkers) in a very large anomaly (in the form of such fingers) there are 2 pieces of art... I don’t know which ones, I couldn’t get them.
j) There is very good art on Yantar. Gives -6 to radioactive contamination. Right behind the scientists' base there are several puddles covered with reeds. There is still a constant green fog swirling there. If you throw bolts, you may not get into anomalies, but you will still get poisoned.
j) In the red forest, on the way to the tank with the teleporter, you will meet a group of stalkers. You will be asked to bring them to a certain place and will be promised an artifact for this. It costs a lot (compared to most art). If you don't let the snorks, dogs and pseudo-giants eat them, you'll get it. With snorks and dogs it’s quite simple - get ahead of the group and throw grenades at them. But the giant is very fat. Run backwards and shoot back. THE MAIN MAIN thing is not to run away too far, stay close enough to him, otherwise he will switch to the stalkers and quickly devour them.
P.S. Sidorovich and scientists buy artifacts at a minimal discount.

2 Money
You can earn money endlessly. At each point that any group can occupy, there is a special box in which supplies are stored. The greater the strength and resources of the group, the more things are in the box. The contents of each such box are often updated, so you can simply walk around points captured by a non-hostile group and collect ammunition, first aid kits and food.
a) An interesting way to earn extra money: In the Swamp location, the main task is to capture and hold the main points. As soon as all positions are captured by the Clear Sky fighters, we go to the main base and receive as a reward several pieces of money and a Clear Sky suit.
But Renegades periodically respawn and head to the Mechanical Yard. We do not interfere, let it be captured, and then we recapture it again and, as soon as the ChN detachment arrives, we again receive the main task of capturing all the points. And again we get money and overalls at the main base
b) As soon as we reach Cardon, a machine gun is hitting us hard. We don’t leave such attacks unpunished, we immediately go to the soldiers at the checkpoint, and then, while collecting trophies, I found a box in the barracks with a LOT of different cartridges. He didn’t even take everything away, he drove it to Sidor, he put everything in a box there, and when he returned, they appeared there again, I had to fight a second time, but the box was filled again!!!

3 Weapons
a) The easiest way to get SVD at the beginning of the game is to remove one of the debtors at Agroprom.
b) PSO 1 can be found on a tower in the swamps at the very top there is an open box inside a sight.
c) You can repair your weapon for free!!! So... in order. There is a broken trunk in his hands. Repair under 10,000. It's a pity for the money. So you need to find a benefactor who will subjugate for nothing. Who will do this? Bandits! We go to the Gopnik parking lot and look into the optics. We are interested in whether there are guys with pistols there, and the more, the better. If there are any, we rush to their parking lot and throw off the screw cutter. You need to throw it in a place where you can lure this crowd to it. Please note that guys with pistols will not be able to ignore such a cool gun. They will not only grab it, but also charge it and repair it. And then it’s a matter of technology. Turn your attention to your master and return your property. The condition of the weapon has moved from the “full tryndets” mark to the 70-80% mark. With this condition you can already use it. Or have it repaired by a more qualified technician. The cost of repairs will drop to ~1500 re. Just make sure they don’t knock you out of it XD
That's all... The idea, by the way, was born immediately as soon as I took possession of the dead gun. Purposefully I went to the bandits and checked. Everything is working. It's strange that no one has written about this yet
d) Vintorez can be found in the carriage next to the railway tunnel at Agroprom.
e) In Limansk, in the building where the bandits are holed up, there is a “bulldog” lying around with a bunch of charges for it! It really takes forever to charge it. There is also a bulldog in the cave, near Kaper’s base, in the Red Forest, he is there on the lower tier in the toilet.
f) In the patched version, in the Swamps, in the farmsteads controlled by the Chistonebovtsy (not just captured, but where they have been standing for a long time), in houses in nychki (in iron boxes) different cartridges are often found (5.45 for Kalash, 9.39 for Vintorez and Thunderstorms, 5.65 for NATO rifles) and first aid kits with bandages.
f) At the Army Warehouses next to the main building there is a tank, next to it is a box, in the box is an RPG

4 Miscellaneous
a) “Falling with minimal damage”, falling from the tenth floor will not work, but from the first or second floor it will be possible. The trick is that the main character takes less damage if he runs away before falling from the roof. For example, the Clear Sky base, the beginning of the game - you can simply jump off and then minimal damage will be received, or you can press “sprint” and slide off the roof - no damage.
b) In the Landfill, according to the plot, you need to go down to a small basement behind Fang’s PDA, there a tripwire explodes and a couple of bundyuks take all the GG’s things. This can be partially avoided this way: before descending, we simply throw all our things on the ground, and then simply pick them up. True, you won’t be able to save the money, so it’s better to prudently spend it at the Svoboda base, for example, on a brand new jumpsuit
d) Even a completely destroyed armor is better not to throw away; it always has some protection from bullets.
e) Now, when broken, the contents of metal boxes can not only fall to the floor below, but also FLY THROUGH THE WALL INTO THE NEXT ROOM, or TO THE UPPER FLOOR. Or maybe in parts in all directions.
e) Now it’s easy to kill crows with any small weapon
g) The guitar can be found at the Freedom base. Second floor, on the way from bartender to mechanic. still can't find it
g) Before the bandits’ checkpoints, throw away your equipment, food and pharmacies somewhere nearby, and you will only lose money from the search.
h) At the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, you don’t have to run after the Strelok, you can take him down without moving: when they give you a gaus, walk a couple of meters to the piece of iron, crouch behind it so as not to shoot from the left, shoot at him and he will run down, then appear on the ground from the right at a glance.
i) But it’s just a joke. There is a stalker where Petrukha used to stand on Cardona, he also looks through binoculars, but sometimes he forgets to take them and it turns out comical
Don't waste your money! For 19 thousand. You can buy a “Seva” suit from Sakharov on Yantar (10 thousand are given before this by debtors at Agraprom, and the rest can be scraped together - throw off all the left weapons at the Svoboda base - there it is... eat it again - and you will get the required amount). Sakharov also has advanced devices for searching for artifacts. It’s impossible to take down the controller in the Agroprom dungeon using the traditional method (hid behind a corner, wait and get a bullet in the head). There was only one method that worked for me - you run out close to him (but so as not to tear him with your claws) and roll the clip into his head with direct fire. The only way. So far I haven’t found anything more decent than the M-16 with optics. Unless I took 2 of them and upgraded one to use Kalash cartridges. It is more comfortable. Armor-piercing cartridges solve many problems without headshots. That's all based on advice for now.

Good luck to you STALKERS in exploring the ZONE!!!

After negotiations, in which the main character will ask Krylov about how you can get into the “Dungeons of Agroprom”, he will explain to you that you can only get there through a large hole that the mutants dug and will ask you to do a small favor - to flood the Dungeon, so that forever close the way out for snorks and other wickedness. Agree - the reward is not much, not little - 10 thousand RU.

Before going to the dungeon, equip yourself best weapon and armor-piercing cartridges - will come in handy.

Go to the southeast of the location. In a wooded area near the hillside, you will meet a detachment of debtors. Talk to their commander, Sergeant Nalivaiko. He will ask for assistance and help kill a pack of snorks (who will come out 8-10 seconds after the conversation). They will mainly attack debtors. Having a double-barreled shotgun with you, you can disinfect the current situation with targeted shots. If at least Nalivaiko remains alive, he will give you a tip to the “Case in the Dungeons” cache.
Now go underground!

Here are the famous dungeons. You will find yourself in a curved corridor dotted with Zhark anomalies. Follow to its far end, simultaneously shooting snorks crawling out of the crevices. Your goal is to run to the stairs that lead to a higher level. You will find yourself in a small room. Collect the swag laid out in the boxes, reload the clip and step through the doorway leading into a hall with a high ceiling and four settling tanks filled with gurgling Kissel anomalies.
Tinnitus, loss of orientation and a critical level of psi radiation foreshadow the appearance of a controller. Knowing his weak point in his inability to conduct close combat, it is recommended to run to the opposite end of the room, directly towards the mutant and with close range chop it with armor-piercing weapons, or save ammunition by stabbing it to death with a knife.
Move on. You will be taken to the pump control room. Save your game. Turn the valve and get ready for a hundred meters. As soon as the grate rises, accelerate and run forward, then down the spiral staircase and further along the curved corridor. Along the way you will meet a flock of crazed jerboas. Ignoring them, drink an energy drink while running and, having reached the stairs, quickly climb to the top.
After a short scripted scene, it will become clear to you that the dungeon is flooded and the path to the lower levels is inaccessible. The task is completed. All that remains is to get to the surface.
It's not worth flying out headlong. Somehow, the upper level of the research dungeons has been occupied by a group of evil-minded bandits. Pacify the unruly punks.
Now you need to find Strelka's Cache, which contains important information. The layout of the small room has not changed since the time of PM (this is logical). From the found PDA it will become known that it is necessary to move to Lake Yantar.
On the stairs leading to the surface, be extremely careful. This place was chosen by several fire poltergeists. Leaning out of the doorway, pacify these anomalous creatures as well.
Having reached the surface, go to Krylov for a reward.
Continue to Yantar, the transition to which is located in the northwestern corner of the location. [Advice]

Stalker: Clear Sky (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky) released in 2008, the plot is the prehistory of the beloved Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl).

The storyline tells the story of a mercenary nicknamed Scar, apparently a guide, who, while leading a group of scientists through the swamps, unexpectedly falls into a strong surge, but fortunately survives. After the story of Lebedev, the commander of the Clear Sky detachment, about the reason for the occurrence of emissions in the zone, he receives the task to urgently kill Strelok, since he has penetrated the territory of the brain burner and the zone, making attempts to destroy him, will soon destroy all life around, otherwise and the whole world.

The latest official version of the game Stalker: Clear Sky 1.5.10 was released on July 6, 2009. It is on the basis of this version that this article was written in order to help gamers make their life easier in the zone.

The game world of Clear Sky consists of 12 locations:

  1. swamps,
  2. Cordon,
  3. Dump,
  4. Research Institute "Agroprom"
  5. Dungeons of the Research Institute "Agroprom",
  6. dark valley
  7. Amber,
  8. Red forest,
  9. Military warehouses,
  10. Limansk,
  11. Abandoned hospital
  12. and, in fact, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

On the territory of which several groups work diligently, tirelessly, and fight for dominance over the zone:

  • Clear sky,
  • Stalkers-neutrals,
  • Military,
  • Renegades,
  • Bandits,
  • Mercenaries,
  • Freedom,
  • Duty,
  • Scientists,
  • Monolith.

The passage of Clear Sky Stalker does not cause any particular difficulties for the player, but for a more comfortable game we will reveal some of its secrets.

How to increase your carry weight in Stalker: Clear Sky

In order to increase the carry weight in Stalker: Clear Sky there is no need to install additional mods on it. This can be done in the game folder. You only need to edit, using notepad, the files ACTOR.LTX located in the GAMEDATA/CONFINGS/CREATURES folder and SYSTEM.LTX located in the GAMEDATA/CONFIGS folder.

To increase the transferable weight in these files, change the following parameters:


  • max_item_mass - maximum carry weight at which Scar can Run (set the value to 5000)
  • max_walk_weight - the maximum weight at which Scar can move (set the value to 6000)


  • max_weight - maximum transferable weight (set the value to 5000)

The values ​​can be set at your discretion. Just be sure to change them in two files at once.

If the GAMEDATA folder is not in the game folder, do not despair. It's just not unpacked. You can unpack it using a special unpacker, which is a little tedious, or download it below and add it to the game folder.

Also in these files you can change the basic parameters of the character such as general health, wound healing speed, jump strength, running speed, tolerance to radiation, explosions, bullet wounds, psi radiation, and so on. Or even the characteristics of the weapon: accuracy, destructive power, clip capacity, etc.

How to add money to Stalker: Clear Sky

As such, there were no cheats for money, like any others, for Clear Sky, so you cannot do without third-party programs such as Artmoney. But there are a few tricks noticed by attentive gamers.

1. For example, in the “Red Forest”, from the forester, you will receive the task of picking up the “Compass” artifact from the banites. After you take it, give it to the Forester after completing the task, and he will give you a rifle. Then immediately exit the dialogue without asking the next question. Next, talk to him again and he will again give you a rifle. And so on as many times as you want. Well, I don’t think it’s worth explaining how to sell.

2. The second bug is in the swamps, at the very beginning of the game. You need to go into minus money, into debt. You have 200 rubles of money, only PM weapons. You exploit it as best you can, spoil it, break it. Then you take it to the local Kulibin and improve it. Then you click “repair” and you have -200 rubles. And buy whatever you want. The money won't run out.

Without selling anything, in order to remain with a negative balance, reach the point where the bandits take absolutely everything from you - this is in a landfill, in the basement, or give it away at the entrance to the location for the roof. And the balance goes strongly into the positive.

Unique weapon in Stalker: Clear Sky

There are plenty of weapons in the zone, all sorts of different ones, for every taste. It makes no sense to describe each barrel separately, so we will only talk about unique weapons that can be obtained either with difficulty or by accident.

  • Personalized PM can be obtained by completing a quest from one of the neutral stalkers at the Landfill;
  • Modified barrel 45 caliber can be taken from the bandit leader nicknamed “Yoga”;
  • Tank machine gun can be found in the hatch of a tank, in the Red Forest location, by accepting the task to search for it;
  • Bandit Chaser 13 can be obtained by completing a quest from one of the bandits;
  • Shotgun "Ripper" given for completing the task of a debtor at Agroprom.

The rest of the weapons do not need description. It is quite simply acquired during the course of the game's plot.