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Where is the city of Mukachevo. What to see for a tourist in Mukachevo

In the extreme west of Ukraine, on the banks of the river Latoritsa, there is the ancient city of Mukachevo. This is a well-known tourist center that attracts travelers with its interesting architecture, numerous festivals, rich historical heritage and beautiful landscapes.

It will take several days to get acquainted with all the sights of Mukachevo. In addition to getting acquainted with the culture and history of the city, tourists can also enjoy the usual walks along the winding streets of Mukachevo, entering the old gates and visiting colorful cafes.

Being in Mukachevo and not visiting its famous castle is like visiting Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. This is a majestic fortress, which is one of the architectural wonders of Ukraine. The castle can be seen from almost anywhere in Mukachevo.

Palanok rises on a high hill, which is nothing more than an ancient volcano, extinct a thousand years ago. This is the highest place in the city. A magnificent panoramic view of Mukachevo and its surroundings opens from here.

Palanok is a fortification structure, which consists of 3 levels - the Lower Castle, the Middle and the Upper. To date, museum expositions are located inside the castle, telling everyone about the rich past of this building. It is worth noting that at present there are no more than 5 structures left in Europe similar to the Palanok castle.

In the past, the male, and today the female St. Nicholas Monastery on Chernecheya Gora attracts guests with its well-groomed territory, a beautiful facade painted green, and the atmosphere of a holy place that is indescribable in simple words. Here you can feel peace and the presence of God himself.

The monastery has an ancient history. It is one of the oldest in Ukraine. Throughout its existence, even during the reign of the Bolsheviks, he did not stop holding daily services. The monastery has a small cemetery and an old church.

Location: Severnaya street - 2.

In the central part of Mukachevo, not far from the city hall, there is a magnificent cathedral of st. Martina. This is the main Roman Catholic church in Mukachevo, dedicated to the patron saint of the city.

The cathedral was built in neo-gothic style in the last century. The interior of the temple is decorated with a huge canvas depicting St. Martin giving part of his cloak to a beggar. Inside the temple there is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Interesting excursions are conducted around the territory of the cathedral (in the halls and cellars). Organ concerts are also organized here.

Location: Fedorova street - 7.

This is the oldest building in Mukachevo. Here literally every stone breathes the past. The chapel of St. Joseph was built in the Gothic style. She comfortably perched next to the monumental church of St. Martin.

The highlight of the chapel is its special atmosphere. Being here, you feel grace and peace.

Location: Mira street - 2.

The City Hall is a true decoration of the city. It is located on Cyril and Methodius Square. The Town Hall was erected by the famous Budapest architect J. Babula Jr. at the beginning of the last century. The facade of the building is decorated in modern style. The top of the building is crowned with chimes, which were recognized in the 20th century as one of the best in Europe.

Today, the Town Hall houses the City Council. Rallies, meetings, various celebrations and festivals often take place in front of the building.

In the past, the Peace Square, and today the Cyril and Methodius Square, is located in the very heart of Mukachevo. It is crowned by the City Hall, on top of which huge chimes measure out every hour.

The area is a great place for hiking and cycling at any time of the day. There are many attractions and excellent coffee shops serving aromatic coffee and pastries.

It is difficult to see the beginning and end of the square, as it has an irregular shape. Outwardly, it resembles a street rather than a familiar square.

Surprisingly, the beautiful Cathedral of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, located on Fedorov Street, fits very harmoniously into the city architecture. Its main highlight is the richly decorated facade. The interior of the temple may seem a little rustic. However, the apparent simplicity more than compensates for the old altar.

The temple has a sense of calm and serenity. It is worth it to come here and light a candle for the health of relatives and friends.

There is a cozy park next to the temple. Here you can relax on the benches and admire the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Location: Fedorova street - 7.

Being in the center of Mukachevo, you should definitely visit the old mansion of the Rakoczi family. The palace is an architectural monument and one of the famous sights of the city. Of particular interest are some elements of decoration that have been preserved from past owners. Among them: antique chandeliers, deer antlers, pieces of antique furniture, etc.

Today, within the walls of the mansion there is an art school, several shops and offices of companies offering their services.

This is one of the holy places of Mukachevo, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept - one of the greatest shrines of Transcarpathia. The age of this shrine dates back to the middle of the 15th century. In addition to the icon, the monastery is famous for its healing spring, which heals diseases of the body and soul.

The temple is located on Monastyrskaya street. It will not be difficult for tourists to find it.

Location: Vasily Pronin street - 2.

Latoritsa is a mountain river that flows near the center of Mukachevo. This is a picturesque place that is ideal for relaxing, fishing, picnics, leisurely walks and memorable photo shoots. Near the river bank there is a large Ferris wheel, a cozy embankment, several attractions and a beautiful park. It is especially pleasant to relax near Latoritsa in the summer. The river will give you the much-desired coolness in the summer heat.

Where else to go or go while in Mukachevo? Tourists may be interested in the surroundings of the city. In the Mukachevo region there is a waterfall with a funny name Skakalo, an old mansion Saint Miklos, as well as many other interesting natural and architectural attractions.

Mukachevo is a magical old city located at the junction of the volcanic spurs of the Carpathians and the Transcarpathian lowland. Due to its geographical location, the city does not experience both strong heat in summer and Epiphany frosts in winter.

View of the city from Palanok Castle:

About 86 thousand people live in the city, which makes it the largest regional center in the territory of Transcarpathia after Uzhgorod. Mukachevo is located almost in the center of the Transcarpathian region, at the intersection of the main traffic flows. Thanks to this location, the city often becomes the starting point for travelers who visit Transcarpathia, and there is something to admire here.

It is worth noting that Mukachevo is a city of many cultures. During its centuries-old history, Transcarpathia managed to visit both Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and even felt the influence of Turkish culture. After World War II, the region was annexed to the Ukrainian SSR. Such a coloring could not but be reflected in the life of the region as a whole, and in its architectural appearance in particular.

Town Hall in Mukachevo:

The easiest way to feel this color is in the city center, walking along the paved pedestrian streets of Pushkin and Peace Square. Here, in the architecture of houses, you can find the influence of many cultures. It is also interesting to turn off the main streets and look into the neighboring courtyards, where their own busy life is in full swing. Some of the courtyards are so long that there is no end in sight.

One of the main attractions of the city can be called the city hall of the early twentieth century, painted in a very unusual color. Across the road from the town hall, you should pay attention to one of the few monuments to Cyril and Methodius, as well as a monument to a chimney sweep.

White House in Mukachevo:

Very close, on the street. Mira, 16, is the palace of the princes Rakoczy - better known as the "White House" - a building of the 18-19th century. The castle has long been the family residence of the family, which probably left the largest historical legacy in the life of Transcarpathia. There is also a museum of the artist M. Munkachi (after whom the city was named), and a museum of applied arts of Transcarpathia, where you can get acquainted with traditional household items, costumes and embroidery.

Temple lovers will be interested in visiting the St. Nicholas Mukachevo Monastery, founded in the 9th century. I recommend visiting the old chapel of St. Martin and the cathedral of the same name. Nearby is the Reformed Church and the Assumption Greek Catholic Church. Not far from Mukachevo are the Dombok Orthodox Convent and the Rakoshinsky Orthodox Monastery.

It was in this small town for some time on the street. Tolstoy, 29 lived the idol of generations - Vladimir Vysotsky. There is a plaque on the house. It is worth recalling that such famous people as Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and Lolita Milyavskaya are also natives of Mukachevo.

It is very interesting to walk around the city in late April - early May, when magnolia and sakura begin to bloom. Unforgettable experience!

Palanok Castle:

After the city center, you should head to its outskirts, namely to Tankistov Street. Here begins the ascent to another very unusual place - the medieval Palanok Castle, founded, according to history, back in the 9th century. The heyday of the castle falls on the 15th century and the Transylvanian princes Rakoczi in the 17th-18th centuries. Under the Habsburgs, it was one of the most powerful castles in the eastern lands of the Austrian Empire. Castle website -

The castle is located at an altitude of 68 meters above sea level. Throughout its history, there was a prison, a technical school, and even a military unit. The castle offers a beautiful view of the entire city. Entrance to the castle costs about 25 hryvnia per person. On request, a group tour can be booked on site. The expositions in the castle are often updated, so there are cases when it is impossible to get into some parts of the castle. Despite the fact that in the castle you can see old icons and paintings from different times, often among the expositions you can also find products that are produced by modern enterprises of Mukachevo.

Bograch Goulash in bread:

Gourmets will be interested in tasting, by the way, local dishes of Transcarpathian cuisine at very affordable prices. I especially recommend Paprikash, Bograch Goulash (bean goulash) and Lecho.

Since Transcarpathia is a wine region, I recommend visiting one of the wine cellars for tasting and choosing wine for every taste.

When planning your trip in advance, you can, having previously read the calendar of events, visit one of the festivals that are held every year in Mukachevo. Of the annual events, one can name the wine festival (usually held in January) or the bograch festival (spring).

Mukachevo is a very unusual and hardly comparable place on the tourist map of Ukraine, and it certainly will not leave anyone indifferent!

Distance to Uzhgorod : 42 km.

Mukachevo is a city in the Transcarpathian region. The central authorities of the Mukachevo region are located in Mukachevo. Most of the region is mountainous.

Representatives of 76 different nationalities live in the district, including Ukrainians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Russians, Romanians, Jews, Germans.

Mukachevo region is the most interesting region in its history. Near Mukachevo there is a Celtic tetalurgical center (the second largest in Europe), the opidum settlement of Galish-Lovachka. Coins were produced here, about a thousand tools were found, workshops (jewelry, forges), shears for shearing sheep, scythes, grain grinders, swords, anvils, shields, mills, silver coins.

The wooded and sparsely populated Carpathians were ideal for the construction of numerous monasteries on their territory.

Today, there are several monasteries on the territory of the Mukachevo region: Mukachevo (women's Orthodox), in which a huge library was created; Domboksky (female Orthodox), Rakoshinsky (male Orthodox). Also in the area there is a wooden church in the village. Vilkhovitsa and the ancient Catholic church in Mukachevo.

The first defensive fortifications appeared on the territory of the Mukachevo region in the Bronze Age. These were simply settlements-grads, fortified with an earthen rampart - Galish_Lovachka (Mukchevo). The most complete form of defensive structure is represented by castles of the XI-XVII centuries. 12 medieval castles are known in Transcarpathia, two of them are in the Mukachevo region: Mukachevo (XI century), Chinadievo (XV century).

Mukachevo castle - Palanok. In the IX-X Art. on Castle Hill there was a wooden fortification of the Slavs. The first mention of a stone castle dates back to the 11th century, when the King of Hungary, Laszlo I the Holy, ordered to strengthen the fortress from nomadic raids with stone walls. In 1321, King Charles Robert invited craftsmen from Italy to build the fortress. In 1396, a relative of King Zhigmondo I, Prince Fedor Koryatovich of Podolsky, received the right to own the castle. Later, on the orders of Laszlo II, the fortress passed to the Hungarian crown, the eldest in the royal family received the right to own it. During the liberation war of the Hungarian people 1703-1711. the fortress was taken by the troops of Ferenc II Rakoczi and became his residence during the uprising. In 1896, in honor of the millennium of the arrival of the Hungarian tribes in the Middle Danube lowland, the castle was officially closed.

Chinadievsky castle was built in the XV century. Baron Pereny. It became the center of the Chinadiyevo dominion. In 1657, the castle was significantly damaged by the Polish troops of Prince Lubomirsky. Later it served as a prison.

But if castles were necessary for waging wars, then for a quiet social life, feudal families tried to build calmer, but at the same time grandiose palace houses. Large size, scope, luxury in the interior of the interior, originality and variety of architectural styles in the external equipment of houses - everything is inherent in the noble palaces of the Mukachiv region of the Shenborn families (the village of Karpaty) and Rakoczi (the city of Mukachevo).

In the north, around Grabovo is the mysterious Black Forest, about which there are many unusual and interesting legends and stories. In particular, there is a marble cave, which was manually hollowed out by robbers. According to legend, it was here that they hid their stolen treasures, but they themselves did not hide here for a long time, because their brazen actions angered the villagers, who dispersed the band of robbers with their own hands.

Another legend about the Black Forest says that every violator of the forest peace will face a heavy punishment. Local residents do not recommend staying at the forest edge in the evening or directly in the forest itself, where mortal danger awaits everyone.

Near the city of Mukachevo, on Mount Krasnaya Gorka, there is the northernmost area in the world where tea is grown. And, by the way, about the origin of the name of the city of Mukachevo itself: from the word flour (how people suffered during the construction of the Palanok castle); from the word flour (there was a huge mill at that time on the river Latoritsa); from the words land of Pan Munkácsy (this is the Hungarian version of the city's name).

Mukachevo- second largest city Transcarpathia located on the banks of the river Latoritsa.

This is where the most famous lock region, and maybe the whole of Ukraine - Palanok Castle. And tourists from all over Ukraine and not only go to see it. But it is not famous for the castle alone Mukachevo.

Where to stay in Mukachevo

walking along Peace Square It is worth paying attention to the architecture of the surrounding buildings and various little things. Eg, main attractioncity ​​hall located in the heart Mukachevo.

To the right of it is the Gothic Chapel of St. Joseph a, and on the left - Church of St. Martin.

If you are traveling in a fun company, then be sure to visit Celtic court.

"Celtic courtyard near Lovachka"- This tasting room. Here you can taste not only wine, but also gin, schnapps, grappa, orujo and brandy. Around the relaxing atmosphere and many interesting locations.

Go to "Honey House"- a museum of a closed type, in which famous beekeepers live. Here you can try all varieties of honey known to mankind and, of course, buy gifts to take away.

In addition, you can go outside the city and taste new sensations. You can go to Lake Synevyr, which is considered place of power throughout the Transcarpathian region. We also recommend visiting the local castles, among which, Dovzhansky castle, And Nevitsky castle.

Mukachevo attracts tourists with its exceptional historical heritage, but ancient monuments are not the only thing for which tourists come here. Gourmets and connoisseurs of good wine from Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania and other countries come here for the largest wine festival. Be sure to come, you'll love it.

Where to go within Mukachevo

Thermal springs near Mukachevo:

Excursions to cheese factories:

  • Address: Zakarpattia region Khust district Nizhne Selishche village, st. Central.
  • Farm "Baranovo"
  • Address: Transcarpathian region, Iza village, st. Central, 259
  • Farm "Saldobosh"
  • Address: Transcarpathian region, Steblivka village, st. Mayskaya, 199
  • Contact number: +38 067 312 6177
  • Cheese factory in Rakoshino
  • Address: Transcarpathian region, Rakoshino village, st. Lenina 58. Holy Intercession Monastery

Fishing: trout fishing.

Places in the Carpathians for trout fishing:

  • Tourist complex "Voevodyno" (63 km from Mukachevo)
  • Turya-Paseka village
  • Hotel complex “Smerekovy Dvor” (60 km from Mukachevo)
  • settlement of Zhdenievo
  • Trout farm “Staraya Vaga” (67 km from Mukachevo)
  • Bronka village
  • Hotel complex “Lake Vita” (86 km from Mukachevo)
  • Nizhny Studeny village, 343 A
  • Trout farm "Zhdimir" (40 km from Mukachevo)
  • Vovchiy village

Odessa was founded in 1415. The history of the famous Lviv begins in 1256. The official date of birth of Poltava is 899. And the Transcarpathian city of Mukachevo already existed in 896 - chronicles mention that in 896 the Hungarian army captured Mukachevo. That is, it was founded even earlier, but when exactly, historians do not know.

Modern Mukachevo is a neat and cozy city on the banks of the Latoritsa River. It is located on a flat plateau, and only the castle hill majestically rises above the ancient streets. Palanok Castle can be seen from any point, the name of the city and its fate are connected with the fortress. Rumor has it that the construction of the castle cost the workers great suffering - that's why the city was named Mukachevo. Another version claims that people overcame the Carpathian passes with great difficulty to reach the settlement. But there is a third, absolutely prosaic version, devoid of any torment: a long time ago there was a mill on Latoritsa, where grain was ground into flour.

Mukachevo attracts tourists with its exceptional historical heritage, but ancient monuments are not the only thing that attracts crowds of guests. Gourmets and connoisseurs of good wine come here. By the way, it is possible to book accommodation - a hotel, apartments, an apartment or a private estate using our service.

Panorama of Mukachevo, photo by Yury Krylyvets

City center

To visit Mukachevo and not visit the Palanok castle is the same as walking around Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. But it is better to leave the formidable fortress “for dessert”, and start your acquaintance with the old town from the central streets.

In the center there is a pedestrian zone: a cozy boulevard, a square with a city hall. The town hall was built only in 1906, but the Cathedral of St. Martin, the patron saint of the city, also rises above the square. Next to it is the Gothic chapel of St. Joseph, decorated with medieval paintings. On the square itself you can see a monument to Saints Cyril and Methodius - those excellent guys who created the Cyrillic alphabet for us.

Town hall in the city of Mukachevo, author Alexey Karpinsky

Festival "Red Wine"

On the main square of the city, near the Town Hall, which still serves as the city council, the festival "Chervene wine" is held annually. - wine region. Any resident of the city of Beregovoe, which is considered the local capital of wine, will confirm this to you. A well-known wine production is located in Beregovoe.

The Mukachevo festival gathers not only successful companies, but also private producers, so you can try rare drinks here. Guests can taste white and red wine, sweet and dry, cold and hot. Not without traditional mulled wines with honey and cinnamon. Even the most demanding gourmet will be surprised by the local variety of drinks - as well as the bottles and barrels in which they are served. For tourists, this is a chance to buy a wonderful souvenir at a bargain price: a valuable wine that you will not see in any shop.

Every year the festival gathers more and more guests from Ukraine and abroad. Drink tastings and competitions are combined with loud celebrations: a real folk performance awaits you with carols and nativity scenes. You, for sure, really want to hear when you need to go to Mukachevo to get to this holiday of winemakers? Well, write it down:

"Red Wine" takes place in January, on the eve of the so-called Old New Year, that is, you need to get to Mukachevo no later than January 12-13.

Now you understand why guests are offered not only cold, but also hot wine? Transcarpathian winters are not at all gentle, but "Chervene Vino" will help you warm up!

Night Mukachevo, photo Ezra Tobak

A bit of history

Mukachevo has a very turbulent history: founded as a Slavic settlement, it was conquered by the Hungarians, fought off the Tatar invasion, turned into a part of Austria, and then the Austro-Hungarian Empire. From under the ruins of the empire, it appeared already as a Czechoslovakian, and later - a Soviet city. Mukachevo at one time received the Magdeburg Rights - and not from anyone, but from the hands of Janos Gunyadi himself! This Transylvanian commander became famous for repeatedly kicking the Turkish army. Perhaps it is thanks to him that Mukachevo's track record does not include joining the Ottoman Empire.

The history of Transcarpathia can wipe out Dumas' novels, but it's better to learn about it directly on the spot. To orient yourself a little in the bacchanalia that has been taking place in the Transcarpathian lands for centuries, remember just a few names.

First: Fyodor Koryatovich - the prince who built the Palanok castle, turning it into a formidable fortress. An amusing legend is connected with the prince. If you do not want to wait until the guide tells you, then you are here.

Second name to remember: Ilona Zrinyi. Being in Transcarpathia, you will hear the name of this Hungarian princess so many times that you will probably be interested in whether other women lived in these parts at all. Why is she so famous, this Princess Zrinyi? The steel lady led the Hungarian liberation movement.

The third name on our list of honours: Ferenc II Rákóczi is the son of Princess Zriņa and a worthy successor to her work. But since the Austro-Hungarian Empire had long arms, you will have to remember one more name, the last one: the Schonborns - the Schonborn dynasty received these lands as a gift after Rakoczi and his army were defeated.

Palanok Castle, author Igor Melika

Castle tours

Congratulations, now you are mentally ready to see the monuments to Fyodor Koryatovich and Ilona Zrinya, which adorn the Palanok castle. We advise you not to limit your interest to "Palankom" - not far from Mukachevo there is a small village of Chinadievo, and the castle "Saint Miklos" is located in it. This palace is also associated with the name of Princess Zrinya, and the impression of Transcarpathia will not be complete if you do not take, for example, an evening tour of "St. Miklos" with torches. Buses go from Mukachevo to Chinadievo, if not every half an hour, then every hour. But, if you wish, you can choose the railway.

But St. Miklos is not the last of the local attractions. The Schönborn Palace is also waiting for you. But since the Schonborns owned almost everything here, there are several Schonborn palaces. We do not mean the premises of the Transcarpathian Art Institute, but a hunting house located in the village of Karpaty, which is easily accessible by rail. However, the Art Institute is also worth a visit - the residents of Mukachevo call it the "White House" in a related way. The White House served as the residence of Count Schönborn, but earlier it was the property of the Rakoczi dynasty. Finding the White House is not difficult - it is located at Peace Square, 16.

White house in Mukachevo, Mira Square, 16

You can visit the palaces on your own, especially if you are by car - it will be convenient for you to get on the highway to Chynadiyevo and the Carpathians. And if you don’t want to understand the schedule of local electric trains and buses, take a tour of the castles of Transcarpathia. Such excursions around Mukachevo are offered daily, they usually take about 8 hours. Taking a tour is easy and convenient, but you miss out on seeing more sights. For example, if you go to Chinadievo on your own, then from the castle of St. Miklos you can walk in a beech forest to Skakalo waterfall, and the park in front of the palace of the counts of Scheonborn requires a separate visit.

What else can be fun in Mukachevo? Extreme lovers can ask local agencies about rafting: tour operators arrange rafting on catamarans Latoritsa or Tisa. A less extreme option is a walk through Orthodox churches and monasteries: it is worth seeing the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Church of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God and the Mukachevo Monastery on Chernecha Gora.