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Lake ale what to catch. Lake Ale: description, nature, interesting facts, location

Lake Ale is located in the Bezhanitsky district. Its area is almost fourteen square kilometers, and the average depth is nine meters. It is one of the deepest in the region. The greatest distance from the surface to the bottom is twenty-seven meters. With the help of the Sorot and Olitsa rivers, the reservoir connects with Velikaya.

The lake is located on the Bezhanitskaya Upland - in one of the most beautiful places Russia. Its name comes from the old Russian word "ole", which means "drinking water". The water of the lake is transparent and clean, so even there is a desire to know its taste. And the local landscapes are simply enchanting: many small islands covered with vegetation, bays and small bays.


The lake is surrounded by mostly steep banks. It is forbidden to swim here due to the fact that the stone bottom is very covered with silt, but still this does not stop those who want to feel the water coolness in the summer heat. The pond is a great place to fishing. From here you will not leave empty-handed. The best time to fish is from April to November. There is a large number of crucian carp, burbot, ide, and crayfish live.

There is an amazing bite, this is evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who have already fished in these waters. And the location of the lake is quite convenient: near the road that leads from Novorzhev to Kudever. You can fish directly from the boat, as well as from the shore in all possible ways. The pike also lives here. Residents of the surrounding villages can give you advice if needed. They will be happy to tell you what equipment and what baits are best used to catch a particular type of fish.

Near Lake Ale is the highest mountain in the region, Lobno. If you climb to its top, you can see the remains of the Church of the Holy Virgin, built in the nineteenth century. During the breeding season of bream, it is forbidden to beat the bells in order to prevent a negative impact on natural processes. Currently, only stone walls and an altar remain from the temple. The locals revere the shrine very much. Thousands of tourists come here every year, enjoy the beauty of Russian nature and take wonderful photos.

How to get there

To get to the lake, you need to drive one hundred and seventy kilometers from Pskov through the cities of Ostrov and Novorzhev to the Bezhanitskaya Upland. The whole journey will take you approximately two and a half hours.

Name: Monument of nature (natural complex) Bezhanitsky district "Lake Ale".

The purpose of creating nature complex "Lake Ale" is the preservation of a unique natural landscape of scientific, aesthetic, historical and recreational value.

Regulations on the natural complex "Lake Ale" approved.

The area of ​​the natural complex is 1390 hectares.

The complex of nature is located on the territory of the Bezhanitsky district and its boundaries correspond to the natural boundaries of the water body - Lake Ale.
The security zone of the nature complex is established within 50 m from the water's edge.

The natural complex is confined to the central part of the Bezhanitskaya Upland. The height of the lake above sea level is 199 m. The reservoir is flowing, belongs to the basin of the Olitsa River - the Lsta River - the Velikaya River. The basin is of glacial origin, strongly indented, its slopes are high and steep, and only in some places - low sandy. The area of ​​the lake is 1390 ha (with islands 1494.9 ha). Lake Ale is one of the deepest reservoirs in the region - its maximum depth reaches 27 m, the average depth is 9 m.
The lake consists of five large reaches. In addition to numerous bays, coves, peninsulas and capes, there are about 40 islands on it. The bottom is sandy-silty with large stones and floods. There are coastal and bottom keys.
The type of lake is bream-bleak with vendace, smelt and zander, besides them, bream, bleak, roach, perch, pike, ruff, silver bream, rudd, golden carp, tench, vendace, smelt, pike perch, burbot, ide, gudgeon, goby live here - sculpin, loach, spike, char, broad-toed crayfish is found. Pike perch moved here from Lake Zhizhitskoe. In the 1950s–1970s, eels were released into the lake.
Ale is one of the most beautiful lakes in the region, which has significant recreational qualities, coniferous, birch-aspen and oak forests come close to its shores, and in some places open glades occupied by lush herbs.

Regime of special protection of the natural complex "Lake Ale"

On the territory of the protected zone prohibited economic activity that threatens the conservation and condition of the protected natural complex, including:
- use of wastewater for soil fertility regulation; discharge of sewage, including drainage, water; pollution and clogging with waste, including oil-containing;
- placement of cemeteries, animal burial grounds, burial sites for industrial and consumer waste, chemical, explosive, toxic, toxic and poisonous substances, radioactive waste disposal sites;
- implementation of aviation pest control measures;
- movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with a hard surface, as well as movement in the water area of ​​the lake of water transport - scooters, jet skis and boats with mounted boats motors with power over 15 hp;
- placement of gas stations, warehouses of fuel and lubricants of service stations used for technical inspection and repair of vehicles, vehicle washing; placement of specialized storage facilities for pesticides and agrochemicals, use of pesticides and agrochemicals;
- exploration and production of common minerals; plowing of land; placement of dumps of eroded soils;
- destruction of habitats of animals and birds and violations of their conditions of existence; destruction of rare and endangered species of plants and animals;
- driving farm animals outside specially designated places, organizing for them summer camps, baths;
- destruction of grassy vegetation on the banks; burning vegetation; overnight stop, making fires outside the areas designated for these purposes and marked on the ground with special notices.

On the territory of the protected zone allowed recreational and scientific activities aimed at the development and preservation of the territory (water area), fish farming, industrial and recreational fishing.

Name: Monument of nature (natural complex) Kunyinsky district "Lake Zhizhitskoe".

The purpose of creating complex of nature "Lake Zhizhitskoe" is the preservation of a unique landscape complex of scientific, aesthetic and historical value.

The regulation on the natural complex "Lake Zhizhitskoye" was approved by the resolution of the Head of the Kuninsky district of November 16, 2006 No. 585.

The area of ​​the natural complex is 5950 hectares, including the area of ​​Lake Zhizhitskoe - 5866 hectares.

Borders of the territory of the natural monument
The complex of nature is located on the territory of the Kaskovskaya and Zhizhitskaya volosts of the Kunyinsky district. The boundaries of the territory of the nature complex are within the boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Zhizhitskoe, which is established from the average annual water line in the summer and is 500 meters.
The security zone is:

Lake Zhizhitskoe - flowing, is the second largest among the reservoirs of the Pskov region. Its area is 5726 hectares (with islands - 5860 hectares), length - 12.8 km, maximum width - 8.4 km, maximum depth reaches 7.8 m, average depth - 3.2 m. flows further into the Western Dvina.
The shores of the lake are sloping and low, in places swampy. The northern part of the lake has a heavily indented coastline. There are 28 islands on the lake with an area of ​​134 hectares, the largest of which are Dolgiy, Khoteny, Zveriny, Svyatoy, Lovchiy. The southern part of the lake is characterized by rectilinear shores; sand beach width from 5 to 10 - 15 m. The bottom is uneven with floods and pits, in the center - silt, silted sand, individual stones, in the littoral - sand, sand with pebbles and stones, stones, silted sand.
Zhizhitskoe Lake is one of the most fishy in the region, there are 23 species of fish: pike perch, bream, smelt, roach, pike, perch, rudd, silver bream, bleak, eel, tench, crucian carp, ide, blue bream, asp, catfish, burbot, ruff, etc. According to its ichthyological type, it belongs to bream-zander-smelt water bodies.
The smelt in Lake Zhizhitskoe is acclimatized from other lakes - Pskovsko-Chudskoe, Ulin and Seliger. In 1959, the Novosibirsk Reservoir on the Ob River was stocked with pike perch from Lake Zhizhitskoe.
According to historical chronicles, it was the Zyzhitsky pike perch that was a frequent dish on the royal and princely tables - it was taken to ancient Kyiv and other cities of Rus'.

Lake Dvin-Velinsky

Name: Monument of nature (natural complex) Kunyinsky district "Lake Dvin-Velinsky".

The purpose of creating complex of nature "Lake Dvin-Velinsky" is the preservation of a unique landscape complex of scientific, aesthetic and historical value.

Lake Dvin-Velinsky was declared a natural monument by the Decree of the Head of the Kunyinsky District dated September 25, 2006 No. 506 "On the Establishment of Specially Protected Natural Territories (Natural Monument) of the Kunyinsky District".
The status of a natural monument is unclear, there is no regulation on the natural monument "Lake Dvin-Velinsky".

The area of ​​the natural complex is 5250 hectares.

Borders of the territory of the natural monument
The complex of nature is located on the territory of the Kaskovskaya and Slepnevskaya volosts of the Kunyinsky district. The boundaries of the territory of the nature complex are within the boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Dvin-Velinsky, which is established from the average long-term water line in the summer and is 500 meters.
The security zone is:
- within the boundaries of the settlement - 35 meters.
- outside the settlement - 100 meters from the average long-term water edge.

The third largest body of water in the Pskov region after the Pskov-Peipsi and Zhizhitskoe lakes. Its area is 5256 hectares (together with the islands 5280 hectares), the maximum depth is 7 m, the average is 2 m. It is divided by the Vorota channel (width up to 100 m) into 2 morphologically different reaches (Dvinye and Velinsky lakes).
Lake Dvinye has an area of ​​3126 hectares, there are 9 islands in its water area, the maximum depth reaches 7.0 m, the average depth is 2.7 m. , silted sand, separate stones, in the littoral - sand, sand with pebbles and stones, silted sand. The shores of the lake are heavily indented - low, swampy areas alternate with high, dry ones.
Lake Velinskoye has an area of ​​2130 hectares, there are no islands, the maximum depth is 4 m, the average is 1.5 m. The bottom is flat, mostly silty, in the coastal area there are small areas of sand and silty sand. It has slightly indented low and flat marshy shores. The coastal zone is characterized by wetland vegetation: yellow iris, poisonous milestone, as well as thickets of reeds and reeds.
In the past, a ditch was dug from Zhekto Lake to Dvinye Lake, along which boats were driven. At present, it is overgrown and the connection between the lakes has ceased.
The reservoir belongs to the bream-perch type. Pike perch, bream, pike, roach, perch, silver bream, bleak, rudd, ruff, burbot, catfish, blue bream, tench, crucian carp, eel, gudgeon, ide, asp, dace live here. In Velinsky Lake there are local deaths.
In the Dvin-Velinsky lake, a water chestnut (chilim) grows, which is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Lake Usmynskoe

Name: Monument of nature (natural complex) Kunyinsky district "Lake Usmynskoe".

The purpose of creating nature complex "Lake Usmynskoe" is the preservation of a unique landscape complex of scientific, aesthetic and historical value.

The regulation on the natural complex "Ozero Usmynskoye" was approved by the resolution of the Head of the Kunyinsky district dated November 16, 2006 No. 589.

The area of ​​the natural complex is 941 hectares, including the area of ​​Lake Usmynskoye - 831 hectares.

Borders of the territory of the natural monument
The complex of nature is located on the territory of the Dolgovitskaya volost of the Kunyinsky district. The boundaries of the territory of the nature complex are within the boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Usmynskoye, which is established from the average long-term water line in the summer and is 500 meters.
The security zone is:
- within the boundaries of the settlement - 35 meters.
- outside the settlement - 100 meters from the average long-term water edge.

Included in the Usvyatsko-Zhizhitsky lake landscape. The river Usvyacha flows through the lake. Area - 758 hectares (with islands - 775 hectares). The maximum depth is 5.6 m, the average depth is 2.9 m. There are 7 islands on the lake.
Steep, sloping and low shores with swampy areas are characteristic. Eastern Shores rise above the water's edge by 3 - 4 m, the western ones are mostly lowland. The bottom is uneven, with floods and pits, in the center - silt, sand, stones, in the littoral - sand, clay, stones, silty sand.
The type of the lake is bream-headed, there are pike, roach, perch, bream, pike perch, silver bream, ruff, rudd, blue bream, bleak, burbot, ide, crucian carp, tench and single crayfish.

Regime of special protection of lakes Zhizhitskoye, Dvin-Velinskoye, Usmynskoye

Any economic activity that threatens the conservation and condition of the protected natural complex is prohibited throughout the territory, including:

- logging and burning of vegetation; destruction of habitats of animals and birds and violation of their conditions of existence; destruction of rare and endangered species of plants and animals; the use of pesticides;
- earthworks; carrying out survey work and development of mineral deposits;
- discharge of untreated wastewater into a water body; pollution of the territory, storage and disposal of waste;
- off-road traffic; overnight stay, making fires outside the areas designated for these purposes and marked on the ground with special notices;
- mowing, driving and grazing outside specially designated areas.

Name: Natural monument of the Novorzhevsky district "Lake Rakhnovo".

The purpose of creating The natural monument is the preservation of a unique, irreplaceable, characteristic hilly-morainic landscape, habitats for waterfowl, crayfish queen cells, which have scientific, aesthetic and historical value.

Regulations on the natural monument "Lake Rakhnovo" approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Novorzhevsky District dated July 14, 2008 No. 17.

The area of ​​the natural monument is 58.8 hectares.

Borders of the territory of the natural monument
The natural monument is located on the territory of the Vyborg volost of the Novorzhevsky district. The boundaries of the territory of the natural monument are within the coastline, which is considered the boundary of the water body and is determined by the average annual water line in the summer and is 200 meters.
The water protection zone is set at 50 m. The width of the coastal protective strip is set depending on the slope of the bank of the water body and ranges from 30 to 50 m.

Lake Rakhnovo - flowing, with a sandy-silty and rocky bottom, bream-roach type with bleak. The area is 58.8 hectares, the average depth is 4 m, the maximum depth is 7.5 m. There are pike, bream, roach, perch, ruff, rudd, crucian carp, tench, silver bream, burbot, bleak, and broad-toed crayfish.

Regime of special protection of Lake Rakhnovo

Any economic activity that threatens the preservation and condition of the protected natural monument is prohibited throughout the territory, including:
- use of the water area of ​​the water body for fish farming and aquaculture;
- discharge of untreated wastewater into a water body; use of wastewater for soil fertilization; implementation of aviation measures to combat pests and plant diseases;
- placement of cemeteries, animal burial grounds, places of burial of industrial waste, radioactive, chemical, explosive, toxic, toxic and poisonous substances;
- plowing of land; placement of dumps of eroded soils;
- grazing of farm animals and organization of summer camps and baths for them; driving cattle outside specially designated places;
- destruction of grassy vegetation on the banks; burning vegetation; destruction of rare and endangered species of plants and animals;
- movement and parking of vehicles, with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads in specially equipped places with a hard surface; overnight stop, making fires outside the areas designated for these purposes and marked on the ground with special notices.

Name: Natural complex (natural monument) of the Novorzhevsky district "Pogost Lobno".

The purpose of creating of the natural complex "Pogost Lobno" is the preservation of the unique landscape of natural objects Lake Ale, Lake Lobno, Lake Lipne, Mount Lobno, Mount Lipne, which have scientific, historical, aesthetic and recreational value.

The regulation on the natural complex "Pogost Lobno" was approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Novorzhevsky District dated July 14, 2008 No. 16.

The area of ​​the natural complex is 1500 hectares, including the area of ​​water bodies - 147.5 hectares.

The boundaries of the territory of the natural complex
The natural complex is located on the territory of the Makarovskaya volost of the Novorzhevsky district and is located within the following boundaries:
northern border runs from the Perkhovo tract along the country road leading to the villages of Naumkovo to the intersection with the stream flowing from Lake Lipne to Lake Ale, then along the stream to the intersection with the Novorzhev - Kudever highway, then along the Novorzhev - Kudever road towards the village of Samsonikha, and goes around it from the western and north sides. Further along the country road to the village of Melehovo, along the Olitsa River to the border with the Bezhanitsky district.
Eastern border runs along the border with the Bezhanitsky district, along the shore of Lake Ale to Lake Lobno.
southern border runs along the southern shore of Lake Lobno to the stream flowing into Lake Lobno, then along the stream through the village of Kharitonovo to the country road leading to the village of Shnitovo, then along the country road to the village of Rassolovo, and further along the country road to the Olkhovets stream.
Western border runs along the Olkhovets stream to Lake Petrukhovskoe, goes around it from the east side and goes further along the country road to the Perkhovo tract.

Lake Lobno of the bream-bleak type with vendace covers an area of ​​130.5 ha and has an average depth of 7.8 m, a maximum depth of 14.4 m. In the littoral and partly in the sublittoral, sand and stones; There are vendace, pike, ide, roach, rudd, bleak, bream, white bream, tench, crucian carp, burbot, perch, ruff, and broad-toed crayfish.
Lake Lipne of the roach-perch type, together with the islands, occupies an area of ​​24.2 hectares, the average depth of the lake is 2 m, the maximum depth is 5 m. The bottom is silty-sandy. There are pike, roach, perch, crucian carp, ruff, tench, rudd, silver bream, bream and crayfish are found sporadically.

The regime of special protection of the territory of the natural complex "Pogost Lobno"

In the territories adjacent to the coastline of the Ale, Lobno, Lipne lakes, a 50 m wide buffer zone is established.
On the entire territory of the nature complex, any economic activity that threatens the conservation and condition of the protected natural complex is prohibited, including:
- use of the water area of ​​the water body for fish farming and aquaculture;
- discharge of untreated effluents into water bodies; use of wastewater for soil fertilization; soil pollution, littering of the territory;
- movement and parking of vehicles, with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads in specially equipped places with a hard surface;
- placement of new cemeteries, animal burial grounds, burial sites for industrial waste, radioactive, chemical, explosive, toxic, poisonous and poisonous substances;
- implementation of aviation measures to combat pests and plant diseases;
- plowing of land (except for personal plots); placement of dumps of eroded soils; development of mineral deposits;
- grazing of farm animals and organization of summer camps and baths for them within the buffer zone of lakes; driving cattle outside specially designated places;
- destruction of grassy and other vegetation; burning vegetation; clear-cutting in forests;
- destruction of habitats of animals and birds and violations of their conditions of existence;
- destruction of rare and endangered species of plants and animals;
- stop for the night, making fires outside the areas designated for these purposes and marked on the ground with special notices;
- hunting management;
- distortion of the historically established protected landscape; carrying out works that can lead to a violation of the hydrogeological regime of the area, soil cover, erosion; construction and operation of industrial facilities.

Ale is a lake in the Pskov region. Recreation and fishing - that's what those who are going to relax on the shore of the reservoir need. The larger its area, the stronger the hope for a big catch. offers its guests a water area of ​​​​13 square kilometers. Impressive. Especially if you know that you can fish not only from the shore or a swimming facility, but also from one of the forty islands located on the water surface. And one more important nuance: Ale Lake is very clean.

Who lives here

The crayfish that can be caught in it, as you know, do not live in polluted, stagnant water. In addition to these arthropods, various types of fish live in it: burbot, pike, ide, pike perch, gudgeon, roach, ruff and others. The movement of water through Lake Ale (Pskov region) is provided by four rivers passing through it: Lsta, Velikaya, Sorot and Olitsa. Its shores are steep, muddy, but in places there are also low, sandy ones. The bottom is covered with a thick layer of silt. Swimming is dangerous, because it is also strewn with huge stones.

Main pleasure

But that's not what tourists come here for. The most important thing that Lake Ale (Pskov region) is famous for is fishing. No wonder people come to this picturesque place from different parts of the country. The bite here is good, this is evidenced by the reviews of those who have already managed to fish here. The location of the lake is also attractive: near the road leading from Novorzhev to Kudever. They fish both from the boat and from the shore in all available and permitted ways. Pike are also caught here. The locals are always happy to offer advice to visiting fishermen. Tell what baits or gear you can use to catch one or another type of fish that have chosen Lake Ale as their habitat.

As it was before

Now you can fish here freely. Lake Ale seems to be made for this. Its water is clean and transparent. No wonder there is a version that in the Old Russian language the name of the lake sounded like “Ole”. It meant "drinking water". Of course, in our time, given the unfavorable environment, few people dare to taste raw water, and earlier water was probably taken from it for drinking and cooking. Monks living at the Church of the Assumption could do this Holy Mother of God located nearby.

Holy place

This temple was built in the 19th century on top of Mount Lobno, which, in turn, is the highest point in the Pskov region. In our time, the church has already been destroyed, but only stone walls remain of its former grandeur. It is known that the monks did not ring the bells when the spawning period began for the fish living in the lake. Thus, they tried not to harm nature and not to disturb the natural course of things. Everyone can climb the mountain, see the ruins and take wonderful pictures, because the view from it is amazing. Lake Ale is also perfectly visible, surrounded by forests and meadows.

Come together

On its coast you can relax with the whole family. Go fishing, pick mushrooms and berries, pitch a tent, light a fire. The inhabitants of the lakeside villages of Miritintsy and Puzeevo are also engaged in fishing. At the beginning of the 20th century, a whole team worked on the lake. Its participants were engaged in fishing. This industrial-scale fishing was resumed in the 1930s. And although more than one state brigade was involved in the extraction of fish in large quantities, there is still a lot of it here. Even despite the fact that some fishermen are engaged in poaching, it is possible to maintain its population in significant quantities.

Occupation to your liking

The local nature is so rich and picturesque that it cannot get bored. However, if there is a need for cultural entertainment, you can visit the Pushkin Museum-Reserve, located just 40 kilometers from Lake Ale, which means that you can get there by car in less than an hour. The Mikhailovskoye estate is the place where the great poet spent many days and wrote about two hundred of his works.

So it was

Looking around, you can see that the surrounding nature is bright and poetic. It was in such a place that Alexander Sergeevich's talent could have been born and developed. In addition, the surrounding landscapes remained in the same form as they were during the life of the poet. It is a pity that the estate was destroyed, even though it was rebuilt twice. Here you can also see the wing in which the famous inspirer of the poet Arina Rodionovna lived. Having come into contact with the history of the 19th century, you can return and continue your outdoor recreation.

biological wealth

Not only people live on the coast of Lake Ale. You can also find beaver huts there. In addition, many plants grow on the shore and in the lake itself, some of them are medicinal or listed in the Red Book. It is interesting that recently the ecological situation on the lake has improved so much that the number of rare plants is increasing, which means that it becomes easier to preserve them. Those who rest with children should be careful, because poisonous plants also grow on the shore of the reservoir: bittersweet nightshade.

For those who are interested in this monument of nature and want to find out more precisely where Lake Al is located, we will tell you in more detail about its location. You should start your journey from Pskov. After passing the cities of Ostrov and Novorzhev, you need to turn onto the highway 58K-14. She will lead the motorist to the lake with the funny name Ale.

Finding yourself in the land of lakes and shady forests, for some reason you begin to feel a craving for paganism. Probably because the living and mysterious force of nature dominates here. And you gradually realize that much of what is left in a huge distant city is temporary. And what is here was, is and will be.

Very close to Pushkinogorye, which is visited by about 350 thousand tourists from all over the world every year, is the Novorzhevsky district of the Pskov region. And few of those who come to visit Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye and Petrovskoye know how many interesting things can be seen by driving only a few tens of kilometers deep into this region of Russia.

Fortresses. Stone and boulder buildings. Ancient cities. noble estates. Parks. Temples. All this is here. But the main attraction of the area is nature. Unique landscapes that make the photographer's soul thrill with happiness. Lakes that bring a smile of pleasure on the face of a fisherman who has caught a really big fish. Forests that allow the mushroom picker and berry picker to leave with a basket full to the brim. And the air is so "tasty" that it's time to roll it into jars and take it to the city, so that later it can be used as a delicacy.

"Hello Hello?" Do you think someone is asking over the phone? In fact, this is the name of one of the most beautiful lakes in the Pskov region, located on the Bezhanitskaya Upland on the border of the Novorzhevsky District: it is from its center that a tourist can easily get there. Why is it called so? Opinions differ, but many believe that once the name of the lake sounded like "Ole". In Ancient Rus', the word "ol" was used to refer to any intoxicating drink, but even earlier it was used to refer to drinking water.
If anyone hasn't seen it, they've lost a lot. Lake Ale is considered a unique landscape reserve. 14 square kilometers of the purest water, dozens of islands and peninsulas, coves and bays. There are islands on which a dozen trees huddle, and there are also quite suitable for life. Some of them gradually disappear, going under water, while others appear. The views are amazing. Fishing is great. Rest is unforgettable. And if someone is lucky enough to see all this splendor from a bird's eye view, the panorama will forever remain in memory. It is not for nothing that, thanks to the uniqueness of the landscapes, the entire area of ​​​​the Bezhanitskaya Upland adjacent to the lake received the popular name Alyanshchina ...

On its shore is one of the highest points in the region, Mount Lobno. Climbing there in the summer, you will feel a host of smells and hear the birds singing. And at the top, from where a wonderful view also opens, you will see what is left of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Huge logs, thick walls... But even when the temple was in operation, the monks did not ring the bells for a certain period of time. Because the lake was spawning bream ...

In the north of the district, a few kilometers from the remains of the Vybor fortress, there is the settlement of Dubkov. Also a fortress, once erected by the Pskovites on the top of a rather high mountain Spasskaya. From below, it seems quite accessible, but the impression is deceptive. You can get to the top only along a narrow, steep path that hugs it like a serpentine. IN good weather the terrain from here is viewed for tens of kilometers and it seems that the horizon is moving away. There, somewhere in the distance, in a blue haze, the sky merges with the earth ... It seems that the whole world is under your feet. And how many legends and rumors surround these places!

And there are many such in the Novorzhevsky district. And if we take into account the presence of not only natural, but also other objects of interest, then it is quite possible to organize an eventful event and impressions a tourist route. And already this season, small groups of guests are ready to offer 4 new routes of different duration at once, each of which is unique. There are already boats, and the necessary equipment, and experienced instructors. So far, it is supposed to start from Pushkinskiye Gory - there are more hotels and it is easier to find accommodation, however, the routes cover almost the entire territory of the Novorzhevsky district and allow you to see most of its tourist charms.

For example, one of them, starting in Pushgori, comes to Altun, an old family estate of the Pskov Lvovs. Once it was one of the richest: a distillery, a windmill, stone barns. English park with ancient trees. A pond in the form of the outlines of North and South America. The master's house, which had no equal in beauty in the area ... The revolution and wars destroyed a lot. But now work is in full swing here and the former splendor is being restored. The pond was cleared, a restaurant was opened in the building built in 1901, and a hotel was opened. And quite, at least for a while, you can already feel like a gentleman ...

Then the route follows through the ancient village of Vekhno with its own art gallery (!) to the Vybor fortress. Then through Yakovlevskoye (birthplace of Simeon Pechorsky), Kotelno (ancient fortress) and Zhitnitsa (place of death of the legendary partisan Alexander German) - to Dubkov. And from it, bypassing Kudyaevo, Vybor and Voronich, back to Pushgory. It turns out that, having passed such a route, you can delve into history, and actively relax, and get a lot of new impressions. After all, overnight stays along this path are supposed to be organized even in modernly equipped dugouts ...

Grivino with the estate of the Shcherbinin family. The zhadrytsy are the "nest" of the Pushkins. Posadnikovo, where the Lanskys took root. Stekhnovo of the Rokotovs… The village of Korostovets with its ancient stone altars. Carriage with mounds. And Novorzhev himself, established by decree of Catherine the Great.

On this small territory of the Pskov region, it is quite possible to travel both in time and in space ...


Novorzhev is a city (since 1777) in Russia, administrative center Novorzhevsky district, Pskov region. Located at the northern foot of the Bezhanitskaya Upland, on the lakes Rostso and Arsho, 41 km from the railway. Sushchevo station, 144 km southeast of Pskov.
How to get there
From Pskov to Novorzhev can be reached by car (about 150 km, 2-3 hours).
Where to stay
Hotel "Manor" Altun "d. Altun. 12 numbers.
Hotel "Novorzhev" 11 rooms.
Additional Information:

In the southern part of the Pskov region is the largest hill - Bezhanitskaya. It rises 100-150 m above the adjacent lowlands. The southern part of the surface of the Bezhanitskaya Upland has elevations of 200-250 m above sea level. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLake Lobno there is the highest point, not only in the Pskov region, but also in the Soviet Baltic - 328 m above sea level.

The surface of the Bezhanitsy Upland is strongly dissected, the height fluctuations are 40-80 m. On a physical map published in 1941, it is called the Bezhanitsy Mountains, and its southern part - the Vyazovsky Mountains.

Almost a third of the upland is occupied by mixed forests. Oak forests are found on plateau-like areas. They are noticeably different from ordinary Pskov forests. Hazel, euonymus, wolf's bast grow in the undergrowth of oak forests, eagle, reed grass, bluebell, gout, nomad, forest pea, lily of the valley, etc. dominate in the grassy cover. Oak forests are filled with the voices of numerous birds.

The Bezhanitskaya Upland serves as a watershed for the main river systems of the region. Here are the sources of the rivers Velikaya, Ushcha, Lokni, Aloli, Smerdeli, Lsta, Six, and others.

The Bezhanitskaya upland is distinguished by the largest lake content: over 500 of its lakes occupy 6% of the surface. More than two dozen reservoirs have an area of ​​several square kilometers. In the lakes there are bream, pike, roach, perch, ide, rudd, tench, crucian carp, and in some - pike perch, vendace, smelt and even eel. The last one was launched here in the 1950s - 1970s.

This sparsely populated region is a wonderful holiday destination for nature lovers. Here you can make fascinating routes along the system of lakes through which the Velikaya River flows, visit the highest point of our region, Mount Lobno, from where, in good weather, you can see the endless distances.<Между давно обезлесенными Опочкой и Новосокольниками, лежит обширный красивый район - верховья Великой. Чистейшей воды озера, дубравы на холмах, серпантины дорог и троп, воздух - целебный настой хвои и луговых трав, жгуче-холодные ключи, бьющие из-под сопок - все это создает впечатление нетронутого края, далекого от дымных городов, хотя ехать сюда от любого райцентра считанные часы>. This is how the famous Pskov writer Ivan Vasiliev expressed his impression of these places. Most of the lakes are confined to the western part of the Bezhanitskaya Upland and belong to the Velikaya River system. In the north, surrounded by high hills, lies one of the most beautiful reservoirs in the region - Ale. The lake covers an area of ​​14 km2. Coastline its heavily incised. Essentially Ale is divided into two large stretches. In addition to numerous bays, coves, peninsulas and capes, it has a whole archipelago of islands - about 70. The coasts are mostly high and steep. Coniferous, birch-aspen or oak forests come close to them, and in some places open glades occupied by lush herbs.

Ale belongs to deep-water lakes: the usual depths are 8 m, the largest - 27 m. The bottom relief is very complex and makes it difficult to exchange water masses. In deep depressions, the water sometimes stagnates and smells of hydrogen sulfide. Commercial fish are found in the lake - vendace, smelt, pike perch, bream, pike, burbot. Pike perch moved here from Lake Zhizhitskoe.

Picturesque shores, islands, bright oak forests, forest glades make Ale a wonderful place to relax. The lake is taken under protection as a landscape monument of nature.

Auth. V. Lesnenko