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How to describe mountains. Message about Mount Elbrus

Altai is a beautiful region famous for its nature. The majestic mountains of this region attract tourists from all over the world. Altai Mountains - the highest mountains in Siberia separated by mountain rivers and pits. The mountain system passes through four countries: Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the ridges are located mainly in the Republic of Altai and in the Altai Territory.

The magnificent Altai Mountains formed about 500 million years ago. But due to climate change, earthquakes and ice ages, about 60 million years ago, the mountains were severely destroyed and acquired a completely different look that we can observe today. The Altai mountains are heterogeneous in their relief. Three main groups are distinguished here: plains, mid-mountain and glacial high-mountain relief. 2000 meters - the average height of the mountains. The highest point of Altai is Mount Belukha, its height is 4506 meters.

The Altai Mountains are unique, and since 1998 they have been on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Beluga whale

Belukha is the highest point of Altai, recognized as the geographical center of Eurasia - it is equidistant from three oceans. This mountain has never been just a mountain, but has always personified a sacred place. The ancient Altai people of Kadyn-Bazhi believed that a terrible demon lives in the mountain, which will kill anyone who tries to climb this mountain. This is what explained the regular avalanches and rockfalls caused by the earthquake.

In contrast, Buddhists believe that it is on the top of Mount Belukha that the entrance to the mythical country of the sages of Shambhala is hidden.

For the first time, they tried to climb to the top of Belukha back in the 19th century, but this turned out to be impossible due to constant rockfalls and avalanches. The first ever ascent of the mountain took place only in 1914 by Mikhail and Boris Tronov.

Plateau Ukok

The Ukok Plateau is considered the junction point of the borders of four states - Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Incredible nature, thousands of small rivers and reservoirs attract tourists from all over the world to visit this place. This plateau is famous for a large number of cultural monuments. Rock paintings, mounds, stone statues were found here. "Princess Ukok" is the main find in this area. This is the mummy of a 25-year-old woman, found here in 1993. Tattoos on her skin, as well as horses, gold, and household items buried with her, give the right to say that she was a very noble woman. Archaeologists, historians, art historians still continue to study this incredibly picturesque place.

Altai mountains brief information.

Mountains occupy about 24% of all land. Most mountains in Asia - 64%, least of all in Africa - 3%. 10% of the world's population lives in mountains. And it is in the mountains that most of the rivers on our planet originate.

Characteristics of the mountains

By geographical location, mountains are combined into various communities, which should be distinguished.

. mountain belts- the largest formations, often stretching across several continents. For example, the Alpine-Himalayan belt runs through Europe and Asia, or the Andean-Cordillera, stretching through North and South America.
. mountain system- groups of mountains and ranges, similar in structure and age. For example, the Ural Mountains.

. mountain ranges- a group of mountains, elongated in a line (Sangre de Cristo in the USA).

. mountain groups- also a group of mountains, but not elongated in a line, but simply located nearby. For example, the Ber-Po Mountains in Montana.

. Solitary mountains- not related to others, often of volcanic origin (Table Mountain in South Africa).

Natural areas of mountains

Natural areas in the mountains are arranged in layers and change depending on the height. At the foot, there is most often a zone of meadows (in the highlands) and forests (in the middle and low mountains). The higher, the more severe the climate becomes.

The change of belts is influenced by climate, height, topography of mountains and their geographical position. For example, continental mountains do not have a belt of forests. From the foot to the top, natural areas change from deserts to grasslands.

Mountain views

There are several classifications of mountains according to various criteria: by structure, shape, origin, age, geographical location. Consider the most basic types:

1. By age distinguish old and young mountains.

old called mountain systems, whose age is hundreds of millions of years. The internal processes in them have subsided, and the external ones (wind, water) continue to destroy, gradually comparing them with the plains. The old mountains include the Ural, Scandinavian, Khibiny (on the Kola Peninsula).

2. Height distinguish between low, medium and high mountains.

Low mountains (up to 800 m) - with rounded or flat tops and gentle slopes. There are many rivers in these mountains. Examples: Northern Urals, Khibiny, spurs of the Tien Shan.

Medium mountains (800-3000 m). They are characterized by a change in landscape depending on the height. These are the Polar Urals, the Appalachians, the mountains of the Far East.

High mountains (over 3000 m). Basically, these are young mountains with steep slopes and sharp peaks. Natural areas change from forests to icy deserts. Examples: Pamir, Caucasus, Andes, Himalayas, Alps, Rocky Mountains.

3. By origin they distinguish volcanic (Fujiyama), tectonic (Altai Mountains) and denudation, or erosional (Vilyuysky, Ilimsky).

4. According to the shape of the top mountains are peak-shaped (Communism Peak, Kazbek), plateau-shaped and table-shaped (Amby in Ethiopia or Monument Valley in the USA), domed (Ayu-Dag, Mashuk).

Climate in the mountains

The mountain climate has a number of characteristic features that appear with height.

Decrease in temperature - the higher, the colder. It is no coincidence that the peaks of the highest mountains are covered with glaciers.

The atmospheric pressure drops. For example, at the top of Everest, the pressure is two times lower than at sea level. That is why water in the mountains boils faster - at 86-90ºC.

The intensity of solar radiation increases. In the mountains, sunlight contains more ultraviolet light.

The amount of precipitation is increasing.

High mountain ranges delay precipitation and affect the movement of cyclones. Therefore, the climate on different slopes of the same mountain may differ. On the windward side there is a lot of moisture, sun, on the leeward side it is always dry and cool. A striking example is the Alps, where subtropics are represented on one side of the slopes, and a temperate climate dominates on the other.

The highest mountains in the world

(Click on the picture to enlarge the scheme in full size)

There are seven highest peaks in the world, which all climbers dream of conquering. Those who succeeded become honorary members of the "Seven Peaks Club". These are mountains such as:

. Chomolungma, or Everest (8848 m). Located on the border of Nepal and Tibet. Belongs to the Himalayas. It has the shape of a trihedral pyramid. The first conquest of the mountain took place in 1953.

. aconcagua(6962 m). It is the highest mountain in the southern hemisphere, located in Argentina. Belongs to the Andes mountain system. The first ascent took place in 1897.

. McKinley- the highest peak in North America (6168 m). Located in Alaska. First conquered in 1913. It was considered the highest point in Russia until Alaska was sold to America.

. kilimanjaro- the highest mark in Africa (5891.8 m). Located in Tanzania. First conquered in 1889. This is the only mountain where all types of the Earth's belts are represented.

. Elbrus- the highest peak in Europe and Russia (5642 m). Located in the Caucasus. The first ascent took place in 1829.

. Vinson Massif- the highest mountain of Antarctica (4897 m). It is part of the Ellsworth Mountains. First conquered in 1966.

. Mont Blanc- the highest point in Europe (many attribute Elbrus to Asia). Height - 4810 m. Located on the border of France and Italy, belongs to the mountain system of the Alps. The first ascent in 1786, and a century later, in 1886, Theodore Roosevelt conquered the summit of Mont Blanc.

. Pyramid of Carstens- the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania (4884 m). Located on the island of New Guinea. The first conquest was in 1962.

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- strongly dissected parts of the earth's surface, elevated above the plain.

Description of the mountains, general characteristics. Basic concepts.

Mountains occupy about 40% of the earth's surface. They are found on every mainland and major island. Even along the bottom of the oceans, mountain ranges stretch, individual peaks of which rise above the water, forming islands or chains of islands. The least mountains in Australia, and most of the mountains of Antarctica are hidden under the ice.

The youngest mountain system on our planet is the Himalayas, the longest is the Andes (about 7560 km long), and the oldest mountains are the mountains belonging to the Nuvvuagittuq mountain formation, located in the vicinity of Hudson Bay (about 4.28 billion years old). ).

Mountains are very diverse. Top shape peak-shaped, dome-shaped, plateau-shaped, and other mountains are distinguished. The mountains are different by origin: tectono-denudation, volcanic, etc. In the Sayans, Transbaikalia and the Far East, a special type of mountain - hills - prevails. The hills are distinguished by a conical shape and a rocky or flattened top.

In mountain formations are often distinguished individual peaks, rising high above the surrounding, even alpine, landscape. These peaks include the city of Chomolungma in the Himalayas, Elbrus in the Caucasus, Belukha in Altai.

The relief of mountainous regions is characterized by the presence mountain ranges- elongated mountain formations with a clearly defined axis, along which the highest mountains are located. This axis is often the watershed of the area.

In the case when the height of the mountain range is small, and the tops of the mountains are rounded, then such a chain of mountains is called mountain range. Mountain ranges, as a rule, are the remains of ancient destroyed mountains (in Russia - the Timan ridge, the Yenisei ridge, etc.)

The mountain range has two slope often dissimilar to one another. While one slope is gentle, the other can be steep (Ural Mountains).

The top part of the mountain ranges is called mountain ridge. The ridge crest can be pointed (near young mountains) or rounded and plateau-like (near old mountains).

Wide depressions with gentle slopes are called mountain passes.

Approximately the same in length and width, a mountain uplift, which is characterized by weak dissection, is called mountain range. (Putorana Plateau in Eastern Siberia, Russia).

The intersection of two mountain ranges is called mountain knot. Mountain knots consist of high hard-to-reach mountains (mountain knot Tabyk-Bogdo-Ola in Altai).

Mountain ranges that are identical in origin and located in the same order (linearly or radially) are called mountain systems. The outskirts of mountain systems, characterized by low altitudes, are called foothills.

Africa is characterized by a special kind of mountains called canteens. They are characterized by flat tops and stepped slopes. The formation of these mountains is associated with the action of the water of the rivers that cut through the formation valley.

The presence of mountains is characteristic not only for land. The bottom of the ocean is also replete with various kinds of mountain formations. Single mountains of volcanic origin are scattered here and there along the bottom of the oceans. Active volcanoes pour out lava, ash and rock fragments, have pointed peaks. The tops of extinct volcanoes are smoothed out by waves and currents. The tops of many underwater volcanoes form islands. Iceland is an example of such an island.

There are mountain ranges at the bottom of the oceans. The most important discovery in recent years in oceanology was the discovery mid-ocean ridges. They run almost in the middle of each ocean, forming a huge single chain. Read more about mid-ocean ridges

Victoria Popova
Abstract of the complex lesson "What the mountains tell about"

Subject: About what mountains tell.

Educational - continue to introduce children to inanimate nature, give basic information about mountains: what are mountains who lives in the mountains, what grows, what they are made of mountains; Introduce the words - magma, vent, lava.


To develop cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, draw simple conclusions.

To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of independent implementation of the experiment.

nurturing: Encourage children to draw conclusions on their own.

- Guess the riddle: Stands on one leg, turns, turns his head, shows us countries, mountains, rivers, oceans.

What is this? (It's a globe)

-Consider a globe. Why is the globe painted in different colors (brown mountains, green - plains and forests, blue - seas, yellow - deserts)

show on the globe mountains. A video message is played in which the mistress of the mountains invites the children to discover the secrets she has hidden in envelopes.

What do you think mountains can tell about themselves?

The children come to the table on which the envelope lies, the teacher takes out the task from it.

In front of us on the table are stones of various shapes and sizes. arrange them so that the old stones are in one basket. And the young in the other. (Children examining the stones, distributed in baskets)

Explain your choice. (children explain: pointed stones are young, and smooth are old. They became so from time to time thanks to the wind and water)

Guys, can we figure out what mountains old, and which young (children consider photo depicting mountains, explaining where the old mountains where the young

Now we move on to the next envelope.

Look at this diagram. What do we see? Mountains these are giant folds of the earth's crust, that is, skin. They consist of layers of various rocks. Some rocks are hard while others are soft. Soft rocks are easily affected by rain and wind. Because of this, collapses occur in the mountains, gorges, cliffs, canyons are formed.

-Solid: granite, coal, diamonds, silicon, malachite.

-Soft: chalk, gypsum, asbestos.

Minerals are mined in different ways. Some in open pits, others deep underground in mines.

Guys, is it possible to find shells in the mountains? It turns out you can. Mountains were once coral reefs, but are now far from the sea. Since that time, shells have been preserved in the rocks. The highest mountain in the world is Everest, it is located in the Himalayan mountains. What mountains of Russia do you know the names of? (Caucasian mountains, Ural).

Here is another secret about minerals discovered.

Let's move on to the next envelope.

Look carefully at these pictures. (they depict animals and birds, trees and shrubs located in the mountains) Please tell me how these pictures are connected with the mountains? (Children express their opinions.) The answer is obvious - in the mountains there are not only stones, but also vegetation, animals and birds.

I see you are a little tired. I suggest doing a workout.

Children perform characteristic movements.

And now the next envelope is on our way. We open.

Look here for items that were used by blacksmiths in antiquity. I I will tell you about the fire-breathing mountains. These mountains called volcanoes. And they called them volcanoes because they existed legend: (children sit down on the carpet) There lived in the world a god named VOLCANO and he was a blacksmith. He built himself a blacksmith inside the highest mountains. He beat with a heavy hammer on iron, fanned the fire. And the mountain stood in the middle of the sea. When Vulkan worked with a hammer, the mountain trembled, the roar and rumble spread far around. From the hole at the top mountains red-hot stones, fire and ashes flew with a deafening roar. The volcano is working, people said with fear and went away from this place. Since then, they began to call fire-breathing mountains"volcanoes".

Now there are three types on earth volcanoes: Sleepers - who can wake up to explode in fiery lava at any time.

Active - constantly spewing fountains of boiling lava.

Extinct - those that erupted a very long time ago, but are now extinct.

Let's go to the table. It has a model of a volcano. Volcanoes as we see it cone-shaped mountains. If you look from above, you can see a hole - this is a crater, a large bowl with steep slopes, and at the bottom is bright orange - this is a vent-hole that goes deep into the ground. And the fiery liquid coming out of the volcano is lava.

So the historical secret of the mountains was revealed to us.

The next secret is the envelope.

The mistress of the mountains offers us to make a volcano on our own.

Inside the layout is a plastic yogurt cup. 1 teaspoon of soda, a little gouache paint, citric acid, 3 drops of detergent. Consistently mixed and observed. (There will be a simulated volcanic eruption)

But at the bottom of the ocean, when an eruption occurs, the frozen lava can form a cone of such a height that if the top is above the water, then after the volcano goes out there will be an island. Many islands in the Pacific Ocean are of volcanic origin.

It's good that everyone got a volcano. Did you like the secret mountains?

A video clip is turned on in which the hostess of the mountains says that everyone coped with the tasks. Now they are rewarded for their work. Only in exchange we must remember the secrets that she revealed to us.

I thank you all for today's work.

Mountains have always amazed people with their grandeur, inaccessibility and unpredictability. Admiring the beauty of the snow-white peaks, people made ascents, planted flags on the mountain peaks and, glancing at the opening prospect, set even more complex, difficult to achieve goals. The ancients had a proverb: "Higher in the mountains - closer to God." Mountains are called the hieroglyphs of eternity. Mountains are a symbol of longing and love of the earth for the endless expanse of the sky.

The nature of the mountains is diverse and contrasting. Mountains are lush forests, bright carpets of flowers, and bleak rocky deserts, snow shining in the sun and their dull whiteness in a cloudy sky, fire-breathing volcanoes and many kilometers of glaciers, bottomless abysses of gorges and vast flat plateaus, unbearably burning sun and severe frost among summer, the roar of waterfalls, swift turbulent streams and the frozen silence of the steps of icefalls, the melodic murmur of glacial streams and the roar of deadly avalanches ... Mountains are mines, pastures, icy pantries of the most precious fresh water.

The Ural Mountains consist of low ranges and massifs. The highest of them, rising above 1200-1500 m, are located in the Subpolar, Northern and Southern Urals. The massifs of the Middle Urals are much lower, usually not higher than 600-800 m. There are many rivers in the Urals and in the Urals. There are relatively few lakes, but here are the sources of the Pechora and the Urals. Several hundred ponds and reservoirs have been created on the rivers. The Ural Mountains are old (they arose in the late Proterozoic).

The Urals has long been the largest mining and metallurgical base of the country. Back in the 16th century. on the western outskirts of the Urals, deposits of rock salt and sandstones containing copper were known. In the 17th century, iron deposits became known and ironworks appeared. Placers of gold and deposits of platinum were found in the mountains, and precious stones were found on the eastern slope. Numerous deposits of high-quality iron ores, copper ores, rare non-ferrous metals, gold, silver, platinum, the best bauxites in the country, rock and potassium salts are known in the Urals. There is oil, asbestos, precious and semi-precious stones in the Urals.

The nature of the Southern Urals endowed with special and rare beauty: there are majestic mountains, and swift rivers, numerous lakes replenished by mountain streams, a diverse flora and fauna. Mysterious caves permeate the Ural Mountains with intricate labyrinths around the Belaya River. The Kapova Cave is located in a huge rock on the bank of the river. She goes not deep, but up. The cave is famous for drawings of primitive people who, many thousands of years ago, left images of animals (mammoths, horses, rhinos) on the walls of the cave.

In the north, you can meet the inhabitants of the tundra - reindeer, and in the south - typical inhabitants of the steppes - ground squirrels, shrews, snakes and lizards. The forests are inhabited by predators: brown bears, wolves, wolverines, foxes, sables, ermines, lynxes. Ungulates (moose, deer, roe deer, etc.) and birds of various species are found in them. A couple of centuries ago, the animal world was richer than it is now. Plowing, hunting, deforestation have displaced and destroyed the habitats of many animals. Wild horses, saigas, bustards, little bustards have disappeared. Herds of deer migrated deep into the tundra. But rodents spread on the plowed lands: hamsters, field mice.

In the Southern Urals, the path to the peaks begins with densely overgrown shrubs. Then the road goes through pine, birch and aspen forests, among which grassy glades flash by. Spruces and firs rise above the palisade. Dead wood is almost invisible - it burns out during frequent forest fires. Swamps can be found on gently sloping places. The peaks are covered with stone placers, moss and grass. Rare and stunted firs, crooked birch trees that come across here do not in any way resemble the landscape at the foot, with multi-colored carpets of grasses and shrubs. Fires at high altitude are already powerless, so the path is constantly blocked by blockages of fallen trees.

The Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai are distinguished as the main mountain systems of Central Asia. The border between the Pamir-Alay and the Tien Shan runs along the Ferghana Valley. The relief of most of the ridges of the Tien Shan ranges is alpine.
Nature in the Tien Shan mountains changes markedly with height. Deciduous forests in the Tien Shan do not form a continuous belt, located in separate massifs among meadow steppes, shrubs and rocky areas. Dense and juicy meadows serve as excellent summer pastures. Among the meadows, thickets of creeping juniper are frequent, which also enters the alpine zone. Coniferous forests of Tien Shan spruce grow in the upper belt. The Tien Shan spruce is a tall slender tree with a narrow crown. Rowan and currant grow in the lower tier.

Pamir-Alai - this mountain system, including the Pamir Highlands. It is located between the Ferghana Valley in the north and the headwaters of the Amu Darya in the south. Most of it is within Tajikistan, the northeastern part belongs to Kyrgyzstan, the western part belongs to Uzbekistan. The eastern and partially southern edge of the Pamir Highlands extends into China and Afghanistan. The Pamir-Alai rivers belong mainly to the Amudarya basin. Large rivers starting in the highlands are fed by glacial snow.

The fauna of the Pamirs is not rich, but peculiar. The Pamirs are inhabited by argali mountain sheep, long-tailed marmot, red pika, Pamir hare. The yak serves as a pet. Of the birds, there are Tibetan snowcock, Tibetan saja, sickle beak, Tibetan raven, Tibetan lark, brown-headed gull, snow vulture.

Any source of mass information will tell us how much benefit the nature of the Elbrus mountains gives us, but, unfortunately, no one cares about what people leave and give to this nature in return. Every year, the dead zone of local forests grows more and more. The forest is mercilessly destroyed by lumberjacks, and only 20% of the felled trees are taken into further production, the rest is left to rot on the ground. Every year the loggers climb higher and higher without worrying that the forest is not endless. With the disappearance of the forest, a large number of mushrooms, berries, shrubs gradually disappear, rare species of herbs and plants disappear.

But not only lumberjacks destroy the nature of the mountain, but the tourists themselves cause harm, and much more. Few people care about how to take out the garbage in the form of cans and plastic bags and even glass bottles and gas cylinders outside the National Park. Tourists also destroy a layer of soil, clearing the area for tents, which were created by nature itself over many centuries. They also cut down trees for the fire with their own hands.

In addition to pollution and the destruction of forests, lakes, which were once famous for their crystal clearness, also spoil. Many tourists, stopping for rest and lodging for the night by the lakes. Take Lake Orlyonok as an example. Reaching this lake, travelers simply need to have a bite to eat. Before eating, during and after everyone wash their hands. On average, up to 500 people stayed on the lake per day, and everyone considers it their duty to redeem their hands in it. But it never occurred to anyone that the lake does not have a drain and a channel, but is a stagnant reservoir, and, accordingly, all dirt and grease accumulates on the surface. As a result of everything that has been happening over many years, a greasy film has formed on the surface, and a clean drinking film has remained only in those places where underground waters and springs beat. But you could just scoop up water from the lake into any vessel and wash your hands and dishes on the shore.

Thus, every year the dead zone grows. Of course, there are numerous groups that are involved in clearing forests and maintaining a healthy and clean environment. Despite this, it is still worth every group of tourists to take all the garbage with them, thus thanks to nature for the pleasure it provides.