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US Virgin Islands. School Encyclopedia

The Virgin Islands (US) are located near in the Caribbean Sea. The largest islands are Santa Cruz, Saint John and Saint Thomas. Citizens live on the islands, the national currency is the US dollar. The city of Charlotte Amalie is the capital and is located on the island of St. Thomas.

Climate of the Virgin Islands (USA)

The islands have a tropical climate with the influence of the trade winds, temperatures around 25 degrees all year round, the rainy season from November to December. Most best time for a vacation in the Virgin Islands from December to May, divers are advised to go here in the summer.

Nature Virgin Islands

The American Virgin Islands or officially the Virgin Islands of the United States The United States Virgin Islands, United States Virgin Islands The American Virgin Islands is a group of islands in the Caribbean with the status of an unincorporated organized territory of the United States. In the old days, the US Virgin Islands were the Danish West Indies, the territory of the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway, but were sold to the United States in 1916.

The US Virgin Islands are three large islands: Santa Cruz, St. John and St. Thomas and several small ones, the total area of ​​the US possessions here is 346.4 square kilometers, the capital city - the port of Charlotte Amalie is located on the island of St. Thomas.

History of the United States Virgin Islands

Before the arrival of Europeans, the islands were inhabited by tribes of Carib Indians, Arawaks and Kiboney. The islands were discovered, as expected by Christopher Columbus during his second journey in 1493. A little later, colonists from Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France and Denmark-Norway appeared here. The Danish West India and Guinea Company was founded in 1625 and was engaged in trade with the West Indies, located on the islands of St. Thomas, St. John and Santa Cruz in the Caribbean, supplying slaves from Africa and receiving molasses and rum from the West Indies. The company settled on the island of St. Thomas in 1672, the main sources of income were sugar cane, on the implantation of which African slaves worked until the abolition of slavery on July 3, 1848. The Danes received full control over the islands of St. Thomas and Santa Cruz and St. John. The ideal conditions for sugar production were created on the island of St. John due to the ideal climate and fertile soil. Saint John Island was distinguished by one of the first large-scale uprising of slaves in the Caribbean region in 1733, nevertheless, the Danes, thanks to the troops of France, suppressed the uprising, however, the quantitative preponderance of slaves over whites in the ratio of 5 to 1 led to the defeat of the colonialists in the end.

Denmark still exercised control over the islands, but no longer received material benefits from this possession, as a result, in 1867 the islands were sold to the United States, but the United States was unable to raise the economy of the islands. After the outbreak of the First World War, the islands remained isolated and in economic ruin. The islands finally passed to the United States after the outbreak of the First World War because of the danger that this place could be used by Germany as a base for the navy. The sale price of the islands was 25 million US dollars in gold, today this amount can be estimated at 544 million dollars. In 1616, a referendum was held in Denmark on the sale and the deal was concluded in 1917, it was in this year that the territory of the islands was renamed the US Virgin Islands, American citizenship was granted to local residents in 1927.

In 1989, Hurricane Hugo almost completely destroyed the US Virgin Islands, however, the same thing happened with other islands of the Caribbean region, in 1995 Hurricane Marilyn led to human casualties, in addition, the islands suffered from a series of hurricanes in 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2008 year, they were named Berta, Georges, Lenny and Omar, respectively.

Geography of the United States Virgin Islands

The US Virgin Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, 60 kilometers east of Puerto Rico and west of the British Virgin Islands. As mentioned above, the United States Virgin Islands consist of the islands of St. Thomas, St. John and Santa Cruz, as well as several dozen small islands. It is interesting that the main three islands received individual nicknames from the locals: Santa Cruz was nicknamed "Twin City", St. Thomas - "Rock City", St. John Island - "Love City". By the way, St. John often in the English version sounds like the island of St. John (January).

The US Virgin Islands are famous for the stunning Magens Bay and Trunk Bay beaches, Charlotte Amalie and Christiansted harbours. All the islands are of volcanic origin with hilly terrain, the maximum height is on the island of St. Thomas in the form of Mount Corona, which has a height of 474 meters. The largest island, Santa Cruz, has a flatter relief, almost the entire territory of St. John's Island is national parks, the same can be said about Hassel Island and the coral reefs around.

Natural Hazards in the United States Virgin Islands

As you already understood, these are hurricanes and tropical cyclones, earthquakes and tsunamis are also not uncommon.

Currency of the Virgin Islands (US)

US dollars are accepted in the Virgin Islands.

Banks and currency exchange

As you understand, many tourists do not need to use currency exchange upon arrival to the islands, since the local currency is nothing more than the most popular banknote, especially in the Western Hemisphere, where the American dollar is accepted in stores in almost all countries. However, banks operate as usual with weekends on Saturdays and Sundays. You can also exchange currency at exchange kiosks. By using credit card You can pay off in the Virgin Islands everywhere. There are ATM machines at every step. Traveler's checks are recommended to be taken only in US dollars.

VAT and tax-free are not practiced, this is an offshore zone.

Standard of living and prices in the Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands very expensive place, which can be compared with Saint Barthélemy, Hawaii, the Maldives and the Bahamas. Food products are expensive due to the fact that they are all imported from abroad, cheap local vegetables and fruits can only be bought in the markets. Hotels break out of space prices, which start at $ 100 for a standard double room per day, the probability of finding an economical place to stay decreases every year, the islands turn into an elite place that is available only to Americans or Japanese, there are few tourists from Europe and in general Russians or Ukrainians are very exotic here.

Tipping and taxes

Tipping is similar to other Caribbean countries, with the Virgin Islands having a mandatory 10% service tax and an 8% tourist tax on hotel stays. The Virgin Islands is part of the US territory, and in this country tipping is a matter of honor, you can’t do without tips, often they are already additionally included in the bills, if not, then they will amount to 15% of the bill. Hotels may also charge for electricity, the cost of which is an order of magnitude higher than in the United States.

Visas to the US Virgin Islands

Religion in the US Virgin Islands

main religion local population is Christianity, there are many Protestants, a little less Catholics, it is interesting that the US Virgin Islands has a high percentage of rastafarians, which can greatly distinguish the islands from neighboring representatives of the Caribbean region. St. Thomas has a large Jewish community and is the oldest in the Western Hemisphere, as well as the oldest synagogue in the New World.

Public holidays in the US Virgin Islands

January (third Monday): Martin Luther King Day

February (third Monday): President's Day

April: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday Nigeria, Senegal, Congo, Gambia and Ghana brought their African traditions to the islands.

Cuisine of the American Virgin Islands

A distinctive feature of the local cuisine is its richness and spiciness. Local products from farmers can only be bought in the markets, these are meat, milk, fruits and vegetables, only imported products are sold in stores. The high culinary traditions of the islands offer a symbiosis of international cuisine with local traditions and exotics. Exotic is mango, local spices and fish, mainly salmon.

Sports and entertainment

The islands are dominated by those sports that are popular in the United States: baseball, American football and basketball.

The US Virgin Islands boast a rich and long tradition of music and dance arts, but unfortunately most foreign tourists to the islands are not even aware of this.

Economy of the US Virgin Islands

Agriculture exists only on the island of Santa Cruz. The production sector is linked to the rum distillery.

Tourism in the US Virgin Islands

The main source of income for the Virgin Islands is tourism. More than 2 million foreign tourists visit the US Virgin Islands every year, of course, the majority of foreigners mean tourists from the United States, while most of them get to the islands through cruise ships.

Until 2012, the HOVENSA refinery on Santa Cruz Island was the largest in the world and brought the islands 20% of GDP, but for environmental reasons it was closed and today it is used only as an oil storage, killing the entire former economy of the US Virgin Islands.

Today, there is a slight increase in the financial sector, high investment in local real estate. There are already difficulties with electricity, which is 5 times more expensive than on the US mainland. Energy is generated by imported oil and solar panels. To stimulate and develop the country's economy, several higher technical institutions and research institutes were opened in the US Virgin Islands.

The US Virgin Islands are an independent customs territory of the United States, unlike, for example, Puerto Rico. Customs inspection takes place at the port, even tourists from the United States are subject to the same procedure, however, customs inspection occurs only at the time of leaving the islands upon entry, no customs formalities are provided.

Transportation in the Virgin Islands

Santa Cruz has an international airport named after Henry E. Rohlsen, and Cyril E. King International Airport serves the islands of St. Thomas and St. John.

The U.S. Virgin Islands is the only U.S. territory to drive on the left, due to left-hand traffic on the island until it was handed over to the U.S. in 1917 to limit the loss of livestock. However, most cars are imported from the US and have "normal" left hand drive.

Attractions of the Virgin Islands (USA)

The Virgin Islands (USA) is an offshore zone, in addition, tourism is developed here. The main island of St. Thomas is covered with hills and rainforest, mango forest and swamps. The largest ocean cruise liners can enter the bay of the island, which increases the effectiveness of the resort. The island has dozens of luxury hotels with beaches and great diving. The capital is Charlotte Amalie with a small port, which, as mentioned above, can receive deep-sea vessels. The main architectural attraction is the Fort Christian fortress with the Museum of the Virgin Islands. Close by on Government Hill is Blackbird Castle, built in the 18th century.


The climate of the British Virgin Islands is tropical, maritime, of the trade wind type. Comfortable temperature is maintained throughout the year. In winter on the islands + 22-24 ° С, in summer + 28-29 ° С, and with the change of time of day the temperature changes slightly. The rainfall here is up to 1300 mm per year.

In the British Virgin Islands, there are 2 dry (winter, summer) and 2 wet (spring, autumn) seasons. The rainy season is most pronounced from September to November, but even then tropical showers are short-lived. And in July-October there are hurricanes on the islands.


The highest point in the US Virgin Islands is only 475 m above sea level. The surface of the islands is hilly, due to their limestone origin. In some places you can see inclusions of volcanic and crystalline rocks.

There are no rivers or lakes on the islands. On the shores of the bays you can see mangrove swamps, while the main part of the islands is covered with tropical forests. Unfortunately, some of them, together with the animal world, were destroyed by man. Admire the preserved riot of nature on the island of St. John, two-thirds of which is national park. On the island of St. Thomas, one could see woodlands and shrubs that appeared on the site of former plantations. The marine waters of the US Virgin Islands are home to a variety of fish, crustaceans and molluscs.


Top 10 attractions of the islands:

1. National Park of the American Virgin Islands, where you can get acquainted with the rarest species of animals and birds
2. Fort Christian on St. Thomas
3. Blackbird Castle
4. Market Square in Charlotte Amalie
5. Charlotte Amalie Aquarium with rare tropical fish
6. Mount St. Peter Greathouse with botanical gardens and a distillery on its slopes
7. Picturesque Koki Bay
8. Wim Sugar Plantation on the island of Santa Cruz
9. Kruzan Wineries in Christiansted
10. Uninhabited Buck Island

  • The tourist season in the US Virgin Islands is from January to April. For lovers of snorkelling and others water activities it makes sense to fly to the islands in early summer, when there are no storms yet, and housing prices are declining.
  • Please note that the hotel bill additionally includes an 8% tax and a 10% service tip. Sometimes 3% for electricity is added to the cost of living.
  • In restaurants and cafes, service tips are 10-15%, and in large restaurants they are initially included in the bill, and in small cafes, it is customary to tip the waiter personally.
  • Please note that the lifting of any marine organisms and objects from the bottom, as well as the collection of shells washed ashore is prohibited. A license is required for sport fishing.


There are many hotels in the US Virgin Islands for every taste, but the prices can hardly be called low. Prices for resort hotel rooms start from $250-300 per night. Economy class hotels will ask for $150-170 per night, and a room in a budget boarding house can be rented for $80. At the same time, no matter which accommodation option you choose, you will be pleased with quality service.

Some islands also have campsites that are popular with young people.

If you are interested in a high-class holiday, then in the US Virgin Islands you can rent a villa on the coast. Prices start at $5,000 per week.


Sea and air communications are developed between the islands, and on large islands there are no problems with renting a scooter, car or traveling by taxi. True, the distances between the resorts here are relatively small, so many travelers prefer to travel on foot or by bike.


Keep in mind that you can export purchases duty-free from the island if their total value is not more than $1200. By the way, in the US Virgin Islands you can profitably buy watches, jewelry, photo and video equipment, perfumes, leather goods and porcelain. Shops work strictly according to the schedule: Mon-Sat from 9:00 to 17:00.

Also be sure to visit the local markets. Sellers are happy to bargain, and you can buy souvenirs quite inexpensively. The most popular handicrafts of artisans, rum, spices, tea. Treat yourself to fresh fruit.


Top 5 things to do in the US Virgin Islands:

1. Diving
2. Cruise the US Virgin Islands and the Caribbean
3. Helicopter tour
4. Visiting one of the local festivals (for example, Fireworks Week at the end of June or Carp Festival in January)
5. Sport fishing

Business climate

About 2 million travelers visit the US Virgin Islands every year. Accordingly, the tourism industry and the service sector are rapidly developing here.

Industry also plays a special role. The islands have one of the largest oil refineries in the world. Local residents are also employed in the production of rum, textiles, assembly of electronics and watches. Agriculture is underdeveloped, but the financial sector, dependent on the US economy, has all the conditions for rapid growth.

Where the emerald wave of the Atlantic hospitably embraces the blue waves of the Caribbean Sea, the Virgin Islands are scattered like grains framed in corals, part of which with a total area of ​​​​about three hundred and fifty square meters belongs to the United States. About sixty islands, most of them uninhabited, were discovered by Columbus at the end of the fifteenth century. And only in the middle of the seventeenth, the first colonists got here - the British and French, who became the founders of the first settlements. Since then, the islands have not belonged to anyone - the Spaniards and the French, the British and the Order of Malta.

But perhaps the most significant owner for the Virgin Islands was Denmark, which at the end of the eighteenth century declared them its colony. During the time of ownership, one of the largest islands - St. Thomas became the center of the slave trade, and the sugar plantations of St. John, processed by thousands of Negro slaves, brought huge incomes to Denmark. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, the islands were sold to the United States for $ 25 million.

Since then, a century has passed, which decisively changed the way of life of the population of the islands, who were the descendants of those 28 thousand Negro slaves brought here by the Danes. At the same time, the visual appeal of the Virgin Islands has not suffered, despite the fact that the US military base has been located here for more than fifty years.

The humid tropical climate of the islands determines the best time to travel, calling the peak tourist season from January to April. Although for those who prefer snorkeling (from English snorkeling) - diving with a mask and snorkel, the best time is the beginning of summer, when there are almost no storms, and hotels are much cheaper. This independent type of diving involves swimming and diving to a shallow depth does not require serious training and expensive equipment, therefore it is always popular with tourists of all ages.

However, every tourist who comes to the islands finds something special for himself that you will not find anywhere else. Someone will freeze in admiration at the sight of beautiful beaches, and take away with them the warmth of a tan that gilded their skin and the spicy aroma of the Atlantic, someone will rest their soul in the solitude of the bays, surrounded by the purest corals. Someone will enthusiastically perceive the virgin rainforests. And someone will like the original music, cuisine and culture of the people, friendly and hospitable to tourists in the Virgin Islands. The chic of hotels and the comfort of small hotels, the abundance of wonderful restaurants and world-class shopping will satisfy the needs of the most fastidious tourists.

And certainly everyone will like original bright festivals and holidays. The fireworks of thrills from the colorful St. Thomas Carnival at the end of April, filled with masquerades and dance competitions, flow into the June St. Johns Festival with a week of parades and various celebrations for Independence Day. And also unforgettable impressions from the two-week Karasei festival on Santa Cruz, from the international Rolex regatta, which gathers yachtsmen on St. Thomas ... And nowhere else can you see dancing fairy-tale heroes and many Santa Clauses on Summer Christmas! The islanders consider March 31 to be the most important official holiday - the day when the Virgin Islands were transferred by Denmark to the United States.

Take with you the feeling of a holiday and the delight of the picturesque National Park, which occupies most of the island of St. John, see the Cruzan wineries and bring your friends a gift - an extraordinary taste of rum that glorified Santa Cruz. The coral reefs of tiny Buck, the huge Aquarium of Cock and Bay, the Uim sugar plantations on Santa Cruz can not only enrich the knowledge of the history of the islands and development, but also leave a feeling of belonging to the events of centuries ago.

By the way, Santa Cruz is known not only for diving and snorkeling, rum and festival processions by the famous Carambola Golf Club, which was designed by Robert Trent Jones. It is here that the annual LPGA Golf Tournament is held, attracting crowds of fans of this sport from all over the world.

But there is a charm in those islands that are sparsely populated. When Reuters published a rating of the Caribbean islands that were least affected by civilization, it was called St. John. to everyone who decides to come here for a relaxing holiday away from the bustle of the city.

LJ user naz-saparova writes in his blog: The great discoverer Christopher Columbus spent a very long time at sea on his ship Maria Galante in search of new lands for the Spanish crown and new discoveries for mankind. He was sick, tired and in great need of care and affection. He began to see women everywhere. So in November 1493, plowing the expanses of the Caribbean Sea, he saw a magnificent woman reclining lazily on the horizon. Virgin Gorda! - exclaimed Columbus, putting on his ceremonial uniform. Coming closer, Christoforushka discovered only a beautiful island, with its huge round granite boulders, crowded on the shore, resembling a female silhouette. Not salty slurping, Columbus sailed on, and the island was named Virgin Gorda - Fat Virgin.

1. An archipelago in the Caribbean Sea of ​​60 amazing islands with snow-white beaches, secret caves, turquoise water and emerald forests today is called the Virgin Islands - Virgin Islands.

2. But in Russian they are called Virgin, which is not entirely reliable, so the whole meaning of the name of these paradise islands is lost. They are really virgin - and the idyll of pristine nature has survived to this day.

3. The Virgin Islands are divided according to their affiliation: British and American. Today I invite you to plunge with me into the fabulous atmosphere of the British Virgin Islands. This is an overseas dependency of the UK: the locals are British citizens, but the local currency is the US dollar. We will visit Tortola and that same Fat Virgin - Virgin Gorda.

4. Tortola is not much different from an ordinary Caribbean island - the same colored houses, many kilometers of white sandy beaches, palm trees, unhurried life. Ordinary paradise. Relaxing under the gentle breeze, on the gentle white sands with the oncoming turquoise wave, in the company of friendly islanders and nimble iguanas, it is hard to imagine that smugglers were hiding here and formidable pirates lurked and raided rich merchant ships. Dangerous islands have become places of comfortable and safe rest. Crime rates are among the lowest in the Western Hemisphere, and violent crimes are virtually unheard of.

9. Reuters has published a list of the best Caribbean islands, not affected by the influx of travelers. The second place was taken by the beautiful green island of Virgin Gorda, which can only be reached by water. Ready? Then - all aboard!

13. Welcome to Virgin Gorda!

14. The island stretched out as a strip of land between two manifestations of the same element: the raging Atlantic Ocean on one side and the expanse of the Caribbean Sea on the other. And the island itself is not uniform. Its northeast was born by an underwater volcano, the rocky slopes of which formed numerous ledges, reefs, capes, protruding peninsulas far into the sea.

15. We will walk with you national park The Baths, named after the numerous pools hidden in the caves. This is a very unique natural structure. Huge boulders are piled on top of each other on snow-white sand framed by sprawling palm trees and form whole labyrinths of secluded caves, grottoes, tunnels. The high tide from the Caribbean Sea floods the pits and ravines - and all these mysterious pools are formed with sea ​​water. Hundreds of giant boulders and rocks are undermined by water and rain, so they are sloping and smooth. In such labyrinths, you can wander for hours, swim, climb and discover more and more hidden places.

28. You can wander through the caves for hours, in some places it becomes completely dark, chilly and scary.

31. But then the stones part and you can see the bright horizon of the sea and clouds.

39. Life on the islands is calm and serene, so here you can spend hours wandering along the countless beaches, admiring the picturesque landscapes.

But you can not only splash in the water and sunbathe in the sun on these paradise islands - the British Virgin Islands are number one among all known offshore and tax havens in the world. The number of registered companies on the islands has exceeded 700 thousand, while the population of the islands is only about 30 thousand people. It turns out that for every inhabitant there are 23 companies.

This offshore jurisdiction is currently one of the most frequently used by Russian entrepreneurs. Companies registered in the British Virgin Islands are not subject to taxation, in addition, companies are not required to submit annual returns. Information about the shareholders and beneficiaries of the company is protected by law, a closed register of shareholders and directors is maintained. However, this information may be disclosed only by a court decision.
That is why among Russian companies that do not hide the fact that they conduct their business through offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands, there are real giants of Russian business: Alfa Group by Mikhail Fridman and Petr Aven (Alfa-Bank, Alfa-Insurance, TNK-BP, Megafon ”, VimpelCom, Pyaterochka retail chain) is registered to companies from Gibraltar, Luxembourg, the British Virgin Islands and the Netherlands. The “Basic Element” of Oleg Deripaska (RUSAL, GAZ Group, Ingosstrakh) is registered with a company from the island of Jersey, which, in turn, belongs to a company from the British Virgin Islands, Sergei Polonsky’s Mirax Group is registered with Dutch and Virginia offshore companies. Offshore jurisdictions are able to support the shadow economy as part of the money laundering process. This is such a successful combination of business and leisure - the islands attract attention with their reliability and stability, a high level of financial and environmental security.

But let's not talk about the economy anymore, we go to the British Virgin Islands not to launder money, but to get acquainted with new places. Next time we will visit the US Virgin Islands.

Travel notes, day 17

We continue our journey through Caribbean. Today the Virgin Islands. They are divided into three territories: the British Virgin Islands, the US Virgin Islands and the Spanish Virgin Islands. Very few people know Spanish at all, since they belong to Puerto Rico. The Virgin Islands are famous all over the world for their offshore companies. This is the merit of the British part, it is often called the offshore capital of the world, because up to 40% of offshore companies are registered here. The American part of the islands is the most populated, they sell diamonds and are engaged in oil refining.

01. I am sailing to the British Virgin Islands (BVI, the locals call it BVI for short, after the first letters of the English name of the territory).

02. Citizens of Russia to visit the BVI need a separate visa, which is issued by the British Consulate.

03. The islands are all with steep terrain, on which there are houses. 25,000 people live in the BVI. Such a big village.

04. The Virgin Islands are well known to us. It is the largest offshore in the world. The British Virgin Islands has no corporate income tax and personal income tax, and there is no VAT and sales tax.

05. 40% of all offshore companies in the world are registered in the BVI. Why here? Here you can open a company in 1 day, no one finds fault with the documents, and most importantly - confidentiality: there is no single register of beneficiaries in the British Virgin Islands. However, more recently, the authorities of this British overseas jurisdiction began discussing the possibility of creating a single open register of owners. So soon the shop, maybe they will close it.

06. Let's see what the offshore capital of the world looks like. So, Road Town is the capital of the British Virgin Islands.

The directory says that 10,000 people live here. I don't know where they live here. The whole city can be bypassed in 10 minutes. We would be ashamed to call it a city. A large village, probably: 4 streets, 2 shops.

07. This is the island administration.

08. In order to somehow brighten up the impressions of visiting tourists, all the houses in the center were painted in acid colors.

09. The brighter the better.

10. At the same time, not a single local resident paints his house like that.

11. There is nothing at all in the city. I am not exaggerating this. Several streets with colored sheds, in which there are cafes and souvenir shops.

12. Several stores with junk.

13. Market.

14. The main supermarket in the country. Public transport absent: only taxis and rental cars.

15. I have no idea why tourists come here.

16. Local resident.

17. In 10 minutes the city ends, the forest begins.

18. The city is one of the main yacht charter centers in the Caribbean.

19. Let's go back.

20. Old houses remained on the outskirts.

21. On the right is the oldest building in the city: this is the former royal prison on Main Street, built in the 1840s

22. Now I understand why it takes only 1 day in the BVI to register a company. No one else can stand to be here.

23. A great place to come for an hour on business and quickly leave back.

24. Business center of the offshore capital.

26. The remaining islands of the BVI are sparsely populated.

27. We sail to the neighboring state - the US Virgin Islands (AVO, or simply the Virgin Islands). In English, Virgin Islands of the United States, but when Americans say "Virgin Islands", they mean exactly the American ones. We often say "Virgin Islands", meaning British, where offshore. There are no offshore companies on the American islands. So it's more correct to say "British Virgin Islands" about an offshore paradise, and just "Virgin Islands" about a tourist one.

28. Unlike the British Isles, the American ones are much more interesting. Firstly, there are old English double-decker buses here. Secondly, 4 times more people live here - 100,000. Everyone here lives at the expense of tourists. As well as or Guam, it is an "unincorporated organized territory of the United States." That is, the local American citizenship, but their own laws.

29. Streets of the capital, Charlotte Amalie. By the way, the Americans bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917.

30. These are local taxi-buses-minibuses. It is difficult to imagine an uglier car. Taxi fares are fixed and are written on a special plate.

31. Tourist center.

32. Baby dolls are being taken.


34. Tourists in the Virgin Islands feel good.

35. Beaches, yachts, sunshine



39. Models

40. Sunset

41. But the main thing is shopping. The whole main street in jewelry stores. All famous brands are represented here. Americans go to the Virgin Islands for diamonds.

42. Shops do not know how to attract tourists, they even offer free Wi-Fi. Why do you need free internet in a jewelry store?

43. In the evening, all jewelry stores are closed and you can even walk around the city.

44. In general, it is strange why all the shops close at 6 o'clock? Restaurants open until 9. Locks on jewelry.

45. Main Street

46. ​​Like this.

All journey:
Day 1: San Francisco, USA
Day 2: Carmel Valley, USA
Day 3: Apple, Facebook, Google, USA
Day 4: 17 Mile Road Sunset in SF, USA
Day 5: Bermuda
Day 6: Bahamas
Day 7: Bahamas
Day 8: Cayman Islands
Day 9: Jamaica
Day 10:
Day 11