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Which city has 45 degrees. Geographic walks: midway between the equator and the North Pole

In Crimea, on Mount Klementieva, on the territory of the Koktebel Gliding Center, on the central stone in 2009, a plate was fixed with the coordinates of the place - 45 degrees 00 minutes north latitude - and the text: “In this place passes the 45th parallel - the golden mean of the planet Earth. From here - the same distance to the Equator and the North Pole (about 5 thousand km in each direction) "...

In 1884, in Washington an international conference was held at which it was decided to consider the meridian passing through the axis of the main telescope Greenwich Observatory on the outskirts of London, the zero point of longitude and standard time around the world.

The "Greenwich meridian" symbolically divided the planet Earth into the western and eastern hemispheres.

Parallels and meridians are conditional lines drawn on geographical maps and globes that serve to count the coordinates of points on the earth's surface - longitude and latitude. The meridians converge at the poles of the Earth, and the parallels run along the planet Earth parallel to the equator, which is considered the zero parallel. The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees.

In the middle between the Equator and the North Pole of the Earth is the 45th parallel of the northern latitude lies the Crimean Peninsula.

Crimea is located at an equal distance from the equator and the north pole at 5,000 kilometers. The remarkable location of Crimea in the middle of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere is very symbolic and favorable for life. The 45th parallel of northern latitude, the golden mean of the planet Earth, creates the most important climatic feature of our peninsula: a long summer day and a sufficient number of sunny days and warm seasons. In Crimea, there is no equatorial heat, no northern cold, no long cloudy days without sun.

Detailed articles about the significant points of the Crimea, through which the Golden Mean of the planet Earth passes, were written by our contemporaries, local historians and travelers Sergey Tkachenko and Oleg Shirokov. However, they are far from the discoverers of this Crimean phenomenon.

In 1925 in the guidebook "Crimea" article published Maximilian Voloshin "Culture, art, monuments of Crimea". The story about the project of the Crimean railway, passing along the 45th parallel, deserves special attention in the article:

« Here - through the Crimean steppes to the Cimmerian Bosporus, and from there, through the Caucasus and Persia, the old caravan route ran, which died out after the Ottoman Empire lay down on all trade routes leading through Asia Minor, and Vasco de Gama opened new maritime directions.

Europe still needed an overland trade route from India and China. Most of all, England, as the metropolis of India, was interested in it. The capture of Sevastopol and the blockade of Russian ports in 1855 did nothing for England. The British government was forced, against its will, to establish a real blockade of Russian ports. However, lard, hemp, flax, flaxseed were sent from Russia to Prussia, and end up in England at inflated prices.

Before the outbreak of the First World War, the tsarist government, under pressure and at the request of England, developed a project for the construction of a railway along the 45th parallel.

The railway line was supposed to pass through London, Paris, Lyon, Turin, Lombardy, the Venetian region, Trieste, Slovenia, Harvatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Romania, Odessa, Nikolaev, Perekop, Dzhankoy, Vladislavovka, Kerch, the bridge across the Kerch Strait, the Taman Peninsula , along the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, through Turkey, and Persia to India.

During the First World War, Russia had already completed surveys for the construction of a bridge across the Cimmerian Bosporus and work was underway in many other areas, but the civil war, the October Revolution of 1917, put an end to these plans.

“Undoubtedly, the railway line will sooner or later pass along the ancient caravan routes, and then the Crimea will once again be in the middle of the great European route from Europe to Asia, which will completely transform its commercial and political significance.”

On the 45th parallel - the Golden Mean of the planet Earth, in the Soviet Crimea, the most powerful telescope for astronomical observations of the stars was built.

In the Soviet Union, near Evpatoria in the Crimea, a Space communications control center, which ran smoothly thanks to consistently clear weather and clear skies.
The Baikonur Cosmodrome was also built approximately at the 45th parallel of the northern latitude. The equal distance from the equator and the north pole provided not only convenience in launching spacecraft into orbit, but also good space communications and flight tracking. Spare runways for takeoff and landing of "Buran" were also built on the 45th parallel, which ensured the ease of control of the space shuttle during the landing approach. One of them is located near Simferopol.

Finally, there are completely mystical facts that defy rational explanation. Oleg Shirokov, a local historian, dedicated an interesting study of “subtle power ties”, as if attracting the Christian shrines of Crimea to the 45th parallel of northern latitude.

« It is interesting that many Christian churches were built exactly on this line, and in places either located in the forest, or where people had not previously settled.

Exactly on the 45th parallel is near Simferopol. There were no villages here before, and only Russian retired soldiers founded here in 1784 the "Sloboda of St. Petersburg hut", and the place for the temple was clearly not chosen by chance.

Convent of St. Paraskeva near the village of Topolevka (Belogorsky district). And again the church is exactly on the 45th parallel, and the place for the monastery was chosen in the forest zone. And there is no evidence that there was once a settlement here or that people lived at all.

It is not known how people chose places for temples - did they have such good astronomical instruments, or did people choose these places “with their hearts”? In addition, villages and buildings of monasteries can be a hundred meters slightly north or south of the 45th parallel, but the places of churches do not know mistakes!, — concludes Oleg Shirokov.

The natural phenomenon of the 45th parallel of northern latitude should also be noted. Botanists are well aware Mount Kubalach, in the Belogorsk region. Z here on the highest massif of the Inner Ridge of the Crimean Mountains grows Kuznetsov's cyclamen.

This beautiful flower is an absolute unique in a large family. cyclamen, the rarest endemic of the Crimea, named after a famous botanist. In its natural state, Kuznetsov's cyclamen grows only on Kubalach - and, imagine, nowhere else in the world!

On the slopes of Mount Kubalach there is another wonderful object of nature - source Ak-Su - "White Water", reminiscent of the legendary Belovodye - Shambhala. According to one version, the mythical abode of freedom and wisdom, Shambhala, was searched in a huge mountain country Gobi, stretching along the 45th parallel of northern latitude ...

At the chairman's Society for the revival of the culture of Koktebel, poet Vyacheslav Lozhko has a wonderful poem dedicated to the 45th parallel of Crimea:

Five thousand north
Five thousand south
And the center of the Earth is right there!
Strive to Koktebel,
my distant friend
You will look all over the Earth.
Hence the 45th parallel
Left, right, everything goes on.
Spirituality center - native Koktebel,
Oh, how many glorious names are here
and traditions!


On Mount Klementieva, on the territory of the Gliding Center "Koktebel", the participants of the conference "Crimea: culture, knowledge, activity" on December 3, 2009 held a culturological action "45th parallel - the golden mean of planet Earth". A memorial sign of the 45th parallel was solemnly opened here.

For those who have forgotten - a bit of geography from a school textbook. Parallels and meridians are conditional lines drawn on geographical maps and globes that serve to count the coordinates of points on the earth's surface - longitudes and latitudes. The meridians converge at the poles of the Earth, and the parallels are parallel to the equator. The equator is defined as the zero parallel. The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees.

The 45th parallel is located exactly in the middle between the equator and the north pole. Exactly at 45 degrees north latitude - that is, on the most central, middle parallel of our hemisphere - lies the Crimean peninsula.

This is very symbolic. The remarkable location of Crimea on planet Earth, at equal distance from the equator and the north pole, in the middle of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, determines the most important climatic feature of the peninsula: a long summer day and a sufficient amount of solar heat. It is the fertile warmth, and not the equatorial heat or the northern cold. Thus, the 45th parallel designates the Crimea as the most favorable place for life.

Figuratively speaking, we can say that the territory lying on the 45th parallel is located on the Golden Mean of the planet Earth.
What are the most significant points of the Crimea passes the Golden Mean of the planet Earth?

Detailed articles about this were written by local historians and travelers Sergey TKACHENKO and Oleg SHIROKOV. However, our contemporaries are not, strictly speaking, the "discoverers" of this Crimean phenomenon. And it is even more gratifying that the palm here belongs to Maximilian VOLOSHIN.

As early as 1925, Voloshin's article "Culture, Art, Monuments of Crimea" was published in the Crimea guidebook. This kind of "Crimean manifesto" gives a lot of information to an inquisitive mind. The story about the project of the railway passing along the 45th parallel deserves special attention in it:

“Here, through the Crimean steppes to the Cimmerian Bosporus, and from there through the Caucasus and Persia, the old caravan route ran, which stalled after the Ottoman Empire lay down on all trade routes leading through Asia Minor, and Vasco de Gama opened new maritime directions.

But the need for this overland route has not been extinguished. England, as the metropolis of India, is most interested in it. Hence the condition dictated to Russia after the capture of Sevastopol.

Hence and Railway 45th parallel, the project of which was developed even before the start of the European war; and during it, the tsarist government, under pressure and at the request of the same England, had already begun to implement it.

The direction of the line is as follows: London - Paris - Lyon - Turin - Lombardy - Venetian region - Trieste - Yugoslavia - Romania - Odessa - Nikolaev - Perekop - Dzhankoy - Vladislavovka - Kerch - bridge across the Kerch Strait - Taman Peninsula - Caucasian coast - and various options through Turkey and Persia to India.

During the war, Russia had already completed surveys for a bridge over the Cimmerian Bosphorus and work was underway on many other sections, but the civil war and new political combinations stopped these works.

There is no doubt that the railway track will sooner or later pass along the old caravan routes, and then the Crimea will again be in the middle of the great European route to Asia, which will completely transform its commercial and political significance.

At a new historical stage, another transport theme of the 45th parallel sounded in full force - space. Remember: "I believe, friends: caravans of rockets will rush us forward from star to star ...". Crimea was assigned an important role in this grandiose task: it served as one of the space flight control centers (by the way, Baikonur is also located approximately on the 45th parallel). So, the equidistance from the equator and the north pole provided not only convenience in launching spacecraft into orbit and their further control. Alternate runways for the Buranovs (one of which can be seen near Simferopol) were also built around the 45th parallel to maximize the ease of control of the space shuttle during landing approach.

Finally, there are facts that are completely mystical, which defy rational explanation. For example, Oleg Shirokov, a local historian, devoted an interesting study to the “subtle power connections” of the line of the 45th parallel with the Christian shrines of the peninsula:

“It is interesting that many Christian churches were built exactly on this line, and in places either located in the forest, or where people had not previously settled.

So, exactly on the 45th parallel is St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mazanka near Simferopol. There were no villages here before, and only Russian retired soldiers founded here in 1784 the “Sloboda of St.

Further convent Saint Paraskeva near the village of Topolevka (Belogorsky district). And again the church is exactly on the 45th parallel, and the place for the monastery was chosen in the forest zone. And there is no evidence that there was once a settlement here or that people lived at all.

It is not known how people chose places for temples - did they have such good astronomical instruments, or did people choose these places “with their hearts”? In addition, villages and buildings of monasteries can be a hundred meters slightly north or south of the 45th parallel, but they don’t know the places of churches! ”, concludes Oleg Shirokov.

It should be noted another phenomenon of the 45th parallel - natural. For example, Mount Kubalach, in the Belogorsk region, is well known to botanists: Kuznetsov's cyclamen grows here. This beautiful flower is an absolute unique in the vast family of cyclamen, the rarest endemic (named after a famous botanist). In its natural state, Kuznetsov's cyclamen grows only on Kubalach - and, imagine, nowhere else in the world!

On the slopes of Mount Kubalach there is another remarkable object of nature, the source of Ak-Su. The name of the source, which literally translates as "White Water", is very symptomatic. Doesn't it remind the legendary Belovodye - Shambhala? According to one version, the mythical abode of freedom and wisdom was sought in the Gobi, a huge mountainous country, also stretching along the 45th parallel...

In the twilight of a short winter day, next to the monument to the aircraft designer Oleg Antonov, something big was guessed, while carefully covered with a parachute blanket. To the applause and joyful exclamations of the conference participants, the First Deputy Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, Marina SLESAREVA, cut the ribbon, and the audience saw a simple but picturesque composition, designed in accordance with all the rules of Feng Shui (author - Alla NEBRIEVA, director of the Para-Krym.Tour company) : young acacia trees bordered three hefty boulder stones. On the central one, a plate was fixed with the coordinates of the place - 45 degrees 00 minutes of northern latitude - and the text: “The 45th parallel passes in this place - the Golden Mean of the planet Earth. From here - the same distance to the Equator and the North Pole (about 5 thousand km in each direction).

The rally for the unveiling of the memorial was short, but very meaningful.

“Professionals of the tourism business have gathered here. Like no one else, you are aware of the uniqueness of Crimea, which is so expressively emphasized by the 45th parallel,” said one of the initiators of the action, journalist Vyacheslav KHACHATURYAN.
Then Daniel THIMEN, director of the Crimean office of the Local Investments and National Competitiveness (LINC) project, climbed the stone symbolizing the 45th parallel. Daniel said that he, a resident of London, had to be in Greenwich Park and see a memorial sign indicating the zero meridian. He recalled that exactly 125 years ago, in 1884, an international conference was held in Washington, D.C., which chose the meridian passing through the axis of the main telescope of the Greenwich Observatory in the suburbs of London as the reference point for longitude and standard time around the world. “The Greenwich meridian symbolically divides the Earth into the western and eastern hemispheres. And the LINK project, where I work, intends to unite the capabilities of America and Crimea,” THIEMAN emphasized.

Poet Vyacheslav LOZHKO, chairman of the Society for the Revival of Culture of Koktebel, read his new poem dedicated to the significant event:
Five thousand north
Five thousand south
And the center of the Earth is right there!
Strive to Koktebel,
my distant friend
You will look all over the Earth.
Hence the 45th parallel
Left, right, everything goes on.
Spirituality center - native Koktebel,
Oh, how many glorious names are here
and traditions!
The paths began here in space a long time ago,
Gliders soar like birds.
Feel the ball We are given the earth here,
Glorious stories Read the pages again!

Towards the end, the floor was taken by the Director of the Gliding Center "Koktebel", holder of the Order "For Courage" Boris NEBREYEV. Boris Albertovich recalled that the place for the installation of the memorial sign on Mount Klementyev was not chosen by chance. Firstly, the Koktebel Gliding Center, which brings together organizers and supporters of active types of tourism, is also located on the 45th parallel. Secondly, this place is significant for the Crimea: the most important events in the history of active tourism took place here.

85 years ago, in 1924, at the II All-Union Gliding Competition on Mount Uzun-Syrt, Oleg Antonov, the future outstanding Soviet aircraft designer, first joined the sky, presenting his first creation - the Dove glider. There is Konstantin
Artseulov received a diploma of a soaring pilot for No. 1.

80 years ago, in 1929, the VI All-Union glider meeting took place on Mount Klementyev. Here, for the first time, a student of the Moscow Higher Technical School Sergei Korolev appeared. He presented his first soaring glider SK-1 Koktebel, on which he himself showed the longest flight time - 4 hours 19 minutes.

In the same 1929, the Osoviahim Central Gliding School was opened on Mount Klementyev - the "progenitor" of the current Koktebel Gliding Center.

By the way, the new Crimean attraction has a wonderful "big brother" - "Ai-Petrinsky Meridian". On Mount Ai-Petri, not far from the weather station, on a hillock, a monument of an original form was erected: a cast-iron ball on a granite pedestal. The ball symbolizes the globe, and the tablets are fixed on the pedestal: one with coordinates, height above sea level, the second with the inscription: “G.U.Z. and 3. - O.Z.U. - The main benchmark of the Crimean water surveys. - Established in 1913.

Rapper (emphasis is placed on the last syllable) translated from French - mark, sign, starting point. In geodesy, this is the name of a sign that fixes the coordinates of a point on the earth's surface. Benchmarks serve as reference points for determining the heights of intermediate points on the earth's surface during topographic surveys and survey work.

"Ai-Petrinsky Meridian" was built for accurate topographical "binding" of the work of the Crimean water surveys of the Main Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture - the Department of Land Improvements (this is how the abbreviation G.U.Z. and 3. - O.Z.U. stands for), which in 1913-1918 carried out survey work on Ai-Petri and ensured the construction of water supply facilities in Yalta.

Halfway between the equator and the North Pole is the 45th parallel. At this degree of northern latitude, that is, at the mid-parallel of our hemisphere, is the Krasnodar Territory. This is very symbolic. The remarkable location of the Krasnodar Territory on the planet, at equal distance from the equator and the North Pole, in the middle of the temperate zone, determines the most important climatic feature of the region - a sufficient amount of fertile solar heat. It is the fertile warmth, and not the equatorial heat or the northern cold. Thus, the 45th parallel designates the region as the most favorable place for life. Figuratively speaking, we can say that the territory lying on the 45th parallel is located on the Golden Mean of the planet Earth.

At a new historical stage, the cosmic theme of the 45th parallel sounded in full force. Crimea, where the 45th parallel also lies, was assigned an important role in this grandiose task: it served as one of the space flight control centers (by the way, Baikonur is also located approximately at the 45th parallel). So, the equidistance from the equator and the North Pole provided not only convenience in launching spacecraft into orbit and their further control. Alternate runways for the Buranovs near Simferopol were also built around the 45th parallel to make the approach as easy as possible to control the space shuttle.
There are absolutely mystical facts that defy rational explanation. For example, the “subtle power connections” of the line of the 45th parallel with Christian shrines. It is interesting that many Christian churches were built exactly on this line, and in places either located in the forest, or where people had not previously settled.
So, exactly on the 45th parallel is St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mazanka near Simferopol. There were no villages here before, and only Russian retired soldiers founded here in 1784 the "Sloboda of St. Petersburg hut", and the place for the temple was clearly not chosen by chance. Next - the convent of St. Paraskeva near the village of Topolevka (Belogorsky district). And again the church is exactly on the 45th parallel, and the place for the monastery was chosen in the forest zone. And there is no evidence that there was once a settlement here or that people lived at all.
We move further to the east - and the church of the medieval Armenian monastery of Surb-Khach (near the Old Crimea) turns out to be at a point equidistant from the equator and the pole - and also in a dense forest.
It is not known how people chose places for temples - whether they had such good astronomical instruments or whether they chose "heart". In addition, villages and buildings of monasteries can be a hundred meters slightly north or south of the 45th parallel, but the places of churches do not know mistakes!
It should be noted another phenomenon of the 45th parallel - natural. For example, botanists are well aware of Mount Kubalach, which is in the Belogorsk district: Kuznetsov's cyclamen grows here. This beautiful flower is an absolute unique in the vast family of cyclamen, the rarest endemic (named after the famous botanist). In its natural state, Kuznetsov's cyclamen grows only on Kubalach and, imagine, nowhere else in the world!
On the slopes of Mount Kubalach there is another remarkable object of nature - the source of Ak-Su. The name of the source, which literally translates as "White Water", is very symptomatic. Doesn't it remind the legendary Belovodye - Shambhala? According to one version, the mythical abode of freedom and wisdom was sought in the Gobi, a huge mountainous country, also stretching along the 45th parallel ...
So, we can assume that the appearance of objects of extraterrestrial civilization on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory is not so accidental. Formations that have been studied for more than 35 years by the Russian scientist and researcher in this field, coordinator of the research association "Kosmopoisk" V.A. Chernobrov, got some statistics. What are the mysterious crop circles? Is their extraterrestrial origin possible, what is the peculiarity?
Studies of 35 years have shown: the feature of the 45th parallel contributes to the approach of flying objects of extraterrestrial civilization to enter the near-Earth space. Yes, the formations are of extraterrestrial origin (excluding man-made fakes).
Scientists have not solved the riddle of geometric structures in the fields. But the club of researchers "Kosmopoisk" shared with us about some features of these formations.

Crop circles have been forming for a long time. As far back as the 18th century, there are references to strange shafts on wheat with an even geometric projection. In 1980, the first Russian research club "Kosmopoisk" was founded, whose members are engaged in research in this area. Observations have shown that these phenomena occur on the territory of our country at 45 parallels of northern latitude. They appear at the same time with chronological accuracy. The convenience of such observations has laid down the tradition of the Kosmopoisk club to go camping to the right area and be, as they say, in the center of events. The campground is located on the very high point nearby area. At night (the time of the formation of mysterious circles), a patrol with night fixation devices (cameras, binoculars, tripod devices, walkie-talkies for communication with the main camp) is on duty. Farmers have been cooperating with Cosmopoisk in recent years, their fears have been dispelled, and the plowing of anomalies has not been carried out lately. Anomalies instilled fear in the owners of the fields for the entire harvest. Measurements with a Geiger counter showed that the radioactive background in the anomalous circles is lower in projections than in the main field.
To date, humanity does not have such technologies, and, unfortunately, only knows how to pollute space. These projections are not dangerous to crops or people. A feature is the disappearance of insects inhabiting, as you know, every meter of the earth's space. Anthills, with which the earth is plentifully dotted, are abandoned by their owners. In circles, the clock of life freezes. But the wheat remains alive, the ears are only stacked, not a single stalk is broken. The laying was done in a special order, evenly, directed, having a twist in the middle, as if mechanically, according to a certain pattern. The edges are even. Projections, despite the large size, are geometric, strictly oriented in space according to the compass and have some unknown regularity.
The core is based in the center of the largest circle (in the ground in this place there is a depression 25-30 cm wide 8-9 cm in the form of a cone, the edges of the earth are so compacted or burned that they look like polished graphite, there are no traces of eversion or sagging on the edges of the depression ; education is not like a mechanical effect.

According to the descriptions of the witnesses of the anomaly, the birds behave in an interesting way. Flying over the formation, the pichugs suddenly change their flight path, flying around it, like some kind of obstacle formed by a pattern. Researchers have noticed that hedgehog corpses are sometimes found in the resulting circles.
The fact is that, according to eyewitnesses who saw night flashes in the sky, when approaching an object, equipment reacts first of all, cars and electronic devices stop working. Cars stall, electronic devices “jump”, and the next time they approach, a person falls into a panic fear that drives eyewitnesses away, away from the place.
Apparently, when the formation is created, a certain electromagnetic frequency is emitted, prompting all living things to carry away their legs, saving life. Hedgehogs, when afraid, are accustomed not to run away, but to curl up into a ball. That's why they get killed. There are cases when the brave, overcoming fear, disappeared and never returned. The impact lasts minutes, no more, after which panic horror is replaced by curiosity. The object from which the impact was made disappears by that time, and the eyewitnesses, overwhelmed with excitement, enter the field. Witnesses claim that the ground in the formation is hot for the next few hours. For the first time after 10 hours on the formed circle, the members of Kosmopoisk noted that the thermal imager recorded an increased temperature of the earth in the formation by 10 ° C. And this is after 10 hours of night and morning coolness of the environment!

On June 8, 2015, a new formation was noted on the territory of Adygea near the village of Dondukovskaya. A mobile detachment of ufologists from the city of Armavir, led by Sershey Frolov, immediately set off to investigate the phenomenon (see photo above). The forecast is that the circles are genuine. Measurements were made, witnesses were identified. Unfortunately, no witnesses were found this year. The formation is far from the settlement, and the track is deserted in the dead of night. The circles at the time of the arrival of the mobile group were pretty trampled, the terminal one was practically destroyed. Accurate measurements were taken, soils were taken for analysis. Armavir is waiting for the main race of the Kosmopoisk group led by V. A. Chernobrov for further research.
Ekaterina Goncharova,
member of the Cosmopoisk group
Communication with ufologists
Armavir: [email protected]

Yesterday was Easter, and today it's snowing all day! In the yard - April 17, 2017. May Easter be early this year. But this does not get rid of the feeling that there will simply be no spring: the May holidays are coming, and I am still afraid to “change shoes” for the car for the summer. Once again, you involuntarily catch yourself thinking: why was I not born somewhere in the south! After all, it is not so easy to take and move with your family to the Crimea! And so I want simple atmospheric heat. To walk in shorts not only in July, but also in June, and in May, and - I'm not afraid of this word - in April!

Generally speaking, not so long ago Russia was perceived from the outside and from the inside as an “eastern” country. Our ancestors unequivocally perceived their homeland as northern. Only with the annexation of the same Crimea under Catherine the Great did the “Nordic” character of Russia “warm up”. And it became easterly in the era of geographical exploration of the Urals, Siberia, and so on to Alaska. But Russia has not ceased to be less northern because of this. The same Alaska is the east for Moscow, but for global geography - what a north! Vladimir Zhirinovsky will show you about this on your fingers - more precisely, on a pointer.

The following table shows major cities depending on the latitude of their location on our planet, from 69th to 30th - from Norilsk to Cairo. To the north of Norilsk, settlements do not reach the status of a city, and to the south of Cairo, everything is clear.

The first thing that catches your eye during a quick look at the table is how far north we live! Even if we talk about Moscow. After all, the vast majority of Europe is located south of our capital! To the north, only Scandinavia and the Baltic countries, and the rest of Europe - at the level of our warm Black Earth region and the hot Caucasus! Paris south of Kharkov, Marseille south of Sochi. Mediterranean Europe has no analogues in Russia at all, because there is simply no such southern Russia. So, Rome is on the same parallel with Tashkent, and from this thought alone my idea of ​​the world turns upside down, because people live in Moscow and Rome, as if on different planets!

But all this comes to mind when you look at the middle of the table. If you start from the very top, it turns out that only Russian cities are located north of the 65th parallel. No other country in the world has any large settlements beyond the Arctic Circle. But we have a whole galaxy of them: 69° - Norilsk, 68° - Murmansk, 67° - Vorkuta, 66° - Salekhard, 65° - Severodvinsk. And only on the 64th parallel, the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, joins our Arkhangelsk.

The Scandinavian capitals are located as much as 5 degrees south: Oslo and Helsinki - on the 60th parallel (where St. Petersburg is), Stockholm and Tallinn - on the 59th. But this “southernness” still pales in comparison: just imagine that St. Petersburg is as much north of Moscow as Arkhangelsk is north of St. Petersburg and Murmansk is as much north of Arkhangelsk! And Norilsk is even further north! From some of these mental constructions, arctic cold runs down the back ...

Move south! And now from Moscow, which is located on the quite comfortable 56th parallel, we will follow "down" the map - to my native Tula. Where it snows at the end of April. But this is the first half-million city south of Moscow, so it's a sin to complain. But upon careful study of the table, it turns out that Tula is north of the vast majority of European cities. Dublin is south, Berlin is south, London is hot! London - the harsh climate of which the British are so fond of talking - is 2 degrees south of Tula.

The rest of the European cities are generally “in Tashkent”: Kyiv is 5 degrees south of Moscow (we will still start from the white stone one), Kharkiv - 6 degrees, Paris - 7 degrees! But the most puzzling fact for me personally is that Ottawa (yes, the capital of that northern and frosty Canada) is on the same parallel with Simferopol! Ottawa and Simferopol! Carl, how can that be! All my conscious life I have been dreaming of moving to the warm alluring Crimea, but it turns out that the “harsh” Ottawa is located on the same latitude as it! What are they complaining about then, Canadians? And what to say about the Americans, who, of course, are south of the southernmost strip of Canada.

The horrors of the consciousness of geographical facts continue: Boston is south of Sochi, and New York is south of Tashkent! Los Angeles lies on the same parallel with Damascus, and San Diego is only 1 degree north of Jerusalem! There is nothing to see south of the holy city, because Egypt is already alluring there, and everyone who was there will confirm that this is not Vyatka or Vologda, in which it is probably also snowing now ...

What about in the southern hemisphere?

All this time we have been talking about the northern latitude, leaving the southern hemisphere without attention. And here everything is very simple. Everyone understands perfectly well that in the southern hemisphere, the closer to the pole, that is, the further south, the colder. In other words, a mirror image of the northern hemisphere. So there is no south of the 40th parallel in the southern hemisphere major cities except, perhaps, New Zealand. It's the same as if in the northern hemisphere civilization ended at the latitude of Rome and Madrid. If Sochi were in the southern hemisphere, it would become its coldest major city! Realizing this, you involuntarily hit your head on the table and think: why were you born in the northern empire, and not somewhere in Tmutarakan like Melbourne ...

On the issue of parallels

After we have confirmed the sad fact that we live far, far in the north, as European, Japanese and American sages did not dream of, it's time to talk about the "parallelism" of parallels. Is it the same thing - to live on the same parallel? Obviously, the climate of London and Orel are, as they say, two big differences. However, this does not bother some industrialists, and they gladly put an equal sign between cities lying on the same latitude. How do, for example, winemakers "Fanagoria".

Temryuk and Bordeaux lie on the same latitude - the 45th. Therefore, the wines of Fanagoria are as amazing as those of Bordeaux? Or is it, to put it mildly, not so?

In general, even judging by the above picture, on the same parallel with Bordeaux and the village of Sennaya in the Temryuk region of the Krasnodar Territory there are also the vineyards of Moldova, Ukraine, in Russia - Astrakhan, and then the Central Asian deserts, the Tien Shan mountains and the Gobi desert. And all this is the 45th parallel. Of course, the climatic features of a particular region directly depend on latitude, but they are not determined by it alone.

As regards the mentioned vineyards, linking the quality of the resulting wine to the latitude of a well-known wine-growing region is a kind of simplification. Of course, for harsh Russia (even if we are talking about its southernmost limits), the issue of winter hardiness of the vine is fundamental. In 2006, in the Krasnodar Territory, the temperature dropped to -37°C. Needless to say, the continentality of the climate cannot be corrected by latitude. In the same Bordeaux, the temperature minimum, which had a disastrous effect on the vineyards, was recorded in 1956 and amounted to -20 ° C. Just feel the difference.

Needless to say: if Krasnodar and Crimea are considered harsh regions, then what can be said about Tula, Moscow and further - without exaggeration - thousands of kilometers to the north ...

The golden mean of the earth

Crimea, who came here, speaks enthusiastically about this peninsula. It is impossible to forget its beauty, its intoxicating air, warm gentle sea and many sights that I wrote about and. There are statements by scientists, clergymen, ufologists that the attractiveness of the Crimea is due to its location on the 45th parallel. Here is such an unusual sight in the Crimea. Perhaps someone remembers from school what the 45th parallel is, but someone probably does not remember.

The 45th parallel, located in the northern hemisphere, is a conditional line plotted on a map parallel to the equator and dividing the distance from the north pole to the equator in half. It follows from the above that Crimea is located at the same distance from the north pole and the equator, and this distance is about 5 thousand kilometers. That is, the peninsula is located in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.

road sign - golden parallel

The weather conditions here are much milder than the hot equatorial summers and the harsh cold winters of the north pole. In other words, there is a golden mean here, which is why the parallel is called the golden one.

Along this parallel, the Great, silk, trade route from England to India passed, which ceased to serve its purposes after the robberies by the Ottoman Empire.

According to the traveler and scientist - researcher Voloshin, in tsarist Russia a railway project was developed, which was supposed to pass along the 45th parallel and connect England with India. That is, according to the project, the railway would pass through the Crimea.

golden parallel of the earth

The peninsula has been a center for space research since the times of the USSR, and it is on the 45th parallel that this center is located. You can read about it in the article "".

The golden mean of the planet earth passes in the Crimea through Mount Klementyev, where the gliding center "Koktebel" is located. It was in this place that on December 3, 2009 a memorial sign was installed - "45th parallel is the golden mean of the planet earth."

It has also been noted that since ancient times, Orthodox churches have been built along the golden parallel, they were always built strictly on the 45th parallel, often in deserted places. Later, settlements began to be built near the temples.

It is known that many years ago there was a great migration of peoples, both from north to south and from west to east. The movement of people often took place along the path along this parallel. Ufologists explain this by internal energy movements and some unusual energy along the entire parallel. Who knows, maybe. My opinion is that the Crimean peninsula is endowed with a strong, bright energy.

Therefore, Crimea is a good, fertile place to live. Therefore, all guests of the peninsula feel comfortable here, receive not only health, a beautiful tan, but also very positive emotions.

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