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Mari Chodra National Park. Mari Chodra National Park in Mari El General information about Mari Chodra

national park"Mari Chodra" was organized on September 13, 1985 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR "On the establishment of the State Natural National Park "Mari Chodra" in the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic." The history of Mariy Chodra is not limited to 1985.

At the end of the 19th century, in the Kazan province, which included the Mari Territory, the Lushmar forestry was formed.

On October 1, 1927, the Lushmarskoe forestry became known as the Mushmari forestry enterprise, and since 1929 the forestry enterprise has become a timber industry enterprise.

Since 1963, the Mushmarinsky forestry enterprise has become a mechanized forestry enterprise, the material and technical base is expanding, its staff is increasing, thinning has been carried out mechanized, and reforestation is mainly artificial, but, as before, the main factor of production was man.

1966 was the year the permanent tree nursery was founded. With modern technology and advanced work organization, the nursery was one of the best in Russia and was repeatedly awarded the title of "Nursery of High Culture".

A significant contribution to the development of the Mushmarinsky mekhleskhoz was made by its director Nemtsev A.N. Having justified the organization of a permanent forest nursery, he laid the foundation for the concept of the future national park "Mariy Chodra". “Do not cut down the forest, but take care of it, restore and use it for recreational purposes,” this principle was discussed back in the mid-60s and 70s, but was legally enshrined only in 1985.

The National Park "Mariy Chodra" today is 36.8 thousand hectares of forest, 4 forestries: Lushmarskoye, Klenogorskoye, Yalchinskoye, Kerebelyakskoye, and since 2000 also the Mushmarinsky forest nursery (now the nursery of NP "Mariy Chodra").

Creation goals:

Preservation of natural complexes, unique and reference natural sites and objects, preservation of historical, cultural and other cultural heritage sites, environmental education of the population, creation of conditions for regulated tourism and recreation of the population, familiarization with nature, cultural and historical sights, development and implementation of scientific methods environmental protection, educational activities, implementation of measures for the protection and reproduction of flora and fauna. The regime of the national park allows you to preserve natural complexes and objects of flora and fauna, cultural and historical objects.

Particularly valuable natural objects

There are more than 30 monuments of archeology and history in the park, which date back to the Neolithic era: settlements, places of worship (burial grounds, prayer places, altars).

Archaeological sites:


a brief description of

1. Oshutyalskoe VIII settlement

It was discovered in 1995. There are 6 deep depressions. Presumably belong to the remains of ancient dwellings-semi-dugouts.

2. Oshutyalskaya IV site

It was discovered in 1994. No material remains have been found, cultural affiliation has not been determined.

3. Oshutyalskaya I site

It was discovered in 1975. The width of the site is 7–9 m. The surface is turfed, overgrown with mixed forest. Approximate area 200 m 2. On examination, he will find a subrhombic arrowhead.

4. Oshutyalskoe III settlement

Discovered in 1991. The surface of the monument is well-turfed and covered with mixed forest. A total of 14 depressions were identified. The excavation collection includes 3320 items. The monument is attributed to the Late Bronze Age of the Zamischensky and Atabayevsky stages of the Order culture (the last quarter of the 2nd millennium BC). The monument is of interest for the study of the Late Bronze Age in the basin of the river. Volga.

5. Settlement Ozerki III

Opened in 2002. The surface of the monument is well-turfed, covered with pine forest. Area 900 m2. 3 depressions have been identified. The cultural affiliation of the monument and the time of its existence have not been determined.

6. Complex of monuments near the village of Ozerki (Oshutyalskaya II site)

Opened in 1975. The site of the monument is crossed by an old dirt road. In 1974, a forest plantation was made on the site of the monument. Defined as an Eneolithic site (Volosovo culture). Excavations have been made. The monument is of interest for the study of the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Late Bronze Age and early Middle Ages on the left bank of the river. Volga.

7. Parking Ozerki V

Opened in 1994. The site of the monument is well covered with turf, overgrown with mixed forest, the area is 2000 m 2 . Excavations have been made.

8. Ozerki IV site (Oshutyalskaya VI)

Opened in 1994. The monument is attributed to the Kama culture of the Neolithic era. Excavations have been carried out.

9. Burial ground near the village Polevaya

Opened in 1956. The burial ground is dated to the 17th – 18th centuries. and identified as Mari pagan. Excavations have been carried out.

10. Prayer near the village of Yanash-Belyak "Aga payrem arch"

Opened in 1956

11. Prayer near the village of Pekoza

Some birch trees reach 1.5 m. All the birch trees of this grove have signs (ancestral tamgas), cut down with an ax at a height of 1 - 1.5 m. It is an ancient Mari pagan prayer site.

12. Prayer near the village of Tashnur

Opened in 1956

13. Location I near the village of Pekoza

It was discovered in 1956. The cultural layer and other finds were not found. A local resident found an ax dated to the Bronze Age (Balanovo culture).

14. Location II near the village of Pekoza

It was discovered in 1956. A local resident found an iron pink salmon scythe, a coulter and a copper stirrup. No other finds were found. According to the clothing complex, the location is dated to the first half of the 2nd millennium AD. e.

15. Location I near the village of Toshnur

Discovered in 1956. Flint flakes found. No cultural layer has been identified.

16. Location near the village of Yanash-Belyak

In 1956, granite and flint flakes of indefinite shape were found. No cultural layer has been identified.

17. Parking at the village of Alekseevskoye

In 1956, fragments of stucco pottery with textile imprints and flint flakes were found. The parking area is 250 m 2 .

18. Burial ground near the village. Alekseevskoe

It was discovered while digging a foundation pit in 1970. Human bones, jewelry made of silver and bronze, beads, iron tools were found. Grave pits with the remains of tombs were found in the walls of the pit. The graves were not opened.


The territory of the national park "Mariy Chodra" is located in the eastern part of the Russian Plain, on the southern spurs of the Mariysko-Vyatsky ridge, in the basin of the river. Ilet - the left tributary of the Volga River. There is an alternation of flat (Mari lowland) and elevated sections of the Mari-Vyatka ridge, complicated by uplands, cut up by ravines, sides, hollows, relief drops. The park is located in a natural zone of coniferous-deciduous forests with boreal and forest-steppe elements. Floristically, the national park "Mariy Chodra" is located at the junction of the European and West Siberian provinces of the Eurosiberian floristic region A. A. Fedorova (1979). The capital of the Republic of Mari El is located 70 km, Cheboksary - 80 km, Kazan - 80 km. The Yoshkar-Ola-Kazan railway and the Yoshkar-Ola-Zeleny Dol highway pass through the park from north to south.

Posted Wed, 07/07/2010 - 21:02 by Cap

(Mouth of Yushut - Confluence of Yushut and Ileti)


The National Park "Mari Chodra" was established by the Decree of the Government of the RSFSR No. 400 dated September 13, 1985 on the territory of the Republic of Mari El. Subordinate to the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Mari El. The name Mari Chodra - translated from the Mari - MARI FOREST.

The national park is located in the southeast of the Republic of Mari El, in its most economically developed part, on the territory of three administrative districts: Morkinsky, Zvenigovsky, Volzhsky. There are 5 settlements on the territory of the park, where about 15 thousand people live.

The area of ​​the national park is 36.6 thousand hectares, all lands are provided to the national park. Forest lands occupy 34.0 thousand hectares (92.9% of the park), incl. forested - 33.5 thousand hectares (91.5%). Non-forest lands occupy only 7.1% of the park, among them: hayfields, pastures, arable land - 1%, water - 2%, swamps - 1%, roads and clearings - 2%, the rest - estates and other lands. The national park is located at a distance of 60 km from the city of Yoshkar-Ola and 30 km from the city of Volzhsk. Its territory is crossed Railway Yoshkar-Ola - Moscow and the highway of republican significance Yoshkar-Ola - Kazan.


Functional zoning
In 1982, the Institute "Rosgiproles" (Moscow) developed the Project for the organization of the national park (feasibility study for the organization of the state natural park "Mariy Chodra"). According to design decisions, a differentiated regime for the protection and use of land has been established on the territory of the national park.
The following functional zoning is currently accepted:

Reserve regime zone - 7.6 thousand hectares (20.7% of the total area).

The zone of extensive recreational use is 14.1 thousand hectares (38.6%).

Zone of intensive recreational use - 13.9 thousand hectares (38.1%).

Other territories - 1.0 thousand hectares (2.6%). The protected zone of the national park is 93.4 thousand hectares.



The park is located in the southeastern part of the Mari ASSR, in river basin Ilet- the left tributary of the Volga, and is included in the strip of mixed forests of the forest zone.

The structure of the MASSR surface was studied by B. F. Dobrynin (1933), and later by V. N. Smirnov (1957). 3 main geomorphological regions were identified: the elevated northeastern, sandy lowland of the left bank of the Trans-Volga region, the region of the high right bank of the Volga. The geomorphology of the first region was influenced by the Mariysko-Vyatka swell, in the southern tip of which the national park Mariy-Chodra is located.

The Mari-Vyatka swell begins in the Kirov region, runs in the meridional direction along the Mari ASSR and ends in the Tatar Republic. It received the greatest development in the Mari ASSR. Its length here is about 130 km, the width is up to 40 km, the maximum height is 284 m above sea level. seas. The river valleys cutting through the rampart are deeply incised and in some places resemble mountain gorges. This area ( Mountain Reserve) B. F. Dobrynin refers to low-mountain areas. To the south, the rampart goes down and breaks up into separate wide uplands - Kerebelakskaya, Klenogorsk etc. The latter is located approximately in the center of the park.

A more modern and detailed physical-geographical zoning preserved the areas established by Dobrynin and singled out 6 physical-geographical regions in them. The territory of the natural park is included in the Ilet high-plain southern taiga region with the development of modern karst.

The rocks of the Kazanian stage - limestones, dolomites, marls, sandstones, gray clays and gypsum - are characterized by greater porosity and resistance to erosion processes than the layers of the Tatarian stage. Therefore, the Kazanian stage creates a more dissected relief, with steep slopes and karst formations (failure forms of relief), which is especially typical for the uplifts of the Mariysko-Vyatka swell: stone mountain, Katai-mountains, B. and M. Karman-Kuryk, maple mountain and etc.

By the Quaternary period, the main features of the relief were the same as now. The leading role in the formation of the relief of the eastern part of the republic belonged to the Mari-Vyatka shaft. As we approach R. Ilet the shaft is divided into tent-shaped hills, the southernmost of them - Maple Mountain.

On Maple Mountain there is a natural monument - Klenogorskaya Dubrava!


Lakes give a special picturesque landscape. In the forest-covered valley of the Ileti, there are many floodplain oxbow lakes of various sizes and shapes. All lakes of failed origin, forest, with the exception of Kozhla-Solinskiy. Among them there are also rich in therapeutic mud. Larger and more accessible lakes - Yalchik , Kichier- already have on their shores health resorts. On Yalchik (length1600 m, width 250-900, depth up to32 m) there is a rest house, sports and recreational and pioneer camps. More than 300 people rest in them. Known for his treatment sanatorium "Klenovaya Gora"".

On the lake Kichier, nearly equal to Yalchik, but with a shallow part overgrown in the east, there are two sanatoriums.


Lake Glukhoe, Conanier(beside Oak Pugachev), Mushander, Long (Kuzh-er) and smaller and more remote ones are being developed by unorganized tourists. Kozhla-Solinskoye Lake located in the village of Krasnogorsky. Located on the shore of the lake administrative center parka.

The water of forest karst lakes is highly transparent, except for peat lakes. It was especially famous for this lake Yalchik. But, unfortunately, the overload of the lake by vacationers, free visitors, fishermen has recently led to an increase in the turbidity of the water.

The soil cover of the park is diverse due to differences in relief and underlying rocks. Soil survey of the entire territory of the park was not carried out. Zonal soddy-podzolic soils predominate. In some areas, the carbonate content of bedrocks led to the formation of intrazonal soils. Mariy-Chodra is included in the Shoro-Iletsky and partially in the Zvenigovsky soil regions. The dominant position is occupied by sandy and sandy loamy slightly and medium podzolic soils on ancient alluvial sands. They line, with the exception of floodplains, the Ileti valley and its tributaries. Insignificant areas among sandy and sandy loamy soils in closed depressions are peat-bog soils.


Closer to the feet of the Kerebelak and Klenogorsk uplands, soddy-weakly and medium podzolic sandy and sandy loam soils formed on thin ancient alluvial sands underlain by Permian clays and loams. On the gentle slopes of the uplands, weakly and medium podzolic sandy and loamy soils are developed. On steeper slopes, there are soddy-calcareous podzolized loams on Permian carbonate deposits.

In the floodplain of the Ileti, which is covered with forest within the natural park, sandy and light loamy floodplain layered soils (river floodplain), floodplain granular soils (central floodplain), silt-marsh, peaty-silt-gley soils (terrace floodplain) are common. In places where bends develop, where the process of destruction of the coasts and the deposition of sediments of modern alluvium is actively taking place, especially at the time of the flood of spring waters, buried floodplain soils are formed. Floodplain oak forests or lime forests, aspen forests and birch forests that have replaced them, dominate here, and alder forests dominate in the terraced floodplain and the inner parts of the bends.



The flora and vegetation of the park are diverse. Its territory is located on the southern border of coniferous-deciduous forests of the subtaiga zone, and in floristic terms - at the junction of the European and West Siberian provinces of the Euro-Siberian floristic region.

The flora of this limited area includes 774 species and subspecies from 363 genera of 93 families, which is more than 67% of the flora of the Mari ASSR. A number of taiga species, both European (European spruce) and Siberian (Siberian fir), are found here with elements of forest-steppes (summer oak) and steppes (feather grass).

In the communities of the national park, there is a combination of species belonging to the most diverse ecological and cenotic groups. This is especially characteristic of the vegetation of Klenovaya Gora, which is a complex of biogeocenoses of the forest zone, rare in terms of compactness, in the strip of coniferous-deciduous forests.

Pine forests grow mainly on sandy and sandy loamy soils and make up 27.7% of forests. Among them, pure green moss pine forests predominate, often with the participation of aspen, birch, and sometimes spruce. A special place belongs to sphagnum pine forests. Although their area is only about 600 hectares, they are an important component of the park's natural complex.
Spruce forests are presented in mosaic and occupy only 3.3% of the forest area. They may include pine, birch, aspen.

Oak forests are developed on the hills with the participation of linden, maple, elm, elm with an admixture of conifers. These are upland oak forests (or their derivatives). They are similar to upland forest-steppe oak forests, but differ in the presence of representatives of the European and Siberian taiga in them. Maple-spruce-linden oak forests are more common.

It is known that river valleys, due to a number of ecological features, are channels for the penetration of vegetation from neighboring zones. This is also observed in the Ileti valley. Here, mixed forests are quite widely represented (about 6.3% of the entire forest area of ​​the park). In them, in various combinations, there are spruce and linden, oak, maple, pine, birch, aspen, elm, elm; willows, black poplar (black poplar) are common along the channel shore; in the undergrowth and grass cover - nemoral-boreal elements. Directly in the floodplain, floodplain oak forests, near-channel shrub-forb, middle floodplain linden-snotweed, terraced elm-cherry forests are developed. In the floodplains, there are occasionally small patches of post-forest meadow vegetation, steppe on the crests.

A small area (219 ha) is occupied by low-lying grass swamps, scattered mainly in the open landscape of the southern part of the park. The most famous is the Iron Swamp. Coastal-aquatic vegetation is developed along the low-lying banks of rivers, their oxbow lakes and lakes.

The flora of the park includes about 50 rare species, which is 1/4 of the list of rare and endangered species of local flora. Of the species listed in the Red Book of the USSR (1984), there is a real slipper and a red pollenhead.

Relic plants can be seen in sphagnum bogs: marsh hamarbia, Magellanic and string-rooted sedges, white gooseberry, multi-eared cotton grass, sundews. Relic species of various ages, plants of forests of the taiga type are noted: common ram, flattened and three-spike diphaziums, alpine and Parisian two-petals, one-flowered large-flowered, common sedge, common sedge; plants of broad-leaved and coniferous-broad-leaved forests: short-legged forest and pinnate, Beneken's rump, Japanese torilis; plants of interglacial steppe flora: carnation Borbash, kachim paniculata, greenish resin, Siberian bluebell, seven-leaf cinquefoil, common thyme, common modovnik, field wormwood, sheep fescue, feather grass.

Rare species include species located on the border of the range: in the north - laxative joster, forest apple tree, etc., in the south and southwest - red-fruited crow, kakali I spear-shaped, in the east - common heather, Germanic gorse, in the west - Bunge chickweed , Arnell's sedge, Ural tsitserbita.

Some plant species have become endangered as a result of the disappearance of plant communities. For example, from the swamps - the marsh dream, the pulp is single-leaved, the streamer is compressed, the Lapland willow, and from the field - the common cockle.

As a result of increased exploitation, the endangered ones include sandy cumin, pure white water lily, curly lily, Siberian iris, etc.



The park is inhabited by many animals of the strip of mixed forests of the European part of Russia. This is due to the ecological and trophic diversity of habitat conditions, as well as the geographical position of the park at the junction of natural zones. The fauna of the republic is well studied (Pershakov, 1927; Formozov, 1935; Efremov, 1957, 1977; Rusov, 1977; Baldaev, 1977; Ivanov, 1983, etc.). However, a systematic study of the fauna of the national park has not yet been carried out. But if we exclude species that live in ecotopes that are not typical for the park (the forest-steppe part of the republic, the Volga valley, the Cheboksary reservoir), then it should be assumed that about 50 species of mammals, about 100 - birds and 29 species of fish live in its lands.

Among mammals, the order of rodents is the most numerous. In the forests of the park, from the squirrel family, there are squirrels and chipmunks - a recent eastern alien; from the mouse family - wood mouse, red vole, yellow-throated mouse, etc. From the order of lagomorphs, a hare is not uncommon, and a hare is occasionally found along the borders with fields.

The order of carnivores is represented by the mustelid family: weasel, ermine, polecat, pine marten, European and, possibly, American (released in the MASSR in 1948), minks are all relatively small. The otter noted by Yushut is especially rare. Interestingly, the mink sometimes hunts birds, in particular hazel grouse, by voice. Of the cats, apparently, the lynx comes in. Moose are common in the forests. Another representative of the artiodactyl order - the wild boar - is less common.

Specially protected species include the otter and the beaver, which was brought from the Voronezh Reserve and released into the lands of the republic in 1947. It is interesting that beavers were previously found on the Irovka, a tributary of the Ileti, but were exterminated.

In the lands of Mariy-Chodry, especially in the Ileti floodplain, many bats live in hollows in overmature forests.

The most common birds of the passerine order, whose life is connected with forests: jay, magpie, oriole, crossbills, pika, nuthatch, titmouse, etc. This should also include birds from the woodpecker order: large and small motley woodpeckers, bile. In mixed forests with a diverse and dense undergrowth, representatives of the thrush family are common: fieldfare thrush, mistle, blackbird.

Of the forest birds that lead nocturnal and twilight life, although less common, one should name the long-eared owl, hawk owl, leggy owl and the largest of the owl family - the eagle owl. Common nightjar.

Of the grouse birds, taiga species live in the park: capercaillie (unfortunately, its numbers have sharply decreased) and hazel grouse. In clearings and young forests, a resident of the forest-steppe and broad-leaved forests - black grouse keeps.

Of the snipe family, the woodcock is common; snipe and great snipe are less common due to the limited meadow-marsh spaces.

The family of pigeons is represented by the dove, the dove and the dove. The first two live in old oak forests on Maple Mountain and feed on acorns.

Of the daytime birds of prey, the most common buzzard, goshawk, black kite. No nesting eagles found. But flights of the golden eagle - the largest eagle - are possible. Another rare feathered predator - the osprey - was noted along the river. Ilet, a little south of the park.
Until recently, gray herons lived in the park: two pairs of herons nested in huge pine trees on the banks of the Ileti. There are currently none.

Of the waterfowl nesting birds in floodplain lakes and swampy channels, mallard duck and common teal are common, but they are less common in reservoirs of failed origin. Perhaps the habitation of the goldeneye - a typical forest duck, arranging nests in hollows.
Seasonal concentrations of birds are small. In autumn, diving ducks temporarily stop on the lakes, and in spring the flight over the overflowing rivers is more lively. In autumn and winter, bullfinch, waxwing, sometimes nutcracker, etc. migrate.

National Park "Mari Chodra" is the most picturesque object in the Republic of Mari El. It is located in the south-east of the republic, in its most economically developed part, on the territory of three administrative districts: Morkinsky, Zvenigovsky and Volzhsky (Fig. 3.1).

The purpose of the creation is the protection of rare and endangered species of flora (115 rare and endangered species of flora are registered in the park), fauna and historical and archaeological monuments.

The area of ​​the national park is 36.6 thousand hectares, all lands are provided to the national park. Forest lands occupy 34 thousand hectares (92.9% of the park), including 33.5 thousand hectares (91.5%) covered with forests.

Non-forest lands occupy only 7.1% of the park, among them: hayfields, pastures, arable land - 1%, water - 2%, swamps - 1%, roads and clearings - 2%, the rest - estates and other lands.

The national park is located at a distance of 60 km from the city of Yoshkar-Ola and 30 km from the city of Volzhsk. Its territory is crossed by the railway Yoshkar-Ola - Moscow and the highway of republican significance Yoshkar-Ola - Kazan.

Relief. Most of the territory of the national park belongs to the Ilet high-plain southern taiga region with the development of modern karst. It is a slightly undulating plain with absolute heights of 75...125 m above sea level, with island heights (Klenogorsk, Kerebelak). The active manifestation of the karst process led to the development of karst landforms - numerous sinkholes up to 50-60 m in diameter and sink-type lakes up to 35 m deep.

Climate. The climate of the area where the national park "Mariy Chodra" is located is temperate continental, characterized by relatively hot summers and frosty winters with stable snow cover. The average annual air temperature fluctuates in the range of +2...+3 ºС. The average long-term monthly temperature of the warmest month - July - is +18.6 ºС. The absolute minimum air temperature reaches -52 ºС. The average duration of the warm period of the year with temperatures above 0 ºС is about 200 days.

The territory belongs to the zone of unstable moistening, there are years with sufficient, sometimes with excessive moisture, and sometimes dry. Precipitation falls unevenly throughout the year. Their largest number is observed in summer, the smallest - in winter. An average of 500 mm of precipitation falls annually. During the warm period (April - October) - about 150 mm. The largest monthly amount of precipitation is observed in July - 60...700 mm.

The invasion of cold air masses from the polar basin by northern, northwestern and northeastern winds causes a sharp drop in temperature in winter, and frosts occur in spring and autumn. Often, continental air masses invade the park from the southeast. In spring or summer, they cause arid conditions, in winter - clear and frosty weather.

Reservoirs. On the territory of the park there are a large number of lakes and rivers, as well as oxbow rivers. Ilet. The main river of the national park "Mari Chodra" is the river. Ilet (Fig. 3.2) with its left-bank tributaries: r. Yushut, b. Arbayka, r. Uba, the river flows into it on the right. Petyalka.

The Ilet River has a significant longitudinal slope and a large number of springs. The river bed is winding, the banks are gentle, swampy in places, and steep in the area of ​​Klenovaya Gora. The channel is composed of limestones and sands and is subject to active deformation.

The width of the channel reaches 20-40 m, the depth is relatively uneven. The Ilet River flows through a plain with a slightly undulating relief, covered with mixed forest. During the warm period of the year, the water content of the river allows tourist boats to pass through.

More than 20 springs come out to Ilet near the Klenovaya Mountain. The most significant is the Zeleny Klyuch, beating at the foot of the mountain on the left bank of the Ileti, about 2 km upstream from the mouth of the Yushut (Fig. 3.3).

The Green Key is a sulphate-calcium medicinal-table source with a total water mineralization of 2.3 g/l.

Water can be used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, urinary tract and metabolic disorders.

Of interest is the exit of an underground source in the Ileti valley below the Green Key, on the territory of the village. Krasnogorsky. It pours out in the village from under the limestone slope. Then under the name r. Atlashka, water from the spring flows through the village and after 2 km flows into the Ilet River. Thus, the village began with a settlement near a spring.

Local lakes give special beauty to natural landscapes. In the forested Ileti valley there are many oxbow lakes of various shapes and sizes. All lakes are of failed origin, they are forest, with the exception of Lake Kozhla-Solinskoye.

Among them there are also rich in therapeutic mud. Larger and more accessible lakes - Yalchik and Kichier - have long had health resorts of federal significance on their shores.

On Lake Yalchik of karst origin of the sinkhole type (length 1600 m, width 250 ... 900 m, depth up to 35 m) there are rest houses, sports and recreational and pioneer camps (Fig. 3.4).

More than 300 people rest in them at the same time.

On the lake Kichier, almost equal in area to Yalchik, but with a shallow part overgrown in the east, there are two sanatoriums.

Lakes Glukhoe, Konanier, Mushan-er, and smaller and remote from the roads, are being developed by unorganized tourists. Kozhla-Solinskoye Lake is located in the village. Krasnogorsky. The administrative center of the national park is located on the shore of the lake.

The water of forest karst lakes is highly transparent, with the exception of peaty water bodies. It was especially famous for the quality of water before the lake. Yalchik. But, in recent years, unfortunately, there has been a recreational overload of the lake with vacationers, free visitors and fishermen. This load has recently led to an increase in the turbidity of the water of the unique lake.

Soils. The soil cover is diverse due to differences in relief and underlying rocks. Podzolic and sod-podzolic soils are among the most common soils (81% of the area of ​​the national park). Typically podzolic soils are marked by small spots along the elevations of the relief, among the main background of soddy-podzolic soils. They occupy dry and moist areas covered with green moss pine forests. Soddy-podzolic sandy and sandy loamy soils are noted on 5% of the park area. They lie on high relief elements. The upper soil horizons are enriched in humus in many places.

Vegetation. In physical and geographical terms, the territory of the Mariy Chodra National Park is located at the junction of three natural zones: the southern taiga (mixed forests), coniferous-deciduous (broad-leaved) forests and the forest-steppe zone. Due to the diversity of landscapes, natural originality and richness of vegetation and flora are formed here.

Therefore, the territorial ecological balance is quite high. The ecological balance in the territorial areas has evolved over the centuries. In this regard, it is required to analyze the component ecological disequilibrium due to the high anthropogenic, primarily recreational, load.

Forest vegetation prevails in the national park, where pine forests account for the largest share (50.2%). Before the creation of the national park, clear and selective cuttings were carried out in this territory, and pine cultures were created in the vacant space. Spruce forests are presented in mosaic and occupy only 4.6% of the forest area.

Thus, the park is a post-industrial territory with preserved in its original form components of the vegetation cover and virgin land plots. Per object of study spruce forests are accepted adjacent directly to the village of Krasnogorsky and suffering the greatest anthropogenic load from local residents, roads and railways, arable land, as well as from the buffer zone of the international gas pipeline Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod.

Two types of oak forests are noted in the composition of the vegetation of the park. On the hills (Klenovaya Gora, Katai Gora), oak forests grow with the participation of linden, maple, elm, elm with an admixture of conifers. These are upland oak forests. On the floodplain Ilet are floodplain oak forests. Secondary forests - various types of birch and aspen forests - occupy about 1/3 of the park area. They stood here instead of felled coniferous stands. The area occupied by meadows is insignificant. They are found in the form of small areas in floodplains, as well as near settlements, in clearings. In the southern part of the territory of the national park, dry meadows with elements of forest-steppe flora are noted, so the study of floodplain meadows of various formations is also of scientific and practical interest.

In the flora of the park there are plants listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation - five species, and plants listed in the Red Book of the RME - 50 species. Of the plants of the Red Book of the Russian Federation, four species of orchids should be noted.

The largest orchid of the flora of the national park is the real slipper - a beautiful perennial plant crowned with reddish-brownish-yellow flowers. Another extremely rare orchid in the park is the red pollenhead, which occurs on calcareous soils and blooms irregularly. Feather grass, also listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, together with gypsophila paniculata, sheep's fescue, keleria siza are forest-steppe elements of the flora of the park and are found in its southern part.

Among the typical taiga species, there are Siberian fir, white svidina, blueberries and others, as well as relict species - common ram, flattened and spikelet diphasiastrum, parisian bifolia, large-flowered single-flowered, common podelnik and others.

Relic plants can still be found in sphagnum bogs, which occupy an insignificant part of the park, these are marsh gammamarbia, multi-eared cotton grass, various types of sundews, as well as swamp napkin, Lopar willow and Vinogradova, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Mari El (RME).

The rarest tree of the Mariy Chodra National Park is black poplar (black poplar), listed in the Red Book of the RME, found in the floodplains of the river. Ilet and r. Yushut.

Animal world. The fauna of the national park "Mariy Chodra" has a mixed character, due to the peculiarities of the geographical location of the territory occupied by the park. The fauna includes taiga species (brown bear, elk, capercaillie, hazel grouse); species of coniferous-deciduous forests (yellow-throated mouse, squirrel, oriole, green woodpecker), as well as forest-steppe species (hare, field mouse, reddish ground squirrel, common hamster). Such biological diversity, not only among plants, but also among animals, makes the territory of the national park very attractive for scientists and students.

The component balance between plants and animals, as well as fungi and microorganisms, can be studied on the basis of the methodology proposed in this book.

These are tasks for future young researchers.

In total, there are 56 species of mammals in the national park, of which the most representative is the order of rodents. The detachment of predatory animals is represented by the mustelid family: weasel, ermine, polecat, pine marten, European mink, American mink. The red fox is often seen. Muskrat, otter and beaver, brought and released into the park in 1947, live in the reservoirs.

The muskrat also lives in the park - a rare species listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the order of ungulates - elk and wild boar - are rare.

The avifauna of the national park is represented by 164 species of birds, of which 12 species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and 38 species - in the Red Book of the RME. The most representative orders are galliformes ( capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse), anseriformes (mallard, gray goose, whooper swan, wigeon, common goldeneye), owls (snowy owl, eagle owl, long-eared owl). There are many falconiformes (osprey, red-footed falcon, kestrel, hobby falcon, golden eagle, buzzard, white-tailed eagle, short-toed eagle, black kite) and passerines (raven, magpie, jay, chaffinch, siskin, goldfinch) in the park.

More than 43 species of fish live in the rivers and lakes of the park - such as catfish, pike, gold and silver carp, carp, tench, bream. A rare species, the European grayling, lives in the channels of the Ilet River.

Tourism and rest. For numerous tourists and vacationers, equipped excursion and tourist routes are offered.

They pass through the picturesque places of the national park "Mariy Chodra" and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the rich and diverse nature, the historical past (Fig. 3.5) of the park.

Throughout the routes, you can see a frequent change in landforms and natural landscapes. There are many karst funnels here, if you wish to visit the Museum of Nature of the NP "Mariy Chodra", historical monuments (Pugachev's Oak, Old Kazan tract), natural monuments (mineral spring Zeleny Klyuch, Klenogorsk oak forest, lakes Yalchik, Glukhoe, Kichier, Shut-Er, Kuzh-Er, Ergezh-er, Shet-er, and also look at the Maple Mountain from the observation deck on the Shungaldan hill).

In a specially protected area, environmental protection, first of all, comes down to a careful attitude to existing natural objects. And for this it is necessary to understand the life of all the inhabitants of the protected area, including humans. Therefore, engineering and environmental studies are needed, in particular, forest stands.

At local population and visiting people should have not only love for nature and a unique land, but also an intuitive ability to measure the properties of natural objects for timely diagnosis of the quality of woody and other plants, the state of flora and fauna around settlements.

The State Natural National Park "Mari Chodra" (meadow mar. Mari Chodyra, translated as "Mari Forest") is a national park in the southeastern part of the Republic of Mari El, not far from the border with Tatarstan.

It is located on the territory of the Volzhsky, Zvenigovsky, Morkinsky regions of the republic.

To Yoshkar-Ola - 60 km, to Volzhsk - 30 km. The A295 Yoshkar-Ola - Zelenodolsk - the M-7 Volga highway and the Zeleny Dol - Yaransk railway pass through the park.

The national park was established on September 13, 1985 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Mari ASSR dated December 2, 1985 N 589 "On the establishment of the Mari Chodra natural national park."

The national park is located in the southern part of the Mariysko-Vyatka rampart. Here it breaks up into separate hills. The relief of the park is quite rugged, the soils are sandy. The network of rivers is well developed, there are many lakes.


The main river flowing through the territory of the Park is the Ilet. Almost all other rivers are represented by its tributaries: Yushut, Petyalka, Uba, Voncha, etc.


Mari Chodra is famous for its lakes.

Almost all of them are karst. All are popular objects summer holiday among residents of Mari El, Tatarstan, Chuvashia and other, even more remote, regions of Russia.

Lakes: Yalchik, Deaf, Kichier, Mill, Teterkino, Mushan-Er, Konan-Er, Tot-Er, Shut-Er, Kuzh-Er, Yergezh-Er (Round), Kugu-Er and others.


In the vegetation cover - coniferous-deciduous forests. Oak forests with maple, linden, spruce are common in elevated areas, in the valleys - mixed forests of spruce, pine, linden, oak, maple, aspen, elm, as well as floodplain oak forests.
There are pine forests with aspen, birch, and spruce. Insignificant areas are occupied by low-lying grass swamps. About 50 plant species are rare for the flora of the Mari Republic.


In the fauna, elk, squirrel, chipmunk, hare, weasel, ermine, polecat, pine marten are common, there is a beaver (reacclimatized), otter. There are also bears and wolves. Black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse nest among grouse birds, buzzard, goshawk, black kite fly from diurnal birds, golden eagle flies. The mallard, the teal-whistle nest on the lakes.

Scientific activity

In addition to the constant study of the park, which is carried out by staff members, with the assistance of MarSU, various expeditions are periodically held and environmental camps are organized (for example, "Pink Dandelion").


Many places of the Mari Chodra National Park attract lovers of relaxation. Research shows that in some places uncontrolled recreation is damaging nature, and access to these facilities should be limited.

An environmental fee is charged from vehicles at the entrances to the park.

Main vacation spots


Yalchik is the most popular and most accessible in terms of transport (buses to the turn along the R 175 highway, railway stop Yalchevsky and fixed-route taxis directly to the bases) resting place.

There are 11 recreation facilities on the lake: the Rubin recreation center (from the MMZ plant), det. camp Zheleznodorozhnik (from the Kazan branch of the State Railways), sports. camp Polytechnic (from MarSTU), boarding house "Yalchik" det. camp them. Vali Kotika, camp site "Yalchik", SOL "Seagull" (from Pedagogical University), SOL "Olympian" (from MarSU), recreation center "Yalchik", etc.


The Kichier sanatorium is organized on the lake, as well as the Republican Rehabilitation Hospital with a children's sanatorium pulmonology department (RBVL with DSPO).

Maple Mountain:

In addition to the sanatorium of the same name, this place attracts tourists with its sights. These are the Green Key, Pugachev's Oak and others.


A good quality highway approaches the lakes, there are a large number of sites suitable for "wild" recreation.


Only "wild" recreation is also possible.

Protected area:

The northeastern part of Mariy Chodra is occupied by a specially protected protected area, to which entry and entry are prohibited. On it is the lake Shut-Er, partly - the river Uba. Also, forestry workers control visits to the Kuzh-Er and Ergezh-Er lakes, although they are outside the protected area.

At the junction of three zones - forest-steppe, mixed and coniferous forests - the Mari Chodra National Park is located. Its very name translates as "Mari forest".

Pearls of Mari Chodry

The main treasure of the complex are the most beautiful lakes, many of which are declared natural monuments: Sea Eye, Yalchik, Glukhoe, Shungaldan. Not only residents of Mari El come to admire them, but also guests from more remote regions.

Sea Eye, the most famous of all bodies of water, is so named because of the amazing turquoise hue of the water. From the high bank, you can see a huge bowl filled with clear cold water, to which a narrow path descends. Tall fir trees grow around, the scent of pine needles flows in the air.

The crescent-shaped Lake Deaf Lake is very popular with divers. Having reached a depth where the light of the sun almost does not penetrate, you can see the “growing” pines that have fallen there many centuries ago.

Yalchik captivates at first sight with its grandeur and beauty. Underwater sources are constantly expanding the area of ​​​​the reservoir.

Shungaldan Lake is a little apart. It seems that the forest surrounding it seems to come out of the water. Shungaldan is located near Maple Mountain.

The lakes are of karst origin, which explains the bizarre forms.

Magic Land Maple Hills

Maple Mountain is the highest point of Mari Chodra Park. From its top, there is a beautiful view of the forests stretching around. A wonderful land, Maple Hills, is located in the center of the complex. The ecological route passing along the mountain amazes with the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Pugachevsky oak

A little less than a thousand species of plants grow on the territory of the national complex, but its most famous inhabitant remains a huge oak. Proudly towering on the top of the mountain, the thick-set tall hero, according to legend, protected Emelyan Pugachev himself from the sun. To this day, the tree is a decoration of the park.

Trail Horseshoe

On the route you can see rare plants listed in the Red Book. Ferns that grow only in the park will be a real find for naturalists. The educational and educational trail Horseshoe will lead you through the most interesting corners of Mari Chodry.

Many birds and mammals live here all year round. Moose often visit here, a frequent guest is a lynx. There are also taiga species in Mariy Chodra, such as brown bear, ermine. However, the most numerous inhabitants are representatives of the order of rodents. Otters and muskrats live in the rivers. The park is home to over 150 species of birds. Among them are capercaillie, and hazel grouse, and birds of prey: tawny owl, snowy owl, osprey, buzzard, white-tailed eagle. Numerous families of waterfowl have become the old-timers of the complex.

Ilet River

Sung in songs, Mari tales and legends, the beautiful river proudly carries its clear cold waters. On the territory of the park, Ilet is the largest. Thanks to the underground springs that feed it, the largest of which is the Green Key, the river does not freeze even in severe frosts. The spring water is considered to be healing. The shores of Ileti either soar upwards with steep slopes, or descend down with wonderful beaches with clean sand. There are almost no settlements, but many paths and trails approach the river. A kayak trip will be an unforgettable experience for the guests of the park.

Pure water, aromas of blooming lilies of the valley, fresh air - all this allows you to forget about the city bustle and monotony. That is why the inhabitants of the republic call the Mariy Chodra complex the most favorite vacation spot.