All about car tuning

In France and the UK. Presentation on the theme "France and Great Britain" France and Great Britain the world around

Lesson type: combined


- the formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of the place of a person in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value understanding by a child personal experience communication with people and nature;

Problem: what about France and Great Britain?

Tasks: introduce the countries of France and Great Britain.

Subject Results

Learn to talk about the country on physical and political maps, supplement this information with information from other sources

Universally Learning Actions (UUD)

Regulatory: understand the learning task and try to fulfill it, act according to the plan, adequately perceive the teacher's assessment.

Cognitive: establish causal relationships.

Communicative: express and justify one's point of view, dialogue

Personal Outcomes

Formulate conclusions from the studied material, answer final questions, evaluate achievements in the lesson.

Basic concepts and definitions

European countries.

Preparing for the assimilation of new material

We will learn about the main attractions of two major European countries - France and Great Britain. We will learn to talk about them on the map, supplement this information with information from other sources.

Remember which countries of the central part of Europe we visited. What interests you most about these countries?

Learning new material

ByFranceandGreat Britain

Tell on the map and the table about France and Great Britain.

France and UK

If you have ever been to France or Great Britain, tell us what you especially liked.

Get acquainted with the textbook and other sources of information with France or the UK. Complete the corresponding tasks in
workbook. Present the results of your work to the class.


This large country is located in the western part of Europe. We will start our acquaintance with France from its capital - Paris. Paris stands on a river called the Seine. Tourists who come to the French capital always try to sail along the Seine in a pleasure boat. It is very convenient to see the city from it.

Here we are sailing past the grandiose cathedral. This is the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral. It stands on an island in the center of Paris.

But the Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world. The museum itself is located in a large old palace, and the entrance to it is decorated with a modern glass pyramid (it is not visible from our boat).

The Louvre has a huge number of paintings and sculpture tours. The most famous painting is La Gioconda by the great Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.

Having sailed a little more, we will see an amazingly beautiful bridge, along the edges of which there are golden winged horses on high columns. This is the Alexander III Bridge, named after the Russian Tsar.

And now the most famous building of Paris, the symbol of this city, the Eiffel Tower, appeared ahead. It was built over 100 years ago by the engineer Eiffel. Openwork, seemingly very light tower consists of 15 thousand metal parts. Its height is 321 meters. You can climb the tower. For this, there are elevators in it. Many rise to the first level. Those who are braver rise to the second level - a little lower than the middle of the tower. And the most daring rise to the third level, to the top of the tower...

Very interesting in Paris. But we need to hurry. I would like to quickly get to a wonderful fairy tale country located nearby - European Disneyland. This is a grand amusement park in which every child will find attractions to their liking.

Not far from Paris is one of the most wonderful places in France - Versailles. Once there was the residence of the French king, and now it is a museum. The Royal Palace in Versailles is surrounded by a beautiful park with fountains and sculptures.

And another excursion awaits us in France. We go to the banks of the Loire River to visit a real old castle. There are many castles here. Some of them are impregnable fortresses, others are more likely to be called palaces.

What famous French people do you know? Of course there are many. Let's name one that the whole world knows. This is an outstanding traveler, explorer of the ocean, environmentalist Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910 - 1997).


The UK is located northwest of France. Most of it is located on the island of Great Britain, hence the name of the country. The capital of Great Britain - London stands on the River Thames.

In the central part of the city you can see its main attractions. First of all, it is Buckingham Palace (1). The royal family lives here. The palace is guarded by guards in red uniforms and tall black hats. Every day, tourists gather to watch how the solemn changing of the guard takes place.

On the Thames embankment stands a very beautiful Parliament building (2). Its tower with the main clock of the country is visible from afar. This watch has four dials, and the length of the minute hands exceeds 4 meters! In 2012, the tower became known as the "Elizabeth Tower" in honor of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

Near the river is located tower fortress(3). And nearby, Tower Bridge (4) with two large towers is thrown across the Thames.

Great Britain is the birthplace of many famous people. Among them are the zoologist and writer Gerald Durrell (1925 - 1995), who became famous for his books about animals and did a lot to protect nature.

Comprehension and understanding of the acquired knowledge

Read the text. Use this information to prepare a report about the countries of Europe.

Great Britain is separated from France by the English Channel (translated from French as "sleeve"). A long tunnel has been laid under it, through which you can travel by train from one country to another.

In London there is a landmark on wheels. These are high double-decker buses that have been driving around the city for a long time.

1. The great storyteller Charles Perrault lived in France. Here is the beginning of his stories. Guess what.

“Once upon a time in a village there was a little girl, so pretty that she was the best in the world. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother even more ... "

“Once upon a time there was a respectable and noble man. His first wife died, and he married a second time, and to such a quarrelsome and arrogant woman as the world has never seen ... "

“The miller had three sons, and he left them, dying, only a mill, a donkey and a cat ...”

2. Three heroes served the king. Then a fourth joined them. What were their names? What country did they live in? Who invented them?

3. What great detective, who did not really exist, lived in London?

Test yourself on the Self Test Pages.

Independent application of knowledge

check yourself

Find and show on the map France, Great Britain and their capitals. 2. Tell us about the sights of these countries. 3. Describe the sights of these countries from the photographs in the textbook. 4. From what sources did we get information about France and Great Britain?


France is a large country in the western part of Europe. To the northwest of it on the islands is Great Britain. The capital of France is Paris, the capital of Great Britain is London.

Homework assignments

1. Prepare a message about France or Great Britain. Use an encyclopedia or other sources of information, including the Internet.

2. Find out which products from the countries studied in the lesson are sold in our stores. Make a list of such items.

France. Elegant and unique. Documentary

10 the bestattractionsFrance

2. Seryozha and Nadia have prepared a difficult task for you. In this tablet they "hid" the names of several cities in France and Great Britain. Using the textbook map, find them and fill each name with your own color.

3. Complete tasks.

1) Learn to show on the map the country you are studying and its capital. The territory of the country should be smoothly outlined with a pointer along the contour (border). Show the designation of the capital, not its name.

4. Wise Turtle asks if you know these sights. Cut out photos from the Application and arrange them in the appropriate boxes. Check yourself in the textbook. After checking the sticker photos. Indicate with arrows the names of cities and countries where these sights are located.

6. Imagine yourself as a tour guide. With the help of the city plan, conduct an imaginary excursion for classmates. Show them the sights you know something about. Tell me about them.

Unforgettable journey

(Parrot's story)

What a wonderful trip it was to France and the UK! Arriving in Paris, I immediately went on a pleasure boat on the River Thames (Seine). How magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre! And here is the famous Tower Bridge (Louvre). A little more, and the clock tower (Eiffel Tower) - the symbol of Paris - appeared. Through the tunnel under the English Channel I'm on high-speed train moved to the UK. Its capital is beautiful - the city of London. Here I traveled along the River Seine (Thames). And most of all I liked the Eiffel Tower (Big Ben tower) - the symbol of London.

8. Question Ant wants to know who is depicted in these portraits. Sign.

Orally tell what you know about these people.

9. On the instructions of the textbook, prepare a message about France or Great Britain. Use the plan for describing the country, compiled with the help of the book “Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the world” (p. 72 of the workbook).

Message subject: France is the tourist center of Europe

Message plan:

1. General information about France: its geography, climate, population, history

2. Paris is the most visited city in the world by tourists

3. Cote d'Azur - top-level relaxation

4. French province - museums at every turn

Source(s) of information: Internet sites

Here you can write interesting fact for your message.

France is the largest country in Europe, its territory is 555 thousand square meters. km. France borders Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Andorra. The population of France is 58 million people. Of these, 2.1 million live in Paris.

10. On p. 86 make a list of reminder words about France and Great Britain (based on the book "Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the World").

Perfume, clothing, Louvre, Big Ben.


Subject: The world.

Class: Grade 3, EMC "School of Russia".


    presentation for the lesson;

    computer, projector, screen;

    drawings are flowers.

    Minimum requirements for software resources: a computer, projector to use the resource in the form of a projection onto the screen.

    The place of the lesson in the educational process

    A lesson on the topic “Journey through France and Great Britain” is held for grade 3 students studying in the “School of Russia” teaching materials, the author of the textbook Pleshakov A.A. The world. Grade 3 M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

    This lesson of the surrounding world is included in the section of the textbook "Journey through cities and countries".

Technological map of the study of the topic


Traveling in France and Great Britain.

Type of goal-setting lesson:

Lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson:

The purpose of the lesson:

Organize acquaintance with the countries of Western Europe: France and Great Britain.

Lesson objectives:



    Knowledge: acquisition of knowledge about the geographical location, culture, sights of countries

Special skills:

    to develop the ability to work with a geographical map

    improve the ability to characterize the country according to a certain plan

    General Skills:

    to form the ability to work according to the algorithm, build conclusions and justified statements;

    to form the ability to set the goal of educational activities, to improve methods of control and mutual control, self- and mutual assessment, to master rational ways of doing work


    develop the ability to analyze, find patterns, put forward hypotheses and draw conclusions; develop mathematical speech, thinking


    To form the ability to follow the norms of behavior, skills of interaction in society.

Personal UUD:

Mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a changing and developing world;

Acceptance and development of the social role of the student;

The development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning.

Subject Results:

View and compare illustrations, extract information from them;

Give examples;

Answer final questions and evaluate your achievements in the lesson.

Metasubject UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

- mastering ways to solve search problems;

Mastering the basics of cognitive reflection;

Mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, generalization,

Establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, building reasoning,

Mastering the initial information about the essence and characteristics of objects, natural processes and phenomena of reality in accordance with the content of the subject "World around";

Mastering the basic subject concepts,

Express your guess;

Regulatory UUD:

- understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

Ability to work in the material and information environment in accordance with the content of the subject "World around".

Communicative UUD:

- active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies (ICT) for solving communicative and cognitive tasks;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;

Express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

Exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others.

During the classes.

Stage 1: Motivation for learning activities

Purpose of the stage: preparing students for the upcoming work in the lesson.

Formed UUD: positive attitude to the upcoming activities, inclusion in educational activities.

Teacher activity

Student activities

Teacher: - Today we have an unusual lesson. Because I will take it. My name is Irina Viktorovna. We have guests today. We are, of course, very happy with them. Turn around and smile at them, share your joy. They will smile at you too. Our smiles made the classroom so warm and cozy. Thanks everyone! And it became very light because the beautiful spring came to visit us.

Every person in his life dreams of visiting different cities and countries in order to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Do you like to travel?

Dear ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and madams, today we continue with you an exciting journey through our wonderful planet. There are many countries on earth. Let's get acquainted with them, as well as some of the sights. And guides will help us along the way.

And who is a guide?

A person who accompanies tourists and introduces them to local attractions.( guide)

- And who will be our guide at the lesson today?

I can be the guide, but so can you. I'm sure that together we can handle it.

The children are getting ready for the lesson.

Stage 2: Actualization of knowledge, goal setting.

Purpose of the stage: derivation of a problematic issue based on the existing knowledge of students.

Formed UUD: mastery of the logical action of generalization, the construction of reasoning on the basis of known concepts.

Teacher: I think our journey will be very interesting, because you will learn about things that your parents may not know. Who wants to surprise them with their erudition, raise your hands? But guess which countries we will go to.

- Look at the screen. What fairy tale characters do you see?

And where did this great storyteller live?

(A sign FRANCE and a flag are attached to the board).

Look at the next slide.

(JK Rowling "Harry Potter", Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and All, All - All, Rudyad Kipling "Mowgli", Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland")

(A Great Britain sign and a flag are attached to the board).

Pupils answer, express their assumptions.

Cinderella, Puss in Boots,

Red Riding Hood.

Charles Perrault

In France

They lived in England.

Stage 3. Search and research stage. (discovery of new knowledge)

Purpose of the stage: creating conditions for children to formulate the purpose of the lesson, solve the educational problem and find ways to solve it.

- So, which countries are we going to travel to today?

- Who knows the capitals of these countries?

- Guys, going on a trip, we need to plan it, set ourselves the task:

What is the purpose of our journey?

- just relax

- learn something new and interesting


- Many of you have decided to "go" on a journey to learn something new about these countries.

- What would you like to know? (students answer, signs are attached to the board)


Where is the country

Who runs the country

About attractions

About famous people

About interesting facts

So we made our travel plan.

- See if you are able to cope with the assigned tasks alone?

We will, of course, need help. Therefore, we organize groups for work. What sources of knowledge of these countries can you use today in the lesson?

Of course I will try to help you too.

Guys, how do you see our trip?

So, friends, let's go! 1 country we will go to is France. Show the location on the map.

- What mode of transport we will go to France?

Guys, I suggest you fly by plane today. While our flight is going on, I suggest you work with help cards and write a short story about this country.

1 group - work with the map


1. State language (French)

2. What people live (French)

3. What countries borders? (

4. What seas and oceans is it washed by? (

Group 2 - sights according to the table



This ... is famous all over the world. It stands on ... in the center of Paris. The French call it Norte Dame de Paris.



One of the largest ... in the world. It is located in the old … , and its entrance is decorated with … . There are a huge number of...



This symbol of the city. It was built over ... years ago. Openwork, it seems very light, but in fact it consists of ... details. Its height is ... a meter.



Not only every child dreams of getting into this fabulous country. But also any adult. Live here …. From around the world. And also here you can….



The most wonderful place in Paris is the real …

Once a king lived here, but now it is ... . It is surrounded on all sides by...

Group 3 - match the name with the picture.

Cathedral of Notre Dame

Eiffel Tower




To France and the UK.

Paris, London

Student responses

Where is the country

Who runs the country

About attractions

About famous people

About interesting facts

Textbook, card teacher students

funny, interesting,

Helpful, creative.

By car, train, bus

Work with cards according to the plan in pairs

1Great Britain (Foggy Albion)

2 English

2. Ireland

2.North Sea, Norwegian, Atlant. ocean.

How can others then visually check? Or is it better to work with helper cards that are pasted and thus you get a beautiful plan diagram that can be posted on the board (mental map?)

So the groups are ready.

So we arrived in France. Let's say hello in French.

Say hello in French. Bonjour (good morning, afternoon) Salute (hello)

(The student at the blackboard talks about France according to the plan and map)

The capital of France is Paris.

The teacher completes the students' story.

- This wonderful city stands on the river Seine.

Tourists prefer to travel around Paris on boats, small boats, because the Seine River cuts through this city.

- What can we see?

Notre Dame Cathedral or Norte Dame de Paris was built over 100 years and has been in existence for over 800 years. Inside it is a huge gloomy hall, only the stained-glass windows in the windows glow with a mysterious light. The windows are multicolored paintings with dozens of figures.

The Louvre is a powerful medieval fortress. It was made for war. Therefore, the king did not live in it. Here he kept the treasury and archives. Now it is a museum displaying thousands of works of art, including the famous painting by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci "La Gioconda". The Louvre is as big as a city.

The visiting card of Paris is the Eiffel Tower. At first glance it seems very light, but in fact it weighs more than 9,000 tons. Height 321 meters. Anyone can climb it with the help of an elevator.

-Disneyland. This is a huge amusement park.

-Versailles is a real royal palace where the king once lived.

One classic of world literature said: "To see Paris and die." It does not tire, but delights.

Paris is the world center for the arts. There are many art galleries and museums here.

- Guys, who among you knows what else France is famous for?

- Look at the flag of France. What does it have in common with the Russian flag?

-Guys, both flags can be seen side by side more and more often. partnership between Russia and France.

- Guys, what famous French people do you know?

And I want to introduce you to another wonderful Frenchman who is known to the whole world - this is Jean-Yves Cousteau. This is a great traveler, explorer of the ocean, protector of nature.


We say goodbye to France and speak French

about revoir

So, from France we go to the next country, which is called Great Britain or Foggy Albion.

What means of transport can we go there? And I suggest you go there by bus under the English Channel. Translated from French - "sleeve". A long tunnel has been laid under it, through which we can quickly get from one country to another.

So we arrived in the UK. Let's say hello to you now in English - Good morning - before lunch after lunch - good afternoon, hello - hello

Look at the cards on your desks and say

- What countries does it border on? Spain, Andorra, San Mariino, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium)

What seas and oceans is it washed by? ( Mediterranean, Atlantic. ocean)

-- How is it different from the location of France?

Great Britain is the united kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Why United? (Consists of 4 regions England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. (shown on the map) The country is named after the island of Great Britain. It is one of the few countries where the Queen is the head of state.

If we traveled around Paris by boat, then how will we travel around London?

The UK is famous for its double-decker buses.

Guys, with your permission, I will be your guide and introduce you to the sights of London, the capital of Great Britain. Sit down comfortably. So, go!

You have pictures on your desks with some of the sights of the city. During the tour, you will fill out cards with the name of the sights that you will see. So, go!

London travel map (each one)

Buckingham Palace


Fortress Tower

Tower Bridge

1. Buckingham Palace - the royal family lives in it. The palace is guarded by guards in red uniforms and tall black hats. Every day tourists come here to watch the changing of the guard.

2. On the banks of the River Thames stands the beautiful Houses of Parliament, where the British government works. Its tower with the main clock of the country Big Ben is visible from afar. This watch has 4 dials. It is the largest and most accurate watch in the world. On the night of December 31 to January 1, the first blow of Big Ben officially announces the beginning of the new year in the world.

3. Near the River Thames, there is also the Tower Fortress. This huge fortress was the residence of kings, armory and treasury for nine hundred years. Currently, a collection of military weapons is kept here. The current Tower bears little resemblance to the formidable fortress that it went down in history.

4. Near the Tower, the Tower Bridge with two large towers is thrown across the Thames. There is a museum in them, they are connected by a walking platform. Tower Bridge drawbridge. This is where we will stop. Imagine that it is already 5 pm. At this time, the British drink tea.

Guys, the UK is a land of incredible beauty. Everywhere you can see hedges, neat flower beds, lawns. England is a country of fogs. Traditional English weather - rain, dampness, fog. The temperature in winter does not fall below 0, so the grass here is green all year round.

What is the UK famous for?

What famous people of Great Britain do you know?

(list writers).

Zoologist, writer Gerald Darnell became famous for his books about animals and did a lot to protect nature.

England gave us Gulliver, Sherlock Holmes, the playwright Shakespeare, the scientist physicist Issac Newton.

So our journey is over. I ask you to say goodbye to hospitable Great Britain in English. (Goodbye)

We are returning home. Of course, it is very beautiful in other countries, there are many interesting things, but our Russia is still dear to us

F. is a trendsetter, famous French cheeses, Renault, Peugeot, Citroen cars.

Charles Perrault

(On a plane, on a ship)

The student's story on the map.

F. is located on the mainland, and V. is surrounded on all sides by the ocean, sea and strait. It can be called an island state.

On a double decker bus.

Football, royal retinue.

4.Inclusion of new material in the knowledge system. Evaluation stage.

Purpose of the stage: consolidation of acquired knowledge , awareness and application of knowledge gained in solving a learning problem, generalization and consolidation of acquired knowledge,

Formed UUD:

Guys, and now I suggest you consolidate your knowledge by completing the tasks:

Group 1 - Read the story of the "forgetful traveler". Your task is to find and correct the errors.

Notebook page 71 №6

Group 2 - guess the country and correct the mistakes of an absent-minded photographer.

In this country it always rains and fogs:

Rain pours like a sieve, drizzles,

Well, the fogs are thicker than sour cream -

You hang your hat in the air - it hangs!

Group 3 - guess the country and correct the mistakes of an absent-minded photographer.

Crowds of tourists from all over the world

Dreaming of seeing this country.

Fashionable dress in Paris to buy,

Go skiing, visit Nice

You our applause, dear ...

5. Reflection.

Purpose of the stage: checking the achievement of one's own goal, assessing the emotional state and activity in the lesson of each student.

Formed UUD: the ability to express one's opinion and argue one's point of view and assessment of events; awareness of the personal meaning of teaching; strengthening positive motivation for learning activities

So let's take a look at the beginning of our journey.

Have we found out everything we wanted to know?

-Have your plans come true?

- What sources of knowledge helped you in the lesson?

- What else can you use?

-Guys, have we studied the same countries?

- What do they have in common?

- What, in your opinion, was interesting at the lesson, successful?

- Do you have a desire to visit these countries?

- Where would you like to visit?

Stick your tokens on the flag of the country where you would like to visit and why?

Guys, you did a great job at the lesson, learned a lot of new and interesting things, worked together. Thank you for the lesson!

Learned a lot of interesting things, but not everything.

Differences: language, history, culture, traditions, nature, holidays, architecture.

General: love, peace, family, friendship, nature conservation, care for children and the elderly

1. Using the map of the textbook, sign the names of the countries highlighted in color and their capitals.

2. Seryozha and Nadia have prepared a difficult task for you. In this tablet they "hid" the names of several cities in France and Great Britain. Using the textbook map, find them and fill each name with your own color.

Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham, Plymouth, Marseille, Nice, Lyon.

3. Complete tasks.

1) Learn to show on the map the country you are studying and its capital. The territory of the country should be smoothly outlined with a pointer along the contour (border). Show the designation of the capital, not its name.

2) Enter in the table the sights of the country under study.

3) Describe the sights of the studied country from the photographs in the textbook.

4. Wise Turtle asks if you know these sights. Cut out photos from the Application and arrange them in the appropriate boxes. Check yourself in the textbook. After checking the sticker photos. Indicate with arrows the names of cities and countries where these sights are located.

5. Use the textbook to color the flags.

6. Imagine yourself as a tour guide. With the help of the city plan, conduct an imaginary excursion for classmates. Show them the sights you know something about. Tell me about them.

luxembourg garden- this is a huge park, which was once royal. Inside this park is the Luxembourg Palace. It was built in the 17th century for the famous French Queen Marie de Medici. Now the Senate and the second chamber of the French Parliament work in this palace.

Pantheon or Church of Saint Genevieve- This is one of the most famous temples in the center of Paris. It was built by the architect Jacques-Germain Soufflot in 1790. The majestic building, built in the style of French classicism, has become not just a temple, but also a burial place for prominent people of the country. The philosopher and writer Voltaire, philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, artist Joseph Marie Vien, traveler Louis Antoine de Bougainville, mathematicians José Louis Lagrange, writer Victor Hugo, writer Emile Zola, as well as many politicians, generals, cardinals and other famous people are buried here.

Sorbonne This is the building of the University of Paris. A very beautiful baroque building was built in 1642, although the university itself was founded on this site in the 12th century. Now it is one of the largest and most famous universities in Europe. Students from all over the world study here, including from Russia.

Notre Dame Cathedral or Norte Dame de Paris- one of the main symbols of Paris. This is a huge Gothic cathedral, which was built for almost two hundred years - from 1163 to 1345. Norte Dame de Paris is a real architectural masterpiece, which annually comes to see 14 million tourists. Unfortunately, in 2019 there was a terrible fire in the cathedral. The building was severely damaged: the roof burned down, valuable stained-glass windows were destroyed, paintings and frescoes were damaged. The fire at Notre Dame de Paris has become a worldwide tragedy. Now they are trying to restore this world masterpiece, and masters from all over the world take part in the restoration work.

Louvre is the most popular art museum in the world. Before becoming a museum, the Louvre was a royal palace. Now here is the richest collection of paintings, sculptures and other art objects of various cultures and eras: from the Ancient East to modern art. The pearl of the museum's collection is the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci "Gioconda" (it is also called "Mona Lisa").

Theater "Grand Opera"- one of the most important opera and ballet theaters in the world. The theater building was built in 1862 by the French architect Charles Garnier. On the stage of the Grand Opera, the voices of the most famous singers in the world, including Russians: Fyodor Chaliapin, Vatslav Nijinsky and Sergei Lifar sounded.

Triumphal Arch- a monument built on Charles de Gaulle Square in 1806-1836 to commemorate the victories of Napoleon Bonaparte. This incredibly beautiful arch created in antique style reaches a height of almost 50 meters. It is decorated with magnificent bas-reliefs, sculptures and engravings.

Champs Elysees is the central street of Paris. The Champs Elysees run along the historical axis of the city from the Louvre Museum to Arc de Triomphe. One half of the street is surrounded by luxurious walking parks, while the other part is famous for its shops, restaurants, cafes and cinemas.

Pont Alexandre III- a single-arch bridge across the Seine, which was founded in honor of the Franco-Russian Union by Emperor Nicholas II of Russia in 1896. Many believe that this is the most elegant bridge in the capital of France.

Field of Mars- This is a huge and very beautiful park located at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. The place where the park is now located got its name back in the 18th century. In those days, there was a huge military parade ground for parades and military exercises conducted by the nearby military school. It was this parade ground that was named after the god of war Mars, the Field of Mars. Over time, the appearance of the square and its purpose changed dramatically, but the name remained the same.

Eiffel Tower- the most recognizable landmark of Paris, its symbol. The tower was built by the designer Gustave Eiffel in 1889. The height of the tower is 324 meters. Until 1930 it was the tallest building in the world. Now the Eiffel Tower is open for tourists to visit - you can climb the observation deck of the tower, visit a restaurant or take a walk around the office of the great Eiffel.

8. Question Ant wants to know who is depicted in these portraits. Sign.
Verbally tell what you know about these people

  • Gerald Durrell - zoologist and writer, author of books about animals, conservationist.
  • Jacques-Yves Cousteau is an outstanding traveler, ocean explorer, conservationist.

9. On the instructions of the textbook, prepare a message about France or Great Britain. Use the plan for describing the country, compiled with the help of the book “Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the world” (p. 72 of the workbook).

A plan for describing the country, compiled using the book “Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the world":

  1. The name of the country
  2. Country on the map
  3. From the history of the country
  4. Flag and coat of arms
  5. Nature and its protection
  6. Population and culture
  7. Economy
  8. Attractions
  9. Famous people

Message subject: Great Britain

Important information:

The name of the country

Great Britain is a country with many names. In Russia, we often call it simply England, or Britain, or Foggy Albion, or Great Britain. In fact, the full name of the country is written like this: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The fact is that this country has united several historically established independent regions: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Country on the map

The United Kingdom is located on several islands in the Atlantic Ocean. It has a land border with only one state - Ireland. Other neighbors are separated from England either by the English Channel or the North Sea. For example, across the English Channel from the British Isles are France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and on the other side of the North Sea Germany, Denmark and Norway. If you sail across the Atlantic Ocean far to the north, then Iceland can also be called a neighbor of England.

From the history of the country

The history of the country is rich in various events. It is believed that the first people settled on the islands as early as 30,000 years ago. These were the tribes of the Celts, Britons and Gaels. At the beginning of our era, the islands were conquered by the Roman Empire, which ruled there for 400 years.

After that, the peoples living on the islands began to gradually form their own states. So, in the 9th century, the Scottish kingdom appeared, in the 10th century - the Kingdom of England, Wales and Ireland also stood out. Over the centuries, the countries of the British Isles have waged numerous wars both among themselves and with their neighbors, especially with France. They united in unions and disintegrated, seized each other's territories and grew overseas colonies.

By the end of the 16th century, the small kingdoms of England and Scotland had turned into the vast British Empire, which in a few centuries became the largest state in the history of mankind. The empire included all of the British Isles, colonies in Africa, all of India, most of North America, all of Australia, and vast territories in Asia and Oceania. At the beginning of the 20th century, a quarter of the world's population was under the rule of the British crown. The collapse of the British Empire lasted almost the entire last century, but it is impossible to say that this process has ended even now.

Flag and coat of arms

The flag of Great Britain, as well as the country itself, has changed many times. Now on its panel several symbols are depicted, symbolizing the main parts of the country: the cross of St. George symbolizes England, the cross of St. Andrew symbolizes Scotland and the cross of St. Patrick symbolizes Ireland. In addition, discussions are currently underway on a proposal to add a red dragon, the symbol of Wales, to the flag.

The coat of arms of the United Kingdom also combines the symbols of all parts of the state: a shield with the coats of arms of England, Scotland, Ireland holds a lion leopard and a rising silver unicorn, a helmet with a royal crown and a golden crowned leopard is depicted above the shield.

Nature and its protection

The British Isles have a mild temperate climate. The Gulf Stream, which carries its waters near the islands, brings a lot of moist air and protects from frost and cold. So the UK is not in vain called Foggy Albion. Fog appears here regularly, it often rains, and the sky is often covered with clouds.

In the north and west of Great Britain (in Scotland and Wales) mountainous terrain prevails, while in the south and east (in England) plains and small hills are more common. In Northern Ireland, there are also green valleys, and gentle hills and small mountains. Also in Northern Ireland is the largest lake in the United Kingdom - Lough Neagh.

In ancient times, almost the entire territory of the British Isles was covered with forests. Then the forests began to be cut down, and pastures and fields began to be arranged in the place of the vacated land. Now almost half of the land in the UK is given over to pastures. Forests are left 10 times less than it was before the development of the islands by man.

That is why the country is currently paying special attention to reforestation and nature protection. The United Kingdom has created a whole system of National Parks designed to preserve the unique landscapes and ecosystems of England, Scotland and Wales. The largest of them: Broads, Dartmoor and Exmoor. Here you can admire the beautiful natural scenery and see the habitats of the wild animals of Great Britain.

Population and culture

More than 63 million people now live in the UK, and the population of the country is constantly increasing, as people from many countries seek to move to England for permanent residence. All residents of the United Kingdom are called British, and they speak English language. Of these, most of the British (about 80%), as well as many Welsh (Welsh), Scots and Irish. Also in the UK there are many representatives of Africa, Asia and people from its former colonies: Indians, Vietnamese and Pakistanis.

British culture is rich and varied. She had a huge impact on the development of culture and art around the world. But the special influence of British culture is noticeable in countries that used to be colonies of the British Empire - there English traditions are visible in the language, and in the legal system, and in culture, and in art.

One of the strongest aspects of British culture is British literature. William Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, HG Wells, Alan Milne, Rudyard Kipling, Agatha Christie, John Tolkien, JK Rowling - the list of famous English writers is endless. Many generations of people have grown up on these books, not only in Great Britain, but all over the world, including here in Russia.

The British musical culture is no less rich in bright names: the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Elton John - these are only the most famous musical groups and performers in the world. Paintings by English artists adorn art galleries in the most different countries. We watch films by English directors and with English actors with great pleasure both in cinemas and on television. For example, who doesn't know Harry Potter or James Bond?


The UK has a very strong and developed economy. This is the second economy in Europe, only the German economy is ahead of it. London is a recognized world financial center, and the British currency, the pound Sterling, is the third largest reserve currency in the world (after the dollar and the euro).

Almost all types of industry are developed in the United Kingdom: the automotive industry, the aviation industry, the textile industry, shipbuilding, the pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, etc. In addition, a huge contribution to the economy is made by the service sector, which is also incredibly developed in the British Isles.


Windsor castle- the official residence of the monarchs of Great Britain. This is one of the oldest and largest castles in the world. It was founded in 1070 by the first king of England, William I the Conqueror. By the way, the surname of the current British kings Windsor came precisely from the name of this castle.

Big Ben- a huge bell, which is located in the clock tower Palace of Westminster. The weight of the bell is almost 14 tons, and it was cast in 1859. Many people call Big Ben not only the bell, but also the clock, and the entire clock tower, but this is not true. Officially, the tower that houses the Big Ben bell is called the Elizabeth Tower in honor of the current Queen of Great Britain.

Westminster Abbey- the most famous temple in England. It was built in the 13th century and since then has been the only temple in which the kings of the United Kingdom are crowned.

Tower Bridge- one of the main symbols of London. It is located right in the center of the British capital and attracts considerable attention from tourists. Indeed, the bridge looks very interesting. We can say that it is two-level: on the first level there is a drawway, and on the second, at a height of 44 meters from the first part, there is a pedestrian road that can be used even when the bridge is raised. The towers serve as a container for stairs and huge elevators for pedestrians. True, after the opening of the bridge, this method of crossing to the other side of the river turned out to be too expensive and was no longer used. Now all the mechanisms are working again and tourists can use the elevator for 30 people and walk along the gallery over the Thames.

stonehenge - the ancient temple of the Celtic Druids, which is located about 130 kilometers southwest of London. Stonehenge was built from huge stones - menhirs, which by some miracle lined up in the correct circle. But according to scientists, the structure was created about 5000 years ago. No one knows for sure why Stonehenge was built, but many agree that it was a sanctuary of the Druids - the priests of the ancient Celts.

Loch Ness lakeis a large lake in Scotland. It was formed due to the melting of the glacier. The lake is very elongated in length, and its depth reaches 230 meters, and the waters of Loch Ness are very muddy. Maybe such characteristics of the lake became the reason for the appearance of the legend of the Loch Ness monster? Nobody knows. But there is a museum of the Loch Ness Monster on the shore of the lake, and travel agencies are happy to take tourists along the most picturesque routes and promise to show the mysterious monster.

Famous people

Great Britain is the birthplace of a huge number of famous people all over the world. For example, the most famous queen in the world is the reigning Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II. Also, the whole world knows the politicians of England: Princess Diana, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher.

However, creative people born in the British Isles were and are most famous: writer William Shakespeare, scientist Isaac Newton, researcher and founder of the theory of evolution Charles Darwin, actor and director Charlie Chaplin, traveler James Cook, singer Paul McCartney, writers Charles Dickens and John Tolkien , soccer player David Beckham and many many others.

Source(s) of information:Internet sites.

10. On p. 86 make a list of reminder words about France and Great Britain (based on the book "Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the World").

  • France: Paris, Seine, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre, Mona Lisa, Pont Alexandre III, Eiffel Tower, European Disneyland, Versailles, Royal Palace of Versailles, Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
  • UK: London, Thames, Buckingham Palace, Changing of the Guards, Houses of Parliament, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Gerald Durrell.

1. Using the map of the textbook, sign the names of the countries highlighted in color and their capitals.

2. Serezha and Nadia have prepared a difficult task for you. In this tablet they "hid" the names of several cities in France and Great Britain. Using the textbook map, find them and fill each name with your own color.

3. Complete tasks.

1) Learn to show on the map the country you are studying and its capital. The territory of the country should be smoothly outlined with a pointer along the contour (border). Show the designation of the capital, not its name.

2) Enter in the table the sights of the country under study.

Sights of France and Great Britain

3) Describe the sights of the studied country from the photographs in the textbook.

4. Wise Turtle asks if you know these sights. Cut out photos from the Application and arrange them in the appropriate boxes. Check yourself in the textbook. After checking the sticker photos. Indicate with arrows the names of cities and countries where these sights are located.

5. Use the textbook to color the flags.

6. Imagine yourself as a tour guide. With the help of the city plan, conduct an imaginary excursion for classmates. Show them the sights you know something about. Tell me about them.

Plan of Paris

Unforgettable journey(Parrot's story)

What a wonderful trip it was to France and the UK! Arriving in Paris, I immediately went on a pleasure boat on the River Thames (Seine). How magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre! And here is the famous Tower (Alexander III) bridge. A little more, and the clock tower (Eiffel) - the symbol of Paris - appeared. Through the tunnel under the English Channel, I took a high-speed train to the UK. Its capital is beautiful - the city of London. Here I traveled along the River Seine (Thames). And most of all I liked the Eiffel (with a clock) tower - a symbol of London.

8. Question Ant wants to know who is depicted in these portraits. Sign.

Orally tell what you know about these people.

9. Prepare a report about France and Great Britain. You can use the information from the textbook (p. 140), additional literature, the Internet. It is better to choose a country where you have been to. Then you can supplement the collected information with your impressions.

Message subject: Eiffel Tower

Message plan: eiffel tower story

Source(s) of information: the Internet

Here you can write down an interesting fact for your message.

The Eiffel Tower originally served as the entrance arch to the Paris World's Fair. From demolition after 20 years, the tower was saved by radio antennas installed at the very top. Named after its designer Gustave Eiffel.

10. As instructed by the textbook, write down what goods from these countries are sold in our stores.

Goods from

France: cheese, cosmetics, poultry, flour

Great Britain: cereals, milk, potatoes, meat and poultry