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Mount Belukha in Altai - report and review of the ascent to Belukha (4509). Belukha - the three-headed sacred mountain of Altai Altitude and coordinates of the mountain belukha

And Western (4435 m.), Between which there is a depression “Belukha Saddle”, 4000 m high. Two Belukha peaks, together with the Delaunay and Korona Altai peaks located on the left and right, form the Akkem wall, almost vertically falling down to the side. Usually they come to the foot of the Belukha through or.

On the territory of Russia, beyond the Urals, only in Kamchatka there is a peak exceeding Belukha Klyuchevskaya Sopka. But this mountain attracts not so much with its height. As climbers say: Belukha is not for records, but for the soul. Some special influence comes from it, which is noticeable even at a distance from its foot. Seeing Belukha for the first time, a person is filled with delight. In the valley, at the foot of Belukha, there is generally an atmosphere of openness and brotherhood with everyone nearby, even strangers.

Altaians revere Belukha and consider it a sacred mountain. Altaic names of Belukha Kadyn-Bazhi (top of the Katun), Ak-Suru (majestic), Musdutuu (ice mountain). Many people believe that Belukha is not an easy mountain, it is an antenna that receives information from the Cosmos, transforms it, and spreads it to the whole Earth. Prepared, harmonious people who are in touch with nature can “communicate” with Belukha and “read” from her the information that she carries. Beluga has a harmonizing effect on a person, increasing his sensitivity and love for nature.

The famous mystic artist, an artist-traveler who visited the Belukha region in 1926 during his Central Asian expedition, also noted the unusualness of the space near Belukha. He wrote: “We saw Belukha. It was so clear and loud. Directly Zvenigorod. The artist felt that there was an energy bridge between Belukha and Everest, like two space antennas. "Altai - the Himalayas, two poles, two magnets" he wrote in his diaries. Living in, Roerich made a large number of studies in the Belukha region. And after he visited Belukha from the south side, he painted the painting “Belukha”. In 1942, Nikolai Konstantinovich painted the painting "Victory". In the foreground is a warrior in ancient Russian armor who has slain a dragon. On the second are the shining peaks of Belukha. In honor of N.K. Roerich and members of his family named four peaks of the Katunsky ridge in the Belukha region. Reproductions of the artist's paintings can be seen in the village. Upper-Uimon.

The first records about Belukha appeared more than 200 years ago, when the Russian scientist and traveler P.I. Shangin, on his expedition to Altai, having visited the Uimon Valley, recorded the stories of hunters and prospectors about Belukha.

For the first time, Belukha was reached in 1835 by Gebler Friedrich Wilhelmovich, a well-known scientist and researcher in Altai, a doctor of the Kolyvano-Voskresensky factories. In order to collect and study medicinal plants, he traveled a lot around Altai and in 1836, striving for the source of the Katun, he approached Belukha from the south and discovered the Katun glacier, later named after him, and the Berel glacier. Gebler then climbed the southern slope to the border of non-melting snow, made an attempt to determine the height of Belukha. Later, in his article “Notes on the Katun Mountains”, Gebler speaks of Belukha as the highest peak of the “Russian Altai”.

A faithful researcher of Belukha for many years was a Siberian researcher and scientist, professor of Tomsk University Vasily Vasilyevich Sapozhnikov, who in the period from 1895 to 1911 repeatedly visited the Belukha region from the north and south sides and discovered and described the Belukha glacier massif: Akkemsky, Iedygemsky glaciers , as well as their tributaries and satellites, the Cherny glacier, Myushtuayry (Tron Brothers) and several other glaciers in the upper reaches of the Kuchurla. In 1898, after two unsuccessful attempts in previous years, Sapozhnikov and his companions reached the Belukha saddle and measured the height of its peaks. In honor of his two sons, Boris and Bronya, Sapozhnikov named two peaks that frame Belukha like a frame when viewed from Lake Akkem.

The first catalog of Altai glaciers was compiled by Boris Tronov. The Tronov brothers, after three attempts over the course of two years, for the first time managed to climb the summit of Belukha from the south side in 1914. And this year is considered the beginning of mountaineering in Altai.

In 1926, two climbers from Leningrad, N.V. Zelgeim and B.N. Delaunay. Experienced climbers had to overcome a height of about 400 m, when a large snow cornice fell off the ridge in front of them, later called Delaunay. The expedition members had to return. In 1933, another expedition led by Vitaly Abalakov passed along the same road, which was lucky, and the participants of the campaign for the first time reached the top of Belukha from the north side.

In 1935, the First All-Siberian Alpiniada was held in the Belukha region. Participants of the Alpiniada 84 people climbed the southern slopes of Belukha. Of these, 43 people reached the summit, while the rest climbed onto the saddle. This year, all central newspapers wrote about Belukha. In the following year, 1936, the Western Peak of Belukha was finally conquered. The area of ​​Belukha became especially visited after the 60s, when many nearby peaks of the Katunsky ridge were found and climbed. In the period from 1982 to 1988, an international climbing camp operated at the foot of Belukha.

The Belukha region is also interesting for researchers as an area of ​​ancient glaciation. So K.G. Tyumentsev, who worked with the expedition near the south side of Belukha in 1933, distinguished four epochs of glaciation in Altai. The ancient glaciers of the Katunsky ridge, descending from the mountains, formed many valleys that were filled with water when the glaciers melted. This is how many lakes were formed, in particular Lake Akkem at the foot of Belukha. Belukha is one of the main glacial centers Gorny Altai. There are about 170 glaciers on the slopes of the Belukha massif and in the river valleys associated with it. Half of them are carried by Mount Belukha itself. The names of the Belukha massif glaciers immortalize the names of its explorers. The longest glacier of the Katunsky Ridge, descending from the eastern slope of Belukha Mensu, is named after the faithful explorer of Belukha Sapozhnikov. Its length is 10.5 km, area 13.2 km2. V.V. Sapozhnikov, who discovered the Akkemsky glacier, starting on the northern slope of Belukha, named it in honor of his expedition comrade, with whom they made surveys of glaciers together - V.I. Rodzevich. The length of this glacier is 7 kilometers, and the total area is about 8.5 km2. The Katun glacier on the southern slope of Belukha is named after its discoverer Gebler. The Tronov brothers, the first climbers of Belukha, are immortalized in the name of the Mushtuairy (Tron brothers) glacier. The length of this glacier is 10.3 km, the area is 8.6 km2.

The Belukha region is located in a zone of increased seismic activity, micro-earthquakes often occur here, as a result of which cracks appear in the Belukha ice cover, collapses and avalanches.

Beluga is one of them. The unusually beautiful mountain attracts not only climbers, but also all connoisseurs of natural beauty. In their shape, the peaks of Mount Belukha resemble two irregular pyramids, between which there is a depression, the height of the latter is quite large - four thousand meters. In terms of height, Mount Belukha is second only to Klyuchevskaya Sopka. The latter is located in Kamchatka.

Where is Mount Belukha located?

The mountain is located in the Altai Republic, more precisely, in the Ust-Koksinsky district. This is the highest peak in Siberia, crowning the Katunsky Belukha is 4509 m. Its massif rises in the center of the Katunsky ridge, almost at the very border of Russia and Kazakhstan, on the border of the main ridge and its three spurs. The coordinates of Mount Belukha are 49 ° 4825 s. sh. and 86°3523 E d.

The two peaks of Belukha, in combination with the peaks of Korona Altai and Delaunay, located on the right and on the left, form the Akkem wall, which falls almost vertically towards the Akkem glacier. Knowing where Mount Belukha is located, amateurs and professional climbers come here every year.


The border between Kazakhstan and Russia stretches across the Belukha massif. Full-flowing water originates from its slopes Description of Belukha Mountain can be found in the advertising booklets of many travel companies. It got its name due to the abundant snows that cover Belukha from the base to the peak.

The mountain has two peaks, which are irregular pyramids in shape. The height of the Western Belukha is 4435 meters, and the pointed Eastern Belukha is even higher - 4509 meters. They fall almost vertically to the Akkemsky glacier and gradually decrease towards the Katunsky glacier (Gebler). Between the two peaks there is a depression called the Beluga Saddle. Its height is four thousand meters. It breaks off to the Akkem glacier, and in the south, to the Katun River, it descends more gently.

The mountain range consists of Upper and Middle Cambrian rocks. Its spurs are outcrops of shales and sandstones. Conglomerates are much less represented. Part of the array consists of typical flysch formations. It should be said about the tectonic instability of this territory, which is evidenced by cracks, faults and overthrusts of rocks. Almost sheer, steep slip zones are typical of the northern slope of the mountain, mainly from the side of the Akkem valley.

The Belukha region is located on the border of zones of seismic activity of seven to eight magnitudes. Small earthquakes happen here very often. As a result, the ice shell breaks, collapses and avalanches come down. Since the Paleogene era, the territory has been experiencing active tectonic uplift, which continues to this day. This was reflected in the relief - throughout the territory it is alpine, high-mountainous, with deep gorges. They are surrounded by vertical alpine ridges of Belukha mountain. Their height is 2500 meters.

The areas of the massif are mainly occupied by talus, moraines and rocks. The slopes are exposed to the destructive effects of avalanches and mudflows.


In the Belukha region, the climate is severe - cold and long winters and rainy short summers. The conditions vary along the belts: from the climate of high glaciers and snow at the top to the climate of the valleys, where the average air temperature in July does not exceed +8.3 °C. At the peaks (platform) +6.3 °C. Even in summer, on the top of Belukha (altitude 2509 meters), the air temperature can drop to -20 °C.

In January, the air temperature is -48 °C and even in March it remains quite low -5 °C.


Belukha Mountain is one of the main glacial centers of Altai. In the river basins associated with it, there are one hundred and sixty-nine glaciers, covering a vast area of ​​one hundred and fifty square kilometers. Half of the glaciers of the Katun Ridge are located on Belukha.

M. V. Tronov, a well-known Soviet climatologist, singled out the glacial region of the mountain as a separate “type of Belukha glaciers”. Six large glaciers are concentrated in this area. Among them: the Small and Big Berel glaciers, 8 and 10 km long and 8.9 and 12.5 km 2 in area, respectively, the Sapozhnikov glacier, 10.5 km long and 13.2 km 2 in area.

All the glaciers located here are quite large: their area ranges from two to ten square kilometers. The ice moves at a speed of thirty to fifty meters per year. The largest was recorded on the Brothers Tronovy glacier. At its foot it reaches one hundred and twenty meters a year. When snow accumulates on steep slopes, avalanches occur.


They mainly belong to the basin of the Katun River, which originates on the southern slopes of the Gebler Glacier. Here are the sources of the rivers Akkem, Kucherla, Idegem. The southeastern slope is drained by the Belaya Berel River, which belongs to the Bukhtarma basin.

The water flows that originated near the Belukha glaciers form the so-called Altai type of rivers. They are replenished by the melt waters of glaciers. These rivers are characterized by a powerful flow in summer and rather low in the rest of the time. Most of them are fleeting, often forming waterfalls. For example, the picturesque waterfall Rassypnaya is located on the river of the same name, which is the right tributary of the Katun River.


In the Belukha region, they are located in trough valleys and deep caravans. They appeared on this territory during the activity of ancient glaciers. The largest of them are Akkemskoye and Kucherlinskoye.


The Belukhinsky massif, as, indeed, for any mountainous territory, is characterized by a rather diverse flora. According to numerous studies, most of the ridge belongs to the high-mountainous Katunsky region, where the presence of high-mountain and forest formations is noted. The forest belt stretches to heights of two thousand meters in the western part and up to two thousand two hundred meters in the east. It is most developed on the northern macroslope.

In the upper reaches of the Koksu and Katun rivers, the belt is fragmentary. Its lower border is dominated by dark coniferous formations with a predominance of Siberian spruce, Siberian fir, and cedar. Deciduous species are common: mountain ash, Siberian larch, birch. Shrubs are represented by honeysuckle, meadowsweet, caragana. Cedar dominates in the higher zone, and lingonberries and honeysuckle dominate among shrubs. In the uppermost part of the forest zone, round-leaved birch and alpine and subalpine herbs grow. In addition, raspberries and currants are common here.

On the lower border, the subalpine belt is represented by cedar-larch and cedar light forests, with fragments of shrubs and subalpine meadows. The Alpine belt is represented by small-grass, tall-grass, and cobresia meadows. The Belukhinsky massif occupies most of the highlands, therefore rather rare species that grow in the Alpine belt are of interest here: larkspur ukokskaya and aconite not found, rhodiola (four-membered, frosty, pink), Krylov's cinquefoil, more than thirty types of onions (dwarf, Altai and others) . Many of them are included in the Red Book of Altai.

Animal world

Red-backed, big-eared and red-gray voles are found on stony placers and dwarf dwarf birches. On the right bank of the Katun, at its source, lives the zokor and the Altai mouse. Occasionally, snow leopard, lynx and Siberian ibex come to these places.

Birds are much more diverse. Hunting and commercial species include: tundra and white partridges. From the family of passerines, the Himalayan conjurer, Alpine jackdaw, and chough-tree live here. Much less often in these places you can meet the Siberian mountain finches and a very rare species - juniper grosbeak. The rare species included in the Red Book of Altai include the Altai snowcock, big lentil, golden eagle.

Natural Park

Back in 1978, the leadership of the autonomous region decided to create a natural monument in these places. Its official status was confirmed in 1996 by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Altai. In June 1997, the first Belukha natural park in the republic was founded, covering an area of ​​131,337 hectares. Since January 2000, Belukha Mountain and the adjacent territories: Kucherlinskoye and - have received the name national park"Belukha".

There are several interesting facts about this mountain:

  • Mount Belukha was repeatedly depicted on the canvases of N. Roerich and G. Choros-Gurkin;
  • for Altai shamanists and Buddhists, the mountain is sacred. They believe that here is one of the entrances to the mysterious country of Shambhala and Belovodie;
  • esotericists consider Belukha an information pyramid and a place of power;
  • at local population there are many prohibitions that are associated with the sacred mountain: you can’t make noise on the slopes, bring metal objects, hunt;
  • as in most other sacred places of Altai, women are not allowed to enter the mountain;
  • the image of a Beluga whale can be seen on

Visiting mode

The most popular tourist route, passing from the village of Tungur to the foot of Belukha Mountain, is located in the border zone, close to the state border of Kazakhstan and Russia. Citizens of Russia who wish to travel on it must have a passport with them, travelers from other states - permission, which should be obtained in advance from the republican department of the FSB. It is located in Gorno-Altaisk.

If you plan to visit a five-kilometer zone from the border (for example, to climb Belukha), then a permit will be required for all categories of citizens.

The highest point in Siberia and one of the most beautiful places Mountain Altai - Mount Belukha, on the satellite map, it looks like a flying bird with outstretched wings. Geographically, Belukha is located near the border between Russia and Kazakhstan. The legendary Katun River also originates from the mountain. A variety of tours and excursions are organized on Belukha, and there is also the opportunity to visit the mountain on your own. Today we will answer the question of how to get to Belukha Mountain by car.

Before answering the question of how to get to Belukha Mountain by car, let's talk a little about its majestic beauty and sights. The highest point of Belukha Mountain is 4509 m. The first peak of Belukha Mountain in the east is 4509 m high. The second peak of Belukha Mountain in the west is 4435 m high.

The distance between the two peaks is called the "Belukha Saddle", which breaks off to the north to the Akkem glacier. The territory on which the mountain is located has a 7-point seismic activity. Micro-earthquakes have produced changes in the relief, which is dominated by highlands with deep gorges, Mount Belukha on the satellite map confirms these changes.

Where is Mount Belukha located? This question can be answered by tour operators who organize hiking and horse riding tours to the mountain. You can ride horses to the foot of Belukha by purchasing a tour. The meeting takes place in Biysk, but you will have to get to the city by car or by train.

Rest in Altai on the belukha mountain is possible in a hotel or in a tent. The tourist center "Belukha" is located near the village of Ust-Sema on the right bank of the Katun River. You can spend the night in a tent in the Ak-Kem camp near the Akkem lakes. Many will ask how to get to the Ak-Kem camp by car? The answer will be disappointing, as it will not be possible to get there by car. There are two options - on foot or by helicopter.

So, where is Belukha Mountain, we found out, it remains only to pave the way and answer the question, how to get to Belukha Mountain by car? It all depends on which area you are coming from. In any case, you will need to get to Biysk, since this is the only way to Belukha. From Biysk, the following route is obtained:

Biysk - Srostki - Mayma - Manzherok - Ust-Sema - Shebalino - Seminsky Pass - Oil Depot - Ust-Kan - Ust-Koksa - Tungur - Belukha Mountain.

The road is good. After Biysk, a road with four lanes 20 km long will begin, after which it will again be two-lane, but the asphalt is just as good. Before Ust-Sema there will be an intersection where you will need to turn right onto the M-52 highway. After that, we drive through the Seminsky Pass to the sign with the pointer to Ust-Koksa and Ust-Kan. The distance required to drive these two settlements is 200 km. After that, you will reach the Uimon steppe, and after 60 km there will be the village of Tungur, where there are many offers for organizing hikes and the opportunity to spend the night, but I would recommend that you arrange a hiking or horseback tour in advance.

How to get to Belukha Mountain by car? The answer to this question is not difficult, the main thing is to have a navigator, a little ingenuity and the ability to deal with maps. But where is Mount Belukha located in coordinates? Mount Belukha coordinates: 49.80712, 86.58881.

Mount Belukha in the Altai Mountains: description, photo, video

On the map of Russia there are several toponyms "Belukha" at once - this is a mountain peak, a river, a natural monument, and an island. This article will talk about the top. Belukha is a sacred place for many peoples of Altai. The mountain is even represented on the state symbols of the Republic. Locals call it "Uch-Sumer", which means "Three-headed peak". Indeed, if you look at Mount Belukha and its photo, you can see several peaks. As an orographic object, it consists of two pointed pyramid-shaped peaks, between which there is a saddle with two slopes.

The absolute height of the Belukha is 4506 meters. The first official mention of the mountain dates back to the 18th century, and the first traveler who attempted to conquer it was the Briton Samuel Turner. However, he did not succeed, only 10 years later, in 1914, the pioneers stepped on a non-criminal peak. The beginning of scientific research in the vicinity of Belukha Mountain in Altai dates back to the 19th century, when the famous naturalist F. Gebbler investigated the local flora, and also discovered the Barelsky and Katunsky glaciers. He was also the very first to try to measure the height of the peak. According to his goniometer, it should have been 3362 meters.

60 years after Gebbler, Professor V. Sapozhnikov tried to find out the height of Belukha. His calculations turned out to be more accurate, but still he was wrong. The final height was set in 1948, but in 2012, in the course of new research, it was found that the mountain is 3 meters higher than previously thought. Now both 4506 and 4509 meters are indicated on the maps. The Altai mountain range is very unstable and small earthquakes are not uncommon here. They, in turn, provoke avalanches and avalanches.

Mount Belukha in the Altai Mountains is the place where the largest number of glaciers accumulate in the region. Today, 169 various glaciers are known on its territory. are the source of many rivers that flow into the Katun River. All of them are distinguished by fast streams and an abundance of cascades. There are also several picturesque lakes here. The flora and fauna of the region is diverse and unique.

Where is Mount Belukha

As already mentioned, this mountain is the highest point of the Altai Mountains. And more specifically, where Mount Belukha is located, then it is located on the Katunsky ridge, which has a length of more than 150 kilometers. From the point of view of the administrative structure, Belukha is concentrated on the border of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, in the place where the Katun begins its course. In Russia, the peak is concentrated in the Republic of Altai, in the Ust-Koksinsky region.

Mount Belukha on the map:

Distance of Belukha mountain from settlements:

  • Tungur village - 50 kilometers;
  • the city of Barnaul - 596 kilometers.

Mount Belukha coordinates on the map:

  • Latitude - 49°48'26.7
  • Longitude - 86°34'53.5

How to get to Belukha Mountain

The starting point for most travelers is Barnaul, and the final point is the village of Tungur. The rest of the journey must be done on foot or on horseback. If planned independent travel, then you can ask the locals for directions, there are also signs on the hiking trail.

How to get to Belukha Mountain by public transport:

Barnaul can be reached by railway. From administrative center In the Altai Territory, you should take a bus to the city of Gorno-Altaisk, it departs from the bus station located on Kosmosky Prospekt. Gorno-Altaysk is the nearest city to the mountain peak, from here you can get to the village of Tungur by bus or taxi.

By car, Belukha Mountain can be reached by going in the same direction. In order not to get lost, you can enter the coordinates of Belukha Mountain into the navigator.

When is the best time to visit Belukha Mountain in Altai?

When traveling to Mount Belukha, it is important to consider the weather in the first place. The climate here is very harsh. Winters are long and cold - temperatures can easily drop to -30 degrees Celsius. Accordingly, the summer is short, cool and with a large amount of precipitation. On the mountain itself, even in June and July, the air temperature can be below -15 degrees.

Actually, to make the trip as comfortable as possible, it is worth coming in the summer, which lasts here until the end of August. For those who are looking for extreme sports and are not afraid of cold and snow, Mount Belukha"open" throughout the year. Before the trip, you need to carefully prepare. There may be problems with mobile communications. Be sure to stock up on warm clothes, food and equipment.

Attraction features

On Mount Belukha, rest is pleasant and varied. In the vicinity there are a large number of tourist bases and complexes, estates and guest houses. There is also health complex with antler baths and marals. For those who do not want to huddle in a village, house or hotel room, there is an opportunity to stay in a tent. Almost everywhere you can make a fire, fry meat or vegetables, and majestic landscapes only contribute to appetite.

If you are interested in climbing mountains, then we have a couple of very interesting materials for you. Read about the pearl of the Caucasus - which is 5,642 meters above sea level. Or about a long-extinct volcano - which rises to 5,033 m.

At some bases, you can order additional services such as rafting, speleological tours, climbing Belukha and much more. Tourist routes to the surroundings of the mountain and to its top a few. The most popular and easiest one runs from the village of Tungur to the foot of mountain range. It is worth noting that Belukha is located in the border area, so you must have a passport with you.

Travelers from other countries need to obtain permission in advance at the Gorno-Altai representative office of the FSB. It will also be needed for other citizens if the trip is planned in a 5-kilometer zone to the Russian-Kazakh border. To the very top of Belukha, the easiest route runs from the south, and the most difficult one, requiring climbing equipment and relevant experience, from the north along the Akkem glacier.

What to see in the surroundings

Mount Belukha can be visited not only by climbers and extreme sports enthusiasts, but also by travelers who want to touch the cultural heritage, nature and history of the Altai region. One of the most mystical corners of the Altai Mountains is the Yarlu Valley. Bright shades of local forests, rare flowers and huge walls of rocks can surprise anyone. Near the shaman stone you can often meet people doing meditation.

Another popular place for mystics is Lake Akkem. By the way, back the name of the reservoir sounds like "Mecca", for which it is often called prophetic. The lake is located on the north side of the mountain. Most of all, tourists are attracted by the opportunity to see and photograph the reflection of the mountain peak.

On the way to Akkem, you can admire the highest waterfall in the region. It is called Tekelyu, and its height is 60 meters. Denisova cave is also an interesting sight. More than 20 cultural layers were found on its territory. The road to the village of Tungur runs through the Gromotukhinsky and Kyrlyksky passes. They offer unsurpassed views of the valley and green taiga forests. True, the roads here are narrow, so it is better to put an experienced driver behind the wheel.

In Biysk, after the bridge over the Biya, we drive straight ahead without turning anywhere. Behind Biysk, the historical part of the Chuisky tract will begin. The road is excellent asphalt, and immediately after Biysk there is a 4-lane road. True, not for long, after 20 km it will become an ordinary two-lane, but still of excellent quality. Approximately 150 km after Biysk, there will be a fork in front of the village of Ust-Sema. We leave along the main right along the M-52 highway to Tashanta. We cross the Katun on a new bridge. We rise to the Seminsky pass. Although this is the highest pass on the Chuisky tract, technically it is not difficult, it can be easily overcome by any car at any time of the year. The pavement on the pass, as well as on the entire Chuisky tract, is excellent asphalt. After the descent from Seminsky, there will be a fork. The Chuysky tract goes straight ahead. We need to turn right following the signs to Ust-Koksa and Ust-Kan. After 90 km the village of Ust-Kan. After another 110 km - Ust-Koksa. After Ust-Koksa, the Uimon steppe begins. After 60 km there will be the village of Tungur.

IMPORTANT! A trip to the foot of Belukha Mountain and to the sights closest to it is a very serious event for an unprepared tourist! If you are a beginner and have never been to these parts, be sure to join an organized tour group, take an experienced tourist instructor or guide with you. The entire route passes through a deserted highland area remote from civilization. The length of the route will be more than 100 km along rugged high-mountainous terrain, which is more than 6 days of autonomous existence in the wild. There is no cell service throughout the entire journey. The group should include mentally and physically prepared people. I strongly recommend not to take children under 12 years old with you.

The village of Tungur is the starting point of all hiking or horse trails. Here you can easily find many proposals for organizing trips to Mount Belukha, both on foot and on horseback.

You can hire horses to carry your things and walk light. You can organize a fully equestrian trip with a guide and instructor. If you have never sat in the saddle, at the base, you will get the basic knowledge of moving on a horse and will be able to practice a little.

It is better to book a place on a hike before a trip to Gorny Altai. There are many travel companies that do this.

A tour to the foot of Belukha usually includes a visit to Lake Akkem, Lake Kucherlinskoye, the Valley of Seven Lakes, Lake Darashkol and other interesting places.

The route to the lake itself has several options, but there are two main ones. The first is from Tungur through the Kuzuyak pass to the valley of the Akkem river, then upstream the Akkem to Lake Akkemsky, then to the Akkemsky glacier. The second option is from Tungur upstream of the Kucherla river, then through the Karatyurek pass (3060 m) to the Akkem river valley and Akkem lake. Most often, a circular tour is organized with an ascent along the Akkem River, and a descent along the Kucherla River, thanks to this, you can see many interesting sights in one trip.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to take warm clothes on the trip. The Karatyurek pass (3060 m) can be covered with snow even in summer, it can often snow or even a heavy snowstorm. Also unforgettable are personal hygiene products, sprays and ointments from mosquitoes and ticks, as well as a first aid kit with basic medicines.

On average, 10-20 km are covered per day, depending on conditions. Overnight stay is organized at convenient sites along the route. The food lies entirely on you, cook yourself - eat yourself :-)

Despite such a long and difficult route, the tour to the foot of Belukha is one of the most interesting tours in the Altai Mountains. Having passed it, you can confidently say that you have been to Altai!