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Air traffic controller training. Profession air traffic controller

An air traffic controller is a professional who provides air traffic control (ATC) to ensure the safe, energy efficient, regular and orderly movement of aircraft. What exactly is included in the range of professional duties and how to become an air traffic controller, we will consider in the article.

Average salary: 63,000 rubles per month




entry barrier


History of the profession

International Air Traffic Controller Day is celebrated on October 20, since on this day in 1961 the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations (abbreviated from English IFATCA) was created. However, the history of this young profession begins much earlier - from the moment when communication was first established between the aircraft and the flight coordinator on the ground. Later, with the advent of mass sorties of military aviation, takeoff and landing control standards began to form. But in civil aviation, the final standardization of the management of cargo and passenger air transportation in its modern form took shape after the creation of IFATCA, which today includes more than 50 thousand air traffic controllers from around the world.

Description and characteristics of the profession

In Russia, air traffic management is a whole complex process that ensures the interaction of control centers that are part of the EU ATM structure (which stands for the Unified Air Traffic Management System). The airspace is divided into areas of responsibility of control points and classes, and depending on the type of tasks performed, they are distinguished separately:

  • planning stations working on more efficient use of airspace from the moment a flight plan is created to its closure;
  • points of air traffic controllers involved in the direct control of traffic from the moment the engine is started to taxiing to the parking lot at the destination aerodrome.

In accordance with the flight planning area, three types of EU ATM bodies are distinguished: the Main Center (GC), the Zonal Center (ZC) and the Regional Center (RC). In each of them, according to zoning, they collect and process submitted (FPL) and recurring (RPL) flight plans, control the planning process of both regular and non-scheduled flights in the airspace of Russia and on international airlines (GC), forecast the needs of the airspace and etc. There are also control centers of local airlines, flight information centers.

The separation of air communication stages also implies the separation of control rooms throughout the flight. The workplace of the dispatcher at the airport is the tower of the control center. This is a hall located at an altitude of several tens of meters with huge windows, equipped with computers, monitors displaying the air and meteorological conditions, a signal board, radio navigation and communication equipment, charting tables, tabular and sign indicators, binoculars, and finally, a comfortable sturdy chair.

The air traffic control "crew" consists of the radar control air traffic controller himself, who controls the aircraft, and the assistant - the procedural control dispatcher, who deals with the approvals. In the hall, literally and figuratively, behind the back are the senior air traffic controller (shift supervisor) and the flight director.

Simultaneous control in air traffic conditions is sometimes maintained with two or three dozen aircraft, while it is also necessary to simultaneously monitor changes in weather, pressure, the state of nearby airfields, etc.

The peculiarity of the work of an air traffic controller is that at any moment an extreme situation may arise in which a decision must be made as quickly and clearly as in compliance with the usual schedule. And anything can happen: the aircraft's radar system or even the engine may fail, fog may fall on the runway, etc. Sometimes, due to deteriorating conditions, the strip is not visible either to the naked eye or through binoculars. In this case, there are well-established procedures for coordinating the instruments and lights of the runway, but the tension at such moments grows. As one experienced air traffic controller admitted in an interview: “For us, any situation is normal.” However, in aviation there is such a thing as an "air incident". The decision to declare the stage of "alarm" or "distress" (for example, non-extension of the landing gear during landing approach) is made by the flight director.

Before starting a shift, the air traffic controller undergoes a mandatory medical examination. The working day usually lasts seven hours with a break of at least 20 minutes every two hours. The break is necessary to relieve tension, which grows and accumulates very quickly at the console, increasing the risk of error, so fatigue is unacceptable.

Since the profession of an air traffic controller is associated with a constant high psycho-emotional load, it gives the right to early retirement.

What specialties are best to study

To obtain air traffic controller training, basic training can be completed in several specializations:

  • Air traffic control - specialization code:
  • Organization of the use of airspace and Organization of air navigation support for flights - specialization code:
  • Aircraft motion control systems - specialization code:

For each profile, there are from 1 to 3 program options, so that students entering the dispatcher can choose where to study.

The best universities for studying

The most prestigious universities for obtaining specialized education include:

  • St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation.
  • Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation.
  • MAI - Moscow Aviation Institute.
  • South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk).

However, education does not end after graduation. The air traffic controller needs to undergo advanced training every 3 years and, depending on the class, confirm the current air traffic controller certificate once every 1-3 years: the third class is confirmed annually, the second - once every 2 years, the first - once every 3 years.

Job Responsibilities

Communication with aircraft is maintained throughout the flight, but there is a phased division of airport controllers' responsibility: one controller is responsible for takeoff, another for climbing, a third for landing, etc. The same specialist has access to different specializations.

  • Steering Manager. Responsibilities include monitoring the situation on the platform. It allows or prohibits towing and adjusts the time so that the other side does not taxi along the lane at the same time. After bringing the aircraft to the runway, the air traffic controller passes the baton to a colleague in charge of the launch.
  • Start Manager. Controls the movement of the aircraft along the runway and movement along the pre-landing line.
  • Approach Manager. Leads the aircraft to a certain height, providing a safe landing approach and conditions for maneuver.
  • Circle manager. He is also responsible for the ability to maneuver during landing, but at a lower altitude.

Approach controllers and circle controllers can be physically located in the adjacent hall. They have more time to make a decision on each individual board, but there are more boards themselves in each unit of time than taxi and launch controllers.

Who suits

The requirements for candidates are very serious, and therefore, after completing an internship, on average, 1/10 of the candidates are eliminated. The requirements are high not only for the volume of special knowledge (meteorology, aerodynamics, navigation, radio equipment, etc.) English language at level 4 on the ICAO scale), but also to the psycho-emotional stability of the candidate for this job.

Among the highly qualified professions, air traffic controllers are at risk among those people whose profession exacerbates or provokes suicidal tendencies. Therefore, in addition to a serious general medical commission, a candidate for air traffic controllers must pass a psychological test for professional suitability. Often, formulations are specifically taught to cope with stress. It is no coincidence that one of the most popular types of recreation for air traffic controllers is fishing on the lakes.

There are also age restrictions. Until the age of 40, a medical examination for admission to work is carried out every three years, then every two years, and from the age of 50 a full examination with a conclusion on professional suitability takes place annually.

air traffic controller salary

In the bulk of the published vacancies, the salary for an air traffic controller is offered in the amount of up to 40 thousand rubles per month. Due to the large number of such vacancies, the average salary offered is quite low and does not correspond to the level of responsibility and necessary qualifications that an air traffic controller should have.

However, enough vacancies can be found with pay up to 80 thousand rubles. Less often, but also published, job offers for 125-165 thousand rubles a month and more. The maximum salary that appeared in the list of proposals is 214.5 thousand rubles / month.

How to build a career

When building a career, an air traffic controller grows to a senior controller, and then to a flight director with great authority. However, not only job growth, but also the transition from a provincial airport to an airport with high traffic and increased loads can become a kind of career turn, which becomes a kind of professional challenge for an air traffic controller.

When leaving the main place of work, the dispatcher can try himself as a supply engineer, logistician, that is, in jobs where his professional skills are in demand.

Prospects for the profession

In science fiction and futurology, a number of works are devoted to the topic of robots replacing people in the professions of a pilot and dispatcher (for example, Stanislav Lem's book "Inquiry"). The activity of an air traffic controller, indeed, is automated very quickly. However, control over the operation of devices and making the final decision in case of an emergency remains with the person. So, this profession will be in demand for a long time.

It is generally accepted that specialists whose specific work involves direct contact with the consumer of goods or services need to personally meet with clients. But, as you know, there are exceptions to every rule. And a striking example of this is the profession of a dispatcher, whose representatives are in direct contact with the consumer, but never meet him personally. And all because the tasks of this profession are fundamentally different from the tasks of all other specialties.

It is generally accepted that specialists whose specific work involves direct contact with the consumer of goods or services need to personally meet with clients. But, as you know, there are exceptions to every rule. And a prime example of this is dispatcher profession, whose representatives are in direct contact with the consumer, but never meet him personally. And all because the tasks of this profession are fundamentally different from the tasks of all other specialties.

Dispatchers do not sell anything, do not conduct opinion polls, do not advertise goods and services. They are simply trying to make our lives more comfortable, orderly and safe. What are these specialists doing? What are the features of this profession, and what personal qualities do you need to have in order to get it? What difficulties in work should future specialists be prepared for, and in what educational institutions do they teach the wisdom of this profession? You can find answers to all these questions here and now.

Who is a dispatcher?

- an official who ensures the coordination and optimization of the production process in a certain field of activity through the use of various types of computer technology, as well as means of communication and communication.

The name of the profession comes from the English dispatch (send, send), which directly indicates the main task of any dispatcher - to structure and process the information that comes to him, and send it in the right direction. The profession belongs to the category of "young", since its education became possible only at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, when computers and various means of communication appeared, and there was also a need for people capable of coordinating the activities of transport and special services.

In other words, initially dispatchers were required only to ensure the coordinated work of carriers (by the way, in the original sources, the word "dispatcher" meant "sender of trains") and emergency response services (police, firefighters, ambulance, etc.). Today, dispatchers coordinate almost all spheres of human activity: taxi services, logistics departments, air transportation, delivery services, online stores, educational organizations, utilities, manufacturing enterprises, etc. In a word, wherever it is necessary to quickly regulate the course of production or manage the movement of vehicles, representatives of this profession are needed.

official dispatcher duties are directly related to the place of work. For example, an air traffic controller coordinates the take-off, flight and landing of aircraft, and a taxi dispatcher acts as an intermediary between the driver and the passenger: he issues calls, distributes orders between drivers and informs the client about the delivery of the car. In general, the duties of the dispatcher include the entire set of activities (including written reports on the work done) aimed at ensuring an uninterrupted process of production or the provision of services. In addition, the duties of a specialist may include: providing the enterprise with the necessary materials, monitoring the timely purchase of equipment, consulting and administrative functions.

What personal qualities should a dispatcher have?

Since the basis dispatcher's work communication with people lies (both with customers and employees of the enterprise), this specialist must have developed communication skills, good diction and competent language. In addition, the presence of such personal qualities as:

The dispatcher performs his professional activities through means of communication and communication, therefore, the specialist must have the skills to work on a PC and other office equipment. He must also have knowledge in the field of features of the works (services) produced, regulatory legal acts, the basics of organizing production, economics, psychology, labor protection, safety precautions and the range of products.

Benefits of being a dispatcher

Main advantage of the dispatcher profession is the lack of need for higher education. Moreover, even a person without special education and work experience can get a job in this position. True, only in those organizations whose activities do not imply the presence of special knowledge. For example, in a taxi or delivery service.

It should be noted that today there are a fairly large number of dispatcher vacancies on the labor market, allowing them to carry out professional activities at home. Agree that this is a significant advantage of the profession, especially for those people who are unable to leave their apartment or house for a long time (for example, young mothers or people with disabilities).

Since the work of a dispatcher is not associated with physical exertion, this profession is ideal for women of all ages. That is, it is for the most unprotected and discriminated category of the able-bodied population of our country. Well, more than comfortable working conditions (sedentary work in warm rooms) can be considered as a nice bonus.

Disadvantages of the Dispatcher Profession

Despite the obvious advantages and the seeming ease of professional duties (after all, it seems that there is nothing difficult in coordinating the actions of other employees), Disadvantages of the Dispatcher Profession a lot. And, above all, it is a high probability of communicating with inadequate people. Such situations are especially common in the work of taxi dispatchers and emergency response services.

Another disadvantage of this profession is the low salary, which, taking into account the requirements for education and work experience, is quite predictable. To date, the average monthly salary of dispatchers in Russia is about 15-30 thousand rubles.

Do not forget also that stressful situations often occur in the work of the dispatcher. For example, in the event of an accident or catastrophe, controllers are given a huge responsibility for coordinating the actions of rescue services, which negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a specialist.

Where can you get a job as a dispatcher?

Become a dispatcher possible in several ways. If you are planning to get a job in a taxi service, then it is enough just to attend a training course lasting 3-4 days, directly at the place of future professional activity. If you have plans to work as an air traffic controller or a dispatcher in production, then you need to undergo specialized training in one of the colleges or technical schools in Russia in the chosen field of activity. It should be noted that at the same time, one diploma is not enough for employers. Additionally, you need to have at least one year of work experience behind you. Therefore, after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution, be prepared for the fact that you still have to work for some time either as a simple operator or as an assistant dispatcher. Some specializations of this profession (for example, the profession of an air traffic controller) can also be obtained at a specialized university.

Every year in Russia the number of air transportation is growing, both on domestic and international routes. New directions are opening, the country's airports continue to be developed by foreign airlines. People are accustomed to flying: business trips, business trips, vacations - flights have long become something commonplace. However, few of the passengers climbing the ladder on board the aircraft think about who actually manages all this huge flow of arriving and departing aircraft, and how this huge and constantly moving mechanism is controlled.

Today we will talk about this in a little more detail using the example of the Domodedovo ATC Center, which is a structural subdivision of the Moscow ATC Center.

The functions of the center include ensuring the safety, regularity and economy of aircraft flights in the area of ​​the Domodedovo airfield. Air traffic control in the area of ​​​​the Domodedovo airfield is carried out using the TOWER technology (Tower - Command and Control Center) in two languages: Russian and English ...

Everything that happens on the airfield of the airfield takes place only under the control and on the commands of the air traffic controllers. This applies not only to aircraft pilots, but also to ground technical services. True, for passengers, all this remains completely invisible throughout the entire time of their stay within the walls of the air terminal complex and on board the aircraft ...

After the aircraft is prepared for flight, the aircraft crew must receive from the airfield controller control room permission for this flight. Further, already a few minutes before departure, the crew asks the taxi controller for permission to start the engines and, after receiving it, begins preparations for take-off. The taxi controller also reports the route to the runway (runway) and allows taxiing to the so-called preliminary start - a place on the taxiway immediately in front of the runway ...

After the crew report that the pre-launch is taken, the taxi controller transfers the aircraft to the control of the launch controller, who allows the execution of the line start, that is, taxiing directly onto the runway and aligning along its center line, reports the conditions for take-off, and after the crew reports on readiness, gives permission to take off. ..

After takeoff, the aircraft passes under the control of the Moscow air hub control center (MADC). It is sequentially serviced by controllers: circle and lower approach, which can make adjustments to the established procedure for entering the airway; then the upper approach, controlling the aircraft until it reaches the prescribed flight level and exits the Moscow Air Zone (MVZ), and, finally, the controllers of the Area Dispatch Center (ACC), who serve the aircraft at the flight level ...

Let's talk a little more about the work of launch controllers, whose area of ​​responsibility includes the airspace, which includes the climb sectors after takeoff and the final stage of the landing approach, as well as the maneuvering area (runway and taxiways) ...

To date, two parallel runways with courses 14L / 32R and 14R / 32L are operating at Domodedovo Airport, the Course-Glideslope System (KGS) operates in all four directions, which allows aircraft with appropriate equipment on board to automate the landing process as much as possible and ensure flight safety at meteorological minimum III-A category ICAO (with vertical visibility up to 15 meters and horizontal visibility up to 200 meters) ...

At the same time, as a rule, only two courses operate, which are mainly determined by the direction of the wind. But course 32 is considered a priority, because. when landing on runways 32L and 32R, it is easier to create an interval between aircraft, while when landing on the 14th runway, the space for maneuver is limited by Moscow (flights above which are prohibited below 8000 meters), as well as Vnukovo and Ramenskoye ...

For the effective operation of the two existing lanes, one more locator will have to be put into operation, which has already been built on the territory of the airport, but has not yet been interfaced with the existing TERCAS air traffic control system (TERCAS - Terminal and En-Route Control Automated System). Three radars: one each in Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo - provide full coverage of the cost center, the new radar will significantly improve the operation of existing systems and cover the range from the ground to a height of 500 meters at the most accurate possible levels ...

There are plans to build a third runway; an area of ​​9,550 hectares has already been reserved for future construction. Also, in connection with the expansion and increase in the number of lanes, it is planned to build a new control tower up to 100 meters high...

Now the airport schedule is designed in such a way that at least 40 take-off and landing operations are performed every hour from 07:00 to 23:00 in order to distribute the load over time as evenly as possible. Over the next year, with the introduction of a new airspace structure in the cost center, in the conditions of operation of both lanes, Domodedovo Airport will be able to provide a throughput capacity of up to 90 takeoffs and landings per hour. In 2013, the peak load was 59 operations per hour...

In general, the capacity of the airport is even higher than the approach can provide. This is also due to the fact that earlier the distribution of flights between the airports of the cost center was determined mainly taking into account the geographical principle: Sheremetyevo served the northern and northwestern directions and all international flights, Vnukovo served the southern and southeastern directions, Domodedovo served the eastern ...

At present, in the conditions of competition between airports, the geographical principle of the distribution of aircraft flows is no longer the key one, which, along with a ban on flights over Moscow, in turn increases the load on the cost center...

The height of the existing tower is 42 meters, almost the entire territory of the airport is visible from it. An overview of those sections of the runway that are closed by structures is provided with the help of video cameras ...

In a calm working atmosphere prevailing in the ATC procedure room, it is hard to believe that the people behind the consoles are representatives of one of the most stressful and responsible professions!

Dispatchers have 6 shifts, each with 10 people: a flight director, a senior dispatcher and 8 dispatchers (this is a payroll, in fact 6-7 people work at the same time). The dispatcher's work schedule should not exceed 36 hours per week. Dispatchers go on shift according to the schedule: day, morning, night. When leaving for a shift, a 15-minute briefing is carried out, another 15 minutes are spent on the acceptance / delivery of duty.

After two hours of work, a 20-minute break is required, and at high intensity close to the airport's capacity, a 10-minute break after each hour of work. After the night shift, three days off are provided. Vacation is 28 basic days and 39 additional days for harmful working conditions, which is a total of 67 days ...

Charming Natalya for several years of work on the tower in Domodedovo managed to visit many difficult situations - such is the job of a dispatcher. But the thought of changing jobs never arose. Even in her youth, she chose this profession for herself, and it could hardly have been otherwise when the whole family worked at the airport. Girls in air traffic controllers used to be taken with great reluctance, but today the situation has leveled off. Young specialists are in great demand today and this problem no longer exists ...

Each dispatcher passes a medical examination every two years, and every three years is required to receive a certificate of English proficiency in ICAO category IV. Dispatchers retire at the age of 50, but this does not mean that the employee should immediately quit. If the medical board allows, and it is almost the same for air traffic controllers as for pilots of civilian ships, then people continue to work. The main criterion in this case is health ...

At the time of the survey, lane 14L was controlled by one controller, and the neighboring one (14R) was controlled by two. At that time, scheduled work was carried out at the end of runway 14L, and landing on it was not carried out, respectively, and the load was less. Whereas runway 14R worked both for takeoff and landing, and it was served by two controllers: a control controller (works directly with aircraft crews - conducts radio exchange) and a support controller (controls traffic, provides interaction with other services, maintains a takeoff / landings and assists management including work with runway lighting equipment). The senior dispatcher is responsible for the distribution of employees, guided by the current situation ...

The duty engineer of the electrical service checks the runway lighting equipment (we hope that we will be able to get to know the operation of this equipment better next time).
The runway lights are manually adjusted by the controller depending on meteorological visibility. The weather display shows visibility at three points: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the runway. The illumination intensity is selected according to the minimum meteorological visibility.

If the visibility at least at one of the points is less than 600 meters, the dispatcher informs the crew of its values ​​at all three points. If visibility is between 600 and 2000 meters, only one value is reported (in the touchdown zone). If the visibility is more than 2000 meters, its value is not reported at all. Crews receive all meteorological information, including visibility, from an automatic informant (ATIS - Automatic Terminal Information Service). At the request of the aircraft crew, the intensity of the runway lights can be changed ...

In general, over time, the work of the controller, having passed the stage of aircraft control, has been transformed more into a service. Nowadays, the main task of air traffic controllers is to provide crews with aeronautical and meteorological information, as well as the prevention of dangerous encounters ...

To maintain a safe interval, the vectoring method is used (to a greater extent during landing approach). Vectoring is the provision of aircraft navigation guidance by indicating certain courses to crews based on the use of radar data. The main difference between the vectoring phase and other flight phases is that the responsibility for navigation in this case is assumed by the controller.

Vectoring ends either with a clear indication to the crew of the need to continue navigation using their own means, or by bringing to a course that will allow them to independently (using the technical means of the landing approach system, for example, CGS) bring the aircraft to the landing straight, or by entering the visual maneuvering zone. This is done by changing either course or speed ...

If there is a threat of a reduction in the safety interval on the pre-landing direct line, the controller can give the aircraft a go-around command. An interval of 5 kilometers is considered safe, and for a heavy aircraft (more than 136 tons) - 10 kilometers. The second possible reason for the go-around command may be the presence of obstacles on the runway. In all other cases, the decision to go around is made by the pilot-in-command...

The head of the traffic service of the Domodedovo ATC center, Viktor Alexandrovich Sitnikov, demonstrates a visual diagram, looking at which one can assess the degree of orderliness of air traffic. For comparison, green and red stripes on the left diagram indicate the daily trajectories of takeoffs and landings of aircraft at London Heathrow Airport, and on the diagram on the right, the areas of overflight by aircraft of the Moscow air zone are colored in blue ...

These are just the general basics of air traffic control at the airport, within the framework of one story it is impossible to cover all the features of this complex and multi-level system. But the main thing is that everything in it is subordinated to one general requirement- Ensuring the order and safety of aircraft flights. The fulfillment of this particular global task, together with the work of other services, is the key to a pleasant flight for the passenger...

Well, about the magnificent views from the control tower, and especially at sunset, you don’t even need to talk, it’s enough to see once - there really is where the eye can rest ...

We would like to thank the press center of the Moscow Air Traffic Control Center and the press service of Domodedovo Airport for organizing this event and facilitating the photography.
Special thanks to Viktor Alexandrovich Sitnikov, head of the traffic service of the Domodedovo ATS Center, for a very informative and interesting story about the work of dispatchers!

Taken from tankasan tower in Domodedovo...

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“The Investigative Committee dropped the charge against trainee dispatcher Svetlana Krivsun in the case of the crash of a Falcon plane at Vnukovo” - this is a two-week-old TASS report about an event that occurred almost a year and a half ago. Then the young specialist came under house arrest and all this time experienced considerable stress. Nice start to a career!

Yes, this is one of the risks of this profession. But such risks do not reduce its attractiveness. After all, an air traffic controller is a special profession, but how does it express itself?

How does is called?

Air traffic controller is the name of a whole family of air traffic control professions. If you think that a plane that has gained altitude flies as it wants, then you are deeply mistaken. He is closely monitored by the dispatcher who controls the horizontal flight on his territory. It not only ensures flight safety by suggesting the right altitude and lane for pilots, but also recommends the best route to help save fuel.

All controllers are connected and interact with each other within the framework of a single air traffic management system in the country, and outside it - guided by uniform international rules. What kind of controllers are there?

  1. The departure controller issues permission to fly according to the declared flight plan.
  2. The taxi dispatcher controls the movement of liners from the moment the engines are started to the preliminary start and from the moment they taxi into the taxiways after landing.
  3. The launch and landing controller permits takeoff and landing, controls aircraft taking off and landing, controls traffic on the runway and the runway.
  4. The "circle" controller controls the movement of aircraft in the take-off and landing zone at altitudes up to 1500 meters and within a radius of 50 km from the airfield. Issues approach clearance for arriving aircraft and instructions on initial climb for departing aircraft.
  5. The approach controller controls the movement of liners at altitudes of 1,800-5,700 meters and within a radius of 90-200 km from the airfield.
  6. The controller monitors the movement of aircraft at altitudes above 3350 meters within the established limits in the horizontal plane and transfers control of the flight to the next controller when the aircraft leaves his area of ​​responsibility.
  7. The local air traffic controller controls flights up to an altitude of 1,500 meters within the area of ​​​​responsibility (usually commensurate in area with the administrative region) in the horizontal plane.

Seven types of controllers are listed here, but there are other types, for example, the area procedural and radar controller, the approach and procedural radar controller, the airfield controller, the landing radar controller, the simulator controller. So they are different.

How to become an air traffic controller?

The training of air traffic controllers, as well as representatives of any other complex profession, is a serious and responsible process.

Specialists are trained in specialized one-year courses, in secondary specialized educational institutions (for example, the St. Petersburg Aviation and Transport College of Civil Aviation) and in universities, for example, at the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, the Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation and the Moscow State Technical University civil aviation. These universities have branches in different cities.

Dispatchers regularly undergo advanced training and certification with different frequencies, depending on the class - annually, once every two or three years. Managers are trained and certified less often.

Training is conducted either at the airline or on the basis of specialized educational institutions.

The future dispatcher passes a medical commission before entering the university. And becoming a specialist, he does it regularly. The medical-flight expert commission issues a conclusion on professional suitability, allowing you to continue working for the next 4 years, if the air traffic controller is not older than 40 years old, then every two years and from the age of 50, the air traffic controller must pass a medical-flight expert examination commission each year if he has not retired by that age.

What qualities do you need to have to be successful in this profession?

The workplace of the air traffic controller is equipped with navigation devices, means of radio communication with pilots and telephone communication with other controllers and airfield services. In addition to a computer with specialized programs, there are monitors of the air and meteorological conditions, various displays, indicators and sources of sound and visual signals, tablets, charts, documents and reference books at the workplace.

At the same time, the specialist negotiates with the crew, monitors the progress of the flight on the radar or monitor screen, maintains contact with the meteorological service and the crews of the liners, informing them about weather conditions or informing them of a route change.

At the same time, 10-20 aircraft can be under the control of one air traffic controller at the same time.

Working with equipment, different sources of information and communication channels of different levels imposes a number of requirements on dispatchers.

Requirements for professional qualities:

Secondary specialized or higher education in the specialty "Operation of aircraft and organization of air traffic" or "Air traffic control".

The air traffic controller must be proficient in English and be familiar with professional flight terminology in that language. According to modern requirements, only those who speak the language at level 4 (out of 6) according to the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) scale receive permission to fly on international routes. If the dispatcher does not have such a certificate, he can only work on local lines.

Requirements for psychological qualities:

In terms of psycho-emotional load, this profession is one of the most difficult, since the dispatcher is responsible not only for expensive equipment, but also for human lives. Moreover, the emotional resonance in the media and people's minds from air crashes is stronger than, say, car crashes, although they occur hundreds of times less often.

Therefore, in addition to absolute health, for successful work, an air traffic controller must have high responsibility and discipline, stress resistance, large RAM, spatial imagination, and the ability to maintain attention at a high level of activity for a long time.

He must be able to quickly determine the air situation, since he has to simultaneously monitor and control several objects moving in three-dimensional space in different directions at different speeds. The dispatcher must give commands on the air and synchronously listen to the conversations of his colleagues working in adjacent sectors. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the radar screen and keep records on the graph.

How is a career in this profession built?

The primary career step is a trainee dispatcher. Further, controllers can specialize, for example, in the direction of air traffic control or in the direction of aerodrome control. But, one way or another, they can be assigned classes: first, second or third. They reflect the degree of qualification of a specialist.

Further growth stages: senior dispatcher, dispatcher-instructor.

The head of the controllers is the head of flights, the head of the control center or the control center of various scales - the regional, zonal or main center of air traffic management.

If you visit dispatcher forums on the Internet, you can see how involved these people are in their work, how proud they are of it, realizing the complexity, importance and uniqueness of such work. They feel they are part of the world system, and these are not words: any controller who speaks English can work abroad, since the air traffic control system is international.

Most Russians, when choosing a profession, are interested in advance what income the specialty will bring them. The salary of an air traffic controller often becomes an attractive factor for those who want to receive decent money for their work. But do not forget that, taking on any functions, along with the right to remuneration, you receive a set of responsibilities. Being an air traffic controller is a big responsibility. High demands are placed on people who have chosen a specialty.

The profession of an air traffic controller is very responsible. The safety of civil and military flights depends on how the specialist performs his work.

Open vacancies "dispatcher" in different cities

It is believed that the dispatcher is one of the most difficult professions in the world. The people who chose her twice a year are required to confirm prof. suitability and regularly undergo a complete physical examination. Both physical and mental form are tested. Dispatchers daily have to experience great mental stress. It is better for people with a weak nervous system not to consider the profession as an option for future employment.

What knowledge does a dispatcher need

The baggage of knowledge of an air traffic controller depends on what specialization he has chosen. There are varieties of profession, which depend on the value of the point of employment and the functions performed:

  • a local point serving flights at an altitude of up to one and a half kilometers, located at a remote distance from major airports;
  • point of local airlines - the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba local small airfield, altitude as in the previous case;
  • airfield of the district center - serviced altitude 2100 - 17500 m;
  • "Approach" - the duties include determining the time interval and distributing the order of take-off and landing, serviced altitude - 2100 - 5700 m;
  • "Circle" - control of a radius of 50 km from the point of location of the control room;
  • "Starts and landings" - takeoffs and landings;
  • "Taxiing" - is responsible for the condition of the aircraft, gives permission for towing, determines the parking lot;
  • Aerodrome control tower - constant communication with the crews of the aircraft, control of the situation in the air, interaction with other control centers.

Airport control towers operate around the clock. Each employee must be able to simultaneously use several devices, keep the weather under control and all entrusted airspace for the presence of aircraft in it. The load on the brain and psyche is fantastic.

Regardless of specialization, the dispatcher must know:

  • Separation instructions and rules. We are talking about the location of aircraft in space at a certain distance, preventing collision.
  • Aviametrology. How weather changes affect aircraft in flight.
  • Air navigation. Means and methods of aircraft control.

The air traffic controller has no right to make mistakes. One mistake can cost the lives of many people.

Earnings of Russian air traffic controllers

As you can see, the salaries of representatives of the profession are high. However, it should be noted that this was not always the case. More recently, in the early 2000s, the income of Russian dispatchers did not exceed 9,000 rubles.

Note that the regional binding is not reflected in salaries. Most of all, the level of income is influenced by the status of the airport. Naturally, the dispatcher is his colleague working at a peripheral airfield.

How much do dispatchers earn in European countries

Considering the incomes of domestic representatives of the profession, one cannot fail to mention the average salaries of their foreign colleagues. For example, here are the salaries of air traffic controllers in some European countries:

As can be seen from the table, the situation differs in different European countries. It is best for the Germans and the British. But the Polish dispatchers have a hard time. Professional workloads and remuneration for them do not correspond to each other.

Note that a little less English and German. Their income is 8,000 USD per month.