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Where can you go in Majorca? What to see in Palma de Mallorca: attractions

Majorca (Mallorca) located southeast of the coast of Spain, in the heart of the Balearic Islands archipelago. It has a unique climate with moderately hot summers and mild warm winters, long rains in autumn and sunny weather the rest of the year.

Quite a large part of Mallorca is occupied by mountains: in the center the Levante and Tramuntana massifs rise, between them lies the fertile valley of Es Pla. There are more than 40 natural protected areas on the island, including: protected groves and pine forests, mountain ranges and strange caves sand dunes and swampy areas that are home to a variety of birds. The coast of the island is indented with bays and bays; along coastline extended beaches. The Mediterranean waters surrounding Mallorca are clean and transparent.

Sights of Mallorca

1. Cathedral of St. Mary in Palma (Catedral de Santa Maria de Palma de Mallorca)

The Cathedral of Saint Mary is located in the historic center of Palma de Mallorca. This is the main religious building of the Balearic Islands, which has the popular name "La Seu" (La Seu), which means "Bishopric". The construction of the cathedral began in 1229 on the site of an old mosque on the orders of King James I, after he got into a storm and prayed for the salvation of the Virgin Mary, he swore in case of a successful outcome to build a temple in her honor. The cathedral was built over three centuries and was consecrated in 1601. In the interior, the main altar of the Royal Chapel, which is surrounded by four columns crowned with angels with musical instruments (15th century), deserves attention. At the beginning of the 20th century, a metal canopy by Gaudi was installed over the altar, and new stained-glass windows were also made according to his sketches. The museum of the cathedral contains samples of jewelry, medieval paintings and relics. In addition to worship, it regularly hosts organ concerts. Address: Plaza Almoina, s/n, Palma de Mallorca. Working mode: daily from 10:00 to 17:15.

2. Bellver Castle (Castell de Bellver)

Belvern Castle is located on a hilltop, a few kilometers from the city of Palma de Mallorca. From the top of the hill you have a magnificent view of the bay and the island of Cabrera. The construction of the castle was carried out from 1300 to 1311. At the beginning of the 14th century, it served as a royal residence, in the 700 years since its construction, it has changed a lot of owners and has been used for various purposes. The castle is a remarkable example of the military architecture of the Gothic style and is considered the only building of this kind of rounded shape, located on the territory of Spain. The central part is a ring with a round courtyard. Each of the four towers is located strictly on the cardinal points. Currently, the castle houses the Museum of the History of the City. Various entertainment events are sometimes held in the courtyard. Address: Calle Camilo José Cela, s/n. Working mode: from Monday to Saturday - from 08:30 to 20:30, on Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:30. Tickets: 4 EUR.

3. Almudaina Palace (Palacio de la Almudaina)

This is the oldest building in Mallorca and one of the oldest palaces in Spain, located on the embankment of Palma de Mallorca, next to the Cathedral of St. Mary. The palace was built in 1281 and was intended to protect the city. Now the castle serves as the official summer residence of the royal family of Spain: half of the palace is its private property, while the other part houses military services and the National Museum. The structure is rectangular in shape. tall towers On the sides. One of these towers is called the "Angel Tower", on its top there is a sculpture of the archangel Gabriel, one of the patrons of the city. In the palace you can admire the royal chamber, the royal bedroom and the hall with furniture and paintings from different eras, as well as tapestries from the 16th and 18th centuries. Near the palace is the royal chapel of St. Anne (Capella de Santa Ana), on the walls of which images of mythical animals are depicted. Below the palace are picturesque royal gardens where you can sit by the fountain. Address: Avinguda Antoni Maura, 24, Palma. Working mode: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:45 (from October to March from 13:00 to 16:00); on Saturday and holidays - from 10:00 to 13:15. Tickets: regular - 4EUR, preferential - 2.30EUR, for children - free of charge.

4. La Granja Manor (La Granja)

This ancient estate, located 15 km from Palma, has been known since the time of the Roman Empire. It is a mansion turned into a museum, surrounded by a beautiful garden with natural springs. Here you can get acquainted with the traditional rural life of Mallorca, try local delicacies, and also take a walk through the rooms of the mansion, where you can see the old items used by the owners of the estate. Twice a week, exhibitions of folk crafts are held here, where women dressed in national clothes present lace, embroidery and yarn to tourists. Tired tourists can refresh themselves with traditional Mallorcan dishes at a local restaurant. Address: Ctra Banyalbufar, Km 1.5, Esporles. Working mode: daily in summer - from 10:00 to 19:00, in winter - until 18:00. Wednesdays and Fridays: regional dances at 15:00, icon shows at 16:00. Tickets for a visit with a tasting for adults - 15EUR; for children - 8EUR; visit with lunch in a restaurant: for adults - 25EUR; for children - 14EUR. Official site:

5. Valldemosa (Valldemossa)

A small port town, spread out in the center of a small valley, 17 km from Palma, with its narrow streets in flowers, looks like an illustration to an old fairy tale. By tradition, ceramic plaques with the image of the patroness of the city, Saint Catalina Thomas, hang on the doors of the houses. In the 13th century Carthusian monastery Real Cartuja, the composer Chopin spent the winter together with the writer George Sand, who wrote the book "Winter in Mallorca". It is worth visiting the former winter residence of the kings of Mallorca - the Palace of King Sancho (Palacio Rey Sancho) 14th century with its magnificent interiors, where the ticket price includes a 15-minute concert of Chopin's works (the concert starts strictly on time, and in case of being late, they are not allowed into the concert hall!). The town is famous for its family-run bakeries, where you can try the locals' traditional dish "coca de patata" (potato pie). There is a beautiful garden next to the Chopin Festival Association and a bust of Chopin nearby. Tip: be careful if it's wet outside, as over time the paving stones have worn out and the stones have become smooth, the streets can be slippery. There are two paid car parks in Valldemos, and it is convenient to move around the city on foot. Not far from Valldemosa is the villa of Hollywood actor Michael Douglas, who founded the Costa Nord cultural center here.

6. Soller

You can go to this town, famous for its oranges, on a retro train from Palma, which takes about an hour (27 km) through picturesque mountains, orchards and almond groves. The steepest sections are overcome by underground tunnels, and on the observation deck there is a long stop from which a beautiful view opens. The design of the seats in the train is interesting: the backrest can be rearranged so that passengers can sit facing in the direction of travel, no matter which way the train moves. The schedule and fare can be specified. On the market square of Soller, you can look into the shop of traditional Mallorcan products "Fet a Soller". Opposite the shop is a small natural ice cream factory "Sa Fabrica de Gelats", which has repeatedly won international awards for quality, where you should try the local orange sorbet made from selected fruits. From the same train station in the center of Soller, where the retro train arrives, an old tram goes to the sea to the port, following almost right next to the orange orchards. Advice: It is better to take train and tram tickets at the same time at the station in Palma, while it is cheaper there and back, 50% discount for children, open time. From the port of Soller, you can take a boat to the beautiful bay of Sa Calobra (Cala de Sa Colobra) so don't forget to bring your swimwear.

7. Alfabia Gardens (Jardins d'Alfabia)

Alfabia Gardens are located on the way to Sawyer, near the village of Bunyola. This is one of the few private properties in Mallorca open to the public. The garden and park complex with an area of ​​120 hectares and the house of 14th century architecture are an excellent example of an old estate that combines fragments of Arabic and European styles. The refined furnishings of the house: paintings, engravings and tapestries of the 16th century, immerse in the atmosphere of an aristocratic estate. Thanks to natural springs, many ornamental plants grow in the gardens, as well as orange and lemon trees, which form shady alleys that are comfortable for walking. Fountains and artificial waterfalls saturate the air with freshness and soothe with a pleasant murmur. The gardens are divided into two levels and from the observation decks of the upper alleys there are stunning views of the surrounding mountains, olive groves and the lower garden surrounding the estate. In the lower gardens, you can relax by the charming swan pond or have a bite to eat in the cozy cafeteria, which serves refreshing juices from locally harvested fruits. Address: Ctra Palma - Soller Km 17. Working mode: from April 1 to October 31 - daily from 9:30 to 18:30; from November 1 to March 31 on weekdays - until 17:30; weekends - until 13:00. Tickets: 6.50 EUR. Website:

8. Luke Monastery (Lluc)

This monastery, located in the north of Mallorca, in the mountains of the Sierra Tramuntana (Sierra de Tramuntana), is a sacred place: there is a statuette of the patroness of Mallorca - the Holy Virgin Mary Lluc, for whose worship people come here from all over the island. According to legend, a Moorish shepherd found a black statuette of the Holy Virgin Mary next to the stream. On the same day, she was transferred to the church and the population of the town came to bow to her, but the figurine disappeared. She was found next to the stream, where she was discovered for the first time. This was repeated twice, so it was decided to build a church on this site. On the territory of the monastery there is a botanical garden and a museum. There are hiking trails around the monastery, there is a recreation area for picnics. Twice a day, the church hosts a service accompanied by the singing of the Els Blauets children's choir, named after the blue color of the cassocks worn by the choristers. A children's choir has existed at the monastery since the 14th century. On the first weekend of October, the monastery hosts the annual Feria de la Sierra de Tramuntana & Agroalimentaria. Every year on the first weekend of August, at 11:00 p.m., a pilgrimage to the monastery begins from Palma from Guell Square. It is believed that whoever passes this path will be forgiven for all the sins that he committed during the year. Address: Plaza Peregrins, 1, Lluc, Illes Balears (paid parking near the monastery). Official site:

9. Alcudia and Albufera Park(S'Albufera)

In Mallorca, you should definitely visit Alcudia - a charming resort in the north-east of the island, the name of which was given by the ancient city of Alcudia, located 3 km inland from the coast. Here you can walk along the narrow medieval streets, walk along the fortress wall, which offers beautiful views of the city, sit in nice cafes and restaurants, buy souvenirs in local shops or local products at the market, arranged on Tuesdays and Sundays in the morning. 7 km south of the city is the natural reserve of S'Albufera - a unique place for a quiet contemplative holiday, where more than 270 species of birds that flock here to nest from all over Europe live on an area of ​​​​about 2 hectares. Hiking and cycling trails are laid here (the park is closed for cars), you can also take a walk along the lake, which is connected to the sea by a wide channel. There are signs and an information center at the entrance to the park. Advice: When planning a visit to the park, it is worth taking food and drink, sunscreen and repellents with you.visit park free. Address: Carrer de Marti Girbes, s/n. Working mode: from October 1 to March 1 from 9:00 to 17:00, from April 1 to September 30 from 9:00 to 18:00. Get better by car on the C712 highway (parking is located on the right side of the road between the hotel "Playa Esperanza" and "Palace de Muro"). Official site:

10. Cape Formentor (Faro de Formentor)

Formentor is a picturesque peninsula where natural contrasts are truly impressive. Driving along the mountain highway, you can stop at the observation decks and take impressive photos of the panorama of the mountain ranges, the sea and the small rocky island of Colomer. It is worth stopping by and walking around the small cozy town of Pollensa (Pollenca). O founded by the Romans, it has perfectly preserved its ancient appearance, and the wild beauty of its surroundings has turned it into a favorite place for artists, artists, writers from all over the world. Directly from the center of the town, 365 steps run up to the top of the Kalvari hill, to a small chapel, which is a holy place for the locals. Narrow streets will lead you to the Rooster spring (the rooster is the symbol of Pollensa), to the Church of the Virgin Mary and the 14th century monastery of Santo Domingo. Further along a narrow mountain serpentine we go to the "end of the earth", to the very north, to Cape Formentor, from which bewitching views open up. Going down the other side, you find yourself on a truly royal (albeit municipal) Formentor beach (Formentor Playa), marked with a blue flag, with white sand, clear azure sea and sprawling pine trees hanging over the water. Near the beach is the legendary Formentor Hotel, built in 1928, where world celebrities, Hollywood actors, presidents and kings have stayed for many years.

11. Capdepera Castle (Castle of Capdepera

Capdepera Castle - castle in the municipality of Capdepera, Mallorca, Spain. It stands on a mountain in the northeast of the island, 2.5 km from the shore of the strait that separates Mallorca and Menorca. Built in the XIV century.

In ancient times, the territory belonged to local residents who settled on the slopes of the mountains in this area. In the 10th century, the Moors built fortifications here, of which only the lower part of the tower has survived. In 1229, King Jaime I of Aragon captured the fortifications. In 1231, the Capdeper Agreement was signed in the tower, according to which Menorca fell into the possession of Jaime I. In 1300, Jaime II built a fortress here, inside which he founded a settlement. At first, 50 buildings for various purposes and 200 residents were planned. Therefore, Kapdepera is more of a fortified village than a castle.

In 1342 the walls and gates were built. In 1386 the construction of the towers was completed. In the XVI-XVII centuries, pirates regularly attacked the island. During this period, the settlement flourished. At the end of the 17th century, the settlement expanded beyond the fortress, and in the 18th century, after the defense of the island was reorganized, the population moved to more adapted places. Only the garrison was left in the fortress.

The fortress is located on a mountain 130 m above sea level in the northeast of the island. From this place, several nearest bays and the strait between Mallorca and Menorca are visible.

12. Caves of Arta (Cuevas de Arta)

located in the northeast of Mallorca, 11 km from the city of Arta near the town of Canyamel. These huge caves, whose vaults reach 40 meters in some places, were discovered in the 16th century. Here is the world's largest stalagmite (22 meters). Especially for tourists, a network of paths and stairs has been created, which allows you to walk through the halls with interesting names: Paradise, Purgatory, Hell, Theater and Diamond Hall. At the end of the underground journey, an amazing light show awaits everyone on the observation deck: for a few minutes the hall is illuminated with colorful bright light and chamber music sounds. Address: Carretera de las Cuevas, Canyamel, Balearic Islands. GPS: N 39.656075 / E 3.450908. Working mode: April, May, June, October - from 10:00 to 18:00; July, August, September - until 19:00; from November to March - until 17:00. Tickets: for adults - 14EUR, for children from 7 to 12 years old - 7EUR, children under 7 years old - free of charge. Official

13. Dragon Caves (Cuevas del Drach)

The Dragon Caves (Drac Caves) are located in the eastern part of Mallorca, on the southern outskirts of the town of Porto Cristo. Here you can see one of the largest underground lakes in the world - Lake Martel (Martel), where every hour, to the accompaniment of classical music by Chopin, guided tours are held, the route of which is about 1.5 km, surrounded by stalactites and stalagmites. The lake is notable for its lighting effects: the architect Carlos Buigas, who built the “magic” fountain, created a unique imitation of dawn with the help of various lamps and lights. Boats with musicians gliding along the smooth lake and spreading along underground hall gentle light create an unforgettable spectacle. Among the stone halls of particular interest are the Louis Caves, the Main Hall, the Luis Armand Hall, the Vampire Well and the observation deck of the Cyclopes. Address :GPS: N 39º 32" 7.72"" / E 3º 19" 49"". Working mode: from March 14 to October 31 - 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00 and 17:00; from November 1 to March 13 - 10:45, 12:00, 14:00 and 15:30; December 25 and January 1 - the caves are closed. Tickets: for adults from 13 years old - 15 EUR, for children from 3 to 12 years old - 8 EUR. Official site:

Entertainment in Mallorca

1. Cactus Garden Botanicactus (Botanicactus)

This is one of the world's largest and largest botanical gardens in the Balearic Islands. It is located next to the town of Porto Cristo and covers an area of ​​50,000 sq.m. Here you will see a huge variety of cacti, as well as pomegranate and almond trees, olives, pines, cypresses, orange groves, eucalyptus and other plants of Mallorca. This is a great place for leisurely, contemplative and educational walks. There is an artificial lake where you can swim in a boat, and places to relax. How to get there: by public transport from Palma by bus 502 to Ses Salines, from where it is about 1 km on foot. Address: Crta. Ses Salines-Santanyí, km 1. Working mode: daily from April to August - from 09:00 to 19:30; from September to October - from 09:00 to 19:00; from November to December - from 10:00 to 16:30; from January to February - from 10:30 to 16:30, in March - from 9:00 to 18:30. Tickets: 9EUR, children - almost 50% cheaper. Website:

Mallorca beaches

Mallorca has a huge selection of great beaches, from quaint coves with just a few holidaymakers to large beaches in popular resorts. North of Mallorca there is a mountain range that is over 100 km long, so the water is a little cooler than in the south, the beaches are mostly long sandy, but there are also small bays that are great for snorkeling. South of Mallorca, where the climate is hotter and drier, there are beautiful but more commercial beaches offering a range of different activities. On the east coast long beaches are separated by numerous cozy bays, which are very different from each other: there are both long sandy ones and small cozy ones, where there are not a large number of vacationers. West of Mallorca is a mountainous area with tiny beaches hidden in bays, some of which can only be accessed by boat. The most popular is considered southwest coast with nearby Palma de Mallorca and modern highly developed infrastructure

Playa de Palma (Platja de Palma) - one of the largest beaches in Mallorca with a length of 4.6 km, located 10 kilometers east of Palma de Mallorca, between the resorts of Can Pastilla (C'an Pastilla) and El Arenal (S'Arenal). The main beach, up to 50 meters wide, has been awarded the Blue Flag, has golden white sand, clear sea and shallow water suitable for families with children. The beach has a wide variety of water sports. There is a rental of sun loungers and umbrellas, toilets and showers, access for the disabled and lifeguards on duty. Behind the beach there is a pedestrian promenade with various bars, cafes, restaurants and a bike path. You can park your car for free on the streets behind the beach. It can be reached by various buses that run regularly from Palma and the airport.

Cala Estancia(Cala Estancia) resort Can Pastilla (C'an Pastilla) officially part of Playa de Palma, but in fact it is a separate beach, located just a few steps from the main beach. The beach is quite small, has a length of 200 and a width of 35 meters with soft white sand. The artificial breakwaters built around this beach create a small cove that provides a calm sea. On the beach you can rent umbrellas and sun loungers, there is a lifeguard booth. The beach is also equipped with devices for easy access for the disabled. It is worth noting that the beach is located at the end of the airport runway, so if you are sensitive to noise, then you should choose another beach to relax!

Alcudia (Platja de Alcudia) marked with the Blue Flag, stretching from Port de Alcudia along the "golden mile" of the best hotels on the coastline. The beach is especially popular with families with children who can play in the safe shallow water. With a beach length of 3.4 km, its width reaches 80 meters, which is not typical for Mallorca. The back of the beach is equipped with wooden paths for easy access by wheelchairs and the disabled. This beach does not have the best sand on the island, but there are various restaurants to choose from, you can leave your car in the free parking or on the road behind the beach. To soft sand and quiet corners, you need to go to the top of the bay towards Playa de Muro (Playa de Muro). There is a municipal bus to the beach. Water sports are very popular here. Many boats offer half day cruises or full day dives. Lifeguards are on duty at the beach during the high season. Pets are not allowed. There are numerous toilets and showers.

Muro beach (Playa de Muro) - a quiet 6-kilometer beach about 25 meters wide. The sand here is fine and soft with a smooth entry into shallow water, safe for children. Compared to the beach in Alcudia, it is windy here. In the west (closer to Alcudia), the beach is well equipped, there are bars and restaurants, showers, toilets, rental of sun loungers and umbrellas, access for the disabled, lifeguards are on duty. The beach stretches east to the Natural Park of s'Albufera, the places become wilder without buildings, and are called Es To (Es comu) . This is a 1.5 km long virgin-clean area with sand dunes, pine trees and juniper bushes in the depths. Access here is somewhat more difficult, it is best to drive up from Casetes des Capellans, which is located 1 km from Can Picafort ( Can Picafort or from Es Brac (25 km along Ma-12 along Arenes street). There is parking on both sides. From the Picafort side, there are more vacationers on the beach and it is known as Es Capellans (Es Capellans) , popular for sailing and water sports. A wooden pier in the western part of the beach acts as a marina for yachts and boats, there is a rental.

Es Trenc (Es Trenc) - not belonging to any resort, quite isolated, for its 2 km of golden sand and crystal clear waters, received the title of Carib in Mallorca. Thanks to its shallow water, it is well suited for children. The beach is 20 meters wide, so it can get crowded during the high season. There is a rental of sun loungers and umbrellas, toilets, ramps for the disabled, restaurants, lifeguards are on duty. Es Trenc has long, since the puritanical era of Franco, unofficially become a nudist beach. For all its shortcomings, it is very calm and non-commercial compared to many of Mallorca's beaches. Behind the beach are sand dunes and wetlands that are home to migratory birds and marine plants. You can get here by car or by bus. You can drive up from Ses Covettes and through the salt marshes in the south. Parking is cheaper at Ses Covettes. The Es Trenc restaurant offers parking for 10EUR, which is later deducted from the cost of lunch (given the high cost and not too high quality of the products, we do not recommend). The beach is perfect for fans of windsurfing and the beauties of wildlife, but you have to look for a quiet place. Here you can stay at the resort of Colonia St. Jordi (Colonia St Jordi) or in a village house at a very good price in the area of ​​Campos (Campos).

Mallorca is one of the largest islands that make up Spain, located in the Balearic archipelago in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. I believe that this is truly a heavenly place where you can enjoy picturesque landscapes, clean beaches and forget about all everyday problems.

This small island, whose area is only 3.5 thousand square kilometers, is a little different from the resorts we are used to in Spain, and all because in its entire long history it managed to be at the disposal of the Phoenicians, Romans, and of course, the Arabs. Therefore, the culture here is really very rich!

My acquaintance with this wonderful island began with its capital - Palma de Mallorca. It is here that all its main attractions are concentrated.

As soon as I left the airport, I was struck by a long palm avenue that led arriving tourists to the parking lot. Palm trees there are truly majestic, the size of three-story houses! You look and do not believe your eyes that just 4 hours ago you were in a gray rainy city, and now you are already among such beauty!

And when you drive directly into the capital itself, your eyes begin to run wide. You look to the left - a turquoise sea, look to the right - a majestic cathedral, and right in front of you - high mountains.

Here you want to photograph absolutely everything, so I advise you to free up memory on your phone, tablet and camera in advance, because you will constantly have a desire to capture this or that place!

How to get there

There are two modes of transport to get to Mallorca: air and water.

By far, the most commonly used and comfortable option is air. In the capital of the island, Palma, there is an international airport, from where every half an hour take off and where the liners of various European airlines land just as often.

As for water communication, Palma has the main port of the island, where ships from various parts of Spain arrive daily, which is very convenient for tourists who spend most of their time relaxing on the mainland, for example, in Barcelona or Valencia, and go on an excursion to Palm.

You can get around the island by bus, car or train.

By plane

The main and only airport of the island, which bears the name Son San Joan , located 8 kilometers from the capital of Palma de Mallorca. It is here that both external and domestic flights arrive. The airport has a very good connection with various European countries, including Russia.

Flights from Moscow

There are direct flights to Mallorca from Moscow (Domodedovo Airport): S7 airlines, the average cost of a round-trip ticket is 20 thousand rubles. In addition, you can fly to the island by flights with one or more transfers, which are also operated by the Spanish airline Iberia from Domodedovo Airport for the same price (about 20 thousand rubles). It is worth noting that there are several other European airlines that carry transfers to Palma, for example:

  • Finnair;
  • Lufthansa;
  • Swiss;
  • Czech Airlines;

But then the flight time will be more than 20 hours, which is completely inconvenient and not worth the money. Therefore, I advise you to choose a direct flight!

In this case, the travel time will be only 4.5 hours, so I recommend not saving on tickets and not spending the whole day on endless transfers.

You can compare prices yourself, for example,.

How to get from the airport to the city

You can get from the airport to the city center either by bus or by taxi.

Definitely the cheapest option is the bus. Routes No. 1 and No. 17 constantly run here, which will take you to Palma for only 3 €. If you need to go to the resort town of Arenal, then bus number 21 leaves from here directly to its center.

But a taxi will cost much more - the average cost of the trip will be 20 €, and if you are traveling in a group, you can order a minivan for 40 €.

In addition, you can rent a car directly at the airport, there are a wide range of car rental companies (Hertz, Avis, Europcar). The average rental price starts from 50 € per day. Details below.

By ferry

So, the second way to get to Mallorca is to sail from another part of Spain by ferry or by high-speed catamaran. The latter depart daily to the island directly from:

  • Barcelona (4.5 hours drive)
  • Valencia (4-6 hours drive),
  • Menorca (2.5 hours drive),
  • Ibiza (3 hours drive)

The average ticket price is 40 € and depends on the features of the vessel.

How to get from the port to the center

The port of Palma de Mallorca is located 6 kilometers from the city center, if you wish and are in good physical condition, you can walk to the center from there along the promenade, enjoying beautiful views and a light breeze, or take bus number 1 for only 1.5 €.

The bus stop is next to the port. Of course, you can catch a taxi and get to the Cathedral (the trip will cost 10 €).


Mallorca - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 2

Kazan 2

Samara 3

Yekaterinburg 4

Novosibirsk 6

Vladivostok 9

When is the season. When is the best time to go

According to local residents, the island of Mallorca opens up to tourists in all its glory at the end of spring and continues to please the eye until mid-autumn. This is the best time to relax!

As for winter, the Spaniards believe that at this time of the year their life becomes very calm, quiet and even a little boring. Although the weather here is favorable in winter (about +14 ° C), there is absolutely nothing to do. Because you won’t lie down on the beach, you won’t swim, and you won’t enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is not worth going to Mallorca in the low season (that is, from November to March). The only tourists on the island at this time are employees of companies that arrange business meetings, trainings or business trips here.

Mallorca in summer

Like all resorts, Mallorca is especially beautiful in summer. It is at this time of the year that the air and water temperatures reach their maximum and all the most beautiful flowers and shrubs of the island bloom everywhere. By the way, it was in Mallorca that I noticed a very large number of those flowering evergreens, and this cannot but please the eye!

Of course, summer (especially July) is also a vacation time, so there are a lot of tourists here, in fact, like everywhere else. But since Majorca is still an island and holidays on it are not cheap, wealthy Europeans love to come here most of all, and most often those who are over 35, or young families with children. It is believed that holidays in Mallorca are quite calm and the pace of life is measured, so all young people who prefer nightclubs to evening boat trips go to the neighboring island, Ibiza. But at the same time, it cannot be said that Mallorca is a remote place suitable only for pensioners: here you can also have fun and actively relax. But the most important treasure of the island is the incredible beauty of nature! Such landscapes as here, you will not see anywhere else!

By the way, the climate here is very pleasant, in summer the air temperature reaches around +30 °C, and in winter - +15 °C. But unfortunately, there is nothing to do in Mallorca in winter. Locals say that at this time of the year they have a lull. In fact, the island is inhabited by about a million people, so at a time when all the tourists go home, the island becomes empty and almost deserted. Residents quietly go about their daily business, and nothing special happens here. Therefore, I do not advise you to go here in winter, although if you are tired of the bustle and noise of the city, then here you can definitely be alone with yourself and nature. No wonder it is here that the residence of the Spanish royal family is located! Celebrities such as Claudia Schiffer, Michael Douglas and Gwyneth Paltrow also bought villas in Mallorca. Since Mallorca has pleased the pretentious taste of the stars of the first magnitude, then you will definitely like it too!

Mallorca in autumn

The beginning of autumn in Mallorca is considered the velvet season, so until the end of September you can enjoy the bright sun and warm sea. But since October, the sun sets at 7 pm, and it becomes noticeably colder, the temperature reaches + 7–8 ° C.

Even in the period from late October to early November, rains and thunderstorms become more frequent on the island. Therefore, at this time it is no longer worth relaxing in Mallorca.

Mallorca in spring

In the spring in Mallorca, the high season gradually begins, already in March - April the air temperature reaches + 20-23 ° C, the warm, pleasant sun shines, and flowers begin to bloom. At this time, you can’t swim yet, but you can already take sunbaths.

In spring, the island is good because there are still few tourists here, and you can spend a quiet relaxing holiday.

Mallorca in winter

Winter in Mallorca is a time of complete silence and serenity. Here the sun often shines, and snow falls only in the mountains, it rarely reaches the lowlands. December is considered the month of rains, but January and February are characterized by pleasant comfortable weather. The average temperature during the day reaches +14–15 °C.

The only caveat is that it is very boring here in winter, and this is the favorite time of the year for pensioners to relax.

Mallorca - monthly weather


Mallorca - monthly weather

What are the prices for holidays

As I mentioned earlier, holidays on the island of Mallorca can be classified as luxury, and therefore here you will find hundreds of villas and apartments for rent, the price of which starts from 1.5 thousand € for 10 nights.

In principle, if you compare this price with hotels, the difference will be insignificant. For the same 10 days in a 3-star hotel in any area of ​​the island, you will give an average of about 1.7 thousand €, and in a 5-star hotel - about 4 €.

If you take into account that in your apartments you will cook on your own, and in hotels you will use the all-inclusive service, then your costs will be approximately the same.

So it's up to you to decide what is more convenient, but personally I lived in a good 3-star hotel, where in addition to the all-inclusive food there is a free gym, bar, pool and, of course, themed parties!

TOP 5 best hotels on the island

I want to present you my TOP 5 best hotels on the island:

  • Globales Simar 4 * (from 1.7 thousand € for 10 days for two).
  • Barcelo Ponent Playa 3 * (from 1.3 thousand € for 10 days for two).
  • Globales Palmanova 4 * (from 2.1 thousand € for 10 days for two).
  • Insotel Cala Mandia Resort & Spa 4 * (from 4.2 thousand € for 10 days for two).
  • Blue Bay Hotel 3 * (from 1.2 thousand € for 10 days for two).

You can navigate the prices for ready-made tours (with flights, transfers, accommodation and insurance) to hotels of different categories in the Trevelask section.


So, if you decide to stay at a hotel, then there will be no problems with food, and if you decide to rent an apartment or a villa, then you have the option to buy in supermarkets, of which there are quite a few on the island. One of the most popular, often caught my eye - Eroski. This is a popular supermarket chain in Spain where you can buy everything from bread to hand cream at average Spanish prices.

If you buy groceries for a week, the average check will be about 60 €. You can also visit restaurants and cafes, which will turn out to be quite expensive, given that the average bill will be 50–60 €.

You can go on excursions both on your own and with a guide. Mallorca is a small island, from Palma you can get to Alcudia in just an hour and a half, that is, it will not be difficult to travel around the entire island up and down in one day.

You can rent a car for 50–70 € per day and go explore the island yourself, or you can travel by bus for only 6 €. A group tour with a guide on your own rented bus will cost about 100 €. A trip around the island by taxi will cost about 80–90 €.

Main attractions. What to watch

Mallorca is famous for its variety of attractions and incredibly beautiful places to visit.

If you like to find out all the smallest details and interesting facts about certain sights, you can hire a guide or book a full tour. And if you like to walk independently in beautiful places and discover something new for yourself, then you can explore everything on your own.

It is worth choosing a day for the tour in advance, it is advisable to select one of the weekdays (except Friday), because on weekends the locals have a siesta and rest, and there are too many people on the streets that will prevent you from seeing everything properly. Bad weather is extremely rare in Mallorca, so you should not be afraid of rain and cold weather, but you can still look at the forecast before the walk, just in case.

The capital of the island, Palma, is not very large, so you can walk around the city and see the main sights.

The map below shows the main tourist spots, museums, galleries, bus stops and more.

I bring to your attention my version of one day in the capital of the island of Palma, I advise you to travel by Citysightseeing tourist bus (ticket price 18.5 €):

  • 10:00 - we go to Bellver Castle, which is located a couple of kilometers from the city. Here we will spend about 2 hours.
  • 12:00 - we are on our way to the Spanish village.
  • 13:30 - stop for lunch at the author's restaurant Sadrassana Restaurant Cocteleria (Placa Drassana, 15).
  • 15:00 - we go to the cathedral. Since this place is considered the main attraction of the city, we will spend about 2 hours here.
  • 17:00 - we will go out to the main tourist streets of Palma and take a walk, go to the ice cream parlor Rivareno (Plaza Llotja, 1) and enjoy the most delicious cold dessert of the island.
  • 20:00 - dine with seafood at La Parada del Mar restaurant (Avenida Joan Miro 244 Marivent) and celebrate the end of a great day with a glass of sangria.

Top 5

Below I will give a list of places that, in my opinion, you should definitely visit in Mallorca in order to truly experience the atmosphere and culture of the island.


It is he who is one of the most iconic buildings on the island of Mallorca. The construction of the cathedral began in the 13th century, so now it is officially proclaimed a cultural and historical monument of the island. This place is truly extraordinary!

Inside, the cathedral is decorated with colored stained-glass windows by various masters, the main altar with four columns, which is decorated with a canopy made by Gaudí himself. Also here is one of the largest organs in Europe. Agree that this place should not be left unattended!

Address: Plaza Almoina, s/n, 07001 Palma de Mallorca.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:15.

Ticket price: 7 €/person

Cape Formentor

This is one of the most visited places on the island! To visit Mallorca and not come to Formentor is a real crime. Formentor is located near the town of Pollensa and its main port. Its length is about 300 meters above sea level, so the views here are incredible: such that it takes your breath away. It is impossible to explain, you need to evaluate it with your own eyes!

Address: Cap de Formentor.

Opening hours: around the clock.

Free admission.

Bellver Castle

A couple of kilometers from the city of Palma, on a hilltop, is the medieval castle of Castell de Belver. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is the only round-shaped Gothic castle in Europe built in the Middle Ages.

It used to be the summer residence of the King of Spain, and later served as a prison, the prisoners of which were such famous personalities as the writer Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos and the widow of King Jaime III. The castle has a large observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of Palma and its surroundings.

Address: Carrer Camilo José Cela, s/n, 07014 Palma.

Opening hours: 8:30-20:00.

Ticket price: 2.5 €/person

spanish village

There is a wonderful place in Palma where tourists have the opportunity to see the most important buildings in Spain and feel the atmosphere of different cities. This place is called the Spanish Village.

In addition to the main attractions, you can visit small souvenir shops and cafes with delicious tapas.

Address: Calle Poble Espanyol, 55.

Opening hours: from 9 to 19:00.

Ticket price: 8 €/person

Natura Park

This beautiful nature reserve is located just half an hour from Palma and is home to dozens of different species of animals and birds from all over the world. The park is located in the open air in the shade of trees and includes several routes.

Here live tigers, monkeys, porcupines, raccoons, turtles, flamingos and even lemurs, which you can feed from your hands! This is an ideal place to relax with children, as well as for those who are not indifferent to our little brothers!

Address: Carretera de Sineu, Km 15,400, 07142 Santa Eugenia.

Opening hours: from 10 to 17:30.

Ticket price: 9 €/person

Beaches. Which is better

Mallorca is the perfect place to beach holiday, it is on this island that there are dozens of the best beaches in Spain, but what about Spain, the whole world! In fact, no matter what beach you come here, it will definitely be quiet, cozy and clean. Even not far from Palma in the resort areas where thousands of tourists rest, they are very worthy! But the best places to soak up the sun and enjoy swimming in clear sea water are secluded bays, which are many in Mallorca.

As I wrote above, I was relaxing in the Cala Mayor area, a few kilometers from the capital, and one day, quite by accident, I wandered into a bay where there was a small beach, and the sea was crystal clear there! There were not very many vacationers there, mostly locals and tourists like me, who, most likely, also accidentally found this piece of paradise.

And yet, I will give a list of the best of the best beaches in Mallorca, which are worth a visit if only to understand what heaven on earth is.

Beach Cala S "Almunia

This beach is located in the bay of the town of Santana and is surrounded by rocks, serenity and tranquility reign here. By the way, the beach has all the conditions for diving, and soft azure waves will allow you to fully enjoy the sea. But it is worth considering that the infrastructure is not developed on the beach, so there are no restaurants, no toilets, no showers and changing cabins.

The type of coating is pebbly, the entry into the water is gentle.

Address: Diseminado Poligono 3, 594, 07690 Santanyí.

Cala Mondrago beach

Another truly heavenly place in Mallorca. The beach is located on the territory of the natural park of the same name among pine trees and rocks. Despite the fact that this place is quite popular, here you can enjoy peace and quiet. By the way, this beach is shallow, so it is great for families with children. Here you can rent umbrellas and sunbeds, there is also a cafe where you can buy soft drinks and a snack.

The type of beach is sandy, the entry into the water is gentle.

Address: Cala Mondragó, Balearic Islands.

Es Trenc beach

Es Trenc is 2 kilometers long. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that this is the only beach on the island that has not been affected by urbanization, so it looks very exotic and is ideal for romantic dates and walks. You can also rent umbrellas and sun loungers.

The coast is sandy, the entry into the water is gentle.

Address: Ma-6030, 68, 07639 Mallorca, Illes Balears.

Playa de Formentor beach

Formentor Beach, as you may have guessed, is located near the famous cape of the same name. And, of course, it is also famous for its beauty and wonderful views. The beach stretches for one and a half kilometers, it is surrounded by pine trees, under which it is pleasant to lie down in the summer heat. The sea here is shallow and very clean, and near the beach there are dozens of cafes and restaurants where you can have a delicious lunch. Prices in establishments vary, the average bill for lunch will be about 10–15 €.

Beach type: sandy, gently sloping entry into the water.

Address: Carrer Zona Formentor, 66A, 07460.

Cala de Sa Calobra beach

And to top it off, perhaps the most magical bay on the entire island, where a small pebble beach is located between the rocks of the Sierra de Tramuntana. This place is definitely worth the trip! Seeing the magnificence that Sa Calobra offers, you will forever keep in your heart the memories of that wonderful day when you got here! But it is worth noting that there are no facilities on the beach, so it is advisable to take care in advance and take everything you need with you.

The type of coast is rocky, the entry into the water is gentle.

Address: Carrer Port De Sa Calobra.

Churches and temples. Which are worth a visit

Despite the fact that Mallorca is an island, there are a lot of churches and monasteries here. By the way, services are held in all the active ones, and any tourist can visit these temples and admire their interior decoration.

Church of Saint Francis

The church is located in Palma, it was built in the 13th century, better known as a Gothic monastery, which houses the tomb of the Catalan philosopher Ramon Llull.

Opening hours: 9:30-12:30 and 15:10-18:00.

Address: Basilica de Sant Francesc, 07001 Palma, Islas Baleares.

Monastery of Señora de Cura

This monastery is located on the top of a half-kilometer hill in the Randa Valley. Its distinguishing feature is that it is from here that most of the island is visible, and more recently a bar and an observation deck have been opened here. This place is worth a visit to enjoy great views and take great photos.

Opening hours: 9:30-18:00.

Address: Puig de Randa, S/N, 07629 Randa, Illes Balears.

Monastery of San Salvador

This is a former monastery building, which is located on the highest hill in Mallorca, near the town of Felanitx. Previously, monks lived here, and now the monastery is a favorite place for pilgrims. From it you can see the entire eastern part of the island.

Opening hours: 8–20:00

Address: Santuari de Sant Salvador, 07208 Felanitx, Islas Baleares.

Luke monastery

This medieval monastery is very revered by the inhabitants of Mallorca, it is he who is considered the religious center of the island! There are wonderful gardens, as well as a large museum. There is even an inexpensive hotel near the monastery, and all because it is very beautiful here and the picturesque mountains of the Sierra de Tramuntana are nearby.

Opening hours: 10-13:30 and 14:30-17:00

Address: Plaza Peregrins, 1, 07315 Lluc, Mallorca, Islas Baleares.

Museums. Which are worth a visit

There are quite a few museums in Mallorca, perhaps because the incredible nature compensates for all the cultural institutions here. Below I have selected some of the most interesting of them, which are really worthy of the attention of tourists.

Museum of Ceramics

In the northeast, not far from Palma, is the small town of Sa Cabaneta, which is considered the center of ceramics production. In 2002, a museum was opened here, which displays about a thousand traditional examples of Majorcan ceramics, which are worth seeing. The museum houses a school of pottery and various souvenir shops.

Museum address: Carrer del Moli, 4.

Free admission. The museum is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:30.

Manor Raikh

12 kilometers from Palma, on the way to the city of Soyer, there is a beautiful estate, which is an object of historical and artistic value in Mallorca. Previously, there was a Moorish building here, and after several changes of owners, it came to the Count of Montenegro and was ennobled. There are insanely beautiful landscapes, large gardens and beautiful architecture.

Museum address: Palma - Sóller Road, km. 12.2 07110 Bunyola.

Free admission.

Shoe Museum

Mallorca makes very high quality leather products, including shoes. In 2010, a museum on this theme was opened in the city of Inca, which presents various traditional exhibits, and also temporary exhibitions with samples of various leather products are often arranged here.

Museum address: Antiguo Cuartel General Luque, Avenida del General Luque, 223.

Free admission. Muse It is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00, on Saturday the museum is open from 10:00 to 13:00.


The island of Mallorca can be called one big park, wherever you go, you will be surrounded by small picturesque bays, green spaces, majestic mountains and endless expanses. But still, the island has several noteworthy national parks and reserves.

Parc Natural de Mondrago

It is pleasant to walk in this park during the intense heat, because numerous coniferous trees will cover you from the burning sun. There are several specific routes here, walking along which you can meet forest dwellers.

Address: Sudlich von Ma-19 zwischen s "Alqueria Blanca und Portopetro.

Opening hours: 9:00–16:00. Free admission.

Parque natural s "Albufera de Mallorca

Here you can enjoy the singing of beautiful birds, as well as watch them in special houses, sit on the banks of a small river and admire its local inhabitants, and, of course, take great photos.

Address: Llista de Correus | Llista de Correus, 07458.

Opening hours: 9:00–18:00. Free admission.

Artestruz Mallorca

And here you can see the real ostriches! What's more, you can hand-feed them, and children are even allowed to ride ostriches on horseback. This is a small farm owned by an ordinary Spanish family, whose members will gladly give you a tour.

Address: Pmv-6014 Km 40 | Road Llucmajor to Ses Salines, 07630.

Opening hours: 10:00–20:00. Ticket price: 12 €/person

nearby islands

If you will be relaxing in Mallorca, then I advise you to choose a day or a whole weekend and dedicate it to a trip to Ibiza.

Balearia ferries leave from the main port of Palma to the port of Ibiza several times a day. The duration of the trip is approximately 3-4 hours, the average ticket price ranges from 50 to 70 euros per person. There are also Transmediterranea ferries from Mallorca to Ibiza, but keep in mind that they only run on Sundays in the summer.

Details and schedule can be found on the official website of the company.

In Ibiza, you can walk around the capital of the island of the same name and look at its protective walls, which were erected here in the Middle Ages. It is also worth visiting the Punic Necropolis, and be sure to visit the picturesque bay of Cala d’Hort.

Food. What to try

At first, you might think that there are no traditional dishes in Mallorca, and that the usual Spanish gazpachos, tapas and tortillas are eaten there. But how surprised I was when I found out that this small island has its own national dishes that you will not try on the mainland.

Majorquina soup

It is a broth with vegetables and pork and is served with sliced ​​bread.

The soup is insanely delicious and very satisfying, which is why it is so loved by the locals.


It consists of vegetables, namely: potatoes, eggplant and onions.

And also meat or fish is added to them to taste.


Be sure to try it - this is a moderately spicy minced pork and bacon sausage, very reminiscent of chorizo, popular in Spain, since their cooking technology is very similar.


And for dessert, don't forget to enjoy this delicious Mallorcan puff pastry. It is rightfully considered the most favorite sweet of the locals.

Ensaimada dough is airy, melting in the mouth, the pie itself is filled with whipped cream or delicate syrup, and sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.


Liqueurs are popular among local drinks: Herbas secas (dry) and Herbas dulces (sweet). They are infused with anise with the addition of various fragrant herbs.

A very popular aperitif on the island is the Palo drink, which is made by mixing sweet caramel with bitter cinchona bark.

Here I will list the best restaurants on the island:

  • Es Raco d "es Teix (the average bill is 50–70 €);
  • Salvia Restaurant (average bill is 20 €);
  • A ma Maison (average bill is 30 €);
  • Restaurante Toque (average bill is 35 €);
  • Restaurante Peix Vermell (average bill is 40€)

And a few more establishments at prices.


  • Kingfisher Restaurant;
  • El Norte Sidreria Restaurante;
  • QuitaPenas Valldemossa;
  • 5illes Eat & Drink;
  • Restaurante Luna 36.

Intermediate level:

  • Como En Casa;
  • Smith's Cafe-Bar-Restaurant;
  • Ca "n BoQueta;
  • Bistro Mercat;
  • Marsim Bistrobarante.
  • Quadrat Restaurant;
  • Ribello;
  • Restaurant Ca'n Josep;
  • Ola del Mar;
  • Forn de Sant Joan.


As the locals joke, in Mallorca every day is a holiday! And this is fully justified: the wonderful climate, beautiful nature and the endless sea contribute to the fact that the inhabitants of the island always have a great mood. But there are also several official holidays.

San Rua Carnival

A special holiday in Mallorca is the Sa Rua carnival. Here it is held in winter, in the first half of February.

Elegant residents in costumes take to the streets of the capital and arrange a procession. The carnival is held before the beginning of the Catholic Lent.

Mallorca Day

This holiday is celebrated on September 12, it was adopted by King James II back in 1276, when the island of Mallorca was liberated from Muslims.

On this day, concerts and fairs are organized on the island.

Safety. What to watch out for

Mallorca seemed to me a very calm and safe place. Of course, pickpocketing, which is widespread in Europe, should not be ruled out, but in general, walking around Palma and its environs in the evening is not at all scary, because in summer life is in full swing until late at night.

In large stores and supermarkets, you will definitely not be deceived, and in small souvenir shops you can count your purchase amount and the change received just in case, although it is generally not common here to openly cash in on tourists.

Therefore, in Mallorca you should not beware of something serious, but still the basic simple safety rules should be observed.

Things to do

Mallorca has a lot of entertainment, you can explore all the beaches of the island and go snorkeling, or you can immerse yourself in its cultural life and visit the most important museums, temples and other historical sights of the island.

You can also go to Cape Formentor, admire the wonderful scenery and arrange a photo session there. Or go to the eastern part of the island to meet the owners of local farms and try their traditional dishes. Do not forget about shopping, you must definitely go to the center of leather products - the city of Inca. There are a lot of options, choose what you like about your soul and enjoy your vacation!

Despite the fact that Mallorca is a rather small island, shopping here is a pleasure! And all because here you can find exclusive items that are produced only in the Balearic Islands!


Vinguda Jaume III and Passeig des Born Plaza Mayor

Porto Pi

  • 1127 Porto Pi (bus no. 1).

TOP 5 best bars in Mallorca:

TOP 5 best clubs in Mallorca:

extreme sports

If you love water sports like diving, surfing, snorkeling or windsurfing then Mallorca is the perfect place for you. After all, it is here in the resort of Alcudia that there is a water sports center. It is an excellent holiday destination for those who prefer leisure.

For more than 20 years, the school has been offering travelers training in rowing, windsurfing, the basics of navigation, and sailing. Guests of the center can also go paragliding and mountain biking. And if you are interested in yachting, you can take an introductory course here. In general, you certainly will not be bored!

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

From the island of Mallorca, you can bring quite a lot of original gifts to your friends and relatives. You can buy traditional summer sandals, which I wrote about above, by the way, here you can even buy a magnet in the shape of such sandals! Be sure to take the ensaimada pie with you, which can be stored for 2-3 days when closed, and please your friends with this delicacy in the first days after your arrival home (the average price per kilogram is 7-10 €).

And do not forget that in the city of Inca they sew high-quality leather goods, so feel free to buy bags, belts and shoes.

Shopping and shops

Despite the fact that Mallorca is a rather small island, shopping here is a pleasure! And all because here you can find exclusive items that are produced only in the Balearic Islands!

An excellent example is the traditional summer sandals - avarks. Their homeland is the neighboring island of Menorca. They are made of genuine leather, in various colors - standard plain or decorated with beads, bright prints, rhinestones. In Mallorca, they are sold both in small shoe stores and in leather factories, for example, in the city of Inca. These unusual sandals can be a great souvenir for family and friends, and will look great with both shorts and flowy dresses. Their cost varies depending on the materials they are made from, but the average price of avark is around 30€ per pair.

And it is here that the famous factory of artificial pearls is located. Majorica . If you find yourself in a company store, then you definitely won’t be left without a purchase! Pearl beads and bracelets, earrings and pendants are distinguished by their elegance and excellent quality. Prices for pearls are different, for example, the average cost of a pearl necklace is about 300 €, but a pearl bracelet will cost you 100 €. By the way, the factory warranty is 10 years!

Of course, do not forget about leather products. Head straight to the city of Inca, where leather factories and shops for shoes and accessories are located at every turn. Popular shoe manufacturers here are: Camper, Bestard, Jaime Mascaro, Barrats, Tomeu, Bestard.

In Palma, go shopping in the areas: A Vinguda Jaume III and Passeig des Born, as well as many shops you will meet on the pedestrian street around Plaza Mayor. The tourist map of Palma will help you not to get lost again, where all the main streets are marked.

As in all of Spain, the most popular shopping center here is El Corte Ingles (Address: Alexandre Rosselló, 12-16). There are 3 stops near the mall:

  • 422 Grans Magatzems (buses No. 1, 15, 23, 30 stop here).
  • 195 Grans Magatzems (buses No. 2, 6, 12, 19, 41, 46).
  • 48 Grans Magatzems (buses No. 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 24).

And 2 kilometers from Palma there is a large shopping mall Porto Pi(Avinguda de Gabriel Roca, 54). There are 2 stops near it:

  • 65 Porto Pi (buses number 3, 20 stop here).
  • 1127 Porto Pi (bus no. 1).

Sales in Mallorca are traditionally held in winter from January to March and in summer from July 1 to the end of August.


TOP 5 best bars in Mallorca:

  • Cuba 58 (opening hours can be clarified by phone +34 653 32 34 50, the average price for a drink is 15 €);
  • Cafe Atlantico Cocktail Bar (opening hours: 13:00–02:30, average price per cocktail - 10 €);
  • El Ancla (opening hours: 19:30–02:30, the average price for a drink is 7 €);
  • Samoa Bar (opening hours can be clarified by phone +34 971 26 37 01, the average price for a drink is 5 €);
  • Waikiki - Cocktail Bar (opening hours: 11-01:30, average price per drink - 8 €).

Clubs and nightlife

TOP 5 best clubs in Mallorca:

  • Pacha (working hours: 00:00–07:00, ticket prices depend on which DJ plays in the club, the average price will be 40–60 €);
  • Tito "s (working hours: 23:00–06:00);
  • Jazz Voyeur Club (opening hours: 09:15-03:00);
  • BCM Planet Dance (opening hours: 22:00–07:00, average ticket price is 25–30 €);
  • RIU Palace (opening hours: 21:00–05:30, admission is paid, but you can get a flyer for a free party from promoters who distribute them on the beaches).

Mallorca - holidays with children

Holidays in Mallorca with children are a great idea, because here you can really enjoy the peace and quiet, and the children will be impressed by the picturesque landscapes and encounters with wild animals that you can find in Natura Park, on an ostrich farm or in natural reserves. When traveling with a child, you should pay attention to the southwestern, northern or eastern part of the island - in such places there are few noisy youth and parties, so here you can really relax and gain strength.

Ski holidays

conditional areas. Descriptions and features

Mallorca is divided into 7 main areas:

  • metropolitan,
  • central,
  • northwestern,
  • south,
  • southwestern,
  • southeastern,
  • northeastern.

metropolitan area

Located closer to the southwestern part of the island, it is here that the main attractions and the residence of the royal family are located. If you want to be in the center of all events, then it is worth settling here.

The city itself is quite noisy, crowds of tourists walk around, it is very hot and stuffy during the day, so I recommend renting an apartment or staying in a hotel, which is located a few kilometers from Palma. I lived in the vicinity of Cala Major beach - this is a typical Spanish resort suburb, there are many hotels, cafes, shops, a large public beach and several museums. In general, an ideal place for those who like a measured, but not too boring holiday. Housing here will be more expensive than in other areas, since this is the capital, that is, the most important area of ​​the island.

southwestern region

This area of ​​the island is the most densely populated. Here are located such large cities as Illetas, Portals, Santa Ponsa, Paguera. It is best to come here with family and children, because in these places you can relax and enjoy the tranquility.

It is also here that the large golf club Bendinat is located, so the area is considered very prestigious and by no means cheap.

Northwestern region

Along the coast, in the shade of trees, townhouses and villas are located, which, if desired, can be rented for the summer, and here you can also observe beautiful mountain landscapes. Why not a heavenly place?

northern region

This area is famous for its unforgettable views and pristine beaches. It is here that the highest point of the island is located - Cape Formentor, which offers a magnificent view of the sea. Housing in this place will be quite expensive due to the extraordinary beauty of nature and due to the proximity to the "star" villas.

The major cities of the region are Alcudia and Poyença. There is a port near Pollença from where you can sail around the island on a yacht.

Northeast of the island

It is distinguished by its beauty and serenity. Settling here, you will forget about all the problems and the bustle of the city.

In the area, you will find a large number of traditional rural houses and farms, and you can also interact with friendly locals, and they may invite you to taste oranges grown in their garden or homemade jamon (pork jerky).


It is essentially very similar to the northeast, agriculture and navigation are also common here, so if you want to get to know the local way of life and taste fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood, as well as immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the island, get to know its cultural and historical component, then this is a great option!

Southern part of the island

But it is famous for its long beaches, sports bars and noisy discos. The largest resort town is Arenal. It is here that the largest water park of the island is located, an amazing aquarium with sharks and rays, and many more bars. The place is considered quite budgetary for recreation, so all young people live in this part, respectively, the prices for living here do not bite compared to the costs in other areas.

If you like a bright, cheerful holiday, then you are here. A little to the south is the longest beach of the island - Es Trenc. It is characterized by white sand and light blue sea.

central part

These are picturesque estates, almond orchards, pastures and olive fields. Another great place to relax in peace, while being only half an hour from Palma.

Here is the large city of Inca, which is famous throughout the world for the production of high-quality leather goods, as well as the city of Sineu, which is definitely worth a visit to look at the magnificent churches and the former royal palace, as well as go to the largest fair on the island, which is held in it on Wednesdays.

I usually look for hotels on Booking - but you can check if there is a more attractive price anywhere.

Offers for renting private apartments can be viewed at the link.

How to get around the island

There are many ways to get around the city and around the island.

The most interesting is on the island's historic electric train. It starts from the Palma de Mallorca station (Carrer Eusebi Estada, 1), travels along the island, winding between mountains and plains, and stops at the Soyer railway station.

In addition, the island has high-speed trains that run on several routes:

  • Palma Inca Sa Sobla;
  • Palm Manacor.

The train starts from the underground station in Plaza España in Palma. A ticket for it can be purchased from the conductor or at the box office of the city.

And of course you can rent a car.

Taxi. What features exist

And another comfortable option for getting around Mallorca is by taxi. The average cost of a trip is 20 €. List of popular taxi companies on the island:

  • IB Taxi;
  • Mallorcataxitransfer;
  • Mallorca Taxi Car;
  • Taxi PMI;
  • majorcabdriver;
  • Fono Taxi.

Public transport

The most convenient way to get around Mallorca is by bus. If you plan to drive around Palma and its surroundings, you can purchase a 10-ride pass for 10 €, which is very advantageous, since a ticket for 1 trip costs 1.5 €.

Booking Sites! Don't overpay. It !

Rent a Car- also aggregation of prices from all distributors, all in one place, let's go!

Have something to add?

Perfect for families with children due to the calm sea and shallow lagoons. However, despite the fact that almost every hotel offers children's animation services, every family that goes on vacation to the island in full force, the natural question arises, where to go in Mallorca with children so that they do not get bored and enjoy the rest less than adults, and allowed adults to rest normally.

Mallorca provides a variety of activities for children, so you can, if you wish, visit "sights for children" at least daily. However, adults will also get tremendous pleasure from visiting them.

TOP places in Mallorca to visit with children!

– entertainment for the whole family for the whole day

Perhaps the first thing to see in Mallorca with children is Kathmandu House, located in the theme park of the same name in Magaluf. Here you will find entertainment for the whole family, from two-year-olds to adults: an enchanted forest, a variety of mechanical wonders, a horror room, an interactive aquarium and much more. Every year there is something new here. Perhaps adults without a child will be interested here for only a couple of hours, but your baby will spend a lot of time here with pleasure, and he will have enough impressions for a long time.

Water parks: take your pick!

There are several water parks on the island.

  • The largest is located, respectively, in the Arenal resort. Its area is more than 200 thousand square meters and offers more than 20 different attractions.
  • Another one is located in Alcudia, which offers, in addition to water attractions, paintball, mini-golf and other entertainment.
  • The newest water park is made in the style of a town in the Wild West.

Water parks are open from May to the end of October.

Riding an ostrich

Artestruz is a real ostrich farm. You can visit it if you can at least speak English, Spanish or German tolerably - it is run by German farmers, and since it is a "going business" and not a tourist attraction, the services of an interpreter are not provided here. For 27.5 euros your child can ride an ostrich. The trip is absolutely safe - it is carried out under the supervision of adults. You can also visit little ostriches here, and it will be very interesting to watch and play with the big ones.

A natural park with all kinds of waterfalls, caves, reservoirs in which waterfowl live, free-roaming peacocks, a mini-zoo and the Arventur program, which includes rock climbing and the passage of various "difficult routes" on suspended Amazonian and Tibetan bridges. Roughly in the middle of the park is a recreation area with a playground, and adults can reward themselves with a barbecue. You can visit it daily from 10-00 to 18-00 (tickets are sold until 16-00).

Mini zoo poseur lemurs and other animals

Natura Park is a small but very interesting zoo. Here you can not only watch the animals, but also feed them, and with some of them you can “talk” closer by going straight into the aviary. Especially popular with visitors are lemurs, who willingly "work for the public."

natural parks

Oceanarium and Dolphinarium

- This is a large aquarium, repeatedly recognized as the best aquarium in Europe. You will find here 55 aquariums, divided into 5 themed areas, as well as a wonderful playground for children and a tropical park.

- This is the only dolphinarium on the island (and the largest dolphinarium in Spain), which has been operating for over 35 years. Dolphin and sea lion shows are available every morning and afternoon. There is also a small water park for children, a mini zoo and an exotic bird show.

Nothing gives kids more fun than monkeys jumping right on top of a car. In order to become a participant in such an adventure, you need to go on a Zoo Safari in Sa Coma. You can go by car, or you can go by mini-train. Of course, there is a chance that the monkeys will pee on the car or tear off, for example, the janitor, but the children will definitely be delighted with this trip.

If you arrive in Mallorca in early September, then between 6 and 12 in the resort town of Santa Ponsa you can watch a theatrical performance dedicated to the landing of the troops of the conqueror of Mallorca, King Jaime I, on the island.

Those who are planning a holiday in Mallorca with children will find something to see and how to entertain their offspring. But don't forget to treat them to traditional Mallorcan delicacies, like the Ensamaida bun and, of course, ice cream!

The second name of the most exotic island is "almond". According to legend, the white flowers of this tree reminded the northern princess of the snow from her homeland. Now it seems that all the most beautiful places in Mallorca are created to please the eye and arouse admiration.

What to see: Mallorca

  • Mallorca is an example of a successful mixture of architectural styles, historical eras and religions. This is reflected in the exterior of buildings and structures. Be sure to visit all the most ancient castles, palaces, cathedrals.
  • almost half of the island's territory is a protected area with unique vegetation, amazing species of animals and birds.
  • especially beautiful landscapes of the rocky coast with bays and bays occupy the north and northeast of the island.

The most beautiful places in Mallorca have one feature: they are the result of the creativity of nature.

Dragon Caves: Mallorca

There are about two hundred caves in Mallorca, only 5 are allowed to be visited by tourists. The largest are between Manacor and Porto Cristo (Drac and Arta). The name was given due to the legend, according to which there was a dragon at the entrance (the Catalan version of "fights"). The total length is 2200 meters, the excursion route is 1 km.

All of them attract with a large number of grottoes, underground lakes and stalactites. The caves of Mallorca are private property.


  • cave of Ludovico Salvador;
  • observation deck of the Cyclopes;
  • main hall;
  • Well of the Vampires;
  • Louis Armand Hall.

The Dragon Caves in Mallorca are famous for their lakes (6 in number). The largest are Martel, Delicias, Negro. The lighting effects are designed by the Catalan architect behind the Magic Fountains in Barcelona. Here you can admire the dawn underground - a bright glow rises on the horizon, enveloping the whole space with light, all this is accompanied by the playing of a classical orchestra.

Arta was discovered in the 16th century. In ancient times it served as a dwelling for people, later as a refuge for pirates. The height of the halls is 40 meters, they are called Purgatory, Paradise, Hell. Attraction - a stalagmite 20 meters long. It is Arta who will show you the frozen waterfalls.

In the caves in Mallorca you will find the mysteries of the treasures of the pirates, the Templars. It is believed that this is where they hid them.

It is separated from the capital by 3 km. It means "beautiful sight" in translation. Bellver Castle is located at an altitude of 140 meters, and its age exceeds 700 years. From here you have a beautiful view of the bay, where it was built.
The initiator of the construction was Jaime I, the Aragonese king. Initially, the building had a military purpose and was used to protect against enemies.

The building has the shape of a circle, the towers of which are directed to 4 cardinal directions. In different eras, the castle served as a prison, and only in the second half of the 20th century did it become a military museum.

Archaeological finds found here date back to the Bronze Age. Today the Lluc Monastery is the religious center of the island. The ensemble is formed by a church, a garden and a museum. Located in the northwest of Mallorca at an altitude of 525 meters, surrounded by rocks.

It dates back to the 13th century, was erected in honor of St. Luke and is the main place of pilgrimage. The monastery is famous for its male choir. Tourists are offered to rent a cell and spend the night on the territory.

Mallorca: Almudaina Palace

It has always been the residence of the royal family. Half of the house is now in her private possession. Today, the National Museum and military services (security) have taken its place in it. The patio of the Almudaina Palace is decorated with a gothic-style chapel of St. Anne.

The shape of the building is a rectangle with two towers. One is crowned with a statue of the Archangel Gabriel ("Angel's Tower"). The second - "Tower Head" in ancient times was used to hang the heads of convicted criminals.

Alphabia is a private estate in the Sierra de Tramuntana mountain range, built by an Arab from a noble family. Until now, the appearance of this place keeps traces of Muslim culture. Alfabia Gardens is a harmonious combination of art and nature.

The decoration is the main alley and a graceful staircase, which is surrounded by water channels, statues of lions. In the center is a gazebo and a pond. Another alley with columns and fountains leads from here, which can be turned on by anyone by pressing one button. The ensemble ends with an observation deck.

La Granja

The estate of La Granja is located 15 km from Palma. It dates back to the tenth century, since the 15th century it has been a private estate. A large number of people have always served its territory. Agriculture was actively carried out, crafts developed. Today, craft master classes, dance and entertainment programs are held here. Those who wish can dine at the restaurant of the same name, and picnic lovers can sit on the lawns.

Adcudia and Pollensa

The north of the island adorns the bay of Alcudia. The city of the same name is a historical monument. A little to the east is a port called Pollensa. The city with the same name attracts the creative elite and wealthy people. Both bays are washed by the incredible beauty of Cape Formentor.

In Mallorca, it has never been a problem what to see. The difficulty raises the question of how to have time to see everything. There are so many amazing places here that you will have to come again.

After carefully reading our review, you will find out what you should definitely see in Mallorca. Focusing on the recommendations of experienced guides and traveler reviews, we will list all the most significant and fascinating attractions in Mallorca.

What to see in Mallorca first

If you want your trip to be unforgettable, pay attention to the following excursions in Mallorca:

1. Sierra de Tramontana

Mountain range along the northwest coast of Mallorca

The name of the mountain range that stretches along the coast of the island for almost a hundred kilometers. The object is under state protection, and is considered a valuable natural and cultural monument. We advise you to see its green peaks and fertile valleys for yourself. In addition, a large number of man-made masterpieces are located on the square with picturesque landscapes.

2. The town of Valldemosa

Mediterranean village in the hills of the Tramuntana mountain range

If you dream of a calm and relaxing holiday, away from the hustle and bustle, go to this small and truly fabulous town. The ancient province at one time was the place of residence of the famous Frederic Chopin. On the territory you can visit, for example, the Carthusian monastery.

3. Port de Soller

View from the hills of Port de Soller BuzzWoof
A vintage tram runs from Soller along the waterfront to Port de Soller Marc Ryckaert (MJJR)

Another resort settlement, surrounded by mountains and located on the shores of a colorful bay. The city is connected to the port by an ancient tram line. If you are looking for the best hotels in Mallorca, come here. Port de Soller is also famous for its many historical and cultural monuments.

4. Paseo de Born

On Paseo de Born, the most fashionable shops, cafes and restaurants of Martin Furtschegger

The key tourist center is the capital Palma. Here on the Paseo de Born, life does not stop even for a minute. From time to time, grandiose performances of artists and shows are arranged. There are also daily mass evening "promenades". The street will captivate you with its unusual sculptural groups, old cottages, fashion boutiques, cafes and restaurants. If you do not know what to visit in Mallorca in order to have fun, come to Paseo de Born.

5. Palm Aquarium

An unforgettable experience for children in front of the Palma aquarium with sharks
Powerful waterfall in the jungle at Palma Aquarium

Such sights of Mallorca should be visited by every tourist. The local aquarium has been repeatedly recognized as the best in all of Europe. "Inhabitants" of Palma - 700 different varieties of Mediterranean sea creatures. The total area is divided into 5 separate sections, each with its own theme. The duration of the aquarium tour is approximately 4 hours.

Check out the beautiful views of Mallorca in this breathtaking video!

6. Dolphinarium "Marineland"

Show with dolphins in the dolphinarium "Marineland" Silar

What to see in Mallorca in 1 day with the whole family? This wonderful dolphinarium, whose inhabitants are not only fur seals and dolphins. But also land representatives of the fauna. The complex includes a small zoo, several aquariums and even a water park for children.

7. Kathmandu Park

Kathmandu Park is filled with exciting attractions for children and adults No Frills Excursions

A popular entertainment center located near the beach. On the territory there is a mini-golf course, 4D cinema, Upside Down House, attractions for visitors of different ages. They regularly organize performances with the participation of "pirates" - acrobats, demonstrating amazing tricks.

8. Pilar and Joan Miro Foundation

Building of the Pilar and Joan Miro Foundation in Mallorca Gunnar Klack
Sculpture on the grounds of the Pilar and Joan Miro Alinea Foundation Gothic sculpture of a man in the park of the Joan Miro Foundation BMK

Where to go in Mallorca for connoisseurs of culture and art? To this museum complex of 1981, created thanks to the abstractionist Miro. The artist painted over 100 paintings, created a huge number of sculptures and ceramic samples. The museum, now under the patronage of the city authorities, was opened by the efforts of his wife. The complex includes an educational center that conducts lectures and talks on art topics, as well as a library.

9. Palm Cathedral

View from the southeast of the Gothic Cathedral of St. Mary in the city of Palma

Your trip to Mallorca should certainly include a visit to this ancient cathedral. It began to be built after the island was freed from the Moors. The completion of construction work took place only in the 20th century. The majestic Gothic monument keeps the ashes of the rulers Jaime II and Jaime III (it was at their time that the order was given to start construction).

10. Lyuk Monastery

Luke monastery in one of the valleys on the slopes of the Sierra de Tramontana mountain range Defisch
Basilica and monument to Bishop Pere-Joan Campins at Luke Monastery Frank Vincentz

One of the most revered temples of the island, located on a mountaintop. During the year it is visited by about one million guests. The complex includes a museum of the same name and a botanical garden. If you are interested in the best sights of Mallorca, you should definitely come here. The object has a wonderful view and no less remarkable history: it was erected on the site where the image of St. Luke. Despite the fact that they tried to transfer the image to a temple located nearby, each time it miraculously appeared in the same place. For this reason, it was decided to create the Lyuk Monastery, where you can now listen to the children's choir and attend the service.

11. Monastery of San Salvador

Monastery of San Salvador on a hill 500 meters above sea level

The attraction is built at an altitude of five hundred meters above sea level. Nearby you can see several impressive monuments: a column with a figure of Christ, 35 meters high, and a huge 14-meter stone cross. Such interesting places Mallorca should also be visited for the sake of memorable photos.

12. Manor of La Granja

Garden with roses in the ancient estate of La Granja Derbrauni
Courtyard of the La Granja estate in the colonial style of Derbrauni

13. Almudena Palace

Swans in the pond at the Royal Palace of Almudena in Palma

Do not refuse to visit the oldest architectural masterpiece of the country - guides in Mallorca advise. The first building of Almudena was built in the ancient Roman era. Subsequently, on its remains, the Arabs created a defensive fortress, which has survived to this day. Now the monument belongs to the royal family, but you can visit its territory freely. Guests can view the premises and their unique interiors, walk around the courtyards.

14. Capdepera Castle

Castle Capdepera XIV century, erected during the reign of Jaime II

The palace was created in the era of Jaime II. The ruler gave the order to build a powerful defensive structure that could protect the island from enemy attacks. In the Middle Ages, there were over a hundred residential cottages and mansions on the castle square. But gradually the townspeople began to move to the surrounding areas. In the 18th century, the palace lost its original purpose and became the residence of the governor of the island. In 1983, it was reconstructed.

15. Bellver Castle

Walls and towers of Bellver Castle in the form of cylinders of different radii
Arches of the two-tiered gallery of the inner courtyard of Bellver Castle

The largest palace complex on the island, originally a fortress and a prison. At the end of the 20th century, a city museum was opened here. Guests are invited to view historical interiors, the objects of which tell about the natives of Mallorca, their way of life and traditions, the formation of local cities. In addition, the famous symphony orchestra performs here, various festivals and large-scale celebrations are held here.

16. Caves of Arta

Entrance to the karst caves of Arta
Stalactites and stalagmites of the most bizarre shapes and sizes in the caves of Arta

It was in this cave that the researchers managed to find traces of the life of ancient people. Arta itself was found in the 16th century, and at first served as a hideout for pirates and a place of residence for hermits. The territory is represented by frozen waterfalls of stones, huge halls, the height of which reaches 30-40 meters, a giant stalagmite (20 meters) and an underground reservoir. The path to Arta runs through the coastal cliffs.

17. Dragon Caves

Underground landscape of the Dragon Caves in Mallorca

The longest cave in Mallorca, 2 km long. Visitors to Dracon can look at a large underground lake and colorfully illuminated stalagmites and stalactites. Music shows are regularly arranged.

18. Old train from Palma to Sawyer

The old train Palma - Sawyer passes along the picturesque mountain landscapes
Passengers in the first class compartment of a retro train from Palma to Sawyer

The locomotive was created in the 20th century. For many years he has been moving passengers from the center of the island to a settlement called Sawyer. The train moves through the most beautiful areas of Mallorca, allowing you to enjoy excellent panoramas. A ride on an old train can be compared to an attraction. The duration of the journey is a maximum of 60 minutes.

19. Alfabia Gardens

Charming swan pond in the gardens of Alfabia Fornax
Alley with columns and fountains in the gardens of Alfabia Fornax

If you prefer self-guided sightseeing, come to Jardines d'Alfabia. The territory of the architectural and park complex is 120 hectares, where lemons, oranges, palms, almonds and numerous fruit and berry trees and plants grow. In addition, there are calm backwaters, streams and fountains. On the square there is a mansion of the same name with luxurious old interiors. It is also open for viewing.

20. Albufera Natural Park

Albufera Natural Park Lagoon

The park complex and the largest reserve of the island, spread over 1.7 thousand hectares. It is separated from the coastline by sand dunes. The locals are all kinds of birds. The territory is "strewn" with swamps. Barbecue is strictly prohibited here, but you can go hiking or cycling.

Mallorca attractions: what else to visit in Mallorca?

We have briefly named the main attractions of Mallorca for you. In addition to them, such wonderful places of the island deserve your attention, such as:

21. Mondrago Nature Reserve

Beach with turquoise clear water in Mondrago Natural Reserve in Cala Mondrago Bay

Located in the south of the island, and is a conservation area. The territory of the reserve is about 800 hectares, where you can see swamps, several beaches, farms, rocks and sand dunes. The inhabitants of the complex are all kinds of birds, some of which only hibernate here.

22. Muro Beach

White sand and gently azure sea on Muro beach
Wooden pier in the western part of Muro beach - a marina for yachts and boats

The beach line is located in the northern part of the island, at a relative distance from its capital. Therefore, the volume of tourism infrastructure here is small. There are also relatively few vacationers (although there are still cafes and restaurants). The area is surrounded by pine forests. If desired, you can take a short walk to the local natural park. If you dream of a calm and secluded pastime, come to Muro beach.

23. Alcudia Beach

View of the clear turquoise sea from Alcudia beach in Mallorca
Alcudia beach is especially popular with tourists

The natural object is located in the resort of Alcudia, and is a huge success among both guests and residents of Mallorca. The local beach lines are called the most ennobled and comfortable in the north of the island. You can often see luxurious private and commercial liners here. There is a regular ferry service to Menorca.

24. Wild Beach Es Trenc

Landscape of the wild beach of Es Trenc GanMed64

The longest wild beach of the island, stretching for three kilometers. Recommended for those who want to swim in the crystal clear Mediterranean water, enjoying the views of numerous coniferous trees and white sand. Now Es Trenc is under the protection of the authorities. Please note that for the most part nudists come here to relax.

25. Sa Calobra Bay

Pleasure boats among the rocks in the bay of Sa Calobra

Clouds, sea waves, mountain peaks covered with radiant greenery - all this you can see when you arrive at the bay of Sa Calobra. Local beaches are numerous and well-maintained for tourists. One of the most popular services is yacht rental and sailing on the waters of the bay.

26. Cape Formentor

Tourists on the observation deck of Cape Formentor

The fame of this attraction was brought by constantly green forests, blue sea waves and steep mountain slopes. The surrounding nature is magical and truly exotic. It is also worth coming to Cape Formentor for a great holiday on a white sandy beach. Among other things, the territory has historical and cultural sites, for example, a watchtower built 5 centuries ago, and ancient lighthouse, still lighting the way for ships at night. Your vacation here will be entertaining, and beach, and educational at the same time.

We hope that those attractions of Mallorca, the photos with the names and descriptions of which you have now seen, turned out to be interesting for you. Arriving on the island, be sure to visit at least some of them. Read also about and be inspired to travel further in Spain.