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Tenerife Island - a guide: attractions, how to get there, what to see, tour plan and the best excursions. Map of Tenerife: attractions, beaches and places of power Tenerife what

The largest island of the Canary archipelago is also the most hospitable: the healing sands of Playa de la Arena or the vibrant coral reefs of Costa Adeje - Tenerife retains its almost homely atmosphere. Strong gusty winds blow over the beaches, but go around the warm lagoons with small towns, and nature reserves, botanical gardens and aquariums help to get acquainted with the richness of the nature of this island and preserve it.

The natural and man-made sights of Tenerife are organically combined with the nature of this rocky region, immersed in greenery, with the cold beauty of the Atlantic coast. However, Tenerife itself can hardly be called cold - it is often described as the "island of eternal spring", which is completely deserved. Mountains reliably protect this tiny island of traditional culture, not overrun by tourists.

Teide has been attracting people since Antiquity and has been mentioned more than once in the mythology of this period. Today, it is perhaps the most visited national park in Spain - it is grandiose from all viewing platforms. Five roads lead here. Each route is interesting: whether it is the road through Abona - the main wine-growing region of the country - and the "City of Flowers" or through Oratava - the valley known for the "stone flower".

The largest volcano in Europe is also the most breathtaking observation deck - not everyone has enough endurance to first climb the cable car, and then do another half of the way on foot. It is worth remembering that the passage to the crater is possible only with a pass. If you have not taken care of issuing a permit in advance, you can purchase it when buying a ticket for the cable car.

loro park

Loro Parque literally translates as "parrot park", but not only birds live here. The park was opened at the beginning of the twentieth century, and then it really was a home only for parrots. It occupied only one hectare of space, and only one and a half hundred of these bright birds lived there. Today, the area of ​​the park is thirteen hectares, and more than four thousand birds live in it, which make up the largest collection of parrots in the world.

But Loro Park is not only proud of this record: it is also home to the infamous Shark Tunnel, the largest indoor colony of penguins. It is also one of the three European parks where killer whales breed and then live. The list of local inhabitants is too long. An adult ticket will cost 34 EUR, a child ticket will cost 22 EUR. Working hours: 8:30 - 18:45.

Eagle Park Jungle Park

An ideal place to visit with the whole family is Orlov Park, where, contrary to the name, not only eagles live, but almost the entire animal world, from quite peaceful fur seals to more dangerous predators: tigers, lions, crocodiles. Moreover, they do not live in enclosures, but in natural conditions. A unique spectacle awaits guests - a performance with the participation of birds of prey, namely eagles, which is rare, since these birds are practically impossible to train.

Some - more harmless - predators can be fed. Those wishing to ride through the jungle can use the bobsleigh track. The price of an adult ticket (from 11 years old) is 26 EUR, the price of tickets for children varies depending on the height of the child. Orlov Park is open from 10:00 to 17:30.

Siam Park water park

One of the most spectacular water complexes in Europe is designed in Thai style. The exploitation of the Siamese style of architecture had to obtain permission from the royal family of Thailand itself, but the architect did not simply copy famous temples and palaces, he created original fantasy buildings. It is noteworthy that due to the construction of the park, it was not necessary to destroy the natural landscape, all the slides repeat the hilly terrain.

Record-breaking buildings and attractions are concentrated here: the world's largest dragon statue, the "lazy river", which has the steepest ascent. The park is home to sharks and stingrays, which can be observed in close proximity while descending the Tower of Power slide. Children joyfully frolic in the "Lost City". The complex is open daily from 10:00 to 18:00.

monkey park

Monkey Park is not as popular as, for example, Loro Park, but it is great for those guests who do not mind getting to know lemurs and monkeys up close. The territory is divided into a number of zones: the zone of reptiles, the lake of alligators, the zone of primates and tropical birds. It is best to go to the park in the morning (from 09:30) or closer to closing (17:00), as in the middle of the day the animals prefer to take a nap and are unlikely to react actively to your appearance. Don't go to the park without bringing something tasty with you. True, bananas and dates still have to be abandoned.

Animals get fat from them, and you will be asked to leave these edible gifts outside the park. Entrance for adults will cost only 10 EUR, and for children under 12 years old - 5 EUR. You can't get here by public transport - you need a car.

Entertainment complex Lago Martianez

This complex consists of a system of artificial lakes on the Atlantic coast. It is located in the city of Puerto de la Cruz, that is, in the northern part of the island. Gentle beaches, home cafes, dozens of pools of various diameters filled with sea ​​water and bordered by gardens, and even islands. The complex was opened at the end of the twentieth century, but then it included only two pools. Children could swim in one, adults could swim in the other.

Instead of a modern branched out infrastructure, there was one bar. Everything changed when a pair of talented architects set about creating a project that would combine traditional architecture for the archipelago and the latest from the world of technology. The integration was successful, and this grandiose project, without any exaggeration, was implemented in the shortest possible time.

Concert Hall Auditorio de Tenerife

This futuristic building was erected not at the peak of the popularity of modernism, but relatively recently - in 2003, instantly attracting the attention of tourists who come to Tenerife. This avant-garde in stone combines a concert hall and an opera house. An external inspection of the building is included in many excursion programs, but visiting it as a spectator will not hit your wallet. For example, the premiere of the musical "Les Misérables" could be seen for only 15 EUR, the most expensive tickets cost about 80 EUR.

It does not matter how much you are willing to invest in visiting the Auditorio de Tenerife - according to experts, this concert hall has perhaps the best acoustics in Europe. It is open from 10:00 to 15:00 on all days except Saturday. On Saturdays it closes an hour early.

Museum of Nature and Man

The graceful building in the neoclassical style, which houses the expositions of the museum, is an architectural monument as significant as the museum itself. Its exhibits are guaranteed to surprise you. What is worth only one collection of mummies of the Guanches, which has no analogues in the world! The richness of local collections is explained primarily by the fact that the creators tried to combine two museums: archeology and natural sciences, which was simply brilliant.

The museum consists of several halls, passing through which you can get acquainted with the cultural samples of different peoples (African masks, Guanche religious objects, Egyptian ceramics), as well as with the local fauna in all its diversity. The full ticket price is 5 EUR. Also pay attention to night tours.

San Miguel Castle

A typical medieval castle at first glance is not. This example of medieval architecture in the spirit of the legends of the Knights of the Round Table was erected in the vicinity of San Miguel specifically for tourists who come to the island. But we must pay tribute to the architects - the chosen era was reproduced thoroughly. Guests will be able to enjoy a real jousting tournament, see acrobatic stunts on horseback and even visit a classic medieval feast, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to eat like a knight - off with knives and forks! Use your hands!

A visit to the castle will cost 51.30 EUR for an adult and 25.65 EUR for a child. The show usually starts around 20:30. The castle is open during the summer on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Basilica of Candelaria

One of the most striking religious buildings of the Canary archipelago is the Basilica of Candelaria, which is located on the territory of the town of the same name. This Catholic church is distinguished by external architectural rigor and consistency. A modern building of light stone was erected on the site of an old temple, which was decided to be demolished in the first half of the twentieth century.

Soon a high chapel was added to the basilica, and the interior decoration became really magnificent. The face of Our Lady of Candelaria adorned the spacious room. It is also worth noting that not only believers and pilgrims flock here for major, even religious holidays, but also representatives of other faiths and just tourists - the basilica is at the epicenter of folk festivals, dances and fireworks.

Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The traditional Catholic church in the form of a Latin cross is the largest in the archipelago and consists of five naves. Once upon a time there was a tiny chapel in its place, which was erected by the Spanish knights when they landed on Tenerife. The construction site was not chosen by chance - in the immediate vicinity of the church, several centuries before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors, Christian services were held.

The modern building of the church was erected in modern times in the spirit of the Tuscan baroque. Of the old relics, there remains the figure of the Virgin Mary in the Gothic style, the crucifix of the sixteenth century and several more ancient icons. The real pride of the church is the organ, which was created by London masters and brought to the archipelago at the end of the nineteenth century.

Pyramids of Guimar

Perhaps the most significant archaeological site in Tenerife is the Pyramids of Guimar. Of course, they are not as impressive as the pyramids of the Aztecs or Egyptians, but an excursion to them will be no less informative. An ethnological park with a museum and a photo exhibition was laid out around the pyramids. The timing of the construction of the pyramids and the purpose of their construction still raise questions, since no settlements have been found in the vicinity.

After a series of studies, it was proved that the pyramids were built in such a way that all the stairs were turned towards the sun, and on the top of the highest of the pyramids on the day of the summer solstice, you can see a phenomenon that was given special importance in ancient times - a double sunset. Entrance to the park for an adult will cost 18 EUR, for a child - 5.50 EUR.

Caverns of the Wind

The underground landscape of Tenerife is perhaps more interesting than some of the above-ground sights. In the bowels of the island, there are networks of underground galleries and caves of lava origin. The Caves of the Wind were formed during the eruption of the Pico Viejo volcano. This large-scale network of crossings is still not fully understood by researchers and continues to be of great interest to tourists.

It is noteworthy that the caves have three levels of choirs, which is not observed anywhere else in the world. Lava lakes, terraces, stalagmites and stalactites - all this forms a unique ecosystem. It is worth dressing warmly, because the caves got their name for a reason - strong air currents make the passages breathe. The caves are open from Tuesday to Saturday. An adult ticket costs 16 EUR, a child ticket costs 5 EUR.

Mask Gorge

Mask Gorge stubbornly continues to attract hundreds of tourists not only for its colorful nature, but also for its reputation as a place where pirates and smugglers preferred to hide their treasures. According to legend, treasures continue to be kept somewhere among impregnable rocks and deep grottoes. Along a narrow mountain serpentine belt, you can get to the village of the same name, in which a little more than a hundred people live.

The trip to Maska will be quite strenuous - the road to it is the steepest, and in some places the tape becomes too narrow even for two cars. However, there is no need to complain. Previously, it was possible to get here only along mountain paths. But it's worth it: panoramic views, traditional Canarian architecture, Gingerbread house and national cuisine with gofio and purple mojo sauce are waiting for you.

Infierno Gorge

Devil's Gorge more than lives up to its name. The first thing you need to know is that this unique natural oasis with ravines and a waterfall is a protected area, and therefore no more than three hundred people can be here at the same time so as not to disturb the natural ecosystem. You can book a ticket for a visit on the official website - it will cost 8 EUR, while a guided tour will cost 15 EUR. Walking along the gorge will take about three hours.

It is one of the best natural viewing platforms - it offers absolutely stunning views of the southern tip of Tenerife. The narrow hiking trail passes numerous rock formations and rugged tropical vegetation. You will see the ancient grottoes where the locals buried mummies, and fully enjoy the vibrant beauty of this corner of Spain.

Rocks de Garcia

This rock group in the Las Cañadas caldera is the second most visited natural attraction on the island. Perhaps the most famous of the rocks is Sinchado, which is most often depicted on postage stamps and postcards from Tenerife. It has an unusual shape and most likely will collapse sooner or later, completely undermined by water and wind. The age of the rocks de Garcia, according to approximate estimates, is about one hundred and seventy thousand years.

The unusual relief of the caldera attracts not only tourists, but also directors: it was here that some episodes of the Planet of the Apes and Star Wars were filmed at one time. The territory of the caldera is protected, as rare species of herbs grow here, and therefore access is limited here. It is worth agreeing on the excursion program in advance.

Rocks of Los Gigantes

Infernal walls eerily hang over the western coast of Tenerife. Even the ancient peoples who lived on the island experienced an almost sacred awe before these basalt formations. The rocks rise almost six hundred meters above sea level and look especially impressive when viewed from below - from a boat or ferry. Many boats are moored to the pier of the town of the same name, which huddles at the foot of Los Gigantes.

The settlement is located in a cozy bay, which makes this area especially convenient for ocean fishing and diving. You should take the time to see the Hell Walls directly - there are cracks in the basalt large enough for a person to squeeze through, and entire gorges. Wild beaches and small grottoes are hidden behind them.

Orotava Valley

The Orotava Valley almost closely adjoins the chain of peaks of Las Cañadas, which, when viewed from a height, forms an almost perfect square. Orotava appeared due to the descent of petrified lava rocks, the remains of which go around the eastern and western ends of the valley. It got its name in the sixteenth century in honor of the settlement of the same name founded by the conquistadors. Even then - in the Middle Ages - La Orotava was famous for its vibrant national architecture.

Today, the former stronghold of the conquistadors is the unspoken capital of the valley, which is dotted with hiking trails. A walk along them is designed for a thoughtful - most often solitary - admiring the luxury of the local landscapes. And there is something to admire! The land of Orotava is perhaps the most fertile on the island.

Anaga Park

The territory of the park is rich in landscapes: rocky gorges, pointed peaks, rocks, and all this is covered with a soft carpet of evergreen forest. But this reserve is famous not only for the relief of soils, but also for the uniqueness of the local natural world. The almost impregnable mountains that border the park have made it possible to preserve the local flora in the state it was in hundreds of years ago.

Of particular value are the so-called subtropical laurel thickets.

For tourists, trails have been laid that allow you to more fully explore the natural resources of the park. Almost all of them pass through the Roque de Taborno, the highest point of Anaga. On the territory of the reserve, ancient settlements and more modern villages are hidden, in which the remains of national culture and crafts are glimmering.

Botanical Garden of Puerto de la Cruz

The Madrid Botanical Garden is the oldest institution of this type in Spain, while the second place rightfully belongs to the Puerto de la Cruz garden, which was laid out in 1788, but not as a botanical garden, but as a kind of transit point. Rare species of exotic plants were supposed to be brought here, which needed acclimatization before being transported deep into the continent.

Gradually, this place turned into a kind of Mecca for fans of botany and just one of the most popular tourist sites in Tenerife. Puerto de la Cruz occupies the eastern end of the city. It is open from 09:00 to 18:00. The entrance ticket will cost only 3 EUR. The guide will introduce you to more than four thousand collections of plants from all over the world.

dragon tree

The most famous tree of the archipelago grows in the park of the same name and is a symbol of the city. His image adorns the local coat of arms. Scientists continue to argue about the real age of this ancient giant. Most of them give him from eight hundred to a thousand years. The determination of its age is complicated by the fact that the Dragon Tree belongs to dracaena, which, as you know, do not have growth rings.

When you see it live for the first time, you are involuntarily surprised: the diameter of the trunk is as much as twenty meters, while its height hardly crosses the mark of eighteen meters. If a modern person is struck by this species, imagine the awe that this giant caused the locals hundreds of years ago - the tree itself was considered sacred, and its juice was used during the burial ritual.

Taoro Park

In the heart of old Puerto de la Cruz, on a sloping hill, Taoro Park is located. It is an ideal place for a leisurely, quiet walk away from the crowds of tourists. The air rings with the aromas of exotic flowers and trees, the soft overflows of water from fountains and waterfalls perfectly complement the atmosphere. Guests of the city and local residents without any hesitation call this park one of the most comfortable places to relax.

The green lungs of Puerto de la Cruz are conditionally divided into three zones: the pride of the first is the observation deck, which offers the best urban panorama in the area; the second got its name in honor of the casino, which is located in the luxurious building of the oldest hotel in the archipelago; and the third zone - a corner of athletes and fans of jogging. You should not go here without sneakers - you risk being misunderstood.

Natural pools of El Caleton

The amazingly beautiful reservoirs that adorn the city of Garachico appeared due to the volcanic activity of Montaña Negra. The first landslides were observed here as early as the seventeenth century, according to the surviving records. Then the disaster took many lives and practically destroyed part of the city. The remains of the buildings were buried under a layer of lava. Hot streams melted the stone, forming hundreds of small lakes of the original form.

They do not repeat each other either in depth or size, but this is what attracts guests. One observation of the lakes already causes delight - the bottom of the reservoirs consists of black stones that solidified, having reached a liquid state at a certain moment. But with swimming you should be more careful - sometimes extremely high waves rise here.

Cape Teno

This cape crowns the northwestern tip of Tenerife. From here you have a beautiful view of the basalt cliffs of Log Gigantes, which hang low above the surface of the ocean. Traveling to the cape is a rather dangerous event, which is unobtrusively reminded by numerous signs. You will have to drive through several tunnels, as well as serpentine sections that run close to the cliff.

Due to strong winds, which are not uncommon in this part of the archipelago, there are occasional rockfalls that block the roads. But once at the top, it seems that you find yourself in a kind of vacuum - silence and calm. Here you can sit for a very long time, peering at the deserted beach and the silhouette of the lighthouse, which looks even more lonely among the rocky ridges.

Teide Observatory

The Teide Observatory is not only one of the most important institutions that study the sky, but also an important part of the natural complex of the same name. A successful combination of modern technical equipment and optimal geographical position brings it to the leading position among the world's observatories.

A number of rooms are closed to the public, but the Tower Vacuum Telescope, the Solar Laboratory and some others are included in the excursion programs. On open days - usually two days in the summer - entrance to the Teide Observatory is free. These days are constantly changing. If you want to visit the observatory privately, you need to sign up for a tour. The cost will vary up to 17 to 40 EUR.

The Canary Islands and the beaches of Tenerife - for many, these phrases evoke associations with something heavenly and very expensive. We tested it on ourselves and found out that this is only partly true - there are indeed plenty of heavenly places in the Canary Islands, but rest there can be absolutely affordable.

Why did we decide to talk about Tenerife? The fact is that we are often asked where we can go in autumn-winter, if tropical countries are not attractive - some do not like the too hot climate, others do not understand Asian culture and mentality, others do not want to fly far, but someone just wants to something new.

In general, there are a lot of options and I will not list them all, but I will talk about one specific place - the Canary Islands, or rather the island of Tenerife.

To be honest, we even considered this island as one of the options for our wintering, as an alternative to Thailand and Bali)

Tenerife is a Spanish island, but is located next to the African continent, opposite Western Sahara, even south of Morocco. And if it is quite cold on the Spanish and Portuguese coasts (for example, when traveling in Portugal in September, we could no longer swim in the ocean), then the Canary Islands can be considered for a winter pastime, since the Gulf Stream passes near Tenerife, which leaves an imprint to the local climate.

In this article, I will share my impressions of our trip, as well as talk about the beaches of Tenerife, attractions, the climate of the island, about all the benefits, and about how to get the cheapest way, where to stay, what is the situation with transport, what places are definitely worth visiting. Also at the end you will find a map with all the beaches of Tenerife and the sights of the island.

Tenerife has 70 km of beaches, so if the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bholiday comes down to a beach theme, then Tenerife is just what you need! All Tenerife beaches are public, which means they are free, but many have a paid service: renting sun loungers, mattresses and umbrellas (€ 2-4 for the whole day).

The natural beaches of Tenerife are mainly of volcanic origin, i.e. black.

The growth of tourism, and, accordingly, the demand for white sand, led to the fact that the natural beaches of Tenerife were partially replaced by artificial ones - white sand for them was raised from the seabed or brought from the African continent.

The first half of the vacation, we decided to just live on the coast, within walking distance to the beach, without much movement.

The best are clean, wide beaches of Tenerife, with well-developed infrastructure, and warm sea, located in the south-west of the island, that's where we went first thing! First of all, these are the resorts of Las Americas, Costa Adeje and Los Crestianos.

In these main tourist centers there are a huge number of hotels, bars, cafes and restaurants with traditional Canarian, Spanish and European cuisine for every taste and budget.

Las Americas

The place where we settled is the multi-kilometer coastline of the party-like Las Americas, smoothly turning into the quiet Los Cristianos, the small mountain of Chiofita is considered the conditional border between the resorts. The entire coast is divided into a dozen beaches, so choosing these resorts for relaxation, you can easily find a piece of paradise for yourself.

Las Americas is one of the most famous beaches in Tenerife, it is considered more youthful, noisy and party-like, while Los Cristianos, on the contrary, is a quieter place - it is a little more expensive, so it is preferred by vacationers with families or older people who are indifferent to parties.

The main party place with bars and discos in Las Americas is concentrated next to the Sol Tenerife hotel.

The main beaches in Las Americas are El Camison (Playa de Playa El Camison), Troya (Playa de Troya) and La Pinta (Playa de La Pinta), Las Vistas (Playa de Las Vistas).

El Camison is a pleasant beach with yellow sand and green palm trees and small lawns.

Hotels on El Camison beach:

  • Cleopatra Palace
  • Sir Anthony
  • Mediterranean Palace

The oldest (does not mean bad), which have earned popularity among both tourists and locals, are Troy 1 and Troy 2 beaches (Playa de Troya I & Troya II), not in vain because they were awarded the blue flag (an international award given to the best beaches). It has excellent infrastructure, everything you need for a beach holiday, and of course, fine golden sand. These beaches are located in the very center of Las Americas, next to the popular Las Veronicas area - this is where all the hottest places, all discos and parties are located.

So, as a result, it is quite noisy here, because most of the young people have a rest just here, moreover, the most budget hotels are located in this part of Las Americas, and there are a lot of them.

La Pinta beach is located next to the Puerto Colon sports port (from where numerous sea excursions depart, including on yachts), there are bars, restaurants, shops, and there is a large selection of water attractions and trampolines on the water.

A selection of hotels near Playa de Las Americas

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Chayofa Country Club
  • Apartamentos Playazul
  • Villa Las Flores
  • Paradero II
  • Parque Santiago
  • Tankhaus
  • Parque Las Americas
  • Las Palmeras
  • H10 Las Palmeras
  • Europe Villa Cortes GL
  • Green Garden Resort & Suites
  • H10 Conquistador

Other Las Americas Hotels

So, besides roasting yourself in the sun and swimming in the ocean, what else can you do when you come to relax on the beaches of Tenerife?

Outdoor enthusiasts can devote time to surfing, in the easternmost part of Las Americas, where the area with cafes and sunbeds is already ending, and the beach continues, you can learn to ride, and you can do it all year round.

It is there that there are waves, and a board and an instructor to help can be found right on the shore. I don’t quote prices for rent and training, they are, of course, not as pleasant as on, but quite adequate. One of our friends even went through a week of training there, the delight was over the edge.

Also, every morning we ran along the beach. Running barefoot on dense wet sand is a real pleasure, unlike here on the beach there are no morning seruns 🙂 However, it was nice to run both on and in.

The beaches of Costa Adeje

A selection of hotels close to Costa Adeje beach

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Endless Summer Hostel
  • Hostel La Playa
  • Apartments Paraiso del Sur
  • La Tortuga Hostel
  • Iberostar Torviscas Playa
  • Flamingo Beach Mate
  • Be Live Experience La Nina
  • Sol Sun Beach Apartamentos
  • Vincci Selection
  • Iberostar Grand Hotel
  • Iberostar Bouganville Playa
  • Adrian Hotel Jardines

main Fanabe beaches(Playa de Fañabe) andTorviscas (Playa de Torviscas) and calmEl Duque (Playa de El Duque). The first two stretch along the shopping gallery for 1 km, there are always a lot of tourists here, but there are also plenty of hotels, mostly 4 *:

  • 4* Hotels in Costa Adeje
  • 3-Star Hotels in Costa Adeje

There are also five-star hotels:

  • Jardines de Nivaria
  • Iberostar Anthelia

The most attractive beach in this resort is a quiet privileged beach with expensive 5 * hotels - El Duque, located at the end of Adeje. Its length is 500 m, and for its beauty, safety and cleanliness, the beach was awarded the Blue Flag sign, the sea here is incredibly turquoise. There are many high-end shops and expensive restaurants.

For a wedding photo shoot - this is heaven! Near the beach there is a city promenade, with a couple of dozen shops, cafes and bars.

posh Bahia Hotel del Duque is considered the best on the island of Tenerife.

Luxury hotels on El Duque beach:

  • Gran Tacande
  • El Mirador
  • Vinnci Plantacion del Sur
  • Sheraton La Caleta
  • Gran Costa Adeje

All hotels on El Duque beach

Another beach very close to Los Cristianos is a wonderful Las Vistas beach (Playa de las Vistas), it is large and wide, with golden sand, almost 1 km long, families with children have chosen it, there are many slides, bananas and other children's attractions in the water, besides, there are almost no waves here, thanks to a stone breakwater.

A selection of hotels close to Playa de Las Vista

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Apartamentos Vista Sur
  • Nuevamar Apartment
  • Torres del Sol Apartment
  • Las Americas Luna
  • House Eloisa
  • Tenerife Royal Gardens
  • Apartamentos Vista Sur
  • Torres del Sol
  • Sir Anthony
  • Mediterranean Palace
  • Hotel Cleopatra Palace
  • Villa Las Vistas 40COM8

View other hotels on Las Vistas Beach

Los Cristianos

There is a port of the same name in Los Cristianos, where boats come from neighboring islands - La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, so if you wish, you can change your location or just go on an excursion!

And in the port of Los Cristianos there is a small beach of the same name - Playa de Los Cristianos with fine sand. Despite the fact that this is a port, tourists also relax and sunbathe here, there are practically no waves here, and all the necessary infrastructure is present, there are water activities, a volleyball court and restaurants serving freshly caught fish!

A selection of hotels close to Playa de Los Cristianos

View other hotels in Los Cristianos

Costa del Silencio and Las Galletas

In the middle between Las Americas and the southern airport there is a quiet, calm "retired" resort Costa del Silencio, which in translation means - "Coast of Silence", here is inexpensive housing. Elderly tourists and families with children like to relax on the beaches of the tourist villages Ten Bel and Las Galletas. The ocean here is very clean, with clear water, which contributes to excellent diving. Among other entertainments, there is a stable, karting and golf courses, several bars, clubs and restaurants.

The pearl of the resort - Costa del Silencio, bay Amarilla Bay or "The Beach at the Yellow Mountain" ( Montana Amarilla), untouched natural unique landscape and stunning crystal clear water in the ocean. This place can be called a beach with a stretch - there are few stones among the rocks, but the place is very beautiful.

A selection of hotels near Costa del Silencio

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Hostel Los Duendes del Sur
  • Apartamento Hercules
  • Apartamentos Atlantico
  • Palia Don Pedro
  • Apartamentos Alondra Park
  • westhaven bay
  • Rocas Del Mar
  • Rocas Del Mar
  • Marino Tenerife

View other hotels in Costa del Silencio

Also, 15 km from Las Americas, there is a small Resort Las Galletas (Playa de Las Galletas, located side by side with the fishing town and not far from the Costa del Silencio. The local beach is with gray volcanic sand, its length is about 600 m, there is all the infrastructure. But it makes sense to stay in this area if diving is the main thing for you, otherwise it will be boring! There are a lot of schools and centers here, you can get a Padi certificate, the conditions for studying here are the most suitable, but the underwater world is unlikely to disappoint. On the other hand, you can always go hang out in the noisy and lively Las Americas in the evening!

A selection of hotels close to Playa de Las Galletas

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Llano La Estrella
  • Penthouse Las Galletas
  • South of Tenerife
  • Apartamento Edupla I
  • Lovely studio in Las Galletas
  • Apartamento Lara
  • Alborada Beach Club

Explore hotels in Las Galletas

Abama Beach

Abama (Playa de Abama) is a chic lagoon beach, named after the hotel of the same name (it used to be Abama Golf Resort, and now The Ritz-Carlton, Abama) it was thanks to him that he arose. The hotel was built luxuriously, the public, resting in such places, claims to have an excellent beach, so the rocky coast was covered with sand, a breakwater was built, now this wonderful bay-lagoon is completely closed from the waves.

The beach cannot belong only to the hotel, so other vacationers come here, because the place is amazing!

A selection of hotels close to Playa de Abama

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Fishermans Cottage Tenerife
  • Casa Erques I and II
  • Casa Juan
  • Finca La Tosca
  • Rock Plaza
  • Eurosant Playas
  • Casa in Alcala
  • La Muralla
  • The Ritz-Carlton, Abama
  • Red Level at Gran Melia

La Arena with black sand

If you live in Las Americas, then for a change you can sometimes visit the black beach nearby - next to the fishing port of Puerto de Santiago, there is the best landscaped beach in the southwest of the island with black sand in a rocky bay - La Arena La Arena. Spectacular rocks and the ocean will not leave indifferent fans of beach photo shoots, well, we could not resist 🙂 This beach, by the way, also has a "Blue Flag".

The beach is very pleasant and beautiful, despite the fact that it is quite small, its length is only 120 m, but at the same time there is everything you need - rent of sun loungers, changing rooms, restaurants, rental of catamarans.

In the sun, the sand gets very hot and becomes scalding, barefoot you can only hop around, but the salvation is wet sand, though in this case it will cover with a wave every couple of minutes 🙂

There are many wild black sand beaches in the east of Las Americas, they are not very crowded, some are completely deserted, and at the same time very beautiful. Many are located at the foot of the cliffs, which is why it is not so easy to get to them without personal transport.

A selection of hotels close to Playa de La Arena

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Vigilia Park
  • Apartamento Tagara Beach
  • Apartment Arena
  • Arena Sol
  • Be a Live Experience
  • Apartamento Tagara Beach
  • La Arena Beach
  • Tagara Apartment
  • Villa Las Flores
  • Finca Montimar Casa Herrenhaus

Explore hotels in La Arena

There are 2 more beaches in the vicinity, but they are quite small, less than 100 m long, one in the town of Puerto de Santiago itself, right in the port area - Playa Chica beach, and the second on the outskirts of the city at the foot of the cliffs in Los Gigantes - Los Guyos (Playa de los Guios).

Puerto de la Cruz - black beaches

During our trip around the island of Tenerife by car, one of the destinations for us was the black beaches in the north of the island.

The ocean in these parts is cold, in comparison with the southwestern coast, the fact is that the north is open to all winds, from which the south of the island is protected by a mountain range and a volcano.

Puerto de la Cruz is the largest resort in the north of the island, in the vicinity of which, and in the city itself, too, there are wonderful black beaches. The beaches are very beautiful, but in winter, unfortunately, they are completely inaccessible, the water is cold, and sometimes the waves are so strong that it becomes dangerous to enter the water. Surfing is common on such beaches, although only pros ride in these conditions.

They say that beaches of volcanic origin are good for health, I want to believe this.

One of the most picturesque beaches is Jardin/Jardin beach (Playa Jardin), especially he gathers a lot of people during the period of raging waves, many people want to capture such a raging natural element in a photo 🙂

See hotels on Hardin Beach

Puerto de la Cruz is a fishing town inhabited by indigenous people, and at the same time, it is a resort, we also stayed there for the night.

The city is really pleasant, and unlike the areas of Las Americas and Los Cristianos, here you can meet not only vacationers, but also the local population, feel the atmosphere of the life of the "Canarians". In the evenings, live concerts are held here on the central square, our hotel was in the very center, the balcony overlooked just this square, so the evening turned out to be fun. In the morning we walked along the embankment, looked at the market, had breakfast and hit the road.

A selection of hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Pension Rosa Mari
  • Hotel Don Candido
  • Hotel Marquesa
  • Hotel Sun Holidays
  • Beach Martianez Apartment
  • Penthouse 1400
  • Sol Costa Atlantis Tenerife
  • Valle Luz Apartment
  • Hotel Botanico
  • Villa Del Sol
  • Heaven In Europe 88
  • Villa Maiquetia

View other hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

The beaches of Las Teresitas and Antequera, Santa Cruz

Before reaching the capital city of Santa Cruz, at the foot of the Anaga mountain range, near the village of San Andres, we found a very beautiful Las Teresitas beachplaya deLas Teresitas, whose photographs we later saw on postcards and calendars in souvenir shops. As it turned out later, the amazing fine golden sand was specially brought here from the Sahara.

A selection of hotels close to Playa de Las Teresitas

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • El Jostel
  • Pension Mova
  • Hotel Horizonte
  • Pension Milema
  • Apartamento Marechu
  • La Casita de la Playa
  • Iberostar Grand Hotel
  • Silken Atlantida Santa Cruz

The infrastructure for tourists here is at its best, so there are always a lot of vacationers on the beach, but it is huge, there is enough space for everyone!

Hidden behind a mountain range is another beach - Antequera (Playa de Antequera), but this time with black natural sand, there is practically no infrastructure, parking is spontaneous, but at the same time there are a lot of vacationers, mostly metropolitan residents.

Santa Cruz is the capital

with all the ensuing consequences, for tourists it is perhaps only attractive for its huge shopping malls and the annual February large-scale mass and very colorful carnival. One of these annual February carnivals I found once in Barcelona, ​​but in November in the capital of the island you can only walk around the city.

There is a futuristic theater building (Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín), which is called the younger brother of the famous Sydney Opera House.

As well as an unusual breakwater with stones on which portraits of celebrities are painted (it is located right behind the concert hall).

For the night we stopped at the couchsurfer, it turned out to be honey. my brother, who works at a local hospital, I remember the evening was very informative, it’s a pity that we didn’t take notes then, otherwise we would have told you something interesting from the life of the Canarians.

Explore hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The beaches of El Medano, La Tejita, La Pelada

All beaches on the island of Tenerife - with very light or light gray sand (due to a mixture of volcanic and light) are actually of artificial origin, the exception is beaches in El Medanoplaya deEl Médano, where the sand was brought by the wind from the Sahara desert, we don’t know if this is really so, but the legend is beautiful, however, like the beaches themselves, we were convinced of this personally 🙂 In addition, there is all the necessary infrastructure here - cafes, changing rooms, toilets, sun loungers and umbrellas.

El Medano has several beaches at once.

One is on the territory of the city, on the western side of the Montana Roja volcano - a rather picturesque place with low red dunes.

Mostly windsurfers and kitesurfers from all over Europe gather here, thanks to the good wind the gurney is amazing here, there are schools for beginners, equipment rentals.

Explore hotels in El Medano

On the opposite side of the mountain is the second windy La Tejita beachplaya deLa Tejita, quite large (~ 1 km), at its very tip, behind a stone partition, there is a 50-meter nudist beach, there is all the infrastructure, when we were there, a lot of people were resting, perhaps due to the fact that this is the most accessible nudist beach the beach is located side by side with the usual.

Explore the hotels on La Tejita Beach

And one more beach - near the mountain Montana Pelada (Montana Pelada), it is called like that La Montana Pelada beach, quite picturesque under a rocky cliff with black volcanic sand, the beach is located in the bay, so there is much less wind here.

A selection of hotels close to Playa de El Medano

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • La Calavera Guesthouse
  • Casa Grande Surf Hostel
  • Room near Cabezo beach
  • Lagos de Miramar III 2
  • Hotel Medano
  • Apartamento Estrella del Mar
  • Medano Loft
  • Loft Apartamento
  • Hotel Arenas del Mar
  • Casas Bioclimaticas Iter
  • Sandos San Blas Nature
  • Vincci Tenerife Golf

Nudist Wild Beach Diego Hernandez

Small nudist wild Diego Hernandez beach (Playa Diego Hernandez) with light gray volcanic sand, closest to Las Americas, located in a cozy bay near the village of La Caleta (La Caleta).

For us, it was the best beach in Tenerife, it is located under steep cliffs and consists of two small beaches, separated by a rocky ledge that can be bypassed along the coast, different paths lead to both beaches from above, once on one, you can completely not recognize about the existence of another.

At first, we wandered a little, did not find the path, trying to drive straight along the off-road on the rocks. The attempt failed, the car stalled, we had to return, but we had plenty of hugs with cacti.

And then somehow accidentally came to the beginning of the trail, it turns out you need to go then to the golf club (see on the map), as a landmark, it is located directly above the bay, and from there, leaving the car on the side of the road at the entrance to the golf course, go down to the beach through the mountains and rocks along a narrow path leading to the very shore.

The beach is remote from the road, there is no infrastructure, besides us there were no more than 6-8 people on the beach, this is the beauty - the absence of noise, garbage, a complete natural idyll.

The beach is nudist and insanely beautiful, almost deserted.

We spent one of the days here, and this is the place where you definitely want to come again. Returning to the car along another path in the middle of the cliff, we noticed a tent on a ledge, a great idea, I even wanted to come back here one day and live like this for a couple of days, away from civilization, in the bosom of nature among the rocks on the ocean.

A selection of hotels close to Playa Diego Hernandez Beach

Budget Close to the beach luxury
  • Casa Aries
  • Casa Piscis
  • HOVIMA Jardin Caleta
  • Casa Madreselva
  • Apartments La Caleta
  • Casa Madreselva
  • Ocean Front Adeje
  • Hotel Suite Villa Maria
  • Villa Natalie
  • Royal Garden Villas
  • H10 Costa Adeje Palace

Teide Volcano

Our first point where we went by car was the Teide volcano (3718 m) with an amazing landscape park, where a variety of flora and fauna is represented, and dilapidated craters and frozen lava flows form mystical lunar landscapes (according to the assurance of guidebooks, especially spectacular photographs are obtained on sunset, we were in the afternoon, at sunset, apparently, we will come next time sometime).

This volcano, together with the area around it, is the most visited natural park in Spain and is called the Las Canadas del Teide National Park, moreover, it is the most high mountain in Spain and thanks to her, the island of Tenerife is considered the highest in the Atlantic Ocean. Previously, the Teide volcano was much higher, about 5000 m, but after a strong eruption at the beginning of the 18th century, the top of the volcano collapsed to 3718 m.

Entrance to the park is free, there is parking and a cafe at the foot of the volcano, and a cable car leads up, you will have to pay for the funicular (Teide Cable Car), otherwise you won’t climb to the top - 27 € (open from 9:00 to 16:00 ).

Tickets can be bought online (), this will save time in line, besides, if you buy in advance, you can buy at any time, because there are peak hours, and the number of people at the top is strictly limited.

The funicular takes 10 minutes to a height of 3555 m, where 163 meters remain to the top of the volcano. By the way, you can spend no more than an hour on the top platform, but believe me, this time is enough 🙂 Before the construction of the funicular, it took 29 hours to climb to the top.

Upstairs you can walk on a veil of clouds,

A hiking trail leads to a viewing platform with a view of the island. We spent the prescribed hour there, a pleasant place not only for its views, but also for its coolness.

In general, the Teide volcano is formed by several volcanoes, which are continuations of the Teide peak in the east and west. On the western slope is the Pico Viejo volcano (3134 m), on the eastern slope is Montaña Blanca (2750 m). And the peak of Teide itself is in the center of the giant Las Cañadas caldera, a collapsed crater with a diameter of 17 km, and its perimeter is as much as 45 km!

Free access to the crater is closed, they explain this by the fact that numerous tourists are gradually sorting out the volcano for souvenirs, which threatens to decrease in height (this pebble is not from the top, don't worry, we didn't take it home).

To go up to the vent, you need to obtain permission in advance for a specific date, everything is done quite simply through a special form on the official website of the park, after which on the appointed day you need to arrive at the park early in the morning, where your guide will meet you, and you will go to trekking, without permission and a guide, the passage is closed.

It is better to submit an application in advance (confirmation comes immediately, but the date in the “permit” can be as much as a week later, because there is a limited visit to the peak per day, and very often it is completely closed due to weather conditions, and there are always those who wish) . We did not bother to get a "permit" in advance, as a result, we were content with an exciting ascent on the cable car and a breathtaking view from the upper observation points.

In addition to the volcano itself, in the park you can visit the observatory and watch the stars.

Even at the entrance to the park, from numerous observation platforms, and just from the road,

on the plateau of Las Canadas (Las Canadas), where very rare plants are found,

breathtaking scenery opens up.

The landscapes really look like something unearthly - either the Moon, or Mars,

Here, by the way, episodes for Star Wars were filmed.

Los Roques de Garcia are amazing cliffs of bizarre shape.

This rock (with a small base and a wide top) is Tenerife's "signature" landscape, images of which are full of all guidebooks and postcards. She was even depicted on one of the bills when Spain had its own money - for 1000 pesetas.

In the rocky areas of Tenerife, including the Teide Landscape Park, there are cacti, which, by the way, were brought from Mexico at one time, and subsequently took root well throughout the island. Agave trees, fig palms and huge rubber trees can also be seen on the island.

Sometimes, due to bad weather conditions, the volcano and the entire territory of the caldera are blocked, so you can’t even drive up to the foot, not to mention the possibility of climbing the funicular, but the volcano has not been active for a very long time, so in this regard, you don’t have to worry.

The easiest way to get to Teide Park is by renting a car, you need the TF-21 highway.

If you go by public transport, then from the server part of the island (departure point: Puerto de La Curuz) you can take bus number 348, and from the south - to number 342 (departure point: Las Americas).

Entertainment and attractions in Tenerife

If the first main attraction of Tenerife is the Teide volcano, then cultural traditions can be observed in the towns - there are churches, towers, squares with statues. At least for a couple of hours in Puerto de La Cruz and Santa Cruz, it's definitely worth visiting!

And if you don't think beach holiday on a tropical island without any popular entertainment, then Tenerife has it all, pay attention to the following objects.

Parrot Park "Loro Park"

Loro Parque is the most visited entertainment place on the island of Tenerife, it is a park with the largest collection of parrots in the world, but parrots are far from the most interesting thing in this park. Various shows are held in the park, in one day you can visit a variety of venues and see killer whale shows, parrot and dolphin shows, as well as see a thousand varieties of orchids and watch the life of sea lions and penguins.

On the territory of Loro Park there is the largest penguinarium on earth - "Penguin Planet", as well as a glass tunnel with sharks. There is also a botanical garden, a nursery with wild animals and a Thai village - the largest Thai-style building outside of Thailand. And of course - restaurants and bars, so you can safely come here for the whole day.

Working mode: daily 8:30 - 18:45 (entrance closes at 16:00).

Ticket price: adult - 33 EUR, children (6-11 years old) - 22 EUR, there are discounts when buying online, there are also specials. combi ticket prices for visiting Siam Park as well. There are also tickets that include transfers.

Address / how to get there: Avenida Loro Parque s/n (coordinates: 28.40832, -16.56471). Bus number 343 goes from Las Americas and Los Cristianos.

Siam Park

Siam Park is a huge open-air water park with a wide variety of slides, water rides and pools, you can safely come here for the whole day. The only thing to keep in mind is that there are a lot of people, so it's better to come to the opening. The park has all the amenities - changing rooms, safes for valuables, restaurants / cafes.

Working mode: daily from 10:00 to 18:00, water park - from 10:00 to 17:00.

Ticket price: adult - 33 EUR, children - 22 EUR, children under 3 years old - free of charge. There are family tickets and combi tickets with Loro Parque.

Address / how to get there: Autopista TFE-1, Salida, 28 (coordinates: 28.07198, -16.72559). There are shuttle transfers from many resorts.

Eagles Park (Jungle Park)

The Eagle Park is an oasis of tropical greenery, in addition to the eagles from the Teide volcano, there are many other tropical birds, an impressive zoo with tigers, crocodiles and chimpanzees, as well as the oldest botanical garden, show performances with trained animals and birds of prey are held along schedule. There are also lemurs and fur seals in the park.

If we compare Loro Park and Orlov Park, then the first one is more modern, with b about Lots of different shows.

Working mode: daily from 10:00 - 17:30.

Ticket price: adult - 24 EUR, children (5-10 years old) - 15.50 EUR, children under 3-4 years old - 7 EUR. You can save some money by buying tickets online.

Address / how to get there: Urbanizacion Las Aguilas del Teide s/n, 38640, Arona (coordinates: 28º04′83″N 16º41′67″W). There are daily free shuttles from the resorts of Lav Americas and Los Cristianos.


Popular on the island of Tenerife are boat trips to the natural habitat of whales and dolphins, as well as fishing in the ocean.

You can snorkel and dive, but the underwater world near the coast is not so rich, we did not dive from the boat, but the tourist booklets talk about the indescribable beauties of the ocean floor. Due to the cold Canarian currents, there are practically no coral reefs in the ocean, but at the same time, diving here is attractive due to the underwater volcanic landscape.

The best dive sites are at the southernmost tip of the island (Las Galletas). Another interesting place is “Octopus Cove” near Los Gigantes, it is a beautiful bay, 12-15 m deep with a reef covered with sponges and corals. Dive centers on the island organize tours and excursions to all these places.

In different parts of the island of Tenerife you can find banana plantations,

the largest are in the north, in the Orotava valley. Canarian bananas are insanely delicious, sweet.

canarian cuisine

Canarian cuisine is quite diverse, local dishes will appeal to gourmets and connoisseurs of both meat delicacies and fresh fish and seafood dishes, as well as all kinds of soups and stews. The most popular fish are vieja and perch.

As a side dish, they offer an unusual shriveled small potato in a uniform, called papas arrugadas (papas arrugadas), the trick is that the potatoes are boiled in very salty water until the water has completely evaporated so that the salt crystals settle on the peel.

The Spanish dish paella is also popular here - rice with seafood, meat or chicken, and vegetables, and the portions are very large. After some dinners, I even wanted to lie down.

Alas, I almost didn’t take a picture of the food, but believe me, it was very tasty, and this is the main thing!

A traditional dessert is bienmesabe, a cream of egg yolk, with the addition of almonds and cinnamon, somewhat reminiscent of pudding.

Housing from owners it is convenient to search through the Airbnb service (you can get a $20 bonus here).

Transport in Tenerife and car rental

For the first days we stopped in Las Americas, so at first we didn’t need our own transport, if you are interested in relaxing within this and the nearest neighboring resort areas, you can rent bicycles or move on foot and on free shuttles (they go to almost all paid attractions and amusement parks).

But to visit the central, northern and eastern parts of Tenerife, your own car, of course, is preferable to public transport, despite the fact that the network of public buses is well developed throughout the island of Tenerife.

You can choose the desired route, see the current prices, schedule and travel time on the official website:

From the southern airport to the nearest resort areas (in particular, Las Americas and Costa Adeje) can be reached by taxi, or for € 2-3 by direct bus, several are suitable at once. At stops at the airport, all directions of buses are signed, so it’s quite difficult to get lost or go the other way. The shuttle can also be reached from the northern airport, but most airlines, including Ryanair, fly to the southern one.

We booked a car back in St. Petersburg, but walking along the streets of Las Americas, we came across an advertisement for small yellow Citroen beetles, according to which they were the cheapest cars on the island, yes, and also including full insurance.

Therefore, we abandoned our reservation, since there were still two of us, and we decided that we didn’t need a big car at all, the suitcase fit perfectly in the trunk, and an inflated swimming mattress lay all the time in the back seat (I don’t know why we it was bought on the first day, because both seem to be excellent swimmers, but apparently I sometimes wanted to hang out in the sea)). In a few days we circled the entire island and returned to Las Americas.

If you prefer to book a car in advance, we recommend doing it here.

Shopping in Tenerife

I'll tell you a little about shopping - the Canary Islands have the status of a free economic zone, as a result of which, taxes are very low here compared to continental Europe, and we also got to the Christmas sales, which could not but rejoice. The largest shopping malls are located in the capital of the island, Santa Cruz, but resort towns also have quite a good selection of shops.

So, walking along the coast in Las Americas, by chance we found a store with local production of clothes, from a young designer, we left with full packages.

How to get to Tenerife

There may be several options here, I just selected flights that were convenient for us on skyscanner, playing with dates, number of connections and even the place of departure. We flew by low-cost from Finland, now these flights are no longer available, so I won’t write about them.

If there are no restrictions in the budget, then fly by direct flight from Moscow, such are performed, for example, by Aeroflot, 7 hours on the way, you can pick up a ticket.

I did not find direct flights from St. Petersburg, but they are from Helsinki and Tallinn, where you can get quite budget.

Well, or you can play with dates and connections, and then you will be able to buy the right flight at a particularly good price.


For 10 days on the island, owning a rented car, even with a strong desire to visit all the beaches, it is quite difficult to do this, there are too many of them, I described only those that we ourselves visited, where we sunbathed, swam, had picnics or saw off the sun before sunset. On some beaches, we were only passing through, dropped in literally for 10-15 minutes, on some we spent half a day or more.

Probably, at another time of the year, the island would not have made such a pleasant impression, and given that we escaped from the gloomy snowy and rainy St. Petersburg for 10 days in a sunny summer with a warm ocean and beautiful beaches, delicious Spanish cuisine, and prices below average European for transport, housing, food and other entertainment, and even with a mega-cheap flight, Tenerife left the best memories, we were happy.

And now, see all the beaches of Tenerife and other attractions of the island on the map!

Attractions and beaches of Tenerife on the map

Have a nice vacation!

Here you can see all the hotels in Tenerife, and do not forget about insurance! You can apply for it online here.

P.S. What are your plans for the winter, are you planning a vacation? Already bought tickets? Share where 🙂

Reviews of beaches in different countries:

  • – the best beaches in the world on a paradise island
  • – debunk popular myths about the island
  • – European food and Russian tourists
  • Interesting places or what to see in Tenerife, all attractions with coordinates on the map and in Russian.

    water parks


    The Aqualand Costa Adeje water park is located in the resort of Costa Adeje, 1.5 kilometers from the coastline. Aqualand is more suitable for families with children of small age and height, due to the fact that in the currently popular Siam Park water park, many attractions have restrictions for safety reasons and often long queues for descent are formed. It is better to buy tickets on the official website, as they are cheaper, and you can take sunbeds with the money saved, they are paid here. In addition, Aqualand hosts a daily dolphin show, which is considered to be the best in Tenerife.

    Siam park

    Siam Park is a must visit for both adults and children. It is worth considering that access to many attractions is closed to children for safety reasons, whose height is less than 1 m. 10 cm or 1 m. 35 cm, depending on the slides. Siam Park is considered the best water park not only in Tenerife, but also in Europe. In it you will find an artificial white sand beach with big waves, predatory marine animals in the aquarium, sea lions, ponds with live fish, waterfalls and much more. On its territory there are several bars and restaurants, free sunbeds, but you will have to pay for lockers for clothes and valuables. Usually in Siam Park spend about 6 hours.


    loro park

    This is the largest zoo in the Canary Islands, built in Punta Brava (near the city of Puerto de la Cruz) in the north of Tenerife. It will take about an hour and a half to get to it from the southern resorts by car (order an individual transfer). On the territory of Loro Park there is paid parking, the cost of which is 4 euros. Get ready to set aside about 5 hours and 30 minutes to visit this zoological garden. Its vast area is surrounded by lush vegetation and a wide variety of wildlife collected here. The great popularity of Loro Park is represented by 7 grand animal shows, one of them and the most famous is the Killer Whale Show, others: dolphinarium, sea lions, parrot show, penguin planet, a huge aquarium and a cinema under a mirrored dome. Both adults and children should not leave here without delight and emotions.

    Orlov Park

    Zoo in the south of Tenerife, located about 7 kilometers from the resorts of Playa de Las Americas, Costa Adeje and Los Cristianos, on the road towards the Teide volcano. Eagle Park or Jungle Park is smaller than Siam Park, but due to its proximity to the southern resorts and spectacular bird shows, it constantly attracts visitors. In addition, the bird show is not the only attraction here, you will be shown their pirouettes by sea lions living in the neighborhood. If you want to ride in the breeze, then a mini-bobsleigh has been built on the territory of the park, although you will have to pay extra for it separately. The entire area of ​​Jungle Park is shrouded in lush greenery, and a cable car is stretched through it, along which you can sway along.

    Monkey park

    One of the most interesting places in Tenerife is Monkey Park. It is located near Los Cristianos in the southern part of the island. This is a small mini-zoo, opened in 1991. There are few animals in Monkey Park, but it is interesting for its concept - it is a petting zoo, visitors can pet, feed and interact with local residents in every possible way. And the most popular in Monkey Park is the pavilion with cat and mongoose lemurs. These incredibly cute animals with huge eyes are very sociable, they can persistently demand treats, allow themselves to be touched, stroked and hugged. To feed the animals, you can take fruits, carrots, corn, cabbage with you.

    butterfly park

    Mariposario del Drago or the Butterfly Park is located in Icod de los Vinos, it is not far from the famous Dragon Tree. This is one of the attractions of Tenerife, which is worth a visit. In a rather large park, the most beautiful butterflies from all over the world live in the wild. There is also a cinema hall, an auditorium for lectures and a scientific laboratory. The collection of the park is one of the largest and includes more than 100 species of butterflies from Australia, Asia and Central America. Depending on the season, the butterflies in the Park change. To get the most out of visiting this interesting place in Tenerife, choose the right time to visit - warm sunny weather, this will help you fully enjoy the beauty of this place.

    natural parks

    Teide Volcano

    The Teide Volcano is the best place in Tenerife, it is worth a visit for everyone without exception! It is the largest active volcano in Europe and the highest point in Spain. The height of Teide is 3718 m. It is located in the municipality of La Orotava, in the center of the Teide National Park. The last volcanic eruption occurred in 1909. Mount Teide can be reached by funicular. Viewpoints offer views of the fantastic volcanic landscapes of this incredible place. If desired, and in good weather, you can climb to the top of the volcano. It is only 200 meters from the funicular stop. But for this you need to have a special permit issued by the park administration.

    Teide National Park

    Teide National Park is Tenerife's main attraction. It is located in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenefe, municipality of La Orotava. It was founded on January 22, 1954 to preserve the natural volcanic system consisting of Mount Teide and Pico Viejo. The area of ​​the Teide National Park is 189 square meters. km. Since 2007, the Park has become part of the UNESCO heritage. Teide National Park is a unique place where you can see volcanoes, craters, rivers of solidified lava. All this forms a landscape of fantastic beauty.

    Rambla de Castro

    Rambla de Castro is one of the interesting places in Tenerife, allowing you to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the island. This is a conservation area located in the north, near the city of Los Realejos. This is one of the greenest places on the island. In the 16th century, the estate of Castro was built here. Banana plantations here coexist with dragon trees and Canarian palms. Also here is the fort of San Fernando and the hermitage of San Pedro.

    Anaga rocks

    Anaga Rocks (Los Roques de Anaga) - natural attractions of Tenerife. They are located in the northeast of the island in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. They are two rocks located near the coast. Roque de Tierra and Roque de Fuera can only be reached by water. They are of great interest from the point of view of science and the formation of the local landscape. Several endemic species such as the Mount Fuera lizard and rare bird species nest here. At the top of the Roque de Tierra grows a fantastic forest of dracaena.

    Anaga mountain range

    The Anaga mountain range is a large UNESCO biosphere reserve covering an area of ​​49 thousand hectares. A significant part of the reserve is located under water, it occupies 33 thousand hectares. It is located in the cities of Santa Cruz, Tegueste La Laguna. The Anaga mountain range is one of the most ancient, the age of some rocks is from 7 to 9 million years. Several serious volcanic eruptions have formed here a unique environment with a variety of geomorphological and geological features. For tourists, Anaga is interesting for its laurel forests, which have been preserved from the Tertiary period and rich fauna.

    Teno mountain range

    The Teno mountain range is located in the northwest of Tenerife, near Las Americas and Costa Adeje. The mountain range is of volcanic origin, it was formed about 5-7 million years ago. The Teno mountain range is cut by ravines and caves. The most famous place in the Teno massif is the Masca Gorge and Los Gigantes rocks. This is one of the most interesting sights of natural origin, it is worth seeing to appreciate the harsh beauty of the rocks and hardened lava.

    Hell's Gorge Infierno

    Despite its intimidating name, Infierno Hell's Gorge is worth a visit. This is one of the best places in Tenerife. It is beautiful and very calm here - a lot of vegetation, gorgeous landscapes, many rare species of birds and small animals. Hell's Gorge is located in Adeje, just a 10-15 minute drive from Las Americas. It is a natural park with several hiking trails. There is also a waterfall 80 meters high.

    Crown Forestal

    Crown Forestal (Parque Natural Corona Forestal) is a natural park covering an area of ​​about 41 thousand hectares. Crown Forestal surrounds Tenerife National Park and is the largest protected area in the Canaries. It is located on the territory of 17 municipalities. The park is incredibly beautiful, mainly Canary pines grow here and many endemic species of flora and fauna are found. The Forestal crown includes forests, ravines, mountains and valleys. This place is a popular recreational area and a great place to stay. Hiking trails allow you to enjoy chic landscapes, and cozy local restaurants will delight you with a varied menu.

    Lunar rock formations

    Want to see the most interesting places in Tenerife? Head to the Lunar Landscape (Paisaje Lunar). This place is located in the south of the island, near the village of Vilaflor, in the territory of the Corona Forestal park. The only inconvenience is the lack of a road nearby, so visiting the Lunar landscape will require a rather long walk. The lunar landscape is located at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level. It is a bizarrely frozen volcanic lava and white volcanic sand. Under the influence of strong winds, the lava became like cone-shaped mountains, balls and turrets. This place is very similar to the surface of the Moon or Mars. This is where Star Wars was filmed. This place invariably makes an indelible impression even on sophisticated travelers.

    Cape Teno

    Cape Teno is the westernmost point of the island. There is a lighthouse on the cape. The surrounding landscapes impress with their harsh beauty. The impenetrable dark cliffs and the magnificent view of the Los Gigantes cliffs are worthy of seeing this place in person. At Cape Teno there is a convenient observation deck that allows you to enjoy the view of the rock massif.

    Park Garcia Sanabria

    Garcia Sanabia is one of the attractions of Tenerife, the park is located in the capital of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and is considered one of its symbols. The park was founded in 1926 and named after the mayor of the city under which it was opened. It covers an area of ​​67.2 thousand square meters. m. and planted with local and exotic tropical plants. Of particular interest to visitors are 13 sculptures that were brought here from the International Exhibition of Street Sculptures. Also in the park are the Flower Clock, made by the Swiss house Favag, and a large fountain.


    Space Science Museum

    The Museum of Science and Space is a very interesting place in Tenerife that is worth visiting for children. The museum is located in San Cristobal de Laguna. It was opened in 1993 with the support of the Canary Institute of Astrophysics with the aim of popularizing science. The museum has its own radio and optical telescopes and a modern planetarium. There are no exhibits in it, as in traditional museums, but about a hundred interactive sites dedicated to space, the human body, and the principles of operation of various devices are available.

    Museum of Nature and Man

    The Museum of Nature and Man is located in the capital of the island, its exposition consists of valuables and artifacts belonging to the pre-Hispanic period of the history of the Canary archipelago. The museum has entomological, archaeological, botanical, paleontological exhibits. The museum is located in the very center of the city in a large neoclassical building. The museum was founded in 1958.

    Museum of History and Anthropology

    This museum was opened in 1993, it is located in two buildings: in the city of San Cristobal de Laguna in the Casa Lercaro building and in the town of Valle de Guerra in the Casa de Carta estate. The museum introduces the history and traditions of Tenerife since the 15th century. The main collection of the museum is presented in the house of Lercaro. The second location is an example of a traditional Canarian estate from the 18th century. In its rooms you can see ceramics, furniture and furnishings, clothes, etc.

    Military Museum of the Canary Islands

    Fans of military themes and history will be captivated by the military museum of the Canary Islands. This attraction of Tenerife is located in the real military fort Fuerte de Almeyda, built in 1884 to protect against the British. A significant part of the exposition is devoted to the glorious victory in the battle for Santa Cruz de Tenerife with the fleet of Admiral Nelson. You can see this battle of 1797 on the diorama. The museum also has dioramas with Christopher Columbus and pirates. The exposition presents firearms and edged weapons from different periods. Inside the fort there is an exhibition of large military equipment. In any presented sample, you can climb inside.


    Lighthouse Teno

    The Teno lighthouse is located on the cape of the same name on the westernmost point of Tenerife. The red and white lighthouse stands on the edge of a steep cliff and is surrounded by magnificent scenery. This lighthouse was built in the 19th century to replace its outdated predecessor. The lighthouse is still functioning, regularly showing the way to ships sailing to Tenerife.

    Lighthouse Anaga

    Anaga Lighthouse is located on the rock of Bermejo, near the village of Roque Bermejo. The lighthouse was built in 1863, but started working a year later. This is one of the 7 large active lighthouses in Tenerife. Now the lighthouse is fully automated. The lighthouse is clearly visible from the sea, it is not easy to get to it by land.


    Botanical Garden

    Tenerife Botanical Garden (Jardin de Aclimatacion de la Orotava) is located in the capital of Sant Cruz de Teneife. It was founded by the decree of the Spanish king Charles III with the aim of acclimatizing exotic plants for their subsequent delivery to Madrid. This is the second oldest botanical garden in Spain. It is small, its area is a rectangle of 100x200 meters. The collection of the botanical garden includes more than a hundred exotic plants. Of particular interest is a bicentennial rubber tree and a large collection of orchids.

    dragon tree

    The dragon tree (Dracaena draco) is the official plant symbol of Tenerife. And in one of the best places in Tenerife grows the oldest dragon tree in the world. You can see it in Drago Park, located in the town of Icod de los Vinos in the northeast of the island, 25 km from the capital. Its height is 20 meters, and the girth at the bottom of the trunk is 9 meters. The dragon tree grows very slowly, in 10 years it grows no more than one meter.

    natural monuments

    Rocks of Los Gigantes

    The cliffs of Los Gigantes caused awe even in the ancient Guanches. Their majestic beauty inspired respect and even fear. Rocks are located in the west of Tenerife. This is one of the most interesting sights of natural origin. The cliffs of Los Gigantes rise 600 meters above the ocean and go under water for 30 meters. The best way to see them is from the sea, while sailing on a yacht.

    Historic centers


    Garachico is one of the best places to visit in Tenerife. Garachico is a city in the northwest of the island, its architecture, narrow streets have a unique Canarian flavor. Garachico's interest in its history, in 1706 - it was the richest city in Tenerife, but he was unlucky, the Montaña Negra volcano erupted, it was completely destroyed. Hot lava changed the landscape of the coast, it was no longer possible to build a port here, but natural pools formed by lava appeared. Now Garachico is a small city with 5,000 inhabitants. The main attractions are the fortress of San Miguel, Mount Roque de Garachico.


    Candelaria is a small town not far from the capital. About 27 thousand people live in it. Candelaria is the center of Catholicism in the Canary Islands. Thousands of tourists and pilgrims come here every day. The main attraction of the city is the Basilica of Candelaria, which houses the main shrine of the Canaries - the statue of the Virgin Mary or the Black Madonna. She is considered the patroness of the Canary Islands. Every year on August 14-15, Candelaria hosts a grand celebration in honor of the Black Madonna.

    La Orotava

    The city of La Orotava is located in the northwest of Tenerife, 33 km from the capital of the island. La Orotava is located in the valley between the foot of the Teide volcano and the Atlantic Ocean. This is one of the oldest cities in Tenerife, it was founded in the 16th century and many buildings have been preserved since those times. The old part of La Orotava has a unique atmosphere. An abundance of flowers, greenery and an abundance of unique architectural objects are worth visiting this place.

    House of Balconies

    The Balcony House (Casa de los Balcones) is located in the old town of La Orotava in the northwest of the island. This is one of the most interesting places in Tenerife, which invariably attracts tourists. This building was built in 1632 on San Francisco Street. This is an excellent example of architectural architecture from the time of the rich conquistadors. This is a beautiful house built in a traditional Canarian style with many wooden carved balconies. The Balcony House has a colonial museum and a souvenir craft workshop, whose products are sold right there.

    Gorge and Masca village

    Masca is a small village located in the northwest of Tenerife in the municipality of Buenovista del Norte. The village is known for its location in the upper part of the gorge of the same name. This is one of the most interesting sights of the island. Tourists are attracted by the atmosphere of a traditional Canarian village with magnificent landscapes around. About a hundred local residents live here. They are engaged in agriculture and serve tourists.

    San Cristobal de la Laguna

    Pyramids of Guimar

    San Cristobal de la Laguna is a city and municipality of the same name in the north of Tenerife. At the moment, the city has merged with the capital. San Cristobal de la Laguna is considered the cultural capital of Tenerife. Here is the main Catholic shrine - the Cathedral of San Cristobal de la Laguna. Also here is the Royal Temple of Christ-on-Laguna and the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin.

    Cathedrals and temples

    Cathedral of San Cristobal de La Laguna

    The Cathedral of San Cristobal de La Laguna is the main Catholic church in Tenerife, it is located in San Cristobal de la Laguna. The cathedral is located in the city center.

    The history of the cathedral began in 1511, but the modern facade was erected in 1820, and the rest of the temple was rebuilt by 1915. In 2014, its complete restoration was completed.

    It is one of the first Spanish buildings built of concrete, and its dome and vaults are made of propylene fibres.

    The main shrine of the cathedral is the altar dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Los Remedios. The relics of several saints and part of the mantle of the holy Apostle James are kept in the cathedral.

    The editors of the magazine have collected in Russian the most detailed map of the island of Tenerife with beaches, cities, hotels, roads, and shops. With this card you know which of the places in Tenerife to come and get great impressions and beautiful photos!

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    Everything is simple. Click on the icon of the attraction, and the site will open a detailed description. Useful information, photos, secrets and tips are collected about each point.

    The editors of Hiking Tenerife have been collecting these materials for 5 years! We have put a lot of work and time into this project. He helped you, let us know =)

    We regularly add new places, attractions, beaches and points of interest, reviews and POIs to the map of Tenerife in Russian. In order not to miss secret places, . We explore the Canary Islands far and wide, we know many secret corners and tell our readers the best.

    Do you want more? Look at this map of Tenerife with popular attractions from British Airways. Cool, right? =) But it is not detailed, but all the places are “pop” with a bunch of other tourists =(.

    This map shows only popular tourist places. Now compare it with our huge selection. The most tourist points are already known. And in our detailed map of the island of Tenerife in Russian from the editors of the site, we have collected unique, interesting and secret places, wild beaches and unpopular attractions, boutique hotels and airports, National parks and viewing platforms, small towns

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    Do not want to rent a car and therefore need a scheme public transport? Please. Here is a detailed road map of Tenerife showing how to get to attractions and airports from your city by public transport.

    Hm, okay. Here is a historical map of Tenerife made several decades ago. See how the tourist south is depicted. Just a small village. And what a huge agglomeration is now in this place.

    Choose from our map best places Tenerife and get ready for your trip to the Canary Islands in advance.

    After relaxing for a few days on the beautiful beaches of the island of Tenerife, tourists begin to look for what they can see on their own or with a tour. And the Canary Islands have something to surprise even the most demanding travelers. Various theme parks, hiking trails through forests and volcanoes, well-preserved historical buildings in old cities - that's what attracts in the first place. In this article, I have collected the main attractions of Tenerife, which definitely deserve attention.

    Before making a list of interesting places on the island for yourself, you need to decide how you plan to visit them. You can see the main attractions on your own, moving around, rent a car b or . A combination of several options would be ideal. We personally did just that. We went on several excursions that covered the most interesting places, and the rest from our list traveled by bus. There are enough interesting objects in Tenerife, so it is unlikely that you will be able to see everything with your own eyes on a week-long vacation.

    List of natural attractions:

    1. Teide Volcano

    On the Teide volcano

    The main attraction of Tenerife is the mighty volcano Teide. Like a gray-haired giant, he towers over the island, watching all its inhabitants from a height. Tourists have a great opportunity to climb the volcano by funicular in 8 minutes. Trekking enthusiasts can go to the volcano on foot, though it is worth calculating your strength correctly. The path is not close, the road will take several hours. From the top there is a beautiful view of the coast, you will be lucky if there are not many clouds. On the other hand, when you still have the opportunity to walk above the clouds. Around the volcano is the Teide National Park with fantastic landscapes. When you are in this place, it seems as if on another planet. Nature did its best - the rocks have a bizarre shape. The most famous are the Garcia Rocks. Romantics and lovers of astronomy can recommend a visit to the Teide Observatory. This is a unique structure, created far from the cities, at an altitude of more than 2000 meters above sea level. You will not see so many stars in other places.

    2-3. red and yellow mountain

    There are smaller volcanoes in Tenerife. This is a red and yellow mountain. They are not as high as the Teide, so you can climb them on foot, and absolutely free.

    View of the Maska Gorge

    Mask Gorge is very popular with tourists. There is a legend that it used to serve the pirates, who used it to raise their untold riches. It is not difficult to overcome this route, but the road will take several hours. After the descent, a wonderful beach awaits you, from which boats regularly go to the neighboring resort.

    1. Rocks of Los Gigantes

    The cliffs of los gigantes are one of the slopes of the Teide volcano. Their height reaches 500 meters. At the resort of the same name there is an observation deck from which you can see them best. But they look most impressive from the sea, like a sheer wall, carried away into the sky.

    1. Esperanza Forest

    This is a real forest with pines, laurels and eucalyptus trees. In the morning and in the evening fog descends on the forest, which makes the forest seem magical. The forest is popular for hiking. Here is fresh eucalyptus air, beautiful nature and no crowds of tourists.

    1. Anaga Relic Forest

    What epithets were not awarded to the forest of Anaga in Tenerife: both relic and enchanted. One thing is for sure, nature remained untouched and unchanged in it. For the sake of contemplating this beauty, tourists and locals come here. In the forest, the trees are intertwined with each other, forming complex patterns, and the clean air is dizzying. Maybe that's where the illusion of witchcraft comes from. The forest is also amazing in that many species of laurel trees grow in it. Well, isn't that a miracle?!

    1. teno park

    The Rural de Teno is located in the northwestern part of the island of Tenerife. The park is distinguished by magnificent landscapes and natural diversity. More than 100 km have been laid on its territory. walking routes. There are valleys, rocks and laurel forests.

    1. Hell's Gorge (Barranco del Infierno)

    A gorge with lush vegetation, stunning views and a terrible name. But don't be afraid of him. It is safe and has a hiking trail. Unless you need to be careful with falling stones. The length of the route is about 6.5 km, the walk will take about 3 hours. At the end of the trail is a waterfall, the only source of fresh water on the island. On the way you can find caves. Legend has it that the Guanches, the natives of Tenerife, are buried in them.

    10. Cave of the Winds

    Cave of the Winds (Viento) is the largest cave in Europe and the fourth largest in the world. It is a network of intricate labyrinths about 18 kilometers long and three levels of passages. The cave was formed over 27 thousand years ago as a result of a volcanic eruption and lava flow. The entrance to the cave is paid, the visit is carried out only with a guide in groups.

    1. Pyramids of Guimar

    Did you think that the pyramids survived only in Egypt or Mexico? But no, they are also in Tenerife. There are six stepped pyramids in the east of the island. Their origin remains a mystery, but it is believed that they appeared even before the arrival of the Guanches. Researchers tend to believe that they are similar to similar buildings in other parts of the world.

    1. lunar landscape

    Lunar landscape (Paisaje lunar) is one of the hiking trails near the village of Vilaflor. He looks fantastic as well. Stone cone-shaped light peaks, directed to the sky, give the impression of something unearthly. Their shape is a bit reminiscent of the landscapes of Turkish Cappadocia. The walking route to the lunar landscape is not very easy: there are elevation changes, part of the road will have to go uphill. But it's worth it.

    1. Lava pools in Garachico

    During a storm, the ocean floods the pools, spray flying in all directions.

    As a result of the volcanic eruption in Tenerife, not only unusual landscapes were formed, but also the lava pools of Garachico. Hot lava flowed down and, colliding with the cold ocean, froze. Now these pools have been improved a little, having built comfortable stairs for descending. Pools are naturally protected from waves, the water in them is warmer than in the ocean. Garachico has several pools of various shapes and depths.

    1. dragon tree

    The Dragon Tree in Icod de los Vinos is the oldest tree in Tenerife. For its safety, a special park was created. This tree has seen a lot in its life path, but it cannot tell about everything. Inside the tree flows dragon blood, a red resin that has healing powers. There are amazing legends about this tree, and it itself looks unusual.

    Theme parks in Tenerife

    In the selection below you will find the most interesting and popular theme parks:

    1. Siam park

    At Siam Park water park

    A pleasant variety of recreation in Tenerife will be a visit to the water park Siam Park. It is more intended for adults, there are not so many slides for children. The water park is built in Thai style. The territory of the park is quite large and beautifully decorated. It is best to come to the water park at the opening, there are a lot of people, especially at the height of the season.

    1. Aqualand

    Unlike Siam, Aqualand Park is more suitable for children, so couples often choose it for recreation.

    1. loro park

    Loro Park Zoo is also a great place for families with children. It was originally created as a parrot park, but now it has many other animals, including predators. Several times a day there are shows with penguins and killer whales. Loro Park is a real amusement park where you can spend the whole day.

    1. monkey park

    Monkey Park Tenerife has been operating in Tenerife for over 20 years. It is small in size. The best time to visit is in the morning when the animals are active. You can bring vegetables and fruits with you and feed the inhabitants. They especially like bananas and apples.

    1. Eagles Park

    The visiting card of the eagle park (Jungle Park Tenerife) is a show featuring these birds of prey. The park is a nature reserve with recreated wildlife conditions. The fauna of the zoo is represented not only by eagles, but also by other animals. It will be interesting for both children and adults.

    1. camel park

    Interesting and colorful place. This is not so much a park as a camel farm. Guests of the park are offered to take a fascinating camel safari, and then taste local dishes in a family cafe. You can not only see animals, but also touch them. Children are delighted with this.

    1. butterfly park

    Butterfly Park is a glass building, inside which dozens of species of butterflies from all over the world are collected. They will fly around you, circling in an unknown dance. Maybe you are lucky and you will see how the clumsy gluttonous caterpillar turns into a beautiful and graceful butterfly.

    1. Publo Chico Miniature Park

    miniature park

    The miniature park contains the main sights of Tenerife and other Canary Islands in a reduced form. If you do not have time to see all the places that I described in this article, then the miniature park will complement your impressions.

    1. Taoro Park

    Calm and quiet place with exotic trees, flowers and fountains. The park is conditionally divided into three zones: an observation deck with a beautiful view of Puerto de la Cruus, a casino zone and a ring road along the perimeter of the park, along which locals make morning runs. Entrance to the park is free.

    1. Botanical Garden

    On the territory of the Botanical Garden (Jardin Botanico Tenerife) you can find trees and flowers from different parts of the globe. In total, there are about 4,000 plant species. This is one of the oldest botanical parks in the world. Its development began in the 18th century. Entrance to the park is paid.

    1. Orchid garden in Puerto de la Cruz

    The Sitio Litre Orchid Garden is a small park in the center of Puerto de la Cruz. A beautiful garden, in which, in addition to orchids, many other exotic plants grow. Many famous people have visited the garden since its inception. One of the first to visit was the German biologist Humboldt.

    Entertainment places in Tenerife

    List of the most popular entertainment:

    1. Knight's Tournament at San Miguel Castle

    An entertaining show consisting of equestrian and foot competitions of knights. The performance will take guests to the Middle Ages with its colorful atmosphere. The performance takes place in the evening, when the battle looks more realistic in the spotlights.

    1. Flamenco show

    Spain is the birthplace of flamenco, so it is not surprising that this show is held in Tenerife in the Pyramid of Arona. Flamenco is not just a dance with the sound of heels and castanets, it is a whole performance in which unbridled passions boil to the sound of music.

    1. Lago Martianez

    Lago Martianez - a unique park with swimming pools and artificial islands. It has everything for a comfortable stay - restaurants, beaches, view terraces. Lago Martianez was built in 1971 by architect Cesar Manrique.

    1. Nuestra Signora de Africa Market

    Not far from the Santa Cruz de Tenerife bus station is the Nuestra Signora de Africa market. Here you can buy local products and delicacies. On Sundays, the market has a flea market with souvenirs and antiques. The market building was built in the North African tradition.

    Architecture of Tenerife

    Several objects of the island, interesting from an architectural point of view:

    1. Auditorio de Tenerife

    Auditorio de Tenerife

    The Auditorio de Tenerife impresses with its architectural design. The object is well recognizable, its image can often be found in advertising booklets and postcards of Tenerife. Inside the building there is a concert hall. The Auditorio de Tenerife can be called the symbol of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

    1. Downtown San Cristobal de La Laguna

    In the north of the island is the city of La Laguna, which used to be the capital of the island. It has perfectly preserved architectural buildings. Currently history Center The city is included in the list of UNESCO sites.

    1. Lighthouse in Teno

    In the very west of Tenerife, Cape Teno is located, on which there are two lighthouses - an old stone lighthouse from the 19th century and a new, higher one, which was built in 1987. Once on the cape, every traveler can feel like a lighthouse keeper.

    1. Basilica of Candelaria

    The main value of the basilica is the statue of the black Madonna. She is considered the patroness of the Canary Islands. Every year in Tenerife, a holiday dedicated to the patroness is held, for which thousands of pilgrims flock to Candelaria. But even on ordinary days, Canarians and tourists visit the sacred place. The story of finding a shrine on the island is interesting.

    1. Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    It is considered the most significant temple of the capital of the island of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It contains the Holy Cross of the Conquistadors, brought to Tenerife by the Spanish conquerors. This church had an important influence on the spread of Catholicism on the island, therefore it has the title of "mother church".

    1. Cathedral of La Laguna

    Neo-Gothic Catholic church, the spiritual heart of the island. Inside it are the remains of the conqueror and founder of the city, Alonso Fernandez de Luga. On Catholic Easter and September 14, the Cross with Christ of La Laguna, revered on the island, created at the beginning of the 16th century, is brought from the vault. These days the city is filled with pilgrims from all the islands.

    Museums in Tenerife

    1. Museum of Science and Space

    An interactive and technological museum, the purpose of which is to show the achievements of science visually and demonstrate the mechanisms in action. There are no boring exhibits in this museum, it will be interesting for both children and adults.

    1. Archaeological Museum

    Collection Archaeological Museum, located in Puerto de la Cruz, is dedicated to the culture and life of the Guanches, who inhabited the island before the arrival of the Spaniards. There are several exhibition halls with archaeological artifacts.

    1. Museum of the History and Anthropology of Tenerife in San Cristobal de La Laguna

    The museum brings together human nature and the history of the island. Consists of three departments: Carta House and Lercaro House (in San Cristobal de la Laguna), San Cristobal Castle (in Santa Cruz de Tenerife).

    1. Museum of Nature and Man

    The museum's collection consists of archaeological, botanical and paleontological exhibits discovered in Tenerife. The mummies of the Guanches located in it brought fame to the museum. The building of the museum in the neoclassical style is also of interest.

    1. Wine Museum of Malvasia

    In Icod de Los Vinos, there is an unusual museum of Malvasia wine, which has been made according to a traditional recipe for several centuries. In the museum, visitors will not only learn the history and secrets of winemaking, but will also be able to taste local drinks.

    Excursions in Tenerife

    In the widget below, choose the most interesting excursions in Tenerife.

    Tenerife attractions map in Russian

    You can see the location of attractions on the map below.

    Of course, these are not all the sights of Tenerife. In this article, I tried to collect the most interesting places that are on the island. My guide will help you prepare for your trip to Tenerife.