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Sports fishing. Fishing, sports and recreational fishing

Fishing has been practiced since ancient times. Having made a hook from a fish bone and a forest from an animal vein, our distant ancestors created the first fishing rod with which they got their own food. Centuries passed. Fishing methods have improved, and fishing gear has changed.

The modern lightweight and portable plastic rod, resilient and strong as steel, no longer resembles the rough stick of a primitive angler. Strong, thin, inconspicuous lines made of silk, and then of nylon and artificial resins, in combination with a reel, made it possible to increase the casting range of the bait by tens of meters. Instead of a primitive fishing rod, spinning and fly fishing appeared. Fishing with them required from the angler clear, thoughtful, active actions, mastering the technique of casting the lure, and gaining a lot of experience in its various applications.

There was an opportunity to compete in the best mastery of tackle and the ability to apply it in various conditions. This is how sport fishing was born.

Sport fishing is a fascinating hunt for fish and at the same time close contact with nature. The fisher-athlete seeks to unravel the secrets of nature, the secrets of the life of fish, seeks to improve his tackle, improve his fishing skills. He catches with individual gear that requires his constant presence and active actions.

Sport fishing for urban residents in most cases is associated with leaving a stuffy, dusty city for the bosom of nature. The beauty of reservoirs and their shores, clean air, walking, rowing have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthen the nervous system, and improve well-being.

Sport fishing is available to people of all ages. Accessibility, fascination and undoubted health benefits contribute to the widespread use of sport fishing.

Recreational fishing in Russia has been developed for a long time. This is evidenced by numerous literary sources, most of which date back to the 19th century. The most outstanding work on fishing was the famous writer and naturalist S. T. Aksakov, a wonderful singer of Russian nature, a passionate fisherman and hunter, published in 1847.

In those years, various magazines that united natural scientists and advanced fishing practitioners were the conductor of the new in recreational fishing. They regularly published articles about fishing, in which they described certain types of fish, methods of catching them, equipment for recreational fishing, and sought to spread fishing knowledge among the population of Russia. One of these journals was the journal Nature and Hunting, published in the 1970s and 1980s by the outstanding Russian naturalist L.P. Sabaneev.

In 1882, the capital work of L.P. Sabaneev “Fish of Russia” was published, in which the most detailed description of all freshwater fish in Russia, their life, habits, and in this part of the book Sabaneev is not without interest at the present time. When describing fishing tackle and ways of catching Sabaneev urged readers to learn from amateur fishermen from the common people. And in his book, much was gleaned from this source. The author's references to the experience and practice of "common people" fishermen testify to the widespread use of recreational fishing in those years among various segments of the population of tsarist Russia.

In 1904, the journal "Bulletin of the Russian Union of Anglers" began to be published under the editorship of P. G. Cherkasov. This publication contributed to the culture of recreational fishing. For the first time in the magazine, such tackle as spinning and fly fishing were most fully described.

The development of sport fishing, the introduction of an increasing number of anglers to it, caused the need to communicate with them, but in the conditions of tsarist Russia it was impossible to think of any mass fishing organization. And yet in some places spontaneously, not connected with each other, circles began to appear. One of these circles was created in 1909 in Vyatka (now the city of Kirov) by a passionate angler and a tireless promoter of sport fishing, F. P. Kunilov. From the same year, he began to publish the magazine "Fisherman and Hunter", published in Vyatka from 1909 to 1918 and from 1926 to 1927. The magazine was very popular and created the Vyatka "Society of Amateur Fishermen" the role of the center of the fishing and sports movement of the pre-revolutionary Russia. Amateur anglers from different cities of Russia turned to the magazine for advice and recommendations. Such experienced anglers of that time as Clavikordov, Nabatov, Zhukovsky and others collaborated in it.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, circles and societies of fishermen appeared in many cities. The most active activity is shown by sports organizations of fishermen in Vyatka, Moscow, Leningrad, Rostov-on-Don. Fishing circles and sections appear at individual industrial enterprises, institutions, schools and physical culture groups.

In 1927, a cooperative partnership of amateur fishermen and fish farmers was created in Leningrad, and in 1948, a Leningrad regional society of amateur fishermen was created.

In 1937, the Moscow voluntary society "Fisherman-Sportsman" began its activities in Moscow, now numbering about 20,000 members. Fishermen's organizations have also been set up in the Union republics: Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

In 1947, the All-Union spinning section was formed in the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, followed by regional sections in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Rostov-on-Don, Sverdlovsk and some other cities. The All-Union and regional sections contributed to the popularization and spread of spinning as one of the most sporting ways of catching fish. They held lectures, reports and practical exercises on spinning, arranged competitions in spinning fishing and casting techniques.

However, the sections limited their activities to only one type of sport fishing. In narrow competitions at the stadium, special tackle was used, designed for "dry" spinning and not suitable for fishing. Such an ugly direction in the activities of the sections led to the separation of spinning from sport fishing, to the loss of mass character and the formation of a caste of "chosen" athletes.

For the purpose of mass development of fishing, the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1954 reorganized the spinning sections into the All-Union, Republican, regional, city and district sections of sport fishing.

These sections were given the task of promoting the development of fisheries and the organization of anglers engaged in fishing with rods, spinning, fly fishing and circles.

Along with the growth of fishing and sports organizations in the USSR, specialized literature developed and grew. Now literature on fishing sports is published by the publishing house "Physical Culture and Sport", as well as by publishing houses in a number of cities. The published books cover all types of sport fishing and are published in large numbers. For example, the almanac "Fisherman-sportsman" has a circulation of up to 100,000 copies, while the Bulletin of the Russian Union of Angler Fishers, which was published before the revolution, had only 450 subscribers. Since 1958, the journal "Fish Breeding and Fishing" began to be published, in which about one third of the volume is devoted to sport fishing. Hundreds of fishing practitioners share their observations and experiences on the pages of periodicals. In the period from 1950 to 1959, more than 300 authors took part in ten books of the anthology "Angler-sportsman".

In pre-revolutionary Russia, fishing accessories were produced in negligible quantities, and were mainly imported from abroad. They were expensive and were available only to wealthy people. Thousands of anglers used homemade fishing rods, hooks, and scaffolding.

During the years of Soviet power, the production of fishing sports gear was developed and is constantly being improved. At present, only the industrial enterprises of the All-Army Military Hunting Society and the Moscow Volunteer Society “Fisherman-Sportsman” produce a large assortment of products worth millions of rubles, increasing their output annually. Despite this, the demands of the ever-increasing mass of anglers are not fully satisfied either in terms of quantity or quality of these products.

The decisions of the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which ensure a sharp rise in the well-being of the Soviet people, an increase in the real incomes of the working people, and the transfer of workers and employees to a shorter working week in the coming years, set before sports organizations the task of satisfying the needs of Soviet people in cultural and healthy recreation. One of the means of such recreation should certainly be sport fishing.

An important document in this regard was the “Regulations on sport fishing in the USSR” approved in 1958 by the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which formed the basis for the organization and work of the primary sections of sport fishing. The regulation defines sport fishing, emphasizes its active nature, lists fishing gear, fishing with which refers to sport fishing.

The regulation establishes the structure of organizations of fishermen-sportsmen, sets the task for fishermen to constantly take care of the protection and reproduction of fish stocks, and also defines sport fishing as one of the accessible and mass sports, which is combined with active recreation that is beneficial to the health of workers.

For sport fishing, the position includes fishing with the following gear: (float, bottom, wire, sheer lure, lures and mormyshka, winter live bait), and circles, with a quok, a kite float and a petty tyrant in the sea.

All of the listed gear is permitted for recreational fishing by the "Fishing Rules" issued by the relevant state bodies for various regions of the Soviet Union.

Although allowed by the rules and used for fishing by many anglers, summer vents, hoists and traps, are not sports, as they are self-driving gear.

The regulation establishes that the main primary organization is the sports fishing section of the physical culture team of an enterprise, institution, educational institution, state farm, collective farm, military unit. Primary fishermen's organizations are united by sections of sport fishing under voluntary sports societies of trade unions and departments, as well as in some places under voluntary societies of hunters and fishermen-athletes.

The work of sections should be directed, managed and financed by trade unions, if sections are organized in voluntary sports societies of trade unions, or by voluntary sports societies of departments (Dynamo, All-Army military hunting society, etc.), if sections are organized in these societies, acting on the basis of approved statutes and regulations.

In connection with the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the restructuring of physical culture work, adopted in 1959, the All-Union, All-Russian and republican sections of sport fishing were reorganized into the corresponding federations.
Federations carry out public control over the organizational, methodological and educational and sports work in the sports fishing sections of voluntary sports societies and in physical culture teams of enterprises and institutions.
The federations set as their goal: the development and organization of sport fishing in the USSR; association of anglers-athletes in the sport fishing section; theoretical and practical training of its members in sport fishing; education among fishermen and the population of a careful attitude to the country's fish resources and to nature. In accordance with these goals, practical work is organized in all sections of sport fishing.

A. Desyatov. Mologa. Life on the beloved river. Roach fishing

In the Vologda region, ide is not numerous and its distribution area is small. And to catch him on Mologa with a spinning rod, you have to try hard. But real fishermen are not looking for easy ways!

M. Perov. In defense of paid fishing. Personal experience and observations

To the lakes in the Leningrad region, where fishing costs money (colloquially - "payers"), most of our anglers have a sharply negative attitude. And let's figure out what Ladoga is like under the current fishing rules and whether it differs from the "payer".

In native spaces

N. Lebedev. Allures of the "river horse"

Asp is the kind of fish that never forgives mistakes. The slightest puncture on your part is fraught with the loss or even loss of expensive bait. What should be the tackle for the "river horse"? Where to look for it on a small river?

Tackle and tactics

V.Kolgin. New 2019 LureMax Spoons

So far, these baits have been successfully tested in autumn and spring in cold water. And there is every reason to hope that in the summer they will be of interest to the predator.

K. Kuzmin. "Shaggy" versus "smooth"

Once upon a time, silicone baits for us were divided into only two classes - twisters and vibrotails. But now there's a "silicone" in the fishing shops that doesn't fall into either of those two classes. That gives food for thought and experimentation.

A. Kolomiets. Wet case of soft lures

On fishing forums, they regularly and passionately compare the advantages and disadvantages of floating and sinking soft lures. And if you try on the ability to swim only for foam rubber "fish" - then everything becomes not only interesting, but also confusing.

A. Shvets. Hunting for pike in the grassy jungle: the search for solutions

In the hot season, in the impassable thicket of underwater grass, you can find a large concentration of an active predator. And if there are no bites in the water area free from algae, you need to bravely “climb into the jungle” - and there try to catch a predator. But for this you will have to sweat a lot and arm yourself with great patience.

Fishing methods

S. Akulich. Hills at the bottom - a magnet for perch

The author on his jig fishing hunts mainly for large perch. And the first thing he does is look for areas at the bottom of the reservoir, where a meeting with him is most likely. And underwater banks and slides are among the most promising places. Why are these bottom elevations so attractive to humpback whales?

N. Linnik. With a feeder for pond fish

Today, on his carp fishing, the author actively uses the classic feeder, but with some modifications. And he shares with readers his own experience of applying innovations and proven reliable tactics, the combination of which has proved to be very successful.

V.Klen. From dusk to dawn. Bream on the lake

Many people think that a float rod is for small fish, and for large fish - a feeder or spinning rod. But in the summer, the author successfully catches solid bream with a float, especially at night, and the gear used for this is in no way inferior to modern bottom equipment in terms of performance.

family fishing

D. Zhezheleva. Women's perspective on fishing and fishing sport

Athletes-fishermen are in a good way obsessed with their work. And they receive their awards at competitions for a reason, at random - hard and methodical work, a conscious choice of the right gear - this is the path to constant success. And how all this is perceived by the relatives and friends of athletes - read.

School for beginners

N. Linnik. Meet the feeder tops

When buying a feeder rod, many of us do not even think about the fact that a properly selected tip significantly improves the quality of fishing: it helps to achieve high casting distance and accuracy, greatly facilitates the process of playing fish, and allows you to fish comfortably even in strong breaking waves or wind.

Latest Articles

Feeder sport fishing is not about offending, catching and eating fish at all. All the athletes I have seen are so reverent about the matter! They say "fish". They admiringly examine each caught bream. What can we say about such miracles as carp or tench! And while fishing on a paid carp there was such a miracle - the color of the fish. Carp and carp turned out to be of the most delicate pearl color, with pinkish fins. In the quarry, the bottom is made of white clay, the water is greenish-blue, and the fish adjusts.

My passion for catching pond fish with bottom rods has come a long way in evolution. After a decade and a half of serious passion for the river feeder, I moved to the banks of large river backwaters and honed my skills in catching local blue bream and bream for several seasons in a row. The result of these fishing trips was some reassessment of both their actions and the gear used. And then I discovered some interesting carp ponds, and I had to evolve again. This time - in the carp angler.

You can often hear from our St. Petersburg anglers: there are so many fish in neighboring Finland - many times more than ours. Although their Saimaa and our Vuoksa are one water system, only separated by a border. Why is that? And because the Finns care about their native nature, they don’t throw nets in the lakes, which then destroy the fish for many months, they don’t knock them out with electric current, dynamite and other barbaric methods.

The magazine called "Sport Fishing" (web address is a printed organ founded by a club of fishing enthusiasts from St. Petersburg. It has been published since the beginning of 1999. It is published monthly, the volume is 96 ... 120 pages. Distributed in Russia, in all CIS countries.

As conceived by the creators, the magazine was conceived as a guide that will introduce anglers to the world of modern fishing. The long life of the publication confirms the correctness of the strategy adopted by the publishers.

The magazine has become popular with fishermen in Russia, has won its readership in the near and far abroad. Its development has not stopped since the release of the first issue. At the end of 2012, the Sports Fishing Academy supplement began to be published.

The application was conceived as a guide for amateur anglers who want to learn something new and improve their level. In it, Russian sportsmen-fishermen share their technique, tactics, fishing strategy, tested by them in numerous competitions. And brought them real success. They are testing new tackle that appears on the Russian market.

The publication publishes articles by experienced anglers-athletes (A. Demyanenko, Yu. Tarvids, K. Kuzmin, M. Dyshlyuk, A. Vetorov, A. Velikanov), in which they share their experience and knowledge with readers. The publications of K. Shorin, M. Ustinov, V. Sokolov, S. Savin, M. Nezhdanov, A. Dunaev, V. Gerasimov, A. Vyunov, V. Bykov, M. Balachevtsev, who once began to publish in Sport Fishing are always interesting. ”, and remained in the journal as recognized authors. Professional ichthyologists R. Novitsky, R. Viktorovsky, E. Berestovsky write informative about fish.

The magazine constantly conducts surveys among consumers on various fishing tackle. Moreover, the range of their manufacturers is extensive: Rapala, Nils Master, Lindroos, Halco, G.Loomis, etc.

For editorial purposes, to introduce amateur anglers and ordinary readers:

  • with different fish, their life, structure, behavior;
  • with methods and features of fishing;
  • with a variety of gear used for fishing;
  • with issues of environmental protection, ecology;
  • with the state of fish protection;
  • with the rules of fishing;
  • with problems of conservation of fish stocks, their increase;
  • in various water bodies: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, etc.

You can subscribe to the magazine in different agencies. For a year and half a year in Rospechat (indexes, respectively, 15402, 29997), in the Russian Post (indexes 11460, 10721). According to the St. Petersburg catalog, you can only subscribe for six months (index 29997).

The cost of a subscription for the whole year to the magazine "Sport Fishing" is $9.99, for half a year $4.99.

If you buy individual issues of the magazine at retail, then you will have to pay $ 0.99 for each.

All issues from the archive, prior to the subscription, can be redeemed individually.

There is an editorial subscription to the journal for a special receipt, which can be downloaded from the publisher's website. Its advantages are the ability to order rooms selectively. The cost of the order is calculated on the basis of 1 room: for Petersburgers 65 rubles, for other Russians - 70 rubles. The price includes shipping costs.

Since November 2013, amateur fishermen can use the electronic version of the Sport Fishing magazine. It is available on Android and iOS platforms.

The magazine's website always presents the announcement of a new issue of the magazine. By opening it, you can see the list of published articles, with the authors represented in it.

Archive of the magazine "Sport Fishing"

On the official website of the magazine, everyone can get acquainted with the contents of all previously issued issues. In the list of the magazine Sport Fishing 2013, numbers issued from 1999 to the present.

Access to the archive is easy. It has a separate section of the site. When entering it, a page opens with years, an archive of journal issues, for which it is presented in the archive. By clicking on the corresponding year, you get access to the numbers and further to all the articles published in it.

Thanks to the archive, you can download the magazine "Sport Fishing" for any year. Moreover, only those articles that are interesting.

FISHING(sports). Fishing with sports fishing gear is a widely and universally developed mass type of cultural outdoor recreation. Regular sports fishing strengthens health, develops valuable volitional qualities, and contributes to the hardening of the body.
Sport fishing is available to people of all ages and a wide variety of professions.
Soviet legislation has granted the right to fish with sports equipment to all citizens only for personal consumption (without the right to sell) everywhere, with the exception of water bodies in the territories of state reserves, special fish farms and water bodies used for the purpose of fish breeding.
Sports fishing gear includes such gear, the use of which requires the direct and active participation of the angler in the process of catching fish: fishing rods of all types and names, spinning, track, mugs, sheer lure, sea tyrant. Any net tackle, traps, hoists and vents, lifts, spiders, grips, tops serve as tools for catching fish and have nothing to do with sport fishing. Fishing regulations in certain regions, territories and republics strictly restrict the use of such gear, and often prohibit it altogether.
In all regions, it is strictly forbidden by law to use explosives, electrical discharges (jamming), poisoning fish with intoxicating agents, shooting from rifles, and using spears and other stabbing implements for catching fish. All these methods of obtaining fish lead to the plunder of fish resources, which are national property. With poachers it is necessary to conduct a constant struggle.
The water expanses of our country with a variety of species of fish inhabiting them create exceptionally favorable conditions for the development of sport fishing in all its forms.
In lakes and rapids rivers of the North, such valuable fish as salmon, salmon, brown trout, char, whitefish, grayling, trout, burbot are caught; in the rivers of the Altai Territory and Transbaikalia - taimen, nelma, lenok; in the reservoirs of the middle strip of the European part - pike perch, pike, sheresper, sterlet, catfish, bream, silver bream, chub, ide, carp, perch, roach, rudd, podust, crucian carp, tench, burbot, dace, gudgeon, ruff, bleak; in the southern regions, carp, barbel, fish, shemaya are added to this list; in the Baltics - eel; in Central Asia - osman, khramulya, carp, etc. The western and eastern regions of the USSR are rich in various fish (see insert).

They successfully fish in the sea: mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel, herring, haddock, crucian carp, sea bass, gurnard, sea ruff, flounder, white salmon, garfish, red mullet, goby, etc.
The most common sports tackle, widely used for angling all of the listed types of fish, is a fishing rod. Depending on local conditions, the type of fish and the nozzle, the details of its equipment and methods of application change, but the scheme of the tackle itself remains unchanged.
For fishing, they use long or short, rigid or flexible rods, thin or thick, short or long lines, hooks of all numbers, loads of various sizes, shapes and weights, floats of one or another carrying capacity or all kinds of gatehouses for observing fish biting: bells, bells, rollers, hanging weights, etc.
Fishing with a float rod is exciting, universally applicable, accessible, relatively easy to learn and therefore has become the most widespread.
When starting to fish with a float rod, one must clearly imagine in what way, under what conditions, what kind of fish and what nozzle they are going to fish, and taking into account all these conditions, properly prepare the tackle. Such training requires knowledge of individual methods of fishing and the features of their application.

Fishing begins mainly with a float fishing rod. When fishing in this way, the hook with the nozzle is usually located at a close distance from the angler, in a suspended position or at the bottom. The fish must find the bait offered to it (worm, bloodworm, fly, etc.) and, if the bait is chosen correctly, taking into account the time of year and the specific conditions of the reservoir, peck at it. If the fishing situation requires a long casting of the nozzle, then bottom fishing rods with a short rod, a long line, a load sliding along it or a load attached to the line on an additional leash are used. The hook with the nozzle lies on the bottom, and the angler, as in fishing on float rod, waits for the fish to approach the bait. To attract fish to the location of the nozzle, bait is used - food is thrown into the water in such a way that it sinks to the bottom near the nozzle.
More effective is the method of fishing into the wiring on the nozzle, floating with the flow. With such an angle, a moving bait will be noticed by the fish and will attract it to itself rather than suspended or lying on the bottom. This method of fishing requires especially careful preparation of tackle, the skill of owning it, and invariably gives the best results.
Certain types of fish - chub, dace, grayling, salmon, trout, trout, whitefish, sherespera, ide - in the summer months, with the appearance of a large number of flying insects, you can successfully fish for these insects or their imitations (flies) by fly fishing near the surface of the water. For such fishing, you need a long, flexible rod with a conical, like a shepherd's whip, fishing line, without weight and float. This method of fishing requires a lot of preparation and skillful handling of thin tackle from the angler, as it is mainly designed to catch large and cautious fish.
Even greater opportunities are opened for fishing by the use of a coil, the so-called. running tackle. Several rings or loops (snakes) made of thin stainless wire are installed on the rod. Forests are passed through them from a reel, fixed at the bottom of the butt of the rod. The presence of a reel with a supply of lines on it allows, if necessary, to easily change the length of the working part of the line, which greatly facilitates the playing of large fish. A reel is especially needed when fishing with fly fishing and in wiring.
For catching predatory fish, in addition to fishing with a fishing rod, they use: spinning, track, mugs, sheer lure.
Spinning is called both a method of fishing and tackle. Spinning is an English word, translated means spinning. The essence of this method is to excite the instinct of a predatory fish's grasp with a bait moving in the water, imitating a swimming fish. With a rod equipped with access rings, a line with a bait and a reel, a bait-bait (or a dead fish on a tackle) is cast into the intended place of the reservoir. By rotating the reel and winding the line on it, the bait is forced to move in the water. By changing the inclination of the top of the rod, the speed of winding and the direction of movement of the bait, they try to make its movement as close as possible to a swimming fish. Predatory fish, attracted by such movements of the bait, rushes at it and gets on the hooks. Spinning catches mainly large fish, the fight against which is always interesting and exciting.
Catching predatory fish with a track is to a certain extent similar to fishing with a spinning rod. The main difference lies in the fact that the same bait on a long cord - a forest - is not cast with a rod and reel, but is lowered into the water behind the stern of a floating boat and reaches for it. By changing the speed of the boat, the length of the cord and the weight of the bait, the movements of the bait are controlled, trying to provoke a predator's grip.
For this method of fishing, spinning tackle can be successfully used. The presence of a reel and a rod creates the most favorable opportunities for controlling the bait, however, in such conditions, with frequent use of the tackle, the rod is quickly deformed. It loses its straightness and becomes unsuitable for spinning fishing.
In reservoirs with a quiet current and without a current, predatory fish are successfully caught on mugs. The essence of fishing lies in the fact that the circle is a wooden, cork or foam disc with a diameter of 120 - 150 mm, thickness 20 - 25 mm, with a groove machined around its entire circumference, on which 12-15 meters of strong fishing line is wound, equipped with a leash, weight and hook, with live bait on the hook, it sinks into the water and floats with the flow or with the wind. Such circles are allowed from one boat to 10-15 pieces. They cover a large area of ​​the reservoir. One of the sides of the mug is painted red or orange, the other - white. A round stick 160 - 200 long is inserted into the hole in the center of the disk. mm, with a thinned end and a spherical head. The spherical head of the stick fits snugly against the white side of the mug, while the thin end rises above the red side. Through the slot in the thin end of the stick, the scaffolding is passed from the groove of the mug with the live bait and the load attached to the hook and sinks into the depths, closer to the bottom. Live bait floating on a hook attracts predatory fish, and it attacks easy prey. Grabbing the live bait, the predator pulls the line and turns the circle with the white side up. This moment is called a turnaround. The stock of the line on the groove of the mug is easily rolled up, and the fish freely cracks down on the seized live bait.
Sheer lure - catching predatory fish on a vertically moving lure - is used both in winter and summer, mainly on deep places. The tackle consists of a rod, a line and a spinner. Rhythmic rocking of the rod, alternating with short stops, raises the lure lowered to the bottom, let it fall freely, stops near the bottom, shakes it, raises it again and repeats the whole cycle of movements until a bite follows. Particularly successful is flashing on the first and last ice, and in open water - with the onset of autumn cooling.
To a certain extent, fishing with a mormyshka is similar to lure - a small streamlined piece of lead, tin, silver, brass or copper with a small hook soldered into it.
Having acquired the hook of the mormyshka, with the help of a rod, they lower it to the bottom, slowly shake it, just as slowly pull it up, lower it, stop it, put it on the bottom, raise it and, by alternating such movements, achieve a bite of the fish. They fish on mormyshka both in summer and in winter.
Sea fishing for a tyrant is essentially a kind of sheer lure, in which the lure is replaced by several tinned hooks on a segment of a thin line - a rate. Hooks are used with a long shank, while the hooks are masked with bird feathers of various colors and attached to the stake on short leashes. Caught from a boat at different depths with a short strong rod with a reel.
In order to measure and weigh the most interesting specimens of the caught fish, a very convenient portable small device-fish gauge has been released (see fig.). The drawings of the fishing gear and accessories mentioned in the text are placed on the insert.

Sport fishing can be successfully combined with hiking and water tourism(cm.). The large length of the rivers of our country, flowing in a wide variety of natural conditions, creates an exceptionally favorable environment for water travel in kayaks, boats, yachts, boats with outboard motors, with an exciting prospect of fishing for fearless fish among untouched picturesque nature, with relaxation in a tent set up on the shore , on fresh fragrant hay or for a friendly conversation at a fishing fire.
More detailed information on sport fishing can be found in the specialized literature.

Lit.: Volkov A., How to fish with a fishing rod, M., 1953; Makarov V.I., Fly fishing, M., 1953; Bernstein S. M., Fishing for mugs, 2nd ed., M., 1955; Nikolsky M.N., With a spoon for predatory fish, [M.], 1948; his own, Hunting with spinning, 3rd ed., M., 1955; Zaborsky M., In the winter behind a perch, M., 1950; Kunilov F. P., Fishing sport, 2nd ed., L., 1954; Sabunaev V. B., Sport fishing, L., 1957; Samarin D., Ice fishing, M., 1952.