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Charles Bridge in Prague: history, scary legends, photos and tips from our experience. Charles Bridge in Prague: history, legends, how to make a wish The most famous bridge in Prague

Charles Bridge (Czech Republic) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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The Prague air is saturated with mysticism, its aura is especially strong on the Charles Bridge. Its paving stones heard the clatter of horseshoes of knightly horses, the volleys of guns of Swedish soldiers, the sound of the first trams. On the silver arrows embedded between the stones, the new rulers of the country went to bow to the bast bast shoes of the first Czech king - the plowman Przemysl. Charles IV, the future German emperor and founder of the main place of power in Prague, also overcame this path.

On the Charles Bridge you will smile

moving to life nightly

carriages of the Prague tram,

not knowing good, not forgetting evil.

Viteslav Nezval

The royal astrologer Yehuda Levi ben Bezalel, a kabbalist and warlock, calculated the best moment for laying the cornerstone of the future bridge - 5 hours 31 minutes on July 9, 1357. The magic series of numbers 1-3-5-7-9-7-5-3-1 was supposed to protect the new building from destruction. For 700 years, neither floods nor bombings completely destroyed it.

Raw eggs and milk - the know-how of the builders of medieval cathedrals and castles. The king imposed a special tax on the country, and his subjects, fearing that the products would spoil on the way, delivered quitrent in an already processed form. Charles Bridge is the only medieval building on the mortar, which includes not only raw, but also boiled eggs, milk, butter, cottage cheese and wine.

Towers and sculptures of Charles Bridge

The bridge connects two historical districts of the Czech capital - Stare Mesto and Mala Strana. On its eastern side rises a powerful tower with a Gothic arch. Above it are shields with the emblems of the lands of the Holy Roman Empire and sculptural portraits of Kings Charles IV and Wenceslas IV. The western entrance is guarded by two towers. The left one, which is lower, was built together with the bridge, the right one - in the middle of the 15th century. Its upper tier is equipped with an observation deck, which offers beautiful views of the bridge and the city.

The main decoration of Charles Bridge is 30 baroque sculptures along the parapets, sculpted between 1683 and 1714. They depict revered Czech saints and legendary figures. The most famous is the bronze figure of John of Nepomuk, patron saint of Prague and the whole country.

It is said that King Wenceslas IV tried to find out from St. John the secret of his wife's confession. But he refused to break his vow and died under torture. The body was thrown into the Vltava, and immediately 5 stars lit up under the water. It was them that the sculptor depicted on a halo above the head of the statue.

Now the Charles Bridge is the "Prague Montmartre", a pedestrian zone given over to artists, souvenir dealers and guides. From afar, a cluster of tourists near the statue of John of Nepomuk is noticeable. People take turns stroking the bas-relief of the dog on its pedestal and silently freeze, making a wish. If it is selfless, then it will surely come true.

Practical Information

Location: Prague, Vltava river between Karlova and Mostova streets.

How to get there: by metro to st. Staromestska (line A) or Malostranska (line A), by trams No. 2, 17, 18, 93 to the stop. Karlovy lazne or Staromestska in Stare Mesto, no. 1, 7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, to the stop. Malostranske namesti in Mala Strana.

Hello friends! The Vltava River in Prague, in my opinion, is an additional decoration of the city. The capital of the Czech Republic is very well located on both banks of the river, not afraid of rocky cliffs. For more than a thousand years, the city has grown and built up, and at present, the Vltava quite equally divides Prague into two parts, moreover, they are equally interesting for their sights.

If there were no river in the central part of the city, would such excellent views be on these famous sights:

In the old days, the bridge in this place was much more exotic - it was hanging and was called Rudolph's shop. Pedestrian Lavka with a width of 3.35 m existed from 1869 until 1914, after which the chain structure was replaced with reinforced concrete. At first, the bridge was named after Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and later renamed Manesov, perpetuating the name of the famous Czech artist.

The Charles Bridge

We are approaching the center and the most popular bridge of Prague - Charles. Founded in 1357, the bridge-history serves the people of the seventh century:

The pedestrian bridge with a sculptural gallery is, of course, the most memorable attraction, and complemented by bridge towers, it has become nothing more than a symbol of Prague:

I have already described in detail the history of the construction of the bridge, its sculptural richness and atmosphere in articles and. I recommend you follow the links. Charles Bridge deserves close acquaintance.

The Bridge of the Legions or Legias is the name of the bridge that stretches from the National Theater to the foot of Petrin Hill. This is one of the longest connections between the two banks of the Vltava. At this point, the river is wider and includes several islands - Streletsky, Zhofin Island and Detsky.

The Legia Bridge also replaced its predecessor, dedicated to Emperor Franz Joseph I. From the middle of the 19th century, the Franz I Bridge was made of iron, but at the turn of the century it was rebuilt into stone, decorated with pylons with baroque turrets:

Nine spans of the bridge rest on powerful, but not devoid of grace, figured supports. The bridge is good no matter how you look at it. This view opens from Streltsy Island, which is located under the Legia Bridge:

Actually, you can only get to and from this bridge, going down the front stairs. The Legia Bridge changed its name several times, but in 1989, this issue was finally decided.

The bridge, named after the Czech public figure and writer Alois Jirasek, is relatively young, as it was built in 1929-31. A 6-span bridge connects Nove Mesto at the Masaryk embankment with the Smichov district on the opposite bank:

The Jiraskov Bridge stretches for 310 m. It is convenient to get to the Children's Island along it. This bridge does not have any attractions, but there are interesting objects near it. From the side of the embankment, this is the modern and medieval Shitkovskaya tower.

Do you think the bridges over the Vltava within Prague have been exhausted? Not at all. There are more than a dozen of them. If you look from Vysehrad towards the center, the Iron Bridge and Palacky will be in the foreground. To help tourists figure it out, a stone map was installed on one of the observation decks of Vysehrad depicting bridges and sights along the banks of the Vltava that fall into the field of view:

By the way, the Vltava from the Visegrad Rock pleases the eye. In sunny weather, the river, like a mirror, reflects the rays, and everything sparkles when you look at it from a height.

Friends, if you have already visited Prague, walked along the Charles Bridge and enjoyed the views of the Vltava in the center, but have not yet reached or reached the Letensky Gardens, next time include these points in your routes. The Vltava and its bridges look great from the named heights.

Your euro guide Tatiana

Charles Bridge is located in the Czech Republic, its capital is the city of Prague. In total, there are 18 bridges in Prague, the most ancient, beautiful and, undoubtedly, romantic is the Charles Bridge (Karluv most).

Charles Bridge is a giant pride, one of the symbols of the city and the most visited attraction in Prague. It attracts thousands of tourists like a magnet. That is why there are a lot of people on the bridge at any time of the year, you walk along the bridge, and it is not possible to enjoy its charm, because apart from the heads walking in front and behind, you can’t see anything, not to mention taking beautiful photos. They say that in order to see the entire Charles Bridge, you need to come to it at night, before eight o'clock in the morning.

View of the Charles Bridge from the side

On the bridge, street musicians entertain honest people, hoping, of course, for a good reward. And from morning to evening there is a lively trade from tents with various souvenirs.

Charles Bridge, for 600 years, has been connecting the two historical banks of the Vltava / Vltava River, Stare Mesto and Lesser Town. The bridge offers stunning views of both banks of the Vltava River, and pleasure boats sail back and forth along the river.

A particularly beautiful view from the bridge opens up to the historical district of Mala Strana

On the oldest medieval bridge in Prague, each stone has its own story. The emperor of the Roman Empire and King Charles IV of the Czech Republic chose the date of laying the first stone of the Charles Bridge on the advice of court astrologers. The solemn ceremony on this occasion took place in 1357 on the 9th day of the 7th month at 5:31. Thus, the foundation moment of the bridge is a palindrome. If you look at the bookmark date, then it will be read the same in both directions, both from left to right and from right to left.

Once upon a time, on the site of the Charles Bridge, there was the old Judith Bridge, which was demolished by a flood in 1342. However, one of the towers of the bridge still survived, and to this day it can be seen on the side of Malaya Strana. In general, the towers adorn the Charles Bridge on both sides, but their main purpose is not beauty at all, but to serve as a fortification of the bridge.

From the Mala Strana side, two towers flaunt, called Malostranski bridge towers. One of the towers is lower and more powerful, and the second is higher and built at a later time. Later, gates were built between the towers, and you can still see them now - an arched passage in the center of the towers.

On the other side of the bridge, you can see the third and last tower - Staromestskaya. The name comes from the part of the city where the tower is located - Stare Mesto. On the top floor of the tower there is an observation deck, which for 90 crowns you can climb and enjoy the views of the Charles Bridge, the Vltava River and both banks of the old city of Prague.

On the Old Town Tower, from the side of the old town, you can see several sculptures, one of which depicts St. Vitus, the patron saint of the bridge.

The bridge itself is decorated with 30 statues of saints. Most of these sculptures were erected between 1708 and 1714 by the best sculptors of the era. True, the original statues have now been removed from the bridge and are on display to the public at the National Museum of Prague. And their place was taken by copies made in the second half of the 19th century by famous masters. But all this does not make the bridge sculptures less attractive.

The most ancient, standing out against the background of other sculptures, and immediately striking is the bronze crucifix "Golgotha" by Hilger, heterogeneous in style and origin. The modern gilded bronze cross was cast in 1629, and the two sculptures on either side of the cross, the Virgin and John, were hewn from sandstone by Emanuel Max in 1861. The inscriptions on the sculpture and the marble pedestal were also built at different times.

Charles Bridge makes wishes come true?!

Here it is, the main topic for which we decided to write this article.

Charles Bridge is surrounded by numerous secrets and legends. The most popular of which is the auspicious energy of the bridge, fulfilling wishes. There are several places on Charles Bridge where you can make wishes - dogs, saints, crosses, you can easily find all of them, they are rubbed to a shine.

We, who do not believe in all these miraculous places of fulfillment of desires (rub here, spit there, turn around), passed them without paying attention. However, one place hooked us with something, it’s even hard to say what, rather it was an inner voice. Near it we stopped.

A small interesting sculpture - a bas-relief near Nepomuk. According to legend, the Czech Catholic saint, priest and martyr John of Nepomuk was thrown from this place.

According to the “rules”, the right hand must be placed on the cross, and with the fingers of the left hand, rub Nepomuk and the stars above his head twice, while placing the left foot on the nail below on the paving stones. In this position, make a wish. Naturally, we didn’t do that, we just came up and rubbed Nepomuk while making a wish… My wish is long-term, so I can’t say which one, but the whole point is that just a few days after the wish was made, it began to come true and the effect continues to this day.

Charles Bridge is perhaps the most famous and visiting card of the entire Czech Republic. It is known not only for the many legends associated with it and the statues of saints that adorn it and are able to grant wishes, but also for the fabulous views of the banks of the Vltava with towers, churches and palaces, and also for the fact that it is the main walking route between the Old Town ( Stare Mesto) And .

The Charles Bridge

A bit of history and legend of the Charles Bridge

At the beginning of the 12th century, next to the site of the current Charles Bridge, instead of the old wooden one in Prague, the first stone bridge was built - Yuditin. It received this name in honor of the wife of King Vladislav II, who ruled at that time. However, already in the middle of the 14th century, the Judith Bridge was destroyed by a flood, and only the tower remained of it, which still adorns the Charles Bridge on the Lesser Town side. On the site of the destroyed bridge, King Charles IV ordered the construction of a new bridge, which now bears his name.

There are many legends about the construction of the Charles Bridge, one of the most famous tells about the date of laying its first stone. They say that Charles IV chose the date and time for the start of construction, guided by the advice of court astrologers - the laying of the bridge began in 1357 on the 9th day of the 7th month at 5 hours 31 minutes. The magic of numbers 1 3 5 7 9 7 5 3 1, equally read both from right to left and from left to right, promised prosperity and well-being.

Another legend is about a young builder of the Charles Bridge, who tried to restore the arch of the bridge, which had been demolished by floods. When, after several unsuccessful attempts, the frustrated builder stood alone on the bridge, he saw the devil. The devil offered his help in restoring the arch, on the condition that he get the soul of the first person to cross the bridge. The builder was so eager to finish the job successfully that he agreed to everything, and, of course, he hoped to outsmart the devil. After the successful completion of the repair of the bridge, he decided to be the first to let the black rooster go over the bridge, because in the agreement with the devil it was not stipulated that the first should be a man. The devil was also cunning and tricked the builder's pregnant wife onto the bridge to visit her husband. The next day, the builder's wife died after giving birth to a stillborn child. For many years, the soul of a newborn sneezed at night on the bridge from the cold, until one day a passer-by, hurrying across the bridge at night to the other side, hearing someone sneezing and not even seeing who was sneezing, said on the go: “Be healthy!”. And so, thanks to chance, bringing the Charles Bridge to rest forever.

Well, in fact, the bridge, which is one of the main attractions of Prague, was built under the guidance of the architect Petr Parler, who also worked on at. The construction of the Charles Bridge lasted about 50 years, and was completed at the very beginning of the 15th century. This majestic building, standing on 16 powerful arches lined with sandstone, more than half a kilometer long and about 10 meters wide, for several centuries was the only means of communication between the main districts of Prague.

Knightly tournaments were held here, fairs and courts were held; executions also took place here - unscrupulous artisans and merchants were lowered in a large wicker iron cage from a bridge into the waters of the Vltava; royal coronation processions to Prague Castle also passed along the Charles Bridge.

Charles Bridge for centuries had not only public, but also military-strategic importance for Prague: at the end of the bloody Thirty Years' War, the Swedes were stopped on the Charles Bridge, and in the middle of the 18th century, the Prussians were also defeated here.

The work of the brothers Adolf and Karl Liebscher"The battle of students with the Swedes on the Charles Bridge in 1648"

Towers of Charles Bridge

Located on the eastern side of the bridge, the Old Town Bridge Tower is one of the symbols of medieval Prague, and at the same time one of the most beautiful Gothic buildings in Europe. Its construction began simultaneously with the Charles Bridge. The rich decoration of the facade of the tower, turned to the side, indicates that the tower was not only part of the medieval city fortifications, but also a triumphal arch on the "".

Old Town Bridge Tower

For centuries, the Old Town Bridge Tower has been a participant and witness of Czech history, including its saddest pages: for 10 years, the heads of 12 executed participants in the class uprising hung on the gallery of its roof in metal nets. You have probably already seen the white ones laid down in memory of them on the pavement near the Old Town Hall.

If you want to admire the panorama of Charles Bridge and the fabulous views of Prague, climb 47 meters along 138 steps to the observation deck of the Old Town Bridge Tower.

View from the bridge tower

Two bridge towers, located on the western side of the Charles Bridge, were built at different times, but are connected by a wall with a gate and are fortifications, so they are almost not decorated. The lower and more powerful tower was left from the Judith Bridge, originally it was Romanesque, but at the end of the 16th century it was rebuilt in the Renaissance style. The taller tower was laid in the second half of the 15th century, and according to the plan of the architects, it was supposed to resemble the Old Town bridge tower, but it was never decorated accordingly.

Lesser Town bridge towers

An observation deck is also open on the higher Lesser Town Tower at a height of 40 meters. Climbing it, you will again be able to enjoy the wonderful views of the beauty of Prague.

You can read more about the bridge towers of Charles Bridge.

Statues of Charles Bridge

Initially, Charles Bridge was not decorated with statues. Most of the thirty sculptures that adorn the balustrade of the bridge in our time were installed at the beginning of the 18th century during the Baroque period. The authors of the sculptures were the best masters of that time: Matthias Bernard Braun, Jan Bedrich Kohl, Jan Brokoff and his sons. Most of the statues have now been replaced by replicas, since the statues were mostly created from sandstone and over time suffered greatly in the open, and some of them were even washed away by the waters of the Vltava during frequent floods. The original statues of Charles Bridge can be seen in the Lapidarium of the National Museum of Prague.

Statue of Saint John of Nepomuk

The most popular statue among tourists, of course, is the statue of St. John of Nepomuk, a saint especially revered in Prague and the patron saint of the Czech Republic, created by Jan Brokoff. The place for the statue was not chosen by chance: according to one of the legends, at the end of the 14th century, on the orders of King Wenceslas IV, John of Nepomuk was tortured to death and thrown into the river in a bag. He was the queen's confessor and refused to give the king, who suspected adultery, the secret of confession, which earned the sovereign's wrath. The reason for the popularity of this statue among tourists is another legend of Charles Bridge, which promises the fulfillment of a wish if, having made it, first touch the right side of the relief on the pedestal of the statue, and then the left. The reliefs have already been polished to a shine by thousands of hands, so you can easily recognize this statue among all the others. Just in case, the statue of St. John of Nepomuk is the eighth from the right, if you go to the side

Bridges and Vltava... The silver thread of the river, winding through the valley, crosses Prague in the middle, and bridges are thrown over it, along which roads pass, bridges, like intricate buckles made of the most unusual materials. And at the same time - no matter how incredible it may seem - the city for a thousand years managed with one bridge. We know that on the site of the oldest Prague bridge - Charles - already in the 30s of the X century there was a wooden bridge and the body of St. Wenceslas from Stara Boleslava was brought to the Castle. This, in all likelihood, a wooden structure was destroyed by a flood in 1157, and Vladislav II had no choice but to build a new bridge across the river; in honor of Queen Judith, who oversaw the work, he was named Yuditin. The bridge was located approximately in the same place where the Charles Bridge now stands, only a little to the north, and for its time it was the only technical structure of its kind on a European scale.

The Judith Bridge, however, was also not eternal: in 1342, a flood demolished 2/3 of this capital Romanesque building, and after some time only the remnants of supports in the river remained from the bridge.

Charles Bridge, which rose on this site, reached 520 meters in length and 10 meters in width and rested on sixteen arches of limestone blocks, while the Yuditin Bridge was mounted on 24 supports and, obviously, had more resistance to water, and as a result she overcame him.

Charles Bridge, whose construction began in 1357, was already being compared with similar structures in Europe at that time. Usually they said: the Dresden bridge is the most spectacular, the longest, and the Prague bridge is the most durable. The bridge was so wide in those days that it was even possible to hold (and were!) Tournaments on it. For example, in 1436 in honor of King Zikmund. However, we are interested in the name of its creator - he was none other than Peter Parler. In the Baroque era (1683-1714) thirty more statues and groups of saints adorned the bridge, so that they formed, perhaps, the longest gallery of its kind for that time. Such a famous sculptor as Matthias Braun, masters of the Brokoff family, Jan Bedrich Kohl and other baroque sculptors participated in the creation of these masterpieces. The most artistically valuable Baroque sculptural group of St. Luittard, by M. B. Brown (this is the first known work of the master).

Like all of its predecessors, Charles Bridge suffered from floods on numerous occasions; while the biggest test, no doubt, was 1890, when even some sculptures were damaged. And yet the bridge withstood all the tests, endured all the floods, all the horrors of wars, withstood. He witnessed the Hussite wars, the flight of Frederick of the Palatinate after the defeat in the Battle of Belogorsk. In 1648, it became the site of battles between the Swedish troops and the inhabitants of Stary Mesto and students, led by Jiřík Plachy. The fighting unfolded here in the revolutionary year of 1848. Coronation processions have been held here since Charles IV. The bridge was called "Prague" or "Stone" for a long time. The epithet "Karlov" this building received, in fact, quite "recently", only in 1870.

It is very interesting that this one and only bridge was enough for Prague from the era of Charles and almost until the middle of the last century. Both banks of the silvery river were connected, however, by countless ferries. It was only in the 1920s that the idea was born to build another bridge that would connect the section of the coast where the National Theater now stands with the opposite coast. And in 1842, a chain Empire bridge was built on this site - Schnirchov; only in 1901 it was replaced by a new, more modern structure - this is the current May 1 Bridge.

The development of railways led to the fact that Vysehrad was connected to Smichov by a railway bridge, which has survived to this day. Year of birth - 1871. Shortly after that, in 1878, the Palacký bridge also crossed the Vltava - the second after the stone structure of this type in Prague. And on the site of the modern Shverma bridge under the former monastery of St. Anežka was erected the fourth bridge - the chain bridge of Franz I. And finally, another railway bridge crossed the Vltava near the island of Shtvanice - its construction coincided with the development of railways in the last century.

It seems incredible that even in modern times Prague managed with so few links between the two banks of the Vltava. However, the Vltava itself probably had a completely different view than the one that opens up to us today - the distance between the individual few bridge structures was so great that the vast expanse of the Vltava turned out to be in the foreground. All this has changed in our century - new bridges have broken the river into much smaller sections, and thus a different landscape full of charm was born: the bridges lined up one after the other, as if forming backstage, and gave Prague a peculiar flavor of a big city.

Let's look at a number of these concrete, stone and metal structures, starting with the railway bridge at Vysehrad. We have already spoken about the Palacký bridge, the second stone bridge after Charles. It is also worth mentioning the tragic episode at the end of the Second World War, which left its mark on this building, changing its appearance. Then there were still four sculptural groups, the magnificent creations of the sculptor I. V. Myslbek. On the New Town coast, these were Libuse with Přemysl and the legendary singer Lumir; on the Smikhovsky coast - Tstirad with Sharka and Zaba with Slava. The raid of American aircraft on February 14, 1945 did not pass without a trace for this building. Seriously damaged sculptures had to be removed immediately after the end of the war and moved to a quieter place on Vysehrad.

And now we have already come to the first bridge created in our century - this is the Irasekov bridge; its width could already satisfy the ever-increasing demands of Prague transport. The bridge was built in 1928 and got its name in honor of the writer, author of historical novels Alois Irasek, primarily because Irasek lived and worked near the place where the bridge now stands for 27 years (from 1903 to 1930). A monument to Irasek and an old tenement house with a memorial plaque were erected on the Novy Mestsky bank right opposite the bridge.

We have already mentioned the May 1st Bridge, and we have already presented the Charles Bridge, so we will go further along the banks of the Vltava, to the Red Army Square with the Rudolfinum and the building of the Faculty of Philosophy. Here, the concrete Manesov Bridge leads to Karlov, the construction of which began in 1911 and was completed already during the First World War, in 1916.

Next comes the shortest of the Prague bridges, which connects the Old Town Square and the Legensky shore; its length is only 170 meters, it bears the name of Svatopluk Cech. Immediately behind him, the next one rises above the river, the Shverma bridge, which goes to the Legen tunnel. Once there was a chain bridge, which was later replaced by a modern concrete structure; it was commissioned in 1951. The Glavkov Bridge is unusual, consisting of two independent structures. The first, iron, was completed in 1910, the second part was put into operation two years later and was the first concrete bridge structure in Prague. Sculptors such as Stursa, Marzatka and Gutfreind took part in its decoration, and thanks to their sculptures, this project, in general, with a purely functional bias, became artistically valuable as well. The bridge could be divided into two independent parts only because it crosses the largest Prague island - Štvanice.

And finally, we will present you one more "very very..." One of the longest bridges in Prague is the Libensky Bridge, 341 meters long and 21 meters wide. Stepping over the Vltava and the Holesovice pier, it connects two Prague districts - Holesovice and Liben. The bridge is concrete, it was completed in 1928 almost simultaneously with the Defenders of the Barricades Bridge, the last bridge structure along the river within the city.

This bridge, a link between the center of Prague and the zoo, in May 1945 became one of the strongholds of the Prague Uprising.

When a guest who has arrived in Prague climbs Legna and looks down at the river connected by a cascade of bridges, he will probably forget all the details of our story, information about sculptures, building materials will slip out of his memory and only a general impression will remain, evidence of human ingenuity and talent, backstage with which modern technology and the creative labor of a man of our century have adorned the river. And in this long line of bridges, somewhere out there, in a bluish haze, a unique creation of the Gothic style, the famous Charles Bridge, one of the most valuable monuments of the continent on which we live, is lost. But bridges in Prague are not only bridges across the Vltava. The Powder Bridge stands apart - the only entrance to the Castle through the Deer Moat, which was once a natural fortification of the Prague Castle (it also contained deer from 1565 until the 18th century).

For decades, there has been talk of a bridge project across the Nuselska Valley, which would connect Nove Mesto with the Pankrack Plain in the south of the city. True, at first it seemed like a pipe dream, but for the implementation of any project, it must become a necessity. After decades of searching, drafting and sketching in the second half of the 60s, the bridge was finally built because it became necessary: ​​tens of thousands of residents of the Southern City need to quickly get to the center of Prague; just as urgent was the need to cross the city by the North-South highway, the route of which could only pass here. Now the bridge is functioning, its length is 490 meters, a metro tunnel passes under it. Four pylons support the bridge at a height of 40 meters above the “bowl” of the Nusel Valley. So the construction of the bridge involved not so much overcoming the water barrier (if we consider the Botić River flowing through the valley as a similar barrier), but overcoming the complexities of the Prague relief.

The second such bridge structure on land is an arc-shaped overpass of the highway connecting Vysočany with another large modern district of Prague, the Northern City, which has grown rapidly on a hill above Vysočany. Another bridge is being designed, which will be a component of the already mentioned North-South highway and will be transferred through the railway station "Prague-Strshed" (Prague-Centre). This bridge will be almost a continuation of the Glavkov Bridge.