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Wide carnival. Excursion tours in Russia Where will the carnival festivities take place

On February 17, the opening of the festival "Moscow Maslenitsa" will take place! In order for everyone to have time to eat pancakes and have fun at the festivities, the festival will last for ten whole days - until the twenty-sixth of February. Venues for Maslenitsa in Moscow are ready to receive guests. Thirteen playgrounds were prepared for fun in the very center of the capital. Thematic zones will be located here: historical reconstructions, folk games, interesting master classes, theatrical performances. And be sure to bake a huge number of delicious hearty symbols of the sun - pancakes on Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa for children- it's very tasty, noisy and fun!

The festival cheese factory will be a special surprise. Here, guests will try to cook "instant cheeses" under the guidance of master cheese makers, as well as learn recipes for cooking unusual dishes with cheese, which can be easily repeated in their own kitchen.

Maslenitsa 2017 in Moscow will present pancakes not only as a main dish. For those who dreamed of becoming a pancake master, children's carnival will provide this opportunity at three culinary venues. Culinary schools are waiting for students in Novopushkinsky Square, on Tverskaya and Manezhnaya squares. We promise - after such an express course, not a single pancake will come out lumpy! The students will be told how and when the main Shrovetide dish appeared, they will be offered to learn more than fifty recipes for making pancakes. Professional pancake makers will tell you how to cook authentic masterpieces of pancake art.

For the convenience of visitors, more than thirty baking stations for Maslenitsa delicacies are equipped, where they will be offered to try both classic Russian pancakes with caviar and exotic versions of this dish brought from various countries of the world. French, Japanese. Each country will offer its original filling.

Pancakes will be treated, they will be taught to bake. They will also offer to play "pancake" frisbee and curling. All these competitions will unfold on Revolution Square. In the culinary workshops located nearby, they will teach how to bake pancakes according to traditional Russian recipes. There will be training demonstrations on baking Guryev, chocolate, buckwheat, even pancakes with celery. And those who cannot live without sweets will be offered to treat themselves to pancakes with condensed milk, ice cream, caramel and other sweets.

All places of folk festivals where events for Maslenitsa, decorate in the Shrovetide style - they will install a lot of carousels stylized as folk toys, Maslenitsa statues made of straw, the main one will be an icy Maslenitsa in Moscow, it will shoot up into the sky almost eight meters.

Novy Arbat will host several festive venues. Traditionally for the Arbat, a performance will be held here and, of course, they will offer a more modern vision of the festive festivities. The figure of the main character will be replaced by two-meter-sized puppets, these puppets will easily be recognizable as masters of the avant-garde of the twentieth century. Guests of the holiday will be able to take a memorable photo with all the dolls. The figures of Maslenitsa on Novy Arbat will not be made in advance, as is usually the case, but directly during the celebration - in the presence of those invited.

Fans of outdoor activities will be happy to be on Tverskoy Boulevard, where traditional fun will unfold - skiing from the mountain and "kolobok-ball". A wooden slide over seven meters will be installed near the monument to Sergei Yesenin. According to ancient Russian traditions, the slide will be decorated in the form of a sleigh painted in the tradition of the Dymkovo toy.

Kolobok-bol is a variant of hockey. Sticks in this game are replaced with brooms, and the puck is replaced with a ball painted in the form of the beloved fairy-tale hero Kolobok. The perky round hero will be able to compete in dexterity with the players and show his ability to get away from the broom that wants to drive him into the gate. Another view entertainment on Maslenitsa- rolling huge cheese heads at speed. For music lovers, a xylophone over three meters long is offered.

Fans of folk crafts will be interested in Klimentovsky lane. Here, Maslenitsa events in Moscow will be held by craftsmen who will introduce everyone to the art of wood carving - they will tell about its origin and demonstrate samples of carved platbands and window frames that adorned the windows of houses in almost all regions of Russia. Workshops on painting platbands and painting sweets with icing will appeal to guests of all ages. Novopushkinsky square will be decorated with an exhibition of clay toys.

The color decoration of the festive buildings will emphasize that the Maslenitsa holiday symbolizes the change of the season. The winter kingdom on Revolution Square is designed in blue tones. Spring - on Manezhnaya they will paint in red shades. The ceremony of burning the main figure of Shrovetide will also take place here. The mummers, symbolizing the meeting of winter with spring, will try to lure guests from one square to another.

Where to go to Maslenitsa 2017 in Moscow is up to you - it will be fun and interesting everywhere!

Shrovetide traditions

There is an opinion that initially this rather pagan holiday was dedicated to the day of the spring solstice, therefore, it was accompanied by traditions that were quite far from religion, which was worth just the burning of an effigy in the central square of the city. Hence the form of the main treat for Maslenitsa: a round pancake was supposed to please the great luminary, completely repeating its contours. With the adoption of Christianity, Maslenitsa began to be calculated as the last week before Lent, so the date of its beginning is different every year.

Since Maslenitsa is a movable holiday, directly related to the dates of Lent, Maslenitsa will be held in 2019from 4 to 10 March.

A bit about the history of Shrovetide

Maslenitsa, as many rightly believe, is a holiday that was born due to the fact that, on the one hand, our Russian culture has preserved the ancient Slavic traditions of celebrating the day of the vernal equinox, meeting spring and solemn farewell to winter. On the other hand, the Slavic Komoyeditsa (as Maslenitsa was called from ancient times, and then they didn’t eat pancakes, but baked coma from pea flour in the oven) became spiritualized and filled with deep Christian meaning. Cheese Week or Maslenitsa week in the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church is not so much a time of unbridled joy as reconciliation and festive fellowship with neighbors, relatives and friends.

The celebration of Maslenitsa begins when there is already very little time left before the start of Lent, and it is preceded by the so-called Maslenitsa week, dedicated to seeing off winter. This period has a symbolic character and is intended to unite relatives, relatives and friends. It is not for nothing that every day of Shrove Tuesday has its own special name and corresponding traditions.

How is Maslenitsa week celebrated?

The city Maslenitsa differed from the village Maslenitsa in its scope. In the first case, the festivities were more extensive, for which special entertainment pavilions were often set up, where buffoons or Petrushka acted as the hosts. In the villages, the theatrical performance was arranged by the inhabitants themselves, building snow fortresses and simulating military operations. Combined both versions of the holiday necessarily hot pancakes and the same tea. Today, the scope of such a traditional celebration can be seen in such ancient Russian cities as Suzdal, Veliky Novgorod or Kazan, where the traditions of celebrating this holiday return every year in an increasingly interesting form.

  • Monday was considered the beginning of the celebration, but plentiful festivities were not held on this day. In many places, Maslenitsa began to be celebrated only from the middle of the week. Those who wanted a holiday on the very first day made a scarecrow out of straw, dressed it up and carried it around the village with songs.
  • Tuesday- the day of the beginning of official entertainment: skiing from the icy mountains, visiting booths, general festivities.
  • On Wednesday they started baking pancakes, and they did it everywhere, both in houses and in street tents. In the villages, beer and sbiten were brewed, so tea was not the only strong drink for the holiday.
  • Thursday, often referred to as wide, was accompanied by fisticuffs, especially loved in the villages. Despite certain rules of fighting, there were rare cases without casualties.
  • Friday, the day of the famous mother-in-law pancakes, when the sons-in-law were spoiled with delicious delicacies. If the mother-in-law treated the guests on Wednesday, then on Friday the son-in-law should not have been in debt and he had to organize a feast for his wife's relatives.
  • Saturday- This is the day of "sister-in-law gatherings." Here the daughter-in-law had to show her skills and surprise her husband's relatives with delicious dishes.
  • Sunday- the final day of the rampant Maslenitsa. Wide festivities, accompanied by the burning of an effigy of winter, took place everywhere. On the same day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from the circle of people with whom they have been in contact throughout the year. In this way the soul is prepared for fasting.

Treats for Maslenitsa

In addition to pancakes, there was a variety of other snacks on the table: sour cream, honey, caviar. In this case, everything depended only on the level of prosperity of those who celebrated. Since Great Lent began next, there were practically no restrictions on food on this day, indulging in fun in every sense of the word. The classic recipe for pancakes involves the use of yeast, but modern cooking has found a lot of other products, on the basis of which pancakes are no less tasty. Therefore, to please the household with a hearty delicacy is within the power of any hostess. If you want to taste real traditional pancakes, this year Shrovetide fairs in all cities of the country will serve this dish according to the original recipe - it's worth going and trying it!

Maslenitsa in Russia and Belarus

This year the Eight Journey Club offers you an extensive selection of tours to Maslenitsa 2019. First of all, you are waiting for the most interesting tours with rich excursion and entertainment programs in the cities of Russia. St. Petersburg, Kazan, Pskov, Vladimir, Suzdal, Kaluga, Rostov, Voronezh, Uglich and many, many other cities of Russia celebrate Maslenitsa with pomp and gaiety. You can creatively approach the issue of celebrating Maslenitsa on February 23 and go, for example, to a real farm to the Englishman John Kopiski or the Italian lord Pietro Matza.

In Belarus, you are also waiting for merry festivities and holiday programs in Minsk, Brest and the famous Mir and Nesvizh castles.

Maslenitsa celebration in 2017. Maslenitsa week.

considered one of the most fun holidays of the year. It lasts seven days, and during the pancake week people have fun, arrange festivities, go home to visit, and eat pancakes. In 2017 Maslenitsa will begin on February 20 and end on February 26.

Shrove Tuesday is a truly national celebration of the meeting of spring. Before entering Great Lent, people say goodbye to winter, enjoy the first fine days by baking traditional pancakes, and get ready to cleanse their soul and body.

Cheese Week (before the spelling reform, it was also often buttermilk) is a folk holiday cycle that has been preserved in Rus' since pagan (pre-Christian) times. The rite is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring.

Other names for Shrovetide: Shrovetide, Shrovetide, Shrovetide week, World holiday, Pancake week, Pancake week, Pancake week, Pancake eater, Gluttonous week, Obyedha, Wide Shrovetide, honest, cheerful, Tselovalnitsa, Krivosheyka, Boyar Shrovetide, Dairy Week, Ustsilem. Milkmaid, woodland. Butter dish, Masloed, Masny tyzhden, Belarusian. Carols buttered, Karovina i horse holy, Ukrainian. Kolodiy, Slovak. Smrtni week "a, Christ. Raw week.

Shrovetide traditions

Maslenitsa has several names: it is called meat-empty, because there is an abstinence from meat, cheese - because of the abundance of cheese this week, and directly, Shrovetide - because of the use of a large amount of butter.

Celebration traditions go deep into our history. But just as before, this holiday is usually celebrated on a grand scale, with songs, dances, contests. The most common amusements that took place in the villages were fist fights, sleigh rides, eating pancakes for a while, climbing a pole for a prize, swimming in ice holes, playing with a bear, and finally, burning a stuffed animal. The main treat is pancakes with various fillings. You need to cook them every day, and in large quantities.

The people claimed that those people who do not have fun on Maslenitsa will live in poverty for a year and there will be no fun in their house.

  1. In no case should you eat meat food on Maslenitsa. Dairy products and fish are allowed. The main dish that should be on the table of every housewife is pancakes.
  2. On Maslenitsa you need to eat a lot, often and wherever possible. Gluttony is the main principle of this holiday. That is why it is customary to eat not only at home, but also at a party, where they are often invited this week.

Maslenitsa is celebrated from Monday to Sunday, and every day this week is usually celebrated in a special way, observing the traditions of the holiday.

Monday (20 February) is called "Meeting Maslenitsa". On this day, the housewives began to bake pancakes, and the first pancake was always given to needy, poor people. As early as Monday, a stuffed Maslenitsa was being prepared, which was exhibited on the main street. And it, dressed in rags, had to stand until the resurrection.

Tuesday (21 February) popularly called "Zagrysh". This day was completely dedicated to the newlyweds. On this day, folk festivals were organized: sledding, carousels and ice slides.

Wednesday (22 February)- "Gourmet". On this day, it was customary to call guests (neighbors, friends, relatives) to the house and treat them with delicious pancakes, pies, honey gingerbread. Also on Wednesday, mother-in-laws treated their sons-in-law to pancakes, hence the expression “Son-in-law came, where can I get sour cream?”. On this day, fisticuffs and horse racing were popular.

Thursday (February 23) people called it "Razgulyay". It was from this day that the Wide Maslenitsa began, which was accompanied by sledding, snowball fights, cheerful songs and round dances.

Friday (February 24). This day was designated as "Teschin's Evenings", because it was on Friday that sons-in-law invited their mother-in-law to their house and treated them to pancakes. At the same time, the husband of their daughter, the day before, should come to the mother-in-law's house and invite her to visit.

Saturday (25 February) is called by the people "Zolovkina gatherings." Young daughters-in-law called her husband's sisters, talked to them, treated them to various delicacies and gave gifts. If the sister-in-law had not yet managed to get married, then the daughter-in-law called her unmarried friends, and if the husband's sister was married, then only married relatives were invited.

Sunday (26 February) is the apotheosis of Maslenitsa and has the name "Forgiveness Sunday". It was on this day that they saw off Maslenitsa, said goodbye to winter and symbolically burned an effigy. Even on Sunday, it is customary to ask relatives and friends for forgiveness for those grievances that have accumulated over the whole year.

Many signs are associated with Shrovetide, and people in the old days believed these signs. It is believed that on Maslenitsa you need to bake as many pancakes as you want happiness and prosperity. Mountains of pancakes foreshadowed good luck, health, prosperity in the families of relatives and friends. If the table is empty, then a financial collapse should be expected for the year. It was not for nothing that Maslenitsa was also called the "Despoiler", because in a week the money was spent immeasurably.

It was a bad omen if the pancakes failed, burned or turned out tasteless. This meant that trouble, illness or trouble would come very soon.

Also, our ancestors believed that the cold weather on Maslenitsa prophesies a good harvest year. The girls who intended to get married this year had to drink all the men they met on the way.

Interesting old traditions of Maslenitsa:

  • Young people should show special respect to the elders in the family;
  • Newlyweds can kiss in public, showing their love;
  • It is necessary to commemorate the deceased relatives. The best thing -
    go to the cemetery and bring pancakes there;
  • Be sure to treat the beggars near the church with the most delicious pancakes with rich fillings;

What to do for children

In the folk tradition of celebrating Shrovetide, children did not bake pancakes, but they had their own special activities. You can sculpt from clay or make whistles from wood, painting them with bright colors. These musical instruments make a sound similar to trills. It was believed that in this way it was possible to summon spring more quickly, deceiving it that the birds were already singing.

As for the places of public celebrations, it is necessary to hold fairs, arrange booths, ride a sleigh from the ice slides. In the old days, fisticuffs were still held on Sunday, but in modern society this custom has been forgotten. By the way, some dived into the hole to repeat their epiphany feat.

Shrovetide symbol - pancakes

It is believed that modern pancakes are the “ancestors” of oatmeal jelly, which someone decided to bake on fire. A little later, people began to bake pancakes not only from oatmeal, but also from rye, wheat, and buckwheat. Traditional cuisine knows many recipes for pancakes with various fillings.

The hostesses prepared pancakes with fish, mushrooms, eggs, honey, buckwheat, onion sauce, cottage cheese. Pancakes were served with sour cream, red or black caviar and butter. It is noteworthy that pancakes had to be eaten only with your hands. It was believed that if they were pierced with a fork or cut with a knife, then trouble would not be long in coming.

Pancake as a symbol of satiety

If we consider pre-Christian traditions, then pancakes were a symbol of sacrificial bread brought as a gift to the gods. Only since the 19th century, pancakes have become a treat for Maslenitsa with the symbolic meaning with which we accept them now. It is believed that the predecessor of the pancake was the usual oatmeal jelly. Someone decided to warm it up on fire and get the first pancake. Then they began to bake pancakes from flour of different varieties, including buckwheat or rice flour.

Most importantly, an ordinary pancake can be completely transformed in taste, depending on the filling that will be added to it. Pancakes with fish and caviar are a great main appetizer. Pancakes with vegetables and mushrooms are a cold appetizer, and, of course, sweet pancakes with honey, jam or just butter. Each recipe is special and has its own culinary symphony.

Days of Maslenitsa celebrations in 2012-2030

The start date of Maslenitsa changes each year depending on when Lent begins. The main traditional attributes of the folk celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia are pancakes and festivities.

Maslenitsa is the last week before the Easter fast. Every year Maslenitsa is celebrated on different dates, it all depends on the beginning of Lent and, accordingly, Easter. Maslenitsa is celebrated during the week before Lent. This week prepares people for fasting and the beginning of spiritual and physical cleansing. Maslenitsa always starts on Monday and ends on Forgiveness Sunday.

Maslenitsa and Maslenitsa week are celebrated in certain years in February, and in certain years in March (while Maslenitsa itself can take place from February to March).


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This year, Maslenitsa week (February 20-26) very well coincided with the weekend dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23-26) and there is an opportunity to leave Moscow. The question remains where?

1. Bakshevskaya Maslenitsa
This is probably the real, Russian Maslenitsa. It takes place in a secret clearing in the forest, where the organizers build a snow fortress in advance. This is really a folk carnival festivities. This year, the Bakshev Shrovetide will be held on February 26, and in order to find out the place of its holding, you must send an application to the organizers in advance and find out the place on the right day.

2. Home Maslenitsa of the country in Yaroslavl
They promise a parade, setting a record, a wide fair, concerts, performances by buffoons and circus performers, fisticuffs and treats. The festivities will unfold on an even larger scale than before, because this year Yaroslavl is recognized as the "Capital of the Golden Ring". And the Golden Ring is 50 years old!

3. Wide Maslenitsa in Kostroma.
Traditionally, the main festivities will be held in the park "Berendeevka", where the theatrical festival "My Soul, Shrovetide", contests, hot pancakes awaits guests. The Kostroma Architectural, Ethnographic and Landscape Museum-Reserve "Kostroma Sloboda" will host a Shrovetide puppet competition and folk festivals. I think it is in the settlement that the celebration of Shrove Tuesday is special, atmospheric, because there are old wooden houses around. Another venue for the holiday will be the Kostroma Zoo, where on February 26, 2017 at 12 o’clock the holiday “Go wild, Maslenitsa is coming” will take place. And of course, you can have fun at the Snegurochka Residence on February 25-26, though by appointment and for a small fee. It turns out that the Snow Maiden even has mail.

4. Maslenitsa in Pereslavl-Zalessky
The main festivities take place in the Dendrosad and in the Goritsky Monastery. Burning a scarecrow, pancakes, hot tea, fun, climbing a pole, round dances.

You can drop in on a visit to Tsar Berendey in Berendey's Kingdom and the Berendey House. Details are best specified by phone.

Uglich, as the city where the Peasant Butter recipe was born, the city that is famous for its cheeses, and organic dairy and sour-milk products brightly meets Shrovetide.


A fair with local products (fresh milk, pancakes, syrniki, sbiten) will be organized on the central square of the city. The emphasis in the assortment of treats will be on local organic dairy products. In restaurants and cafes of the city "Pancake menu".

8. Maslenitsa in the estates near Moscow
A great option for those who do not want to travel far, but also want to get out of Moscow.

Holiday "Oh, walk people, Maslenitsa is coming to us!" February 25 from 13-16.00. Skating from ice slides, contests, round dances, competitions, tea from a samovar and pancakes. Master classes will be held for children. At the end, the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa.

Tickets on the website, price: children - 300 rubles, adults - 600 rubles, pensioners - 500 rubles.

Seeing off Maslenitsa February 25-26. On the Barsky Meadow, folk festivals accompanied by songs of folklore groups, ice slides, horseback riding and effigy burning.

Shrovetide for children in Shakhmatovo February 23-24 at 12.00. Folklore program, games, round dances, relay races, tea with pancakes and chess jam. Everyone can visit the Main Manor House and take part in the "Road to Spring" quest.

February 25 in Shakhmatovo will celebrate the Wide Shrovetide. Fervent competitions, sleigh rides from a snowy hill, the opportunity to visit the exhibitions "Golden Childhood" and "Good food in the Beketovsky house was considered an important thing ...".

On Maslenitsa days (February 22-24 and 26, 2017), the Abramtsevo Museum-Reserve will host pancake programs for children and adults. In the festive program (beginning at 11-00 and 15-00):
– a fascinating tour of the Manor House;
- Master Class;
- traditional treats - pancakes;
- ancient amusements, games, songs and dances.
The cost of participation in the program for one person is 780 rubles.

On February 25, the “Wide Maslenitsa” holiday will be held (from 10 am to 3 pm). In a programme:
– visiting museum objects (Polenovskaya dacha, Studio-workshop, Bani-Teremka, Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands and Kitchen);
– participation in the theatrical program (from 13 to 15 hours);
- burning Maslenitsa;
— at the fair you can buy souvenirs, festive treats: pickles, pickles, pancakes, hot tea, etc.;
- ancient amusements, games, songs and dances, riding from an icy mountain, taking a snow fortress.
The cost of participation in the program for one person is 500 rubles.

9. Ethnopark Nomad
For those who love animals or want to get to know them. Holiday for groups from 20 to 24 February. And for an individual visit Shirokaya Maslenitsa on February 25 and 26 by appointment. A wide Shrovetide festivities in search of "SKOMOROSH SLOBODA" - you will find yourself in a real Russian village, learn customs and participate in Russian national competitions! Dances, dances, round dances!
15.00 - Burning of the Shrovetide effigy.
Lunch: Russian meat hodgepodge, Buryat buuzy, Honey sbiten, Pancakes with sour cream
For an additional fee, you can also:
Ride on a team of northern sled dogs, a team of reindeer, on a camel
Feed the animals in the zoo.
Shoot at the archery
Have a bite to eat in the "Tea Yurt" and "Nomadic Coffee House"
Program duration: 3 hours.
Cost with lunch: 1600 rubles.