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Abandoned villages of Chelyabinsk. Abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region: list

Very little. And no one, by and large, seriously engaged in the study of this problem, with the exception of only a few local historians. In the article we will try to tell in as much detail as possible about the deserted towns and villages of this region.

So, where are the abandoned villages in the Chelyabinsk region? And how many of them are there? Let's figure it out.

Sad stories of the Ural villages

Cities are growing, villages are disappearing. This sad process in the scientific community is called urbanization. A brutal, predatory word... In some states, these processes are less active, in others - more intensively. Russia is one of the world leaders in the rate of rural extinction. Just think: every year the country loses three of its villages!

If a couple of centuries ago, villages disappeared as a result of floods, fires and epidemics, but today purely economic aspects come to the fore. Lack of jobs, minimal infrastructure and uncomfortable living environment - all this drives people to nearby cities. And first of all the youth. As a result, only the elderly and people with limited mobility remain in the villages.

Fortunately, it is not yet among the leading regions in terms of the number of villages left by man. There really aren't many of those around here. But they still exist. According to Chelyabinsk ethnographer Vladimir Teplov, over the past hundred years, the total number of villages in the region has almost halved. At the same time, Troitsky, Oktyabrsky, Uvelsky, Sosnovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts suffered the most.

There are more and more abandoned villages in the Chelyabinsk region every year. Solving this extremely acute problem requires significant efforts by both local authorities and higher-ranking officials.

Abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region: list and map

The most reliable data on the demographic situation in a given region is provided by population censuses. In the Russian Federation, the last such census was conducted in 2010. She counted 22 completely empty villages in the Chelyabinsk region. Interestingly, 20 of them were empty between 2001 and 2010. What is their total number today, it is impossible to say exactly.

Below is a list of the most interesting non-residential settlements in the Chelyabinsk region (abandoned villages, deserted villages and former settlements, including):

  • Korolevo (Kasli district).
  • Capes (Sosnovsky district).
  • Anfalovo (Krasnoarmeisky district).
  • Adishchevo (Krasnoarmeisky district).
  • Malyshevo (Sosnovsky district).
  • Selki (Verkhneufaleisky urban district).
  • Svoboda (Kasli district).
  • Old Muslyumovo (Kunashaksky district).
  • Hardware platform (Magnitogorsk).
  • Shevchenko (Troitsky district).

Below on the map you can see the location of all the abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region (you will find photos and descriptions of the most famous of them later in our article). Curiously, most of them are concentrated in the northern part of the region.

hardware platform

Where to start reviewing the abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region? Metiznaya platform - a village that is very popular with all the "stalkers" of the region. It is located in the vicinity of Magnitogorsk, right in the middle of the old industrial zone.

The settlement appeared in the first half of the 1940s simultaneously with the hardware and calibration production, which, in turn, arose on the basis of equipment evacuated from the western regions of the USSR. However, later it turned out that such a close proximity of the plant and residential areas is not the best idea. Plus, the village ended up in the sanitary zone located near the metallurgical plant. In the late 1980s, residents of the Metiznaya site began to be relocated to other settlements. In just a few years, the population of the village was reduced from 3,500 to zero.

Today, the Metiznaya platform looks extremely deplorable. Most of the buildings have already lost their floors and roofs. The highlight of the abandoned village is the Palace of Culture of Stalin's times with still preserved columns and sculptures at the main entrance.


The village of Malyshevo is located in the Sosnovsky district. This is an ancient village, which was founded in the middle of the 18th century by Cossacks and peasants. Named after one of the first settlers. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were about 200 inhabitants, and there was an elementary school. After the war, a branch of the Mitrofanovsky state farm was organized in the village. Malyshevo was completely deserted in the early 2000s. Near the village, only an array of garden plots, owned mainly by residents of Chelyabinsk, has been preserved.


Another abandoned village in the Sosnovsky district has a colorful and unusual name - Capes (emphasis on the first syllable). Like Malyshevo, it was also founded in the 18th century as a Cossack farm. The maximum population here was recorded in 1926 (580 inhabitants). The village was officially removed from the list of existing settlements in 1995.


The almost extinct village of Selki is located in the northern part of the region, just a few kilometers from Lake Itkul and ten kilometers from the city of Upper Ufaley. It grew out of a small guard post founded in 1774. At the beginning of the 19th century, the development of one of the local mines began here. In Soviet times, wood was harvested in Selki.

The village consists of only three small streets. Today it is a series of dilapidated wooden huts. According to the results of the 2010 census, only 9 people lived in Selki - six men and three women.


Another abandoned village is located in the Kaslinsky district, in the north of the Chelyabinsk region. Her name is pathetic and loud - Freedom. True, today this settlement is free only from residents.

The village was deserted after the so-called Kyshtym catastrophe of 1957 - radiation emissions at the Mayak chemical plant. Like most other neighboring villages, it was completely evicted and destroyed. Only one building survived - the stone temple of Simeon Verkhotursky. The church, according to archival data, was founded in the middle of the century before last. Today, the shrine stands alone in the middle of a field, overgrown with trees and shrubs.

Abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region: where can you live?

Many people today tend to move from big and noisy cities to small villages with clean air, no traffic jams and fresh food. There are even originals among them who want to hide in an abandoned village. There are plenty of such places in the Chelyabinsk region. For example, Korolevo near the village of Bagaryak, Kasli district. It has everything you need for a full-fledged hermit life: a forest, a river with picturesque rocks on the shore and a complete absence of people.

Of course, before moving into such a wilderness, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of such a step. After all, you have to put up with such unpleasant moments as:

  • Lack of electricity, gas supply, mobile communications.
  • Lack of grocery stores, hospitals and police stations nearby.
  • Possible lack of a normal access road to your place of residence.
  • Neighborhood, as well as possible meetings with wild and dangerous animals - bears, wolves, foxes, lynxes.
  • Difficult weather and climatic conditions (in summer in the Chelyabinsk region, the air temperature can rise to +30 degrees, and in winter it can drop to 30-40 degrees, but already with a minus sign).

If all of the above does not scare you, then it remains to expand a large-scale map of the region and select a suitable settlement.

Those people who are not yet ready for complete isolation and loneliness can choose for themselves a village that is not yet completely empty. There are many such settlements in the region. For example, in the village of Bolshiye Teregusty, near Kyshtym, only about fifty people live. The nature in the vicinity is incredibly beautiful: river, mountains, wild taiga. Another great option is the village of Ilek, Ashinsky district, with a population of about a hundred people. There are many empty and solid houses here.


The extinction of the village is one of the most acute problems of modern Russia. And it needs to be addressed immediately. After all, abandoned villages are not only devastation and depressiveness. It is also beautiful virgin nature, fertile land, lush green meadows, silence and peace.

The number of abandoned villages in the Chelyabinsk region is not yet catastrophic. But every year, several empty and abandoned villages appear on the map of the region. Bringing people back to the countryside requires a comprehensive and well-thought-out government program, as well as an infusion of significant financial resources.

The Chelyabinsk region is unique in its geographical position: the Ural Range, the border between Asia and Europe, passes through its territory. About 30 memorial signs have been installed in the region, indicating the place of division of parts of the world.

The Chelyabinsk region is also interesting for its historical heritage: in the XVIII-XVI centuries. in these places, the proto-God civilization already existed, after which the territory was developed in the 1st century BC. Turkic and Finno-Ugric tribes, then in the Middle Ages Kazakhs and Bashkirs, Russians came to the Urals in the 18th century.

The Chelyabinsk region attracts tourists with its beautiful nature, on its territory there are many charming places untouched by civilization - about 3000 lakes, 320 caves, 360 rivers. About 60 species of mammals live in the forests and steppes of the region, including rare species - lynx, mink, raccoon dog, jerboa, and more than 232 species of birds.

Ilmensky Reserve

One of the most beautiful places in the Chelyabinsk region, by all accounts, is the Ilmensky Reserve, the most famous natural and historical complex in the Southern Urals. Natural scientists have been studying the nature of Ilmen for more than 200 years. More than 30 cleanest lakes, several dozen beautiful streams and rivers, dense forests and untouched steppes are located on its territory.

Another object of legitimate pride of the Ilmensky Reserve is the rock museum, which has collected more than 300 types of various minerals and some specimens are the only ones of their kind in the world.

Lake Zyuratkul

Lake Zyuratkul and the surrounding national park in the Chelyabinsk region are very beautiful places. In translation, Zyuratkul means “Lake-Heart” and its view from a height really resembles a heart in outline. According to an ancient beautiful legend, it was formed from a fragment of a magic mirror, presented by the hero Semigor to his beloved and broken by the capricious beauty-bride Yurma. The fragment fell far in the mountains (the height of the lake is 724 m above sea level) and turned into a crystal clear lake, transparent as a girl's tears.

Even in ancient times, the beautiful lake was a popular place with our ancestors - in the Stone Age, 12 camps of fishermen and hunters were set up on its shores - archaeologists found the remains of ancient dwellings, household items, fragments of ornamented vessels, jasper and flint crafts.


The most famous archaeological complex-reserve of the Chelyabinsk region is Arkaim, an ancient settlement of the Aryans, which is 1000 years older than Troy. This place is located on the southern slopes of the Ural Mountains and dates back to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. the uniqueness of the ancient settlement in its single layer and excellent preservation to this day, using this place as an example, one can fully trace the existence of the settlement within the framework of one culture and a relatively short period of time.

The archaeological reserve was founded in 1991 and is part of the Ilmensky reserve in the Chelyabinsk region. Arkaim consists of two rings of defensive structures inscribed into each other with dwellings attached to them (about 60), a free area in the center, a sewerage and irrigation system. During the research of this ancient site, evidence of developed bronze metallurgy, remains and fragments of ceramic vessels, covered with systems of complex geometric symbols, were found.

According to archaeologists, the Aryans are the progenitors of all world religions, so Arkaim today attracts not only scientists, but also followers of various spiritual practices and esotericists.

Ignatievskaya cave

The Ignatiyevskaya Cave in the Chelyabinsk Region is a place world-famous for the rock carvings of ancient people, their age dates back to about 14 thousand years. These are stylized, but quite recognizable images of bulls, mammoths, various signs and geometric figures, drawn in red and black paint.

According to the found animal bones and the remains of flint tools, scientists concluded that the Ignatievskaya cave was one of the most ancient sanctuaries of the Urals.


The cave city of Sikiyaz-Tamak in the Ai river valley in the Chelyabinsk region is the only monument of its kind in Russia. This unique place consists of 43 caves and a grotto with traces of people from all historical epochs staying here - from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages.

Of all the caves in the Urals, only here is the largest collection of beautiful jewelry, tools and ceramics. Its discovery in 1995 is equated in importance with the excavations of the legendary Troy.

Mausoleum of Kesene

The most beautiful and mysterious monument of the Chelyabinsk region is the Kesene mausoleum, dated to the 14th century. and with a still not established exact origin. During the research of the monument at the end of the XIX century. a burial of a young woman of a noble family was discovered, which is confirmed by the presence of gold jewelry (signet ring with arabesques, pendants and earrings) and the remains of a silk scarf around her neck.

There are several versions of the origin of the mausoleum. According to one of the beautiful legends, the daughter of Tamerlane is buried here, who fled with her beloved - a simple warrior from her father's army. Angry Tamerlane ordered to catch up and kill the lovers. After realizing his guilt and irreparable loss, the great commander ordered the construction of a beautiful mausoleum at the site of the death of Kesene. The second version says that this is the burial of a young wife or daughter of one of the noble leaders of the nomadic tribes of the ancient Kazakhs.

Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region

Villages, towns, villages

Aleksandrovskiy, village. Belongs to the Karagai rural settlement (Verkhneuralsky district). Located in the northwestern part of the district, at the head of the river. Uzelgi. 3 km to the west is the border with the Republic...

Aleksandrovskiy, village. Refers to the Izmailovsky rural settlement (Kizilsky district). Located in the eastern part of the district, on the right bank of the river. Big Karaganka. The relief is semi-plain...

Alekseevka, village, center and the only settlement of the Alekseevsky rural settlement (Varna district). It is located in the northeastern part of the district, at the confluence of the river. Upper and Middle Toguzak (here...

Alekseevsky, village. Refers to the Magnetic rural settlement (Agapovsky district). Located in the southeastern part of the district...

Altyrka, village. Refers to Pokrovsky village. settlement (Varna district). It is located in the eastern part of the region, near the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The relief is flat...

Amambaika, village. Refers to the rural settlement "Way of October" (Kizilsky district). Located in the north. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Amambaiki (hence the name). Relief -...

Aminevo, village, center of Aminevsky rural settlement (Uisky district). Located in the eastern part of the district, on the banks of the river. Wow. The relief is the transition of the semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain) into the plain...

Amur, Amur, settlement, center of the Amur rural settlement (Bredinsky district). Located in the southern part of the district, on the banks of the river....

Andreevsky, settlement, center of Andreevsky rural settlement (Bredinsky district). Located in the eastern part of the district, on the banks of the river. Sintashty. Relief - semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain);...

Andreevsky, village. Belongs to the Borisovsky rural settlement (Plastovsky district). Located in the southeastern part of the district, on the banks of the river. Kamenki. Relief -...

Annenskoe, village, center of Annensky rural settlement (Kartala district). It is located in the central part of the district, near the confluence of pp. Karatals and Ayat. The relief is a semi-plain (Zauralsky...

Arsinsky, settlement, center of Arsinsky village. settlements (Nagaybak. district). Located in the north-east. part of the region, on the shore of the lake. Achakul. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); nearest heights - 443, 436...

Vaganovo, Lebyazhka, village. Refers to Nikolsky village. settlement (Oct. district). Located in the northwest. part of the region, on the shore of the lake. Swan. The relief is flat...

Varlamovo, village, center of Varlamovsky villages. settlements (Chebarkul. district). Located in the southeast. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Uvelki. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 293 and 342...

Varna, village, center of Varna village. settlements and Varna region. Located in the central part of the district, in...

Varshavka, village, center of Varshavskoe village. settlements (Kartal. district). Located in the south. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Karagaily-Ayat. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 336, 341, ...

Vakhrushevo, village. Located in the north-east. parts of the territory Kopeysky mountains. county, on the shore of the lake. Fourth. The relief is a plain (West-Sib. low); the next highs are 195 and 197 hp. Landscape -...

Velikopetrovka, village, center of Velikopetrovsky villages. settlements (Kartal. district). Located in the north part of the region, on the banks of the river. Kisinet. Relief - east. part of the Ural-Tobolsk interfluve; the next heights are...

Top-Katav, village, center and the only settlement of the Verkh-Katavsky rural settlement (Katav-Ivanovanovsky district). Located in the south. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Katav (hence the name). The terrain is mountainous...

Verkhnekizilskoe, village. Belongs to Primorsky villages. settlement (Agapov. district). Located in the northwest. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Ural, 4–5 km north of the confluence of the M. Kizil. The relief is semi-plain...

Upper Kabanka, village. Refers to Kochkar village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located to the west of the city of Plast, on the banks of the river. Kabanki (hence the name). The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); immediate...

Upper Luka, village. It is part of the Ust-Katavsky mountains. districts. Located 36 km north of Ust-Katav, on the banks of the river. Yuryuzani (to the top, its bend - the bow, hence the name). 1.5 km to W.-N.-W. from V. L....

Upper Sanarka, village. Refers to Borisov village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located in the southwest. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Sanarki (hence the name). The relief is mountainous; the nearest heights are 309, 318, 329 and 336...

Upper Sosnovka, village. Refers to Bogdanovsky villages. settlement (Kizilsky district). Located in the south. parts of the region, in the upper reaches of the river. Sosnovki (hence the name). The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural. peneplain); immediate...

Veselovka, village. It is part of the Zlatoust mountains. districts. It is located 35 km south of Zlatoust, on the banks of the Ai River. The relief is mountainous; near southeast. outskirts is ridge. Zvezdin, 2-3 km to ...

vitamin, village. Refers to Poletaevsky villages. settlement (Sosnov. district). Located in the south. parts of the region. The relief is like a half-plain (Trans-Ural. peneplain); nearest height - 256 m. Landscape -...

Vishnevogorsk, working settlement, the center of the Vishnevogorsk mountains. settlements (Kasli district). Located in zap. part of the region, on the shore of the lake. Sungul. The relief is mountainous (foothills of the Urals, ridge); to the south-west. is located hr. Cherry...

Vishnevka, village. Belongs to the Nizhneustselemovsky village. settlement (Uisky district). Located in east. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Wow. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest height is 285 m....

Cherry, village. Belongs to the South Steppe villages. settlement (Kartal. district). Located in the center, part of the district, on the banks of the river. Dry, tributary of the river. Archagly-Ayat. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural. Peneplen);...

Vladimirovka, village. Refers to the Kulev-chinsky village. settlement (Varn. district). Located in the southwest. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Archagly-Ayat. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); next heights - 250...

Vozdvizhenka, village. Refers to Svetlogorsk village. settlement (Agapov. district). Located in zap. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Ural. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 372 and 376...

Vozdvizhenka, village, center of Vozdvizhensky village. settlements (Castle district). Located in zap. part of the region, on the shore of the lake. Sinara. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 266 and 309 m....

Voznesenka, village. Refers to Zlokazovsky villages. settlement (Kusinsky district). Located in the northwest. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Misaelgi. The terrain is mountainous. 5 km to S.-V. Ryabinikha is located (504 m), 1 km to...

Voznesenka, village, center of Voznesensky villages. settlements (Sosnov. district). Located in the southeast. part of the region, on the shore of the lake. Sineglazovo. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest height is 278 m....

Volkovo, village. Included in the Minyar mountains. settlements (Ashina district). Until 1995, it was the center of the Volkovsky village council. Located in the center, parts of the district, near the east. the foot of the ridge Adzhigardak. The nearest heights are...

Volkovsky, village. Refers to the Steppe village. settlement (Verkhneural. district). Located in zap. part of the region, on the banks of the river. Ural. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest height is Bolshaya...

Voronino, village. Refers to Borisov village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located to the west of the city of Plast, in the upper reaches of the river. Kabakki. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the next heights are...

Alphabetical search

It all started with one photo taken when I was fishing looking at the village on the opposite shore of the lake. I zoomed in and the outlines of the old church appeared...
Of course, the next weekend we went fishing through the village. And when I returned, I sat down to look.

The first photo is across the lake.

The village of Sugoyak is located one hundred kilometers northeast of Chelyabinsk. At the beginning of the 20th century, the village belonged to the Shadrinsk district of the Perm province, in different periods of the Soviet era it was part of the Miass, Brodokolmak and Krasnoarmeisky districts.
The exact etymology of the word "Sugoyak" is unknown. "Su" in Bashkir - "water", "Ayak" - "leg". According to various versions, the name of the lake can be translated as "wet foot", "cold foot", "water stop".
The exact date of the foundation of the village has not been established, but there is interesting evidence of the antiquity of this settlement. In the "Essays on the disasters of the Dalmatov Monastery and part of the region from 1644 to 1742" by Archpriest Grigory Plotnikov, published in the "Perm Diocesan Gazette" for 1869, when describing the Bashkir uprising of 1736, the village of Sugoyak is already mentioned. Meanwhile, the village of Miasskaya (now the village of Miassskoye), as well as the city of Chelyabinsk, were founded precisely in 1736. Consequently, the village of Sugoyak is older than these settlements.
The neighboring village of Russkaya Techa, located just 10 km away, was founded by a peasant Ivan Sinitsyn under the name Beloyarskaya Sloboda in 1682, then it became known as Techenskaya Sloboda. Russkaya Techa is the oldest Russian settlement in the entire territory of the Chelyabinsk region.

One of the old Sugoyak houses

Perhaps Sugoyak also arose at the end of the 17th century. This could be facilitated by the proximity of the Russian Techa, which played an important role in the formation of the Chelyabinsk Territory (the former Iset province), the first administrative center of which was the Russian Techa in the first half of the 18th century.
About the church. Sugoyak Elijah Church built and consecrated in 1868. The decision to build a stone church was made at a secular gathering. They were built according to the classical Russian technology, using chicken eggs for the preparation of a cementing mortar. The church was closed in 1932, according to the recollections of old-timers, the authorities tried to destroy it and even brought a wall-beating machine for this purpose.

Photo 1992

However, all they could do was to beat off the plaster in places and tear the crosses off the domes; the cross on the bell tower has remained to this day the highest point in the vicinity. What the wall-beating machine failed to do, the inexorable time is slowly doing - the church is gradually being destroyed. Local residents removed the iron sheets from the domes, tore out part of the openwork gratings from the windows in order to sell them for scrap; one of the marble cemetery slabs lying next to the church disappeared somewhere - perhaps it was also useful to someone in the household. During the years of Soviet power, Ilyinsky Church was used as a warehouse for vegetables and a garage. Due to the fact that the garage was rather dry, even in the 80s of the XX century, the remains of frescoes and commemorative inscriptions could be seen there.

Elias Church today (my photos):

They say that the Soviet authorities were unable to requisition church property in full - part of the utensils and salaries made of precious metals were either taken out or hidden by the clergy. According to one version, the treasure was hidden somewhere under the church building, where there were basements and an underground passage, possibly leading to the priest's house, which is still standing opposite. The beginning of the collapsed underground passage could be seen at the end of the 20th century.

Popov's house (it seemed strange, more like a merchant's shop). We did not find the beginning of the collapsed underground passage.

Historical facts are cited from an article by Irina PASHNINA, Sugoyak village ("Ural Pathfinder", No. 12, 2006)

Elias Church in the village of Sugoyak (consecrated in 1868)