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Nai yang beach resort planes. Nai yang beach - the most calm and authentic beach in Phuket

Tatyana Solomatina

Nai Yang Beach Phuket Guide: Secret Appearances and Passwords

Good day, friends!

Nai Yang Beach is one of the most beautiful places on the island of Phuket. Located just 10 minutes from the airport on the territory of the Sirinat National Park, it compares favorably with silence, low population and calm sea.

This place is not popular with tourists. Many people think that the nearest airport is not the best neighborhood, that the village is small, there is no civilization there, and it is problematic to rest comfortably.

In this article I will dispel all these misconceptions, talk about today's Nai Yang, how to get to it, which hotels are better to stay in, where to change money, cafes and massage parlors, a market and a supermarket, mobile communications and WiFi, about what to do and what to see, about prices for accommodation and meals, I will give some advice.

I recently wrote about this beach, you can read my impressions of two years ago.

The article turned out to be long, there are more than a hundred photos, but after reading it, it will be easy to imagine a vacation in this place, it will not be difficult to calculate the travel budget. For those who care only about certain moments, there is a convenient content, where by clicking on the desired item you will immediately go to the information that is important to you.

The beach is located in the village of Nai Yang, located 5 km from Phuket Airport. Moreover, if you go along the coast, then it is only 20 minutes to the runway.

Unfortunately, there is no service from the airport to the village. public transport, you won’t be able to walk either, because the road goes a little detour. There are no tuk-tuks near the air harbor either, so you will have to take a taxi.

The taxi stand is located at the exit from the arrivals area on the right (the old airport), the prices there are "awful" - 400 baht for a car and 700 baht for a minivan. You can and should bargain! Of course, they won’t cut it in half, but you can save 100 baht.

In this case, it is cheaper to order a transfer from the hotel. For comparison, I can say that from the hotel Naya Yang Beach Resort Spa transfer costs 250 baht for 4 people and 400 baht for a minivan. As you can see, the difference is noticeable.

Travel time is 7-10 minutes. You won't get tired.

Hotels and guesthouses

Despite the fact that the beach itself is about 1.5 km long, its active part is not so big. The choice of hotels and guesthouses near the sea is small. In March, they were filled by no more than 50%, it was not difficult to rent housing on the spot upon arrival.

The cost, of course, is an order of magnitude higher than equivalent housing in Patong, but the quality of the beach and the sea is two orders of magnitude higher here.

Hotels 5*

- 8840 baht for a double room with breakfast per night.

The most remote and secluded hotel. Located right on the beach, surrounded by lush tropical vegetation. Cottage-type hotel with excellent spacious rooms and well-trained staff. There is a kids club. It takes 15 minutes to walk along the beach to civilization, you will have to ford a small river (at low tide without water, at high tide there is water for melting). The only negative of the hotel is the beach. Of course, it is very beautiful, deserted and cozy, but there are strong ebb tides, so sometimes you will have to walk at least 250 meters to the water. You can go swimming at low tide to the center of Nai Yang Beach, but for this you have to walk along the coast 200 meters to the right.

- 4100 baht for a double room with breakfast per night.

Large, fresh hotel. Located across the road from the beach (50 meters). One building overlooks a busy road. Lots of villas with private pools. The rooms are just huge with new furniture, there are apartments with a kitchen. The territory is small, there is little greenery, there is no beach, the one near the hotel is not very pleasant. In my opinion, the cost of living is too high.

4* hotels

- 2600 baht for a double room with breakfast per night.

One of the most comfortable and quiet hotels on this beach. Service, services, rooms, staff - at the highest level. It is located in a quiet place, 100 meters from the beach. It is separated from the shore by a small river and a park with huge tropical trees. To shops and other infrastructure, walk along a shady path or shore for 3 minutes. My review and description of the hotel.

- 2430 baht for a double room per night (breakfast 300 baht per person, you can pay if you wish).

Located 50 meters from the beach across the "symbolic" road in the center of the entire civilization of Nai Yang. The location is very good. In my opinion, the best option for a long stay in Nai Yang in terms of price / quality. Read a detailed review of the hotel.

- 2230 baht for a double room per night (breakfast + 240 baht per person).

The hotel is located a 10-minute walk from the sea and this fat minus crosses out all the pluses, because you have to go along a busy asphalt road under the scorching sun. The hotel itself is very decent. New, modern furniture, great area, helpful staff.

3* hotels

- 1400 baht for a double room with breakfast per night.

A good budget hotel five minutes walk from the sea, 10 minutes from a comfortable beach and busy tourist infrastructure. The rooms are average, the furniture is a little tired. But the low cost makes it easy to put up with it. I think that this is a good option for those who want to save on accommodation.

Guesthouses or "2* hotels"

Naiyang Discovery Beach Resort 2*- 2000 baht for a double room with breakfast per night, 1200 baht for a straw house with a fan.

Although they position themselves as a 2 * hotel, I would call it a guesthouse. Its only fat plus is its proximity to the sea. The hotel is located right on the beach in the heart of the tourist infrastructure. However, the rooms have a view of a fence or an unsightly courtyard, very dark and damp. Nearby is a cafe, from which not always pleasant smells come.

Rimlay Bungalow 2 * - 1500 baht for a double room per night (breakfast + 200 baht per person).

The best guesthouse in Nai Yang. Located right on the beach, infrastructure nearby, rooms with large French windows, clean and comfortable.

There are five more guesthouses on the beach, they are crowded, one after another. I only wrote about the ones that I managed to get into. The hotels displayed everything that is within walking distance from the beach.

In fact, if you type in any well-known search engine (Booking, Agoda, etc.) "Nai Yang Thailand", many offers will come up. However, all of them are located far from the sea, closer to the airport, and are focused on a short stop before departure or arrival.

The purpose of this article is to talk about this place as a good option for a long vacation in Phuket, so the points of accommodation that are located near the beach and are suitable for a long vacation, and not just as a transit point, are written above.

Nai Yang is a beautiful and cozy beach. There are no crowds here, but there is everything you need for beach holiday.

If you are used to high-level hotels, then I would recommend staying at. Despite the low tides, the beach is very beautiful, the bottom is flat, the water is clear. Even leaving, the sea leaves a chic smooth sand, pleasing to the eye. You can swim all the same, having fun walking along the coast 200 meters to the right.

River on the left side of the beach

Slightly easier option L'esprit De Naiyang Beach Resort 4*. Here, too, excellent rooms, well-trained staff and cozy villas. There are small low tides (50 meters), 100 meters to civilization. The same silence as in the first version.

For middle-income guests, I recommend Nai Yang Beach Resort & Spa 4*. Excellent hotel, well located in the busiest part of the beach. The rooms are a bit tired but spacious. Decent WiFi. I spent more than two weeks here, I didn’t regret it, read the detailed hotel.

Left entrance to the hotel

From guesthouses I advise Rimlay Bungalow 2 *. Good location, decent rooms, sane hosts.

They also deserve attention, but they are for those guests who are not afraid of a daily walk to the sea under the hot sun, unfortunately, there is almost no shade along the way.

Sea and beach

Well, I got to the most important thing, why do we go on such a long journey in winter. The sea and Nai Yang beach in the season is beyond praise.


There are no waves on Nai Yang. On the sides there are huge breakwaters that do not allow the elements to break through to the shore. Even with a strong wind, the sea is always calm. The entrance is smooth, gently sloping, which is clearly visible during low tides.

Low tide on the right side of the beach

In March, the sea began to leave in the afternoon, which is very noticeable on the left side of the beach. There is a ruined hotel and a small island. By sunset, you can reach the island without getting your feet wet. Tourists like to observe small living creatures (shells, crustaceans) on the stones surrounding the island at low tide. In other places - smooth sand without the slightest vegetation.

A ruined hotel on the left side of the beach, you can see that the tide has begun and the sea is shallowing

In the middle part of the beach, where the entire civilization of Nai Yang is located, the sea only shallows. At high tide near the shore, chest-deep 10 meters from land, and at low tide after twenty. Therefore, low tides are almost not felt here.

The central part of the beach, view on the left side, in the distance to the right you can see part of the ruined hotel, a little closer to the left you can see the five-star Marriot

The central part of the beach, guesthouses are visible in the background

On the right side of the beach, the sea goes a little more, but not by much, so it does not interfere with swimming. But there are many fishing boats, tourists prefer to pull closer to civilization.

Nai Yang beach from the airport at a glance


There are sunbeds in the central part of the beach, there are a lot of them, enough for everyone no matter what time you come. The cost of one sunbed is 100 baht, respectively, two sunbeds plus an umbrella will cost 200 baht. This is the price for the whole day. Moreover, if you come after dinner, they will take the same 100 baht for a sunbed, so you won’t be able to save money in this way.

The cleanliness of the beach is vigilantly monitored

The second row of sun loungers is located under the shade of trees, it is much cooler there and the midday heat is easier to bear.

The sun beds are in two rows, but there is no feeling of crowding

Beach workers occasionally offer drinks, ice cream and sliced ​​fruit. Prices are slightly higher than in the supermarket. A large coconut is 50 baht, ice cream does not differ in cost, we didn’t buy beer, so I won’t name the cost.

There are almost no merchants. One man walks with rags. I asked for 650 baht for a beach cape, in the end I gave it for 350 baht. After home machine washing, the threads crawled and changed color, I do not recommend buying. Moreover, later I saw the same one in a local shop for 300 baht.

The only merchant on the beach, not annoying at all

In the central part of the beach there is a diving point, here you can also order a boat, boat or yacht for a sea trip, rent a canoe. Especially among tourists, these services were not in demand. Probably expensive, I could not find out the prices. I didn’t see Price, and the representative was constantly absent. There are no jet skis, bananas and cheesecakes on the beach.

She seems to have told everything about the sea and the beach, if I missed something, ask in the comments, I will definitely answer.

View to the left

My observations

Sometimes, swimming in the sea, you experience a slight tingling sensation. You should not be afraid, this is the local plankton invisible to the eye. He is harmless. In addition, this happened only a few times in two weeks.

Be careful, the sun is very strong in Thailand. Even being in the shade all the time, pouring a ton of protective cream +50 on ourselves, we managed to get burned while sitting up to our necks in water for an hour. After that, all two weeks bathed exclusively in T-shirts.

Swimming is most pleasant in the central part of the beach. Despite the civilization surrounding you, there is no crowding and it is quiet, besides, there are sun loungers close to cafes.

There are no toilets on the beach. I have to run to the hotel, they probably have them in the cafe, but I think that they are not very attractive.

I have never seen noisy Chinese tourists on the beach. We were at the hotel, but as a rule, we stopped by for one day before departure.

The main contingent of the beach is Russians and elderly couples from Europe. I didn’t see any youth and “noisy” Russians at all. Mostly mothers with small children, newlyweds and couples of Balzac age.

The beach is busier on weekends. The Thais are coming. By cars and huge buses. They stop on the right side of the beach with tents. That's where the macaroons are pulled up. By Monday, everyone is leaving and it becomes quiet again.

On the weekends, Thais come in whole buses

Tourist infrastructure

Nai Yang is a small fishing village, there are few hotels here, but everything you need for a holiday is there. Of course, compared to densely populated Patong, prices are higher, but if you wish, you can stock up in a supermarket, and buy fruits not near the hotel, but in the market. Yes, and macarons are also present here, even if there are only three of them, but they are.

Where to change money

There are three main places on Nai Yang where you can exchange currency.

  1. Exchange office, located just to the right of the entrance to the hotel Nai Yang Beach Resort and Spa 4 *
  2. Supermarket next to the exchange office
  3. An exchange office located on the first floor of one of the guesthouses, on the main street, five meters from the only pharmacy.

The rates are about the same everywhere, they differ by 5 baht for 100 dollars, so I don’t see the point in looking for where it’s cheaper. The exchange office at the hotel was almost always closed.

Exchange office on the first floor of the guesthouse

We most often changed as needed in the supermarket. There, at the checkout, there are no signs about currency exchange, but there is an inconspicuous A4 sheet with daily changing exchange rates for major currencies.

In March, for 100 dollars there they gave from 3440 baht to 3480 baht. 50-dollar bills were exchanged at the same rate, but bills with a lower denomination are slightly cheaper.

Supermarkets and shops

There are two main grocery supermarkets on Nai Yang.

The cheapest 7-Eleven is located very far from the central part of the beach, at the exit from the village. Go to it for at least 30 minutes along a busy road, there is almost no shade. You can get there by tuk-tuk, the cost bites - 80-100 baht one way, which negates all the savings on small purchases.

In the central part of the beach there is another supermarket worthy of a choice of goods, but it cannot be called cheap. Although you can buy everything you need there.

In the background you can see a supermarket and a currency exchange booth.

To compare prices, here are a few products: 1 liter of milk on the beach - 60 baht, in 7-Eleven - 48 baht, sliced ​​cheese 250g on the beach 140 baht, in a cheap one 100 baht, 1 liter package of mango juice on the beach 60 baht, in 7- Eleven - 50 baht, yogurt on the beach - 30 baht, cheap - 14 baht. The same is true for all other goods.

There are a couple of small supermarkets on the main street, but there is absolutely no choice there.

As for the points with beachwear, there are also few of them, but you can buy a cheap beach set in the form of swimsuits, capes, flip flops, shorts, hats, etc. you can stay undressed. You can easily choose any watercraft for children.

Another shop with beachwear

You can immediately forget about decent stores, there is not one here. For shopping, you need to go to Patong, a taxi with a 4-hour wait costs about 3,000 baht, the journey takes 40 minutes with an average traffic load.

A little to the right of the Nai Yang Beach Resort and Spa 4 *, there is a pleasant shop with high-quality silk rugs, scarves and handmade souvenirs. Everything is very expensive, but the products are at the highest level, it is immediately clear that they are not consumer goods. Weightless silk scarf 700 baht, cashmere, depending on the size from 2500-7000 baht. Two years ago I bought here two silk rugs 1.5m by 1m with an amazingly beautiful pattern, they hang over the beds in the bedrooms and are still pleasing to the eye. The cost then was $ 240 per item.

The only decent store

Silk carpets of decent quality handmade

Some handmade jewelry

And of course souvenirs, also expensive, handmade


There is only one pharmacy on Nai Yang, it is located on the main street, it is impossible to pass by.

The pharmacy is clearly visible from the road.

Pharmacy on the main street

Great selection, cool inside

Large selection of Aloe creams

Children's goods, I will not say that there are many, but there is a necessary

There are also a lot of toothpaste, snail masks

It's small but has a decent selection. There is a children's section with pacifiers, bottles, diapers and milk formula. All the necessary after-sun creams, both Thai and familiar to our eyes, are also available. All Thai brands, so loved by our tourists - toothpastes, Aloe and snail creams, for rheumatism, hemorrhoids, etc., everything is present, you don’t have to go to Patong for this stuff. I will say more, I managed to buy Atarax there, a neurological drug that I buy at home exclusively by prescription, and at the same price as in Moscow.


Despite the small size of the village, there is a market in Nai Yang. It works three times a week from 14.00 to 19.00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. And on Saturday it is more. The market is not only for tourists, local residents buy up there, and I did not observe an increase in the cost for us.

The road is tiring

There are almost no shadows on the way

Already on the way, you can feel the rumble of merchants and peculiar smells.

It is located right behind the Proud Phuket Hotel 4 *, a 20-minute walk from the central part of the beach. The road is tiring, the asphalt is hot, there is no shade. Tuk-tuk services will cost 85 baht one way. Moreover, it is problematic to find transport on the way back.

You can’t call the market a huge one, but you can buy the necessary fruits or shrimp. There is a lot of food for sale that is prepared here. We bought fried fish. I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s very tasty, there are few bones. A 25-centimeter fish in the market costs 85 baht, at the tops on the beach the same 130 baht, in a cafe from 500 baht.

This is the fish we bought for dinner, it costs 85 baht one piece

I wonder how the eggs haven't cooked in this heat yet.

Regarding fruits: on the beach one mango costs 50 baht, in the market 50-70 baht costs a kilogram of mango. One pineapple on the beach costs 80 baht, in the market 30 baht. Lime on the market costs 25 baht 0.5 kg. Below is a photo of the counters, many of the prices are visible.

The bananas here are delicious, not at all like the ones we buy at home.

There is a lot of consumer goods sold on the market, but everything is of such poor quality that even our cheapest product from hawkers in the subway is much better. Traders cannot be called pleasant, apparently they are tired of tourists with cameras. Communicate reluctantly, traded rarely.

Where to eat?

Eating in Nai Yang is not a problem until 23.00. Then everything closes, a couple of hours there are several bars where you can get hold of only drinks and small packaged snacks in the form of chips and dried shrimp. Take note of this fact.


There are plenty of cafes in the village. All of them are simple, have a beach view and are located along the only road in the central part of the beach. Cafes at expensive hotels have a more decent view, but there are no fashionable restaurants here.

The range of dishes is large, but quite the same type. Thai cuisine, rice and vegetables prevail everywhere, spicy dishes, words pronounced in English “no spices” do not always work. American food is present in the form of french fries, sandwiches and hamburgers. However, bread in Thailand is cooked on rice flour, all rolls are sweet, which is why the same hamburger acquires a specific taste.

Another cafe on the beach. Delicious tom yang soup here

In 50% of the cafes on the beach there is a menu in Russian, where this is not available, you can choose dishes from the pictures that accompany all positions. True, the pictures are not always true. Several times they brought us food, where the usual pasta from the picture suddenly became marble noodles. Therefore, each time the choice of dishes resembled a game of roulette.

Prices vary plus or minus 50-100 baht, depending on the high cost of the dish. In order not to be unfounded, I will give a few figures. Tom yang soup costs 100-150 baht, shrimp 250-350 baht 7-9 pieces, cappuccino - 80-100 baht, coconut - 60-80 baht, rice with chicken 110-180 baht, pancakes with banana 90-130 baht, freshly squeezed mix 90-120 baht. I can’t say about alcohol, we didn’t drink. But thinking that the store is an order of magnitude cheaper.

Once we went to an Indian cafe. Left a lot of money and left hungry. Everything looked very appetizing, but it is absolutely impossible to eat because of the spices, although we asked without pepper.

Indian cafe. Cooked very tasty and appetizing, but the food is so spicy that it is impossible to eat

Lentil soup in an Indian cafe. The only non-spicy dish that could be eaten

Because of the spicy seasonings, they could not even bite the lamb. Indian cafe

To be honest, we are not attached to any cafe. We ate in different ones, including macarons, so it is difficult to recommend something specific. Unless I liked the cafe on the beach, located to the right of the very center where the buildings begin. This is Lee's Pizzeria. There was a delicious cappuccino and shrimp in batter. They do good pizza here too.

The cappuccino at the cafe on the beach was quite decent

The cost of seven shrimp in the dough is 250 baht


You can really save a lot by eating at the tops. There were only three of them on Nai Yang. The range is the same. They arrived late, they never managed to eat before 11.00.

Roasted with us

In addition to the low cost of dishes, there are two more huge pluses that, in the last week of our vacation, prompted us to completely stop visiting cafes and switch to macros. The first plus is the choice of dishes. They cook in front of you, show all the ingredients, so you don’t have to take a pig in a poke. The second plus is that you can see the entire cooking process, which eliminates the possibility of adding non-fresh products or reheating yesterday's dishes, plus you can clearly see in what sanitary conditions the food is being prepared, which is difficult to peep in a cafe.

The same dishes at makashnitsa are much cheaper than in cafes. For example, shrimp - 7 pcs. - 150 baht, 10 pcs. - 200 baht, 15 pcs. - 300 baht. They are served with vegetables and sauce. See photos below for prices.

The Thais themselves willingly eat at the macaroons, which speaks for itself about the quality of the cooked food.

My Nutrition Conclusions

In fact, requests for service and the surrounding interior during meals are different for everyone. Unfortunately, desires do not always coincide with our wallet, so it is rather difficult to advise something. However, it is quite possible to draw a general picture on this issue by reading the above.

Personally for myself, I made certain conclusions. In my opinion, if the budget is very limited, you should pay attention to the macarons. The dishes are exactly the same as in a cafe, they cook in front of you, the ingredients are taken out of the refrigerator, it’s clear to the eye that everything is fresh, so I didn’t notice any problems with unsanitary conditions. The disadvantage of such food can be considered the lack of tables and chairs, but I think that if you want to save money, you can close your eyes to this fact.

If the funds, albeit small, are still available, then you can sometimes look into the cafe. Especially in the evenings, when after a hot day you want to relax and sit at a cozy table enjoying the sunset.

We did it even easier. Knowing that breakfast was not included in the accommodation, they took coffee, tea, sugar, several loaves of dry sausage and sausage cheese, dry mashed soups and milk porridge from home. We always had breakfast in the room with coffee and sandwiches, then, if there were no excursions, we went to the beach. Somewhere around 12.00 they returned to the room, ate soup with sandwiches, and in the evening went to a cafe or took food from the macaroons.

In the supermarket, we bought only packaged mango juice, milk, butter, cheese (when it ran out) and yogurt. We went to the market twice, they took fruits and fried fish.

In conclusion of this section, I want to say that none of our group had indigestion or other signs of poisoning for all three weeks of such nutrition. We did not get carried away with maniacal rubbing of hands with alcohol wipes, we observed the usual rules of hygiene, as at home.


What is in abundance in Nai Yang is massage parlors. It seems that there are more masseuses than tourists. Wherever you look, your eyes will surely stumble upon such an institution and bored Thai women, eagerly looking for a client for a massage session.

They would be happy to work, but there are not so many people

I can’t say that they are intrusive, but it’s impossible to pass by without receiving an offer. I didn’t use their services myself, but my girls came off to the fullest, leaving about 200 euros per person for 17 days. They went to the salon on the beach regularly, took a back massage, sometimes legs, sometimes full with a scrub. From their words, everything is at the highest level, they worked conscientiously. And how long the effect will last, time will tell.

I will not list prices. They are about the same everywhere. Below are photos with a price list, where everything is quite informative and understandable.

Bargaining is probably possible and necessary, especially if you take a series of massages, but we personally could not reduce the price. The only bonuses were that sometimes more zones were processed than paid for, and longer in time.

One more observation. If you came for a massage in the morning, the procedure was better. We concluded that they are not so tired yet, and they have more strength in the morning.

WiFi and mobile communications

Mobile communications throughout Phuket are well developed and Nai Yang is no exception. I can only say that you can buy local SIM cards in supermarkets, the choice of tariffs there is small, but it is quite suitable for the purposes of tourists. I won’t say anything about replenishing the balance, I didn’t get SIM cards, I used the Moscow Megafon with the “Around the World” option connected at home. The connection fee is 15 rubles, the daily fee is 9 rubles. The cost of all outgoing and incoming calls is 19 rubles per minute. Not cheap, of course, but without connection, calls from Megafon cost 129 rubles per minute, as you can see, the difference is noticeable.

With the Internet, things are much more complicated. I used WiFi in my room at Nai Yang Beach Resort and Spa 4 *, it was free and of good quality, so there were no problems.

I saw the WiFi icon in many beach cafes, but I never used it, so I don’t have reliable information on this issue. Of course, there is no Internet on the beach, specialized stores where you can buy a modem too.

What to do and what to see?

Nai Yang is not Patong, there are no noisy entertainment venues. And in the full sense of the word - not just no, but absolutely nothing. With the onset of darkness, life stops completely, only rare bars work a little longer.

When choosing this place, you need to understand that guests come here for a quiet relaxing holiday, on beautiful beach with palm trees and a warm sea without waves.

Close to the island

If such a vacation does not suit you, or even if you expect to get out to hang out at least once every three days, then you should not stop at this beach. Because there are no such establishments here at all, and a trip to the center of Phuket will cost at least 1800 baht one way and will take about an hour one way. And if we assume that it happens at a later time, the cost of a taxi will be even more expensive.

There are no special sights nearby either, apart from a small temple a 30-minute walk away and the glide slope of the local airport.

Walk along the beach to the airport

By the way, one of the attractions of tourists is a walk along the coast towards the airport and a photo session against the backdrop of an airplane landing right above your head. The photos are gorgeous, go there for 20-30 minutes along the coast to the right. Along the way, beautiful views of the whole coastline Nai Yang beach. Nearby are fishing boats, which also serve as an excellent backdrop for the photo.

The beach opposite the airport is deserted, there are waves here. Even if the sea at first glance seems calm, it is problematic to swim here, it is deep almost immediately, and the waves drag you to the depth, you have to make great efforts to stand on your feet.

Walk to the ruined hotel and wild beach

You can also walk to the left side of the beach, fording a small river that flows into the sea, reach the hotel destroyed by the tsunami in 2004 and a small island not far from it.

River at high tide wade along the melting

It seemed to us that some work was being done in the old hotel, the sounds of construction were heard, although we did not see people there. I hope that someday this hotel will open its doors again for guests. The place is comfortable and very beautiful.

Hotel destroyed by the tsunami

Near the island the bottom is rocky, be careful, there are sea urchins. Those who like to snorkel will like it here, there is life between the stones. When the tide begins, the bottom becomes bare, on the stones you can see small crustaceans, mollusks, shells.

big stones

If you go by sea a little further beyond the cape, a beautiful little wild bay with white sand and smooth large boulders will open up. The landscape of this bay reminded me of the Semilan Islands. Due to the inaccessibility from the shore, there are no people here. True, the bottom is rocky, but it is safe to swim in shoes.

Walk in the park

Shady alleys

Bizarre vegetation around each tree

Age-old trees give coolness

It's nice to walk here

You can take a short walk in the Sirinat park, the walk will take a little time, but you will enjoy it. There are huge coniferous trees, the crowns of which protect from the scorching sun, many paths, beautiful plants. Photos are juicy and rich. In the center of the park there is a river crossing from the L’esprit De Naiyang Beach Resort 4 * hotel. Nothing special, but you can get over to the other side and see the hotel.

Ferry to the hotel

Water activities

For lovers of scuba diving, there is a diving center on the beach. In addition to diving, here you can pay hourly canoeing, a trip on a Thai boat, boat or even a yacht. Order sea fishing or just rent fishing rods.

Divers at work


Of course, you can book any tour offered by agencies from Phuket. I saw several excursion points on the main street. However, they are all Thai and English language, representatives of Russian agencies of Phuket are not here. But it's still not a problem. I will write more about excursions for Russian tourists in a separate article, here I can offer you a couple of phones.

Phuket Chip Tour – +66 61 683 0202

Treasure Island - 8 800 332 7298, +66 82 535 0011

You can call them on Viber or WhatsApp, choose an excursion, and their representatives will deliver the vouchers directly to the hotel.

You can order and pay for the excursion program from home, in this case you do not have to buy foreign currency, payment is made at the rate of a Thai bank in rubles to the Sberbank card of the agency's leaders. I used this method on all my trips to Thailand, I really managed to save a little.

Actually, this is all the entertainment that is available to tourists in this corner of Phuket. The main occupation here is, of course, a measured beach holiday.


In March, I spent three wonderful weeks on Nai Yang. I swam a lot, visited almost all excursions in Phuket. At the same time, I collected useful information for my readers, some of which I shared in this article.

These unforgettable three weeks finally convinced me that Nai Yang Beach is one of the best places in Phuket for a quiet relaxing beach holiday.

Therefore, when they ask me the question - Which beach to choose in Phuket without noisy parties and waves near the airport? I boldly answer - Nai Yang. It is perfect for relaxing with children and relaxing adults tired of the city bustle and crowding.

Here beautiful nature, uncrowded, quiet and comfortable. Planes take off majestically into the sky every 10 minutes without making any noise. It has everything you need for a decent stay, so I sincerely recommend visiting this corner of Thailand to everyone who wants a secluded measured rest.

It turned out to be a whole guide, but maybe I forgot to tell you something, leave comments and ask questions, I will be happy to answer everyone. If you need an individual consultation, write to me by mail, I will try to help.

On this I say goodbye to you.

Sincerely, Tatyana Solomatina

Nai Yang Beach Resort & Spa Phuket 4 * is located in a quiet bay in the northern part of Phuket in Thailand.

A calm sea, a secluded beach, a lot of shade from the trees - this is how you can describe the first impression of a vacation here.

An interesting interior, three swimming pools with fountains, hearty breakfasts and friendliness of the staff are just a small part of what seasoned tourists admire. Nai Yang Beach Resort is ideal for families with children, which is facilitated by a good location near the coast and a landscaped area with lots of greenery for outdoor walks.


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Despite the fact that the last overhaul was carried out more than ten years ago, the hotel looks interesting and modern. When booking, you can choose one of five types of rooms, which differ in the level of comfort, view from the window (on the garden or pool) and the number of beds. Each room has its own terrace where you can relax in comfortable armchairs, drink coffee and admire the surroundings.

In the room itself you can find everything you need for a carefree holiday: a large refrigerator, air conditioning, an electric kettle, a safe, a hairdryer, shower accessories. Updated furniture: comfortable king size beds, desk, wardrobe, sofa by the window. The bathroom has a shower (a bathtub is only available in the suite), a toilet, a bidet and a mirror. All plumbing is in working condition, there are no problems with hot water and drain.

On the territory and in the rooms there is access to a Wi-Fi network (password and login are indicated on the key card).

Every day, plain bottled water, tea / coffee bags are delivered to each person. If desired, you can use the mini-bar. Before checking in, they require you to leave a deposit of $ 100, which will be returned if the rest passes without incident.


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On the territory of the hotel you can find two restaurants overlooking the sea: one is a buffet (Turtle Bay), the other is a la carte (The Sands). Depending on the voucher, meals can be different (HB, BB, FB, RO), only breakfasts (BB) are more common, but full board (FB) can also be offered.

At breakfast they offer a large selection of local fruits, cereals (with milk / water), soups (with chicken / seafood), pastries, eggs (boiled / fried) packaged juices. The menu is also great for younger children as there is always a choice between Thai and European cuisine. All food is prepared simply, without an abundance of local ingredients.

Delivery of food and drinks is available around the clock (payment at prices from the menu). There is a poolside bar serving both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Near the hotel there is a local market where you can taste street food snacks, sliced ​​fruits and various cocktails.


According to the reviews of tourists for 2019, the employees are very friendly and always ready to make contact. Attitude towards vacationers is like in a five-star hotel. Communication with staff is possible in Thai and English. The activity of the reception was noted - all problems are solved promptly, check-in takes place without delay, luggage is helped to carry to the floor. There were cases when the administrator went forward and populated earlier than the allotted time. If this is not possible, employees will do everything to brighten up the wait.

Upon check-in, they bring a compliment in the form of a plate of fruit. Little guests are also not left without attention, and they give a small local souvenir.

Cleaning and change of bed linen takes place every day, but some tourists complain about the constant dirt (they don’t dust well, they don’t wash the plumbing). Three sets of clean towels are provided per person per day. The minibar, tea/coffee bags, bottled water and shower amenities are replenished daily.

Entertainment and animation

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In Nai Yang there is no rich animated program, children's parties and noisy parties. This place will allow you to enjoy a calm, measured rest without intrusive music and crowds of tipsy tourists.

From entertainment, relaxation is offered at one of the three pools, where there are sun loungers, umbrellas and a bar. Fans of SPA treatments can enjoy the sauna, Thai massage, body wraps. Next to the main pool there is a small children's pool where the child can spend time with peers at a safe depth. Within a few kilometers there are golf courses, Splash Jungle Water Park and national park with casaurines.

Right outside the area hotel complex the coast is located, which will bring a lot of positive emotions to beach lovers. There are many private points along the beach where they offer rental of water accessories, excursions, diving lessons, photo / video services (given on a flash drive).


The cleanest coast of Nai-Yang Beach and the hotel building are separated by several meters. The road to the coast passes in the shade of sprawling trees, which allows you to hide from the aggressive Thai sun.

A distinctive feature of the local beach is the calm sea. There are no big waves in this area, it rarely storms, there are practically no dangerous living creatures like jellyfish and plankton.

Due to the calm, the water in the sea is almost always blue, clear and warm, which is ideal for bathing children. It is possible to rent sun loungers and umbrellas for an additional fee.

There is not a large flow of tourists on the beach, as there are only a few hotels along the coast. Tourists celebrate a truly azure coast - white sand, blue water, clear skies. Many come back because of the beach holiday.

Location and surroundings

The resort complex is not located in the busiest area of ​​Phuket. The active tourist life of Thailand begins to boil only at a distance of several kilometers. Not far from the coast there is a local market, which is thoroughly saturated with Thai flavor. There you can buy souvenirs, clothes, oils, etc.

Away from most of the sights and activities of the island. Just a relaxed atmosphere and tranquility are loved by tourists who have chosen this beach for relaxation.

If you are looking for entertainment, leisure, excursions, you will certainly be disappointed. We decided to drop by Nai Yang Beach before our flight from Phuket and got inspired by the local mood.

In this post, I traditionally talk in detail about the beach, share a selection of the best hotels, cafes, restaurants, and explain how to get there.

Description of Nai Yang Beach

As far as I understand, there is no clear boundary between Nai Yang and the northern beach of Mai Khao. For clarity, I identified it in a bay between two capes, this is clearly visible on the map (it is at the end of the post). The beach is located on national park Sirinat is 2 km long and about 30-35 meters wide.

The southernmost part of Nai Yang Beach is absolutely not suitable for swimming, there is a very small and strong influence of low tide, besides, a river flows into the sea. But there are no people at all. A gravel road leads here.

South side of the beach

A little further - the main crowd of people, sunbeds stand in two rows, but no one interferes with anyone. There is a small strip of palm trees and other trees that provide shade. There are also a few simple cafes, and many more restaurants across the road. It is here that the main cluster of hotels, massage parlors, there are even several bars, but they are far from the noise of Patong.

The middle part of the beach is the best. There are no hotels or cafes right on the shore, but big trees grow, a real forest between the beach and the road. In addition, there are almost no people. Sometimes locals come to a picnic in the evening, lay out mats and sit down to eat.

Can do yoga

just nobody

Huge trees provide great shade

The northern part is a little less suitable for swimming, boats are parked here. But it is from here that the best view of the planes taking off and landing. If you want the planes to fly right over your head at 50 meters, head to Mai Khao Beach. Travel on the road to this part is paid, there is a national park ticket office: 200 baht per adult, 100 baht per child. Locals pay less. There are almost no cafes here, and from housing - only the park's bungalows. By night, all life generally freezes in pitch darkness.

The plane is landing

Road along the northern part of the beach

The sand on Nai Yang is medium-sized, light in color, generally pleasant. The water in the sea is clean, and the entry is quite smooth, although steeper than, for example. Personally, I really liked it here.

Read also:

Attractions and entertainment

You will not find special entertainment on the beach. From water sports - only kayak rentals. There are several bars with a relaxed reggae atmosphere.

On the other hand, all the necessary infrastructure is available: ATMs, exchange offices, cafes, a good selection of hotels, there are shops 7-11, and a market.

Money changer on Nai Yang beach

Street along the beach

The nearest places of interest are the water park just north of the airport, the Bang Pae waterfall and the gibbon rehabilitation center on the opposite east side of Phuket, the Wat Phra Thong temple.

You can walk to the highway from the airport and take a bus to. There, the town itself is worth a look, and go to the shopping centers. From there you can also go to other beaches: but keep in mind that this will take a long time.

Hotels on Nai Yang Beach

The Nai Yang Beach area has a good selection of hotels ranging from budget to luxury. Several hotels are located on the road along the beach, some a little deeper.

Due to not the highest popularity of the beach, there is a good value for money. The first line is occupied by high-quality 4 * and 5 * hotels, among which are the famous The Slate 5 * and Mariott Resort & Spa 5 *. Away from the coast you can find more budget accommodation. The cheapest prices are in hotels and condos on the highway, at a distance of 500-800 meters from the sea.
Top hotels:

Find tours in Thailand:

Cafes and Restaurants in Nai Yang Beach

The cheapest food in the area is the local fresh market, where fruits and vegetables are also sold. It is located on the way to the main road near the temple (I marked it on the map below), and is open from about 16:00 to 20:00, it may open earlier on weekends.

Typical cafe along the road

boss bar- a great place to dine in a relaxed atmosphere with live music. Located very close to the beach, they have good seafood and fruit shakes. Prices are average.

Ma Ma Nang- a small restaurant in the middle of the beach. Delicious soups, seafood, pizza and french fries for those who are tired of Thai cuisine. Fruit smoothies are also ok! Located right on the sand on the beach.

Peony Coffee & Restaurant– in addition to classic Thai cuisine, coffee is served, a good place for breakfast.

Sea Almond Chilled Restaurant & Bar— great location right on the beach with a gorgeous view, a large selection of different beers.

The Good View— a simple and inexpensive cafe right on the sand, reasonable prices.

fruit trays

How to get there?

The distance between the airport and the beach is about 2 km, so getting there is not a problem. Another thing is that local taxi drivers ask for insane money for such a distance - at the counter at the exit from the arrivals hall, the price is 500 baht! In general, bargain.

If you are without large bags and small children, a reasonable option is to walk, about 3 km. A bus to Phuket Town also runs along the highway from the airport, but not very often and does not stop at the beach itself.

The most comfortable option is to order a transfer online through a service verified by tourists. You will be met with a sign upon arrival, the bags will be taken to the car and quickly delivered to the place, and you will already know the price in advance and you will not have to bargain on the spot.

In the northern part of Phuket, not far from Mai Khao, Nai Yang beach is a small beach, a cozy and small coastal zone, the total length of which does not reach three kilometers. On Nai Yang you can have a good rest all year round, surrounded by the shade of casuarinas that border the small bays. A soothing combination of clear azure sea, as well as golden soft sand with the most necessary infrastructure, has been successfully embodied on Nai Yang Beach.

Amazing historical facts

Mai Khao, Nai Yang as well as Nai Thon are permanent members of the Sirinat National Park. Back in 1980, when these beaches were untouched rainforests, a special committee unanimously decided to preserve this territory as a national treasure for travelers, tourists and, of course, local population. See also:

Nai Yang on the map

nature park on the beach

The flora and fauna in the park are quite diverse. Closer to the banks of Nai Yang, mangor forests grow. There are trails to each unique tree or plant, indicating its type and name.

If you want to live in the park, you can do it in your tent or rent a bungalow. The price of such privacy with nature will cost 200 baht, renting a bungalow - 1000 baht. For all questions regarding the settlement, you can contact the main office of the park, which can be found in the central part of Nai Yang Beach.

Hotels on Nai Yang Beach

On the bay with the same name as the beach, there are practically no strong currents, as well as high waves, since the coral reef is sufficient protection for the shallow waters. Sunset and coast near the sea, as well as its depth, change from south to north. So, in the southern part - the depth of the sea is shallower, but in the north - deep. For example, near the Imperial Adamas hotel, the low tide consists of stones, and in order to swim, you will have to go a little towards the north.

In places where Nai Yang is most comfortable for swimming, there are several popular hotels. Hotels are designed for the budget of any visitor - from five-star with deluxe rooms to three-star, with standard service. There is a road between the hotel and the beach, but you can rarely see a car on it. There are few bars, cafes and restaurants on the beach, but you can buy drinks literally at every step. Beach guests can rent an umbrella and two mattresses, for which you will have to pay about 200 baht for the whole day.

Beach entertainment

Since the beach is a national treasure, various motorized activities in the sea are strictly prohibited. But here you can learn surfing and kiting. Near the reef you can go snorkeling, and you can also rent canoes. For connoisseurs of a calm and relaxing holiday, there are spas and traditional Thai massage centers. Some hotels offer yoga, karate, tennis and Thai boxing classes. For those who like to learn something new, Thai cooking courses are provided, as well as a massage school.

Three times a week near Nai Yang there is an exotic and colorful local market. In addition to fruits and vegetables, you can buy ethnic clothes, colorful jewelry, souvenirs, and handicrafts here.

Beach Attractions

Basically, all the unique attractions of Thailand are its beaches, and Nai Yang Beach is no exception. A favorite place for many pilgrims, Wat Nai Yang Temple is located right on the beach. Here you can find peace, meditate, and, according to tourists, find peace of mind. In order to visit the temple, your knees, abdomen, shoulders and cleavage must be covered. Entrance to the temple in shoes is strictly prohibited.

You can also soothe your soul and body in the spa salon, which is quite a lot on the beach. The cost of a massage in such a salon will be from 800 baht.

In addition to the amazing territory of the park and a small garden, the abbot's house is also located on the beach. This house was built only from wood in 1954. When there are a lot of tourists on the beach, special breathing practices are held in the rector's house. The duration of one lesson is only an hour, but there is no price - it strongly conducts them completely free of charge.

Facilities on the beach

Local sun lounger vendors are truly cheerful and helpful people. You can buy a sun lounger in the central or main part of the beach, where basically everyone relaxes. Here, on the shores of Nai Yang Beach, there are several travel agencies that will find entertainment for you: exciting tours, boat trips to small islands or around the coast.

It is very important that the beach has public toilets and showers. You can find them on the back side of the mall. The cost of using the shower is 10 baht, the toilet is 5 baht.

Not far from the private resort "Nayang Beach Resort" there is a currency exchange office and several working ATMs.

How quickly to get to the beach?

The beach is located just ten minutes by car from the airport. You can get on the 402 highway in your own car or take a taxi.

Beach weather

The weather conditions on the beach are ideal for families with children. There are practically no waves on the sea, and if they are, then they are not of significant height. The sun is soft on the beach. The air temperature ranges from 24 to 38 degrees Celsius.

Nai Yang Phuket is a wonderful place to relax from the bustle of the city and civilization. You are waiting for the clear sea, cozy hotels and white sand. Have a nice holiday!


Nai Yang beach in Phuket- a place that is popular with both locals and tourists. Clean and warm sea, soft sand, coral reefs with colorful fish and exotic thickets where you can hide from the scorching sun - what else do you need to relieve stress after busy working days and recharge your batteries for new career achievements?

At the same time, it is quite quiet and not crowded here. Most tourists occupy the central part of the beach, so you can easily find a secluded place where no one bothers you to take a nap under the sound of the surf.

The road to the beach does not take long: it is located at a distance of 1 km from the international airport. By the way, buses also run regularly from the city.

national park

The eastern part of Nai Yang Beach is located in the Sirinat National Park. In between sunbathing and water procedures, you should definitely take a walk deep into the island and get acquainted with rare plants and animals. If you wish, you can order a guided tour, but you can explore the park on your own, for this there are special paths with signs.

In this unique place, several species of mangrove trees grow at once - red, white and black. These seemingly inconspicuous trees are an important part of the local ecosystem. They not only protect the coast from erosion, but also purify the waters (due to the presence of a large amount of carbon in the roots).

During the tour, you will surely meet forest dwellers - birds, monitor lizards, snakes, crabs or even turtles. By the way, if you are planning a trip for the period from November to March, be sure to take the opportunity to watch how turtles lay their eggs on.

But remember that the local flora and fauna are under state protection, so you should not get too close to the animals.

Wat Nai Yang Temple

The famous Buddhist temple Wat Nai Yang is located in the central part of the beach. Previously, it was considered the spiritual center of the region. Even if you do not consider yourself a Buddhist, you should not miss the opportunity to visit this shrine.

There is something to see on the territory of the temple - a garden with exotic plants, ponds with colorful fish, majestic statues and colorful frescoes.

By the way, during the season, free classes in oriental breathing practices are regularly held here.

The entrance to the territory of the temple is open to everyone, but you can visit the shrine only in modest clothing and barefoot.


Nai Yang is a relatively sparsely populated place. A few cafes and shops are located mainly in the central part of the beach.

You can have lunch either in a cafe or in a hotel restaurant (the second option will cost more). The menu includes both Thai and European dishes. Seafood dishes are especially popular; the ingredients for them are caught in local waters. And you can have a snack with fruits and sweets, which are sold right on the beach and along the highway.

Of course, if you wish, you can take a walk in the direction of the airport, there is more choice of establishments.

Special attraction Nai Yang - Market . It works 3 times a week from noon until dark. Local vendors offer goods for every taste: from fruits and seafood to jewelry and outfits. Be sure to set aside at least a couple of hours to buy original souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones, try exotic delicacies, and at the same time get to know the local culture better.

Despite the fact that this beach is not impressive in size, the choice of accommodation here is good. In the vicinity there are several modern hotels that offer rooms of various categories of comfort.

In addition to hotels, you can stay in bungalows or tents (the latter can be brought with you or rented on site). Campsites are equipped with everything you need for a comfortable stay, including showers.


Local hotels offer classes for every taste: from culinary master classes to group sports training. And for those who prefer passive recreation, there are spa centers.

Since part of Nai Yang Beach is part of the national park, there are some restrictions.

For example, in local waters you can not swim on:

  • yachts,
  • jet skis
  • and other equipment that can disturb animals.

But you can go surfing or kiteboarding. In the vicinity there are several specialized centers where you can not only rent the necessary equipment, but also take appropriate courses. From the ocean side, the beach is protected by corals, so there are no dangerous waves here. Since the coast on this beach is quite gentle, water sports sports are best practiced during high tides: it is easier to get to the depths, and the risk of running into sharp stones is lower.

In the northern part of the beach, a kilometer from the coast, there are picturesque coral reefs. At high tide you can go diving here. And at low tide in sunny weather you can get to the reefs and wade. Such walks are quite safe, so you can take your children with you.

But, of course, you should not wander barefoot near the reefs - you can cut yourself. Here you can look at colorful corals and watch the locals - colorful fish, sea ​​urchins, crabs, shrimps, starfish and others. If desired, you can also ride a yacht or canoe to the reefs.

Another interesting place in the vicinity - Splash Jungle Water Park. It is perfect for a family holiday: there are extreme rides for thrill-seekers, cozy pools where you can just swim in peace, and a cafe with various drinks and snacks. The territory of the park is divided into several thematic zones, stylized as different countries. To get here, you can catch a taxi or order a transfer.

And, of course, on Nai Yang Beach there are many locations for beautiful photos - azure waters, white sand, huge boulders, branched palm trees, coral reefs. And if you get tired of being photographed against the backdrop of landscapes, you can arrange an extreme photo shoot near the airport. Many tourists, and even locals, deliberately guess angles to take pictures directly under the wheels of planes that take off or land.


You can come to rest on Nai Yang at any time of the year, it all depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

To enjoy the sun and the sea, it is better to plan a vacation for the winter. The warmest (and most expensive) months are December and January.

But, if you would like to save a little, you can choose November or March. At this time, the weather is good and prices are slightly lower.

From June to October is the rainy season, so few people come here at this time.

But April, May and the first half of November are especially popular among fans of budget holidays. During this period, it sometimes rains, but in general the weather is not bad.

If you are planning a trip to and looking for a sparsely populated resort where you can relax alone with nature, head to Nai Yang Beach, you will definitely like it here.