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The most waterfalls! Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful wonders of nature Niagara's extreme fun.

Guys! We continue to describe various objects found in nature. This object is formed with the help of water and rocks.

Solve the riddle.

Water rushes from the cliff

Jets fly with a roar.

Can you guess

What is it - ... (waterfall).

♦ Let's say the word "waterfall" again. Slowly, in syllables. What two simple words form this compound word? Explain its meaning.

This word is formed from two words: "water" and "fall". Therefore, it means falling water.

♦ How is a waterfall formed?

There are many large and small rivers in our country. Mountain rivers rush rapidly, swiftly, while flat rivers flow smoothly and calmly. But it also happens that a flat river becomes swift and stormy. This happens when its channel is blocked by rocky rocks. Such places are called rapids. They are very dangerous for shipping.

If the riverbed suddenly breaks off in the form of a steep ledge, the water, falling from it, forms a waterfall.

♦ Where are waterfalls most often found?

Correctly! In the mountains or on the border of flat and mountainous areas.

The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, located in South America on the Churun ​​River. Its height reaches 1054 m.

The most famous waterfall in the world is Niagara Falls (on the Niagara River in North America). The height of the ledge of this waterfall is not so great - about 50 m, but the width is about a kilometer. Translated from Indian Niagara Falls means "rumbling water", because its noise is carried at a distance of up to 25 km!

The largest waterfall is located in Africa, on the Zambezi River.

In our country, the largest waterfall is named after the hero Ilya Muromets. It is located on one of the Kuril Islands. There, a mountain river makes a giant leap from a cliff into the sea. A mighty jet of water falls from a height of 141 m.

A smaller waterfall can be seen on the Suna River in Karelia. It is called Kivach, the water here falls down from a height of 11 m. Many waterfalls can be found in the Caucasus Mountains.

♦ Have you ever seen a waterfall? Describe it.

Powerful waterfalls are an unforgettable sight. The water crashes down with a deafening noise. It breaks into separate jets, a cloud of water pearl splashes, foam and the smallest water dust soars around the waterfall.

On sunny days, a bright rainbow plays in the water droplets, sometimes you can see a lot of such rainbows!

Falling from the cliff, the water rushes further and further with great speed.

Many tourists specially embark on a long and difficult journey to admire the amazing spectacle of falling water.

Listen to the poem.

Waterfall rushing down the mountain

He does not whisper, he does not pour,

With a roar, water flies:

Foam, stones, menacing view!

The waterfall rushes down

Do not take water in jugs.

Clouds of pearly splashes

From the bottom to the top

Rainbow drops are on fire!

What a miracle - a waterfall!

Answer the questions

1. What is a waterfall? How does it occur in nature?

2. What does the waterfall shown in the picture look like?

3. List the names of waterfalls that you know.

4. Where are waterfalls most often found?

5. Why is Niagara Falls called "rumbling water"?

6. What are the names of the waterfalls found in Russia?

Waterfalls definitely belong to that category of natural wonders that are impressive and awe-inspiring at the same time. This is truly a magnificent demonstration of the greatness and power of nature. There are many amazingly beautiful waterfalls in the world, but in this list we will only talk about natural wonders created by nature without human intervention. You will be surprised to know how many such waterfalls there are, little known to man.

Huangguoshu waterfall
China's most famous waterfall is definitely on our list. A rare case of a heavy cascade that is completely surrounded by vegetation. With an impressive width of 81 meters and a height of 74 meters, Huangguoshu is claimed to be Asia's largest waterfall.

Angel Falls, Venezuela
With a height of 979 meters, Angel Falls holds the title of the highest in the world. This record figure deserves a place on the list, not only because of its incredible height (there are many other high waterfalls), but because of the special shape in which Angel cascades down. It can be called the most dynamic kind of falling water.

Yosemite Falls, USA
Another brilliant display of incredible height and natural beauty, this 739m high waterfall looks like its Venezuelan counterpart, with no less majestic scenery and crashing water. For this reason, we include it in this list. Another reason is Yosemite National Park, within which the waterfall is located.

Gullfoss waterfall in Iceland
Iceland, in relation to its size, contains an amazing number of all kinds of waterfalls. Gullfoss is an example. A bit confusing as it falls into a crevice, this 20m wide and 32m high waterfall impresses with its strength and power.

Shoshone Falls in the USA
Called the Niagara of the West, it's no surprise that this waterfall is one of the most beautiful in the world. With a width of 274 meters and a height of 64 meters, which is higher than Niagara, it is truly a majestic waterfall. His menacing appearance fascinates and attracts at the same time.

Jog Falls in India
The tallest waterfall in India, Jog falls at its most menacing during the monsoon season, with impressive volumes of water at 273 meters high and 472 meters wide.

Dettifoss in Iceland
The most powerful waterfall in Europe, measuring 100 meters wide and 44 meters high. When all the Icelandic ice starts to melt in early summer, Dettifoss is just crazy.

Victoria Falls in Zambia
At 1,700 meters wide and 104 meters high, the Victoria Falls is the largest flow of continuously falling water on Earth. Its local name, Mosi-Oa-Tunya, translates to smoke that thunders. Victoria is part of the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Niagara Falls. Canada and USA
This is one of the most obvious waterfalls on this list. Niagara Falls is possibly the most famous waterfall in the world. Its height is 53 m, it forms the border between the US and Canada. The views are amazing from both sides and recognizable all over the world. Especially popular is the photo where Niagara Falls completely froze over during a very cold winter.

Iguazu Falls. Argentina and Brazil
Iguazu Falls is the mother of all waterfalls. Another representative of our list, which has become the border between the two countries, Argentina and Brazil. This natural wonder of nature symbolizes power, with its series of imposing waterfalls, each 64 to 82 meters high.

Detian waterfall in China
Large waterfalls serve as excellent divisions in forming borders between countries, like the aforementioned Iguazu between Argentina and Brazil, Victoria between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and Niagara between the US and Canada. Detian Falls is not as big as these massive streams, but imposing enough to reserve a spot on this list. It forms part of the border between China and Vietnam, falling 50 meters down in three cascades 80 meters wide. Detian has the most luxuriant environment, in terms of nature, it is definitely on the list of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

Sutherland in New Zealand
The beautiful fjords of New Zealand have repeatedly been included in our selections, and now it's Sutherland's turn. South of Milford Sound is Sutherland, New Zealand's most famous waterfall. This is an incredibly high waterfall of 580 meters, with an almost vertical angle of incidence; both are common mistakes with tall waterfalls. The flow of water here never wanes, as happens with some similar places in other parts of the world. Thunderous Sutherland with its noise and roar is admired by everyone who happened to be nearby. This is power, beauty and grace, merged into one in a common stream.

Waterfall Jim Jim
With Jim Jim, we slowly enter the territory of a classic rectangular waterfall with a continuous stream of water falling in one single cascade. The height of Jim Jim is 150 meters from straight cliffs in Kakadu National Park, located in Northern Australia. The best time to visit this place is during the rainy season, which lasts from December to March in the southern hemisphere. With copious amounts of rain, the waterfall crashes straight from the upper plateau with fantastic force. Unfortunately, during the dry season, the water stops flowing completely, but this wonderful transformation is what makes Jim Jim unique.

Rhine Falls in Switzerland
The Rhine Falls are one big mass of fast moving water. It takes some time to figure out where the waterfalls begin and end, camouflaged by the Rhine River. There is no visible starting point at the top, so a colossal volume of water covers everything around. Only 23 meters high, but with a large width of 150 meters, and with a monstrous flow of water, the Rhine Falls deserve their rightful place on this list. There are several viewing platforms that allow you to watch the waterfall very close and experience a whole range of exciting emotions.

Montmorency Falls
The US and Canada have a lot in common. One of them is that both countries have fantastic waterfalls. Montmorency Falls is considered the best waterfall in Canada after Niagara, with its amazing 275 feet in height and 150 feet in width. Grandiose streams of water are found on the Montmorinki River in Quebec. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Canadians have made this place easily accessible by building a park and providing good infrastructure. It includes a footbridge and cable car over cascading waters. This tourist-friendly approach can be a little frustrating for some visitors who prefer the thrill of near-inaccessible beauty left alone and hidden in a remote location. But on the other hand, without all these structures and amenities, it would be impossible to view the beauty of nature from all possible angles. Either way, Montmorency Falls is pure grandeur.

Waterfalls Tees Issat
Usually, when talking about Ethiopia, the first thing that comes to mind is coffee beans. But not everyone knows that this is a safe country to look at the natural wonders of nature. The Ethiopian Issat Falls are also known as the Blue Nile Falls. From this it is clear that they are located on the Nile River, the longest river on planet Earth. Due to the creation of a hydroelectric dam, the flow of water does dry up during the dry seasons. But if you come during the rainy season, you will find an impressive sight of a falling wall of water up to 400 meters wide. The height of the fall ranges from 37 - 45 meters.

Skogafoss waterfall in Iceland
Iceland has been recognized as a real paradise for waterfalls, among which Skogathos also deserves attention. This is probably the most even waterfall on this list as the water falls immaculately smoothly in an even rectangle 25 meters wide and 60 meters high. There are no rocks or ridges in between that break the fall of these streams of water.

Gokak waterfalls
The Indian state of Karnataka has its amazing waterfalls, this is the best waterfall area in South Asia. Gokak is also located here, the water of which has a brownish color, making it unique. The proportions of the falls definitely inspire respect – 50m high, but more importantly, 177m wide. The construction of a hydroelectric dam curbed the flow of water, but during the monsoon season, this fearsome element still takes its toll and the waterfall grows.

Calandula waterfall in Angola
When it comes to Calandula, the numbers speak for themselves. 104 meters high and 400 - 600 meters wide, depending on the flow of water. This Angolan treasure is the second largest waterfall in Africa, after Victoria. Nature calmly and majestically passed through all the conflicts and wars taking place in Angola. The former Portuguese colony has long been in a state of civil war, and is now working to develop its tourism industry. Kalandula Waterfall will definitely help in this regard.

Kaieteur waterfall
This exotic and little known waterfall is 221 meters high and almost 100 meters wide. It is surrounded by a constant cloud of mist, and the colossal sweat of the water emits the strongest roar. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, as well as the most mystical and awe-inspiring. It is in no way inferior to Iguazu and Niagara, and therefore takes its place of honor in our list.

Waterfalls are an amazing phenomenon of nature, bewitching with its beauty and sometimes frightening with its power. Where they exist, waterfalls are consistently extremely popular tourist destinations. Perhaps, with a roar, falling tons of water are a sight that is worth seeing with your own eyes at least once in your life.

  1. The highest waterfall in the world is located in Venezuela, in the Canaima National Park. Streams of water fall from one mountain plateau to another from a height of 1034 meters. This waterfall is called Angel (translated as "Angel"), it got its name in honor of the aviator James Angel - in 1933 he flew over the waterfall, trying to see from the air the diamond deposits that the natives were talking about. It is interesting that this waterfall falls from a mountain called Auyantepui, which translates as "Devil's Mountain".
  2. The widest waterfall on Earth is the Khon Cascade in Laos. The total width of this waterfall on the Mekong River exceeds 10 kilometers.
  3. Another powerful waterfall is Victoria, located in West Africa. It collapses from a height of 120 meters with a width of 1800 meters. This is the only waterfall in the world that is more than a kilometer wide and over 100 meters high at the same time.
  4. The famous Niagara Falls is constantly on the move - in a year it shifts by 70-90 centimeters. It may seem that this is very little, but by now the waterfall has already moved more than a dozen kilometers from its place of origin. If the movement continues, in 20 thousand years Niagara will reach Lake Erie and disappear forever.
  5. The noise of Niagara during the day can be heard 2 kilometers from the waterfall, at night - as much as 7 kilometers.
  6. The European “Land of Waterfalls” is Norway. Moreover, 14 waterfalls from those that are located on the territory of this state are the highest on the European continent, and 3 are among the ten largest water falls in the world.
  7. Scientists have found that the sound of a waterfall has a positive effect on the human psyche, calming him down and helping to cope with stress.
  8. The roar of falling water also helps birds navigate during migration (see Bird Facts).
  9. The most famous valley of waterfalls in Russia is called “Thirty-three waterfalls on the Dzhegosh stream”, it is located in the Caucasus, not far from Sochi. The waterfalls here are no higher than 10 meters, the length of the cascade is about one and a half kilometers (see facts about Russia).
  10. There are waterfalls not only on land, but also at the bottom of the oceans. It is extremely difficult to study and observe them, but it is known for certain that there are at least 7 such waterfalls. They occur in places with a complex bottom topography, due to the difference in temperature and salinity of the water. The largest underwater waterfall is located between Greenland and Iceland, in the Gulf of Denmark. Its dimensions are impressive - a height of 4 kilometers, a length of 200 kilometers.
  11. The largest waterfall created by human hands appeared in Italy thanks to the labors of the Romans. The height of Cascata del Marmore is 165 meters.
  12. In Antarctica, there is a "bloody" waterfall - its jets are rusty red, and the reason for this is the high concentration of iron oxide in the water. An unusual waterfall flows out of the Taylor Glacier, and its source is a lake covered with 400 meters of ice (see facts about Antarctica).

IT TURNS OUT, Niagara Falls is not the biggest waterfall in the world!

Niagara Falls - simple the most famous waterfall, thousands of tourists come to the USA every year to look at it.

"Large" is commonly called high or full-flowing (powerful) waterfalls.

So here it is highest in the world is Angel Falls in South America in the country of Venezuela. The height of this waterfall is 1054 meters (the height of a 350-storey building)!

The waterfall was named after the Venezuelan pilot Juan Angel who discovered it. The fact is that the Angel Falls is located, perhaps, in the most inaccessible corner of the earth, and the approaches to the steep wall of the waterfall are blocked by the selva - a dense tropical forest, so only a pilot could see it first.

The wild forest here is completely intertwined with vines and shrubs, so they were able to determine the height of the Angel Falls only fifteen years after the discovery - it was necessary to prepare the expedition well. To get to the waterfall on the ground, surveyors had to cut through the road with axes and machetes. The last 35 km were covered... in 20 days!

It is clear that even today tourists cannot come close to Angel Falls - this is still impossible. It remains to believe the stories of scientists that "the waterfall is so high that powerful streams turn into the smallest water dust before reaching the ground!"

By the way, during the year, the highest waterfall in the world looks different: in the rainy season, the waterfall is divided into many powerful jets, and in the dry heat it flows undignified...

The most powerful cascading waterfall in the world - Iguazu (about 80 meters high - 25 floors) is called one of the seven wonders of the world. A monstrous mass of water falls over the crest of the ledge of this waterfall - more than 700,000 tons of water per minute. That is, the waterfall overthrows a billion tons of water per day! The roar of a powerful waterfall (in Spanish Iguazu - "devil's throat") is heard for many kilometers.