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Rating of the most drinking countries in the world: where does Russia rank? Statistics of alcohol consumption in the world The most drinking people in the world statistics.

The World Health Organization (WHO) published a report in 2014 on alcohol consumption in the world (as of 2010), which provided data on how many liters of pure alcohol are consumed per year by residents of different countries over 15 years of age. Let's see who is in the top ten drinking countries in the world.


10th place. Slovakia. Alcohol consumption by the average resident of this country in terms of pure alcohol is 13 liters, with average consumption in the European region being 10.9 liters. At the same time, the male population of Slovakia drinks 20.5 liters per person, the female population - 6.1 liters. (Photo: Renata Opprecht/

How much pure alcohol do alcoholic drinks contain, for example, wine with a strength of 13 degrees? 750 milliliters of this wine contains only 97.5 milliliters of pure alcohol. Now try to imagine how much of it you need to drink so that the average consumption in the country is like that of the “world record holder for alcohol consumption” or 17.5 liters of pure alcohol per year!?

9th place. Czech Republic. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 resident of the country over 15 years of age is 13 liters, including 18.6 liters for men and 7.8 liters for women. (Photo: flamedot/
8th place. Hungary. Every resident of this country over 15 years of age drinks 13.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 20.4 liters, women - 7.1 liters. (Photo: Matteo Muratore/
7th place. Andorra. The average resident of this country over 15 years old drinks 13.8 liters of pure alcohol per year, while consumption among men is 19.5 liters per person, among women - 8.2 liters. (Photo: JK04/
6th place. Ukraine. Every resident of this country over 15 years of age drinks 13.9 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 22 liters, women - 7.2 liters. (Photo: alxpn/
5th place. Romania. The average resident (over 15 years old) of Romania drinks 14.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men 22.6 liters and women 6.8 liters. (Photo: Matt Bigwood/
4th place. Russia. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per resident of Russia aged 15 years and older is 15.1 liters. Men drink 23.9 liters per year, women - 7.8 liters. (Photo: Ilya Klenkov/
3rd place. Lithuania. The average resident (over 15 years old) of Lithuania drinks 15.4 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men consuming an average of 24.4 liters and women 7.9 liters. (Photo: Michael Pretzsch/
2nd place. Moldova. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per resident of Moldova over 15 years of age is 16.8 liters, including 25.9 liters per man and 8.9 liters per woman. (Photo: Andreas G/
1 place. Belarus has become the world record holder for pure alcohol consumption per capita. Over the course of a year, the average resident of Belarus over 15 years of age drinks 17.5 liters of pure alcohol, with men drinking an average of 27.5 liters and women 9.1 liters. (Photo: Radio Svaboda/

Globally, alcohol currently claims more lives than HIV/AIDS, pneumonia and violence combined. In Belarus, the problem of alcoholism is acquiring truly catastrophic proportions; it affects almost every family. And the social and economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption become a heavy burden not only for an individual family, but also for the entire society. The only way to get rid of alcohol addiction is treatment. There are many methods of complex treatment of alcoholism, both medicinal and non-medicinal, as well as innovative programs, which can be found on Help your loved ones! Alcoholism is a disease that needs to be treated like any other!

Dealing with alcohol consumption statistics at the global level World organization health (WHO). The organization conducts a large-scale study of this problem every five years. The latest analytical report on this topic was published by WHO in 2014.

In the European tradition there is no such stigma as “alcoholics”. They usually talk about “people who have problems with alcohol.” The figure cited is 10-15% of people from the entire population who have such problems of varying severity.

There is no drug registration of alcoholics in Europe, so it is impossible to name the percentage of alcoholics in our understanding of this phrase.

Europeans are the heaviest drinkers in the world. It is logical to assume that in countries with a large amount of alcohol consumed, a larger percentage of people dependent on alcohol and a shorter life expectancy. However, statistical data show that there is no strict relationship between these factors.

The transformation of alcohol use into abuse is influenced by indirect factors, namely:

  • People's standard of living.
  • Drinking culture.
  • Types of alcoholic beverages that the population predominantly consumes.
  • Attitude towards patients with alcoholism.

Alcoholism is generally accepted to be characteristic of social groups with low status, education and income. Of course, alcoholism also affects prosperous members of society, for example, those belonging to show business and the entertainment industry. However, these cases are isolated and, like any exceptions, only confirm general rule. A high standard of living is associated with a well-paid job, certain obligations, and a corresponding circle of acquaintances. Taken together, these factors do not initially suggest alcohol abuse.

The drinking culture that exists in European countries also prevents people from slipping into abuse. It is customary there to drink in bars and pubs, and drinking does not become an end in itself, but accompanies spending time in pleasant company.

It should also be taken into account that alcohol in European countries is not cheap and is several times higher than the cost of domestic alcoholic drinks.

This applies to both regular vodka and branded drinks. The high price puts barriers to drinking. Connoisseurs of quality alcoholic beverages drink a little.

The types of alcoholic beverages consumed influence the alcoholization of the population. In theory, over long periods of time, alcoholism can be formed by drinking beer, wine, or any other drink. However, the abuse of strong alcoholic beverages makes the formation of alcoholism faster and more aggressive. For example, in Moldova, with one of the highest levels of alcohol consumption (mainly in the form of wine), life expectancy is one of the highest in Europe.

Finally, the attitude towards people with alcoholism in Europe is characterized by humanity and the promotion of their inclusion in the surrounding life. For this purpose, there are Alcoholics Anonymous groups, various trainings and psychotherapeutic courses that help addicted people not to feel like useless outcasts. A high level of socio-psychological assistance to patients with alcoholism prevents relapses and promotes the socialization of patients with alcoholism; they are helped by:

  • Apply for a job.
  • Create a family.
  • In hard situations.

In general, it can be noted that in Europe the problem of alcoholism is not considered a priority. European society is more concerned about the treatment of somatic diseases that result from drinking alcohol in any quantity.

Situation in Russia

It is a deep misconception that people drink more in Russia than anywhere else. They drink a lot, but at the same time there are countries where they drink more. The erroneous opinion about the extreme spread of alcoholism in Russia is formed against the background of the general situation with alcohol consumption, which in Russia has its own local specifics:

The listed nuances of drinking alcohol in Russia determine what is called the national drinking habit.

With regard to alcoholism, it is difficult to talk about objective figures. First, not all countries keep official records of alcohol abusers.

Secondly, even where it is carried out, for example, in Russia, it is difficult to understand to what extent the official figures reflect the real picture: after all, in addition to those registered at the drug treatment clinic, a significant portion of abusers are not included in these statistics.

It has been proven that in societies where alcoholic beverages are publicly available, the percentage of people seeking treatment for addiction is stable at 2%. The indicator may fluctuate at the level of statistical error from country to country.

Percentage of people with “alcohol problems”, i.e. of abusers who have not yet sought medical help for their addiction is stable and ranges from 10% to 15%. This indicator is universal in nature and is true for all countries and societies in which alcohol is freely sold.

If these percentages are translated into the number of people using Russia as an example, we get the following picture. The first figure, indicating those who are registered or have sought medical help for addiction, is equal to 2.8 million people. The second figure, indicating the number of people who have “problems with alcohol” or abuse alcohol, is 14-21 million people.

For the European Union, with a population of 500 million people, these figures are 10 million and 51-76 million people, respectively.

Despite the fact that the first places in the leaders in alcohol consumption are confidently and traditionally occupied by European countries, the attitude of European residents towards alcohol is heterogeneous and differentiated according to country.

Let's look at the states that are in the top five with the highest per capita alcohol consumption. Data based on 2014 WHO report.


  • The country with the most drinking population: 17.5 liters of alcohol equivalent per capita per year.
  • 26.5% of the population drinks alcohol.
  • The share of deaths associated with the consequences of alcohol consumption is 34.7%.
  • Life expectancy – 72.1 g.
  • 16.8 liters of alcohol equivalent per year.
  • 32.2% of the population drinks alcohol.
  • The share of deaths associated with the consequences of alcohol consumption is 33.1%.
  • Life expectancy – 81.4 g.
  • Life expectancy – 73.9 g.
  • The share of deaths associated with the consequences of alcohol consumption is 30.9%.
  • 36.7% of the population drinks alcohol.
  • 15.4 liters of alcohol equivalent per year.
  • 15.1 liters of alcohol equivalent per year.
  • 19.3% of the population drinks alcohol.
  • The share of deaths associated with the consequences of alcohol consumption is 30.5%.
  • Life expectancy – 70.5 g.
  • 14.4 liters of alcohol equivalent per year.
  • 7.9% of the population drinks alcohol.
  • The share of deaths associated with the consequences of alcohol consumption is 8.9%.
  • Life expectancy – 68.7 g.

The top ten countries with the highest alcohol consumption also included other countries from central and eastern Europe:

  • Ukraine (13.9 l).
  • Andorra (13.8 l).
  • Hungary (13.3 l).
  • Czech Republic (13 l).
  • Slovakia (13 l).

Economically developed countries are ranked in the following positions:

  • 18th place - France (12.2 l).
  • 23rd place - Germany (11.8 l).
  • 25th place - Great Britain (11.6 l).
  • 42nd place - the Netherlands (9.9 l).
  • 48th place - USA (9.2 l).
  • 141st place - Israel (2.8 l)

When they talk about mortality from alcoholism, they mean a complex of causes associated with alcohol abuse. This:

  • Accidents – 29.6%.
  • Oncological diseases – 21.6%.
  • Liver cirrhosis – 16.6%.
  • Cardiovascular diseases – 14%.
  • Other reasons – 18.2%.

On average, 4% of deaths worldwide each year are caused by excessive alcohol consumption. This corresponds to 2.5 million people.

The World Health Organization (WHO) published a report in 2014 on alcohol consumption in the world (as of 2010), which provided data on how many liters of pure alcohol are consumed per year by residents of different countries over 15 years of age. Let's see who is in the top ten drinking countries in the world.
10th place. Slovakia. Alcohol consumption by the average resident of this country in terms of pure alcohol is 13 liters, with average consumption in the European region being 10.9 liters. At the same time, the male population of Slovakia drinks 20.5 liters per person, the female population - 6.1 liters. How much pure alcohol do alcoholic drinks contain, for example, wine with a strength of 13 degrees? 750 milliliters of this wine contains only 97.5 milliliters of pure alcohol. Now try to imagine how much of it you need to drink so that the average consumption in the country is like that of the “world record holder for alcohol consumption” or 17.5 liters of pure alcohol per year!?
9th place. Czech Republic. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 resident of the country over 15 years of age is 13 liters, including 18.6 liters for men and 7.8 liters for women.
8th place. Hungary. Every resident of this country over 15 years of age drinks 13.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 20.4 liters, women - 7.1 liters.
7th place. Andorra. The average resident of this country over 15 years of age drinks 13.8 liters of pure alcohol per year, while consumption among men is 19.5 liters per person, among women - 8.2 liters.
6th place. Ukraine. Every resident of this country over 15 years of age drinks 13.9 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 22 liters, women - 7.2 liters.
5th place. Romania. The average resident (over 15 years old) of Romania drinks 14.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 22.6 liters, women - 6.8 liters.
4th place. Russia. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per resident of Russia aged 15 years and older is 15.1 liters. Men drink 23.9 liters per year, women - 7.8 liters.
3rd place. Lithuania. The average resident (over 15 years old) of Lithuania drinks 15.4 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men consuming an average of 24.4 liters and women 7.9 liters.
2nd place. Moldova. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per resident of Moldova over 15 years of age is 16.8 liters, including 25.9 liters per man and 8.9 liters per woman.
1 place. Belarus has become the world record holder for pure alcohol consumption per capita. Over the course of a year, the average resident of Belarus over 15 years of age drinks 17.5 liters of pure alcohol, with men drinking an average of 27.5 liters and women 9.1 liters. Globally, alcohol currently claims more lives than HIV/AIDS, pneumonia and violence combined. In Belarus, the problem of alcoholism is acquiring truly catastrophic proportions; it affects almost every family. And the social and economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption become a heavy burden not only for an individual family, but also for the entire society.

Moscow, December 8 - “News. Economy". Belgium is famous for its beer drinking culture. Thus, a team of experts counted about 1,600 different types of beer in this country in 2015. It's probably not surprising that the Belgians came out on top in terms of beer consumption among residents of the 38 countries surveyed by Ipsos. Below is a list of countries with the highest levels of alcohol consumption.

10. South Korea

Alcohol consumption: 9.33 liters of alcohol per person per year South Korea took tenth place in the ranking and became the most drinking country in Asia. It should be noted that Koreans traditionally drink a lot of alcohol, and among the most popular alcoholic drinks among them is soju or rice vodka. Koreans also love rice or fruit wine and local beer. Among local population It is considered common to end the working day in one of the drinking establishments, so you can often meet tipsy people on the streets of cities.

Alcohol consumption: 9.64 liters of alcohol per person per year Although excessive alcohol consumption is thought to lead to aggressive and rude behavior, Danes instead become very open, friendly and loving. The Danes are very tolerant of drunken behavior as long as it happens on weekends. A glass or two of wine with dinner during the work week will make you look like an alcoholic. local residents, but 20 glasses on Saturday will be taken absolutely calmly.

8. Australia

Alcohol consumption: 9.70 liters of alcohol per person per year The Australian lifestyle is inextricably linked with beer consumption. It is this foamy drink, and also wine, that accounts for the lion’s share of alcohol consumption in the country. The biggest problem in Australia is the excessive consumption of alcohol by Aboriginal Australians, for whom drunkenness and alcoholism have become commonplace. Therefore, the state is taking quite strict measures to combat this problem.

Alcohol consumption: 10.12 liters of alcohol per person per year For three years now, there has been a tendency in the country to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population. If in last year’s ranking our country was in the top 5, it has now dropped to 7th place in alcohol consumption.

6. UK

Alcohol consumption: 10.66 liters of alcohol per person per year World-famous pubs and restaurants in the UK are rarely empty. Although the UK is home to many world-famous alcoholic drinks, including whiskey and gin, the country's biggest drinker is beer, including the original English beer. drink - ale. Drinkers are not particularly persecuted in the country and by law.

Alcohol consumption: 10.71 liters of alcohol per person per year Poland rises in similar rankings for last years. It should be noted that the Poles are big fans of all kinds of parties and as the purchasing power of the population grows, the level of consumption of alcoholic beverages also increases.

4. Hungary

Alcohol consumption: 10.88 liters of alcohol per person per year Hungary is famous throughout the world for its famous vineyards. Drinks from this country are preferred all over the world. In terms of popularity in this state, beer ranks first, with fifty-four percent of the population preferring it. In second place is wine, with twenty-eight percent. The top three is completed by strong alcoholic drinks, which are in demand only by eighteen percent of the local population.

3. Germany

Alcohol consumption: 11.03 liters of alcohol per person per year There is no doubt that Germany owes such a high place in the ranking of the most drinking countries to the consumption of beer. In addition, the country is quite loyal not only to drinking beer (beer and wine can be drunk from 16 years of age), but also to drinking strong alcoholic drinks (allowed after 18 years of age). In the country, you can drink while driving, but the presence of ethanol in the blood should not exceed the norm of 0.3 ppm.

2. France

Alcohol consumption: 11.50 liters of alcohol per person per year Residents of a country where vineyards occupy 58 million hectares, an area equal to two of Belgium, cannot help but consume the results of their labors, because France is one of the largest producers of wine and wine products in the world. The traditions of drinking alcoholic beverages in the country, such as dry wine, champagne or cognac, have centuries-old roots, so the French regularly appear in the rankings of the most drinking countries in the world.

1. Belgium

Alcohol consumption: 12.60 liters of alcohol per person per year Among countries Western Europe The highest rate of alcohol consumption is recorded in Belgium - 12.6 liters per year per capita over the age of 15 years. According to statistics, Belgian women on average drink more than two glasses of alcoholic beverages daily, men - more than three. Moreover, every third representative of the stronger sex over the age of 55 consumes alcohol every day and in excess doses. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is responsible for 6% of Belgian premature deaths each year.

If we briefly describe all the main advantages of the new model of a well-known corporation, then this car has very good dynamics, it is convenient and easy to drive, the car has a smooth ride high level. Comfortable driving conditions are due to excellent visibility, spaciousness and build quality. The car is very economical, fuel consumption is minimal even on the most difficult roads, and this does not affect its cross-country ability in any way.

Well, then you can describe in more detail the Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC car and Mercedes characteristics. It is worth mentioning that the world-famous Mercedes-Benz company, as well as all its Mercedes dealers in different countries, produces models with incredible technical and external characteristics, which have no equal among auto manufacturing companies. This time they also pleased their fans and connoisseurs with a new product - a wonderful GL class crossover. Photos of Mercedes look gorgeous, so all motorists paid special attention to the newcomer.

The corporation introduced the first GL class cars back in 2006; to this day, Mercedes dealers produce the first generation of these cars both in the United States and in Russia. The company might not even be in a hurry to create new cars, since the first generation is still valued in the market, but time passes, new technologies appear, and cars from 2006 become obsolete. Therefore, in 2012, the creation of the second generation GL class began. The first photos of Mercedes appeared almost immediately; the Mercedes-Benz website was filled with colorful photographs of the new crossover. The new line of cars was represented by several models - 350 BlueTEC, 400, 500 and AMG. It is worth paying special attention to one of these charming cars - the already famous Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC, which Mercedes services presented as a leading model.

Speaking about the exterior of the car, I would like to say that it is a bit reminiscent of the M-Class model from Mercedes; they have a common platform, so this is understandable. The parameters of the newcomer in the luxury class are simply mesmerizing - its length is 5120 mm, height - 1850 mm, width - 2140 mm, and a wheelbase - 3075 mm. For a top-end luxury model, these are excellent figures that demonstrate its power and spaciousness. From the photo of the Mercedes you can see that its design has a touch of brutality and aggressiveness in every detail. But the external Mercedes characteristics also have a couple of smooth, neat details, for example, a round-shaped radiator grille, nice main optics and some stampings on the sides of the car.

But these changes are not so strong compared to the modified bumper; it has been adjusted the most, so it has larger air intakes and built-in LED lights. The taillights have become much larger than those of the previous Mercedes-Benz GL class model, the line under the windows has become even more curved, and the shape of the trunk and its lid has also changed. The dynamism of the new car is enhanced by a flat roof, a long hood and wheel arches, which Mercedes dealers also decided to enlarge.

The threshold of the new car is reliably protected by a very powerful step, which is a great help when getting into the car. The appearance of the model from the Mercedes photo can be described as a stylish and confident restyled car. The creators worked on it for a long time, so every little detail here is very individual and thought out. Adding sportiness to the newcomer are chrome roof rails along the entire length of the roof and turn signal repeaters.

The color range of cars for sale is limited. Sales of Mercedes models are open in white, black and metallic colors. Metallic, which is presented in seven shades, gives the style a certain richness; the car turns into a large, powerful and at the same time expensive GL-class model. There is no pretentiousness here, the car looks elegant, impressive, but modest and neat.

Interior of the Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC model

There are no complaints about the quality of finishing, everything is done perfectly, there is nothing to complain about and there is no need to complain. The materials have been selected with special care. Despite the fact that the interior is made of expensive and high-quality materials, it is comfortable and cozy. The functionality of the crossover can only be envied. The spaciousness of the model is one of the main advantages over other crossovers of the corporation. It can easily accommodate up to 7 people, and each of them will feel comfortable. The car has 3 seats on the second row and 2 seats on the third. Using the Easy Entry function, you can move the second row with one keystroke, this is very convenient when boarding passengers in the third row. The Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC is an unusual seven-seat crossover, it is roomy not only for children and thin teenagers, it can easily accommodate adult passengers. The Mercedes-Benz website provided some photos of the Mercedes, which fully confirm the huge amount of free space in the rear seats of the car.

The comfort of the model is visible in every detail - its soft and comfortable front seats with heating and lateral support with an adjustment system, many massage modes and a driver's seat with various comfort settings fully confirm this. To make it more convenient, Mercedes services decided to transfer the seat automation to the doors; the tailgate also has an electric drive. Multimedia functions in the car interior will help make the trip more interesting and will not allow passengers in the back to get bored.

The instrument panel has also undergone some changes. Now the Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC has a four-spoke functional steering wheel made of leather and wood, informative instruments located conveniently for the driver, an on-board computer screen, as well as a joystick for controlling the automatic transmission. The screen with multimedia functions is located right in the center of the front panel. The sound insulation in the car interior deserves special attention; the Mercedes-Benz website demonstrated the main changes that influenced the improvement of sound insulation in the cabin - a rigid body structure, a modernized chassis and high-quality insulating materials. Sales of Mercedes are expected to be very large due to such excellent capabilities of the car.

The ventilation nozzles in the cabin have become rectangular; in the predecessor they were more rounded. The luggage compartment has a total volume of 680 liters, in addition to a very roomy interior. By folding the rear rows of the car, you can get a simply colossal luggage compartment volume of 2300 liters. If you fold only the third row, the volume will reach about 1240 liters.

Safety Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC

Thanks to the new technologies embodied in the safety systems of the Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC, you can feel absolutely safe while driving. The main systems that are available in the model are ABS, ESP, ASR, Pre-Safe. The latter system helps prevent collisions and their consequences, recognizes driver fatigue, and stabilizes driving in strong crosswinds. In addition, Mercedes dealers gave the newcomer the latest cruise control Distronic Plus and Bas Plus. The salon has a large number of airbags, armrests, Neck Pro headrests. In addition, the proprietary Collision Prevention Assist system and night vision technology are installed.

As for the modifications of the second generation Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC, they are represented by one single model, which has a three-liter diesel engine with a capacity of 240 horsepower. The car has all-wheel drive and a seven-speed automatic transmission, which has a self-steering function. The 7G-TRONIC PLUS transmission can select gears flawlessly even on the most difficult sections of road or off-road. The model accelerates to 100 km/h in 7.9 seconds, and the maximum speed to which this roomy “beast” can accelerate is 220 km/h.

Mercedes-Benz website about the price and equipment of the GL 350 BlueTEC

The simplest modification is equipped with parking sensors, bi-xenon headlights and adaptive headlights; in addition, the base model has a folding third row of seats, heated seats in the first and second rows, a heated washer, an anti-theft package of functions, a package of mirrors and an Easy Pack tailgate.

The Mercedes Benz website offers to buy this new model for 3,550,000 rubles. If you pay extra for the top version of the car, the buyer gets a car with a rear view camera, a lane control system, ventilated seats, a heated steering wheel, and the latest multimedia system in the rear rows for greater passenger comfort.

The car's suspension is very durable, it performs well on difficult roads, so Mercedes won't need repairs for a long time. In addition, you can choose the suspension mode yourself thanks to the On-Offroad system. The 4 Matic all-wheel drive vehicle moves easily, behaves smoothly on the roads and, if wheel slip is detected, immediately redistributes the traction force to all wheels. To inspect or repair a Mercedes, you can contact the Mercedes service center, where you can also select new functional additions to the car and purchase various small items for the interior.

Fuel consumption per 100 km is 8 liters in the city and 6.9 liters on the highways. For this class, these are excellent indicators, given that the model is considered one of the best cross-country vehicles. Such a roomy vehicle can even overcome fords more than half a meter deep. By purchasing such a luxurious car for yourself and your family, you can forget about discomfort and fully enjoy a comfortable and safe ride...

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Mercedes Corporation always produces unsurpassed Mercedes S-Class models, and this time they also did not change their principles. Now we can present with admiration one of the newest cars from Mercedes-Benz - the luxurious top-end S63 AMG model. And the color is completely unimportant when buying this beast; the car is so magnificent that it outshines the entire line. Its Mercedes characteristics have improved significantly compared to previous models; the Mercedes has become faster, more powerful and more practical. All modern qualities are combined into one in the new brainchild of the corporation, the S63 AMG.

As everyone already knows, the AMG segment produces powerful and sports car models, and the S-Class is considered the most popular division of Mercedes. The Mercedes dealer himself is rightfully considered the founder of car fashion and dictates his own rules in the design of models. The new Mercedes S63 AMG model can be called that very ideal model from the category of “six hundredths”, which have long become the standard of power and beauty. Those technologies that are introduced into Mercedes characteristics are unattainable for other companies producing cars. The new Mercedes combines style, beauty, and practicality, without forgetting about incredible power figures. Mercedes services are loudly talking about this.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

The exterior of the model is very interesting. Its thin carved lines of the body add solidity, the headlights hint at “wild possibilities”, and the silhouette of the car itself, looking at the photo of the Mercedes, is simply mesmerizing. The previous generation can't compare to this newest car, it's appearance makes you think of unrestrained speed, incredible power and perfect shape.

In Russia, this year the S-Class model will be sold only with an extended body due to poor sales of the “short” versions, according to data provided by the Mercedes-Benz website. The “long” model will have both rear and all-wheel drive, which is undoubtedly a plus.

Looking at the photo of the Mercedes, the subtle style in the design becomes noticeable - although the model name is present, it does not dazzle the eyes, and the graceful lines of the body complete the composition. Looking inside the cabin, you can find even more luxurious interior elements - from the interior trim with completely non-standard details to the Swiss watch in the most prominent place. All subtleties can be considered a hint of superiority over other models.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

The acoustics are represented by the Burmester® High-End 3D Surround Sound System in silver color, it perfectly transmits sound and creates excellent acoustic waves in the cabin. The top version of the Mercedes S63 AMG is not too different from the standard one, there are only a couple of extra little things. Most control systems can be customized using a “puck” on the center console on a large color screen. There you can even choose the color of the dashboard lighting. Photos of a Mercedes cannot fully convey the cozy atmosphere in the middle of the cabin, but being in the driver's seat, you can feel comfort and confidence. All systems work harmoniously and smoothly carry out the driver’s commands.

Dashboard Mercedes S63 AMG

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

The corporation deviated a little from its usual solutions and presented the dashboard as a “parade of planets.” There are no longer standard design principles here and the company’s signature is not so noticeable. And this is a very profitable move, because such changes in appearance added effectiveness and elegance to the car.

The driver's seat should be given more time. The Mercedes S63 AMG model differs from its predecessors in the number of adjustments in the driver's seat; it has a lot of new settings that literally adjust every centimeter of the seat. A person will feel comfortable, regardless of body size and height. Such Mercedes characteristics make competitors fear and envy. During sharp turns, the chair holds the body firmly and confidently, supporting the weight.

Interior of Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Anyone who dares to get behind the wheel of this luxurious beast Mercedes S63 AMG can prepare for a relaxing massage. This car literally does it all! It is equipped with six massage programs lasting up to 15 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most interesting devices in a car, which can replace a personal professional masseuse. Such massage functions can be especially useful in a parking lot or in a traffic jam; you just need to press a button, close your eyes, relax and enjoy.

Another innovation that the same Mercedes S63 AMG has is... autopilot! Yes, you didn’t think so, it was the Mercedes S63 AMG that became the first car to be tested for driving without human control. Mercedes S-Class can travel without a driver for 100 km on regular roads. To enable the autopilot function, you need to look into the Assistant Plus system, there is a whole package of settings that will be able to control the ride themselves. The driver can simply take his hands off the steering wheel and his feet off the pedals. The new technologies introduced into the Mercedes characteristics are pleasing to the eyes, during the test drive the car behaved calmly, the driver was present in the cabin, but did not touch the pedals, only on sharp turns the nerves could not stand it and the hands themselves reached for the steering wheel.

Mercedes S63 AMG specifications

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Mercedes services, of course, praise the interior and appearance of the car with all their might, but it is worth paying attention to the engine, that very powerful beast under the hood of the elegant S63 AMG. And there the new product hides a magnificent modernized V8 5.5 biturbo engine with a power of 585 horsepower and a torque of 900 Nm. Engine power has increased by 44 horsepower compared to its predecessor, and this is an excellent indicator according to the data provided by the Mercedes-Benz website. In addition, Mercedes services also clarify that the newcomer’s acceleration to 100 km/h occurs 0.5 seconds faster when comparing the Mercedes characteristics of the new and previous versions of the S63 AMG. The S500 loses the acceleration speed of the S63 AMG by as much as 0.8 seconds, which is a very significant difference.

Acceleration to 100 km/h on a test drive in 4 seconds is simply incredible. At the same time, the driver only experiences pleasant echoes of trembling on his body, there are no shortness of breath, the acceleration occurs smoothly and carefully. A car that weighs 2 tons shows excellent results on a test drive.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

The exhaust system of the S63 AMG is made intelligently, no unnecessary sounds are observed, but at the same time a characteristic “growling” rumble is noticeable, which demonstrates the full power of the model, which is represented by Mercedes services all over the world. This hum accompanies the driver in sport driving mode, creating an atmosphere of freedom and confidence. The headrest does not press, the seats keep the body in the correct position without pressing into itself at high speeds. Therefore, you can safely press the gas pedal without thinking about comfort. Gear shifting occurs absolutely imperceptibly, all movements are smooth and balanced. You can feel some shifts only when you press the accelerator, only then can you feel the transition to a “lower” gear.

The Mercedes dealer has always presented the new model as a comfortable autopilot car and it is impossible to argue with him, because this is absolutely exact description this representative of the S-class. Mercedes spare parts are always available in every car dealership in the world, so if the driver wants to improve his new car with updated devices, he just needs to contact Mercedes services, where they can advise and help purchase Mercedes spare parts.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

Returning to the newcomer’s engine, it’s worth saying that it’s a pity that photos of a Mercedes cannot convey the power that the driver feels inside the car. Depending on the selected driving mode, the sound in the cabin has a different tone. For example, when selecting Sport or Manual modes, you can enjoy a truly “roaring” exhaust due to automatically opening flaps. Modes can be changed by pressing just one key on the front panel; the equipped suspension does not fail and works smoothly in any conditions, regardless of the selected driving mode.

If desired, you can complement the car with the latest intelligent Magic Body Control system, which is capable of scanning the quality of the road surface in front of the car while driving and reporting this to the driver in a few seconds, automatically adjusting the shock absorber stiffness. The only downside is that this system is only available on rear-wheel drive models.

Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG

There is also a pleasant surprise for car passengers - in addition to the excellent conditions in the car interior, which can be seen in the Mercedes photo, a special adjustment system is installed in the rear seats, so you can practically lie down in the back. Of course, you have to wait to customize the chair for yourself, but it’s worth it - soft cushions, footrests, heated armrests, a pull-out table, a personal screen and even a piece of the sky for greater relaxation, which can be seen through two panoramic glass roofs.

The S63 AMG is suitable for everyone. Of course, not everyone has two million rubles, but having purchased such a luxurious model, you can every day enjoy the incredible options of the new product, which are accompanied by a powerful “beast” under the hood. On weekdays, this car faithfully serves its owner, and on weekends it carries it away from the bustle of the city at incredible speed along an endless highway. Isn't this the ultimate dream of many connoisseurs of freedom? Only the S63 AMG will be able to make all dreams come true and transport the driver to another world - the world of speed, drive and chic.