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Unusual places to travel. The strangest trips Save on travel

Date of:

February 2020

November 2020

In the South Pacific Ocean, in perhaps the most secluded place on the globe, New Zealand is located. This is an island state, which has no equal on our planet in terms of the number of miracles and mysteries of nature, unique phenomena, endemic plants and animals. An unusual tour of New Zealand will allow you to feel the hot breath of the seething land, touch the culture of the local Maori tribe, visit the country of the fjords Fiordland and, of course, witness an unforgettable spectacle - diving whales into the abyss of the sea kingdom ...

Date of:

October 2020

This Ethiopia tour is the richest and most comprehensive exotic tour in existence. The Danakil Basin or the Afar Triangle is only the very beginning of an amazing route. Dalol volcano, Acid and lava lakes, Erta Ale volcano, unfriendly Afar tribe, salt Lake Assal and, of course, endless caravans with salt - all this is the pinnacle of the tour to Ethiopia, rightfully called the "cradle of mankind." The fact that this is really a cradle is once again convinced by spending a week studying the real, primitive world of Africa - the OMO River Valley. Dorze, Chencha, Mursi, Hamer, Tsamai, Erborough: the life of these tribes from ancient times to the present day has not known development.

Date: April 2020

The inhabitants of the largest island off the coast of Africa are sure that there is no better place in the world. Madagascar, in their opinion, is the Garden of Eden, which can give everything you need for life. And these statements are true. The flora and fauna of the island have developed in isolation over millions of years: the fourth largest island on Earth is one of the ten rarest places on the planet. And the crowning achievement of our grandiose exotic tour to Madagascar will be the exploration of the area inhabited by the Zafimaniri people, whose traditional craft has been proclaimed by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity…

Date of:

January 2020

August 2020

Namibia is diverse like no other country on the African continent. Tour in unusual place, will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the stunning landscapes of the Sossusvlei plateau and the ominous Skeleton Coast; visit the Bushmen tribe and feel the original culture of the majestic Himba people; see the world's largest fur seal colony and the African Big Five; feed straight from the hands of a cheetah and spend the day in a ghost town. And perhaps, having gone on a dizzying tour to Namibia, you do not want to miss the chance to see the most ancient desert of the Namib planet from the balloon gondola ...

Date of:

February 2020

November 2020

“Patagonia is a peculiar, unlike anything else in the world, and striking in its wild and harsh beauty, a region in the very south of South America. During our exotic tour, we will visit not just world-famous geographical objects - we will become part of another world, the world of colossal glaciers and majestic peaks; picturesque waterfalls and crystal clear lakes. A world where colonies of penguins and heat-loving flamingos, colonial cities of many millions and small reservations of Indian peoples coexist together ... "

Date: all year round

This route passes through two countries of East Africa at once - Kenya and Uganda. It is here that you can get close to predators during a night safari. See the majestic and impregnable Kilimanjaro. Visit the village of the semi-nomadic Masai tribe. Dissolve under a fantastically beautiful starry sky. And as a result - to get sick of Africa forever ...

Date: August 2020

Iceland is a harsh land of ice and fire. And it was the confrontation of these two natural elements that gave rise to such an uplifting beauty. Picturesque fjords and snow-capped mountains, high-water waterfalls and endless lava fields, national parks and geothermal areas, gushing geysers and smoking volcanoes - here in every region of the island you will be accompanied by the delight of discoveries and genuine admiration for what you see. Tours to Iceland are included in the 10 most unusual tours in the world, they will give you the opportunity to become both a witness to the rare and unique volcanic activity of the planet, and an active researcher of the life of numerous species of whales - the largest and most majestic representatives of the fauna of this distant land ...

Date: November 2016

West Africa cannot boast of an abundance of wildlife. On a tour of unusual places, you will not be able to see a hippo that entered the murmuring water at dawn, the silhouettes of giraffes in the shade of a baobab and not hear the baboons squabble. People go to West Africa to see people. Their way of life has not changed for centuries. They don't know what seasons and birthdays are; they perform sacrificial rites and worship Voodoo. There is something eternal in their way of life that retains its originality. Time has stopped here. This was the Earth long before man ennobled it.

Date: July 2020

The UNESCO World Heritage Dolomites Tour is a classic Alpine route that is one of the most magnificent mountain routes of all time. In addition, the Dolomites, the beauty of the peaks and the alpine meadows sparkling with bright colors. On an exotic tour you will be captivated - not only by the wild nature, but also, of course, by the charm of tiny settlements and the hospitality of mountain shelters ...


Full immersion in the Himalayas, overcoming the famous Thorong La pass, visiting the Muktinath temple, as well as the settlements of various communities such as Brahmins, Chetris, Tibetan Sherpas - all this awaits you on one of the most popular ring tracks around Annapurna. Traveling to an unusual place became popular only in 1980, when travelers were given permission to visit the area. And another important fact is that the track around Annapurna is one of the so-called "tee-house" tracks, that is, tracks that can be overcome without spending the night in tents.

Date of:

March 2020

October 2020

The history of Australia is full of adventures and mysteries. The unknown land began to excite the minds of Europeans long before its discovery. This is a continent of amazing wildlife, unique nature, gold and hopes. An exotic tour of Australia is a tour of endless roads and thousands of miles of ocean beaches, sometimes gentle, sometimes harsh, almost always deserted, filled only with the roar of the ocean. A country of hot stone spaces and violent colors of the coral reefs of the Great Barrier, a country of wild mustangs, the last real cowboys and gold diggers. It is also the land of unique people, natives, who have been preserving their culture for more than forty thousand years.

Date of:

June 2020

Unusual tours of the world - mountainous lands, overgrown with impenetrable jungle, were inhabited only by the Incas, who built pyramids that were severe in their beauty; all this can be seen on a tour of Peru and Bolivia. Their ancient art of processing fabrics, stone, silver and gold is still amazing. Later, Spanish conquistadors sailed here on their galleys, bringing with them a thirst for adventure and conquest. All this is most clearly reflected in the character of the modern descendants of the disappeared Indian tribes, who honor national art, adventure and independence ...

Date of:

April 2020

September 2020

This route passes through the mountains and deserts of the United States of America - territories once called the Wild West. On an exotic tour, we will pass through the Rocky Mountains and the Martian landscapes of Utah, the geyser fields and the scenic landscapes of Yellowstone Park, the canyons of the Colorado River and the rock formations of Arizona, through the dream city of Las Vegas and the abandoned towns of prospectors, through Death Valley and the ancestral lands of the Navajo Indians, and, finally, through a park of giant redwoods to the very edge of the Pacific Ocean, where only about one hundred and fifty years ago the first American settlers came in pursuit of the American dream.

Date: all year round

Tanzania is not called for nothing the best place for safari. After all, it is here that parks, where all kinds of representatives of the African fauna roam free, occupy a quarter of the country's territory. A tour to an unusual place is a unique opportunity to see wildlife as close as possible. No cells. Traps. Kapkanov. And completely safe for humans.

Date: all year round

If you are tired of template travel packages, and the wind of wandering and the spirit of adventure are calling you to new experiences, then go with us on an unusual tour of the world - to the very heart of Africa. It is here that Kilimanjaro is located: a mighty stone giant with a cap of glaciers sparkling in the hot sun. Climbing Kilimanjaro with our travel club is an unforgettable adventure that will allow you to fully appreciate the magnificence of the centuries-old volcano and the unstoppable beauty of African nature.

Date of:

January 2020

December 2020

We will visit a unique region of South America that is unlike anything else in the world and strikes with its wild and harsh beauty. During our journey, we will explore not just world-famous geographical objects: we will become part of another world, a world of colossal glaciers and majestic pointed peaks; picturesque waterfalls and crystal clear lakes. A world where colonies of penguins and heat-loving flamingos, colonial cities of many millions and small reservations of Indian peoples coexist together...

Date: February-March 2020

You all know that each of our journeys is an experiment. And you know that we love to experiment. We love looking for new places. Directions. Rich and memorable. You know that a journey without an experiment is a dead journey. And our every new journey is a symbiosis of our knowledge and experience and your best human traits - integrity, self-sufficiency and thirst for search. It is they who help to give birth in co-creation with you non-standard and unusual tours. And it was your thirst for discovery that helped create this journey through a vast, distant region that still excites the minds of seekers of the unknown all over the world. Be the creator of your journey.

Date: July 2020 In 1867, US Secretary of State William Seward purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire for 2 cents an acre. And the public called these remote and completely uninhabited lands “Seward's recklessness” ... Today, with the mere mention of Alaska, huge brown bears emerge in the minds of every experienced traveler, catching salmon going to spawn; indented by fjords coastlines, where icebergs of impressive size break off from glaciers; Mount McKinley - the highest peak in North America; caribou reindeer herds migrating across the tundra; wide rivers that you can raft down without encountering any signs of civilization for several days in a row, and even, which is hard to believe at first, entire fields of sand dunes north of the Arctic Circle.

Date: September 2020

Soaring pointed peaks crowned with caps of mother-of-pearl glaciers, high-altitude meadows striking with a riot of colors of wild flowers, smooth surfaces of lakes the color of a summer sky - all these images personify the pristine nature of the Rocky Mountains of North America. You will see her name as she appeared before the eyes of the first explorers of the western part of modern Canada. And we will try to make you love Canada as much as we do.

Date: April 2020

Friends, we bring to your attention our updated program for New Zealand. This country in itself is a unique phenomenon of our planet. We are doing this time, perhaps, best trip around New Zealand, as ten days of immersion in the autumn nature of the most photogenic South Island are waiting for you: the ocean coast, mountain peaks, glaciers, waterfalls and, of course, lakes, lakes and more lakes! The amazing fauna of the island, we hope, does not need a separate mention :)

Date: July 2020

Almost everyone has heard about the famous Iguazu Falls, but few people know about other amazing places on the South American continent: the authentic north of Argentina and the Brazilian Pantanal reserve. But it is the northern Argentinean provinces of Salta and Jujuy, like no other, rich in Indian culture and so unlike the rest of the continent with their red-brown color of landscapes. And it is the Pantanal that is the largest ecosystem on the entire American continent with the greatest biodiversity and the highest concentration of flora and fauna. It is extremely easy to observe wildlife here, especially during the dry season, when animals concentrate around water bodies. And it is at this time that hungry jaguars come to the banks of the rivers in search of water and food.

Date of:

August 2020

Greenland is mysterious land, which has preserved the most exciting natural phenomena. It is home to the most incredible icebergs in the world, wildlife and colorful and friendly local villages... However, it remains out of reach for most travelers. And to visit this unique land is absolutely necessary, at least once in a lifetime! If you ask us what time is better, we will definitely answer: the second half of July. At this time of the year, the sun barely touches the horizon, providing an incredible opportunity to photograph all night long: just imagine an endless sunset slowly turning into sunrise throughout the polar day!

Date of:

Whitish salt marsh foothills, rocky mountains, the Grand Canyon, reddish-red deserts, karst Carsbad caves, Havasu waterfalls lost in canyons - you will see all this on our next tour of the southwestern United States. And although most of this territory is occupied by mountains and deserts, among the sandy expanses and bizarre rocks, like amazing oases, there are stunningly beautiful green valleys. Wild untouched by civilization nature, the integrity of which is protected by many national parks, the likes of which cannot be found in the whole world, mountain rivers and lakes - this is exactly what attracts the most sophisticated travelers from all over the world.

Date: June 2020

This is one of the most versatile routes in the United States of America. It is here that you will have the opportunity to bask in the tropical sun and conquer snow-capped peaks, watch the change of vegetation from tropical to alpine along just one road, meet endemic animals and admire the most beautiful lakes of the continent. And also - to feel the hot breath of the earth and become direct witnesses of how our planet is changing under the influence of internal processes.

Date: December 2020 .

If people go to the well-known Bali for the sea, endless rice terraces and diverse wildlife, then they go to the island of Java for volcanoes and a rich history. Indeed, in this relatively small area there are more than 120 volcanoes, of which almost 30 are active. And it was Java that was the most important cultural, political, religious and commercial center of medieval Indonesia. The route along which we will go will pass through the three most famous volcanoes- Merapi, Bromo and Ijen. We are also waiting for such ancient Buddhist temple complexes as Borobudur and Prambanan, created by unknown skilled builders in the heyday of the medieval state of Mataram. And we will finish our trip on the islands of the Komodo National Park, created to preserve a unique species of lizard - the Komodo monitor lizard.

Date: April 2018

Upper Mustang, or the Kingdom of Lo, is one of the most closed and mysterious places on Earth, located between Tibet and the Nepalese provinces of Dolpo and Manang. For many centuries, foreigners were not favored here, the kingdom was opened for tourists only in the 90s of the last century. It takes five days to walk to the capital, Lo Manang, along the same trails used by trade caravans five centuries ago. The main heights of the kingdom at 3000-3800 meters above sea level, together with the dry and cold climate, turn the hike into a place where antiquity has not yet been destroyed by globalization, into a real adventure.

Winter Iceland: a journey into an ice fairy tale

Date: January 2020

Iceland, under the cover of the winter night and the shimmering blanket of the northern lights, is as beautiful as in the blooming summer months! We suggest that you go to this distant island during the quiet season, so that you can admire the beauties of Iceland without numerous groups of tourists and feel all the splendor of this island.

Date: all year round

Have you ever stood face-to-face with a two-meter male mountain gorilla? Or look into the mouth of a volcano with a boiling lava lake? Perhaps visit the village of the semi-nomadic Masai tribe? All this you will discover for yourself in the ‘pearls’ of Africa - Kenya and Congo. It is here that you can get close to predators during a night safari. See the majestic and impregnable Kilimanjaro. Dissolve under a fantastically beautiful starry sky... This journey will be one of the most epic adventures you have ever had to participate in!

Date: January 2020 May 2020 August 2020

South Africa and Namibia are as diverse as any other African country. A tour to this unusual place will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the stunning landscapes of the Sossuflei plateau and the sinister Skeleton Coast, visit the nomadic Himba tribe and feel their original and majestic culture, see the world's largest colony of fur seals and the African Big Five, feed directly from the hands of a cheetah and spend a day in a ghost town. And you will also be waiting for blue whales, the oldest desert of the Namib planet and the colorful streets of cosmopolitan cities.

Date: December 2020

Thanks to the cleanest air, untouched nature and stunning landscapes, the Lake District of Argentina, as well as the region of the same name in Chile, is often compared to the Swiss Alps. The main wealth of the region is not only stunningly beautiful national parks, but also thousand-year-old forests, crystal clear clear lakes, rivers and waterfalls. And yet - this is a region with the famous road "Caretera Austral", laid inside the Andean mountain range under the infamous Pinochet. And the peculiarity of this road, isolated from the fjords, glaciers and dense forests filled with the bustle of civilization, is that its starting and ending points are not connected to anything - it seems to go from nowhere to nowhere ...

Date: February 2019

Many travelers who once visited Costa Rica call it the most beautiful country in the world. And I must say - not without reason. This country has endless mountain ranges covered with virgin "cloud" and "rain" forests, numerous national parks that have preserved their natural diversity to this day, exotic black sand beaches, along which some of the largest populations migrate for several months of the year. whales. But, only by visiting Costa Rica, you can see for yourself that this is a true paradise, hiding in the narrowest place in Central America.

Date: June 2020

Right now, having found yourself in the impenetrable jungle of the Amazon in search of a jaguar, or in the magical Mindo reserve surrounded by inimitable hummingbirds, or, perhaps, having become a witness of the mating ceremony of albatrosses in the Galapagos Islands, you will think that perhaps you have seen too little before and in the end you will understand how beautiful and inimitable our planet is, and how much the creator of all this magnificence has tried, conceiving every part of it. Fragile. Majestic. And unique.


There are many beautiful and interesting places on our Earth. Some of them are created by nature, others by man.

Here you will find the most interesting places, some of which you simply must visit, see and try at least once in your life.

If you can bring at least a small part of these ideas to life, then you will forever have wonderful memories that you can tell your family and friends about.

In this list, you are sure to find what you like.

Travel Ideas

1. Arrange a dog sledding trip through the wilds of Sweden.

2. Try the best pizza in Naples, Italy.

3. See the migration of wildebeests in national park Serengeti in Tanzania, Africa.

4. Admire the northern lights in Lapland in northern Finland.

5. Feed the floating piglets in Exuma, Bahamas.

6. Drive a classic car in Havana, Cuba.

7. Sail through the waters of secluded places in Kerala, India on a houseboat.

8. Try street food - laksa, satay - in Penang, Malaysia.

9. Watch the sunset by the Mediterranean Sea on the island of Santorini, one of the most beautiful islands in Greece.

10. Walk under cherry blossoms in Kyoto, Japan. By the way, this city is considered one of the most beautiful in the world.

What trips to take

11. Walk at sunset along the beaches of Zanzibar in Africa.

12. Splash under the Iguazu Falls - one of the widest in the world and located on the border between Brazil and Argentina.

Read also:15+ Most Overrated Famous Landmarks in the World

13. Relax in a hut in the Maldives while watching marine life through the glass floor.

14. Swim in a centota (deep natural drain) in Yucatan, Mexico.

15. Have fun at the Salvadoran Carnival in Brazil - the biggest street carnival on the planet.

16. Look at the reflection of the spectacular Rocky Mountains in Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, Canada.

17. Walk along the walls of Dubrovnik, which have protected the Croatian city since the 7th century.

18. Admire the giant tortoises and sea lions in the Galapagos Islands.

19. Get lost in the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul in Turkey.

20. Take the best shot at the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA.

Which countries will you travel to?

21. Dive into the Blue Lagoon near Reykjavik in Iceland.

22. Bungee jumping in Queenstown, New Zealand. No wonder the city is called the "adventure capital of the world."

23. Have fun in the underground clubs of Berlin in Germany.

24. Walk along the ancient streets of the fortified medieval French city of Carcassonne.

25. Take a look at the so-called "Door to Hell" - a burning natural gas field in Derwez in Turkmenistan.

26. Spend the night at the warm Ice Hotel Romania in the Fagaras Mountains near Bucharest.

27. Visit Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia - a city that has been named the world's best tourist attraction by renowned travel magazine Lonely Planet. The 700-year-old city of 154 square kilometers is located in the heart of the jungle.

28. Swim in the Dead Sea in Israel.

29. Check out Art Deco architecture in South Beach, Miami.

30. Explore the unreal terrain of Cappadocia in Turkey.

What trip to take

31. Admire the twisting, undulating architecture of Frank Gehry at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain.

32. Dive with whale sharks and manta rays off the coast of Mozambique.

33. Look at the colorful, dilapidated houses built into the rocks of Valparaiso, Chile.

34. Visit rice terraces Yunnan in China.

35. Stroll along the banks of the Seine in Paris.

36. Go diving in the Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

37. Visit the Chinese New Year holiday.

38. Hike the Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt marsh, which lies in the Andes in southwestern Bolivia.

39. Take a look at Dubai from the observation deck of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, one of the tallest buildings in the world.

40. Buy local goods and antiques at the famous Chiang Mai night market in Thailand.

Let's go on a trip

41. Hike Coyote Butte in Arizona.

42. Have a picnic in Antoni Gaudí's surreal Parc Güell in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

43. Tour the old Spanish colonial streets of Cartagena, Colombia.

44. Get lost in the maze of gardens at the Palace of Versailles outside of Paris, France.

45. Try traditional pho soup from Hanoi, Vietnam.

46. ​​Explore the streets of Petra - an ancient stone city in Jordan.

47. Visit the floating islands on Lake Titicaca in South America. These islands are still inhabited by the indigenous peoples of Uros.

48. Catch the first rays of light over Bryce Canyon in southwest Utah, USA.

49. Relax on one of the magnificent beaches of Goa, India.

50. Watch the colorful participants of the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. This parade is held before the beginning of the Catholic Great Lent.

Where to travel

51. Climb to the top of Huayna Picchu for a bird's eye view of Machu Picchu.

52. Put on a mask at Carnival in Venice, Italy.

53. Take an adventurous hike through the unspoiled part of the Great Wall of China. Hurry because almost two-thirds of the wall has been destroyed due to erosion and the sale of historic engraved bricks.

54. Visit the five ancient settlements that make up the network known as the Cinque Terre. This network is located in the Italian Riviera.

55. Climb to the top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii and watch the stars appear.

56. Visit the Port de Monaco filled with many beautiful yachts.

57. Experience Moroccan hospitality at a Marrakech hotel.

58. Swim at Morakot Cave Beach in Koh Mook, Thailand.

59. Stand next to the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.

60. Try a beer at the beach bath, which is located on Cay Caulker Island in Belize.

61. Surprise mysterious statues Moa on Easter Island.

62. Snap a photo of the playful, thick-tailed lemurs of Madagascar.

63. Drink a beer at Krakow's beautiful Main Market, Poland.

64. Explore the ruins of Tikal, an ancient city hidden in the jungles of Guatemala.

65. Speed ​​through sand dunes by arranging a safari near Abu Dhabi.

66. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Dublin, Ireland.

67. Watch people run away from bulls during the famous fiesta in Pamplona.

68. Swipe New Year watching fireworks over Sydney Harbour.

69. Sail on a liner through the icebergs of Antarctica.

70. Step into the extraordinarily beautiful scenery of the Huangshan mountain region, China.

71. Admire the magnificent colors of the thermal pools in Yellowstone National Park.

72. Follow the trail of gorillas in Rwanda.

73. Breathe in the sweet scent of the lavender fields in Provence, France.

74. Drive through the Outbacks - the vast sparsely populated areas of Australia.

75. Attend a Kabuki theater show in Tokyo.

Their escapades shocked humanity. It turns out that you can travel without a penny for your soul, easily and everywhere carry a stroller with you with an imaginary friend, and in just 2 years you can overcome 17 countries on bicycles and two oceans on rowing boats.

Right now You have a great opportunity to get acquainted with the adventures of these daredevils.


Bushby's Round the World Walk

A new record for hiking seeks to set Carl Bushby. He is the first person to cross the Bering Strait on ice. AT 1998 Carl started from South America, went to Alaska, but due to visa problems he was deported to Russia for 2 whole years. Now Bushby is going to return and continue his journey to the finish line in London. At the end of the trip, Carl will have spent 14 years on the campaign and covered 36,000 km.

"Why?" - You ask. “This is a challenge to oneself and the realization of a dream,” Karl will say, “To find out what life is and what makes a person deviate from the intended path.”

Tractor travel

Founder of the foundation for helping children of war Menon Osewood travels by tractor from the Netherlands to South America. Menon collects dreams people he meets along the way, written on pieces of paper.

From South America, she will reach Antarctica by boat. Menon plans to end his trip at the South Pole, either on foot or by tractor. It is there, at the end of the world, that she will make a snowman, inside which will be the dreams of people from all over the world.

pony ride

Becky Sampson travels the distance from London to Japanese Tokyo with her pony. The girl has a noble goal - she dreams of raising £15,000 for the SOS Children Foundation, which helps orphans. Traveling since 2009, Becky plans to travel 15,000 km through Western, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, reach China, and then to the end point - the city of Tokyo.

Double trip on a motorcycle

Ted Simon made his first trip around the world back in 1977, at the age of 47. More than 125 thousand km through Africa, North and South America, New Zealand, Australia, Asia and Europe were overcome by his tireless "iron friend". All his life, after the end of the trip, Ted Simon remembered exotic countries, interesting places, wonderful people who met him on the way and ... could not stand it. When the man turned 70, he once again decided on a long journey.

“I didn’t expect the world to change so much in these 23 years!” says Ted.

Inspired by a dream

Travel the world with almost no money? It turns out it's possible! Two backpacks, six hundred dollars and a sea of ​​​​desires - all that they had Kinga and her husband Chopin, landing October 7, 1998 in New York. Then they decided to hitchhike. Kinga wrote a book about the 5-year journey. In 2005, the couple again set off on their journey to Africa, which they already knew. However, Kinga dies of malaria in Ghana... Now Chopin himself continues the journey in memory of his beloved wife.

On the way from China to Germany

It took more than 2 years Christoph Rehage, to get from China to Germany, Hannover. Why these 2 countries? Christophe studied China in detail at the university, and Germany is the homeland of the traveler.

With a stroller in Australia

Frank Maldoni with his invisible friend Harvey in a wheelchair traveled from Petra to Sydney. This action was aimed at supporting the slogan "World peace!".

Invisible Harvey is a fictional peacemaker who lives in the heart of every person. And the wheelchair is a symbol of the absence of peace, a symbol of fear and injustice, says Frank.

tenacious rider

On the way from Mongolia to Hungary Tim Cope overcame 10,000 km on horseback. An Australian photographer, director, writer, Tim traveled around Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, Kazakhstan for about 5 years. During this time, he had a lot of ideas, he began to write books about his adventures, opened a travel school, and began making films.

Ecological travel

Colin and Julia Angus made a real feat: they crossed 17 countries on bicycles and two oceans, rowing boats, while eating only food prepared from home.

Desperate travelers started from Vancouver. In 2 years of traveling they ate 4,000 chocolate bars, used 72 bicycle tubes, 250 kg of freeze-dried food, 31 fish caught in the sea, 2 offshore boats, 4 bicycles and 80 kg of clothes! The couple proved if 43,000 km can be covered without polluting the Earth, then it is much easier to do it at home.

Walking through Afghanistan

Achievement Rory Stewart not in how many kilometers he walked, but in what terrain! In 2004, in Afghanistan, full of surprises and dangers, he met heroes, villains, teenage soldiers, and employees of various foreign organizations.

Vogel family of enthusiasts. Alaska - Argentina

One day John Vogel returned from work very tired. He collapsed on the sofa in despair and stared at one point for a long time. And then he said to his worried wife: Nancy, I can not take it anymore! I must run! I'll buy three bicycles... Just me and the kids! (the couple had two sons - ten-year-old twins) We will be like Superman, Spiderman and Incredible Hulk!..»

Nancy recalls: “Then my husband looked at me thoughtfully and said: “Oh, yes, if you want, you can go too.”

Honeymoon for Amy

Young couple Amy and Wim spent their honeymoon biking from Belgium to China. During the 10 months of travel, they traveled 10,850 km.

“Usually we moved 4 hours 18 minutes a day, covering 61 km, but the longest distance we ever traveled was 115 km in 8 hours 15 minutes,” Amy shares her memories.

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Experienced travelers are convinced that traveling does not require a lot of money. Enough desire to wander and the ability to seek information.

site summarized tips from travel bloggers that will allow you to see the world at minimal cost. At the end of the article, you will find a bonus in the form of useful information for each tourist. And may you have more travels in the near future!

11. Travel on your own

Traveling on your own, and not through travel agencies, is both more profitable and more interesting. Yes, you will be solely responsible for any problems. But travel agencies do not solve much in such cases, preferring to shift the blame on the airline, force majeure, the receiving party, and the like.

On your own, you can lay out the “same” dream route, choose a cheap flight option, book the best-priced hotel with a convenient location for you, and pick up a transfer.

The earlier you start planning your trip, the cheaper it will be. This applies to air travel, train tickets, hotel reservations, buying tickets for various events, concerts and festivals. In European countries, train ticket sales open a few months before departure. In the first days of sales, it is quite possible to buy a ticket 2-3 times lower than standard fares.

Buying tickets for entertainment, concerts and festivals in advance via the Internet is a sure way to save an average of 10% of the cost and avoid queues.

9. Save on travel

The cost of moving from point "A" to point "B" is one of the main items of travel expenses. On the site you can find information about promotions and discounts for air travel, rail and bus travel, accommodation and car rental. The site does not provide any tourist services, but simply provides information about discounts and promotions with links to primary sources. After choosing a suitable offer, you go to the company's website and book accommodation or buy tickets yourself.

8. Look for a variety of ways to buy cheap flights

Blogger Stas Rabunsky, who at the age of 24 traveled to 35 countries and visited several continents, shares the following strategy for finding cheap flights: you need to find the official website of the airport of the city where you plan to go. There you can see which airlines fly to this city and find the one that flies from your city or the city closest to you. Then visit the website of this airline and find out if there are any promotions now and whether it is possible to save money by joining the airline's passenger club.

From any airport in the world can be reached economically by bus, not by taxi. Look in advance in an Internet search engine, which bus companies go to the city center and where the stop is located.

If you opt for a taxi, then do not take it directly at the airport: you will be charged exorbitant prices, and in exotic countries they can be robbed. In addition, not all taxi drivers speak basic English.

Transfer from the airport to the hotel can be ordered through an international transfer service, such as Kiwitaxi or HolidayTaxis. At the airport you will be met by a driver holding a sign with your name on it. You can pre-order additional options, such as a child seat and Wi-Fi in the car, and pay for a taxi with a bank card.

6. No hotels

Blogger Vitaly Klimov, who traveled by bike from the west of Russia to Africa and travels around Europe, while spending no more than € 7 per day, recommends that when traveling alone or with a student company, give preference to hostels. It's cheap, and at the same time you get the opportunity to make new friends, spend time in the company and improve your knowledge of foreign languages.

If you are traveling with a family, it is better to give preference to apartments. First, this is a significant savings on food. Of course, it is worth going to a restaurant a couple of times during a trip, because getting to know the local cuisine is part of getting to know another culture. But buying food in the supermarket and cooking it yourself is much cheaper. And secondly, staying at the hotel, we live the life of a guest of the city. And in the apartments we try on the life of a local resident - with trips to shops, to the market, with our own key to the front door.

5. Try an alternative way to stay on your trip

Agrotourism is one way to get free shelter, food and a chance to immerse yourself in a different cultural environment in exchange for a few hours of daily help to the hosts.

You can always find an interesting, unusual and free way to stay while traveling. For example:

  • On the Help Exchange, people from all over the world offer tourists free accommodation and food in exchange for household help, farm work, and other services.
  • WWOOF is an international organization (located in more than 70 countries) of organic farms, gardens, where anyone can come to work in exchange for accommodation and food.
  • Couchsurfing is an international hospitality system. You register on the site and then you can host guests or visit other participants yourself, and it's all free.
  • Housesitting is looking after someone else's empty house, the owners of which have left for a long time, for example, for the summer, in exchange for free accommodation. You can find an offer from any country in the world. You can find such travel accommodation options on the corresponding website.

4. Rent out your own accommodation while traveling or go on an “exchange vacation”

An exchange vacation is an opportunity for free accommodation while traveling, and maybe even a chance to meet your love like the characters in a movie.

Before the trip, be sure to type in the Internet search engine "Free entertainment in the city of N", ideally, of course, on English language. Festivals, concerts, open days, excursions - in big and not so big cities you can find a lot of interesting things for free. For example, information about free walking tours can be found on this site.

2. Don't buy what you can get for free

  • WiFi. When booking accommodation, immediately choose an apartment or hotel with free Wi-Fi. Enjoy free Wi-Fi throughout the day in restaurants and cafes, gas stations and shopping malls.
  • Area maps. Free cards are available at counters in many hotels, apartments and hostels. The map can also be picked up at the Tourist Information Office. As a rule, they are located in the city center or near the main attractions. Download electronic maps of the city and a guide to your phone in advance.
  • Water. In Europe, you can drink tap water everywhere. Drinking fountains have been installed in many cities, and you can safely drink from them. To check, you can look at

Man has always wanted to know his world. Brave travelers went to the very end of the world, not even knowing what was there. Researchers have turned the idea of ​​​​our planet, proving that it is round.

And today, with the development of space technologies, there are no white spots left on the earth. You can learn about distant lands from the Internet or on TV.

Nevertheless, people are attracted by new cities and countries. Traveling is so interesting! Many people also do it in a very unusual way. Below is a story about the strangest journeys.

2600 kilometers on my knees. In 1978, the journey of 39-year-old Baptist priest Hans Mulikin finally ended. He covered such a distance to the White House from his city of Marshall, Texas. In order not to damage his legs during such an unusual journey, he wrapped them in fur and protected them with steel strips. In his hands the priest held an axle with wheels of different diameters. This helped him compensate for the slope of the road towards the curb. The whole road was covered by Hans on all fours. The journey ended on November 22, 1978. It took the priest two and a half years to do everything. Arriving at the White House, Mulikin asked for an audience with Jimmy Carter, who was the President of the country at that time. But the guards sent him off, saying that the First Person was busy. Then Hans turned to reporters, saying that the government of the country really wants the heads of the population to bow and stay on their knees, waiting for mercy. Such a denouement was quite predictable, rarely do presidents really think about the fate of their people.

On an all-terrain vehicle around the world. Traveling around the world by car is no longer able to surprise anyone. Australian Ben Carlin decided to go around the planet in his improved amphibious jeep. He set off on the road with his wife in 1950, but the wife could not bear the tiring journey, leaving the race after three-quarters of the way in India. Ben continued his journey alone, completing it in 1958. The journey started and eventually ended in Montreal, Canada. And the length of the entire route was 62 thousand kilometers by land and as much as 17 thousand kilometers by water.

41115 kilometers with a wheelbarrow. David Baird decided to cross the entire Australian continent with a wheelbarrow. The journey through the mainland took 112 days, during which time the traveler covered 4115 kilometers. Such a marathon 65-year-old man did to raise funds for the study of prostate and breast cancer. Baird himself does not have such problems and he looks great, even despite the fact that in 112 days he ran the distance of a hundred marathons along with a wheelbarrow. Every day the traveler moved for 10-12 hours. During the journey, he was able to visit 70 cities, whose residents donated 20 thousand dollars for a good cause. Here is such a charitable unusual trip.

Travel around the world on foot. The English runner Robert Garside is also known as the "Running Man". The Guinness Book of Records officially gave him a certificate that he was the first to report a round-the-world trip by running. Robert made several unsuccessful attempts, starting from Cape Town, South Africa, and from London. In the end, success ended in a journey that began and ended in Indian New Delhi. The start took place on October 20, 1997, and Robert spent almost 5 years all the way, finishing on June 13, 2003. The fact that a man completed a round-the-world race without the use of technical means caused a lot of gossip among the press and competitors. That is why representatives of the famous Book of Records have long and carefully checked the authenticity of the record, studying all the facts related to its accomplishment. As a result, only a few years later the honorary document was issued to the runner. Interestingly, when David made his run, he updated his journey on Helped him in this pocket computer. The runner talked about everything that happened to him along the way. And this story turned out to be quite rich. There are also attacks by hooligans, imprisonment, difficult acclimatization. During his journey, Garside spent the night in a variety of places, ranging from elite five-star hotels to police cells. The traveler collected 120 thousand pounds in the form of voluntary donations from people he did not know. He ended up in prison because of incorrectly executed papers allowing entry into the country. David during the trip even managed to find his love - the girl Endrina Perez from Venezuela. The whole journey lasted a long 2062 days, during which 48 thousand kilometers were overcome. Robert has traveled to 29 countries, visiting 6 continents. The traveler used 50 pairs of running shoes to run around the world. Yet it remains unclear how the Englishman crossed the oceans. He probably continued to run, located in the passenger cabin of the liner. Perhaps this is how he compensated for the length of the obstacle in the form of the ocean.

Walking from China to Germany. When Christoph Rehage celebrated his birthday in 2007, he thought of giving himself an unusual gift - a hiking trip. He studied in Beijing, the capital of China, and the student decided to reach his home in the German city of Bad Nenndorf. The walk promised to be interesting. While making such a journey, Christoph took many photos and even created a time-lapse video of his journey. As a result, the 4,000 kilometers traveled fit into a five-minute video. There you can first see a neatly shaven young man, he gradually begins to grow bristles, and the landscape changes around him. Flashes the Gobi desert, mountains, roads. And the traveler himself goes on and on. Landscapes changed around him, people came and went, and he himself continued on his way. It took Christophe a whole year to pass only through China. He finally realized that he simply could not carry out his plan. But even to pass these 4800 kilometers turned out to be a real feat, so such a journey causes only respect.

Voyage around the world at the age of 16. October 18, 2009 16-year-old Jessica Watson went on a trip around the world. The highlight of it lies in the fact that the entire path will be done independently and on water. The girl became the youngest navigator around the world who made such a difficult journey alone. The journey was non-stop and without resupply. Jessica was born and raised in Queensland, Australia. When she arrived in her homeland on May 15, 2010, she immediately became a celebrity there. The rights to her photo and video materials were bought by Rupert Murdoch himself, having paid an impressive amount for this. Jessica decided to go around the Earth alone when she was only 12. It would be interesting to know the reaction of her parents to such a statement. However, the dream did come true! True, the first attempt, on September 9, was unsuccessful - on the very first night after going to sea, the girl's yacht collided with a large cargo ship. She had to postpone the start for a month.

13 thousand kilometers back to front. Planny Wingo began his journey towards Istanbul on April 15, 1931. The whole journey took as a result a year and a half and ended on October 24, 1932. At that time, the traveler was 36 years old. The unusual thing about this journey was that it was done backwards! It can be assumed that, even swimming across the ocean, the men walked along the deck in this form, winding the necessary kilometers. In order not to turn his head, the traveler was forced to make himself glasses-periscope with mirrors. This helped him overcome about 30-35 kilometers per day. Let it be a little, but every day for a year and a half, and all this - backwards.

3000 kilometers on stilts. In 1891, Sylvain Dornon, born in the French Landes, decided to overcome all of Europe in an unusual way. He went to Moscow from Paris on stilts! The journey began on March 12th. On the day, Dornon walked up to 60 kilometers, what tests awaited him on the way - one can only guess. The whole road of 2945 kilometers took about 2 months. Those who think that this is not difficult can be advised to walk at least a kilometer on stilts.

From Africa to Greenland. It would seem, why can an African be interested in a snow-covered giant island? Tete Michel Cromassi was born in Togo in 1941. When he was still a child, he survived an attack by a huge python. The father, wanting to save his son from the consequences of a snake attack, sent him to the priests of the python cult living in the dense jungle. There the boy was really cured and even dedicated to the priesthood. For the next 6 whole years he lived in the jungle right among the snakes, not at all afraid of them. In these places, Cromassi accidentally discovered a children's book that dealt with Greenland. The boy was simply fascinated by a distant country where there is no forest or snakes at all. Cromassi decided he needed to get there. The journey took 12 years. All this time, the traveler did not stay in one place for more than six months, literally working only for food and a roof over his head. He crossed West Africa and ended up in Europe. Already from there, Kromassi on a boat in the mid-60s finally got to his destination - Greenland. During the trip, Michel closely studied the languages ​​​​of the peoples with whom he spoke. He became a good listener and turned out to be an excellent storyteller, an interesting person. Cromassi outlined his story in 1977 in the book From Africa to Greenland, published in France.

Expedition "Kon-Tiki". Before the expedition, Heyerdahl and five other travelers - Knut Haugland, Bengt Danielsson, Eric Hesselberg, Thorstein Robyu and Herman Watzinger - arrived in Peru, where they built a pae-pae raft from balsa wood and other natural materials, which they called "Kon-Tiki". They were prompted to sail on the Kon-Tiki by ancient chronicles and drawings of the Spanish conquistadors depicting Inca rafts, as well as local legends and archaeological evidence suggesting that there could be contacts between South America and Polynesia. On August 7, 1947, after 101 days of navigation, the Kon-Tiki, having covered 4,300 nautical miles (8,000 km) in the Pacific Ocean, washed up on the reefs of the Raroia atoll of the Tuamotu Islands. The Kon-Tiki demonstrated that a primitive raft, using the Humboldt current and a tailwind, could indeed swim across Pacific Ocean in a westerly direction. Thanks to the keel system and the sail, the raft proved its high maneuverability. In addition, fish accumulated in fairly large numbers between two balsa logs, which suggests that ancient sailors could use it to satisfy hunger, and the evaporation of water on the sails made it possible to overcome thirst in the absence of other sources of fresh water. Inspired by the voyage of the Kon-Tiki, others repeated this journey on their rafts. Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki has been translated into 66 languages. Documentary about the expedition, filmed by Heyerdahl during the voyage, received an Oscar in 1951.