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Palmyra atoll killing people. Palmyra Island in the Pacific Ocean: coordinates, area, photo, description

This atoll is located a thousand nautical miles from the Hawaiian Islands, so beloved by tourists. At first glance, the island looks like a piece of paradise, which seems to have everything for a happy and carefree life and recreation: a wonderful climate, magnificent nature, wonderful beaches, azure sea ...

But soon people realized that Palmyra is some kind of mystical predator, which itself has the consciousness of a killer, and also keeps its henchmen in the form of terrible sharks, poisonous lizards, numerous mosquitoes, and so on only in order not to leave a person, trapped on the island, not a single chance to survive.

It all started with the fact that back in 1798, the American ship "Betsy" landed on the reefs near this "paradise island". Bloodthirsty sharks immediately attacked people who were in the water, as if they were waiting for this feast. Survivors later recalled that marine predators began circling around the ship even before it was wrecked.

Ten lucky ones still managed to swim to shore. And although a rescue ship soon sailed to the island, he picked up only three surviving members of the Betsy crew, who told such horrors about this atoll that many did not even believe in their horror stories.

The mysterious island was put on the map and began to be called Palmyra since 1802, when an American ship with that name sank near it. For a long time, seafarers could not understand why ships crash near this, in general, quiet place with a coastal bottom favorable for navigation. However, the Spanish caravel Esperanta, which crashed in 1816 near Palmyra, clarified something. As the captain of the caravel described that crash, a storm suddenly broke out not far from the island, which carried their ship onto the reefs. The crew of the Esperanta was picked up by a Brazilian ship passing by, but the Spanish captain tried to put the coordinates of the reef on the map so that no one would break into them in the future. What was his surprise when, a year later, sailing in this place, he did not find any reefs.

In 1870, the American ship Angel was wrecked near Palmyra. True, no one knows for sure what happened to him. The ship simply disappeared, and later the corpses of its crew were found on the island. Who or what killed people remains unknown, since no one has ever lived on the atoll.

Our time has not cleared up the mystery of Palmyra Island

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Palmyra Island has officially become a possession of the United States. When the Second World War began, the Americans placed a military garrison here. As one of the soldiers of this unit, Joe Brau, wrote in his memoirs, at first they thought that they were very lucky - not a place, but simply a paradise. But the joy was premature. A few days later, all the soldiers were seized with causeless fear. I wanted, wrote Bri, to leave this terrible place as soon as possible, otherwise something irreparable would happen to you. Everyone became nervous and angry, fights broke out between the soldiers, which often ended in death. Yes, and suicide began to occur with terrifying frequency.

One day, Joe recalls, they shot down an enemy plane that crashed on an island not far from them. But the soldiers could not find him, although they searched the entire atoll. After the war, the garrison left the mystical island, and it again became deserted.

And in 1974, a married couple Melanie and Trem Hughes decided to visit him, who went here on their expensive yacht. For three days they told dispatchers by radio that they were living in Palmyra and that everything was fine with them. Then the connection stopped. Rescuers who arrived here just a couple of days later discovered the very carefully dismembered bodies of the Hughes spouses, and their remains were buried at different ends of the atoll. At the same time, things and all the jewelry remained untouched.

The last foray to the mystical island in order to study this mysterious place was made by the traveler and explorer Norman Sanders, who in 1990, together with three of the same daredevils, landed on the atoll, and this happened at night. According to Norman, they immediately felt fear and impending disaster. The researchers on Palmyra lasted only a week, although they planned to stay for two months. After a couple of days, they almost began to fight with each other, and one of them even made a suicide attempt. At the same time, for some unknown reason, for some reason, their on-board instruments began to malfunction, their computers failed ... In general, the guys fled this damn place on April 24, but when they arrived home, it turned out that they somehow lost the whole day in some mysterious way. Well, at least they remained intact ...

At the end of the last century, the American authorities began to place radioactive waste on a desert island, so those who wish to visit this terrible corner of the planet today can be counted on the fingers. And the military themselves, who bring deadly waste here, sometimes tell terrible things about the island, for example, about hordes of bloodthirsty rats that have bred on the atoll. True, the military mostly keep quiet, because a long language in their case can result in dismissal from service, or even worse ...

Attempts to explain the secrets of the mystical island

Palmyra Atoll is very similar to a living monster, so many researchers tend to consider it as such, that is, an island with its strong and destructive aura that lures and kills travelers.

But the researcher Mershan Marin believes that there is some mysterious, very evil creature on the island that can control here not only the weather, reefs and even sharks, poisonous reptiles, as well as other aggressive living creatures, but also affects the minds of people, making their out-of-control zombies.

Another version is a portal to another, very scary world for us. It is from there that all evil spirits break through here, which in some way can change our reality and kill people.

In the Pacific Ocean, about 1 thousand miles south of the Hawaiian Islands, there is an island Palmyra atoll. To a person who sees it for the first time, the place may seem like an earthly paradise. The atoll is amazingly attractive: snow-white sandy beaches, dense vegetation, picturesque lagoons amaze with their beauty. But, behind all the splendor, there is an inconspicuous road to the world of horror and pain.

monster of the island

Looking more closely at this anomalous place, you can find that a large number of sharks live in the waters near the island, and the fish are saturated with poison secreted by local algae. The fauna of the island also does not indulge. Here, poisonous lizards are found in abundance, and there are many annoying insects such as mosquitoes. Good weather on the atoll can go bad in the blink of an eye.

Since its discovery, the island has gained a bad reputation. People landing on the beaches of Palmyra are exposed to an unknown force. Not many lucky people manage to get out alive from a dead place. The island even got its name from a ship that was in distress off its coast.

The history of the place knows and many examples. In 1798, at that time the atoll was not yet marked on the maps, a ship was wrecked in the waters near the island. The ship "Betsy", en route from America to Asia, hit the reefs, leaked and began to sink rapidly. Of the entire large team, only ten people reached the saving land. The rest were either eaten by sharks or simply drowned.

The lucky ones who escaped the water element were destined for other trials. Only three of them managed to escape on board another ship passing near the atoll a month later. From their words, it turned out that the rest of the surviving team was killed by a monster that lives on the island.

cursed island

In 1802, the atoll was mapped. It got its name from the name of the ship that was wrecked in the same year in the waters of the island. The place continued to claim the lives of sailors in the future.

In 1870, the ship "Angel" (Engel) was missing, passing along the course of the island. Later, the bodies of the team members were found on the coast. All the dead showed signs of violent death, while the killer was never found.

During the Second World War, the island fell into the sphere of influence of the United States. The US military has set up a base on the atoll. One of the soldiers who served there later shared his memories. According to him, the people who were at the facility were in a constant state of causeless fear. Some were frightened by the presence of a large number of sharks in the waters, others in a panic tried to desert the island, referring to the inevitability of disaster.

Some of the soldiers ended their suffering by committing suicide. Many have had uncontrollable bouts of aggression. Quarrels broke out in the garrison, ending in fights, and sometimes murders.

Navy officer Hal Horton, who served on the atoll from 1942 to 1944, shared his memories of the war:

“One day, a plane on patrol crashed into the water near the island. Although every effort was made to search for it, not a single piece of debris was found, which was suspicious.

Another aircraft, having risen from the runway to a height of 60 meters in clear weather, chose the wrong direction of flight. According to the flight plan, he was supposed to head north. Instead, he turned in the opposite direction and disappeared over the horizon. Two experienced pilots disappeared along with the car.

There was a hell of a lot going on on the island. Experienced sailors called the place none other than cursed. We were constantly unlucky. There was a case when the plane, after circling over the island for a long time, could not find the runway and eventually crashed into the water. The sharks found the pilot faster than the rescue team."

An island with a mind

At the end of the war, the military stopped trying to settle the atoll, non-combat losses exceeded all permissible limits. After the departure of the garrison, not a single living person remained on the island. But, the anomalous zone stubbornly continued to remind of itself.

In 1974, there was a double bloody murder of yachtsmen on Palmyra. A lawsuit in the case found that San Diego residents Malcolm and Eleanor Graham were murdered by a previously convicted felon living on the island. The motive for the crime was the expensive yacht "Sea Wind" with provisions.

The remains of Eleanor Graham, who died on the island, were discovered in 1980 by another pair of yachtsmen, Sharon and Robert Jordan. Walking along the shore, Sharon discovered a metal container from the war, thrown by a wave. There were human bones nearby. It was an amazing coincidence that the woman managed to make a find. At the next high tide, the evidence would be gone.

As a result of the investigative actions, it was established that the victim was first shot dead. After - the body was burned with a burner, dismembered, put in a metal box and drowned in the lagoon. Mac Graham's body was never found.

John Biden was a witness at the trial. Owner of a coconut plantation in Palmyra. He spent over 14 months on the island. It seemed that this man was difficult to scare, but his evidence disproved this assumption. He was sure that trouble awaits all those who set foot on the island.

The second witness in the case was Tom Wolfe. Shortly before the tragedy, he also visited Palmyra. The mystical forces of the island continued to influence this man even after many years.

A month before the end of the trial, at the moment of the greatest tension of events, he was in his house, located on the coast of Puget Sound in Washington.

After the storm, Tom went for a walk along the shore. Examining objects thrown out of the ocean by the elements, twelve meters from his house, he discovered a sealed metal bottle. There was a map inside. Wolfe could not believe his eyes and was greatly shocked and frightened. The map depicted the ill-fated island of Palmyra. What forces delivered this message to him, one can only guess.

Sharing his impressions, he noted that the find plunged him into superstitious fear. The tentacles of the island were able to reach him at a distance of more than three thousand miles.

According to marine biologist Marshan Morin, the island can be a living organism with powerful negative energy. It is this dark aura that attracts and destroys people. According to other versions, adherents of a dark cult settled on the island, and there is also a portal to another dimension.

The latest reports about Palmyra date back to 2011. Rats have bred in large numbers on the island. The invasion of rodents was stopped with the use of poisons. But the ecosystem was also partially affected. The site is currently closed to tourists. To visit, you must obtain a special permit from the US Conservation Organization.

There are many mysterious places on Earth. Although the palm among anomalous zones our planet rightfully belongs Bermuda Triangle, the small island of Palmyra, lost in the Pacific Ocean, can compete with it.

Palmyra is located about 1000 miles southeast of the Hawaiian Islands. This place seems to be a real paradise: untouched nature, lush tropical vegetation, lagoons and reefs in which life is in full swing... And at the same time - a feeling of misfortune that is in the air...

The history of Palmyra is a chain of tragic events. In 1798, the American ship Betsy, heading from America to Asia, ran into reefs near an uncharted island. People who tried to swim to the island drowned or were eaten by sharks. Those who miraculously escaped later said that they would not agree to return “to this damned land” under any circumstances. During the two months of their stay there, out of ten people, only three remained. Survivors claimed that everyone else was killed by the island, which in fact is a "living creature, vile creature." Nevertheless, the location of the island was fixed on the map, and in 1802 it became known as Palmyra after the name of the ship that crashed off its coast.

In 1816, the Spanish caravel "Espiranta", heading to Peru, fell into a sudden terrible storm. Carried by the wind, she ran into the reefs and began to slowly sink. The storm subsided immediately. The crew took on board a passing Brazilian ship. The captain of the Espiranta carefully put the coordinates of all the reefs on the map, but sailing in the same place a year later, they were not found.

In 1870, the American ship "Angel" disappeared off the coast of Palmyra. The corpses of the team members were later found on this island. All of them died a violent death. But who killed them is unknown. Sailors still claim that Palmyra is a cursed place and it is better to bypass it. Mershan Marin, a passionate yachtsman and scientist, absolutely agrees with them. He believes that Palmyra has the aura of a living being, and very strong and undeniably black; but at the same time, the island attracts like a magnet or a powerful drug. Marin notes that Palmyra has many oddities and mysteries. The weather there changes almost instantly. Nature is beautiful, but the magnificent lagoons are teeming with sharks, the fish is inedible, as the algae in these places emit special harmful substances. A lot of insects, among them huge mosquitoes, as well as poisonous lizards, crabs and other unpleasant living creatures.

In 1940, the island was taken under US jurisdiction. And during World War II, it was used by the US government to attack Japan. Joe Brau, one of the soldiers of the garrison stationed there during the war, says that, having arrived on Palmyra, he considered himself lucky, since the place where he was to serve looked like a real paradise. But the reality turned out to be far from so beautiful. “Everyone on the island was scared,” Brau recalls. - Some were afraid to approach the water, because it seemed to them that they would certainly be swallowed by sharks. Others assured that if they did not leave the island right now, something terrible would happen. There were several mysterious suicides among the soldiers of the garrison. In addition, the island aroused incomprehensible anger in people. The soldiers quarreled, there were fights and murders.” One day, an enemy plane was shot down over Palmyra, which began to smoke and, falling, disappeared behind the palm trees. The military tried to find the wreckage of the plane, but found nothing, although they searched the entire island. After the war, he again became uninhabited, but continued to attract sailors.

In 1974 Trem Hughes and his wife Melanie went to Palmyra on their yacht. At first, Hughes kept in touch by radio with controllers in the Hawaiian Islands. Then the connection was cut off, and the authorities decided to send a rescue boat in search of the missing yacht. Soon she was discovered near Palmyra. But there were no people on it. A few days later, the bodies of the spouses were found in the sand near the water. They were dismembered and stacked in a special way. Who and why committed this crime is unknown.

Palmyra Island in the Pacific Ocean
Early 1990 Mysterious Island visited by amateur yachtsman Norman Sanders and three of his friends. “I did not believe the rumors about the strange things happening on the island,” Sanders later said. - But I had to make sure in my own skin that Palmyra is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. We approached the island at night. I was not on deck, but I immediately felt that we were close. A strange melancholy and loneliness seized me ... The sun rose, and a small crew gathered on deck.

A thousand miles south of Hawaii is island atoll palmyra. At first glance, this beautiful place almost heaven on earth. But in this paradise there is a direct road leading to hell.

There are a lot of oddities on Palmyra, it's pretty unusual place. The beauty of the island is captivating. There are wonderful sandy beaches, lush vegetation, and beautiful reefs and lagoons.

But if you look closely, the island is alarming. There are many sharks near the atoll, the fish is poisonous due to the content of substances that are secreted by algae growing here.

On the island itself there is a lot of unpleasant living creatures: from mosquitoes to poisonous lizards. And the joy of a wonderful climate can quickly disappear due to lightning-fast weather changes.

Starting almost from the very discovery of the island, all who visited this place are pursued by an unknown force. And good luck to those who managed to get away alive. After all, even the atoll got its name in honor of the ship, which itself destroyed.

In 1798, near the island, not indicated at that time on the map, the Betsy ship wrecked, heading from America to Asia. The ship crashed on the reefs, people tried to swim to escape, but only ten people reached the shore - the rest either drowned or were eaten by sharks.

However, only three of them survived. When they were rescued by another ship two months later, the survivors said that their comrades were killed by the island itself - in fact, this is a huge monster that destroys people!

The island was put on the map, and in 1802 it received the name Palmyra - the name of the lost ship that crashed near the atoll in the same 1802.

In 1870, the American ship Angel disappeared off the coast of Palmyra. The dead bodies of the crew members were found on the island. All of them died a violent death, but the killer remained unknown.

In 1940, the island came under US jurisdiction. During the Second World War, a military garrison was located there. One of the soldiers, Joe Brown, said that he and his comrades, being on Palmyra, constantly experienced causeless fear. Some said they were afraid of sharks swimming in the water, others hysterically demanded to leave the island, assuring that something terrible would happen otherwise.

Indeed, several people committed suicide, unmotivated outbreaks of aggression were observed among the soldiers, which led to quarrels, fights and even murders.

Hal Horton, a former naval officer stationed at Palmyra from 1942 to 1944, recounted the following:

“Once one of our patrol planes crashed near the island. We searched long and hard for it, but did not find even a bolt or a piece of metal. It was strange and amazing. On another occasion, the plane took off from the runway, climbed about 60 meters and turned in the wrong direction. The plane was supposed to fly north, but instead it flew south. The day was clear. We couldn't understand anything. There were two people on board, whom we never saw again. We were very unlucky on this island. Experienced sailors called him cursed. One day we heard the sound of an airplane looking for us above us, but it crashed into the water before it found the runway. We didn't get to the guy in time. The sharks discovered it first."

After the war, people left the island. The government didn't try to use it anymore - too little fame surrounded this place.

But in 1974, on Palmyra, two people were killed while sailing on a yacht. According to witness testimony at the ensuing trial, Malcolm "Mac" Graham and Eleanor "Muff" Graham of San Diego were killed, possibly because of their expensive sailing ship, the Sea Wind, and the former inmate's provisions. settled on the island.

In 1980, the remains of Muff Graham were discovered by another pair of yachtsmen, Sharon and Robert Jordan. Walking along the shore, Sharon Jordan found a skull and bones that had apparently fallen out of a World War II metal box that had been washed ashore by the waves. It is amazing that Sharon ended up in this place and in given time: the next low tide would forever carry the bone back to the sea.

Evidence suggests that Muff was either shot or killed with a club, burned with an acetylene torch, dismembered, and her remains placed in a small metal container taken from an old military lifeboat on the island, which was then sunk in the lagoon. . (Mack Graham's body was never found and is believed to have been hidden in a second container somewhere on or near the island.)

John Bryden, a witness at the murder trial, was an adventurer who spent 14 months on Palmyra trying unsuccessfully to establish a coconut plantation. Bryden appeared to be hard to intimidate, but he testified at trial that "at times Palmyra seemed to portend misfortune."

Tom Wolfe, a yachtsman who was in Palmyra just before the murders, testified at four different trials related to the crime. A month before the trial, Wulf felt something that once again confirms the influence of a strange force on those who had contact with Palmyra. One morning after a severe storm, Woolf, whose home is located in Puget Sound, Washington, went out for a walk to see what the storm might have washed ashore.

Just 12 meters from his house, he noticed a cylindrical object, carried by the waves on the rocks. Opening it, he was surprised that the tube contained a navigation map of the island of Palmyra! Recounting this story to one of the defense lawyers at the trial, Wolfe could only wonder what strange forces had delivered the map of Palmyra to his front porch just before his scheduled testimony at a critical stage in the trial.

He noted that "the discovery of this cursed map caused fear of something unknown. I am not superstitious, but I admit that it really shocked me. It seemed that Palmyra stretched out and touched me from a distance of three thousand miles."

The well-known biologist Marchand Marin hypothesized that the island is actually a living creature with a very powerful negative aura and the ability to trap people!

However, there are other versions. For example, that a secret magical order has been using Palmyra for centuries for its rituals, or that there is an entrance to another dimension.

K0IR, K4UEE, K6MM, K9CT, K9NW, N2TU, N9TK, ND2T, W0GJ, W3OA, W8HC, WB9Z will be active from Palmyra Atoll (IOTA OC-085) 12 - 25 January 2016 as K5P.
They will operate on all HF bands.
QSL OQRS, direct:
Palmyra DXpedition, PO Box 73, Elmwood, IL, 61529, USA.
DXCC Country - Palmyra and Jarvis Islands.

K5P News January 18, 2016 K9CT/KH5

We know that we are behind schedule on 80m QSOs and have taken steps to improve our signal.
For this occasion, we brought a mast from Spiderbeam.
We put it as close to the water as possible and tuned the wire antenna to the 80m CW section and added some counterweights as well.
Follow our activity tonight. We have already managed to make several contacts with European stations, so this antenna is clearly working better.
73 Craig K9CT/KH5

K5P News January 18, 2016

If you contacted the K5P DXpedition on 40 meters SSB on January 14 between 11.09 - 14.15 GMT, the expedition members ask to rework these contacts, as they were made on frequencies not allowed for this region.

K5P News January 15, 2016

The antenna on 160 has been repaired and we will be active again on this band at sunset.
The SAL30 antenna is set to low bands.
All antennas work well and are installed near the water. The passage is very interesting, a lot of signals with a characteristic echo and a long path.
We have a 20m SVDA antenna pointing to Europe.
Good performance on 80, 40, 30 and 20m.
73 Craig K9CT/KH5.

K5P News January 12, 2016

K5P uploaded the first logs to Club Log.

Palmyra Atoll

Incorporated unorganized territory of the United States of America

Almost in the very center of the Pacific Ocean, a little south of the blessed Hawaiian Islands, there is a very small atoll of Palmyra, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich, according to geographers, is only twelve square kilometers. At the same time, its land part occupies only less than four square kilometers, and the rest is the water surface.

Palmyra Atoll is, in fact, a certain number of islands concentrated on a very small area of ​​the ocean. In total there are about fifty of them, and all of them are quite low, no more than two meters above the surface. coastline. Today, Palmyra Atoll is almost completely uninhabited: according to various statistics, from two to fifty people constantly live on it.

A Brief History of Palmyra

When this atoll was formed is not yet known for certain, but historians have accurately established that it was completely uninhabited until a small research flotilla led by American captain Edmund Fanning stumbled upon it in 1798. This group of ships was on its way to Asia, and on the way its flagship, the Betsy, was damaged. Thus, Palmyra became for Fanning and his companions that tiny piece of land to which they managed to land and put the ship in order.

Palmyra Atoll did not arouse much interest among its discoverers, however, in 1802, namely, on November 7 of this year, the British landed on it. They did not colonize it, because they did not consider it necessary.

in the middle 19th century Hawaii, as you know, did not yet belong to the United States, and King Kamehameha IV reigned supreme. He decided that Palmyra should become part of his state, and organized an expedition there. In mid-April 1862, she was successful, but in 1889 the atoll was captured by Great Britain. This country owned Palmyra for a very short time, and in 1898 it came under the jurisdiction of the United States, and in 1912 it began to belong to it administratively.

During World War II, this atoll was actively used by the US armed forces as an air base: seaplanes splashed down in its lagoons, which underwent maintenance, refueling, and replenishment of ammunition necessary for combat operations against Japan. Until the middle of the 60s of the last century, copra was produced in small quantities in Palmyra, and somewhat later it acquired its modern status.

Palmyra Atoll. Author of the photo - Ethan Roth.

Nature and climate of Palmyra Atoll

Palmyra Atoll is of coral origin, and all the islands that make up it rise very little above sea level. They are covered with fairly dense shrubs and herbs, and there are also small groves of balsa wood, the wood of which is characterized by extremely low density, very small mass and, at the same time, sufficiently high strength.

As for the fauna of Palmyra, it is not rich, and is represented mainly by several varieties of tropical birds that have formed their colonies there. The climate of the atoll is hot, equatorial, the average annual air temperature there is about +30 °C.

Palmyra Atoll. Atoll International Airport :-). Author of the photo - Ethan Roth.

What can you do in Palmyra?

Palmyra is not of particular interest to anyone, moreover. Only because there is absolutely no infrastructure on the islands of this atoll, with the exception of a single residential facility in which representatives of the American state live (and even then not always). It is now possible to visit Palmyra only with special permission from the American authorities, and even then only to those foreigners who can prove the need for this (for example, professional activities in the field of nature conservation). In addition, radio amateurs have every chance to get to this atoll.