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Mystical lakes of the earth. Some Mysterious and Mysterious Lakes of the World

The story happened a couple of years ago. We decided to get out in a crowd of 3 people, to culturally celebrate the night of Ivan Kupala on one of the lakes, which are rich in the region where I now live.

The region is not completely deaf, but the lake we have chosen is located at a sufficient distance from civilization, in a forest, surrounded by a swamp. The lake itself is practically round, and if you stand with your back to the road that leads to this lake from the last signs of civilization, then there are two roads around the lake itself.

On the right, it is good enough for cars to drive through, and on the left, it is barely passable for extreme pedestrians with deep puddles, snake holes and the threat of falling into the swamp that surrounds this lake from three sides in case of careless movement. On the opposite side of the lake, the roads merge into one again and go somewhere further, along an embankment through a swamp, towards the next lake, and maybe some signs of civilization that we did not get to.

A nook was chosen as a place for the celebration, fenced on both sides with bushes so as not to glow too much in case other companies were there.

We got to the place along a pedestrian, to put it mildly, rough road, because we were slightly afraid that some drunken company would decide to ride along the shore with a breeze and, without noticing, would run into us. We walked with lanterns, since the site, despite the summer night, is still too dark in the forest not to stumble, and, having counted all the ledges of the embankment with a ridge, still plunge into the swamp. We arrived, surprised that besides us, it seems, no one else went to such a cold and such a distance. They began to sort out supplies, prepare a fire, as from somewhere to the left, a splash of water and a woman's laughter were clearly heard.

- Who is this?

V. perked up, who, after the time when my wife and I got lost in three pines, was most afraid that we would rush into the night, or that the forester would come and, quite obviously, give us a portion of real slaps in the face. He was not even reassured by the fact that we would have a small fire, located in accordance with all the rules, and there were bottles of water nearby.

- Mermaids. We won’t go swimming today,” I answered, as if automatically thinking.

And in fact, the site, who? We passed by that place five minutes ago. And if there was another company, we would definitely have heard them, we would have seen the fire or the light from the lanterns. The bushes are not so dense that it cannot be seen or heard. And the lake itself is small enough to clearly see the light from the lantern even on its opposite shore, if only this light were.

The splashing of water and laughter meanwhile continued. Forgetting about the fire for a while, they shone their lanterns on the water, saw circles on the water, shrugged their shoulders, well, you never know, the fish splashed, hardly anyone would go swimming in such a cold. Where does women's laughter come from? Or maybe the girls are sitting in the dark and telling funny stories. Do not go to them now?

They turned off the lanterns, and, no longer paying attention to the renewed laughter and splashing of water, they finally lit the site, strung bread on sticks, we sit, we freeze, we regret that we did not take the barbecue and meat with us. We soon realized that we were hearing something else besides the silvery-voiced laughter of women and the noisy splashing of water. Someone sang. , without words. Again a female voice, this time from the left and behind at the same time, clearly from the side of the swamp. But it's not clear where exactly. And it seems not loud, but enough for us to hear the singing without interrupting the conversation.

- And who is this?

- Definitely not a forester. Swamp?

Shut up, listen. That's right, singing. And it's unlike anything we've heard before. It doesn't look like any tape or digital recording. And what company in a sober, yes even drunk, mind, will settle down in a swamp and turn on music there? Yes, and strange music for an idle company, one melody that the site performs one female voice for half an hour? We weren't sure exactly how long it had been before we paid attention to her. I wanted to go take a look, but I was dissuaded by the fact that in the dark, even with a lantern, I would definitely fall into the swamp, and I would have to be looked for with a forester and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and at the same time explain what the hell we were doing here at night.

For some reason, it became quite uncomfortable to sit, and we got quite cold, we had to put out the fire, collect our belongings and garbage, and move towards the house. By the way, when they passed by the place where the splash of water and women's laughter were heard, they shone lanterns in that direction. The shore was empty, only circles diverged along the water surface. So we've been wondering since then, what was it? But the singing accompanied us to the very road that led away from the site of the lake.

An unusual lake is located next to the Red Sea, on the Sinai Peninsula. It is separated from the sea by a thin strip of petrified shell rock. The flora and fauna of this lake is very simple, but the temperature is quite amazing. In the upper layers, the water temperature is +16°C for almost the entire year, and at a depth of 6 meters or more, it ranges from +48°C in winter to +60°C in summer. Therefore, all animals, fish and organisms live closer to the surface. In addition, the layers of water differ in the level of salt content. Salinity at the top is 42-43 ppm, and near the bottom this value is twice as high. On Earth, of course, there are other lakes with high temperature and salinity, but none of them has such an unusual vertical distribution of these parameters.

The warmest reservoir in the zone of eternal frost is located in Antarctica, its ice thickness is 4 meters. This is Lake Vanda, which has fresh water directly under the ice, and at a depth it is already salty. Even in the very cold, when the air temperature reaches -50-70°C, the water keeps the temperature not lower than +6°C, and at the bottom (at a depth of 70 meters) - +25-28°C, as if in some kind of southern sea . The most amazing thing is that there are no hot springs at the bottom of this sea. This phenomenon seems to be due to the fact that Wanda is a giant thermos. Its purest water, which is free of microorganisms, is heated by the penetration of the sun's rays through the thickness of the ice. The warmest are the deep layers of water, which, due to their density and salinity, do not mix with water, which is located on the surface.

In the Republic of Ghana, in the tropical African forests, 30 km from the city of Kumasi, there is one of the most beautiful lakes - Bosumtwi. It is the most unpredictable body of water on the entire globe. The shape of Bosumtwi is presented right around, as if someone specially drew a circle here with a compass and dug a hole 400 meters deep and 7 km in diameter. The water in it is bluish in color, along the banks there are jungles, which often part, revealing entire glades with small settlements. Several small mountain rivers flow into Bosumtwi, but not a single river originates from it. In this regard, the water level in the lake is constantly rising, thereby flooding the villages located on its shores. However, what shocks people more is that this lake is endowed with an explosive temper. As a rule, it is very calm, silent, but it can suddenly explode at any moment. In its depths it seems to burst huge bubble with air, as a result of which a myriad of water is thrown up, the surface of the lake begins to boil and rage. After that, it calms down again.

As a result of these explosions, a lot of fish die, which the indigenous people subsequently collect with nets. Researchers believe that the reason for these phenomena is that there are deposits at the bottom of the lake in which organic matter decays, accompanied by the release of gas. This gas accumulates up to a certain limit, and then it explodes inside the water column.

For geographers, Lake Bosumtwi is mysterious and enigmatic. Some argue that it was formed as a result of a huge meteorite falling on our planet, while others think that this is an explosion of antimatter, which left no traces in the form of debris and fragments. The most plausible version is that Bosumtwi was formed as a result of volcanic activity. It is likely that the lake is located on the site of a destroyed volcano cone that existed in the distant past.

There are many mysterious lakes on the planet, about which mythology tells terrible things of an anomalous nature. Such lakes even have names that speak: Dead Lake, Devil's Lake, or even Lake of Death.

Today we are talking about reservoirs that frightened our ancestors with their properties, and contemporaries bypass such places.

Not far from St. Petersburg (about 80 km) there is a real lake of dead water - Kalishchenskoye (pronounced also as Kaplischenskoye). They say that in ancient times there was an old Russian "temple" here, where worshipers of the faith rendered sacrifices to the gods, hence the name.

However, on the northern shore of the dead lake is the village of Kalishche, which most likely gave the name to the reservoir.

Over the years, a beautiful forest has grown around the lake, which has become home to a variety of birds and animals, but there is a strange silence in the marvelous forest around the lake. It is interesting, but fish really do not live in this lake, and even scientists find it difficult to explain this strange phenomenon.

Approaching the lake, of course, a wild horror of unknown origin does not instill in the soul, but at night a slight glow appears over the reservoir. According to scientists, swamp gas poisoned the water and the immediate surroundings of the lake, so there are no fish and birds here.

Ten years ago, the lake willingly gathered tourists, who left memories: “we used to rest there, we were afraid of course, but it was so interesting” ... “we dug small holes there, they emitted swamp gases and glowed strongly at night, it was so cool and scary.”

In the Kaluga region, the gloomy glory of a bad place is carried by a lake with the name "Thunder of the Lord." In the spring it is clearly seen that this place seems to be outlined by an infernal circle. Over the years, misfortunes have occurred on this lake, often ending in the death of people.

The explanation of misfortunes is hidden in the name of the lake - an electric shock, but of such power that a person's heart instantly stops. Residents of the district are sure that ball lightning is to blame for everything, appearing too often over the waters of the lake. However, experts do not see the mystical background in the causes of electric shocks, having their own explanation without the participation of evil spirits.

The problem of the unfortunate lies in the elementary neglect of safety precautions. So, a high-voltage line was laid next to the lake, and the wires in some places sagged low enough, which vacationers do not pay attention to until they fall under an electrical shock.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, anomalous reservoirs are well known. For example, in Latvia, there is a lake with a telling name - Devil's. Local residents do their best to dissuade tourists from visiting this place. But few people listen to advice, wanting to touch some mystery.

Tourists are located on the shore of the lake, and after a couple of hours they try to get away from this dead place. Impressive people with a rich imagination can even go to a psychiatrist. Rumor has it that the bottomless lake - never giving up the drowned - keeps its dead at a great depth, putting them shoulder to shoulder.

Dead Lake is often visited by researchers, according to the research of which a powerful energy flow emanates from the bottom of a gloomy reservoir. According to Latvian scientists, the lake is a meteorite crater with a depth of up to 70 meters. In the depths of a curious lake, radioactive radon gas is collected in large volumes, which is responsible for all the mystical happenings in the area.

It must be for this reason that you can’t spend a long time near the lake, because otherwise you can simply go crazy. According to the measurements of experts, an energy flow of incredible strength rushes into the sky directly from the center of a small reservoir, in which they see the culprit in the death of vacationers.

Dead Lake is conveniently located in Kazakhstan, where people often drown in a relatively small body of water. The locals do not favor the reservoir, and advise visitors to bypass the place on the tenth road. Even on the hottest days, the water of the lake is extremely cold, which is apparently the main reason for the death of swimmers. True, vegetation does not start at all in the lake, and there is no fish, but there are not even mosquitoes there!

The most mysterious thing is that drowned people do not float to the surface, but freeze at the bottom like candles (well, according to legends). Scientists explain the lifelessness of the lake with gas that comes out of the crevices of the bottom. But more detailed studies have not been, and are unlikely to be.

In the North Caucasus, in Karachay-Cherkessia, of course, there is a “dead lake” - Black. It is located high in the mountains and is quite small. It is noteworthy, but bushes, trees do not grow around, for some reason even grass does not grow.

According to local residents, the mysterious lake is bottomless. If you look at the lake from above, it seems completely black. Locals never swim in it, and tourists are not taken there.

There are a lot of such anomalous "dead" lakes all over the Earth, each has its own legend and mystery. By the way, about the legend of Lake Kalishchenskoe - when the fashion for psychics and paranormal energy rapidly flooded in the country, here schoolchildren passing the TRP standards were replaced by thoughtful people with biolocators.

UFO researchers wandered mysteriously with metal/wooden frames and looked for geopathic zones. After that, a nice place somehow drastically depopulated.

At all times, lakes have attracted people with their mystery, because water is a substance endowed with unusual properties. Legends about living and dead water still excite the curiosity and consciousness of man to this day. The daredevils try to explore the mysterious reservoirs on their own and, unfortunately, do not always return from there alive. Russia is densely dotted with mystical lakes that swallow up thousands of innocent victims every year.

Lake Baikal

One of the largest lakes on our planet is not in vain called witchcraft, since the phenomena occurring on the territory of the reservoir are difficult to rationally explain. Eyewitnesses report the occurrence of sudden flashes of light or a bright glow above the water, which just as suddenly disappear. The capes of the Baikal region are called anomalous zones, since ships passing by them record a temporary failure of navigational instruments and disorientation in space. On Baikal, cases of people disappearing without a trace are not uncommon. Recently, the famous lake has become a favorite object of ufologists.

Lake Labynkyr in Yakutia

Labynkyr is often compared to the Scottish Loch Ness. According to local fishermen, a certain creature often emerges from the water surface, vaguely resembling a reptile. Eyewitness accounts are striking in their accuracy: people describe the external signs, size, eyes and behavior of a mysterious animal in the same way. Another proof of the habitation of a large animal in the lake, unknown to modern science, are the skulls of large fish found on the shores, crushed, apparently, by incredibly massive jaws. Locals are reluctant to visit the lake for fear of becoming a tasty morsel for the monster. Studies of the bottom of a strange reservoir showed the presence of deep-sea cave-tunnels. It is striking that in the most severe winters, the water on the lake practically does not freeze.


Lovozero is located in the Murmansk region and is also overgrown with mystical legends and superstitions. Near the lake, people often observed the manifestation of hysterical fits of their companions. Defeated into a strange state, they followed orders like robots and carried out monotonous movements. An expedition that studied such a phenomenon could not give a clear explanation of the reasons for the unusual behavior of people. Local old-timers claim the existence of a powerful deity on the islands of the lake, which is especially unfavorable to women. It remains inexplicable that on the territory of Lovozero the weather conditions change within a few seconds, and the waves on the water rise to a height of up to ten meters, which often causes the death of visitors to the lake.

Blue lakes in Kabardino-Balkaria

Blue lakes in the Caucasus are still credited with mystical properties. Researchers have not been able to sufficiently study these reservoirs, since it is impossible to accurately measure their depth - the waters of the lakes are so bottomless. Presumably, their depths reach at least 400 m. In some places, you can see the bottom under a water column of 20-40 m. The most mysterious reservoir of the family is Lake Nizhnee: it was in its waters that several divers died under mysterious circumstances. Nitrogen was found in their blood, despite the oxygen cylinders working properly. The reservoir does not freeze all year round - the water temperature in the lake does not leave + 9 ° C, and the water level always remains the same. In this case, it is excluded that any river flows into the lake.

Water depths beckon with uncertainty and mysticism, and people are increasingly showing carelessness, trying to unravel the mysteries of nature. The lake seems to be of amazing beauty, surrounded by virgin nature, but, perhaps, terrible creatures unknown to modern science lurk at its bottom, waiting for the right moment to declare themselves to the whole world.

There are hundreds of mysterious lakes in the world, which are associated with mysterious stories, anomalous phenomena, they are shrouded in fascinating myths and legends like a shroud.

The fear of local residents of such lakes, which are notorious, was expressed even in their names: Devil's Lake, Dead Lake, Shaitan and others.

Let's take a short tour of some of them.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:19

Lake Smerdyache located in the Shatursky district of the Moscow region. Once crystal clear, the water in it has a pronounced red-brown color. The lake is an almost perfect circle with a diameter of approximately 250 meters. It got its name from the characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide, which suddenly disappeared about 25 years ago. But once this smell led to the fact that a person next to a pond could faint.

However, local old-timers explain the origin of the name in a different way: Smerdyachye - not from the word "stink", but from the phrase "death of the devil". According to local legends, once upon a time there was a chapel on the shaft near the lake. One day, the ground suddenly shook, and the chapel, in which the deacon was located, fell into the lake and immediately went under water.

Another mystery is the sudden change in the depth of the reservoir. In 1985, its highest mark was 20 meters, and after 15 years, measurements showed the maximum distance from the surface to the bottom of 31 meters.

In 2002, a large scientific expedition was organized on Smerdyache. Specialists of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. IN AND. Vernadsky collected enough evidence to assert that the lake is of meteorite origin. The collected coastal soil samples contained materials of local sedimentary rocks melted upon impact. At the same time, the time of the fall of the Shatura meteorite was determined - about 10,000 years ago.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:21

Another mysterious body of water called Chertok(Devil's Lake) is located in the Shkeltovsky parish of the Aglon region of Latvia. The lake is small and very deep. People have never lived near it, the nearest villages are two to three kilometers away. In the press, Chertok is called the “bottomless lake of horror”, because, according to the stories of local residents, it cannot be crossed without risk to life, although it is only a few tens of meters from coast to coast. Moreover, according to beliefs, the Devil's Lake has no bottom at all, so the bodies of drowned people are never found in it.

The water here, for no apparent reason, changes color from transparent blue to almost black - despite the fact that there are practically no clouds in the sky at this time, and the presence of algae in the reservoir is minimal. For this feature, the lake received a second name - Devil's Eye.

The President of the Latvian Academy of Parapsychology, Valery Paramonov, is convinced that the reservoir is an anomalous zone that affects the human psyche. According to him, a powerful energy beam hits from the bottom of the lake, which is capable of terrifying a person who finds himself on the shore.

Scientific studies have established that at the bottom of Devil's Lake accumulates an inert radioactive gas, radon, which is seven times heavier than air and easily dissolves in water. According to scientists, the lake was formed from the fall of a cosmic body.

This is confirmed by the studies of several daredevil divers who saw melted rock in the depths. There is also a version that Chertok is connected underground with the rather distant Aglon Lake, so drowned people disappear in deep underground channels.

Devil's Lake is located next to the highway Aglona - Kraslava, and tourists often settle down to rest near its shores. However, after some time they leave, trying to get rid of the fear that has suddenly surging. Many of them went to the doctor after visiting the Devil's Lake zone. Because of this, in 2005, local authorities ordered to remove a road sign with information about the presence of a nearby reservoir in order not to draw undue attention to this natural object.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:23

In the area of ​​the village of Gerasimovka in the Taldykurgan region of Kazakhstan, there is a small (100 meters long and 60 wide) dead lake.

For unknown reasons, even on a hot summer day, the lake does not dry up, and the water in it remains icy. Algae do not grow in the reservoir, there are no fish, there are no aquatic insects, there are no mosquitoes and flies on the shore.

It is impossible to stay in the water of the Dead Lake for a long time. A diver, even with a full tank of air, can withstand a dive for no more than three minutes, after which, for some unknown reason, he begins to suffocate and is forced to urgently rise to the surface.

Every year people drown in the Dead - mostly visitors who do not listen to the advice of local residents or simply do not know anything about the mysterious properties of the lake. What is surprising: drowned people do not float to the surface after a few days, as is usually the case, but stand vertically at the bottom, like candles.

In addition, incredible events happen every now and then near the Dead Lake: people disappear, and later they are found. At the same time, they find themselves in unexpected places, sometimes quite far from the lake or their home. Some can't even remember their own name.

There is an assumption that there is a crevice at the bottom of the lake, from which a toxic gas is released, which is a poison to all living things. But no scientific studies of the reservoir have yet been carried out.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:25

In the Kirov region of Russia, near the city of Urzhum, there is Lake Shaitan, having the shape of a regular oval, with an area of ​​​​about two hectares. From time to time, the water in this lake seethes, and fountains from four to ten meters high are thrown to the surface. According to local beliefs, these are the tricks of an evil spirit living in the lake.

Scientific studies explain the appearance of such fountains by the fact that the lake is of karst origin and is distinguished by siphon water circulation. Under its bottom there is a second aquifer containing pressure artesian waters. Between these two horizons there is a connection through vertical karst wells (ponors). Settling silt and peat create plugs in the ponds, and the pressure of artesian waters pushes them out, resulting in a fountain outburst of water.

The second unique feature of the lake is small floating islands overgrown with shrubs and small trees. Such islands are formed by water ejections and are detached sections of wetlands. The largest of them can withstand the weight of three or four people. In normal times, up to twenty of them can be counted on the surface of the lake.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:27

Another lake with the same name - Satan- located in the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region near the village of Okunevo. Its water is famous for its healing properties, even curing some forms of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. Placed in an ordinary container, it can stand for years, while retaining a fresh taste and smell.

Experts do not exclude that Lake Shaitan, as well as five other lakes near it, appeared as a result of the fall of a huge meteorite. Hidden deep in the bowels of the earth, it still radiates colossal energy. Numerous anomalous phenomena occurring in these places speak in favor of the cosmic origin of Lake Shaitan, in particular, the regular occurrence of luminous balls and rectangles above the surface of the water.

There is a popular legend among the locals that the temple of the Indian deity Hanuman, Satra, is hidden at the bottom of the lake. According to the legend described in the epic Ramayana, the giant Hanuman, the king of monkeys, helped Rama fight the forces of evil and for this he received the Siberian expanses as a gift, where he erected his city - Aku-Nego. It is he who is now deep under water, hidden from the eyes of people by a layer of silt and sand.

The legend about the Hindu temple at the bottom of the lake is closely connected with another legend - about a cosmic crystal. It is believed that this relic, given to people by alien beings, was the main shrine of the Satra temple and is still in it. According to legend, the crystal stores complete information about the entire history of earthly civilization and contains a clue to the salvation of mankind.

Another feature anomalous zone- Huge, almost meter-long footprints have been found more than once near the lake unknown creatures. There are even written testimonies of eyewitnesses who saw the huge inhabitants of the lake with their own eyes.

The lake is famous for the fact that people, trying to get to it, often stray, their compasses and navigation devices fail. There is a documented case when a group of pilgrims went to Lake Shaitan, strictly checking the compass. The journey was supposed to take no more than an hour. After three hours of travel, the pilgrims became worried. In the end, after seven hours, not seeing any signs of the lake, they decided to return, went back the same way - and after 20 minutes they were in the place where they started their journey.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:34