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Blood Pond in Japan is a stunning natural phenomenon. Blood Pond (Chinoike Jigoku) in Japan Blood Pond in Japan photo

Blood Pond ( English Blood Pond Hot Spring) in the Japanese city of Beppu, without a doubt, is one of the most amazing bodies of water in the world. Despite the fact that a hotel is located nearby, this place can hardly be called hospitable.

Such an unusual pond is the result of the activity of a geyser located underwater in a cave. From time to time, the magma that lies next to the underwater cave heats it up so much that the liquid in it boils and rushes up with force. These emissions create the illusion that the water in the pond is boiling.

The geyser is quite active and reminds of itself every 40 minutes, which allows it to throw more than 50 thousand cubic meters of water to the surface per day. As for the blood-red shade near the pond, this is already due to the high concentration of magnesium and iron salts in the water. It is this amazing and fearsome combination of factors that has made Bloody Pond a place that attracts crowds of tourists from all over the world.

The thousand-year history of the Bloody Pond is shrouded in many legends, one of which says that the souls of sinners rest in the waters of a terrible spring. Which, however, is not devoid of logic: in Japanese, the name of the pond means "hell". And in the literal sense, "cook" in Chinoike Jigoku possible without the help of higher powers: the water temperature in the pond is +78°C

It will definitely cause you tenderness and a feeling of heavenly pleasure. But sights do not always evoke such feelings. In contrast to the same Biei Pond, and again in Japan, there is the so-called Bloody Pond. Here already there are sensations of a different kind. Fear mixed with admiration, chilling horror paired with sincere surprise - this is what tourists say about him.

Bloody Pond is located in the town of Beppu in the northeastern part of Kyushu.

Bloody Pond on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 33.327189, 131.478133
  • The distance from the capital of Japan, Tokyo, is approximately 800 km in a straight line.
  • The nearest airport Kumamoto is about 80 km in a straight line.

The Bloody Pond (in the original Chinoike Jigoku) is famous for the color of its water. Have you already guessed what color it is? That's right - blood red. In general, the town of Beppu is known for its red pond.

The pond with its unnatural color has long been surrounded by local residents with a mystical halo. Legends say it's a hell of a place. As befits a hellish place, it is believed that the souls of sinners live here. And the pond itself is the gate to hell. The temperature of the water gives the final resemblance to a piece of hell on earth. It heats up to almost 80 degrees Celsius. Plus, every 35-40 minutes there are emissions of boiling water, giving the pond a very mystical-terrible look. The seething red pond is mystical, terrible, but still eye-catching.

Boiling Blood Pond

Scary? To distract you a little from hell on earth, and smooth out the impressions, do not be lazy and find out about the branch of the starry sky on Earth - these are the glowing beaches of Vaadhoo Island.

Unfortunately for hoaxers (but fortunately for travelers), meticulous scientists have found out the reasons for this behavior of the reservoir. First, color. It is explained by the abundant content of iron oxides in these places. The temperature of the water is due to the proximity of the earth's magma and the activity of hot geysers. All these miracles happen something like this: an underwater cave, located in the depths of the Bloody Pond, is located near the hot layer of the earth's surface (magma), water is heated and pushed to the surface (while being saturated with iron oxide). Instead of hot water, cooler water enters the cave. Then the process is repeated, invariably delighting (and maybe scaring) visitors. I must say that there are usually a lot of tourists here.

An interesting contrast is created by nature in this place. On the one hand, these are red waters, and on the other, the lush greenery of the local flora. An amazing combination.

So that no one falls into boiling water, the Bloody Pond is surrounded by a fence. For those who want to feel the water of this hellish cauldron, there are special small baths. The water in them is cooled to an acceptable temperature. You won’t be able to swim completely, but it’s quite possible to dip your feet.

The Blood Pond is one of the hellish sights of Japan, which annually attracts a lot of tourists, so the area around is ennobled and well-groomed. Literally a stone's throw away there is a parking lot, a tourist center and a gift shop.

If you managed to visit the Bloody Pond, then you may have time to visit the famous Kawachi Fuji Gardens, 85 kilometers in a straight line to the northwest. Landscapes in this botanical garden certainly do not cause hellish impressions. Well, except that it is hellishly attractive and damn beautiful.

Bloody Pond photo

Near the Japanese city of Beppu is an unusual body of water. The inhabitants called it - Hell. So it was not called by chance. The water in it has a bloody color and is able to change it, depending on the weather conditions.

When the sun is shining, it takes on a red-orange color, and when overcast, it turns bright scarlet. This place with the advent of a thunderstorm looks terrifying, as the water at this time begins to be similar to blood. Not far from the city there are several more interesting reservoirs, but tourists are allowed to visit only seven of them.

The pond got this color due to the fact that it contains a large concentrate of iron oxide. There are geysers. In 24 hours they push out about 50,000 cubic meters of water. Gradually, it fills the cave, and the magma warms it. It brings the water to a boil. This is observed every forty minutes. The water temperature in the reservoir is 90 degrees, so you can not swim in it.

The steam above the bloody pond is terrifying and gives the impression of being in hell. Many legends are attached to this place, one of which says that sinners were boiled in bloody water. In fact, at this temperature it is possible to weld.

Blood Pond (Japan)

Blood Pond(Chinoike Jigoku) is one of the most famous springs of Bellu, which is located in Japan. In Japan, near the city beppu(Beppu), there are several similar places, which the Japanese themselves call hell. So, let's figure out why hell?

Swimming in this pond is not recommended due to the high temperature, reaching 90 degrees, and the high concentration of iron salts, which color the water blood red. And above the surface of the water, steam envelops everything and creates the impression of a bloody place of eternal torment in hell.

Blood Pond in Beppu- This is the result of the vital activity of a geyser located in an underwater cave. Geysers throw out more than 50,000 cubic meters of water per day. The cave periodically fills with water, and the magma lying nearby heats the liquid and brings it to a boiling point. When the water boils, there is a sharp release of it into the lake. At this moment, the surface of the reservoir seems to boil! Emissions occur quite often, with an interval of about 40 minutes.

Above the lake, you can observe vapor emissions from active volcanoes, which are located on the shores bloody pond. This amazing and at the same time frightening sight attracts many tourists from all over the world.

With a blood pool many legends are associated, and in Japanese, its name means "Hell". One of these legends says that sinners were boiled in its waters. And this, perhaps, is true, because at a temperature of 90 degrees you can easily weld.

green leaves on the shore Red Pond and the rising steam from the boiling red waters is a truly incredible sight that makes many thousands of tourists make a pilgrimage. Beppu has become a popular tourist destination since it was founded in 1924. The steam here comes out through every available crack, as if the city is on a giant frying pan and is fried on a big fire. Every year this place is visited by about 12 million tourists from all over the world.

Locals believe that the bloody pond of the city of Beppu is the real gate to hell, where the souls of sinners live. A kind of confirmation of this is the color and temperature of the reservoir: as you probably already guessed, the pond has a blood-red color, which gives it a kind of mystical eerie halo. The water temperature here reaches eighty degrees, and every 30-40 minutes steam rises above the lake, making it even more frightening. You probably don't want to swim there.

To the great disappointment of locals and tourists, this pond is not at all because it is a portal to hell. The cause is iron oxides dissolved in water, and the temperature is due to the proximity of magma and hot geysers. Nothing supernatural, but still interesting and fascinating. Bloody Pond is an amazing place, contrasting, picturesque and beautiful.

This place is very popular with tourists, and this is not at all surprising - who would not want to take a look at such a rare natural phenomenon, and even surrounded by bright greenery that pleases the eye. Complete comfort has been created here for travelers, and almost the entire infrastructure of a small town is designed for tourists.