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What you can not take in the cabin Aeroflot. New rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane: what you can take and what you can’t

What can not be carried in the baggage of an aircraft is a question that worries many passengers. This question is more relevant than ever for those who use air transport for the first time. Today, there are detailed lists of items that passengers cannot carry with them on an airplane.

Each airline sets its own framework and standards, so before flying, you should carefully study the information on official sources and, if necessary, consult with airport employees.

According to statistics, the aircraft is one of the most safe species transport. However, for a successful flight and the exclusion of unpleasant situations, the airline must take care of security measures during the flight. They depend on the following factors:

  • Environmental factors.
  • Competent behavior of crew members and passengers.
  • Preparation of equipment before the flight.

Safety rules do not bypass the passengers of the aircraft. Before and during the flight, they must comply with a number of rules that reduce the likelihood of emergency situations. For example, a person must strictly observe the weight norms of baggage for transportation, turn off mobile devices, and remain calm.

What items are prohibited in checked baggage and carry-on baggage

Please check the baggage requirements before flying. Hand luggage is the suitcase or bag that a person takes with him to the cabin of the aircraft. Such things will be placed in a special shelf or under the passenger seat. Permissible standards for hand luggage:

  • Weight no more than 12 kg.
  • Mandatory inspection of the contents by airport staff before takeoff.

Bags weighing up to 30 kg are placed in the luggage compartment of the liner. The restrictions do not end with checking the baggage allowance. The following items are prohibited on the plane:

  • Weapons (firearms, cold, gas).
  • Explosive elements (dynamite, cartridges, smoke bombs, firecrackers).
  • Gaseous objects (cylinders, lighters, aerosols).
  • Flammable substances (acetone, menthol, kerosene, petroleum products).
  • Toxic items (nicotine, mercury, arsenic).
  • Substances that cause corrosion (salts, alkalis, resins).

It is also forbidden to transport radioactive substances and those items that can damage the cargo in the luggage compartment. Hand luggage must not include:

  • Stitching and cutting objects (knives, scissors, corkscrew).
  • Small vehicles (scooter, hoverboard).

It is forbidden to take dummies on the plane, which in their appearance resemble weapons. The same rule applies to children's toys. Combustible substances, flammable liquids, weapons and sharp objects cannot be carried in both hand luggage and in the luggage compartment.

Items that can be carried in the luggage compartment of the liner

In the luggage compartment and hand luggage, you can carry all those things that do not pose any risk to the passengers of the flight. These include:

  • Passenger's personal belongings (clothing, perfume, personal hygiene products).
  • cosmetic products. In this case, all funds must be packed in sealed bags or containers.
  • Products. To transport food, you must have special containers. Otherwise, a person may not be allowed to board the aircraft.
  • Children food. Mixtures and cereals should also be tightly packed.
  • Child seat, if its dimensions do not exceed the size of the seat in the aircraft.
  • Wheelchairs for the disabled and crutches.
  • Alcoholic products, cigarettes. It should be noted that there are quantity restrictions on such products.
  • Phones, tablets, computers. However, during the takeoff of the liner, all equipment will have to be turned off.
  • Sports Equipment.
  • Medicines. They must be packaged and not be banned in many countries.
  • Jewelry and decorations.
  • Books, notebooks, folders with documents.
  • Pets. Provided that they are placed in a special cage or carrier.

If any items do not fit into the established framework or are suspicious, you need to be prepared for inspection by airport staff.

List of items that are not allowed to be carried in the cabin of the liner

Hand luggage - these are the things that a person may need during the flight. Therefore, these items must be safe for all passengers on the liner. The list of prohibited items changes annually and depends on the particular airline. Today, the following items are not allowed on the plane:

  • Weapon.
  • Flammable liquids.
  • explosive products.
  • Toxic substances.
  • Oxidizing liquids.

Among the prohibited things for the flight are quite harmless items:

  • Corkscrew.
  • Nailfile.
  • Tweezers for plucking eyebrows.
  • Razor.
  • Manicure set.

If inadmissible things are found, a person will not be allowed on board the aircraft. In addition, a forced check can be arranged for him, which is considered not the most pleasant action in relation to a citizen.

The impossibility of transporting firearms and their dummies in the cabin of an aircraft

A person who does not have a permit to store and transport weapons is prohibited from transporting firearms. The same rule applies to dummies, which in their appearance resemble weapons, knives, swords. Therefore, youthful toys should not be taken on board. Otherwise, the situation will turn into a thorough interrogation, verification and cancellation of the flight.

If it is necessary to carry a weapon, a person must notify the airline staff about this in advance. The passenger will need to present a permit, as well as appear for check-in at the airport 2-3 hours before departure. A person needs to hand over a weapon to an airport employee for the duration of the flight. Upon arrival at the destination, the passenger will receive all their belongings back.

Items that can be transported in the luggage compartment of the liner, subject to restrictions

Some items can be carried on the plane, but under certain conditions that the airline sets. For example:

  • Alcoholic beverages may be present on board the aircraft only if they are in sealed packaging. At the same time, one passenger should have no more than 5 liters of the drink, and its strength should be in the range of 24-70%.
  • Medicines, thermometer. It is allowed to carry with you medications that are not recognized as prohibited in many countries of the world. The list changes regularly, you can get acquainted with the information on the official website of the carrier 1-2 days before departure. The thermometer must be in a special case.
  • Baby strollers are allowed to be taken to the gangway, after which they are sent to the luggage compartment of the aircraft.
  • Professional technique. It is allowed to carry with a special permit, while the passenger can carry no more than 1 spare battery for gadgets.

Products (perfumes, drinks) that were purchased at Duty Free must be packed in plastic containers or bags with the store logo. You also need to have a check with you.

Conditions for the carriage of liquids

If it is necessary to transport liquid products, it must be taken into account that its volume should not exceed 1 liter. You can take to the salon:

  • Plain and mineral water.
  • Drinks, juices, cocktails.
  • Shampoos.
  • Creams.
  • cosmetic sprays.

Cosmetic products are also considered liquid. You can carry on the plane:

  • Mascara.
  • Nail polish.
  • Powder, foundation.
  • Lip gloss.

It is worth considering that the volume of each individual container should not exceed 100 ml. Otherwise, the person will have to leave things at the airport or cancel the flight. Baby food falls under the exemption category. If a child needs more formula than 1 liter during the flight, airport staff will allow you to transport liquid in large volumes.

All tubes and containers with mixtures and cosmetic products must be carefully packed and placed in special containers. You can buy them at stationery stores. Today, special sealed travel kits are also sold that meet all necessary standards. They contain personal hygiene products, water, and some medicines.

Special permit for the transport of prohibited items. What requirements must be met

In order to carry certain substances or things on the plane, you must have a special permit with you. You can do it in multifunctional centers or at the airport. Most often, permission is made if it is necessary to transport batteries, whose power reaches 160 Wh. At the same time, it is permissible to carry such items only in the luggage compartment.

Permission will also be required for weapons. It's a little harder to get. To do this, a person needs to notify the carrier in advance of the situation that has arisen. To check in for a flight, you will have to be at the airport a few hours in advance, and you will need to pack your weapon in a safe case or box. Before the flight, the passenger gives it to the airport employee, receives a special certificate and, upon landing at the destination, presents it to pick up personal belongings.

Where are seized items sent?

Those seized items that do not carry value for the passenger are thrown away by airport employees. In other cases, personal belongings are kept and returned after boarding. What are the saving methods?

  • Reseption. Here you can consult with the operator and place all things in the storage room. If necessary, luggage will be sent by mail to the specified address. If items that can be kept in the luggage of the liner are seized in hand luggage, they are transferred to the luggage compartment.
  • Prohibited items that are seized in hand luggage can be picked up after the trip. But for this you will need to sign a special act indicating the permission to store any things.
  • If prohibited items are found in the luggage compartment after check-in for the flight, the owner of the bags will be informed about this and a thorough inspection will be carried out. In such cases, items can be left at the airport after signing a special act.

If unregistered weapons, ammunition and dangerous substances are found by airport staff, the police will be immediately informed about the situation. An irresponsible passenger in this case will be removed from the flight and sent to the department for interrogation.

How to avoid unpleasant situations during inspection

In order not to get into embarrassing situations during check-in for a flight, you must follow the following rules:

  • Before departure, you need to carefully study all the rules of transportation that a particular airline specifies. You can find them on official sources on the net.
  • Leave all liquid things in your luggage and suitcases, take only the most necessary products for hand luggage.
  • The day before the flight, measure the volume of prepared containers and pour the liquid into smaller containers in excess of the norm of 1 liter.
  • When buying goods in Duty Free, you do not need to open them before leaving the plane.
  • When transporting medicines necessary to maintain a stable condition of the patient, you need to have a certificate from the doctor with you.
  • If medications contain narcotic elements, you must provide the airport staff with a prescription in Latin.

Transportation of oversized items

It is permissible to transport bulky items on liners. For example, household appliances or musical instruments. However, you will have to pay money for exceeding the norm by weight. The exact amount depends on the tariff plan of a particular carrier. All items must be carefully packed to prevent damage to the goods.

The list of oversized items allowed for transportation can be found on the website of the selected airline or from a specialist at the airport. It is worth considering all the requirements of the carrier in order to avoid unforeseen problems and not delay the plane before departure.

What is forbidden to take on a plane. Hand luggage and luggage:

The allowable weight varies from 23 to 32 kg free of charge per passenger, and a maximum of 10 kg is set for a child under 2 years old.

Weight is set depending on the fare of your trip(economy class, business class, etc.). As a rule, when traveling in business class, you are allowed to take more weight than in economy class.

Remember that you cannot carry in the luggage compartment of an aircraft, whose weight exceeds the permissible maximum; have to do above the established norm, therefore, so that such situations do not arise at the airport, measure the weight of your suitcase yourself at home on ordinary scales or shift everything into packages and suitcases.

However, in some European countries, loaders refuse to load more than 32 kg on board, and in this case, the surcharge will not save you in any way and you will have to transfer everything to an additional bag.

Your baggage is not summed up in any way, and if one of your bags weighs within the norm, and the other is more, then you pay for the excess of only the second bag.

It is worth noting that in some Western countries(Canada, USA) or the so-called members of the SkyTeam alliance, which includes the well-known airline Aeroflot, use the baggage purchase system.

A piece of luggage is 1-2 free pieces(depends on the fare) one luggage up to 23 kg (economy class), and in the business class - these are free 2 pieces weighing up to 32 kg for each baggage, that is, baggage in this case is considered piece by piece.

For example, you can take 2 free places with a capacity of up to 23 kg. One of your bags weighs 18 kg and the other 25 kg, then your first bag is one free piece of baggage, and the second is the second separate piece, for which you need to pay extra.

If you have airline bonus cards, then they will provide an additional 1 more place.

There are also situations when a passenger needs to transport: musical instruments, household appliances, bulky items, in this case, be sure to negotiate with your airline in advance, where you will additionally have to pay for such transportation.

However, be prepared that they may be refused, as not all airliner loading hatches are capable of transporting such heavy objects.

However, as an exception, passengers can transport disabled people free of charge and, sports equipment, which counts as one free piece of baggage.

special permission

You can carry certain items that require a special permit and compliance with the necessary conditions. They pose a special danger, and therefore they are located in special compartments of the aircraft with closed access.

They include: firearms, hunting rifles, checkers, sabers, crossbows, gas cartridges, large scissors, etc.

As for weapons, you can carry them by aircraft on domestic and international flights, but only if you have the right to carry and store weapons, and in the case of international flights, then international permission.

Before passing the customs inspection, you must notify the officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the customs officer that you are transporting a weapon, where it will be registered and deposited in special compartments of the aircraft or handed over to the crew for storage.

Remember that each airline and the airport itself sets its own restrictions on.

Any weapon must be in a case and be unloaded. For example, gas pistol cartridges are generally prohibited from being transported by airliner at Vnukovo Airport.

All of the above items are handed over to the owner unchanged at the airport at the place of arrival.

What happens to seized items?

If you have found dangerous or prohibited items, then naturally they are subject to seizure. Each airport has a list of things prohibited for transportation on an airplane, as well as instructions, procedures and deadlines for their destruction and sale.

However, as a general rule all prohibited items are disposed of.

As a rule, organizations that are engaged in the disposal of seized objects are not disclosed, and you will not find out where they ended up.

After being seized, they are packed in black bags or packages, and then burned or damaged so much that they cannot be used.

If any items have been taken from you, then the inspection staff will draw up a special act of seizure. You have every right to demand it.

If you believe that your items have been illegally confiscated that are not prohibited by the rules of the airline and the airport, you can go to court.

If you are transporting weapons, ammunition without a permit or generally poisonous, explosives, then problems cannot be avoided, and the internal affairs authorities will initiate criminal proceedings against you.

Weapons and other restricted items will be handed over to the police.

To avoid losing valuables, you can alternatively send them by mail or through international delivery services; leave for a fee in the storage room; transfer to relatives or friends for storage, etc.

Thus, before going on a trip or a business trip, carefully learn the rules for the carriage of goods in the luggage compartment and hand luggage, since any seemingly insignificant thing can complicate your further flight.

Updated: 09/16/2019

Today there is a whole list of things that cannot be taken into the cabin for safety reasons. Unfortunately, not all tourists know what not to take on a plane t some items, as a result of which, already during the inspection at the airport, they find themselves in an unpleasant situation in which they are forced to send sometimes high-quality and expensive items to the urn, the carriage of which is prohibited in the cabin of the aircraft. The article below provides a list of items that are best initially transported not in hand luggage, but in luggage or even left at home.

Things you can't take on a plane

★ Weapons. As, in general, it is easy to guess, you cannot take weapons in any form on a plane. And we are talking about both real weapons: pistols, rifles, light machine guns, edged weapons, and imitation weapons, including ordinary children's toys (although I think they will miss a pink or bright green children's "blaster" made of plastic :). The same category of things that cannot be taken on a plane includes ammunition, explosives, gas cartridges, as well as other means of attack and defense that can be used to carry out criminal acts. It is also better not to take a lighter and matches into the cabin, as you will most likely have to throw them away during the inspection process.

★ Stitching and cutting objects. Penknives and kitchen knives, regular and nail scissors, straight razors, metal nail files, screwdrivers, blades and other sharp objects that can be assessed by airport security as potentially dangerous and are not allowed on board the aircraft. And do not rely too much on the fact that a samurai sword or machete bought as a souvenir and not yet sharpened will be allowed to be carried on board under the pretext that they do not pose a danger.

Most likely, these items will not please you and your friends when you return home, but the children of security workers or themselves (if there are no such things in the rich collection of the latter yet). I managed to carry ordinary blades into the cabin of the plane (accidentally left in the pocket of a leather folder - I noticed only when I returned home), as well as folding nail scissors (I took a conscious risk, as I needed it on a long trip). True, this does not guarantee that during the next flight I or you will be able to repeat this, because there is always a human factor, and the equipment at airports is constantly being improved.

Liquids. Liquids include drinks (including alcoholic drinks), gels, lotions, pastes, creams, shaving foams, etc. In reality, there are certain volumes of liquids that can be quite legally taken into the cabin of an aircraft. This is described in detail in a separate article on the website. Also, in the article, follow the link to find out what exceptions exist for transporting liquids on the plane, which are baby food and medicines.

★ Hazardous substances. Do not take on the plane aggressive chemicals, poisons, combustible substances, radioactive and toxic substances. Even if all these substances are supposed to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes upon arrival in the city or country of destination, their transportation in the cabin is very dangerous, so at best they will have to be thrown into a special bin. In the worst case, you will have to explain for a long time and repeatedly to distrustful employees of the airport security service and other security services why you were trying to carry all this on board. Do you need it?

★ Food. Not everyone knows that it is possible to bring food on board an aircraft, but again, there are a number of restrictions that relate to the type of this food, its packaging and volume. Detailed information on this topic is set out in the article, I advise you to read it in order to avoid trouble at the airport when going through security.

★ Animals and birds. With a small exception, which includes some small living beings, you cannot take animals and birds on an airplane, even if you have a complete set of documents about their health and safety for others. If you really need to take the animal with you, you will most likely have to put it in a special isolated compartment in the luggage compartment. You can read more about transporting animals on an airplane in the article.

★ Other Items prohibited for carriage at a particular airport or by the rules of carriage of a particular airline. Before you go to the airport, I advise you to carefully search the official website of the airport for information about what you can’t take on a plane specifically from them. It often happens that due to certain events in the city or country of departure, additional restrictions are imposed on the transport of certain items. For example, a complete ban on the transport of liquids on board due to events in the country or certain products due to the quarantine.

I also advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of things that are prohibited for transportation in hand luggage by the internal rules of the airline you have chosen. This may concern not only the type of objects and their purpose, but also their weight and size. For example, some sports equipment or musical instruments may be allowed in the cabin on one airline, but only in the hold on another.

I think that a few extra minutes that you spend searching for the necessary information will not be in vain, because in return you will get the confidence that some of your things that you value and do not want to lose do not fall into the list of things that cannot be taken into the cabin. And confidence and peace of mind will, in turn, allow you to avoid unnecessary excitement at the airport, which will make your vacation abroad more comfortable and memorable from the very beginning of the journey.

At the end of the article, I want to remind you that if you find yourself in a situation in which you had to leave (read - throw away) your valuable item, found during the inspection and classified as prohibited, do not make scandals and tantrums (due to which you can be sent to a rather humiliating personal search with a forced "striptease"). Flight safety is not a personal whim of inspection workers, but a high degree of guarantee that all passengers on a flight are protected from terrorist attacks and armed criminals. Therefore, before each flight (especially if they do not occur very often), go over the list of things that can't be taken on a plane and according to the list of items allowed for carriage in hand luggage. I wish you pleasant and safe flights!

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MOSCOW, February 22 - RIA Novosti, Svetlana Baeva. A laptop, a camera - only in allowed hand luggage or in luggage - Aeroflot's strict rules for transporting personal belongings have again caused active controversy among passengers.

The national carrier once again clarified the rules for carrying hand luggage on board aircraft.

First - dimensions: no more than 55 centimeters in length, 40 - in width, 20 - in height. The second - the maximum weight for economy class is 10 kilograms, for business - 15 kilograms.

Both professional equipment, such as video and photo cameras, and children's umbrellas, which previously could be carried in excess, should fit into the parameters. About what you can take with you to the cabin of the aircraft - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Above normal

“In excess of the established norm and without additional payment, you can carry in the cabin: a backpack weighing no more than 5 kg and no more than 80 cm in size in the sum of three dimensions, or a handbag,” Aeroflot reports. You can also take with you a bouquet of flowers, outerwear, a suit in a suitcase for free.

Baby food and devices for carrying a child (weighing no more than 7 kg and dimensions no more than 42x50x20 cm) do not fall under the restriction. As well as medicines and means necessary for passengers with disabilities (crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchairs). You can also take a bag of goods from Duty Free with you, but only one.

In case of carriage of a musical instrument as cabin baggage, the carriage of other cabin baggage (in addition to items carried in excess of the established allowance without charging an additional fee) is not allowed.

Aeroflot published information about these rules on its pages in social networks. Facebook , In contact with, and on the official website.

“Knowing the rules of the airline will make your trip even more comfortable,” writes Aeroflot.

Pass through the cordon

Portal clarified that the list of things "in excess of the established norm and without additional payment" was reduced by three times. From it disappeared cell phones, laptops, cameras, camcorders, umbrellas, folders for papers and printed publications for reading in flight. All this should fit either in 10-15 kg and the proposed dimensions, or in an excess backpack and handbag.

The portal even writes about the control cordons set up by Aeroflot in the customs control zone at Sheremetyevo: "Employees at these cordons require passengers whose hand luggage even slightly exceeds 55x40x20 centimeters to return and check it in as luggage." By the way, if the baggage allowance has already been exhausted, then such a change will be paid - 2,500 rubles in Russia, 50 US dollars on short-range international routes and 100 dollars on long-distance ones.

The carrier clarified that "it does not introduce additional restrictions and does not change the carry-on baggage allowance, but only strengthens control over their observance and brings the company's standards in line with the federal aviation rules, which have been amended."

"A camera, telephone and other electronic devices," Aeroflot's press service reports, "are accepted for carriage if packed in hand luggage, the quantity, dimensions and weight of which comply with the rules of the airline."

In case of exceeding the established norms, they are transported according to the general rules for the carriage of checked free and excess baggage in the baggage compartment of the aircraft in special protective trunks.

Logic and bureaucracy

In the comments to message Passengers remember what it was like: “It’s just that earlier they didn’t check hand luggage at check-in. Now, apparently, they will monitor this,” Dmitry Gladyshev believes.

“The problem is not the dimensions, everything is fine here. The issue is that both a laptop, a tablet, and a camera, according to the new rules, are INCLUDED in 10 kilograms. Previously, they were over,” writes Anastasia Bakhmutova.

The new rules have already become an unpleasant surprise for many passengers. “Thanks to Aeroflot for the innovations,” says Anton Gladyshev. “It’s clear that people who drag everything on board got sick and got tired, but, for example, our company had a problem with transporting television equipment. Our camera with a bag does not pass through dimensions".

Aeroflot offered the only option - to check in luggage. But there, according to the passenger, no one will be held responsible for it. “No exceptions were offered. Even if there are six of us, and there are three bags for all of our personal luggage, two of which pass according to the norms,” he continues.

"As a result, we take up less space than the average passenger, but even that doesn't help. Logic and bureaucracy are incompatible!" Anton concludes.

The only thing they could offer him was a Fragile ribbon (fragile luggage). However, according to the stories of passengers, it is not a panacea: "The Samsonite suitcase, on which you can sit, arrived cracked," the discussion continues.

A common question of passengers - according to the sum of three dimensions, hand luggage passes, but does not fit in dimensions - is this allowed?

“My hand luggage didn’t go through the dimensions by two millimeters, and then they forced me to hand it in. It’s not clear who these two millimeters will win a place in,” Veronika Andreeva is surprised.

Strictly according to the rules

People who booked tickets on the airline’s website on February 21 and 22 claim that there are no declared restrictions on equipment in excess of the norm: “I need to check the box that I have read and agree with all the rules and conditions. transportation of passengers and baggage (the link leads to the file, and there in the paragraph

(6 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

Today, air travel is becoming more and more popular. And due to the fact that many airlines have begun to release cheap tickets on the market, which provide only hand luggage, it would not hurt to get acquainted with the concept of “hand luggage”, what it includes, what restrictions there are in terms of weight and dimensions.

hand luggage this is the baggage that the passenger takes with him to the cabin of the aircraft, without handing it over to the luggage compartment.

Baggage- these are suitcases, bags, trunks and other things that, upon check-in for a flight, are checked into the luggage compartment on the plane and issued after landing.

How much hand luggage can you take with you?

In hand luggage, airlines set restrictions on the size of luggage and contents.

Standard size hand luggage must be 56cm×45cm×25cm . That is, it is impossible to combine three tickets (if a family is flying), in which luggage of the indicated dimensions is allowed, and carry a huge bag of half human height and weighing 50 kg into the cabin of the aircraft! The passenger is obliged to pack his luggage in a small suitcase that will fit into the above dimensions.

Airlines have the right to slightly change the size of hand luggage depending on the aircraft for which such tickets are sold. Because hand luggage is placed in compartments above the seats, and aircraft models are different and not every suitcase will fit there.

How can I check if my hand luggage is within the specified dimensions?

The dimensions of what you are going to take with you to the aircraft cabin can be measured in advance at home, but this is usually done at the airport before check-in for the flight. In order to check in advance whether your hand luggage complies with the declared dimensions and restrictions, air carriers install special cages at airports. If your bag or suitcase fits there and the top cover closes freely, then the luggage corresponds to the allowed dimensions. Please note that restrictions do not depend on the airport, but on the requirements of the airline, so choose the cage with which you are going to fly.

What can you take in hand luggage on a plane?

Before collecting luggage intended for hand luggage, keep in mind that at the airport, during customs inspection, the contents of the suitcase will be checked and if prohibited items are found, they will be confiscated.

In the cabin you can take:

  • Documents, air tickets or boarding passes;
  • Money;
  • bank cards;
  • Medications (in their original packaging, along with the leaflet and doctor's prescription);
  • Small gadgets: phone, tablet, laptop, camera;
  • Jewelry (within reason, you are going on vacation!);
  • Baby food and baby care products (if a baby is flying with you on vacation);
  • Goods from “Duty Free”;

Additionally, you can take bag for a small child . The bag can contain one set of clothes (in case the baby has to be urgently changed on the plane), baby food (they may be asked to open the package and even try at the inspection), hygiene items for the baby, an oversized toy. The maximum weight of such a bag should not exceed 5 kg. Along with a baby bag, you can take a walker, a special cradle, a child seat or a folding stroller into the cabin.

Advice! Stick a sticker on your suitcase with your personal data: full name in Latin, country and address of residence, phone number.

Also, in addition to hand luggage, you can take items for people with disabilities : a cane, crutches or a wheelchair, medicines along with a doctor's prescription and other auxiliary items.

Some airlines allow you to take along with hand luggage :

  • Men's or women's bag up to 40 × 30 × 10 cm;
  • Folder with documents;
  • Gadgets: phone, tablet, camera, small laptop, video camera. Some airlines allow you to take a camera tripod into the cabin with you if it folds up to 60 cm in length.
  • Outerwear and a suit in a bag for clothes.
  • Press or book to read during the flight;
  • Umbrella;
  • Packed bag from Duty Free.

The items listed above are included in the standard list of items allowed to be carried in hand luggage. However, airlines may change or supplement this list. An updated list of air carriers is posted on their website.

Hand luggage is checked BEFORE boarding the flight, in the presence ofowner,baggagesame(those suitcases thatare handed over to the luggage compartment of the aircraft) are inspectedwithout the presence of the owner of the baggage.

What can not be taken in hand luggage?

Once again, the list provided here is an average. Airlines have the right to change the list:

  1. Knives, scissors, corkscrew and other metal cutting objects.
  2. Aerosols.
  3. Liquids exceeding the volume of 100 ml and more than 1 liter in total.
  4. Animal products: butter, cheese, ham and more. However, in the form of sandwiches, such products can be taken.
  5. Weapons and objects resembling weapons. Even children's pistols will not be allowed to be taken on board, not to mention shurikens.
  6. Flammable chemicals and other toxic substances: alcohol, gasoline, lighter gas, . Although, for example, nail polish remover can be transported by plane, only in the trunk compartment.
  7. Objects emitting a strong magnetic field.

Advice! If your ticket allows you to take hand luggage and luggage with you, then it is better to put valuable items, important documents and money in your hand luggage.

Why can't I take liquids in hand luggage?

You can not take liquids into the cabin for reasons of terrorist security - many explosives look like a colorless transparent liquid. The metal in them and the security detectors do not react to them.

According to generally accepted standards, it is allowed to take plastic containers with a volume of up to 100 ml with you into the cabin of the aircraft. At the same time, such containers must be carefully packed in a transparent plastic bag.

In some airlines, the limit is only 100 ml per person, while others allow you to take liquids up to 100 ml and in total they should not exceed 1 liter per person.

The liquids allowed for carriage in cabin baggage in the above volume include:

  • Perfume.
  • Shampoo, shower gel, liquid soap, toothpaste.
  • Various creams.
  • Yogurt, water, juices and other drinks.
  • In the category of "liquid" employees of air carriers attributed jams, honey, liquid soufflé. If a dish contains a liquid component, then such a dish is classified as a liquid.

Advice! Try to shop at Duty Free stores not at the airport of departure, but at the airport of arrival. Also buy perfumes, spirits and others on the way back.

Where can I put hand luggage and extra items?

In the cabin, hand luggage can be placed either in a special compartment above the seats, or under the seat in front of you. In the latter case, the exception is the places located at the emergency exits. It is forbidden to occupy the passage with your things.

Advice! Try to pack your luggage so that you have free spacein a suitcaseor that the weight of the luggagedid not reach the specified critical mass. Because on vacation you are surebuy different souvenirsand then they can be added tofree space in a bag or suitcase.Otherwise, you will have to pay extra for an extra bed.baggage or overweight.

What is hand luggage in English?

Often you need to explain about luggage at the airport, whose staff does not speak Russian or understand English-language inscriptions. In this case, refer to carry on luggage or hand luggage.