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History of Baikal presentation. Presentation on the topic "Baikal"

Baikal - the name comes from the Turkic (Buryat-Mongolian) words "rich lake" or "sea".


It has a tectonic nature, is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia and is the deepest freshwater lake on the planet.

Included in the list of world cultural heritage protected by UNESCO.

According to various estimates, presumably from 20 to 35 million years.


Permanent scientific expeditions work here, studying the bottom topography, flora and fauna, the history of the settlement of adjacent territories, etc.

The width of the lake reaches from 24 to 79 km in different areas.

The maximum depth reaches more than 1.167 km. The average depth is 744 m.

Area - 31.7 sq. km.

The lake has several tributaries: Selenga, Sarma, Barguzin, Snezhnaya.

The Angara River flows out.

The water in Baikal is enriched with oxygen, cold, but slightly mineralized.

The water temperature is from +8-90, in some areas - +150.

There are 27 islands on the lake, the largest and most famous is Olkhon.

Softer than in the adjacent territories of Eastern Siberia. In many ways, it is determined by the winds - barguzin, kultuk, verkhovik and sarma.

Animal world

The fauna of the lake is unique, more than 2.6 thousand different species live here, of which approximately 65% ​​of them are found nowhere else. The reason is the presence of a high concentration of oxygen in the water. These are epishura crustacean, oligochaete, Baikal omul and sturgeon. Baikal seals live in the reservoir.

Brown bears, sables, and many different birds live along the shores of Lake Baikal.


Along the shores of the lake is the Siberian taiga, where deciduous and coniferous forests grow. Here you can see alder, poplar, bird cherry, wild garlic, Siberian shrubs.

At the source of the Angara - the only daughter of Baikal, there is a Shaman-stone. This is a piece of rock, which her father cursed for his love for the Yenisei. Throwing a stone, he did not allow them to connect.

The shores of this reservoir were inhabited by Mongolian tribes in the 1st millennium AD. After the arrival of the hordes of Genghis Khan, this territory became part of the Mongol Empire, then the Siberian Khanate. In the 17th century, it began to be settled by Russian settlers and became part of the Russian state.


In the 60s of the last century, the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill was built on the shores of Lake Baikal, which immediately complicated the ecological situation in the area. Attempts to introduce a closed water circulation system have not yet been successful. The plant, with its emissions, also negatively affects the taiga adjacent to the reservoir.

Baikal's tributaries, which pollute it with industrial and household waste, represent a serious environmental problem.

Lake Baikal is located in the south of Eastern Siberia on the border of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. The lake stretches from northeast to southwest for 620 km in the form of a giant crescent. The width of Lake Baikal ranges from 24 to 79 km. Irkutsk region Buryatia Baikal

Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet; scientists determine its age in millions of years. There are no signs of aging on Baikal, like many lakes in the world. Among the lakes of the globe, Lake Baikal ranks first in depth (1637 m).

The origin of the name of the lake is not exactly established. The most common version is that "Baikal" is a Turkic-speaking word, comes from "bay" - rich, "kul" - lake, which means "rich lake".

336 permanent rivers and streams flow into Baikal. The only river flowing from Baikal is the Angara. There are 27 islands on Baikal (Ushkany Islands, Olkhon Island, Yarki Island, Modoto, Edor and others). In 1996, Baikal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The most interesting in Baikal is the golomyanka - a transparent fish without scales and a swim bladder, a viviparous fish, the body of which contains up to 30% fat. Its growth reaches from cm.

In Baikal there is a unique, typically marine mammal - the Baikal seal. Nerpa is the symbol of Baikal, the only seal in the world that lives in fresh water. The seal is distributed throughout Baikal. It is assumed that it came to Baikal from the Arctic Ocean during the ice age along the Yenisei and Angara. Currently, there are several tens of thousands of seals in the lake.
13 There are 236 species of birds on Baikal. Of these, 29 are waterfowl, mainly various types of ducks. Seagulls settle in large numbers on rocky islands and in the mouths of Baikal's tributaries. In some places there are gray herons and black-throated loons. 7 species of eagles and similar birds live in the Baikal region.

Mikanovich Kira

The presentation "Lake Baikal" was created for the lesson of the surrounding world in grade 4 and contains 33 slides. The presentation reveals the beauty of Baikal, its originality and uniqueness, tells about the flora and fauna of the lake and its environs, about the peoples inhabiting this area, shows the ecological problems of Baikal.



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LAKE BAIKAL Mikanovich Kira MKOU "ASOSH with UIOP" 4 A class

Lake Baikal Scientists are still arguing about the origin of Lake Baikal. On the one hand, it is believed that it is 25-35 million years old, on the other hand, lakes do not live that long due to their silting

Baikal is not only the deepest lake on Earth, but also the largest storage of fresh water - about 19% of the world's reserves are concentrated in it.

Baikal is the sixth lake in the world in terms of the area of ​​the water surface, surpassing Belgium in terms of territory with all its houses and factories.

There is more water in Baikal than in all the American Great Lakes combined.

336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, and only one river flows out of it - the Angara.

There is a legend that once Baikal had many obedient children, and only the wayward Angara, having fallen in love with the young handsome Yenisei, went against the will of her father, who wanted to pass her off as old Irkut. One night, she ran away to her beloved, for which Baikal, in anger, threw a huge stone at her and cursed the fugitive.

Another feature of the lake is its amazing transparency - up to 40 meters!

There are 27 islands on Baikal, of which the largest is Olkhon (730 km²).

In the myths and legends of the Buryats, Olkhon is called the abode of the formidable spirits of Baikal. Here, according to legend, the chief of the khans, Khaan-Khute-baabay, sent to Earth by the higher gods, descended from the sky. Here lives in the form of a bald eagle-golden eagle his son named Khan Shubuu noyon, who was the first to receive a shamanic gift from the Tengris.

In 1996, Baikal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The lake and coastal areas are distinguished by a unique diversity of flora and fauna. Their inhabitants are 2/3 endemic, that is, they live only in this reservoir.


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Animals of Baikal The flora and fauna of Baikal is unusually rich. Currently, 1550 species and varieties of animals, 1085 plant organisms are known.

Of the algae, the most numerous are diatoms, of animals - golomyanka-goby fish, amphipods. There are 848 species of endemic (i.e. unique) animals and 133 species of unique plants in Baikal.

The only representative of the Baikal mammals is the seal or the Baikal seal, which has a common ancestor with the northern seal. Scientists suggest that the seal entered Baikal from the Arctic Ocean along the Yenisei and Angara during the Ice Age. Its number is currently about 60 thousand heads. The seal lives for more than 50 years, during the life of the female can bring up to 2 dozen cubs.

Most of the seals appear in mid-March, they are born on ice, in a snowy lair, and while they feed on their mother's milk, they do not dive into the water. The cubs have white fur - this is their protective coloration. With the transition to feeding on fish, their color changes: silver-gray in 2-3-month-olds, brown-brown in older ones. A young seal is called a hubunk, and a molted animal for the first time is called a kumatkan. St. John's slaughter goes mainly on kumatkans.

o n d a t r a

A little about coastal nature. The taiga comes close to Baikal itself and therefore the animal world is quite diverse here. Of course, the main game animal is the sable. s o b o l

The appearance of a bear on the shores of Lake Baikal has the character of a mass, regularly repeating phenomenon. They can be seen here from the 2nd decade of June, depending on when the ice on Baikal disappears and the summer of caddisflies begins. Baikal attracts bears with a variety of different food, the lake throws out beetles, dragonflies, mollusks, dead gobies, golomyanok, and sometimes wounded seals.

On open, grassy areas of the mountains, bears also find a plentiful table - various types of umbrella and legumes. It is in these landscapes and only in strictly defined periods of the year that so many bears can be observed. The northern shores of Lake Baikal are unique and unique in this respect.

Siberian chipmunk



European Hare Musk Deer

Przewalski's horse

Grouse capercaillie


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The population of the Baikal region The population along the shores of Lake Baikal consists of Russians and foreigners: Buryats and Tungus.

The most populated places are mainly those that are located near the routes leading to the cities: Irkutsk, Verkhneudinsk and Barguzin, closer to the postal routes (and now to railway). Thus, the southern half of Lake Baikal is more populated than the northern half, which contains only rare Tungus nomad camps and in some places Russian settlements, mainly from exiled peasants.

And now about the sad. In 1966, the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM) started operating, as a result of which the adjacent bottom areas of the lake began to degrade, and the state of the taiga around the BPPM worsened.

In September 2008, the plant had to be shut down. However, in January 2010, a resolution was adopted that actually allowed the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill to drain industrial effluents into Baikal, burn and store any waste on its shores.

On March 10, 2010, public organizations in Russia announced the creation of a coalition "For Baikal!" and the beginning of the collection of signatures under the appeal to UNESCO.

There is only one Baikal on the whole planet, Another is simply not given... We are all yours, my Baikal, children, And we are destined to live with you!

Internet resources used in the presentation

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You can find whole volumes of information about Baikal, both on the Internet and in various magazines and book editions. The lake is not deprived of attention from tourists, researchers and politicians. From year to year, stunning scientific discoveries are associated with Baikal, expeditions are constantly equipped for thorough research. I decided to dedicate this topic to the most interesting facts and events related to Lake Baikal. I will try to save you from boring geographical terms, only the most interesting will be here. Most of the photos in the topic are clickable (open on click)

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Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet and the most deep lake in the world. Baikal is one of the ten largest lakes in the world. Its average depth is about 730 meters, the maximum is 1637 meters. In 1996, Baikal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Scientists disagree about the origin of Lake Baikal, as well as about its age. Scientists traditionally determine the age of the lake at 25-35 million years. This fact also makes Baikal a unique natural object, since most lakes, especially those of glacial origin, live on average 10-15 thousand years, and then they are filled with silt sediments and swamp

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There is also a version about the relative youth of Baikal, put forward by Alexander Tatarinov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences in 2009, which received indirect confirmation during the second stage of the Worlds expedition to Baikal. In particular, the activity of mud volcanoes at the bottom of Lake Baikal allows scientists to assume that the modern coastline of the lake is only 8 thousand years old, and the deep-water part is 150 thousand years old.

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Baikal contains about 19% of the world's fresh water reserves. There is more water in Baikal than in all five Great Lakes taken together and 25 times more than, for example, in Lake Ladoga

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The water in the lake is so transparent that individual stones and various objects can be seen at a depth of 40 m. The purest and most transparent water of Baikal contains so few mineral salts (100 mg / l) that it can be used instead of distilled

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2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals live in Baikal, 2/3 of which are endemic, that is, they live only in this reservoir. Such an abundance of living organisms is explained by the high oxygen content in the entire thickness of the Baikal water.

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The most interesting in Baikal is the viviparous golomyanka fish, whose body contains up to 30% fat. She surprises biologists with daily feeding migrations from the depths to shallow water.

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The second, after the golomyanka, the miracle of Baikal, to which it owes its exceptional purity, is the epishura crustacean (numbers about 300 species). The Baikal epishura is a copepod, 1 mm long, a representative of plankton, found throughout the depth (it is not found in bays where the water warms up). Baikal would not be Baikal without this copepod, barely noticeable to the eye, surprisingly efficient and numerous, managing to filter all Baikal water ten times a year, or even more

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Baikal's water reserves would be enough for 40 years for the inhabitants of the whole Earth, and at the same time 46 x 1015 people could quench their thirst

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Baikal ice presents scientists with many mysteries. So, in the 1930s, specialists from the Baikal Limnological Station discovered unusual forms of ice cover, typical only for Lake Baikal. For example, “hills” are cone-shaped ice hills up to 6 meters high, hollow inside. In appearance, they resemble ice tents, “open” in the opposite direction from the coast. Hills can be located separately, and sometimes form miniature "mountain ranges"

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Satellite images clearly show dark rings 5-7 km in diameter on the ice of Lake Baikal. The origin of the rings is not known. Scientists believe that the rings on the ice of the lake may have already appeared many times, but it was impossible to see them because of their huge size. Now, with the use of the latest technology, this has become possible, and scientists will begin to study this phenomenon. For the first time, such rings were discovered in 1999, then in 2003, 2005. As you can see, rings do not form every year. The rings are also not located in the same place. Scientists were particularly interested in the reason for the displacement of the rings in 2008 to the southwest, compared with 1999, 2003 and 2005. In April 2009, such rings were found again, and again in a different place than last year. Scientists suggest that the rings are formed due to the release of natural gas from the bottom of Lake Baikal. However, the exact causes and mechanisms of the formation of dark rings on the Baikal ice have not yet been studied, and no one knows their exact nature.

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The Baikal region (the so-called Baikal rift zone) belongs to areas with high seismicity: earthquakes regularly occur here, the strength of most of which is one or two points on the MSK-64 intensity scale. However, strong ones also happen, so in 1862, during a ten-point Kudarinsky earthquake in the northern part of the Selenga delta, a land area of ​​​​200 km2 went under water? with 6 uluses, in which 1,300 people lived, and the Proval Bay was formed

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A unique deep-sea neutrino telescope NT-200, built in 1993-1998, was created and operates on the lake, with the help of which high-energy neutrinos are detected. On its basis, the NT-200+ neutrino telescope with an increased effective volume is being created, the construction of which is expected to be completed no earlier than 2017.

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The first dives of manned submersibles on Baikal were made in 1977, when the bottom of the lake was explored on the deep-sea submersible "Pices" of Canadian production. In Listvenichny Bay, a depth of 1,410 meters was reached. In 1991, the Pisis sank to a depth of 1,637 meters from the eastern side of Olkhon.

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In the summer of 2008, the Foundation for Assistance to the Preservation of Lake Baikal carried out a research expedition "Mira" on Baikal. "52 deep-sea manned submersibles" Mir "were carried out to the bottom of Lake Baikal. Scientists delivered water samples, soil and microorganisms raised from the bottom of Lake Baikal

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In 1966, production began at the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM), as a result of which the adjacent bottom areas of the lake began to degrade. Dust and gas emissions have a negative impact on the taiga around the BPPM, dry tops and drying of the forest are noted. In September 2008, the plant introduced a closed water circulation system designed to reduce the discharge of wash water. According to the source, the system turned out to be inoperable and less than a month after its launch, the plant had to be stopped.

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There are many legends associated with Baikal. The most fascinating of them is connected with the Angara River: In the old days, the mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara. She was not more beautiful on earth. During the day it is light - lighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than the clouds. And whoever rode past the Angara, everyone admired her, everyone praised her. Even migratory birds: geese, swans, cranes - descended low, but rarely landed on the water of the Angara. They said: “Is it possible to blacken light?” Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart. Once, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young Yenisei. Father woke up, angrily splashed waves. A fierce storm arose, mountains sobbed, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals fled in fear all over the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled, and the heroic sea raged. Mighty Baikal hit the gray-haired mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter. The rock fell on the very throat of the beauty. The blue-eyed Angara pleaded, panting and sobbing, and began to ask: - Father, I'm dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water. Baikal shouted angrily: - I can only give my tears! For thousands of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei with water-tear, and the gray-haired lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that Baikal threw after his daughter was called by people the Shaman stone. Rich sacrifices were made to Baikal there. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman stone, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.” Currently, the river is blocked by a dam, so only the top of the shaman stone is visible from the water.

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“... And what can be said about the Siberian beauty? And is it possible, for example, about Baikal, to express approximately something worthy of it? Any comparisons, any words will be only a weak and faded shadow. If it weren’t for the mighty, to match him, the Sayans are nearby, not Lena, which originates nearby, not the Angara, carrying its water to the Yenisei, one could decide standing on the shore of this wonderful lake and looking at its near contours and water, on its colors and illumination from above, from which the soul does not even melt, but dies in a deep faint - one could decide that Baikal was accidentally dropped from some other planet, more joyful and rich, where he was in in full agreement." Valentin Rasputin

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“... We should rejoice that our Russia has the good fortune to possess such a pearl of nature as Baikal, but we should already feel the obligation to put the matter of studying this pearl on high.” Gleb Vereshchagin

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Baikal is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. This is the deepest lake in the world, with unique features, and the largest fresh water reservoir on the planet. It has no equal in the world in terms of age, depth, reserves and properties of fresh water, diversity and endemism of organic life. Since ancient times it has been called sacred sea, glorious, gray-haired and formidable. Among the many epithets, one can distinguish such as: “the world source of drinking water”, “the blue eye of Siberia”, “an oasis of the virgin nature of the Earth”, “the sacred center of North Asia”, “God-made creation”, “a sacred gift of nature”, “a monument of nature with unique landscapes”, “an invaluable treasury of the genetic wealth of the Earth”, “a miracle of limnology, the focus of unique natural values”. Due to its unique features, Baikal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1996.

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Location - between 55°46.3"N and 109°57.5"E. 51°27.5"N and 103°42.5"E Altitude - a.s.l. sea ​​445 m. Age - about 25 million years; Flora and fauna include about 2635 species, including fish - 52 species; 78% are endemic. The greatest depth is 1637 m. The area is 31500 sq. km. Volume - 23 thousand cubic meters. km. The length of the lake is 636 km. The greatest width is 79.5 km. The smallest width is 27 km. Coastline- 2100 km. The number of capes is 174 (according to I. D. Chersky). Number of islands - 26 (according to O. G. Gusev); the largest is Olkhon. Bays - 6; bays - 20 largest - Barguzinsky, Chivyrkuisky, Proval; Sandy. The number of tributaries - 336 (according to G.I. Galaziya); the largest are Selenga, Barguzin, Chivyrkui. The cost of Baikal water is $2,300 trillion

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“Baikal is amazing, and it is not for nothing that Siberians call it not a lake, but a sea. The water is unusually transparent, so that you can see through it, as if through air, its color is soft turquoise, pleasing to the eye. The shores are mountainous, covered with forests; around the game is impenetrable, hopeless. An abundance of bears, sables, wild goats and all kinds of wild stuff.” This is how A.P. Chekhov saw the Glorious Sea in 1890 during a trip to Sakhalin. The transparency of Baikal water is 40-45 m.

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Baikal - from the Turkic language from Bai-Kul, which means "rich lake" or from the Mongolian Baigal - Dalai - "big lake" Baikal water will be enough for the inhabitants of Russia for 1000 years All the water flowed out of the Angara, if not a single drop comes in during this time. And to fill the basin of the lake with water, you will need the entire runoff of the rivers of our planet. Why did you name Baikal like that? Who gave you the first name? Whose first voice sang? Are your freedoms stormy? Like the sea, the bowl is deep, the water is clear! Russia is very large and everyone could get drunk.

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Baikal has its own climate. The lake has a softening effect on both summer and winter air temperatures. The seasons of the year are delayed by about half a month or a month. August is the most best time on Baikal. The end of August - the beginning of September can be called the velvet season. And in late autumn and early winter, it is much warmer on the shores of the lake. In the north of Baikal, the sun shines 1900-2200 hours a year, in the southern and middle parts of the lake - 2000-2400 hours a year. Which is much more than in Sochi.

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In the depths of the waters of Lake Baikal, many inhabitants of different “classes” live: crustaceans, fish, mollusks, etc. Beautiful, colorful fish live on the surface, and inhabitants with special adaptations for survival live in the depths under the water. Many fish living in the lake are used by people as food, for example: perch, omul, grayling.

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Insects are the most numerous group. They can be found in the air, on the ground, in water and in soil. Of the dangerous pests of the forest stand, there are Siberian silkworm, willow moth and others, the mass reproduction of which can lead to partial or complete drying of forests. The system of forest life is inhabited by orderly insects, larvae of carrion flies and others.

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The fauna of Baikal is diverse and interesting. On the protected trails of Khamar-Daban you can meet a mighty elk, graceful roe deer, musk deer, fanged boar. The owner of the taiga is also a brown bear. Otters and minks leave their traces along the shores of Lake Baikal. In the forest more often you can meet a running shrew or a mouse. With the onset of dusk, bats silently leave their shelters.

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The forest cannot be imagined without a variety of birds. On Baikal, there are very rare birds listed in the Red Book: the steppe eagle, golden eagle, long-tailed eagle, lesser white-fronted eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey, etc. From the detachment of owls, there are swamp and long-eared, hawk, majestic eagle owl, etc.

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The only representative of mammals is the seal, or the Baikal seal. According to the classification, the Baikal seal belongs to the family of true seals. It is believed that it penetrated from the Arctic Ocean along the Yenisei and Angara during the ice age, when the rivers were dammed by ice advancing from the north. Other scientists do not rule out the possibility of its penetration along the Lena, which is supposed to have had a runoff from Baikal. There is no single answer yet. It is mentioned in the reports of the first explorers who came here in the first half of the 17th century. A scientific description was first made during the work of the 2nd Kamchatka, or Great Northern, Expedition led by V. Bering. As part of this expedition, a detachment worked on Baikal under the leadership of I. G. Gmelin, who studied the nature of the lake and its environs in many ways and described the seal.