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The old name of the city pike perch crossword puzzle 5 letters. Sudak is a beautiful resort in the southeast of Crimea

Interesting and eventful history zander, dating back to ancient times. Evidence of this are the towers and walls remaining untouched by time. fortresses towering on impregnable from the sea fortress rock, built back in the fourteenth century by the Genoese.

"There are no more picturesque ruins in all of Europe: no Rhine castles can be compared with them," wrote the outstanding Russian historian and publicist M.P. Pogodin about Genoese fortress that rose from the ruins of the ancient Surozha, on the ashes of ancient Sugdeya. In the fortress walls and loopholes, the wind of centuries is humming alarmingly. How many times in its long life the Genoese fortress in Sudak was strengthened, destroyed and again rose from the ashes. What names did she not bear - and Surozh, and Sugdeya, and Soldaya ... What only tribes did not own her! Her stones remember the firm gait of the desperately brave and brave Slavs. They have not forgotten the terrible Turkish invasions, the wild Tatar raids. They could tell about Greek and Italian rule and much, much more...
But the history of the city is much older. Archaeologists believe that the city was founded in the 3rd century AD. From the annals of the Chinese traveler and diplomat Zhan Tsen, who visited these parts in 212 AD, it is known that even then Sudak became the western capital Great Silk Road. Here the caravan trail from India ended, and the sea route to Europe began.

"What a variety of tribes and peoples! What a clash of cultures of East and West, South and North!
And all this in one corner Crimea- Sudak, a picturesque ruined city of bygone times of mankind..."

A. Bakshirov

Toponyms speak about the former significance of the city, about its connections with the then world, Europe and Asia: Sugdeya, Sugdaya, Sidagios - among the Greeks, Sourozh - among the Russians, Soldaya - among the Genoese, Sugdeets - among the Byzantines, Sugdak, Surdak, Soltak, Sudak , Soltaya - among the eastern tribes - this is a far from complete list of the names of Sudak in various historical periods and among different peoples. In Sudak and its environs, people lived at the dawn of the primitive communal system, as evidenced by archaeological finds - the tools of labor of people who lived in the Stone Age.

By the mountain Alchak and cape Meganom Bronze Age sites and settlements dating back to the 2nd millennium BC were discovered. Starting from the 1st century BC. on the coast and in the mountains Crimea Tauri tribes lived, engaged in hunting, fishing, hoe farming, and partly cattle breeding. In the first centuries of the new millennium, Slavic tribes began to appear on the Black Sea coast. Settling here, they mixed with the nomads of other races who had come here earlier.

In the III century AD. tribes of Alano-Sarmatians flooded into the Crimea. In the 5th century the ancestors of modern Armenians appear in the Crimea. Later, the southern and southeastern parts of the Crimea fell into the sphere of influence of Byzantium.
By the end of the 6th century, a Byzantine coastal fortification already existed on the territory of present-day Sudak. In the 7th century, the Khazars appeared in this part of the peninsula, and from the middle of the 8th century. intensive immigration of Byzantine Greeks to the Crimea began.

IN Sudak and its surroundings, a large number of ruins of ancient Byzantine temples and monasteries have been preserved. In the 8th century Pike perch - already enough Big city, a number of rural settlements are subordinate to him. He is the center of the Orthodox diocese, which is headed at first by a bishop, from the 10th century - by an archbishop, and even later by a metropolitan. Surozh becomes a major trading center through which caravans of merchants from Western countries to the east. The famous traveler Marco Polo visited here, leaving memories of this city in his travel notes. Greeks, Slavs, Armenians, descendants of the Taurians and Scythians, Alans and other tribes lived here then.

In the ninth century Crimea entered the sphere of political and commercial interests of Kievan Rus. Surozh's connections with the Kyiv principality are reflected in the epics of the cycle "Prince Vladimir the Red Sun".

In the eleventh century in Crimea Polovtsians appear - nomads of Turkic origin. At the end of the XI century. a wave of immigration of Armenians began, who fled from the oppression of the Turks of Asia Minor, who enslaved Armenia. Armenian refugees - about 20 thousand people - settled in Sugdey and its environs. The Armenians were excellent builders and left interesting architectural monuments. The monastery of Surb-Khach - the "Holy Cross" built by them near the Old Crimea is remarkable.

Sourozh reached its peak in the 12th-13th centuries. Between Fortress Hill and Mount Bolvan then was
a major trading port, and Black Sea on the maps of that time it was called Surozhsky. In Port
ships land from Russian cities, from Western countries, from here they leave for North Africa, Asia Minor, India, China. From the West, French and English cloth, weapons, jewelry were brought to Surozh, from Egypt and Syria - cotton fabrics, incense, dates. From India - cashmere fabrics, precious stones, spices, from China - silk and gunpowder. Furs, leather, grain, linen canvas, honey, wax, hemp, and construction timber came from Rus' through Surozh. Sourozh merchants were welcomed everywhere with a dear soul, in Muscovy they were called "Surozh guests", and in Moscow and in Russian cities then there were "Surozh" (Surozh) trading rows, settlements appeared with the names: Surozh, Surozhik, Surozh volost. During the campaign against the Mongol-Tatar hordes of Khan Mamai, Dmitry Donskoy took ten Sourozh merchants with him: they were to serve as translators in negotiations with the Tatars and be witnesses of Russian glory if the Russians got the victory.

From the second half of the 12th century, Venetians and Pisans appeared in Sudak. They trade with Russian, Polovtsian and Central Asian merchants. But soon for Sudak, as well as for many cities and towns Crimea, hard times began - the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars. Their appearance here at first was in the nature of short-term raids for the purpose of profit, but in 1223, pursuing the Polovtsians defeated by them, the Mongols-Tatars broke into the Crimea and on January 27, 1223, they immediately took and completely plundered Sourozh. Having multiplied their prey, they returned to Central Asia, but after 16 years - in 1239. - reappeared under the walls of the city. Barely recovering from the previous invasion, Sudak was again looted and burned. However, now the barbarians settled in the Crimea, which became an ulus (province) of the Golden Horde. The Tatars placed their garrison in Sudak, leaving self-government to the local residents, imposing exorbitant tribute on them. Trade fell into decline, as in the steppes the merchants were robbed by the Tatars. The conquerors constantly attacked Surozh, despite the peace agreements. So, in 1298 the Tatars slaughtered all the inhabitants, plundered and burned the whole city.

Surozh was subjected to such pogroms five more times and in the XIV century. Part of the Tatars settled with Surozh and some of them converted to the Christian faith (the Tatars were pagans, and they adopted Mohammedanism in the 14th century). The Mongol-Tatar raids on Sourozh played into the hands of his rival, the Genoese Cafe (now Feodosia), which became the center of Genoa's possessions in the Crimea at the end of the 13th century.

In 1365, the Genoese attacked Surozh, took it by storm and captured 18 villages in the district. The diverse population, the majority of whom were Greeks, was no longer able to provide worthy resistance. After the fall of the city, the Genoese captured the entire coast from the Bosporus (Kerch) to Chersonesos (Sevastopol). Kafa became the capital of their colonies in Crimea, and Soldaya (this name was given to the city by the Genoese) turned into their fortified settlement.
The authorities of Kafa forbade Soldaya to receive merchant ships, and all international trade was transferred to Kafa. Whatever period in the history of Sourozh, Soldaya you can’t take, this city has always been a trade, craft, and cultural center, and with the advent of the Greeks and Italians here, it has also become an area of ​​​​developed viniculture. And further Zander always had the status of a military city. To defend against enemies, he needed powerful defensive structures.

On the basis of the old fortifications that had stood for hundreds of years, the construction of towers and walls of the fortress, which is now called Genoese, began. On fourteen towers there are heraldic plates, on which inscriptions are carved, indicating in what year, in the reign of which “honorable consul and commandant of Soldaya” they were erected. The earliest surviving inscription is dated 1371, and the latest one is 1414. On the territory of the fortress there is a mosque built in the 12th century, the Temple of the Twelve Apostles, the Watchtower (Maiden's) tower covered with legends, the Consular Castle with two towers, in a small the courtyard of which the remains of unique frescoes have been preserved.

Given the impregnability of the fortress, it housed a small garrison - only 20 hired soldiers, commanded by two subcommandants who reported directly to the consul, who was also endowed with the rights of the commandant of the fortress. The garrison had a musical team - a flutist, two trumpeters and a drummer. Two gatekeepers ensured that the bazaar gates were opened and closed in time. At night, in addition to the soldiers, the residents of the city also carried out guard duty, for which they received material rewards. If necessary, eight horse guards from the consul's personal guard were used as a military force.

"Charter for the Genoese colonies on the Black Sea", published in Genoa in 1449, required that the garrison be in constant combat readiness. The Genoese were forbidden to leave the fortress at night. The charter required that the soldiers be hired, so that there was not a single local resident among them. It was forbidden to take anything from the Tatars, to invite them to your house, to enter into conversations with Tatar officials. Such harsh rules were explained by the fact that, despite the mutual interests of the Genoese and Tatars, the latter were not reliable partners. It cost nothing for them to turn from friends into enemies. The history of Soldaya recorded a dozen major attacks on Genoese possessions at the end of the 13th through the 14th centuries. But still, not the Tatars, but the Turks put an end to the Genoese colonization of the Crimea.

The Genoese were under threat from two sides - from the rear, from land, they were disturbed by the Tatars, and from the sea - by the Turks. In July 1454, a Turkish squadron appeared off the coast of Kafa. Her command, with the support of the Crimean Khan Hadji-Girey, took up robbery on the Black Sea coast. The Ottoman Turks captured the capital of Byzantium, Constantinople, exterminated the inhabitants and took control of the Bosphorus Strait. The Genoese colonies were cut off from the metropolis, trade with the Mediterranean almost stopped. The colonies became a burden on Genoa. On May 31, 1475, when a large Turkish landing was landed near Kafa, the Tatars supported him, seeing the benefits for themselves in the new colonizers. Genoese possessions came to an end. The Turks occupied the entire coast, and turned their recent ally - the Crimean Khanate - into a vassal. Under the rule of the new owners, Surozh lay in ruins even at the end of the 16th century. The economy of the once large city has come to a final decline.

After the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. The Crimean Khanate was declared independent from Turkey. But the Turks continued to stubbornly cling to the Crimea. To combat Turkish landings, A.V. Suvorov in 1778-1779. fortified the coast. On the territory of the Sudak fortress, in particular, an artillery redoubt was built. Later, the garrison of the Kirillovsky regiment was located here (the remains of its barracks are still preserved).

With the annexation of the Crimea to Russia, the intensive development of this sunny region began. Catherine II generously distributed land to her close associates. Prince Potemkin "gave" himself the best lands, including Sudak. With his characteristic scope, he ordered the best vines to be ordered from Europe and planted in Sudak, planting mulberry, almond, walnut, fig, and lemon trees.
Sudak becomes the center of vintage winemaking in Russia. And the famous winemaker Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn founded near Sudak, in the village New World the first factory in Russia for the production of sparkling champagne wines, and in 1900, domestic champagne produced in the cellars of the New World, at the World Wine Tasting in Paris, for the first time in the history of Russia, receives the highest award - the Grand Prix Cup. It was a triumph of Russian winemaking. Having fulfilled his patriotic duty, a prince by birth and a scientist by mentality, L.S. Golitsyn went bankrupt. The construction of wine cellars in the Kaba-Kaya mountain and other works cost him his entire fortune. Lev Sergeevich died in 1916 and was buried in the New World. Today Novosvetsky factory of sparkling wines more than 130 years old, its collection wines have gold and silver awards and are known all over the world.

Sudak of the beginning of the 20th century is a small village, a place in the Feodosia district, which came to life during the holiday season and during the grape harvest. Wine, grapes, fish, fruits, building materials were exported from here.
At that time, about 2 thousand people lived in Sudak, mostly Russians, Armenians, Germans, as well as Greeks, Jews, Tatars, Karaites.

Violent, tragic time experienced Crimea during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars.
In the post-war period Crimea rose again from the ashes like a phoenix. Gradually, winemaking revived, cut down gardens were restored, new health resorts were built.

Now Zander- the center of the most unique in Crimea agricultural area for the production of vintage and champagne winemaking. Such famous brands of dessert vintage wines as "Black Doctor", "Solnechnaya Dolina", "Kokur Dessert Surozh", "Bastardo Massandra" are not produced anywhere else in the world, except for Sudak. Eight state farms-factories (seven wineries and one essential oil) produce products that freely compete on the world market.
And, of course, Sudak is a promising resort city, where rest is a real pleasure and leaves a lot of wonderful memories.

Pleasant and useful to you recreation in this fertile land, dear guests of the Sudak land! New and unforgettable impressions that you will be enriched with during exciting hikes and trips around the ancient and at the same time young Surozh!

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In the next post, the continuation is a collection of old pre-revolutionary recipes and our simple version shown in the photo.
And under the cut are the recipes of V.V. Pokhlebkin and N.I. Kovalev ...

2000 N.I. KOVALEV "Russian Cuisine" ( a manual for students of higher educational institutions).

BODY. Now only one of the varieties of fish zrazy is called body (Fig. 16). In the old days, this word had a broader meaning: it was the name of all dishes made from crushed fish pulp ("body"). Therefore, cold appetizers were prepared from the body (a round of the body with horseradish), dumplings for soups (ear with crushed meat, fish with the body), fillings for pies and pies (a hearth pie with a body, etc.), they made stuffed fish with it (pike perch , pike, etc.), baked loaves from it, cooked in post-baked dishes imitating fast food (leg, turkey, etc.). Unfortunately, most of these dishes are now completely forgotten, and the method of preparing the body has changed.

No. 607. Telnoe (old way of cooking).

"Pike or pike perch to pick off the bones, beat with the butt of a knife; stir the flour in the water liquidly and, as you continue beating, lubricate it for connection."

Fish pulp 0.5 kg, wheat flour 30, water 100.

No. 608. Body without flour. They take zander, burbot, pike or other small-boned fish with white flesh (body), separate it from the bones and beat it with a crush in a wooden cup. Then add salt, ground pepper and knead until the body mass is separated from the hands and


No. 609. Body with white bread. Fish pulp (boneless and skinless fillet) is minced through a meat grinder, wheat bread soaked in milk, water or cream is added, mixed well, minced again, salt, pepper are added and mixed thoroughly.

Fish fillet 800, wheat bread 240, milk, water or cream 320, salt, pepper.

No. 610. Body circles. The mass for the body is molded in the form of a roll, wrapped in a napkin, the edges of the napkin are tied tightly, dipped in fish broth or water, boiled until tender (the napkin will swell and begin to lag behind the body), cool in the same broth, take it out, cool, cut on mugs and served with horseradish, vinegar, mustard.

No. 611. Body (filling for pies). The boiled body is cut into small pieces, browned onions are added and mixed.

Boiled veal 0.5 kg, onion 50, vegetable oil 20.

No. 612. Body hot. The boiled body roll is cut into circles, poured with steam, saffron, tomato or other sauce, brought to a boil and served with various side dishes.

No. 613. Old style stuffed pike. They called this dish "turned pike". The pike is cleaned of scales, the skin near the head is cut with a ring and removed with a "stocking", cutting the flesh at the fins. Then the spine is cut at the caudal fin so that the tail remains near the skin. The head of the carcass is cut off, gutted, washed well, the flesh is separated from the bones, and a body is prepared from the resulting pulp in any way. For the body, you need to take additional pulp from another fish. Together with fish pulp, raw onions are also ground, and then a raw egg is added.

The removed skin is stuffed with a body mass, the head is applied, the carcass is wrapped in a napkin, tied with twine and boiled with the addition of salt, spices, and onions. Onion peel can be added to the broth or water for boiling pike so that the body turns yellow. Then the stuffed pike is cooled in the same broth, removed from the broth, unfolded, cut across, heated in sauce or cooled broth, the pieces are placed on a dish in the form of a whole carcass, pouring sauce (saffron, white, steam). Garnished with boiled potatoes. Lovers sprinkle stuffed pike with chopped garlic when serving.

The recipe depends on the size of the pike. For a pike weighing about 1.5 kg, you need to take 150 wheat bread, 200 milk, 1-2 eggs, 100 onions.

No. 614. Old style stuffed pike perch. Pike-perch is cleaned of scales, gills and eyes are removed from the head, incisions are made on the back on the sides of the dorsal fin from the head to the end of the abdominal cavity, cutting the costal bones. After that, the spine is broken out along with the fin, and the fish is gutted through the hole formed. You get a fish carcass with a cut on the back - a "boat". From the inside, the costal bones are carefully removed (you can leave them). The "boat" is stuffed with stuffed meat (with onion and egg), the incision is sewn up, the carcass is wrapped in a napkin and then cooked like stuffed pike.

No. 615. Cutlets and meatballs from fish. They prepare fish chopped with bread, form meatballs or cutlets out of it, bread them in ground wheat breadcrumbs, fry them with fat or vegetable oil on both sides, warm them up for 5-10 minutes in the oven and serve with various garnishes.

Per serving: fish fillet 80, wheat bread 24, milk or water 32, salt, pepper, fat or vegetable oil 10-15, crackers 10.

No. 616. Chopped fish zrazy. The word "zrazy" came into our everyday life only in the 18th century, probably from the Polish language, but the dish itself has been known for a long time. The prepared body mass (as for cutlets) is shaped into cakes about 1-1.5 cm thick, minced meat is placed in the middle, closed with body meat, oval-shaped, breaded in breadcrumbs, fried in a pan with fat and brought to readiness in the oven .

For minced meat: fresh mushrooms are cleaned, cut into small pieces and fried with onions, or dry mushrooms are boiled, then cut and fried with onions, salt and pepper are added. Zrazy is served with various vegetable side dishes or buckwheat porridge.

Per serving: fish pulp 80, wheat bread 24, milk or water 32, salt, pepper.

For minced meat: fresh mushrooms 30 or dry 10, fat 20.

No. 617. Telne (spun yarn). Prepare mass for the body with bread and milk. Minced meat is placed on a towel moistened with water, zrazy with sharp ends are formed and they are shaped into a crescent. Then the zrazy is moistened in a beaten egg, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in a large amount of fat, heated in the oven. Garnished with green peas, fried potatoes. Tomato sauce is served separately.

For minced meat: finely chopped boiled mushrooms, add browned onions, chopped boiled eggs, parsley, ground crackers.

Per serving: fish (fillet) 80-90, wheat bread 24-25, milk 32-35.

For minced meat: onion 40, fat 5, fresh mushrooms 30, eggs 1/4 pcs., crackers 2, greens.

No. 618. Loaf loaf. Melted butter, raw egg yolks are added to the prepared fish cut (veal with bread and milk) and knead thoroughly. Then, gently mixing, add well-beaten egg whites. The form is greased with oil, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, filled 3/4 of the height with the prepared mass and baked. You can grease the mold with oil, fill it with the prepared mass and cook it by putting it in boiling water, or steam it.

Fish (fillet) 200, wheat bread 30, milk 50, eggs 1/2 - 1 pc., butter 10 and another 10 for lubrication.

No. 619. Body imitation. The companions of Patriarch Macarius of Antioch were astounded by the fact that they were treated to hams, chickens, piglets made of fish during Lent, and so skillfully that it was difficult to distinguish them from the real ones. For "hams", for example, the mass was prepared from the pulp of pike or pike perch with the addition of salmon fish with pink flesh, shaped accordingly, fried or baked.

V.V. POKHLEBKIN "National cuisines of our peoples"


Type of fillet used— whole or choppeddistinguish body whole

and body-worn. For both types of body goes river and sea fish, and for

whole whole fish should be taken not particularly large fish- better up to 30-35 cm long,

you can use any fish for body tapan, as well as ready-made fish fillet.

Preparation consists of two operations— preparing the body and boiling it in boiling water with



750 g fish, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour, 0.5 onions, 0.5 parsley root, 2-3 bay

sheet, 7-8 black peppercorns, 0.25 h tablespoons anise or fennel seeds, 2 hours spoons of salt with

riding , 1.25 liters of water .

1. Remove scales and fins from fish, spread along the ridge into two halves, Not

skinning, free each half from the bones and roll tightly into a roll,

tie with a thread, not to unfold. Roll the folded fish halves well in

flour and place tightly in a gauze or calico napkin or a special bag, tight

tying it with a harsh thread or twine.

2. Prepare salted boiling water with onions and spices and lower the body into it.

napkin for 15 minutes.

3. Let the body cool in a napkin 5 minutes , then take out and serve warm with those

the same side dishes, like boiled fish(see above ). Can be served whole and cold with

fuck, why put it in the cold beforehand and let it harden.


500 g fish fillet, 1 egg, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dill, 0.5 tsp. spoons of black

ground pepper, 2 tbsp. tablespoons wheat or rye flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of parsley, 0.5 h

spoons of salt for body, 2 hours spoons of salt for broth, 1 liter of water.

Cut the fillet into pieces no larger than 0.5 x 1 cm , crush with a wooden spoon,

mix with finely chopped onion and spices, then add beaten egg, 1 tbsp. spoon

flour, mix everything into a homogeneous mass, shape it into a thick sausage, roll in

the remaining flour and wrap tightly with a napkin(gauze, coarse calico, linen), bandaging the harsh

thread or twine. Boil the same, as body whole.

Roasted veal

Body can not only be boiled but also fry. For this, from the mass of the body(cm .

recipe above) need to form small meatballs, roll them in flour(best in rice)

and fry in a saucepan or in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil. Serve with

lemon and fried potatoes.

It is unreasonable to argue with the fact that fishing in winter is much more reckless than in the warm season.

In winter, every fish caught is worth its weight in gold, every perch caught is crowned with a huge dose of adrenaline. But not every angler has yet felt that fishing in winter frosts is much more productive than summer. And this is especially true for zander fishing.

Catching fanged in the winter is incredibly exciting, reckless and lucrative, and it cannot be compared with summer fishing. In summer, it is possible to catch pike perch well only at night, and even then for a very limited time - during July-August with stable weather. In winter, pike perch can be caught almost throughout the entire freezing period, with the exception of rare periods of no bite, lasting a maximum of 1-2 weeks.

zander fishing in winter

So, how does zander fishing happen in winter? More precisely, how is it fundamentally different from summer? In summer, when looking for pike perch, you need to look for promising places - spits, underwater edges, rifts, various irregularities at the bottom.

In winter, you need to look directly for fish.
In winter, pike perch migrates along the reservoir, moving in flocks along a certain route throughout the day. All my friends zanders call them "active flocks", that is, this is exactly the pike perch that is looking for prey.

There are also passive zander packs, they can be found on the usual zander places - the same braids, at underwater brows, and other familiar places. But they are passive for that, that they absolutely do not want to take baits. Flocks of passive pike perch just hang around at the bottom, half asleep, and a catch of 2-3 perch per day can be considered an outstanding success. But our prey - pike perch is not one of these flocks.

Catching winter pike perch. Flocks of active pike perch are not always found at the bottom, quite often we had to feel its bites both at half water, and at a depth of 3-4 meters, and even at the very ice. An active zander is active because it takes bait greedily, often not really understanding what exactly is offered to it.

With the same success, we caught it both on large (more than 6 cm) and on small winter baubles. They did not notice much difference in the shades of the spinners - both yellow and silver ones worked equally well, regardless of the weather and the transparency of the water.

However, the transparency of water is an important factor, but we will focus on it below. And now it is important to understand that bait is not so much important as a competent approach to finding fish. We found an active fish - it is yours, but there are no ships (like fish) on it.

How to look for pike perch in winter?

If you are used to sitting for hours near 1-2 holes, and pouring kilograms of bait into them, you will not find pike perch. Get rid of this habit. An active pike perch should be actively searched for. Every half an hour - an hour you need to change places, drill new holes, catch as large a water area as possible. This is necessary because flocks of pike perch never stay in one place for a long time.

Whatever tasty food the zander finds, in an hour the flock will move on, and your task is to find it again. Or to predict the place of the next move of the pack, which, with even the slightest experience, is not so difficult.

For winter zander fishing, it is useful to think about light, and at the same time warm clothes. It is very difficult to fish in quilted jackets weighing several kilograms - the whole body will be wet with sweat, and you will still freeze your nose and fingers.

At the same time, many manufacturers offer excellent winter clothing, including boots and original gloves. I won’t name brands, but I’ll say for myself that fishing in special clothes is much more comfortable. The body does not sweat, and the hands, despite the open fingers, do not freeze.

After reading the previous paragraph, it may seem that the winter search for zander is not an easy task. This is partly true, but I hasten to assure you - this is only at first. Flocks of active zander follow the same route every day.

And after 5-10 fishing trips, you will be able to accurately guess its location, no matter what time of day you come to the pond. I had to catch pike perch in different parts of the Dnieper and Oka, and everywhere flocks of active pike perch followed a certain route, and local lovers of pike perch fishing perfectly guessed the course of the flock.

Gear and equipment

Now let's focus on gear and equipment. The type of rod is absolutely not important, an ancient foam winter rod will do. High-quality transparent scaffolding - up to 0.1mm in diameter. In principle, the fishing line can be used thicker, but this will affect the number of bites.

Lures are often suitable for any - foam rubber, winter spinners, silicone. But preference should be given to small and medium-sized winter spinners of silver color. Pike perch like them more, and they are easier to handle.

The zander tackle itself is obscenely simple - a rod, a nod - a fishing line - a winter lure. If you have to fish at a depth of more than 6 m, and even in a strong current, it is advisable to equip the lure with a small sinker. Of course, the lure will lose in the game, but if the lure under water is chaotically carried by the current, the chances of a bite will be truly minimal.

In addition to tackle, an angler who is going to catch zander should have a good ice drill available. The word "good" implies not only sharp blades, but also the literacy of their location, so that there is less noise when drilling holes. This is what distinguishes the products of the best manufacturers from handicrafts.

The choice of gear for winter fishing Many drills (usually from Soviet times) create noise when drilling a hole that can scare away fish within a radius of 20-30m. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to use a quality drill, it is better to trust the pawn.

Pike perch bites are fast, sharp, but not nearly as strong as in summer. And when fighting, you generally wonder if it’s fanged? Pike perch follows the forest without the slightest resistance.

Once, after one such bite, I was sure that I would pull out a 200-300 gram perch, but what was my surprise when the head of a 1.2-kilogram zander appeared from the hole! The zander had to be released, since catching zanders of this size with a good bite is blasphemy.

I advise you to adhere to these rules and you. Release pike perches weighing about 1 kg, you can find fish many times larger.

This zander is a strange fish.
When you think you know everything about him,
as soon as you buy 50 kilos of jig heads,
so he immediately presents another surprise.

non-standard time
Once upon a time, in one smart book, along with recipes for proper drying of hazel stalks for fishing rods, I read that pike perch is a twilight fish, pecking at morning and evening dawns, and the largest specimens come across exclusively at night. As for the rest of the day, "in the course of the play" the anglers were asked to be content with only rare captures of small individuals.

Of course, I, like many other anglers, more than once had to refute such radical statements by the author, but I would not be in a hurry to criticize him, because he worked in the conditions of a global shortage of gear: the Soviet industry, to put it mildly, did not indulge us with quality fishing products. But has the idea of ​​this fish and the peculiarities of hunting for it changed now, in conditions of commodity abundance? Yes, of course, a lot has changed, but a certain one-sidedness in the approach to fishing still remains.

Take, for example, trolling enthusiasts (note that I wrote "amateurs", not seasoned trollingists). After all, they have it like: caught - well, not caught - it means that the pike perch does not bite. The weather is not the same, pressure and other global cataclysms are to blame. Well, a person cannot believe that pike perch does not take on a wobbler for 900 rubles. And the fact that it may not be in this place at all - such an option, apparently, is not considered. How is it that in April it was, but not in October?

Despite the fact that today's abundance of tackle and fishing methods opens up new horizons for us in hunting for zander, the rule of "at the right time in the right place" is still more than relevant. But how to be exactly where you need to be, and even with the necessary set of gear?

It must be admitted that to this day pike perch is not unreasonably considered a twilight fish. But old-fashioned statements that this fish is caught exclusively on morning and evening dawns are mercilessly outdated. As we have already said, zander can be successfully caught throughout the day. For what, you just need to slightly diversify the approach and draw the right conclusions based on external factors.

It is an indisputable fact that pike perch has excellent eyesight. And he sees not only during the day, but also at night. This is possible mainly due to the peculiarities of the structure of its organs of vision: the retina of the zander contains a highly reflective pigment - guanine, which significantly increases its sensitivity. But the inability of zander (as well as many other freshwater fish) to constrict pupils causes it to avoid bright light. In the daytime, he goes to the depth, respectively, attempts to catch him in shallow water are most often unsuccessful. Apparently, this is where the “bearded” theories came from that the pike perch does not take during the day.

Retreat 1: standard gear. Heavy baits and the corresponding features of spinning fishing made it possible for the angler to provoke fish at great depths and at a serious distance from the coast. More than others, jig baits have succeeded in this. In the classic version, jig fishing does not require any in-depth analysis from the angler.

Well, judge for yourself: at great depths, the color of the bait is not decisive, flaws in the wiring are also unlikely to seriously affect the result. The specifics of this kind of fishing does not impose any special requirements on gear. If the angler is not ready to spend more than necessary, then do not. A budget-friendly but high-quality rod is quite suitable. Agree, with baits of 20-30 grams of increased sensitivity from the rod is not necessary. Reliability comes first.

Of course, you will have to use a relatively expensive “braid”, but this is an essential attribute of jig fishing. In fairness - and you should not demand something supernatural from her. Turning "to the individual", we can say that the old Power Pro in this niche has not lost its position. Of the novelties comparable in price that I managed to try, one can single out another eight-core Power Phantom. As they say, it flies and holds. All these factors, combined with the relative cheapness of jig lures, have made this type of fishing very popular in our country.

Non-standard place
It probably makes no sense to develop the topic of stepped postings: we all have heard and read about this more than once. Much more important, in my opinion, is to address the need to be in the right place at the right time. Because jig baits, although they allow the angler to get to almost any predator's shelter, do not collect fish around themselves.

Once, in the company of a good friend of mine, I caught zander well from a boat on the Yauza reservoir. But the sun rolled over the horizon, and the biting gradually stopped. We went ashore, prepared the camp and everything that contributes to a pleasant pastime at the table. But for some reason my friend decided to swim out to the cherished brow even in the dark. The result is an hour and a half of wasted time.

And the reason is just that it is not the time, although the place is very promising. But daylight hours are not always jig and not always bottom layers. Sometimes, for one reason or another, fish feed in the middle layers or even closer to the surface. In ponds with stagnant water, the most common cause of this phenomenon is the thermocline. I will not explain the nature of this phenomenon, it is already well known. Yes, and it is not as important as its consequence.

Also, one of the reasons for pike perch to rise high from the bottom is the movement of food objects - sprats, bleaks or something else. We will immediately note the options for fishing on a balancer or mormyshka with live bait. And about spinning fishing, we can say that the number one bait for such conditions is a wobbler. Changing the bait data, you should choose the most effective wiring horizon.

For example, last year on the same Yauza reservoir we successfully fished with wobblers with a depth of 3.5-4 meters, and the depth under us varied from nine to fourteen meters. In general, all that needs to be done is to choose the right bait, and then catch at least by trolling, at least by casting.

But, as we understand, such behavior is only one of many moments in the life cycle of zander. And catching it with an equal share of success in one place is unlikely to succeed. Someday you will have to get out in shallow water, and in this case, there will be much more requirements: both for gear and for the time of day. Yes, and to the rules of behavior on the reservoir, too.

The rules from the smart books of our childhood that pike perch is a twilight fish, in a situation with fishing in shallow water, is most welcome. Remember my comrade, who combed the dump from six to ten meters to no avail in the dark? And at this time there is a certain sense to look for pike perch at shallow depths, where its potential victims rest peacefully, and where, as we have already understood, it sees everything perfectly. And, I tell you, pike perch not only sees well, but also hears.

One night, in the company of acquaintances, I caught a fanged one on wobblers. It was one of those long nights New Year holidays. And the Moskva River presented us with gifts in the form of medium-sized pike perch, but only until the neighbors appeared - the "wild division" in three cars with barbecue and fireworks. They tried to catch on a jig, while periodically illuminating the water surface with a very powerful lantern. I think, since I started talking about this, you can guess the results of this fishing ...

Pike perch, of course, is not the most cautious fish in the world, but, nevertheless, hunting in the coastal zone, he perfectly hears the consequences of the angler's careless actions on the shore. It is also not recommended to shine a flashlight into the water. From some anglers, I heard versions that the light of headlamps does not bother the predator. I will not argue, I just want to note that my personal experience makes me think a little differently.

Non-standard attitude to the bait
But, of course, following all the rules of behavior of a real Indian does not guarantee that the fish will definitely attack the bait. Bait - oh, what an important piece of equipment! I think that many noticed in the daytime how a predator escorts the bait to the very shore, but does not take it. They must have noticed, and I noticed too.

At the same time, it got ridiculous: you keep an exact copy of some eminent brand, and the fish is either not interested in it at all, or just sees it off, but as soon as you put on the original, bites begin. Of course, this does not apply to all copies and not to all brands, but nevertheless. And, as it turned out, it’s absolutely not about the brand, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Continuing the conversation about lures and non-standard behavior of pike perch, I would like to mention catching this fish from the surface. Not so long ago, at the Moscow Fishing Exhibition, from the lips of one visitor, I happened to hear not the most flattering reviews about such a bait as a walker. They say that there are almost no reservoirs around Moscow where it could be successfully used.

I assure you, dear readers, that is not the case at all. Let's take, for example, the Moscow River. Of course, if you rinse a walker over some edge during the midday heat, the result is unlikely to be positive. But if you wait for the night and go on a roll, then the chances of catching pike perch will increase significantly.

There are no special requirements for gear in fishing for walkers, but the baits themselves must be “long-range”. Of course, different places have their own characteristics, but it seems to me that it would be useful if the bait can contribute to long-distance casting. In this regard, the Japanese succeeded more than others: lures from Megabass and Yo-Zuri helped me more often than others.

With regards to wiring, we can say that it differs significantly from the classic options for this kind of bait. Catching pike perch on a walker is akin to fishing “on a mustache”, when the bait, under the influence of the force of the current, moves along the surface of the water along a certain trajectory, describing an arc, and the waves diverging in different directions from the bait look like a long mustache. And in the light of the stars you can see only them.

But still, catching pike perch on a walker is not quite the same. There are some elements of animation in the wiring - soft twitches with the tip of the rod, one might even say, swaying. In similar conditions, good results for zander can be achieved using fly fishing gear. And I'm not kidding. And even winter is no exception.

Retreat 2: standard equipment. Of course, the main places of fishing in this period are non-freezing reservoirs. For example, I have the already mentioned Moscow River in the lower reaches more than once. Night fishing does not force the angler to stand in the middle of the river, depicting a forgotten buoy. In most cases, fishing takes place in the coastal zone, but you still have to enter the water.

Well, if the place where you fish is familiar to you: then there are no problems. But if you study the features of the coastal bottom relief at random, then falls into the water are quite likely due to areas with sheer clay edges. In this connection, I strongly recommend having two sets of clothes.

The places where I prefer to fish require waders, so I also have two of them. I do not urge you to go and spend tens of thousands of rubles to purchase a second set, say, from the proven Simms. In winter, his "breathing" abilities are not as relevant as in summer. It is possible to get by with something more modest. In this situation, reliability is much more relevant. In winter, I even have the main kit - quite a budget Alaskan, and Simms is in my backpack as a spare.

The success of this kind of fishing largely depends on the correct selection of tackle, since it is unlikely that the line will be able to accelerate in the dark for a long time. In addition, the baits used, namely streamers, are quite voluminous, and when wet, they are also heavy. Therefore, the best option, in my opinion, would be a relatively powerful stiff rod. At this stage, the ideal option for me is an 11-foot switch rod of the 7th class.

The cord is best used with a short and thick head. Sinking undergrowth is most often not needed: at dawn and at night, fishing occurs either at half-water or near the surface. You should not grind with baits, the optimal size is 10-12 centimeters. Basic wiring - short slow pulls.

Many, after reading this article, will probably say: “Yes, why do we need to reinvent the wheel, we have a great catch on the reservoir, sometimes it’s better, sometimes it’s worse, but it suits us.” Others will surely say that twice a year they go to the Lower Volga and there they come off with this fish for the whole season.

This, of course, is also an option. But often, without realizing it, we go fishing to distant lands, not because there are more fish, but because our knowledge and skills are suitable only for those fishing conditions. And domestic water bodies - perhaps no less rich in pike perch - stand and wait for us to diversify our approach to fishing and pick up the key to them.

(To be continued)

Sudak, Sudáq, Sudak, Soldaya, Surozh, Sugdeya, Sidagios, Sugdabon, Sogdabon, Sugdia, Sogdeya, Sodoya, Surdak - a seaside town in the southeast.

The year of foundation of the city of Sudak is known - 212 Mr. n. uh..

The exact etymology of the name Sudak is unknown. According to V.I. Abaev, it goes back to the Iranian " suxta-ka"- "sacred", "pure", "immaculate", "holy".

According to the conclusions made by the Soviet ethnographer-Caucasian, professor, doctor of historical sciences A.V. Gadlo, "He led the Caucasian Archaeological and Ethnographic Expedition of the Leningrad State University" - the city was founded by "Sugds" (one of the Zikh (Adyghe) tribes, formerly called Sinds).

This is what the marginal notes say - Greek manuscript book of religious content, in the Middle Ages, kept in one of the Christian monasteries. For many decades, the monks made notes in the margins about important events, from their point of view.

In the middle XIX century, Sudak was discovered on the island of Halki in the Aegean Sea and published V 1863 year in the fifth volume of the Notes of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities.

Warriors (epics about the heroes of the "Surozh" are known in the Russian epic), farmers (the excellent Surozh Wines were famous), builders, travelers and even Saints.

Ideas about the history of Sudak strongly associated with Genoese fortress».

The Genoese period in the history of the city was so bright that it overshadowed the previous ones.

Sometimes one gets the impression that before the Genoese, the city, as it were, did not exist. In fact, this is far from true..

The remains of Taurus settlements, shelters and burial grounds with "stone boxes", or dolmens, were discovered in the Kapsel valley. Fragments of Taurus stucco ware were found on the slopes of the Fortress Mountain and are still found on Mount Karaul-Oba. The system of fortified shelters has survived to this day - “ Taurus stairs».

Soldaya resisted the longest. The last defenders of the fortress(about a thousand people) locked themselves in the main temple and were burned alive by the attackers.

Among the dead was the last consul of Soldaya - Cristoforo di Negro. This legend was confirmed by excavations. 1928 BC: Many charred human skeletons were found in the ruins of the temple.

The Turks occupied the entire Crimean coast and the Principality of Theodoro, and their recent ally- Crimean Khanate - turned into a vassal.

Sudak became for them only a strategic point in the defense system of the Crimean possessions. The city was gradually destroyed.

The fertile valley, its orchards and vineyards were captured by new owners- Wealthy residents.

By the end XVII V. Sudak kadylyk (i.e. district), which was part of the Kafa kaymakanstvo (province), included 20 villages from Alushta in the west to Koz () in the east.

During the Ottoman rule, the city, which lost its military significance, fell into decay, although it was the center of a kadylyk - smallest administrative unit Ottoman state.

As part of the Russian Empire

During the Russian-Turkish war 1768 - 1774 gg. an artillery redoubt was built on the territory of the Sudak fortress, and later garrisoned Kirillovsky regiment.

IN 1783 year, Sudak, along with all of Crimea, went to the Russian Empire.

Catherine II distributed the land to her close associates. Sudak lands belonged to the prince, and with his usual pomp, he began to plant orchards and vineyards, ordering from Europe the best vines, mulberry, almond, walnut, fig, lemon and other trees.

The reflection of the heyday of the city of Sudak was so strong that it was originally intended to move the capital of "Tavrida" here

The distribution and division of the lands of the Sudak Valley led to the fact that about two hundred small landowners became the owners of these lands.

Farming methods were backward. The small landowners planted everything randomly and strove for one thing - squeeze more wine and sell it at a higher price.

Large landowners used the Sudak surroundings exclusively as a place of rest, coming for the summer and completely forgetting about the seaside estate in the winter.

By eyewitness account, V 1869 Sudak was “... the smallest place located in the valley of the same name a mile from the sea, with a beautiful stone Orthodox church, with a dozen houses and houses on both sides of the church, and two small shops, a bakery, a massacre, a smithy, a cooperage, a post office station and three taverns.

At the end XVIII- early XIX century, the city of Sudak was almost completely depopulated and turned into a small village, according to the census 1805 years, in the abandoned city lived only 33 person.

Despite the backward methods of farming, in XIX V. Sudak - a place in the Taraktash volost of the Feodosia district - ranked first in viticulture and winemaking.

By itself (Pike perch) is far from being important, but the vast location of the valley with a large number of the best vineyards and significant places it on a high level. This is facilitated by favorable natural and climatic conditions.

The opening of a shipping company on the Black Sea is favorable influenced the development of the region. The state of trade has improved.

Sudak became not just a place, but a well-known and, moreover, cheap resort, where mainly intellectuals and students rested.

Pre-revolutionary Sudak remained a small town, which came to life during the holiday season and at the time of harvesting the grapes. In addition to the postal station, there was a telegraph office, a zemstvo hospital, a pharmacy, and a zemstvo library-reading room.

Lived in Sudak near 2 thousand, mostly Russians, as well as Germans, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Crimean Karaites.

The main buildings were near the church, near the market. In the coastal part there were separate cottages and hotels.

In summer, Sudak took up to 3,5 thousands of visitors. Wine, grapes, fruits, fish, building materials were exported from here.

A figurative picture of the town of that time was given by the writer Sergei Elpatevsky. In the "Crimean Essays" he wrote that "it is impossible to say about Sudak whether it is well-maintained or not well-maintained - it is simply not arranged, without any arrangement." This phrase has become catchphrase.

Under Soviet rule

Soviet power won in Sudak, as elsewhere in January 1918 , and approved in November 1920 th - after a long and fierce struggle.

The establishment of the economy began. Was viticultural state farm established"Sudak" - among the first in. Were restored and expanded vineyards, orchards and tobacco plantations.

IN Ai-Sava valley cultivation was established essential oil crops and built a plant for their processing. Revived and, including the production of the famous New World Champagne.

IN 1924 The first rest house was organized in Sudak. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, there were four health resorts and a camp site.

Fascist occupation(the city was occupied by the German-Romanian troops) with 1 november 1941 by 13 April 1944 d.) caused enormous damage to the economy of the village and the entire region.

Vineyards were destroyed, fruit trees were cut down for firewood. However, from the very first days of the occupation until the last day the Nazis were in a difficult position: neither day nor night, the actions of numerous partisan detachments.

In January 1942 In the 1990s, the Sudak landing force was landed in the city, which tried to liberate the city and for almost two weeks kept it from superior enemy forces. Almost all paratroopers died in battle.

14 April 1944 Sudak was released. Marble slabs of Glory Hill in Sudak keep names 240 patriots, including 213 local residents who gave their lives in the fight against fascism.

The restoration of the national economy of Sudak proceeded at a rapid pace.

Vine growers achieved especially great success: in some areas they achieved unprecedented yields - according to 300 and more centners per hectare.

From the middle 60 -s in Sudak unfolded intensive construction.

Again, the status of the city of Sudak gained only in 1982 year.

Now Sudak does not resemble one of the main medieval centers of world trade..