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Vyatka departure. View the Vyatka train timetable and buy a train ticket online

Number of stops: Travel time:

13 h 13 min / 12 h 28 min

Length: Periodicity:

year-round, daily

Technical data

According to the results of the first half of 2008, "Vyatka" is the most popular train among branded trains of the Gorky Railway.



The decision to create their own train was made at a meeting of the Kirov regional committee of the CPSU of the Kirov region. Many enterprises of Kirov and the region were connected to the creation of the train. The missing materials were purchased in other regions in exchange for lumber, which is in abundance in the Kirov region. The creation was supervised by the chief engineer of the Kirov Carriage Depot Donat Mikhailovich Sapunov.

The status of the branded train "Vyatka" was received on October 24, 1967. A lot of citizens, the leadership of the city and the region gathered to see the train on the first track on the platform of the Kirovsky railway station. Nikolai Ivanovich Valov was appointed the first head of Vyatka.

The train was originally painted the standard green. In 1997, the head of the State Railway of that time, Omari Sharadze, approved the modern red-blue-yellow coloring, chosen at a special competition held among the people of Kirov.

Now "Vyatka" is one of the most popular trains of Russian Railways. The train team regularly participates and wins in various contests and competitions.

Train feature

  • Train number 31/32 is year-round, runs daily.
  • The numbering of the cars is indicated from the head of the train when departing from Kirov, from the tail of the train when departing from Moscow.
  • The maximum allowable length of the train for the sections of the route (the length of the car is 24.5 m):
    • on the Moscow railway - 23 cars,
    • on the Gorky railway - 21 cars.
  • The maximum allowable length of a train by route sections (car length 25.5 m): 20 cars.
  • Train redirection stations: none.
  • Locomotive change stations and crews: Vladimir.
  • Stations for changing locomotive crews without changing a locomotive: Nizhny Novgorod-Moskovsky.
  • Train water supply stations: Moscow-Passenger-Yaroslavskaya, Kirov.
  • Train fuel supply stations: Moscow-Passenger-Yaroslavskaya, Kirov.
  • ECTK service stations: Kirov.
  • Stations for the collection of municipal solid waste (MSW) and slag: Moscow-Passenger-Yaroslavskaya, Nizhny Novgorod-Moskovsky, Kirov.
  • Allocated places:
    • in car No. 10 of the KRI, places from 1 to 4 are for rest of conductors, LNP and PEM, from 5 to 8 for rest of employees of the restaurant car, from 9 to 12 for passengers, from 13 to 16 for police officers accompanying the train, from 17 to 20 for courier communication workers, from 21 to 24 for the carriage of luggage, places 25, 26 for disabled people and their accompanying persons.
    • in car No. 16 K, places from 1 to 32 for passengers, from 33 to 36 for storing bed linen and accommodating senior conductors, places 37, 38 for conductors to rest.
    • in compartment cars Nos. 9, 12, 13, 14 K seats from 1 to 36 for passengers, seat 37 for conductors to rest.
    • in compartment cars No. 17, 18 K, places from 1 to 36 for passengers, places 37, 38 for conductors to rest.
  • Variable stencil: no.
  • Enhanced comfort carriages:
    • wagons No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19 with services at no additional charge.
  • Transfer cars: no.
  • Trailer cars: no.
  • Other wagons: no.
  • Optional carriages: no.
  • Border and customs control stations: no.

Train route map

Train layout

P/n wagon number Wagon type Wagon circulation points Number of places Notes
1 OBL Kirov - Moscow 56 Two compositions
LVCHD-7 Kirov
Gorky branch of FPC
on EPT and combined
heating with ECTK
2 PL 54
3 PL 54
4 PL 54
5 PL 54
6 PL 54
7 PL 54
8 PL 54
9 TO 36/1
41 VR -
10 KRI 14/12
11 SW 18
12 TO 36/1
13 TO 36/1
14 TO 36/1
15 SW 18
16 TO 32/6
17 TO Kirov - Moscow 36/2 CJSC "TKS"
18 TO 36/2
19 SVM 12


32 Moscow - Kirov 31 Kirov - Moscow
12 h 28 min Total travel time 13 h 13 min
Arrival Parking Departure Separate items Distance Code "Express-3" Arrival Parking Departure
Moscow railway
P. No. 32
20:05 Moscow-Passenger-Yaroslavskaya 0 2000002 09:43
Gorky railway
22:56 23 23:19 Vladimir 210 2060340 05:57 23 06:20
00:05 2 00:07 Kovrov I 274 2060350 05:01 2 05:03
02:07 13 02:20 Nizhny Novgorod-Moscow 461 2060001 02:49 12 03:01
05:14 2 05:16 Shakhunya 701 2060440 00:01 2 00:03
06:57 2 06:59 Kotelnich I 830 2060450 22:26 2 22:28
07:19 2 07:21 Maradykovsky 850 2060473 22:03 1 22:04
07:41 2 07:43 Orichi 876 2060476 21:33 2 21:35
08:10 2 08:12 Lyangasovo 903 2060478 20:56 2 20:58
08:33 Kirov 917 2060600 20:30
P. No. 31


  • VR - dining car
  • AND - wagon containing a compartment for the disabled
  • TO - compartment car with four-seater compartments
  • OBL - interregional carriage with seats
  • PL - sleeper carriage
  • R - wagon equipped with a radio station
  • SW - sleeping car with double compartments
  • SVM - sleeping car with two- and four-seater compartments
  • f - optional wagon

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An excerpt characterizing Vyatka (train)

- You are ready? he asked his wife, looking around her.
Prince Hippolyte hurriedly put on his coat, which, according to the new, was longer than his heels, and, tangled in it, ran to the porch after the princess, whom the footman was putting into the carriage.
- Princesse, au revoir, [Princess, goodbye,] - he shouted, tangling his tongue as well as his legs.
The princess, picking up her dress, sat down in the darkness of the carriage; her husband was adjusting his saber; Prince Ippolit, under the pretext of serving, interfered with everyone.
- Excuse me, sir, - Prince Andrei dryly unpleasantly turned in Russian to Prince Ippolit, who prevented him from passing.
"I'm waiting for you, Pierre," said the same voice of Prince Andrei affectionately and tenderly.
The postilion moved off, and the carriage rattled its wheels. Prince Hippolyte laughed abruptly, standing on the porch and waiting for the viscount, whom he promised to take home.

“Eh bien, mon cher, votre petite princesse est tres bien, tres bien,” said the viscount, getting into the carriage with Hippolyte. - Mais tres bien. He kissed the tips of his fingers. – Et tout a fait francaise. [Well, my dear, your little princess is very cute! Very nice and perfect French.]
Hippolyte laughed with a snort.
“Et savez vous que vous etes terrible avec votre petit air innocent,” continued the viscount. - Je plains le pauvre Mariei, ce petit officier, qui se donne des airs de prince regnant.. [Do you know, you are a terrible person, despite your innocent appearance. I feel sorry for the poor husband, this officer who poses as a possessive person.]
Hippolyte snorted again and said through laughter:
- Et vous disiez, que les dames russes ne valaient pas les dames francaises. Il faut savoir s "y prendre. [And you said that Russian ladies are worse than French ones. You have to be able to take it.]
Pierre, arriving ahead, like a domestic person, went into Prince Andrei's office and immediately, out of habit, lay down on the sofa, took the first book that came across from the shelf (these were Caesar's Notes) and began, leaning on his elbows, to read it from the middle.
– What did you do with m lle Scherer? She will be completely ill now, ”said Prince Andrei, entering the office and rubbing his small, white hands.
Pierre turned his whole body so that the sofa creaked, turned his animated face to Prince Andrei, smiled and waved his hand.
“No, this abbot is very interesting, but he just doesn’t understand the matter like that ... In my opinion, eternal peace is possible, but I don’t know how to say it ... But not by political equilibrium ...
Prince Andrei was apparently not interested in these abstract conversations.
- It is impossible, mon cher, [my dear,] everywhere to say everything that you think. So, have you finally decided on something? Will you be a cavalry guard or a diplomat? asked Prince Andrei after a moment's silence.
Pierre sat down on the sofa, tucking his legs under him.
You can imagine, I still don't know. I don't like either one.
“But you have to make a decision, don’t you? Your father is waiting.
Pierre, from the age of ten, was sent abroad with the tutor abbot, where he stayed until the age of twenty. When he returned to Moscow, his father released the abbot and said to the young man: “Now you go to Petersburg, look around and choose. I agree to everything. Here's a letter for you to Prince Vasily, and here's some money for you. Write about everything, I will help you in everything. Pierre had been choosing a career for three months and did nothing. Prince Andrei told him about this choice. Pierre rubbed his forehead.
“But he must be a Freemason,” he said, referring to the abbot whom he had seen at the party.
- All this is nonsense, - Prince Andrei stopped him again, - let's talk about the case. Were you in the Horse Guards?
- No, I wasn't, but that's what came to my mind, and I wanted to tell you. Now the war against Napoleon. If it were a war for freedom, I would understand, I would be the first to enter the military service; but helping England and Austria against the greatest man in the world... that's not good...
Prince Andrei only shrugged his shoulders at Pierre's childish speeches. He pretended that such nonsense was not to be answered; but it was really difficult to answer this naive question with anything other than what Prince Andrei answered.
“If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war,” he said.
“That would be fine,” said Pierre.
Prince Andrew chuckled.
- It may very well be that it would be wonderful, but this will never happen ...
“Well, why are you going to war?” Pierre asked.
- For what? I don't know. So it is necessary. Besides, I'm going…” He stopped. “I am going because this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!

A woman's dress rustled in the next room. As if waking up, Prince Andrei shook himself, and his face assumed the same expression that it had in Anna Pavlovna's drawing room. Pierre swung his legs off the sofa. The princess entered. She was already in a different, homely, but equally elegant and fresh dress. Prince Andrei stood up, courteously pushing a chair for her.
“Why, I often think,” she began, as always, in French, hastily and bustlingly sitting down in an armchair, “why didn’t Annette get married?” How stupid you all are, messurs, for not marrying her. Excuse me, but you don't understand anything about women. What a debater you are, Monsieur Pierre.
- I argue everything with your husband; I don’t understand why he wants to go to war, ”said Pierre, without any hesitation (so common in the relationship of a young man to a young woman) turning to the princess.
The princess was startled. Apparently, Pierre's words touched her to the core.
Ah, that's what I'm saying! - she said. “I don’t understand, I absolutely don’t understand why men can’t live without war?” Why do we women want nothing, why do we need nothing? Well, you be the judge. I tell him everything: here he is an uncle's adjutant, the most brilliant position. Everyone knows him so well and appreciates him so much. The other day at the Apraksins, I heard a lady ask: "c" est ca le fameux prince Andre? Ma parole d "honneur! [Is this the famous Prince Andrei? Honestly!] She laughed. - He is so accepted everywhere. He can very easily be an adjutant wing. You know, the sovereign spoke to him very graciously. Annette and I talked about how easy it would be to arrange. How do you think?
Pierre looked at Prince Andrei and, noticing that his friend did not like this conversation, did not answer.
- When are you leaving? - he asked.
- Ah! ne me parlez pas de ce depart, ne m "en parlez pas. Je ne veux pas en entendre parler, [Ah, don't tell me about this departure! I don't want to hear about it,] the princess spoke in such a capriciously playful tone as she spoke with Hippolyte in the living room, and who obviously did not go to the family circle, where Pierre was, as it were, a member. “Today, when I thought that all these expensive relationships should be interrupted ... And then, you know, Andre?” She winked significantly at her husband. - J "ai peur, j" ai peur! [I'm scared, I'm scared!] She whispered, shuddering her back.
The husband looked at her with a look as if he was surprised to notice that someone else, besides him and Pierre, was in the room; and he turned inquiringly to his wife with cold courtesy:
What are you afraid of, Lisa? I can't understand, he said.
- That's how all men are selfish; everyone, all egoists! Because of his own whims, God knows why, he leaves me, locks me up in a village alone.
“With your father and sister, don’t forget,” Prince Andrei said quietly.
- All the same, alone, without my friends ... And she wants me not to be afraid.
Her tone was already grouchy, her lip rose, giving her face not a joyful, but a brutal, squirrel-like expression. She fell silent, as if finding it indecent to talk about her pregnancy in front of Pierre, while this was the essence of the matter.
“All the same, I didn’t understand, de quoi vous avez peur, [What are you afraid of],” Prince Andrei said slowly, not taking his eyes off his wife.
The princess blushed and frantically waved her hands.
- Non, Andre, je dis que vous avez tellement, tellement change ... [No, Andrey, I say: you have changed so, so much ...]
“Your doctor tells you to go to bed earlier,” said Prince Andrei. - You should go to sleep.
The princess said nothing, and suddenly her short, mustache-lined sponge trembled; Prince Andrei, standing up and shrugging his shoulders, walked across the room.

The Moscow Kirov train timetable currently contains 27 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 13 h 42 m, and the number of stops on this route is 20. Trains on the Moscow Kirov route most often stop at the stations Manturovo, Shabalino, Svecha, Rostov-Yaroslavsky, Gostovskaya, the timetable for which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction depart, for example, at 00.35 from the Moscow-Yaroslavskaya station, to the final point Kirov-Pass. they arrive respectively at 18.12 local time. A large number of running trains in the Moscow Kirov timetable indicates that this direction is in demand among passengers. The train schedule Moscow - Kirov is designed so that you can leave in this direction at night, in the afternoon, in the evening.
You can buy tickets for the Moscow - Kirov train at the box office of the nearest station, as well as online.

Below is the train schedule information. The schedule is updated in real time.

The route of the Vyatka 031G train is well visualized on the map. To zoom in, simply double-click anywhere on the map. And in the detailed table below, you can find out the order of the composition of this train at all stations and how long it costs at stops.

Now, in just a few minutes, by following a few step-by-step actions on this website, you can buy a ticket for the 031G Kirov - Moscow train or find out its winter timetable for 2019.

How to buy a train ticket with no hidden fees

When buying an inexpensive ticket through the FLYDEX service, already at the stage of creating a train schedule, you are immediately shown the full fare without any hidden commission. We charge only a small additional fee for the information support of the site.

To book a ticket for train 031Г, follow a few steps:

    Stage 1. Schedule and information about the train

    Select a train, click on the price of the class of carriage you need

    Stage 2. Choosing a place

    On the car diagram, select a seat, lower or upper shelf.

    Stage 3. Filling in passport data

    Fill in the fields with data for each passenger and specify the payment method.

    Stage 4. Payment for railway tickets

    Using one of the proposed payment methods, make a payment and print your boarding pass. A duplicate ticket will be sent to you by email in PDF format.

You can choose a free electronic check-in service, however, if you refuse it, you need to get a paper ticket at the railway station ticket office or at self-service terminals before the train departs.

If you need to buy a return ticket for the Kirov Moscow train, create two searches at the same time or issue them separately.

Information about train No. 031Г, departure and arrival, wagon classes, ticket prices

Departure of train 031G from the Kirov Pass railway station takes place according to the schedule at 20:28 Moscow time.

Arrival at the Moscow station (Yaroslavsky railway station) without delay at 09:43 Moscow time.

On the train route there are such large stations as: Lyangasovo, Orichi, Maradykovsky, Kotelnich, Shakhunya.

The travel time of the Vyatka passenger train No. 031G Kirov-Moscow is 13 hours 15 minutes.

If you want to buy a return ticket to Moscow Kirov, create a new search query in the same way as described above.

According to the timetable for train number 031G on the Kirov-Moscow route, the train makes 10 stops at the following stations:





On my way

Kirov Pass

20:30 0 -


20:56 20:58 2 m-
21:33 21:35 2 m-


22:05 22:06 1m-


22:29 22:31 2 m-
00:04 00:06 2 m-

The ideal ratio of price and quality when choosing a means of transportation among tourists is considered to be travel by rail. The branded train "Vyatka" rightfully holds the title of one of the best, carrying out the movement from Kirov to the capital of Russia - Moscow.

What does the concept of "branded" mean?

Most passengers do not understand the difference between the class of service on trains. The concept of "branded" means a train that includes high-quality service and an extended list of services provided. Distinctive features of branded vehicles are:

  • New carriages equipped with air conditioners;
  • Conductors who have completed advanced training programs under the program "Service and Tourism";
  • Disposable bed linen, improved quality;
  • A wide range of culinary products;
  • Filled seats at the time of boarding the passenger.

Important! As a rule, the traffic schedule of this class of transport is developed taking into account the convenience for passengers. Departure and arrival times have been adjusted as convenient as possible for public transport to work. To date, the number of branded vehicles that move not only on the map of Russia, but also in neighboring countries has increased.

"Vyatka" - main characteristics

The Vyatka train runs on the Kirov-Vladimir-Moscow route on a daily basis. The name of the route was due to the location of the Vyatka River in Kirov. The total travel time is 13 hours 20 minutes. In the opposite direction, the vehicle moves a little faster and takes only 12 hours and 30 minutes. The branded train includes:

  • Two wagons "SV";
  • Six coaches of the "Compartment" class;
  • Nine cars "Reserved seat";
  • Car for the disabled and people with disabilities;
  • Restaurant car.

Each car is equipped with dry closets. Conductors no longer need to close them during stops. Access to the sanitary unit is available throughout the journey.

note! This set is only an example. The composition changes depending on the season. You can get acquainted with the exact scheme when buying a ticket on the official website of Russian Railways.

Route schedule. Major stops

"Vyatka" for 13 hours of its journey from Kirov to Moscow makes 10 stops. The longest train stops are in the following cities:

  • Nizhny Novgorod - 12 minutes;
  • Vladimir - 26 minutes.

All other stops do not exceed 2 minutes. The train departs from Kirov at 20:30 Moscow time. Arrives in the capital at 9 am 47 minutes. Place of arrival - Yaroslavsky railway station. Most passengers note the convenience of the planned route and the place of arrival.

The area of ​​the three stations is a subway junction. You can easily get to anywhere in the city by transferring to the desired metro line. Railway train "Vyatka" 031 - "G" covers a distance of 917 kilometers. In the opposite direction, the railway vehicle leaves at 18:50 Moscow time, and arrives at 7:30 in the morning.

Scheme of wagons and location of seats

As part of the train, the following layout of wagons and seats follows:

  • Two cars "SV" or "Lux" are presented in the amount of 36 seats. Each compartment consists of two rooms. It includes: a bottom shelf measuring 120 cm wide, a transformer table, a TV with the ability to watch movies via a hard drive, a 220W socket, a washbasin, a key card for access and a conductor call button;
  • Six “Compartment” cars are represented by upper and lower shelves, the width of which is 70 centimeters, a folding table, a socket in each compartment. Number of compartments - 216;
  • Nine reserved seat cars have the same components as the compartment, only the number of sockets has been reduced to two per car. Additionally, there are lateral upper and lower places with a folding table. The number of landing places is 486.
  • The sitting car is represented by seats in the amount of 60 pieces. 4 tables located in the middle of the room. Each seat has its own power outlet and headphone jack.

note! Each carriage, regardless of the service class, is equipped with dry closets and energy-saving LED lamps. There are information panels displaying information about the flight, time and temperature in the car.

The level of service and maintenance in the Vyatka train

Each class has its own type of service. For seated and reserved seat passengers, the basic type of service is included:

  • Bedding set;
  • Meals in the restaurant (for a fee at the request of the passenger);

For passengers of "Lux class" it is provided:

  • Three meals a day;
  • Bed linen set, travel set, including: slippers, towel, soap.
  • Fresh print media.

The following list of services is provided for travelers in the "CB" and "Compartment" class:

  • Breakfast to choose from;
  • Bed linen and travel kit;
  • Newspapers and magazines.

The dining car is fully equipped with new appliances and furniture. The range of dishes includes:

  • Salads;
  • Snacks:
  • hotter;
  • Dessert;
  • Cold and hot drinks.

Important! On request, all products can be delivered to the specified location. Tourists note that the level of service on the branded train "Vyatka" corresponds to the indicator - above average.

Ways to buy a ticket for the branded train "Vyatka"

There are several ways to buy tickets for the Vyatka train. The most proven and convenient way is to use online booking and purchase a ticket via the Internet. You can use the service around the clock. When boarding a train, you can present a printed boarding pass to the conductor.

You can also buy a ticket at the Russian Railways sales offices, but before visiting, check the schedule for which the box office operates. The average ticket price for 2018 on the Kirov - Moscow route is 2200 to 8700 rubles *.

The price varies by service class. An alternative to traffic is electric trains that travel from Kirov to Nizhny Novgorod and from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. The cost is slightly cheaper, however, this does not prevent passengers from buying tickets specifically for the Vyatka train.

Thus, thanks to the high class of service, daily flight frequency and reasonable ticket prices, the Vyatka train has won the respect of many passengers.

*Prices are current as of July 2018.

Fast branded train "Vyatka" runs on the route Kirov - Moscow.

On October 24, 1967, the first flight of the branded train from Kirov to Moscow took place. In 2013, he turns 46 years old.

The first carriages of the train were green. And only 30 years later, in 1997, it was repainted in blue-yellow-red. To choose the coloring of the train, a competition was held among the people of Kirov.

The train is named after the former name of the city and the Vyatka River. The first steamboat that appeared on this river was also named "Vyatka".

The distance between cities by rail is 917 km. The train needs 13 hours and 15 minutes to travel this way.

The train "Vyatka", following the route Kirov - Moscow, makes 9 stops. The longest stop in Vladimir is 23 minutes.

Timetable of the train "Vyatka" (Moscow - Kirov)

The Vyatka train leaves Moscow at 18:50 and arrives in Kirov the next morning at 7:30.

The train leaves Kirov at 20:28 and arrives in Moscow the next day at 9:43.

In Kirov, the train departs from the Kirovsky station, in Moscow - from Yaroslavsky.

Two Vyatka trains run daily on the Kirov-Moscow route. One leaves Moscow at 18:50, the second from Kirov the same evening at 20:28. Both trains meet in the Nizhny Novgorod region around half past one in the morning.

See the schedule for the branded train "Vyatka" at

The train includes compartment and second-class carriages, soft carriages, a suite and a restaurant.

The cost of tickets for the train "Vyatka"

The price of tickets for the Vyatka train depends on the category of the car you have chosen. A ticket for an economy class reserved seat car costs 1,995 rubles. Tickets for a soft carriage will cost the most - about 18,000 rubles.

The carriages have microwave ovens and refrigerators.

The cost of a ticket for superior comfort carriages includes meals, bed linen, newspapers and magazines.

Ticket sales start 90 days before departure. You can buy tickets for the Vyatka train and apply for electronic registration at