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Mount Beshtau attracts UFOs. Secrets of Mount Beshtau Anomalous zone of Mount Beshtau: details and coordinates

Caucasian region Mineralnye Vody has long attracted the attention of ufologists. Especially hollow Mount Beshtau, above which mysterious luminous balls are often seen. How can one not assume that this is possibly a UFO base. Maxim Kucherov, a photographer by profession, a digger and an adventurer by spirit, has long wanted to explore the longest artificial caves in Russia - the abandoned uranium adits of Beshtau (translated as Five Mountains), its "bad" places. Having stocked up with a wetsuit, a helmet with a flashlight and a Geiger counter, Maxim set off.

uranium footprint

The entire mountain is carved with depleted mines. The total length of the adits is 150,000 m. There are about fifty adits themselves, there is also a vertical central shaft that unites them. The entrances have long been walled up or welded with thick metal sheets to prevent accidents. After all, it is easy to get lost in labyrinths, collapses happen there. Not to mention the whole mountain is radioactive.

The decision to develop uranium deposits near Mount Beshtau was made by the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1949 - uranium was used to make warheads. They say that the secret construction near Pyatigorsk was carried out by the curator of the Soviet atomic project, Lavrenty Beria. He personally controlled everything related to the extraction and enrichment of ore, its transportation. Prisoners worked in the mines for the most part. The work was hard and dangerous. There were constant collapses, people died. Many were ill with silicosis - dust was raised during the workings, and radioactive.

In 1985, the workings were closed and mothballed. But until now, those who dare to climb a couple of hundred meters, here and there, will find huge rusty structures, muffled ventilation shafts. According to them, Maxim was looking for an entrance to the mines.

Suspicious bearded man

At the entrance to the forest that covers the mountain, there is a sign left from 1961: it is forbidden to pick mushrooms and carry out excavation here. But despite the warning of mushroom pickers in the summer it is full here.

Mutant mushrooms on Beshtau reach enormous sizes. Local residents, of course, guess where these giants are collected, and do not buy them. But holiday-goers are in careless obscurity.

Do not leave Beshtau unattended and non-ferrous metal hunters. Quite a lot of uncleaned cable and other equipment remained in the adits.

The layer of soil over the adits is sometimes so thin that you can easily fall into them while walking through the forest, and such cases have happened.

It is forbidden to climb the mines, and Maxim did not know exactly where to look for some entrance to the adit, mastered by scrap miners. Therefore, he had to lie to everyone who gave him a ride, as if he was heading to the Second Athos Monastery on the slope of Beshtau.

Several times Kucherov got into trouble with representatives of law enforcement agencies. After the explosions of electric trains at the Caucasian Mineral Waters, it is difficult to blame the policemen for the fact that a bearded young man with a tightly stuffed backpack over his shoulders arouses suspicion in them.

Finally, Maxim, getting off the passing car, was about to go deeper into the forest. But then the man coming towards him began to insistently offer: "Let's go, I'll take you to the monastery." Not knowing how to get rid of him, Kucherov again lied that he was going to conquer the peak of Beshtau. Dobrokhot showed the way and led the traveler to the very rocks. There are such! For half an hour, Maxim waited behind the rock in the hope that the uninvited assistant would finally leave. Out - and he is waiting for him!

Zone of causeless fear

I had to get acquainted. The man called himself Victor. Word for word, we talked.

- Why is there a sign "Forbidden Zone" at the entrance to the forest? Kucherov asked.

- You don't know, do you? Viktor was surprised. We have an anomalous region. I walk here often. I myself have seen glowing balls several times.

- What are the balls? Maybe it's fireballs?

- No. Ball lightning doesn't get that big...

Victor immediately warned that there are places in the forest where a person experiences unreasonable fear. Maxim only became more interesting.

Olga Poplavskaya

Continue reading in the May issue (No. 5, 2013) of the magazine "Miracles and Adventures"

This term is used to denote massive and directed down the slopes of mountains, in gorges, in valleys, accumulations of a homogeneous group of rocks, without a clear sign of the presence of stones that moved the force. These clusters are called a river for a clear boundary line along the edges, like those of flowing rivers. In most cases, stone rivers are explained by ordinary rockfalls, characteristic of mountainous areas in Russia. True, there are places where there were definitely no mountain rivers of such strength in the entire history, and one of these places is Mount Beshtau.

Amazing nearby. For decades we can pass by the screaming evidence of the events of antiquity, not paying attention to the obvious inconsistencies and paradoxes. KMV-Tourism will tell about a short observation of the Beshtau stone river and conclusions based on photographs. The tour took place in the same part of Lokhmatka, where we had already explored the ancient structures.

Stone rivers and streams of Beshtau. Height Shaggy

So, the southeastern slope, Lokhmatka, (latitude - 44°5′60″N - 44.099955, longitude 43°0′36″E - 43.009977), several groups of rock formations were explored and noticeable traces of fortification works were found, about which we wrote in the material about earlier. To begin with, let's try to imagine an exclusively spontaneous rockfall that created the miracle of a stone river. If we imagine that the rock mass higher up the slope was destroyed by erosion, then the question immediately arises of the qualitative identity of the stones in the stream.

Why are they almost the same geometric shape, flat? Stone placers here are dispersed in a strange way precisely according to the morphological feature. Agree that it is strange to observe two stone rivers 20-30 meters apart, from the same group of rocks, but completely different geometric shapes. Relative to the first flow, the second is slightly lower down the slope.

The stone stream already consists of larger stones, even two or three times larger than on top, and geometrically they already differ dramatically. The second group is dominated by cubic and polygonal shapes. Usually, during a rockfall, a heap of rounded minerals rolls especially far, but here this is practically impossible. The collapse of the rock due to destruction would carry the stones down the slope evenly.

Particularly large stones, with a sufficiently large base area, could not slide down the slope lower than smaller fragments. But these are only hypotheses, the last word is up to geologists and the Russian Geographical Society, who will one day create a complete historical picture of the secrets here, most likely, side by side with no less interesting structures.

The picture, which is maximally identical to the relief of a natural mountain river, unfolds away from a stone stream and a pile of flat debris. Here, the characteristic pattern of rock propagation under the influence of water is already obvious, when large boulders are carried to the shores, and the smaller rock is concentrated in the middle.

But here, too, there is a paradox: there are no suitable conditions for a mountain stream of such intensity and strength (velocity) on Beshtau and never have been. There is no sufficient height, all-season melting of glaciers is impossible, which also do not exist here and have never been observed. One can only guess what nature itself (whether nature?) wanted to say with this riddle.

Another stone river Beshtau, the southernmost in relation to the Lokhmatka group of streams. Here the contour of the river with gentle banks is already clearly looming, and again a mystery: for some reason the stones are concentrated in the stream, although there are no obstacles on the sides that prevented the pile from crumbling in all directions. There are no limiting boulders, no cut of a hypothetical bank that would prevent the flow of stones from rolling in all directions from the center.

And here, as the most striking clue, a group of stones in the form of a riverbed a little higher. Pay attention to the dimensions: this is clearly a hand-assembled mass of stones of a certain shape (almost without flat ones). What this says: the stones were collected to build some kind of fortification, a wall. Not just like that, neither higher nor lower, there is no breed large or small, the fundamental selection and grouping in one place is clearly visible.

Nearby is a rock, 5-8 meters high, at the very base of which there are no such fragments. Thus, we can conclude that this heap was either collected during the preparation of the construction of some object in antiquity, or these are the real ruins of a wall or tower that stood here.

For comparison: in the place of a real rockfall from Mount Ostrenkaya, a few kilometers to the north, there is not even an approximate picture of scree. Despite the fact that there is still the same limestone, all the same small rocks (there are even high sheer walls, a climbing vertical).

Someday, years later, after serious analytical and research work on these objects by the scientific world, we will find out the secret of Mount Beshtau. And now we just have to admire these evidence of archaism and antiquity, and leave these wonderful photographs as a keepsake.

We decided to go to Mount Beshtau. The weather was great, it's a sin not to climb the rocks. The route was chosen unknown to us - the pagan labyrinth of the Slavs, the glade of relic poppies, the Bastion rock.

Top of the Bastion. Us there. On the left is a meadow of poppies, but our path will pass through the rocks on the right.

We run into a maze. ancient shrines. The restored "labyrinth" was a Slavic-pagan community, in the likeness of the Solovetsky. But the most interesting thing is that at the moment when it was folded, a “reflection in the sky” appeared above it in the form of a cloudy spiral. Here the ancient rite of "Summoning Spring" takes place: scaring away "evil spirits", ritual chants, ditties. This ancient Slavic tradition of seeing off winter was carried through two millennia.

The reconstruction of the rite has been held on Beshtau for several years in a row after the spring equinox, when astronomical spring comes. The ancient customs that existed on our land long before the Baptism of Rus' are of considerable cultural interest.

The Beshtaugorskaya glade was chosen for the reconstruction of the rite not by chance: according to some information, this place was once one of the ancient Slavic settlements. Evidence of this has survived to this day: the ruins of the bastion on the rock "Fox nose", the ruins of the wall that encloses the settlement, huge stone blanks - up to 120 cm in diameter, millstones. Experts attribute them to the 4th-5th century AD.

The Russian Geographical Society is engaged in the study of Slavic culture, traditions, customs, historical mysteries of the ancient Slavs. By analogy with the Cretan labyrinth, 5 years ago they built a labyrinth on Beshtau.

Away handsome Mashuk

Rock with eagles. A crow has crouched down below and constantly makes sounds of an unusual tonality, this is not a croak, but something like call signs =)

GPS showed - that we came to the Bardovskaya glade. Beshtaulyubs gather there to relax, sing songs, enjoy clean air.

Barbecue for barbecue

The middle of the road, there is not much left to the Bastion.

Monastery lake.

Phew ... let's take a break and look to the left)

Field of poppies. Hurry up, maybe you will still have time to see the flowering of Beshtaugorsky poppies.
We kindly ask you not to pluck or trample the flowers, as there are very few of them left on our planet. They are listed in the Red Book. We did not hit the Pole, we go to the right.
Poppies will appear for 2 weeks in June. From 1 to 15 June


stone in the form of an anvil, hung on the rocks

It's better not to look down

And here is the top of the Bastion.

A look at the main peak of Beshtau, as always full of people)

Route on the map.

We decided to go to Mount Beshtau. The weather was great, it's a sin not to climb the rocks. The route was chosen unknown to us - the pagan labyrinth of the Slavs, the glade of relic poppies, the Bastion rock.

Top of the Bastion. Us there. On the left is a meadow of poppies, but our path will pass through the rocks on the right.

We run into a maze. ancient shrines. The restored "labyrinth" was a Slavic-pagan community, in the likeness of the Solovetsky. But the most interesting thing is that at the moment when it was folded, a “reflection in the sky” appeared above it in the form of a cloudy spiral. Here the ancient rite of "Summoning Spring" takes place: scaring away "evil spirits", ritual chants, ditties. This ancient Slavic tradition of seeing off winter was carried through two millennia.

The reconstruction of the rite has been held on Beshtau for several years in a row after the spring equinox, when astronomical spring comes. The ancient customs that existed on our land long before the Baptism of Rus' are of considerable cultural interest.

The Beshtaugorskaya glade was chosen for the reconstruction of the rite not by chance: according to some information, this place was once one of the ancient Slavic settlements. Evidence of this has survived to this day: the ruins of the bastion on the rock "Fox nose", the ruins of the wall that encloses the settlement, huge stone blanks - up to 120 cm in diameter, millstones. Experts attribute them to the 4th-5th century AD.

The Russian Geographical Society is engaged in the study of Slavic culture, traditions, customs, historical mysteries of the ancient Slavs. By analogy with the Cretan labyrinth, 5 years ago they built a labyrinth on Beshtau.

Away handsome Mashuk

Rock with eagles. A crow has crouched down below and constantly makes sounds of an unusual tonality, this is not a croak, but something like call signs =)

GPS showed - that we came to the Bardovskaya glade. Beshtaulyubs gather there to relax, sing songs, enjoy clean air.

Barbecue for barbecue

The middle of the road, there is not much left to the Bastion.

Monastery lake.

Phew ... let's take a break and look to the left)

Field of poppies. Hurry up, maybe you will still have time to see the flowering of Beshtaugorsky poppies.
We kindly ask you not to pluck or trample the flowers, as there are very few of them left on our planet. They are listed in the Red Book. We did not hit the Pole, we go to the right.
Poppies will appear for 2 weeks in June. From 1 to 15 June


stone in the form of an anvil, hung on the rocks

It's better not to look down

And here is the top of the Bastion.

A look at the main peak of Beshtau, as always full of people)

Route on the map.

The name Beshtau is translated from Turkic as "Five Mountains". This mountain, which has five peaks, is one of the most beautiful and highest in the North Caucasus. Its height is 1400 meters above sea level. It is over it, for some unknown reason, that the appearance of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is most often observed.

Even in the chronicles of the Second Athos Monastery, “heavenly fires” and “battles of heavenly armies” observed by monks in the Beshtau region were mentioned. With the creation in Soviet times near the city of Lermontov of the Almaz enterprise, which was engaged in the extraction of uranium, visits by unidentified objects to Mount Beshtau became more frequent. Fighters repeatedly rose from Mozdok to intercept objects, but to no avail.

It still remains a mystery what exactly Beshtau attracts aliens. In addition to the uranium mining enterprise, there are two powerful energy faults in the mountain area. One is the receiving type, and the second is the transmitting type. The receiving rift has a negative effect on people, absorbing energy. Therefore, those who fall on the northern slope immediately feel causeless anxiety and a rapid decline in strength. Once on the southwestern slope, in the area where the buildings of the monastery are located, people feel an unusual surge of vitality.

Despite the fact that the reason for the appearance of objects remains a mystery, they appear in the Beshtau region with enviable constancy.

In August 1992, eyewitnesses observed two unidentified objects near the mountain at once. They appeared from different directions. One, radiating a bluish light, flew in from the west, and the second, glowing green, appeared from the south. In complete silence, the objects slowly approached each other at a height of about four kilometers. And they stopped at a distance of about five kilometers.

One of the UFOs released a red sphere from itself. And this sphere flew to the second object. Before she had time to fly even a quarter of the distance, a white beam escaped from the second object. When the beam hit the sphere, it sharply increased in size, from red to white. A loud bang reached the people watching the development of events, and the sphere fell to the ground, almost under the feet of one of the eyewitnesses. Later, at the site of the fall, a slag-like mass with a greenish tint that did not have time to cool was found. Whether this was an exchange of blows remained unclear, but both objects were not injured.

At the end of December 2003, a resident of Lermontov, Boris Sinitsyn, with his wife and friends, went to rest for a few days to a hydrogen sulfide source located on Mount Beshtau, located not far from the Second Athos Monastery. Suddenly, vacationers noticed three figures standing higher on the slope. The figures had a height of about two meters and different colors - yellow, silver and blue. There was a noticeable glow from them. Motionlessly frozen in four hundred meters, they looked at the people. And people, for some reason immediately deciding that they were seeing aliens, watched them. And then the creatures disappeared. Before the eyes of observers, they simply vanished into thin air.

The case received wide publicity, and Pyatigorsk ufologist Stanislav Donets said that one of the permanent alien bases was located on Mount Beshtau. Whether this is true or not is not clear, but aliens continue to appear.

In January 2012, a guy and a girl, walking in the vicinity of Lermontov, at about nine o'clock in the evening, noticed a large luminous cloud above the mountain, which began to move directly towards them, but then hovered over the left slope of the mountain. The girl felt unwell and vomited.

On July 22, 2012, while at home, a local resident Claudia and her relatives noticed two UFOs in the sky, which quickly moved towards Kislovodsk, glowing red.

On August 10, 2012, a resident of the North Caucasus named Evgeny, at about 21.40 Moscow time, observed an object flying in the sky over Zheleznovodsk. The UFO was shaped like a ball, glowing dimly in the dark. Flying at a constant speed, the object slowed down and, diving towards the slope of Mount Razvalka, disappeared from sight. The eyewitness had the impression that the UFO flew up the mountain.

A participant in several expeditions to Beshtau, Sergei Aleksandrenko, found out that in addition to the security units of the KGB of the USSR, in Soviet times, employees of the 18th department of the KGB were at the Almaz enterprise. This department was engaged in the study of anomalous phenomena.

During the next expedition, one of its participants suddenly got up and, being in some kind of trance, went towards the forest. Trying to find out the reason for Aleksandrenko's departure, she confusedly explained that "they want to take her with them." The girl was returned to the camp by force, and a few minutes later a spherical UFO appeared over the forest with a reddish tint.

Taking into account numerous eyewitness accounts, it can be concluded that the Beshtau mountain area really attracts unidentified objects. Thus, this mountain can be quite attributed to the places where the frequent appearance of UFOs is most likely.