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Children's health camp "Seagull". Health complex "Chaika" Chaika health center Belarus Myadel

Health complex"Chaika" with an area of ​​12 hectares, is located in a picturesque place in the Krasnodar region, on the Black Sea coast in a beautiful subtropical zone, among mountains and forests, just 150 meters from the sea! A trip to the Chaika health complex is the best gift for a child. Individual conditions are provided for trainers and teachers with their groups.


Children's age:

band size:

Conditions for booking a trip to the camp

The cost per child, taking into account discounts for bookings on Inlearno, is 25,480 rubles. Click the Submit Request button.


New comfortable 3-storey buildings, with European renovation. Each room has a balcony and amenities (shower, sink, toilet in each room). All rooms are equipped with new furniture.
The room accommodates 4-6 people. Bed linen is changed once every seven days. On each floor there is a spacious room (hall) for holding squad events and watching films. The buildings have: a storage room, an ironing room, a room for drying shoes and clothes, air conditioners, and coolers.
The squads are staffed according to age. There are 25 - 26 people in squads.
2 counselors and 1 teacher work with the children of the detachment. Team leaders are experienced teachers who have passed a competitive selection and are proficient in modern techniques.
4-6 seater
in the room
5 times
The area of ​​the land:
12 hectares
beach, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
Security and medical care:
There is a health center on site. 24-hour medical care is provided by qualified doctors and nurses. There is an ambulance. Prophylaxis of the upper respiratory tract is carried out. Order and safety on the territory and the beach are guaranteed by the private security company. There is an “alarm call button”, a security and fire alarm system with a 24-hour watch on the remote control.


From Moscow.


General program:
Leisure time in the camp is aimed at providing sports, recreational, educational and entertainment services in dynamic game forms that allow each child to discover their talents and realize themselves.
arts and crafts (drawing, making products from paper and natural materials, wood burning, painting on wood and stone, beadwork, making soft toys)
performing arts (singing, dancing, theatrical performances, participation in amateur concerts and competitions)
sports and outdoor games (basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball, “Fun Starts”, table tennis, badminton, checkers, chess, athletics). The national teams of the children's recreation center "Chaika" are participants in the inter-camp sports festival of the Black Sea coast.
general camp and detachment affairs of the DOL (competitions, game and show programs, birthday days, bright discos, Neptune's holiday, role-playing games, newspaper releases, detachment bonfires and much more)
Beach: it is more than 100m of golden sea sand, located 150 meters from the camp. The sandy shore and sandy bottom, shallow near the shore, are especially attractive for children's recreation. Sea bathing is carried out in designated sectors under the supervision of a swimming guide, rescue instructors and a medical worker. Bathing is carried out 2 times a day according to the daily routine. Swimming training groups are organized for children who cannot swim. The beach is equipped with shade canopies and changing cabins.
Sports: To organize optimal sports work, each squad at the beginning of each shift is given football, basketball, volleyball, a set for playing table tennis, jump ropes, hoops, rubber balls for outdoor games, checkers and chess.
All necessary sports equipment and props are available for organizing general camp sports competitions.
Sports work in the camp is built in the following areas:
general camp sports competitions;
general camp recreational activities;
squad sports and recreational activities;
general camp events to promote a healthy lifestyle;
organization and holding of inter-camp sports festivals and competitions.
All sports and recreational work is based on the theme of the shift and the age characteristics of the children.
All teams are divided into 3 age groups: junior, middle, senior.
For all groups it is provided:
Conducting daily morning exercises under the guidance of the camp physical instructors;
2 times sunbathing and swimming in the sea;
one-day hiking for the territory,
medical support for all children, taking into account medical recommendations.
Since 2006, the sports and tourist game “Tchaikovsky Extreme” has been organized for children of the older age group. The game is played on location and enjoys one of the most exciting events of the shift.
All sports, mass and recreational work in the camp is structured in such a way that all the children who end up in the camp are imbued with the “spirit” of a healthy lifestyle. “Health Days” are especially popular and successful at the camp. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the camp is carried out throughout the entire shift: the work of a psychologist is carried out, including training on the impact of bad habits on a child’s growing body. The program is designed in such a way that children develop harmoniously - physically, spiritually and intellectually. Throughout the day there are sporting events and creative activities, Mind games balanced in such a way that children do not have time to get very tired, are always on the move, and enjoy an interesting pastime.
Only highly qualified counselors and teachers work with the children, who sincerely love children, help them adapt to a new environment, and help create a friendly, trusting, positive and creative atmosphere in the team.
Exciting shows and holidays: Every day we hold something unforgettable - Neptune Day or KVN, competitions and relay races, show performances or concerts, performances and theatrical performances. Children have practically no free time - they are constantly busy with something, developing, having fun and enjoying every minute of their leisure time.
During the shift, educational, animation, entertainment and competition programs, competitions, sports days and holidays, talent auctions, quizzes, show musicals, discos, and watching films are held. Educational walking tours and hiking trips are organized.
Entertainment and sports programs for children are held both on the territory of the Chaika Resort and on the beach.
Children's health camp "Chaika" is a magical children's country where every child will be happy!

Children's health camp "CHAIKA" is located in a picturesque place in the Tuapse region, on the Black Sea coast, among forests and mountains in a forest park area of ​​9 hectares, 100 meters from the sea. It has its own sand and pebble beach with a gentle entrance to the sea.
Accommodation: children live in the "Mountain" and "Yuzhny" buildings (after major renovation in 2015). Buildings with amenities in the room (shower, toilet, washbasin) children are accommodated in 3-4-bed rooms. On the floor there are halls for holding squad events.
The squads are staffed according to age. There are 25-26 people in squads. The duration of a shift at Chaika is 21 days. 2 counselors and 1 teacher work with the children of the detachment. The leaders of the teams are experienced teachers, from among teachers of schools, institutions of additional education in the city of Taganrog and students of the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, who have passed a competitive selection and are proficient in modern techniques.
Meals: 5 meals a day (14-day menu), vitamin buffet.
Leisure time in the camp is aimed at providing sports, recreational, educational and entertainment services in dynamic game forms that allow each child to discover their talents and realize themselves.
arts and crafts (drawing, making products from paper and natural materials, wood burning, painting on wood and stone, beadwork, making soft toys)
performing arts (singing, dancing, theatrical performances, participation in amateur concerts and competitions)
sports and outdoor games (basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball, “Fun Starts”, table tennis, badminton, checkers, chess, athletics). The national teams of the children's recreation center "Chaika" are participants in the inter-camp sports festival of the Black Sea coast.
general camp and detachment affairs of the DOL (competitions, game and show programs, birthday days, bright discos, Neptune's holiday, role-playing games, newspaper releases, detachment bonfires and much more)
Beach: it is more than 100m of golden sea sand, located 150 meters from the camp. The sandy shore and sandy bottom, shallow near the shore, are especially attractive for children's recreation. Sea bathing is carried out in designated sectors under the supervision of a swimming guide, instructors - rescuers and a medical worker. Bathing is carried out 2 times a day according to the daily routine. Swimming training groups are organized for children who cannot swim. The beach is equipped with shade canopies and changing cabins.
Sports: To organize optimal sports work, each squad at the beginning of each shift is given football, basketball, volleyball, a set for playing table tennis, jump ropes, hoops, rubber balls for outdoor games, checkers and chess.
All necessary sports equipment and props are available for organizing general camp sports competitions.
Sports work in the camp is built in the following areas:
general camp sports competitions;
general camp recreational activities;
squad sports and recreational activities;
general camp events to promote a healthy lifestyle;
organization and holding of inter-camp sports festivals and competitions.
All sports and recreational work is built taking into account the theme of the shift and the age characteristics of the children.
All teams are divided into 3 age groups: junior, middle, senior.
For all groups it is provided:
Conducting daily morning exercises under the guidance of the camp physical instructors;
2 times sunbathing and swimming in the sea;
one-day hiking trips outside the territory,
medical support for all children, taking into account medical recommendations.
Since 2006, a sports and tourist game has been organized for children of the older age group "Tchaikovsky Extreme". The game is played on location and enjoys one of the most exciting events of the shift.
All sports and recreational activities in the camp are structured in such a way that all children and adults who end up in the camp are imbued with the “spirit” of a healthy lifestyle. “Health Days” are especially popular and successful at the camp. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the camp is carried out throughout the entire shift: the work of a psychologist is carried out, including training on the impact of bad habits on a child’s growing body.

Cost* of a voucher for 1 person per shift, 2016 (RUB)
without train ticket cost

Arrival dates 1st shift
2nd shift
3rd shift
4th shift
with you in the room Sales 31500 31500 Sales
* - Prices are for informational purposes only and are not a public offer.

* - Price valid until 07/01/2016!

The price of the tour includes:
- accommodation
- 5 meals a day,
- health care,
- sports and cultural events,
- insurance,
- coaches and accompanying persons working with their groups are accepted at the price of 50% of the children's voucher.
The railway package is additionally paid (prices 2016) - 9500 rub.
The train package includes:
- railway travel Moscow-Tuapse-Moscow (reserved seat);
- support services;
- medical services employee (including first aid kit);
- hot meals;
- transfer railway station Tuapse-DOL-railway station Tuapse.
Shift change: rub./1 person.
Excursions for an additional fee(2016 prices):

ADDRESS: Krasnodar region, Tuapse district, Lermontovo village


The Chaika health complex with an area of ​​12 hectares is located in a picturesque place in the Krasnodar region, on the Black Sea coast in a beautiful subtropical zone, among mountains and forests, just 150 meters from the sea! A trip to the Chaika health complex is the best gift for a child. Individual conditions are provided for trainers and teachers with their groups.

Race schedule in 2018:

1st shift: 02.06 - 22.06.2018
2nd shift: 06/24 - 07/14/2018
3rd shift: 16.07 - 05.08.2018
4th shift: 07.08 - 27.08.2018

The shift schedule may be shifted by 1-3 days due to transport arrangements.

description of the complex

New comfortable 3-storey buildings, with European renovation. Each room has a balcony and amenities (shower, sink, toilet in each room). All rooms are equipped with new furniture.

The room accommodates 4-6 people. Bed linen is changed once every seven days. On each floor there is a spacious room (hall) for holding squad events and watching films. The buildings have: a storage room, an ironing room, a room for drying shoes and clothes, air conditioners, and coolers.

The squads are staffed according to age. There are 25-26 people in squads.

2 counselors and 1 teacher work with the children of the detachment. Team leaders are experienced teachers who have passed a competitive selection and are proficient in modern techniques.

For washing personal belongings, each building has specially equipped mini-laundries, equipped with automatic washing machines with a full staff of employees; there are also special rooms - “laundry rooms” for hand washing clothes by the children themselves, at their request, ironing rooms, rooms for drying clothes for each half floor. Each building has everything you need for minor repairs of clothes and shoes.

There is a health center on site. 24-hour medical care is provided by qualified doctors and nurses. There is an ambulance. Prophylaxis of the upper respiratory tract is carried out. Order and safety on the territory and the beach are guaranteed by the private security company. There is an “alarm call button”, a security and fire alarm system with a 24-hour watch on the remote control.

The beach is located 100 meters from the camp, the length of the beach is more than 100 meters. The coastline is equipped with a public address system and there is a first aid post.


5-time complex


included in the price

Accommodation, 5 meals a day, transfer (meeting and seeing off) for organized groups of children of at least 20 people Tuapse railway station-Camp-Tuapse railway station medical services in accordance with the indications and type of trip (medical or recreational), cultural and entertainment program, a comprehensive pedagogical program, classes in clubs and sections, discos, games, sports and entertainment events, watching films.

additional charge

Accommodation for adults (group leaders). The cost of living is 650 rubles per day (net). Adults are accommodated in a separate building. The price includes: accommodation, 3 meals a day. Treatment is not provided to adults.

The cost of a shift change is determined by calculating the daily cost of a shift multiplied by the number of days.

Railway travel Moscow-Tuapse -Moscow 13,000 rubles (net). One way 6650 rubles (net).

Included: escort by regular medical workers with a first aid kit, organization of three hot meals a day on the way, bedding, police escort, escorts.

Attention! Organization of a railway crossing! The railway crossing is organized accompanied by managers. The train is formed by the structural division of the Moscow branch of the Federal Passenger Company OJSC, the Moscow Railway Agency (hereinafter - MZA) - and is not specialized only in the transportation of children: other passengers who are not part of the group may be present in the train and in the carriage, incl. h. and adults.



The complex is located on the first line, 100 meters from the sea. Access to the beach is provided from the territory of the health resort. The length of the beach area is 1006 m.

The beach is equipped with drinking fountains. The safety of children on the water is ensured by a staff of rescuers, counselors, educators, floating instructors, medical workers, and security personnel.

Beach, description


General program for children:

  • arts and crafts (drawing, making products from paper and natural materials, wood burning, painting on wood and stone, beadwork, making soft toys);
  • performing arts (singing, dancing, theatrical performances, participation in amateur concerts and competitions);
  • sports and outdoor games (basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball, “Fun Starts”, table tennis, badminton, checkers, chess, athletics). The national teams of the children's recreation center "Chaika" are participants in the intercamp sports festival of the Black Sea coast;
  • general camp and squad events (competitions, game and show programs, birthday days, bright discos, Neptune's holiday, role-playing games, newspaper releases, squad gatherings around the fire);

Every day begins with morning exercises under the guidance of the camp physical instructors. In good weather conditions, visits to the sea are provided 2 times a day.

Only highly qualified counselors and teachers work with children who sincerely love children, help them adapt to a new environment, and help create a friendly, trusting, positive and creative atmosphere in the team.

documents required for check-in

  • You MUST have with you -
  • Notarized birth certificate (up to 14 years old) + 2 photocopies or original passport (from 14 years old) + 2 photocopies;
  • Photocopy of health insurance policy – ​​1 copy;
  • Photocopy of vaccination certificate – 1 copy (vaccination calendar);
  • Certificate in form No. 076/u-04 (sanatorium card for a medical voucher) or certificate in form 079-U (for a health voucher);
  • Conclusion from a dermatologist confirming the absence of contagious skin diseases;
  • Final payment is due 2 months before the start of the shift.
    Railway travel is paid 100% within 3 banking days.

The Chaika health complex, with an area of ​​12 hectares, is located in a picturesque place in the Krasnodar region, on the Black Sea coast in a beautiful subtropical zone, among mountains and forests, just 150 meters from the sea! A trip to the Chaika health complex is the best gift for a child. Individual conditions are provided for trainers and teachers with their groups.

Base: OK "Chaika"
Region: Russia, Krasnodar region
Nearest city: Tuapse, 50 km
Age: for children 7 - 17 years old
Address: Krasnodar region, Tuapse district, Lermontovo village ()
Escorted travel: from Moscow, St. Petersburg
Number of participants: 300
Start year: 1961
Required documents:
  • Medical certificate from school, clinic for a child leaving for Kid `s camp"(on form 079), be sure to indicate in it the presence of vaccinations for 1 year
  • Certificate of no contact with infectious patients (taken 3 days before departure);
  • A photocopy of the birth certificate, or the child’s passport, medical insurance policy.
Organizer: LLC "Sunflowers-Tour"
Taxpayer Identification Number: 7751026830
Certificate of entry of information about the tour operator into the Unified Federal Register: No. RTO 017830 (you can check it in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators
Did you like the camp? Tell your friends

New comfortable 3-storey buildings, with European renovation. Each room has a balcony and amenities (shower, sink, toilet in each room). All rooms are equipped with new furniture.
The room accommodates 4-6 people. Bed linen is changed once every seven days. On each floor there is a spacious room (hall) for holding squad events and watching films. The buildings have: a storage room, an ironing room, a room for drying shoes and clothes, air conditioners, and coolers.
The squads are staffed according to age. There are 25 - 26 people in squads.

2 counselors and 1 teacher work with the children of the detachment. Team leaders are experienced teachers who have passed a competitive selection and are proficient in modern techniques.

Meals 5 times a day (Buffet, second course to choose from).

The beach is 150 meters from the camp.


beach, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field

Security and medical care:

There is a health center on site. 24-hour medical care is provided by qualified doctors and nurses. There is an ambulance. Prophylaxis of the upper respiratory tract is carried out. Order and safety on the territory and the beach are guaranteed by the private security company. There is an “alarm call button”, a security and fire alarm system with a 24-hour watch on the remote control.

General program:

Leisure at the camp is aimed at providing sports, recreational, educational and entertainment services in dynamic game forms that allow each child to discover their talents and realize themselves.

  • arts and crafts (drawing, making products from paper and natural materials, wood burning, painting on wood and stone, beadwork, making soft toys)
  • performing arts (singing, dancing, theatrical performances, participation in amateur concerts and competitions)
  • sports and outdoor games (basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball, “Fun Starts”, table tennis, badminton, checkers, chess, athletics). The national teams of the children's recreation center "Chaika" are participants in the inter-camp sports festival of the Black Sea coast.
  • general camp and detachment affairs of the DOL (competitions, game and show programs, birthday days, bright discos, Neptune's holiday, role-playing games, newspaper releases, detachment bonfires and much more)

Beach: it is more than 100m of golden sea sand, located 150 meters from the camp. The sandy shore and sandy bottom, shallow near the shore, are especially attractive for children's recreation. Sea bathing is carried out in designated sectors under the supervision of a swimming guide, rescue instructors and a medical worker. Bathing is carried out 2 times a day according to the daily routine. Swimming training groups are organized for children who cannot swim. The beach is equipped with shade canopies and changing cabins.

Sport: To organize optimal sports work, each squad at the beginning of each shift is given football, basketball, volleyball, a set for playing table tennis, jump ropes, hoops, rubber balls for outdoor games, checkers and chess.

All necessary sports equipment and props are available for organizing general camp sports competitions.

Sports work in the camp is built in the following areas:

  • general camp sports competitions;
  • general camp recreational activities;
  • squad sports and recreational activities;
  • general camp events to promote a healthy lifestyle;
  • organization and holding of inter-camp sports festivals and competitions.

All sports and recreational work is built taking into account the theme of the shift and the age characteristics of the children.

All teams are divided into 3 age groups: junior, middle, senior.

For all groups it is provided:

  • Conducting daily morning exercises under the guidance of the camp physical instructors;
  • 2 - one-time sunbathing and swimming in the sea;
  • one-day hiking trips outside the territory,
  • medical support for all children, taking into account medical recommendations.

Since 2006 for children of the older age group is organized sports and tourist game "Tchaikovsky Extreme". The game is played on location and enjoys one of the most exciting events of the shift.

All sports, mass and recreational work in the camp is structured in such a way that all the children who end up in the camp are imbued with the “spirit” of a healthy lifestyle. “Health Days” are especially popular and successful at the camp. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the camp is carried out throughout the entire shift: the work of a psychologist is carried out, including training on the impact of bad habits on a child’s growing body. The program is designed in such a way that children develop harmoniously - physically, spiritually and intellectually. Throughout the day, sporting events and creative activities, intellectual games are balanced in such a way that children do not have time to get too tired, are always on the move, and enjoy an interesting pastime.

They only work with the guys highly qualified counselors and teachers, who sincerely love children, help them adapt to a new environment, and contribute to the creation of a friendly, trusting, positive and creative atmosphere in the team.

Exciting shows and celebrations: Every day we hold something unforgettable - Neptune Day or KVN, competitions and relay races, show performances or concerts, performances and theatrical performances. Children have practically no free time - they are constantly busy with something, developing, having fun and enjoying every minute of their leisure time.

During the shift, educational, animation, entertainment and competition programs, competitions, sports days and holidays, talent auctions, quizzes, show musicals, discos, and watching films are held. Educational walking tours and hiking trips are organized.

Entertainment and sports programs for children are held both on the territory of the Chaika Center and on the beach.

Children's health camp "Chaika"- this is a magical children's country where every child will be happy!

Video about the camp:

Payment method:After booking The following payment options are available to you on our website:
  • according to a bank receipt to the account of the camp organizer
  • in cash at the camp organizer's office
  • online payment on the camp organizer’s website
  • purchase on credit
State compensation: Provided
Included in the price:
  • Accommodation
  • 5 meals a day buffet (Second course to choose from)
  • Sports and entertainment program, hobby groups
  • Work of the teaching team
  • Use of the beach and health resort infrastructure
  • Honey. insurance
  • Honey. service
  • Cultural events
The price does not include:
  • Railway package Moscow-Tuapse-Moscow - 13,000 rubles.
  • Railway package St. Petersburg - Tuapse - St. Petersburg - 14,500 rub.
  • Railway travel one way RUB 7,500.

The price of the train package includes:

  • railway travel St. Petersburg - Moscow - Tuapse - Moscow-St. Petersburg (reserved car),
  • escort services,
  • medical services employee,
  • 4 hot meals a day there and back,
  • bed sheets,
  • transfer railway station Tuapse - DOL - railway station Tuapse
  • excursions to a dolphinarium, a water park, a trip to exotic waterfalls, and sightseeing tour in Tuapse, excursion to the Guam Gorge, to the dolmens of the Nebug River, etc.

Individual conditions are provided for trainers and teachers with their groups.

What to take with you:

An approximate list of necessary things:

  • warm clothes;
  • clothes for warm weather;
  • clothes for a disco, something elegant;
  • tracksuit or sports tights;
  • socks (including warm ones);
  • underwear (pants, swimming trunks, T-shirts, handkerchiefs - the more, the better, as they tend to get lost);
  • T-shirts, shirts for boys;
  • shorts, jeans, trousers;
  • headdress (cap, bandana, Panama).
  • pajamas or nightgown.
  • sandals (sandals);
  • sneakers;
  • body slippers,
  • bath slippers,
  • soap, soap dish, shampoo (preferably in disposable bags);
  • comb, for girls - hairpins, elastic bands;
  • toothpaste, toothbrush (it is advisable to have a spare brush);
  • bath towel (optional beach towel);
  • napkins, disposable handkerchiefs, toilet paper;
  • sunscreen;
  • mosquito repellent (preferably spray) and remedy for mosquito bites;
  • small first aid kit

Add your review

Zykova Anastasia Evgenevna 12 years)


Territory, work of counselors, events, living conditions. Both children apply for next year only to OK Chaika, although there is experience in different camps. I think this is the best recommendation.


Lack of sunbeds and awnings in the first shift, a little dirty beach.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Finogeeva Alla Alekseevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 7 years)


Good afternoon
My children, 7 and 14 years old, vacationed at the Chaika camp during the first shift of 2019. The youngest child vacationed at the camp for the first time, but the older child has something to compare with! Both were delighted! Excellent organization of events, a rich program, there was no time to be bored! We went to the sea twice a day. As for the food, the kids really enjoyed it! There is plenty to choose from, the food was delicious, five meals a day!
Thank you very much for a wonderful vacation!
We're going again next year!


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback

Minaev Victoria Albertovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 17 years)


Very good camp! Renovated buildings with air conditioning, toilet and shower in the room! Delicious food, two or three dishes to choose from. Children are constantly busy with something, either competitions, hikes, or swimming in the sea... Wonderful people work at the camp, headed by the director! The child liked everything! I would especially like to thank the Sunflowers-tour company for the quality work, we will definitely contact you next summer! Thanks everyone for organizing summer holiday!


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Vikhrov Andrey Igorevich o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 15 years)


Good location, good living conditions, discos, swam a lot in the sea. I especially remember the trip to the mountains.


Not entirely satisfied with the food. In particular, for breakfast I would like to add muesli, cereal (breakfast cereals), and more fruits and vegetables.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Nikiforova Elena Eduardovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 9 years)


Sea, food, entertainment. The child liked it.


The child didn’t like the counselors, the phone reception on the territory is bad - no connection, bad excursions (not what was stated). Horse riding for 3.5 hours was stated. As a result, the children were given a 10-minute ride on horseback with an instructor walking barely below. I don't know the accommodation conditions. No photo. Long train. 2 days.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Olga Yartseva about the program “OK “Chaika”” (a child was on vacation 8 years)


My son is 8 years old. The first time we were sent to the camp. We were very worried, but everything was very well organized, we were taken there and back, I only had good impressions about the camp, I returned satisfied. It's going next year too.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Tolstova Anna Vladimirovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 10 years)


Daughter is 10 years old. It was my first time in the camp, and it was so far away. She really liked both the living conditions and the food (although she doesn’t eat everything). We were lucky with the weather, we went to the sea twice a day. We went on excursions. She arrived rested and tanned. Gratitude to the counselors and teachers. It’s a big plus that they posted photos and videos of the kids on VK.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Plotnikova Yulia Alexandrovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 12 years)


My 12 year old son was on holiday in June 2019. I liked absolutely everything; according to the child, the program was very diverse - there was no time to call my parents. The food, despite the small selection, is good. We swam a lot in the sea and went hiking. Special thanks to the counselors for the child’s leisure time, he was simply delighted and constantly repeats that they had “the coolest counselors”!


No shortcomings noted.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback

Komeleva Anastasia Alekseevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 10 years)


I liked everything, despite the fact that we were very worried, because it was the child’s first time being sent to camp. My daughter had the best impressions, and she plans to come here again next year! The most important thing is that the child was happy!


The expenditure of funds was not very controlled. But this is more our fault; we wanted the child to be able to calculate his own expenses.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Gerasimova Albina Zufarovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


I sent my daughters, 13 and 14 years old, and they arrived happy.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback

Chirkova Valentina Viktorovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 13 years)


My 13-year-old son attended this camp for the first time. Liked. They became very friendly with the children. True, there were many more girls in the squad, but this did not stop them from all communicating together. True, he had no time to call his mother... In general, positivity and friendship. Just what a child needs!


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Guryanova Nadezhda Arsenievna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 8 years)


Rooms for 4 people, with all amenities. The food is good. The area is great. We swam 1-2 times a day.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Ilyenko Anna Vladimirovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


Daughter is 14 years old. Last summer I vacationed at the Chaika camp. I liked absolutely everything: the food, the accommodation conditions, the very rich shift program, the counselors. He remembers the camp with pleasure. This year he is also going to this camp.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Revkova Maria Viktorovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 11 years)


Thank you for the calm and consistent organization of sending your child on vacation. We just arrived and handed the child over to the counselor at the station.
The child talked about the camp itself for a long time about his impressions. Excellent organization of leisure time, very attentive counselors. Special thanks to them! My child is very difficult to please when it comes to food, but he was pleased with the dining room and the variety of dishes in general.
The atmosphere is friendly and safety conditions are met. Lots of sea and great emotions.
I am sending it again in 2019, at the request of the child.


There are no disadvantages, there are wishes for parents: if your children have allergies, do not forget to warn the counselors.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Popova Anna Sergeevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 16 years)


My son is 16 years old. He liked the camp. He didn’t complain about the food, the room suited him too. Nice beach, trips to the sea are well organized. It's going again next year.


He said that there were few events and that he would like more.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Skrupskaya Olga about the program "OK "Chaika"" (child resting 13 years)


I had my eye on this camp for a couple of years, but was afraid to send it south. It was right, my son is 13 years old and he really liked it. The accommodation is excellent, the food is buffet style, everything is delicious. The buildings and furniture are new. The teaching staff is excellent, I liked the loyal attitude towards children. We swam every day. We have been going to camps since we were 9 years old, so we have something to compare with. We will definitely go next year.


Few photos! I understand that this takes time and after all, the teachers are taking care of our children, but during the entire shift I found only 1 photo of my son.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Badaev Yuri Alexandrovich o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 15 years)


In principle, the child (14 years old) liked everything. At first he complained about the food, but by the middle of the shift the food had improved and even “became tasty.” We swam every day and arrived tanned.


Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback. We will try to correct the situation regarding the photographs. Excursions are not included in the price of the tour and are available for an additional fee. payment. On the recommendation of Rospotrebnadzor, due to the high incidence of injuries and poor water quality in the pools, excursions to the water park were not held.

Vyrodov Dmitry Valerievich o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 11 years)


The price-quality ratio is an excellent option, and the discipline and cultural program are also pleasing. I think we'll go again.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Ruslan about the program "OK "Chaika"" (child resting 10 years)


A strong pedagogical program, children are constantly busy, delicious food, good living conditions, proximity to the sea.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Goncharova Irina Vyacheslavovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 9 years)


Overall everything is very good! Nice rooms with amenities in the room, the sea every day, discos, squad events. Check-in went very quickly. The child liked everything.


In the evening after the disco, the child was very hungry, but they gave him kefir, etc. and since she doesn’t eat it, she went to bed hungry. I would like more excursions. But what I didn’t like most of all was that on the way to the sea, beach stalls with all sorts of sundries, chips and a lot of temptations, during the holiday they bought everything they could. But these are not really big shortcomings, but simply personal inconveniences.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Krestyannikov Kirill Gennadievich o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 17 years)


I liked the camp, the child said that he only missed it during the last lazy days when most of the people had left, I recommend it.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Klimishina Yulia about the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 13 years)


Wonderful camp. The child is delighted and asks to go there next year.
Thanks for the wonderful organization!


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Prokhorova Olesya Marsovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 13 years)


My daughter really enjoyed the camp. She noted that this was the best camp in her life. Would love to go there again.


No shortcomings were noticed.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Sazonova Tatyana Vadimovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 10 years)



No shortcomings were found.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Chumachenko Yana Viktorovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 12 years)


The child liked it, the rich program, leisure and employment, interactive activities, every day at sea. A variety of food to choose from, a room with amenities, good counselors.


They stole money from my child at the camp, and from several other children too (cash and jewelry), it is not known who.
There were problems with food on the train during the transfer, so we divided one portion between two people

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback. Children hand over money to counselors or accompanying persons for safekeeping; the camp is not responsible for valuables not handed over. Regarding food on the train. Force majeure occurred - the stove in the restaurant car broke down, and Russian Railways was unable to promptly change the car.

Burya Natalya Konstantinovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 13 years)


My child was always full and said that the food was very tasty. We swam twice a day and had entertaining games.


The child was in the solar building, which was the oldest of all. In our detachment there was not one counselor, but in other detachments there were two or three counselors. I would like photos of the actual rooms where the children will be accommodated.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Arkhiptseva Svetlana Vitalievna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 12 years)


The child liked it. It's good that the toilet is in the room.


I was not satisfied with the medical care and the lack of necessary medications.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback

Svetlana Sergeevna Lukyanova o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


We were pleased with the camp. The child returned with a lot of positive emotions. I especially want to note that many parents send their children to this camp every year, which means you can definitely trust your children!


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thank you for your feedback and trust.

Shpakov Vladislav Gennadievich o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 16 years)


I liked almost everything about this camp: the children are always busy with something, the attitude of the counselors towards the children, the discos are interesting. Thank you for the change!


Among the shortcomings I can say: 1) Long queues in the dining room, 2) the mattresses are old, not very comfortable, springs stick out from them.

Answer from the camp

Thank you for your feedback, we will take your comments into consideration.

Mashieva Victoria Anatolyevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 11 years)


Good food, regular trips to the sea. Children are always busy with something. Attentive counselors and camp administration. The sea is close. My child really liked it!


No soccer ball.

Answer from the camp

Thank you for your feedback, we will buy the ball.

Demidova Olga Andreevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 12 years)


Thank you, we liked it, we will go again!


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Demidova Valentina Sergeevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


All liked it. Next year we plan to visit you again.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thank you for your feedback, we will be glad to see you again.

Klyubina Veronika Abramovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)



Children of different ages were put into one squad (10th). There were no counselors in the detachment, only educators. The children were bored.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Shachnev Alexey Anatolievich o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 13 years)



You have to come to the canteen very early and wait a long time, it’s boring 2 weeks out of 3, we always seem to be busy, but in fact we don’t do anything.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Morshina Yulia Yurievna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 10 years)


Good attitude of the counselors, discos, safety, beach, swam every day. The child was pleased.


The food was not very varied, the children were largely left to their own devices.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Dulchenko Oksana Nikolaevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


I didn't like anything.


They took the child a week later. The living conditions did not correspond to the photographs, there was nowhere to put clothes in the rooms, 6 children - 4 shelves in the closet. Cases requiring repairs. The process of organizing children is poorly organized. If the weather was bad at sea, the children were not busy.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback. Dear parents, do not confuse a holiday in a camp with a holiday in a 5* hotel.

Gorbikova Natalya Igorevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


My 14 year old son was on holiday. In principle, I liked everything, the living conditions were good, the food was normal, I even got a little tired of the sea, the counselors were normal. As a mother, I liked the organization of the process - from ordering a trip, all my questions were answered, to boarding the train. Everything is very clear and without problems.


From time to time, my son was bored, but this was more likely a feature of his son’s age and character than a lack of camp. We are thinking of returning next year.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Vorobyova Tatyana Vladimirovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


The food is excellent, good service at the medical center, very cheerful counselors - according to my daughter.


The Solnechny building is in poor repair. Wallpaper is peeling, mattresses are broken. A lot of free time.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Vasilyeva Victoria Romanovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 9 years)


The daughter is very happy. The counselors are great, the children are always busy, excellent food, new rooms.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Peter about the program "OK "Chaika"" (child resting 7 years)


Wonderful camp. I'm very glad that he was recommended to us! It's a pity that I didn't know about him earlier.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Feshchenko Svetlana Borisovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


Good camp location, excellent pebble beach. Delicious and varied food. The child is busy all day.


The mirrors in the bathrooms are not secured, the sound insulation between rooms is poor.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Bogorodova Olga Viktorovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 11 years)


My daughter (11 years old) at the Chaika camp liked the new acquaintances and communication at the camp, the living conditions, swimming in the sea and the activities. Overall, the child arrived cheerful and that’s the main thing.


The daughter said that their squad was very unlucky with their counselors. According to her, they often behaved rudely and unkindly. The children from her group (who had vacationed earlier) said that last year there were good counselors and everything was wonderful.
In addition, the child fell ill at the beginning of the shift and spent the entire shift with the sick person; no measures were taken by the medical staff or counselors. The daughter returned and was treated at home.
The medications that I indicated in the questionnaire for continuous use were not controlled in any way by the staff and the child took them independently (with large omissions).

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Dezhina Natalya Vladimirovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 11 years)


My daughter really liked it, even though she went to camp and by train for the first time. True, the train is very long, but the conditions are normal. And the food was good and it was fun. I liked everything about the camp, from the room to the food. And the counselors are cool and the raccoons and even the isolation ward. He wants to come next year.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thank you, we are waiting for you again!

Ekaterina about the program "OK "Chaika"" (child was on vacation 15 years)


Food, amenities in the room.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Tuchina Tatyana Dmitrievna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 15 years)



To bring children closer together when traveling there, they need to be placed in camps. Ours traveled with children from other camps, this created tension during resettlement. It's easier to make friends on the train! In other camps there were daily photo reports about the activities in the camp. Parents could make a photo album!

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Zolotova Ekaterina o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 13 years)


A 13-year-old child was on vacation, August 2018. This is not the first experience of going to a camp for my son, but I don’t remember such positivity and delight before. I am happy with everything - the food, the counselors, the night teacher, the leisure time. He says that there was no time to even call home. At the end of the shift he said that he was even tired of the sea. I look, he’s chatting with the guys, posting photos, and he’s obviously bored.
As a mother, this makes me happy. The Sunflowers Tour company worked fine, without delays. They brought it and delivered everything clearly. The company representative Ekaterina at Chaika responded to requests promptly. Everyone is polite and friendly. Thanks for the rest.


A small nuance, the building with amenities on the floor is a little tired. Although the bathrooms are clean and in good repair.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Ekhina Natalia Lvovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)


Firstly, the distribution in the squads by age. The accommodation is excellent. Secondly, the counselors are cheerful and positive. Thirdly, a variety of activities, the children were constantly busy. Daily access to the sea. Large and beautiful area. The child was very pleased. 3rd shift.


The food is better. My child eats everything, but dumplings for breakfast are too much.

Answer from the camp

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Makarov Alexander Vladimirovich o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 14 years)



No critical deficiencies were noticed.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback

Babkova Lina about the program "OK "Chaika"" (child resting 13 years)


The camp is great! Housing with amenities in the room, cleanliness and comfort! Lots of greenery on the territory. The teaching staff is wonderful and adequate. The beach is not far away and is equipped with awnings. A doctor is on duty. This is the third camp in a child’s life and there is something to compare with. There is a separate topic about food 😁👍🏻Buffet and very tasty!!! The child is selective in food and will not eat gruel) Next year, the Seagull is waiting for us! Thanks everyone 😊


Lack of isolator for a larger number of places. The honey staff itself is responsive and attentive! There are all the necessary medications and help. The son himself left a letter of gratitude. But the sick child needs to be isolated from the detachment, but there are no places, it turns out. The patient had to go to the beach. Due to safety regulations, you cannot stay in the building, and there are no places in the isolation ward. They promised to expand by 2019.
- my son got a bunk bed, second floor. At first it was exotic, then I realized the inconvenience.

Answer from the camp

Thank you

Vasilchenko Anna Sergeevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 8 years)


The child arrived alive and tanned. With so many tornadoes and rain. I really liked the organization of the trip itself; both the counselors and accompanying people responded to calls quite quickly (the weather was frightening). The child arrived happy and said that he would go again. We plan to send them next year too. For the first 2 weeks he called every day (for us it was an indicator that it was boring), the last week he didn’t call at all.
Regarding nutrition, he said that he ate breakfast in unlimited quantities and he liked it, he said that there was a lot of fruit, he also ate dinner, he complained about the afternoon snack that they didn’t give supplements, but he said there was trouble with lunch. They prepared stewed cabbage (I also cook it at home) and buckwheat porridge (which is also a favorite at home), which he did not eat there. A skinny guy has arrived. Although here he is not very famous for being fat. He liked the counselors and squad games. It seemed to me that there wasn’t enough sports, but the camp is not sports and that’s understandable. In general, I wasn’t very talkative, but the desire to go still shows that everything was great.
Glad that his clothes were washed. Once I went to the first aid station and complained about my ear. He said that they did something for him and everything became fine.


It’s not entirely clear what’s going on with lunches. We ate at school with scandal and persuasion, so it’s possible, but somehow a dark spot remained with me. I don’t know if a cough could be noticed here. Like a boy, he did not go himself and say that his throat hurt. For me this is not a tragedy - it is predictable. I gave it a 3 for nutrition, but the children ate fruit and that’s a plus. So if it is useful, those who like stewed cabbage can read 5 for food.

Answer from the camp

Thank you

Chelnokova Veronika Vladimirovna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 10 years)


My son (age 10 years old) rested at Chaika on the 2nd shift from 06/24/18 to 07/14/18. It was my first time at the camp, before the trip we looked at the photos and a video about the camp and liked it. The day (more precisely, the night) of departure was exciting; the child ended up in a carriage with children who were going to the “Sea Brotherhood”. When we arrived in Tuapse, he had already reunited with the children who were heading to Chaika. I liked the camp, it was impossible to really talk during the shift due to poor communication (in Krasnodar region It’s like this almost everywhere by the sea). I told him about the camp already at home. The food was good, most importantly it was healthy. There were candles, discos every day, the sea every day 2 times (just didn’t go when there was a storm). The buildings and the dining room are modern, everything is comfortable. Enough entertainment, I brought home a craft. They took the phone so that it wouldn’t stick out too much, and called each other in the evening after the disco before going to bed.
In general, the impression is good.
I would like more photos and videos of children (in VK or on the website).


Hardly ever. All minor issues were resolved.

Answer from the camp

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Yana about the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 10 years)


A large number of clubs, excellent counselors, good food, the child returned very happy.
thanks Chaika!


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thank you for your feedback!

Vladimir Bashkirov o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 13 years)


We sent two children, a boy and a girl, to the 2nd shift, they both really liked it and didn’t want to leave. year, they also really want to come here.


There are no disadvantages.

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback.

Uvarkina Ekaterina Sergeevna o the program "OK "Chaika"" (child rested 12 years)


Overall ok.


Lack of air conditioning in rooms, food tasteless

Answer from the camp

Thanks for your feedback. All buildings are equipped with a centralized air conditioning system. Children have 5 meals a day with elements of a buffet (second course to choose from). The menu is designed for 14 days.

The ideal vacation for a child has been found! After all, our camp combines all the most desirable qualities of a children's holiday. The subtropical climate, mountains, sea and forest have a healing effect on the body. Leisure will be decorated with all kinds of mugs, interesting excursions and activities, daily swimming in the sea, watching films, discos. In a word, everything that children love so much. And in the evening, a warm sea breeze will wrap them in its blanket, and they will fall asleep sweetly in anticipation of a new day full of bright impressions!

The Chaika health complex is located on an area of ​​9 hectares among the mountains and forests of the village of Lermontovo, Tuapse district, in the subtropical zone, just a hundred meters from the sea. Century-old oaks, cedars and plane trees, combined with healthy sea air, make the microclimate of this corner unique, and the natural difference in altitude (from 0 to 70 m above sea level) has a beneficial effect on the health of children.

2 counselors and 1 teacher work with the children of the detachment. Team leaders are experienced teachers who have passed a competitive selection and are proficient in modern techniques.


The Chaika health complex with an area of ​​12 hectares is located in a picturesque place in the Krasnodar region, on the Black Sea coast in a beautiful subtropical zone, among mountains and forests, just 100 meters from the sea! A unique park area with a large number of different species of trees, shrubs and flowers, combined with healthy sea air, makes the microclimate of this area unique. A trip to the Chaika health complex is the best gift for a child.


New comfortable 3-storey buildings with European renovation. Each room has a balcony and amenities (shower, sink, toilet in each room). All rooms are equipped with new furniture.
Accommodation for 3-5 people with private facilities in the room. Bed linen is changed once every seven days. On each floor there is a spacious room (hall) for holding squad events and watching films. The buildings have: a storage room, an ironing room, a room for drying shoes and clothes, air conditioners, and coolers.
The squads are staffed according to age. There are 25 - 26 people in squads.


Baby food 5 times in a well-equipped dining room with 550 seats, according to the approved menu, a vitamin buffet. Waiters serve.


Private beach;
- a new modern functional sports ground with professional coverage for playing volleyball, basketball, mini football;
- children's playground (built and equipped in 2015) for younger schoolchildren;
- playground;
- Basketball field;
- volleyball field;
- table tennis;
- a site with new exercise equipment;
- gazebos;
- area for discos and animation programs;
- summer cinema for 200 seats with a small indoor stage;
- indoor multifunctional sports hall, size 25*45m, ceiling height 9m, for games of basketball, volleyball, tennis, gymnastics, dancing and wrestling, karate, taekwondo;
- dining room;
- medical building.


The beach of the health complex is equipped with shade canopies, changing cabins, and toilets. Access to the beach is via an underground passage, bypassing the road. When children are swimming at sea, there are lifeguards, a swimming guide, a doctor, and a nurse on duty.


There is a health center on site. 24-hour medical care is provided by qualified doctors and nurses. There is an ambulance. Prophylaxis of the upper respiratory tract is carried out.


Order and safety on the territory and the beach are guaranteed by the private security company. There is an “alarm call button”, a security and fire alarm system with a 24-hour watch on the remote control.


Children's health camp "Chaika" is a magical children's country where every child will be happy!

Comprehensive development:
The program is designed in such a way that children develop harmoniously - physically, spiritually and intellectually. Throughout the day, sporting events and creative activities, intellectual games are balanced in such a way that children do not have time to get too tired, are always on the move, and enjoy an interesting pastime.

They only work with the guys highly qualified counselors and teachers who sincerely love children, help them adapt to a new environment, and contribute to the creation of a friendly, trusting, positive and creative atmosphere in the team.

Exciting shows and celebrations : Every day we hold something unforgettable - Neptune Day or KVN, competitions and relay races, show performances or concerts, performances and theatrical performances. Children have practically no free time - they are constantly busy with something, developing, having fun and enjoying every minute of their leisure time.

During the shift, educational, animation, entertainment and competition programs, competitions, sports days and holidays, talent auctions, quizzes, show musicals, discos, and watching films are held. Educational walking tours and hiking trips are organized.

Entertainment and sports programs for children are held both on the territory of the Chaika Resort and on the beach.

Included in the price

  • accommodation
  • 5 meals a day
  • work of teaching staff
  • entertainment and educational events
  • 24-hour medical service fast
  • use of the beach
  • rescue Service
  • security