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Dangerous fish in the Gulf of Finland. Bad catch

Opisthorchiasis can be contracted by eating fresh or freshly salted fish. If a roach, even an infected one, is thoroughly fried on both sides, there is no danger to humans. It is advisable to cook dried fish for a couple of weeks and do not spare salt. If we were talking about an outbreak of the disease, all services would be aware of the case. And traders of dried and fresh roach would immediately be removed from the streets of Vyborg. Maybe they just want citizens to buy more expensive fish? - suggests a specialist.

Indeed, all kinds of fish, including roach, can be bought without problems. Vyalenka is sold by old women in the city center or in the South Village. In the same place, in the village, along with smelt, fresh roach is also offered, allegedly caught in Lake Ladoga.

Characteristically, most Internet users also believe that the panic is greatly exaggerated. Here are just a few reviews: “Awesome! Well, everyone eats raw?!”, “This ad was in that year! Everyone dried, ate, no one got poisoned”, “Dumplings from the store are easier to eat”. But one of the participants in the discussion does not exclude the seriousness of the situation and gives practical advice: “Guys, you shouldn’t be like this, although this is abnormal for our region! It is better to disinfect with salting 1.5 packs of salt per 10-liter bucket of fish or termichka for 20 minutes. Think! And then do not refer to hepatitis and pancreatitis!

The following year, a random check confirmed that such a focus of the disease in roach exists. It is not so much the fish itself that is dangerous - it is the carrier of a severe pathogen, but its "ultimate hosts" - mammals that become infected when eating fish. It is they who are overtaken by a dangerous, including for people, intractable disease that affects the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.

The veterinary service of the Leningrad Region again tried to take measures so that no one was in danger: they banned the sale of fresh fish. She recommended freezing “risky” roach for several days, after which the vital activity of the larvae stops and the fish can be laid on a cutting board. It should be boiled or fried for at least 20 minutes, experts advised, and dried for three weeks, no less. However, one could only guess about the features and scale of the disturbing process itself: there was not enough data.

Laboratory tests this year dispelled doubts: yes, serious large-scale studies are needed, the customer of which would be the profile structures of the government of the Leningrad region. A more thorough check carried out by St. Petersburg scientists also convinced me of this.

Although in the bay near Strelna and Sestroretsk, as well as in other areas that are examined by specialists from the State Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries. L. S. Berg (GosNIORKh), the situation turned out to be different: no pathogens were found there.

Although it is possible that the pathogens that got into the bay with sewage during the construction of the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline are to blame. Hundreds of workers who arrived from other (including those who fell into the "opisthorchiasis" zone) regions of workers were involved there. This option, too, cannot be discounted, scientists believe.

In any case, only a thorough, several-year-long scientific work, which would include “clear” system monitoring, studies of marine mammals, mapping of dangerous areas of the bay, etc., can only confirm or refute a certain version. And to implement the entire range of measures and control with this disease requires a scientifically sound program that would be based on a solid financial foundation.


The following year, a random check confirmed that such a focus of the disease in roach exists. It is not so much the fish itself that is dangerous - it is the carrier of a severe pathogen, but its "ultimate hosts" - mammals that become infected when eating fish. It is they who are overtaken by a dangerous, including for people, intractable disease that affects the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.

The veterinary service of the Leningrad Region again tried to take measures so that no one was in danger: they banned the sale of fresh fish. She recommended freezing “risky” roach for several days, after which the vital activity of the larvae stops and the fish can be laid on a cutting board. It should be boiled or fried for at least 20 minutes, experts advised, and dried for three weeks, no less. However, one could only guess about the features and scale of the disturbing process itself: there was not enough data.

Laboratory tests this year dispelled doubts: yes, serious large-scale studies are needed, the customer of which would be the profile structures of the government of the Leningrad region. A more thorough check carried out by St. Petersburg scientists also convinced me of this.

Although in the bay near Strelna and Sestroretsk, as well as in other areas that are examined by specialists from the State Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries. L. S. Berg (GosNIORKh), the situation turned out to be different: no pathogens were found there.

Although it is possible that the pathogens that got into the bay with sewage during the construction of the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline are to blame. Hundreds of workers who arrived from other (including those who fell into the "opisthorchiasis" zone) regions of workers were involved there. This option, too, cannot be discounted, scientists believe.

In any case, only a thorough, several-year-long scientific work, which would include “clear” system monitoring, studies of marine mammals, mapping of dangerous areas of the bay, etc., can only confirm or refute a certain version. And to implement the entire range of measures and control with this disease requires a scientifically sound program that would be based on a solid financial foundation.


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