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Koktebel and the surrounding area: attractions and entertainment. The most interesting places and entertainment in the village of Koktebel Koktebel where you can go excursions

If you came to Crimea just for the warm Black Sea and sultry sun, then I highly recommend going to Koktebel. This small seaside village with a population of just over ten thousand people is ideally suited for beach lovers. I would like to immediately note that the prices for both housing and food in the town are quite reasonable.

Almost the entire village stretches evenly along the sea bay with pebble beaches. There are many boarding houses and hotels. In addition, you can rent housing in the private sector. On the Koktebel embankment there are a large number of small restaurants and cafes, which offer a varied cuisine. In addition, this place has a water park, a dolphinarium and attractions for both children and adults.

Those who like to combine a beach holiday with sightseeing will find in the village several monuments and a couple of museums with quite interesting exhibitions. I want to say right away that anyone who is accustomed to luxury and comfort will not feel entirely comfortable in Koktebel. Mostly in the summer the middle class gathers here, which cannot afford Turkey or Egypt. As for me, all conditions have been created here for a family holiday, including with small children.

How to get there

Koktebel is administratively part of the Feodosia urban district and is considered an urban-type settlement.

You can get here from various regions of the country either through the airport located in Simferopol, or by car, and you will need to cross the Kerch crossing by ferry.

In the town itself there is only a small bus station that connects it with many settlements of the peninsula, including the capital of Crimea.

By plane

From the mainland, Moscow and St. Petersburg, the best way to get to Koktebel is by plane, especially since in the summer airlines such as Aeroflot and S7 fly at discounted rates. The only airport currently operating on the peninsula is in Simferopol.

The following companies fly here regularly:

  • Aeroflot;
  • Vim Airlines;
  • "Ural Airlines";
  • "Russia";
  • "Siberia S7".

The ticket price depends on the season and airline. On average, a one-way ticket from Moscow for one person in summer will cost 3,500 rubles. In turn, a flight from St. Petersburg will cost about 4,200 rubles. More detailed ticket prices can be viewed.

How to get from Simferopol airport to Koktebel

You will have to get from the airport to Koktebel by car. The distance from Simferopol to Koktebel is about 120 kilometers, and the journey will take about two hours.

Thus, the cost of travel on a bus will be 200 rubles, while the frequency of their departure is on average – once every 40 minutes. If you use the services of taxi drivers, the price of the trip will start from 2000 rubles per car. It all depends on the impudence of the driver and your ability to negotiate.

By train

Despite the fact that the nearest railway station to Koktebel is in Feodosia, it is currently impossible to get to the village by train.

This is due to the fact that, starting in 2014, Ukraine actually stopped allowing Russian trains to pass through its territory. The railway bridge, which will connect Crimea with mainland Russia, is promised to be launched only by the end of 2018.

By bus

Koktebel has its own small bus station, which is located at Lenina Street, building 100. It is open daily from 9.00 am to 18.00 pm. You can only get here from the cities of Crimea. If you plan to go to the village by bus from mainland Russia, you will first have to get to the bus station in Feodosia, which has connections with major cities of our country.

There are regular flights here from the cities of,. In addition, a bus from Moscow runs twice a week. The bus station itself in Feodosia is located at Engels Street, building 28. From here minibuses depart to Koktebel every fifteen minutes, the fare for which is 50 rubles.

Since the distance between these two settlements is only 18 kilometers, the journey will take about 25 minutes.

By car

The easiest way to get from the mainland to Koktebel is by car, although you will have to take the ferry to Kerch. By the end of 2018, they promise to put into operation a bridge that will significantly simplify the journey. First, you need to take the E-97 highway to the village of Chushka, which is located in the Krasnodar Territory. Here you should board a ferry heading towards Crimea.

The fare is 80 rubles for children and 150 rubles for adults one way. Transportation of a passenger car will cost 1,700 rubles. The crossing itself operates around the clock, and ferries depart every thirty minutes.

I would like to note that, especially in the winter season, a storm warning is often issued at the crossing and in this case the ferries do not operate. Bad weather can last several hours and you will have to wait it out directly at the landing site.

Once you find yourself on the peninsula, you need to drive about 115 kilometers in the direction of Feodosia along the E-97 highway.

As for me, the road itself, by the standards of Crimea, is quite smooth and without serious potholes. In addition, along the way you can observe picturesque views that open from all sides. In general, time will fly by.

By ferry

Despite the fact that Koktebel is located on the seashore, the port infrastructure here is practically undeveloped. The village completely lacks berths to which even relatively small ships could moor. You cannot get here by boat or ferry.


Koktebel - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Ekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Koktebel is primarily a resort place, which is comfortable only in the summer, when the water temperature in the sea approaches thirty degrees, and it is difficult to find a cool place outside.

From personal experience I can say that during the season there are a lot of people here, mostly tourists from various cities and even countries. At this time, a large number of entertainment establishments operate in the seaside village, in which it is difficult to find free space. In addition, a water park and a dolphinarium are open. Koktebel has a fairly long coastal strip, which is almost entirely given over to tourists and you won’t have any problems finding a place where to sunbathe.

In winter, this place essentially freezes. From the end of October to the beginning of May, almost all cafes, shops and attractions are closed, and you rarely see people in the village itself. Almost all hotels and boarding houses are also closed, where it is difficult to find free space in the summer. In addition, during this period the air temperature very often drops closer to zero, there is frequent precipitation, and a piercing cold wind blows from the sea.

Koktebel in summer

Koktebel lives almost only in summer. The high season starts from the end of May and lasts until the beginning of September. The average temperature in July approaches +40 degrees, while the sea warms up to +27.

During this period, there are a lot of visitors to the village, which invariably affects prices, which are quite high.

Koktebel in autumn

If in September and October you can meet a sufficient number of tourists in the village, then with the beginning of November it freezes. The average air temperature at the beginning of autumn, when the velvet season begins, is on average +30 degrees, the sea water is about +20.

In November, the weather becomes changeable and it rains very often, so you can no longer find vacationers in Koktebel.

Koktebel in spring

Spring comes quite early in the village. Already at the end of March, the sun often shines regularly, and the daytime temperature rises to an average of fifteen degrees above zero. In April, the first leaves appear on the trees, birds begin to sing, and Koktebel itself is slowly preparing to receive vacationers.

In May, the first tourists begin to appear, in addition, the sea gradually warms up to +20 degrees.

Koktebel in winter

Winter Koktebel is a rather pitiful sight. The average temperature at this time does not exceed 0 degrees, in addition, there are periods of severe frosts.

Strong gusty winds blow almost constantly, it rains and even snows. In winter, tourists have nothing to do here.

Koktebel - weather by month


Koktebel - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

Koktebel stretches widely along the bay of the same name at the very foot of the majestic Kara-Dag.

The village has no administrative division as such, and its relatively small size will not allow you to get lost. Most of it is occupied by small private buildings, but in some places there are also apartment buildings.

Below I will give a list of the main districts of Koktebel:

  • The main street is Lenin, which stretches across the entire settlement. It is where all the administrative buildings, the bus station and the hospital are located.
  • If you come to Koktebel for entertainment and active recreation, then it is better to stay in the area of ​​Primorskaya Street.
  • In turn, boarding houses located at the intersection of Stamov and Serov are suitable for a quiet family holiday.

  • The private sector, located in the so-called Literary Fund area, also looks cozy. Here you can easily rent a small house or room from the owners.
  • The busiest place in the village is the area adjacent to the bus station. By the way, there is also a local market nearby.
  • Many entertainment venues and restaurants are located near Paratroopers Street.
  • The part of the village located near Solnechnaya Street looks less attractive. It is located some distance from the sea, and the infrastructure is poorly developed.

Meanwhile, the compact size of Koktebel allows you to get from one part of it to another on foot in a matter of minutes, and therefore where to stay is not important, of course, if you did not come here for comfort. I’ll tell you about the cost of living in Koktebel a little lower.

What are the prices for holidays?

During the season in Koktebel, prices rise significantly, both for housing and food. Meanwhile, if you wish, you can find relatively cheap holiday options.


For the most part, the cost of living in boarding houses depends on their comfort and the service provided. A stay in a good hotel with a sea view and all the necessary attributes of comfort will cost no less than 2,800 rubles per person, and meals, as a rule, are not included in this amount.

A more economical option a short distance from the sea will cost starting from 1,800 rubles per person per day.

The cheapest housing can be rented directly from the owners in the private sector. So, a bed is offered from 250 rubles per person, a room for three people with a shared kitchen and bathroom will cost 1,200 rubles.


You can have a snack in restaurants and cafes, which operate in large numbers throughout Koktebel during the season.

On the embankment and Lenin Street there are more expensive establishments where lunch for two will cost an average of 700 rubles per person. Those who relax economically can visit the canteens. The food here is also delicious, but lunch for one will cost about 200 rubles.

Meanwhile, I would advise renting a room with a kitchen and preparing your own food, purchasing everything you need at the market and in stores. Prices for the main set of products are reasonable:

  • kilogram of pork pulp – 330 rubles;
  • for a kilo of potatoes you will have to pay about 30 rubles;
  • a liter of milk will cost on average 60 rubles;
  • a dozen eggs - 55 rubles.


For entertainment, Koktebel offers tourists a water park and a dolphinarium. They are only open from June 1st to September 31st. So, going down the slides and frolicking in the numerous pools from 10.00 to 18.00 will cost 1,500 rubles per person.

In turn, watching a show with dolphins will cost 800 rubles for an adult and 400 for children. You can visit the only museum in the village of Voloshin, who lived and worked here at the beginning of the twentieth century, for 150 rubles.


It is quite comfortable to move around Koktebel on foot. The village occupies a relatively small area, and therefore it makes no sense to run public transport here.

Meanwhile, local taxi drivers offer trips to Feodosia, which is located only 18 kilometers away. In this case, you will have to pay 300 rubles for the entire car.

Main attractions. What to see

In my opinion, despite the relatively small size of Koktebel, there is something to see here.

In the village itself and its immediate surroundings there are several interesting attractions that I recommend visiting to anyone who decides to relax at this resort.

While walking along the local embankment, which is considered an exclusively pedestrian zone, be sure to carefully examine the monuments to Voloshin and the paratroopers who defended Crimea during the Second World War.

In addition, the five-meter stone lighthouse and the fountain in the shape of a resting sailor, which are located on the embankment, look quite interesting.

On Lenin Street there is the only temple in Koktebel, named in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrow”.

All of the above places are located in close proximity to the village; moreover, if you wish, you can reach them on foot.

Be sure to visit the local water park and dolphinarium. Koktebel has something to surprise its tourists and what to offer them as a cultural program.

Top 5

Koktebel is primarily a beach holiday, but lovers of excursions will also find something to occupy their free time in this place. I would recommend five main places to visit in the village first. I would like to say right away that all of the attractions listed below are located within the city limits and can be reached on foot in a few minutes.

Karadag Reserve

This natural area is protected by law. The reserve is quite impressive in size and includes several mountain ranges.

The route for tourists begins directly from the western part of Koktebel and runs through numerous gorges, ascents and descents. In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea, where you will get a huge amount of impressions and can enjoy amazingly clean air.

Opening hours and prices:

The reserve is open to the public from May to October. You can visit it as part of excursion groups from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, while the ticket price varies depending on the chosen route and starts from 100 rubles per person.

How to get there:

The boundaries of the reserve pass through the western outskirts of Koktebel and it is easier to get into it from Naberezhnaya Street.

Cape Chameleon

From this place you can see almost the entire Koktebel. In addition, Cape Chameleon is interesting in itself, and climbing it will not be difficult.

It also contains the grave of the famous artist Voloshin, most of whose life was connected with the village.

How to get there:

the cape juts out over the bay from the eastern part of the village. You can get to its end along numerous well-trodden paths, which are also equipped with signs.

Golden Gate Rock

This natural attraction is considered the hallmark of Koktebel.

The rock is located some distance from the shore and is a fifteen-meter arch created naturally. I took amazing photos with her in the background.

How to get there:

You can get to it in fifteen minutes along a path that starts at the end of Naberezhnaya Street.

Tikhaya Bay

This is a place of amazing beauty, which is perfect for those who want to be in peace and solitude.

There is a wild beach with a convenient descent to the sea, which is perfect for small children.

How to get there:

You can get here along a well-trodden path that starts from Junge Street. If you walk, the journey will take no more than fifteen minutes. By car you will get to Quiet Bay even faster, although the road is quite rocky and uneven.


The Dolphinarium in Koktebel is open from May to October. Here during the season, colorful performances with the participation of dolphins, fur seals and other sea inhabitants take place almost every day.

From myself I can say that the show is really interesting and watches in one go. Children are especially delighted with everything that happens, and then remember what they saw for a long time.

Opening hours and prices:

Performances take place daily at 14:00 and 17:00. The cost of an adult ticket is 800 rubles, a child ticket is 400 rubles.

How to get there:

The Dolphinarium is located at Morskaya Street, 77. You can get to it on foot from anywhere in the village.

Beaches. Which ones are better

Almost the entire strip of Koktebel, which stretches along the sea, is open for free visiting and swimming. The village beaches are quite clean, have a pebble surface and all the necessary infrastructure for recreation. Below I will focus only on the most popular places.

Riol Beach

Located in the eastern part of the village, right behind the central embankment. There is everything you need for relaxation: sun loungers, canopies, changing rooms.

Since the beach is located some distance from Koktebel, there are not many people here, and you can easily find a place to stay.

Opening hours and prices:

The beach is open daily from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. Admission is free, however, renting a sun lounger will cost 50 rubles per day.

How to get there:

you need to go to the end of the embankment in the direction of Junge Street.

Beach holiday home Sputnik

The beach is quite clean and well maintained. Vacationers are offered sun loungers, canopies, and a shower and toilet.

There are relatively few people and you can always find a place to sunbathe.

Opening hours and prices:

You can swim on the beach from 7:00 to 21:00. entering its territory is free, you need to pay 50 rubles per day for a sunbed, a toilet costs 10 rubles, a shower 30.

How to get there:

it is located at the very beginning of Junge Street right on the main embankment.

Daivis Beach

A great place for swimming and sunbathing.

In addition to such obligatory beach attributes as sun loungers and awnings, there are kiosks with fast food and drinks.

Opening hours and prices:

the beach is open daily from 7.00 to 21.00. Renting a sun lounger will cost 60 rubles per day, and you can use a shower for 30.

How to get there:

it is located right on the embankment near the private apartments "Dim".

Beach of the Blue Bay sanatorium

Despite the fact that the beach officially belongs to the sanatorium, access to it is open to everyone. It has a fairly large area where you will find many awnings and sun loungers.

There is also a rescue station, first aid station, showers and toilets. You can have a snack and drink some cool water at numerous kiosks.

Opening hours and prices:

Like all other beaches, it is officially open from 7:00 to 21:00. Entrance to its territory is free. You will only have to pay for sunbeds - 50 rubles per person, a toilet - 10 rubles and a shower - 40.

How to get there:

The beach is located almost in the very center of the main promenade.

Beach Sunrise

This place has a concrete surface, and there is also a pier from which you can dive into the water.

On the beach you will find awnings, sun loungers, toilets and showers. There are also cafes and fast food kiosks.

Opening hours and prices:

open to the public from 7:00 to 21:00. Admission is free, while renting a sunbed will cost 60 rubles, a toilet costs 10, and a shower 30.

How to get there:

The beach is located at the very beginning of Naberezhnaya Street in the western part of the village.

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

There is only one functioning temple in the village, construction of which began in 2008.

Currently, it is almost completely completed, and in the church, which was named after the “Quench My Sorrows” icon, services are regularly held and various rituals are performed.

Opening hours and prices:

The church is open daily from 8:00 am until the end of the evening service, which begins at 16:00.

How to get there:

The temple is located at Lenin Street, 68a.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

There are two museums in Koktebel that display quite interesting exhibitions. I highly recommend taking the time to read each one carefully.

House-Museum of M. Voloshin

The famous Russian poet and artist Maximilian Voloshin spent most of his adult life in Koktebel; by the way, he is buried here. The house in which he lived and worked is today a museum and open to the public. The interiors of the house are authentic, just as they were during the poet’s lifetime.

In addition, tourists can familiarize themselves with Voloshin’s documents and photographs and read personal letters. The museum gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the twenties of the last century and understand how local bohemia lived at that time. It took us about an hour to inspect the entire house.

Opening hours and prices:

The museum is open daily except Mondays from 10:00 to 17:30. The ticket price for an adult is 50 rubles, for children – 15.

How to get there:

Voloshin's house-museum is located near the sea on the embankment at the address: Morskaya Street, 43.

Koktebel Wine Factory

Quite an interesting place that will definitely interest tourists. In general, winemaking on an industrial scale in these parts originated at the end of the nineteenth century, and this is what the entire main exhibition is dedicated to. I would like to point out that the plant still operates and produces wine today.

We were shown not only historical stands, but also a modern line for the production of alcohol, as well as the famous bins with oak barrels in which the drink is infused. In addition, the excursion also includes a tasting of the most famous brands of wines that the company produces in our time.

Opening hours and cost:

The plant is open for tourists on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 to 15:00. The cost of the excursion is 400 rubles, with wine tasting – 800.

How to get there:

The plant is located at the exit from the village at the address: Lenin Street, 97.


The village is not distinguished by lush vegetation and I did not find any equipped park areas here.

I want to say right away that in Koktebel itself and in its immediate surroundings the nature is quite sparse, but the places are beautiful. You can sit in the shade of trees on benches near the local water park. In addition, you can take a walk along the shady alleys on the embankment.

Tourist streets

Koktebel almost entirely consists of pedestrian streets. In the summer you can see tourists idly wandering around here.

Morskaya Street

One of the most beautiful streets in the village. It stretches along the sea for two kilometers and is completely pedestrian.

It houses the Voloshin Museum and the Paratroopers Monument, as well as numerous cafes and restaurants.

Lenin Street

This is the main street of Koktebel, which stretches almost along the entire village.

It houses all administrative buildings, a post office, a market, and a bus station. There are always a lot of tourists here.

What to see in 1 day

In one day you can get acquainted with almost all of Koktebel.

Personally, I would recommend the following route:

  • 10:00. You should start getting acquainted with the village from Morskaya Street, which is located near the sea. It offers stunning views of the Koktebel Bay, and there are cozy restaurants where you can drink a cup of invigorating coffee.
  • 11:00. At the end of Morskaya Street there is Voloshin's house-museum, which I highly recommend including in your tourist route. It will take about one hour to examine it.
  • 13:00. From the museum you can take a further walk along the embankment past the Paratroopers Monument, near which there are comfortable benches. The next colorful establishment that will open in front of you will be the local dolphinarium; every guest of the village should visit it.
  • 14:30. After watching the show at the dolphinarium, you can go up about a hundred meters along the same street and frolic in the water park. Here you will find numerous slides, several swimming pools and a variety of attractions.
  • 17:00. You can end your first acquaintance with this seaside town in one of the many cafes on the embankment.

What to see in the area

In the vicinity of Koktebel there are several interesting places that I would definitely recommend visiting to everyone who comes to this area on vacation.

Mount Klementyeva (about 5 kilometers)

This place is considered the birthplace of Soviet gliding. At its top, unique air currents are formed, which glider pilots use during their flights.

The mountain offers stunning views of the sea, and you can also watch how professional hang gliders train. The attraction is located five kilometers from the village. You can get to it by bus that goes to Feodosia.

Fox Bay (about 4 kilometers)

Getting to this natural attraction is not easy, but the atmosphere that hovers in the bay will make you forget about all the difficulties along the way.

Here is one of the best wild beaches in Crimea. Fox Bay is surrounded on all sides by picturesque mountains and rocky outcrops, which make for great photos. You can get here by bus, which goes to Shchebetovka.

Nearby Islands

There are no islands in the waters of Koktebel.

Food. What to try

Everything in Koktebel that does not belong to the hotel business and shops is catering establishments.

Here, on almost every corner, there are all kinds of cafes and restaurants, where visitors are offered dishes of European, Russian, and Oriental cuisines. In addition, the village has a variety of pirozhki, fastwoods and canteens with reasonable prices.

In Koktebel you can easily find places that serve authentic Asian pilaf or lamb shish kebab. In addition, many restaurants on the waterfront offer fish menus and grilled steaks.

In the village you can try sushi and pizza; in general, you won’t experience any problems with food. On average, lunch for two at a restaurant on the embankment will cost 750 rubles, excluding alcohol.

Anyone who prefers to save money and cook their own food can easily buy a wide variety of products at the city market, which is located on Lenin Street or in numerous shops.

In addition to the market, there is a supermarket on Lenin Street, where I have always seen a large selection of fresh products.


You can have an inexpensive and tasty meal in the village in such establishments as:

  • the Lozhka dining room, located on the Central pier;

  • cafe "Rybka", Central pier;
  • bistro "Hamburger", Morskaya street, 13;
  • cafe "Carnelian", Morskaya street, 15.


There are a sufficient number of mid-level restaurants in Koktebel. Among them, I would especially highlight the following places:

  • cafe "Shinok", central pier;
  • Papay restaurant, on Tatarskaya embankment;

  • restaurant “Tsarskaya Okhota” on the central pier;
  • sushi bar "Japan" on the central pier.


In Koktebel you can easily find expensive restaurants where you can spend your free time in comfort and have a cozy rest. I would recommend visiting:

  • restaurant "Brigantina", which is located at Morskaya Street, 51;

  • restaurant "Seventh Heaven", Morskaya street, 4;
  • restaurant "Camelot", Morskaya street, 11;
  • salon-restaurant "Bogdan" on the embankment.


Among the holidays that are widely celebrated in Koktebel are the following:

  • Fisherman's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of July. On this day, a variety of mass entertainment events are held in the city on the embankment; local artists perform at several venues; in addition, you can take part in fun competitions. As a rule, a fish fair opens on this day with fairly low prices for seafood.

  • Neptune Day is celebrated on July 16th. This event in Koktebel is quite fun. A stage is set up on the central embankment where residents and guests of the village are entertained by fairy-tale characters and local artists. Everyone is invited to take part in competitions and sports competitions.

Safety. What to watch out for

Koktebel is a real resort village where vacationers can feel quite safe. During my vacation, I did not hear about any high-profile crimes or gang warfare; moreover, I regularly saw police patrols on the streets.

Things to do

In Koktebel you can easily find a large number of active recreation offers.

There are a large number of distributors on the city embankment, from whom you can not only get information about entertainment, but also purchase tickets for them.

Boat trips

Small boats are moored right on the city embankment, which you can rent and admire the local beauty from the sea.

Such entertainment for one person will cost 1000 rubles per hour.

Tourist trips

There, on the embankment, you can purchase tickets with excursion routes around Crimea and visits to such attractions as the Vorontsov Palace, Sevastopol Panorama, Nikitsky Botanical Garden and much more. The cost of tours depends on the distance and on average starts from 1200 rubles per person. Excursion buses depart from Koktebel Embankment every morning.

Shopping and shops

Anyone who prefers shopping during their vacation will be very disappointed. In Koktebel there are completely no branded or company stores with quality items. If desired and urgently necessary, you can go shopping to Feodosia, where there are retail outlets offering a variety of clothes.

Bars. Where to go

In Koktebel there are establishments where you can not only have a tasty snack, but also watch an entertainment program and listen to live music.

"Golden Gate"

The bar is very popular "Golden Gate", where in addition to a delicious European menu and a variety of drinks, guests are offered live music.

It is open until 24:00, and you can have dinner for two for 900 rubles. The cost of drinks is as follows:

  • assorted wines from 140 rubles per hundred grams;
  • a glass of beer from 120 rubles;
  • juices from 80 rubles per glass.

"Island of love"

There are always a lot of people, especially in the evening at the bar with an interesting name "Island of love".

Here guests are offered a large selection of salads, and musicians perform their own program every evening. The average cost of dinner for two is 1,200 rubles. In turn, drinks cost:

  • fresh fruit from 130 rubles;
  • cognac from 170 rubles per 100 grams;
  • wine from 140 rubles per 100 grams.

Other bars

The following establishments are also popular among tourists:

  • bar “Under the Moon”;
  • cafe-bar "Bochka";
  • beer bar EFES Pilsen.

Clubs and nightlife

In the summer at night, Koktebel lives its second life. For those who like to wander under the moonlight and have fun in their free time, nightclubs open their doors.

Disco club "Troyanda"

The establishment positions itself as 24/7. It is located at: Morskaya Street, 21.

Every evening, both local and visiting DJs perform for visitors. You can order hookah and various alcoholic cocktails. On average, spending an evening together will cost 1,500 rubles, despite the fact that admission is free.

Nightclub "Gemini"

This establishment offers an active night out with plenty of entertainment. The club regularly hosts DJs and regularly hosts themed parties.

The main focus here is not on food, but on alcoholic cocktails, which are presented in a huge assortment and their cost starts from 180 rubles. You can get into it completely free of charge without any face control. The establishment is located on Morskaya Street.

Other places

I would also recommend visiting the Santa Fe and Phoenix clubs for lovers of active nightlife.

Extreme Sports

As extreme entertainment, Koktebel can offer its guests diving, as well as ATVs and hang-gliding.

Underwater dive

The local Hobby club, which is located on the village embankment, offers exciting underwater excursions in the surrounding area.

The cost of diving with an instructor will cost from 200 rubles per person. If necessary, you can rent scuba gear and other equipment for 1,200 rubles. Boat rental costs 3,500 rubles per hour.

Hang gliding

If you want to conquer the sky and enjoy the local beauty from a bird's eye view, then you will definitely choose this entertainment.

A ten-minute ride for one person will cost 3,450 rubles. Spending thirty minutes in the sky will cost 10,350 rubles. You can purchase tickets on the embankment from distributors. At the specified time, you will be taken from a pre-agreed place by minibus to the flight location on Mount Klementyev.

Quad bike riding

Anyone who wants to tickle their nerves can ride around the outskirts of Koktebel on an ATV.

A two-hour trip with an instructor will cost 3,500 rubles. You can arrange entertainment on the embankment at the distributor.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Almost throughout the village you will find a huge number of stalls and small shops where you can buy a variety of souvenirs.

Vintage wines bottled at a local distillery will be considered signature wines. In addition, tourists are offered to buy as a souvenir of their vacation:

  • a variety of aromatic oils from 70 rubles per bottle;
  • handmade soap from 50 rubles;
  • magnets with views of Koktebel from 50 rubles;
  • T-shirts with the image of the village symbols from 250 rubles.

I especially liked the elegant souvenir shells for 80 rubles apiece. And of course, I bought local bottled wine for 230 rubles.

How to get around the city

Koktebel is a village in which there is no public transport, and locals and visitors move around on foot, especially since the distances here are relatively short. Meanwhile, if necessary, you can travel along Lenin Street on a suburban minibus going to Feodosia. In this case, you will have to pay 13 rubles for the journey.

Taxi. What features exist

In Koktebel you can only find private taxi drivers. They all stand near the bus station on Lenin Street. On average, driving around the village will cost 100 rubles; getting to the nearest Feodosia will cost 300 rubles per car.

Fuel in Crimea can be purchased at gas stations at the following prices:

  • A-80 – 37 rubles;
  • A-95 – 40 rubles;
  • A-98 – 44 rubles.

All major vehicle traffic in Koktebel takes place along Lenin Street. It will not be difficult to move around the village safely by car. There is no such thing as rush hour here; you will hardly encounter any traffic jams. The only thing that can cause certain difficulties for drivers is a large number of cyclists, who, as a rule, appear unexpectedly. The central embankment and adjacent streets are closed to cars.

Koktebel - holidays with children

In Koktebel you can easily find something to keep your children occupied. Almost every beach has children's corners with various ladders and slides. In addition, there are many kiosks with ice cream and a variety of sweets on the embankment. You can take your child to the local water park, which has several pools, including ones for little visitors, and many spiral slopes and winding slides.

Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

Anything to add?

The resort village of Koktebel, located in the eastern part of Crimea, is part of the territory of the Feodosia City Council. It is located near the Karadag volcanic massif on the Black Sea coast, 20 km southwest of Feodosia. It is bordered by mountains to the north and east. Genoese, Venetians and Turks lived here at different times.

At the end of the 19th century, these places attracted lovers of sea holidays. They are local landowner E.A. Junge sold part of his land for summer cottages. In 1938, Koktebel received the status of an urban village. Today in it more than 2.8 thousand inhabitants, engaged primarily in tourism services. There are interesting sights here.

In Koktebel you can hear many stories about strange sea animals living in the sea near Karadag. A well-equipped aquarium in the center of the village gives an idea of ​​the real inhabitants of the sea near the resort. Here they show a variety of fish that live off the Crimean coast and in the Black Sea. These include stingrays, red sea cocks and seahorses. Exotic species from other continents are presented, as well as inhabitants of freshwater Crimean reservoirs.

When entering Koktebel from Feodosia, a beautiful beach with an amazing landscape and unusually clear water attracts attention. This is Tikhaya Bay, beloved by filmmakers, which is considered a natural monument. It is shallow, which attracts parents with children here. There are many rare beautiful plants around, listed in the Red Book. The bad road protects it from the massive influx of vacationers.

Winery "Koktebel"

Driving towards Feodosia, you can get acquainted with one of the largest wineries on the peninsula, Koktebel. Its products are well known and appreciated not only in Crimea for its excellent varieties of wines and cognacs made from elite varieties of local grapes. They have won over 170 prestigious awards at numerous international wine exhibitions.

Location: Lenin street - 97.

Koktebel is famous for the fact that famous designers of aviation and space technology began their journey into the sky here. Thanks to the picturesque Uzun-Syrt ridge, part of which is called Mount Klementyev, upward air currents are created, making long flights on gliders, hang gliders and paragliders possible. They are organized by the local gliding center, which teaches this skill to everyone. There is a museum of gliding and aviation here.

The most notable building in Koktebel is the house of the poet and artist Maximilian Voloshin. It was the center of intellectual life for many literary and artistic figures at the beginning of the last century, who vacationed here away from the bustle of the capital.

Today, the traditions of hospitality are being revived, and every August numerous admirers of M. Voloshin’s work gather here. In the house-museum, the original interiors, his personal belongings, manuscripts and photographs are interesting.

Location: Morskaya street - 43.

The mountain of volcanic origin Karadag has countless caves and ridges with the most bizarre shapes. Since they are part of a state reserve, they are under state protection. Approaching it by boat from the sea, you can sail through the arch formed by nature from the rock. This rock formation is called the Golden Gate and is considered a symbol of Koktebel.

It is the largest in Crimea, and occupies an area over 44 thousand square meters. Opened in 2007. About three thousand people visit the water park every day. It has several swimming pools and a variety of slides, as well as other interesting entertainment facilities. The design of this water entertainment center is reminiscent of pirate adventures. It is interesting here for children and adults.

Location: Lenin street - 144b.

The local dolphinarium is considered one of the best on the Black Sea. Emotional and funny performances with dolphins will be remembered for a long time by adults and children. Their thoughtful programs reveal to people the good-natured nature of these amazing animals, which thrive in water and air. These animals help relieve children from certain diseases.

Location: Morskaya street 77.

Not far from Quiet Bay and the famous winery there is a mountain called Kushuk-Yenishary. It was on its top that Maximilian Voloshin, who died in August 1932, bequeathed to bury himself. During his lifetime, he loved to climb to this place, from where incredible views of the majestic Karadag, valley and bay open up. M. Voloshin did not want trees to be planted at his grave. Instead of flowers, he asked to bring colored pebbles found on the shore.

This cape near Koktebel received its name due to the play of light. It constantly changes its color from bright orange in the morning to purple in the evening. It also depends on the weather and clearness of the sky. This is due to the ability of the shales that make up the Cape rock to reflect light in a special way. However, the cape is subject to air and sea erosion, gradually changing its shape.

Near Koktebel in the village of Kurortnoye there is a unique Museum of Nature of Karadag. Thousands of tourists visit it every year. It appeared in 1914, simultaneously with the start of work at a scientific station here.

The museum's collection is constantly expanding, offering visitors a large number of unique biological and geological exhibits. The museum staff conducts ongoing educational work and conducts excursions along the ecological trails of the reserve.

Location: Nauki street - 24. .

It is known that the origin of nudism in the Russian Empire is connected precisely with Koktebel. M. Voloshin is considered one of its founders. His capital guests actively participated in the spread of this movement aimed at unity with nature.

In the eastern part of the village there is a nudist beach, which begins after the public beach and is separated from it by a small stream. It stands out for its many tents several tens of meters from the water, in which people live for months.

The recently opened park of birds and ancient animals in the village is an amazing place where adults and children can get acquainted with the world around us in an accessible and fun way. Here you can find yourself in a labyrinth of time and explore the paleontological pavilion with skeletons of animals that lived on the planet in ancient times. The park of exotic birds from all over the world, where they are kept without cages, in conditions as close as possible to natural ones, makes a huge impression.

Location: Lenin street.

Reviewing childhood photographs where my parents and sister and I vacationed in Crimea, I constantly wanted to return there as an adult. For a long time, my wife and I preferred the noisy resorts of Egypt and Turkey, but last summer we decided to go to Crimea, where tourists go primarily for the sea and unique nature. Moreover, we decided to arrange a family vacation for ourselves, where everyone will find entertainment to their liking. After looking at photos on the Internet and reading reviews on thematic forums, we decided to opt for Koktebel.

Easiest way to get there

There are several ways to get to Crimea. Car enthusiasts are driving mainly through the Krasnodar Territory, from where the journey through the Kerch Strait by ferry takes about two hours and costs around 1000 rubles. However, ferries do not operate during a storm, so there is a risk of spending precious vacation hours at the crossing. People visiting relatives in Ukraine on their way to Crimea came from the mainland, but delays at the border are also possible there.

If go by train, then you will also have to get there from the Krasnodar Territory. You can get to Anapa and from there by catamaran to Feodosia.

There are no bus routes from Russian cities to Koktebel yet, so you will have to buy a ticket to Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol or Sudak and change to another bus or take a taxi. I don’t recommend the latter, because during the season the appetites of local drivers can be quite large. Although you can always bargain.

Therefore we chose The easiest option is air travel. Several airlines fly to Simferopol, the airport closest to Koktebel, from Russian cities, including Aeroflot. From Simferopol to Koktebel there are approximately 100 km of travel, which can be done by bus, minibus or taxi. We traveled by bus, reaching our destination in about two hours.

Where to stay

In Koktebel we found many different housing offers– from rooms in private houses to reputable hotel rooms. Prices depend on the level of comfort and distance to the beach. You can stay with local residents in a rather cozy room, paying from 500 to 1500 rubles. Prices are approximately the same in hostels. In cozy mini-hotels, prices start from 2000 per room, and in sanatoriums the price depends on the list of medical procedures provided to the client.

But if, like us, you will be traveling with several families, then it is best to book a mini-cottage. They usually have a small pool and a children's playground, and for adults - a gazebo and an attic.

People who prefer comfort with a view and access to the sea will have to pay the most. For example, at the White Griffin hotel, which has its own diving center, a two-room suite in high season can cost 10,000 rubles.

Beaches of Koktebel

Myself the village is located in Koktebel Bay, the beach of which consists of small pebbles, although the bottom of the sea is sandy. My parents happily walked on the pebbles, thus giving themselves a foot massage that was beneficial for the body. The most popular free beach is the beach of the Blue Bay boarding house, but if you are a fan of more comfort, then paid beaches such as Popeye and the beach of the Primorye boarding house are at your service.

Probably every child on the beach is interested not so much in the water as in the desire to dig in the sand. And we really wanted to take a break from the bustle of the city, so we took a minibus to Quiet Bay, located not far from Koktebel. My parents also went with us because they knew that there you can take mud baths made of blue clay.

From winds protect the beach from Cape Chameleon, got its name because it changes color depending on the position of the sun and clouds in the sky. When we were getting ready for the trip, we saw this natural landmark of Koktebel in the photo, read reviews with descriptions, but only after seeing it live, we realized that probably only the great classics are able to express their impressions of the Chameleon in words. The cape glows either lilac, blue, or soft pink.

And about a kilometer from the coast The Stone Crab grew straight from the sea.“Savage” vacationers sometimes swim there on rubber boats for the mussels that cover this rock. We were treated to a treat, and I didn’t even think that such deliciousness could be prepared in the field.

The quiet bay has long become a haven for lovers of wild holidays. Taking a tent, guitar and food with you, you can break away from civilization and be alone with the majestic nature. By the way, filmmakers also appreciated these beauties. It was here that scenes of many films were filmed, including “9th Company”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins” and “Pirates of the 20th Century”.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, at the instigation of the artist and poet Maximilian Voloshin, Koktebel became the center of the culture of nudism and naturism.

Natural attractions of Koktebel and its surroundings

After visiting Quiet Bay, we realized that coming to Crimea and lying on sun loungers by the sea is the same as coming to a concert and listening to music from the buffet. Therefore, the next day we decided to continue our acquaintance with the nature of Koktebel.

For a fairly modest fee you can book a tour of Karadag Nature Reserve.

We went there by boat, admiring the mountains from the sea. But the most An incredible experience is a boat ride through the Golden Gate sea cliff.

The route by sea is about 7 km, and the same length "Ecological Trail"– walking tour with a guide. it will be revealed to you incredible mountain and sea panorama with a length of 100 km. There is no point in talking about the diversity of flora and fauna of the Karadag Reserve - it needs to be seen. Be sure to visit the unique Museum of Nature of Karadag. In this corner of Koktebel there is something to see, because here is collected more than 600 exhibits: stuffed animals and birds, samples of rock vegetation and tree species.

But what makes the greatest impression on museum visitors is exposition of multi-colored stones. The children will definitely be delighted.

Holidays for children

Tourists appreciate Koktebel not only for its attractions, but also for its entertainment for children. The first place your family should go is the largest water park in Crimea. But if you think that children will ride down slides and swim in pools, you will relax at tables and on sun loungers, then this opinion is wrong: the creators of the water park have foreseen for adults there are as many as 11 slides. Not everyone will decide to move out of some of them. And women can relax in one of the swimming pools or hot tubs.

Be sure to also go see what tricks do dolphins and fur seals perform at the local dolphinarium.

Then go to Koktebel Aquarium And bird park "Dinotherium Koktebel". Educational excursions will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. All in all, Koktebel has many places where you can go with your children.

Holidays for adults

I believe that a full-fledged family vacation is impossible without grandparents. If only because someone needs to babysit if you want Plunge into the pleasant atmosphere of Koktebel’s nightlife.

Without visiting coastal restaurants and cafes with sea views and high-quality live music, your vacation in Crimea will be incomplete. But fans of club culture also have a place to relax.

And during the day Be sure to visit the famous Koktebel winery. Wine traditions, some of which date back to the times of the ancient Greeks, will not leave even “teetotalers and ulcer sufferers” indifferent. By the way, a bottle of Crimean wine is a great souvenir for your friends and colleagues.

But if possible, keep a few bottles for yourself. So that, reviewing your photos and videos from your summer holiday on winter evenings, you can again feel the warmth of Koktebel.

Video in which selected the most beautiful places in Koktebel. Nature is simply enchanting. However, I won’t say much, words can’t convey it! You just need to see it.