All about car tuning

Where can you relax in Poland? Holidays in Poland Where you can relax in the summer in Poland.


Take out car insurance – “Green Card”. The cost of a Green Card for a passenger car from domestic insurers is 1,420 rubles for 15 days. You can get such insurance from a Lithuanian insurance company in Kaliningrad for 800 rubles.

If you were unable to purchase a ticket for the opening match of the championship through official channels, try to find it on one of the many sites dedicated to selling tickets to sporting events. For example, go to the Ticket Group website, where the sale of tickets for the matches of the European Championship 2012 is organized. You can purchase a package of several tickets for the games that interest you. Of course, their cost will be higher than when purchased through official channels. On the UEFA website, ticket prices ranged from 30 to 600 euros.

Even if you already have a ticket to the first match of the championship, do not forget that you will need a visa to travel to Poland. You can get it yourself or use the services of travel agencies offering organized tours for Euro 2012. In this case, you will have to pay about 50 euros for a visa, and medical insurance will cost about another 10 euros.

You can get a visa with the Euro 2012 stamp in three cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. It is possible to submit your application electronically, in which case you will receive your visa at exactly the specified time. If you have a ticket to the European Championship, you will not be required to provide a hotel reservation certificate or confirmation of the availability of funds for your stay in Poland.

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  • Ticket Group

The 2012 European Championship is a significant event for all football fans. The first three matches of the Russian national team are taking place in Poland, which means that many Russian fans will go to support the team in June. You need to hurry if you want to join them.

You will need

  • - international passport;
  • - Schengen visa;
  • - from 2000 euros per person.


Europe opens on June 8 with a match in Warsaw. The final will take place in Kyiv. Getting to the second most important event in the football world, after the World Cup, is quite simple; all you need to do is purchase a ticket. The most correct option is to order tickets directly on the official UEFA website, on the ticket purchase page. There will be no problems with the language, since you can select the language on the resource. Please remember that official ticket purchases are only possible on this website. Prices range from 30 to 600 euros.

Once you have entered the portal, register, this will allow you to access a range of features. You will be able to see the available tickets and purchase the ones you like, and you will be able to track the delivery process of their delivery. Considering the rush demand for tickets, you should hurry up and purchase them, since there is very little time left before the start of the championship.

Try to purchase tickets through fan associations; such organizations have their own quotas. Also on the UEFA website, see information about the lottery in which tickets for the championship are drawn, this is also a pretty good chance to get to Euro 2012.

You can also purchase a ticket through some specialized websites - for example, Sport-ticket. But it should be borne in mind that their cost will be noticeably higher than the original one. For example, on some resources tickets costing 600 euros are sold for 4,500 euros. There are quite a lot of similar sites on the Internet, on some of them you can both buy a ticket and sell it.

If you want to attend matches taking place in Poland, you should take care of obtaining a visa. This can be done at the country’s consulate by presenting a ticket to the championship. In Russia, you can get a visa in Moscow and Kazan. Holders of personalized tickets are not required to have confirmation of a hotel reservation and availability of funds for the duration of their stay in Poland. You can submit your visa application electronically. Do not forget that when registering, you must have a medical insurance policy with you. To travel to Ukraine, a Russian internal passport is sufficient.

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  • Sport-ticket

In total, 31 matches will be played in the final part of the 2012 European Football Championship - 15 in Poland and 16 in Ukraine. At this stage of the tournament, 16 teams are divided into four groups, two of which will play group stage games in Poland. Each country will then play two quarter-final and one semi-final matches. The final will take place on July 1 in Kyiv.

The opening match of the final stage of Euro 2012 will take place on June 8 at 20:00 Moscow time at the National Stadium in Warsaw. More than 58 thousand spectators will be able to personally attend the game of two rivals of the Russian team in Group A - the national teams of Poland and Greece.

Our team will play its first game on the same day in Wroclaw at the Majski Stadium. At 22:45 she will meet with the Czech national team, which many reputable experts in the football world consider one of the two favorites of our group.

A day later, two games of Group C teams will take place in Poland. First, a battle of giants will begin in Gdansk - the Spanish team, the current European team, with the Italian team. Three hours later, the Irish and Croatian national teams will determine the winner in Gdansk.

The second round of the group stage will begin on June 12 in Wroclaw - two teams from Group A - Greece and the Czech Republic - will play there. The Russian team will visit the Polish capital on this day to try to defeat the host team of this part of the tournament.

On June 14 at 20 o'clock at the stadium in Poznan, which seats more than 41 thousand spectators, the national teams of Italy and Croatia will play. Three hours later, the other two teams in Group C will play in Gdańsk at the PGE Arena, which has a capacity of just 600 fewer spectators.

Our team will begin the final round of the group stage - on June 16 in Warsaw it will play with the Greek team, the winner of the European Championship before last. The teams of the Czech Republic and Poland will play the final game of Group A in Wroclaw on this day.

If the Russian team becomes first in its group, it will be able to play the third match in a row without leaving Warsaw. On June 21, there will be a quarter-final game between the winner of Group A and the second team of Group B.

If our team ends up on the second line of the table after the group stage, a day later it will have to take part in another quarter-final match - in Gdansk the second team of Group A must meet the winner of Group B.

The last game of the final tournament of the European Championship in Poland will take place on June 28 - in the capital, the winner of the Gdansk quarter-finals will meet in the semi-final match with the winner of the game between the first team of Group C and the second team of Group D.

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Tip 7: How to get to Euro 2012 matches in Ukrainian cities

The European Football Championship attracts millions of fans around the world. The matches of the final part of Euro 2012 will be held in two countries at once. If fans need a Polish visa to travel to Poland, then with matches taking place in Ukraine everything is much simpler.

Some of the tickets were donated for distribution through fan organizations. A certain number is drawn in a lottery, information about which can be found on the UEFA website. Finally, if it was not possible to purchase the coveted ticket through official distributors, there is only one option left - to buy a ticket on a secondary market, that is, at a speculative price. It should be understood that it will be much higher than nominal. For example, tickets costing 600 euros are already offered for 4-4.5 thousand euros, but you can find them cheaper. For example, go to the website of the Toptikshop company or the Sport-ticket resource.

If you have the coveted ticket, the main difficulties are behind you. You can enter Ukraine using a regular Russian internal passport, document of a military personnel, sailor, etc. You will not need medical insurance either, since, according to an agreement between Russia and Ukraine, emergency medical care is provided to citizens of another country. You can find more details in the article “Trip from Russia to Ukraine.”

If you plan to enter Ukraine by car, you will need a Ukrainian car owner liability insurance policy (OSGPO). As a rule, in front of the customs point there are offices of insurers where you can purchase a policy. You should know that the absence of a policy is not a reason not to allow you into Ukraine.

Before you go to the Euro 2012 matches, take care of your overnight stay in advance. It is best to book a hotel room online. True, prices for accommodation have skyrocketed on the eve of the European Championship, so finding a hotel or campsite with an acceptable price will be very difficult. Renting an apartment will cost approximately 300-400 euros per day.

National parks

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the most important natural treasures in Europe. The main symbol of the forest park is the bison; a significant number of these animals were destroyed during the First World War. The workers of Belovezhskaya Pushcha put a lot of effort into creating the habitat in which bison are accustomed to living.

Słowinski Park is a protected area, the main feature of which is the moving dunes. The sand of the dunes can reach several tens of meters in height, creating a landscape of Saharan ergs.


Masuria is a historical place in Poland, located in the northern part of the country, which the Poles are proud of. This area is also called the Land of Masurian Lakes and the “Land of a Thousand Lakes”. Surprisingly, this territory contains more than four thousand lakes, which is a quarter of all available water resources in Poland. If you love windsurfing, kayaking, fishing and forest walks, then be sure to visit Masuria.

Malbork Castle

At the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries in Europe, a significant Gothic fortress and the world's largest brick castle, Malbork Castle, were built. In 1309, a family of masters of the Teutonic Order moved from Venice to the castle. The picturesque historical site was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site at the end of the twentieth century.

Auschwitz concentration camp Auschwitz

During World War II, 6 million Jews were exterminated, a significant portion of whom died in this camp. Jews from many countries of the world, as well as Gypsies and Poles, were sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. In 1947, the largest death camp was renamed the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, which preserves the memory of genocide and terrible human cruelty during the Second World War.

Cities of Poland

Wroclaw is the historical capital of Poland, located on two banks of the Odra River. Wroclaw is called the city of bridges, because there are more than 200 of them in the city. Throughout Wroclaw you can see amazing architectural buildings, including castles, monasteries and churches.

Poznan is one of the oldest Polish cities, which preserves its history to the present day. On the streets of Poznan you will see many historical architectural monuments: Gothic churches, the town hall, the oldest Polish church.

Gdansk is called an architectural complex, because many of the buildings there are made in the style of the 13th-18th centuries. Currently, Gdansk is one of the main economic centers in Poland.

Of course, we won’t talk about temperatures close to 30 degrees plus. For this . “Warm” will be considered in comparison with normal summer temperature values. Thus, the water temperature, according to many years of research in the Baltic Sea, ranges from 9°C to 22°C in summer. And if a value of 9 degrees is more suitable for winter swimmers, then 18 and above are absolutely normal temperatures for swimming. Especially when on land it’s up to 34°C in the shade, and this happens in the Baltic every summer. The water temperature here is quite dependent on currents. It is difficult to go wrong with swimming, since the beaches in Poland are mostly supervised by lifeguards and are equipped with signs indicating the water temperature. If swimming is not allowed, this is indicated with a special flag. Rescuers on boats approach swimmers and inform them that they must leave the water until the ban is lifted. But there are places where the temperature is more or less stable. About them below.


Despite the fact that this is where Poland begins (or ends, depending on who you choose) and there is only one sea around, oddly enough, the water here has a fairly stable temperature. There are no sudden changes in currents here due to the underwater landscape. Hel by nature it is elevated and its surroundings, especially those that lie on the other side of the open sea, are the warmest from the point of view of water. Kuźnice (Forge) can be called a very good example in this regard.

Chałupy Welcome To! – sang in the eighties and nineties in Poland. Chalupy is perhaps the most famous village in the country, but not so much because of the beaches themselves. Rather, thanks to the nudists who chose these places shortly after the Second World War. So Chalupy became a household name thanks to nudist beaches in Poland. It is worth noting that naturalists settled in Chalupy for a reason. The beaches are clean and the water here is beautiful. You don’t need to know how to swim; you can walk in the water for a long time and still remain waist-deep in it. It is this shallow depth, and even in the sun, that makes local beaches look like Mediterranean resorts. Nowadays you will see nudists here less often, but there are more than enough kiters. It is better to book hotel rooms in advance.

Władysławowo, Puck

The beauty of this place is also the Puck Bay (Zatoka Pucka). It is shallow, and therefore warms up in the summer to that same 22°C absolutely calmly. Puck is not a very popular tourist town. This is because it has no access to the open sea. But you and I are wondering where it’s warmer. It's warmer here. Vladislavovo has a beach facing the open sea, but towards the same Halup, just a kilometer from Vladislavovo, the beaches of the Gulf of Puck begin. There are fewer people here than on the beach in Vladislavovo itself, and a slightly different, more homely and calm atmosphere.

All of the above resorts have an important advantage for tourists from Russia. In particular, from the Kaliningrad region, because they fall under the visa-free border regime. If we ignore the Hel Spit, then there is also a place to swim in the warm Baltic water. Here the bottom topography and current play an important role.


Thanks to the shallow waters of the coastline, which has a wide range of beautiful beaches, Ustka is a great place to relax. Precisely for relaxation, because unlike the popular Kołobrzeg, it is quiet and peaceful here. And since we are also interested in water temperature, here it rises above 17°C more often than in Kołobrzeg. Although there, of course, it’s good. But it should be noted that the Polish residents themselves praise Ustka, giving it preference when choosing a seaside resort. Especially in the last couple of years.

Kopań (Kopań - lake)

Not quite the sea, but 100 meters from it. In the Darłowo commune there is the salt-water lake Kopan. It is separated from the sea by a small strip of land and connected to the sea by a canal through which water from the sea flows into the lake during a storm. This is why the water in the lake is salty. In fact, Kopan is every child’s beach dream. Surely, sitting on the beach, everyone dug a “pool” or pond connected to the sea by a canal. Water was filled into such a pool and it was like sitting in a hot spring, because compared to the sea, the water in it was really hot. The depths of Lake Kopan are very small - from 2 to 4.9 meters. Accordingly, it warms up well. This has its own charm; you can swim in the sea when it’s hot, and when it’s a little cooler - in the lake. Two pleasures in one. That’s why the lake-sea ended up on our list of Polish seaside holiday destinations.

Łeba (Leba)

Lake Łebsko, which is similar in nature, formed by the Leba River near the city of the same name, is an example of a combination unusual for these places. In addition to the fact that here, as in the case of Lake Kopan, the lake and the sea converge, there is also a desert. Sand dunes can be observed throughout the entire space from the river to the sea. I also call them “walking dunes” because they actually move under the influence of winds. As for the sea temperature in these places, it is rather normal here, but the views and the opportunity to walk through the desert from the sea to a river similar in size to the sea will clearly not leave anyone indifferent.

The place is interesting both from the point of view of entertainment and from the point of view of history and culture. Here you feel that the border with Germany is close. Very. Sometimes it’s even so close that, due to the number of Germans vacationing here, it may seem that you are already beyond this border. Moreover, at the moment there is no official border, in a certain sense of the word. If you want to have a blast on the beach, go to a disco and let yourself frolic without inhibitions, then the beaches of Swinujscia are suitable for you. The water here is slightly warmer than the average along the Polish coast. But if you want to grab two pleasures here too, welcome to Międzyzdroje, which is just a few kilometers from the center of Swinoujscie. There is silence, peace, clean beaches, clean - and most importantly warm - water of the Baltic Sea. As in other cases on the Polish coast, the bottom topography plays a major role in the warmth of the water in Miedzyzdroje. We can say that the beach here goes into the water for about 25 meters. The water is knee-deep and chest-deep - maximum.

It is worth noting that on almost all beaches and resorts in Poland you can relax with small children, since the depths off the coast, with rare exceptions, are very shallow. In addition, on official beaches there are always lifeguards and dedicated paddling pools for children. They are located where the water is shallower and warmer. Rescuers have special supervision over such a paddling pool. In general, children in Poland are surrounded by care and attention. This is the policy of the state and society. This also applies to beaches. Children playing on the beach in a crowd of complete strangers to each other is a normal phenomenon. So go to the beach in Poland with a child, even if on weekend, it will even be very appropriate. Adults will also have something to do while their child is frolicking with new friends. Even if this activity is just relaxation.

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Poland is a good place to relax in winter and summer, but this country cannot offer any special entertainment, unlike southern tourist destinations. Poland has preserved the nature of its forests and lakes in good condition, holidays on the Baltic Sea allow you to swim in cool water and improve your health in a sanatorium, and winter mountains offer opportunities for skiing. For a number of reasons, Poland is loved by married couples and couples with children, but young people in this country can find it boring.

Holidays in the Baltic

The advantage of a holiday on the northern coast of Poland is the cool weather, even in the middle of summer. In addition, there is no need to undergo any acclimatization here; the climate is absolutely identical to ours, but has a pleasant bonus in the form of air saturated with salt and iodine. So, the country's Baltic resorts include:

  • Kolobrzega. This place has been known for its sanatoriums since Soviet times, and they, in turn, became famous for the presence of healing mud and mineral waters. The beaches in Kolobrzeg are sandy and well-maintained, and your holiday can be varied with excursions. Local attractions include the Catholic Cathedral, the Armory Museum, the Schlieffen House, the Hortulus Gardens, and Fort Ustye.
  • Sopot. It can be called an elite resort by Polish standards. Sports are developed here, entertainment is present, and cultural and evening life is vibrant. If you are looking for a place to relax for young people, then this is the place to go. The beach in Sopot is sandy and equipped. In the city you can visit such places as the churches of St. George and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the forest opera, the town hall, the lighthouse, the wooden sea pier, and Montyak Street.

  • Leba. This resort is famous for its unique “singing” dunes. When there is a strong wind, sand dunes begin to move and make strange sounds. Leba is located between the sea and two lakes, so it is very beautiful here. Outside the beaches, holidaymakers visit the Slovinsky Nature Reserve and attractions such as the Cholpinsky lighthouse, the natural attraction 3D labyrinth, church ruins, and the Church of the Virgin Mary.
  • Ustka. Another worthy place combines treatment options, fine sand beaches and a large number of attractions. The latter include an observatory, a Neo-Gothic church, a fishing port with a lighthouse and the Slovinsky Nature Reserve with “singing” dunes.

The most interesting cities

If there are few attractions on the coast, then in the depths of Poland there is plenty of this goodness. For excursion purposes it is worth visiting:

  • Royal Castle, Kazimierz, Bishops' Palace, Market Square, Wawel Castle, historical quarter, Barbican Bastion, Planty Park, clock tower, Dominican Church in Krakow;
  • the historical center of Stare Miasto, Market and Castle Squares, Sigismund's Column, Royal Castle, Wilanów Palace, history and art museums of Warsaw;
  • the old town, the Church of Mary Magdalene, the cathedral, the old city prison, the Market and Salt Square in Wroclaw;
  • town hall, zoo, Mielzynski Palace, Dzialynsky Palace, Świętojanska Fair in Poznań.

Royal Palace and Old Town, Warsaw. Photo:

Poland also has many attractions outside the cities. For an excursion into ancient history, you can go to Grunwald, the site of one of the greatest battles of the Middle Ages. In the northeast of the country stands the largest castle in Europe, Malbork (Marienburg), which has been preserved in excellent condition. Near Wroclaw there is a unique Księż Castle.

Where to go in Poland with children

On the Baltic, the best place to stay is Krynica Morska. This resort is located in a shallow bay, and the water here warms up well, in addition, there is a lot of entertainment for children in Krynica. Older children can be introduced to the sights of Krakow. In Gdansk, it is worth visiting the largest zoo in Poland. It is better to teach your child to ski in Zakopane.

Zoo in Gdansk. Photo:

The best winter resorts in Poland

Zakopane is the highest mountain resort in Poland. The infrastructure and services here have been increasingly developed over the years and excellent conditions have been created for sports and leisure. The resorts of Szklarska Poreba, Krynica and Karpacz are also well equipped, but lag behind Zakopane in many respects.

Poland is able to interest and captivate both beachgoers and skiers. The best seaside resort in the country is Sopot, an exclusive collection of attractions is located in Krakow, and for a winter holiday it is worth visiting Zakopane.

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Summer is a favorite time to relax. It’s exciting, comfortable and most importantly - not expensive, you can spend your holiday in various parts of Poland. Portal Poland24. com I decided to study the most popular options from Belarusian tour operators offering holidays in the neighboring country and find out how much it costs.

Perhaps the most favorite destination of many Belarusians is the Polish Baltic. It is not surprising: clean, well-groomed beaches, a comfortable climate, numerous excursion programs, a European level of service, coupled with very reasonable prices for holidays, do not leave any tourist indifferent. Confirmation of this is the huge number of different offers from travel companies.

Most travel agencies offer relaxation in the resort town of Leba. The cost of the tour varies depending on the tour program and the number of days. For example, an 11-day tour called Gdansk-Malbork-Leba with accommodation in a comfortable hotel and breakfast included in the price and several excursions will cost 260 USD.

If excursions are not of interest to you and you are only planning a beach holiday, then you can go on a 10-day holiday to the same resort for just 210 USD And for a week’s stay in one of Leba’s hotels you will have to pay no more than 170 USD.

Another - no less successful option - relaxing on the beach Yaroslavets resort. For round trip travel, 10-day hotel accommodation and breakfast, one of the Belarusian tour operators offers to pay 270 USD

Also only for 330 USD you can relax for a couple of weeks in one of the boarding houses at the resort Sopot. You can visit this resort with a program that includes exploring local attractions. Such a tour will cost Belarusians approximately 410 USD.

For lovers of active recreation, Poland offers a trip to Zakopane. And although many people know this part of Poland as the winter capital of the country, in the summer it is no less interesting. So, for example, 10 days in one of the local boarding houses will cost you approximately 315 USD. The price also includes travel, breakfast and two excursions.

Another Belarusian travel agency is ready to organize a 5-day tour to Zakopane with a visit to Krakow. Issue price - 110 USD

Weekend tours to Poland are very popular among Belarusians. So, for example, in just three days you can see several Polish cities at once: Krakow, Zakopane, Lublin, Wroclaw, Malbork, Gdansk and Sopot. Such a rich program will cost everything 124 USD

« Secrets of Silesia and Southern Poland. Czestochowa, Wroclaw, Warsaw“- this is the name of another weekend tour from a Belarusian travel agency. A five-day trip to these beautiful Polish cities with overnight stays in comfortable hotels, breakfasts and exciting excursions is worth 160 USD

A great option is to combine an excursion to Poland with a shopping tour. So, for example, in just 20 USD you can go to Bialystok"for purchases." The program includes visits to local markets and the largest shopping centers in the city. Of course, no one will give you a special excursion, but you will have time to get to know the city.

120 USD are worth "Warsaw Weekend". Here you will find shopping, excursions, and accommodation in one of the hotels in the very center of the capital of Poland.

In general, Poland loves and appreciates its tourists. Therefore, you can go here without the help of any tour operators. You can find inexpensive housing on the Internet, including on our website. Well, moving from one Polish city to another is no problem at all. Bus, train or even plane - the choice is yours. By the way, independent travel to Poland can be even more affordable than through a travel agency. After all, you will not need to pay an intermediary, and you can manage your time as you please. So, decide on the direction - and go: Poland will welcome you with open arms and will definitely not leave you indifferent.

The holiday season is in full swing, and Poland has many places where you can have a great holiday. If you haven't figured out where to go yet, we offer you several places for a great summer pastime.

Hel Peninsula

Surrounded by pine forests, the Hel Peninsula is one of Lonley Planet's five most beautiful European beaches. Sandy Cape, with a length of 34 km, is the most popular kitesurfing destination in Poland.

Dunajca Gorge

The greatest impression is made from a height, for example, from the popular observation deck on Sokolitsa. From here you can clearly see the winding river bed. From the point of view of tourists who sail along the river in boats, the gorge looks no less stunning. Sheer cliffs reach 300 m in height.


The Masurian Lakes are one of the most popular holiday destinations in Poland. Lakes, forests, rivers and canals. Quiet and beautiful corners and vibrant entertainment in small towns - here everyone will find something they love. Those who love tourism will also find many interesting places in Masuria. In Schitna, you should definitely visit the Crusader castle. In Voinovo there is a shrine of the Old Believers. In Gierlozy you can see the remains of Hitler’s apartment, and in Mamerki there are giant bunkers where the headquarters of the German ground forces command was located.

Krakow-Czestochowa Upland

This is one of the most picturesque regions in Poland, which attracts tourists with amazing scenery and a variety of entertainment. Lovers of hiking will be delighted with the Pradnik Valley, which is located in the National Park. In turn, history buffs should visit the Renaissance castle of Piaskova Skale. People who prefer mountain biking can choose one of the most famous hiking routes in Poland - the Eagle's Nests Route. It is best to divide the trip into several stages to cover 163 kilometers.

Narvi Valley

When looking for vacation ideas, it is worth considering the Narvi River Valley. Everyone will be delighted by the stunning views of the river floods. The Narvi Valley is also perfect for people who like to “hunt” with a camera - more than 150 different species of birds live here. It is also worth going kayaking. The route is 150 kilometers long and runs along a winding river bed.

Suwalski Landscape Park

It is one of the most beautiful parts of Poland. Tourists are attracted and enchanted by the unique landscape with river valleys, boulders and lakes. In the park you can swim in the lakes, go diving, and horse riding. And also fish, kayak on Sheshupa and try your hand at the “Yatvingian Fortress” rope park.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

There are many hiking trails along it that can be covered on foot or by bike. Located in the heart of the Pushcha, Belovezha is the main tourist center, home to the headquarters of the national park, numerous hotels and cottages, restaurants and bicycle rentals. Here it is worth visiting the Museum of Nature, the palace park and the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Baltic Sea

And, of course, the sea! In Poland, even in summer, the water is rarely warm, but you can lie on the beach and relax to the gentle sound of the waves. The resorts of the Polish coast offer visitors a lot of entertainment. Vacationers can enjoy numerous museums, amusement parks and interesting natural sites.