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Outside of Africa, the oldest traces of man have been discovered. Traces of ancient technologies of a highly developed civilization located in Egypt Krasnoyarsk pillars: who is their creator

Incredible finds of traces of ancient people, imprinted in stones, have long excited the minds of scientists and researchers of antiquity. It is not possible to find an explanation for many of them, since the discoveries are simply incredible and do not fit into the official history of the development of human culture at all.

“In the 5th volume of your journal (1822), notes are published on the prints of human feet observed by Messrs. Schoolcraft and Benton on limestone of the Mesozoic era in the Mississippi Valley. Two footprints were visible on the limestone slab. Ever since my research on corrugated sandstone (published in Jameson's Edinburg Journal (Jameson's Edinburgh Journal)) I have been convinced that these are genuine human footprints left on limestone when it was wet. I can not now make arguments, which could convincingly support my opinion, however, I believe that these prints are proof that man existed at the time of the deposition of this limestone ... I am ready to find man and his contemporary animals in layers located much lower than those that are considered to be related my friend Sir Woodbine Parish (discoverer of Megatherium) says that similar impressions have been seen in South America, and that there has been a dispute among Catholics as to whether they are traces of the apostles." So wrote one of the eminent archaeologists of England in September 1837.

One of the most amazing discoveries of scientists is a shoe print in hard stone found in the Champs Elysees. Shoes, of course, belonged to a person. It was the first find of its kind. The most surprising thing is that the one who left the mark, apparently, wore shoes of the ancient Mexican style. This is indicated by a high narrow heel and a wide flat sole. The print is pretty well preserved. When looking at it, it seems as if a person stepped into the mud a day or two ago, but in fact this footprint is about 10 million years old.

This fossilized print was found by workers who were excavating a new minecart track in the northeast part of the park. The stone deposit began from a depth of one and a half meters underground and was a fine-grained slate with an admixture of limestone. And after some time, imprints of organic fossils were found here: fern, leaves and branches. However, the most amazing thing awaited the researchers ahead. A few days later, a clear imprint of an ancient fish was discovered at a depth of six meters. This completely baffled the researchers, since all the finds were absolutely identical in time.

But fossilized prints of bare and shod human feet began to be found in other places. For example, in the USA: in the states of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Utah, Oklahoma and Texas. Moreover, the clarity of the prints suggests that the traces were left at a time when the stones were soft clay or sand.

In 1912, two workers from Oklahoma smashed a piece of coal that didn't fit into the kiln. From there, a well-preserved earthenware jug fell out. In 1958, Professor Johann Hurzeler from the Museum of Natural History in Basel, Switzerland, found in a lump of coal the flattened jaw of a child, which, by its age, belonged to the Miocene era, i.e. dated back 10 million years.

Today, science announces the age of the formation of a person identical to the modern one, somewhere around 1 million years. Then how can the amazing finds be explained? Maybe they were travelers lost in time?

How else can one explain the fact that quite recently, in one of the quarries of a brick factory in the city of Odintsovo, an excavator discovered a petrified model of the human brain, which dates back to those times when life on Earth, according to science, did not exist at all?

In 1931, the American geologist G. Burru found fossilized prints of human feet. Ten footprints that are at least 250 million years old!

But the most amazing finds are the remains of dinosaurs with bullet wounds, which seems completely unbelievable. And in Rhodesia in 1928, a fossilized, shot-through skull of a Neanderthal was found, and it was found that the wound and age of the fossil were identical.

However, versions about strange traces have been expressed more than once by ufologists. They believe that, perhaps, both the fossilized remains and the traces do not belong to travelers at all, but to aliens from other planets. In support of their arguments, they, for example, cite a find on the small river Narada, which is located in the eastern part of Ural mountains. In 1991, gold diggers discovered unusual spiral-shaped objects here. A study was conducted that showed: the find consisted of various metals - copper, tungsten and cobalt, and their age was about 300 - 320 million years. They were recognized as artificially created, and the spirals themselves obey the golden ratio.

The most amazing version of the formation of this kind of fossils belongs to John Michell and Robert Rickard. They suggested that the stones themselves are a living organism. From time to time they seem to copulate and as a result form strange cubs, which are inexplicable finds.

Yes, there are many versions, but none of them has yet received the approval of historians. When will we know the answers to endless questions? Apparently, not soon, because it is easier for researchers to leave the question open than to admit their inability to answer it, while destroying the coherent theory of official science.

Skeptical people agree that no civilizations existed on our planet before, especially those that had advanced technologies and themselves created amazing structures of various forms.

Skeptics who are accustomed to criticizing everything, dismiss all bold statements in strange artifacts as the hand of modern man or natural processes.

But still, sometimes archaeologists discover things that even the most rational people cannot explain. We are talking about civilizations so advanced for their time that it is impossible to refute them.

Saharasling Complex

The Indian state of Karnataka, which is located on the banks of the Shalman River, hides the Saharaslinga, an amazing archaeological complex. Summer is the tourist period in this area.

Pilgrims come here when the water level in the river drops and the human eye sees stone figures that were created many years ago. Looking at these amazing natural neoplasms, it’s hard to say what a human hand created them.

South stone Baalbek

Lebanon also keeps the stunning beauty of the place. For example, the ancient city of Baalbek. It is full of beautiful places and bright sights.

The temple of the god Jupiter deserves special attention. It impresses with high marble columns and a giant South stone, which weighs 1.5 thousand tons.

Caves of Barabar

This name hides a group of caves in India, the state of Bihar. Being next to Guy, they created them in the distant 3rd century BC. And according to historians, people built them with their own hands. But believing this can be very difficult.

The caves are amazing

  • high ceilings;
  • seams through which even the thinnest blade will not pass;
  • smooth rocks.

This is hard to create even today, with all the latest technologies that exist. And how it was done millennia ago, one can only guess.

Baray Reservoir

This reservoir is one of the most beautiful places in Cambodia. It is located in the city of Angkor. The dimensions of the artificially created reservoir reach a depth of five meters, and 8 in width. It was created in very old times.

There is a belief that it was built by ancient people - the Khmers. This grandiose creation amazes with the scale of the work.

Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom are located nearby - a magnificent architectural heritage, amazing with the accuracy of the planning elements. Scientists, today, are not able to give an explanation of what technologies and methods were used by the then builders.

Japanese geologist Yoko Iwasaki commented on this. According to him, restorers from France have been working there since the beginning of the last century. They never managed to lift the stone slabs onto the embankment, which prompted them to install a concrete wall and not use the historical method.

Cumbe Mayo Aqueduct

The town of Cajamara, located in the gloriously famous Peru, flaunts at a level of as much as 3.3 kilometers above the sea.

This area is simply extraordinary, because it was here that archaeologists discovered the ancient remains of the aqueduct. And we can safely say that it was definitely not created by people.

According to some information, it was found that when the Incas created an empire, the Aqueduct was already there. Interesting fact: In the Quechua language, the name "Cumbe Mayo" translates approximately as "a well-made water channel."

Of course, a specific date cannot be established, but archaeologists believe that they erected it more than 1.5 thousand years BC.

This stunning historical monument is called one of the most ancient of all that is in South America.

With a length of ten kilometers, the path consists of large rocks, but the builders were not afraid of them, and they cut a passage for water right through and along them. Apparently, they were not afraid of obstacles.

moon pebble

A pebble called "Killarumiyoc" is located in the archaeological park area of ​​the Cusco region. The Indians of the tribe under the cute name "Quechua" came up with this word, which literally should be understood as "moonstone". There is an ancient belief that the place is sacred.

The territory has an outlandish shape and stunning decoration. It remains unknown in what specific way and with the help of what technological processes such beauty was created so many years ago.

Al Naslaa Stone

In the Tabuk region, which is located in Saudi Arabia, there is a curiosity famous all over the planet. A pebble that is perfectly cut continues to attract such increased attention - it is smooth and immaculate, right on both sides.

Al Naslaa is shrouded in mystery, because absolutely nothing is known about its creation. A number of scientists are sure that the creator of the stone is really omnipotent - nature itself created it as such, because such ideal lines could only be cut using twisting.

But such a theory is easily broken into real facts - there are no more such formations in nature. In any case, nothing of the sort has been found so far.

The cities of Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo

Peru keeps a large number of secrets and mysteries, and the finds of archaeologists always resonate, because no explanation has been found for how some things were formed. The same applies to the towns of Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo.

The remains of these settlements are found in the Cusco region. Until today, the territory of five thousand squares has survived, and the lion's part has been erased over time.

There is a belief that these settlements were created by the ancient Incas. And in the hands of these builders there was nothing but the simplest tools.

But this is hard to believe when you look at large stones that fit so tightly that they do not leave gaps behind them, creating single structures. It is also striking that the stones were cut so perfectly in these cities.

There are many questions left, and it is unlikely that anyone will ever be able to tell how these majestic structures were created, which the Incas themselves were proud of and were surprised at.

Peruvian scientists say that the fortress is amazing because of what huge blocks it was built from. People who haven't seen it with their own eyes can't believe it's real at all.

And if you look more normally, you can be completely horrified by the scale and unknown technology. It is unbelievable that a man built a fortress with only his hands. It's impossible and it's blood-curdling.

Ishi-no-Hoden Stone

Japan also keeps real secrets. Not far from the town of Takasago, you can see a large famous 600-ton megalith Ishi-no-hoden.

No one will say the exact dates, but it was built exactly before our era. One has only to look at the photo of this stone to want to look at it in real life. A local attraction is waiting for tourists to amaze them and shock them with grandeur.

Pyramid of Menkaure

One of the most popular pyramids has found its place in Giza. It is the smallest - only 66 meters, the same Cheops exceeds it twice.

It was built many thousands of years ago, and, like other pyramids, it raises questions, striking everyone who sees it. No one knows or understands how the 200-ton monoliths from which it was built were brought.

It has not yet been figured out how well the finishing work was done, how the tunnels and chambers inside were created. Legends of curses and mystical incidents associated with the pyramids are still kept. Yes, and looking at these buildings, it is possible to believe in anything.

Originally posted by kadykchanskiy at

It is generally accepted that humanity is developing, evolving continuously, and the scientific and technological process that we are witnessing is a confirmation of this.
Historians believe that since in the last 300 years a person has mastered technologies from horse traction to space rockets, then plunging into the past, we will inevitably observe only the beginnings of the development of our civilization. True, they admit that there were times of stagnation, and even a rollback to the past, when knowledge and skills were lost. For example, as a result of wars and epidemics. This is how the Mongol invasion explains the loss of the technology for the production of transparent sheet glass in Russia. Undoubtedly, such phenomena took place, however ...

Even in our time, the level of human development, to put it mildly, is not uniform. Examples? Please.

Moscow Amazon

Europe Africa

Note that this was all filmed at the same time, just in different regions of different nations. The difference is significant. Why does science not make allowances for the same striking differences in the levels of development of different peoples? I have already talked about glass. At a time when in Europe the bladders of oxen and donkeys were inserted into the windows, in Suzdal and Vladimir there were glazed windows in peasant huts. Even if the glass was not so transparent, not so thin, but the abyss in the development of technologies in Russia and Gaul, for example, is obvious! It is also impossible not to notice in relation to the development of metallurgy. The skills of iron casting came to Europe only in the eighteenth century, and the "wild" Scythians from time immemorial cast iron hubs for the wheels of wagons and chariots.

But die-hard historians stubbornly continue to argue that the more primitive the artifact found, the older it is. Now imagine that we all died, but the tribes in the mountains of South America and Africa survived, how will their scientists explain to the descendants of the fossils that they inherited from our civilization? A game of nature?

Let's go even further. Suppose that ants have reached a level in their development when they have their own science. How will they explain to their electorate what they spent the money on when studying the found tire from Kirovets? Okay, a tire, but what if the battle tank is preserved? Their ant heads will not cope with the load and will shatter into small pieces. Moreover, in the second case, even if humanity is in good health, will it begin to make attempts to make contact with the scientific community of ants? Unlikely. Therefore, ant "ludologists" will be considered pseudo-scientists.

Even when a random tourist steps on an anthill with his boot, ants - academic scientists will tell the people that this is just a natural phenomenon, and no people in space exist and cannot exist.

Now that my thought is clear, I will be able to express an idea with less fear, which, without an introduction, may seem like nonsense.

Our academicians say that humanity is the only intelligent community on the planet, although some admit that we are not the first here, and there was someone before us, but died out. Strange traces on the body of the Earth are the result of the influence of natural forces that are not related to intelligent activity. The fact that they look like bomb marks is just a coincidence. The traces are so ancient that man either has not yet appeared, or was a monkey.

Now compare the situation in ant science, which I described for clarity, and modern human science, does this lead to some thoughts? In my opinion, there is nothing seditious here. Everything is logical. We did not see anything alternative to explosions, therefore, we can explain the traces on the body of mother damp Earth only from the point of view of accumulated knowledge. But if we have never heard of other factors, this does not mean that they do not exist, it means only one thing - we know too little.

But even if so, then all the same, such formations are explained by the "Explosive" theory much more logically than scientists do.


1) They say that traces of a nuclear bombardment would certainly leave dead zones on the planet, which would be centers of radioactive contamination.

2) In addition, there would be a number of changes in the flora and fauna of a mutagenic nature, and this, supposedly, is not observed.

3) They also say that in the event of the global use of nuclear weapons, our planet ceased to exist at all.
And if it had remained as a cosmic body, it would have been lifeless like Mars.

5) All craters, funnels and dips in the soil are of meteorite or volcanic origin.


1) Are there few dead zones on the planet? No one has yet convincingly explained the origin of deserts. Of course, they appeared for different reasons.

Kazakh and Turkmen until recently were the bottom of the vast Central Asian sea, stretching from the Caucasus Mountains to Tibet. His miserable remains are the Aral and the Caspian.

But the deserts of Mongolia could have appeared for a completely different reason.

There is also a great deal of evidence confirming the hypothesis of the marine origin of the desert, however, as in the deserts in northern Africa, but one should not discount the high probability of the impact of both factors - scorched earth and subsequent flooding.

Regarding radioactive contamination, there are also thoughts.

First, no one has yet tried to measure the level of radiation in one place for five hundred years.

Secondly, there are places with an increased background of radiation, and they coincide with the location of traces suggestive of a nuclear bombardment. Funnels on the territory of the Kirov region, according to Alexei Artemiev, "glow", and how. Visually observed and deviations in the development of vegetation. Stunted trees throughout the funnel have twisted ugly trunks, and they die before reaching adulthood, which is usual for the species of a particular plant. Is it worth reminding about the radioactivity of the ruins of Mohejo Daro?

Thirdly, do not the Japanese now live in Hiroshima and Nagaska destroyed by nuclear bombs?

And finally, fourthly. Who ever said that the release of a huge amount of energy in a short period of time must necessarily be associated with the use of radioactive materials? If our scientists could not figure out how to get energy from something else, less dirty than uranium-235 or plutonium, this does not mean that such a method does not exist.

2) No mutations were observed, you say? Yes, as much as you want. Hiroshima from Nagasaki, as well as Chernobyl, showed clearly what changes occur to living organisms under the influence of radiation.

First, it is gigantism. Yes, I know that most of the pictures on the internet are fake. But it must be remembered that one of the ways to hide information is to discredit it. It's easier than ever to show how people falsify flying saucers in a photo, and that's it ... The whole industry is declared pseudoscience. I am sure that in the case of reports of finds of giant skeletons, the same old method is used. Throwing in a large amount of false information discredits the very idea, and outlaws genuine scientific discoveries.

Second, cyclopism. Which nation has not preserved the legends of the Cyclopes? And they are. In fact, as a result of changes at the gene level, children are born with one eye, just like in animals. Many finds of one-eyed skulls have been made, but they, like the giants, like the skulls of the Nephilim, are not exhibited in museums.

Thirdly, the plurality of organs. there is nothing to comment on here. Two hearts, three kidneys, two livers are not so rare nowadays, but this is also the result of a mutation.

Six-fingeredness is also the result of exposure to radiation, but people with six fingers were born before Chernobyl!

Another type of mutation that occurs as a result of radiation exposure is a double row of teeth. Such a deviation, along with six-fingeredness, was also noted long before the "invention" of the atomic bomb.

Even the very fact of the existence of the Mongoloid race may well be the result of a mutagenic property.

There are many researchers who convincingly and convincingly prove that Mongoloidity is not belonging to a separate race, but the result of a deep genetic change, which was the result of radioactive radiation. This is quite consistent with the version of the artificial origin of some deserts.

3) Let's answer this question for ourselves: - "What is more terrible, the weapon itself, or the threat of its use"? The answer, I think, is obvious. Nuclear weapons are a deterrent until the real harm from their use is revealed. It is much cheaper to maintain the myth of the catastrophic consequences of nuclear warhead explosions than to produce and maintain them. This is what suggests that the horrific consequences of a nuclear explosion are as much a myth as the ozone holes AIDS and global warming. It's so easy to declare to the whole world: - "We have such devices! But we won't tell you about them"! Let everyone be afraid and believe that the one with the nuclear club is omnipotent.

It looks very much like a global nuclear war is possible. Yes, its consequences are terrible, but they do not threaten the death of the planet itself.

As for Mars and the absence of life on it, then I don’t particularly want to talk about it. Who was there? Nobody. Even the rovers are all most likely only present in funny NASA videos. Life is everywhere. She has different forms, but it cannot be declared a reasonable form of the US Marines alone.

Evidence of the existence of underground inhabitants, even on our planet, as much as you like

Cave in the Baksan Gorge in the Caucasus.

It was the ancient horsemen who hollowed out with daggers, right? Uh... parazhnyak ne gani, huh?

Underground city Derinkuyu (Turkey).

The ancestors of modern Aladdins practiced, you say?

Caves under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Did the Arabs store sheep's milk here?

Wooden beams petrified over time. Where did such wood come from in the desert? So before the desert there were luxurious forests?

"Ventilation" mines in the Kungur cave in the Perm region.

Or maybe someone drilled them to "smoke out" the underground inhabitants? Those who saw it with their own eyes, there is a strong opinion that the mines are not drilled, but burned by something similar to a laser.

This is how the area above the Kungur cave looks like. Doesn't it look like a battlefield?

There is no people on earth whose memories do not contain information about the inhabitants of the underground. Dwarfs, gnomes, white-eyed monsters, etc. Underground cities, caves and tunnels, as well as traces of an attempt to penetrate underground from above, are also a great many around the world, which means underground inhabitants not a myth at all?

The question naturally arises: - "Who became the prototype of the gnomes and trolls, and where did they go"? There is one version. If you want to see a troll, go to the mirror and see.
Why all of a sudden?

See for yourself. A person is defenseless against high and low temperatures. He has no fur, no subcutaneous fat, no feathers, nothing at all. The very fact of the invention of clothes and shoes suggests that man is an alien on earth. The true inhabitants of the surface of the earth do not need shelter. They feel great without a roof over their heads, they have fangs, claws, natural fur coats, etc. Only man needs a closed space - walls and ceiling. In a place where it does not drip, it does not blow, and there is approximately one narrow temperature range suitable for a comfortable existence of a person. Where on Earth are similar conditions? The answer is obvious: underground.

What is the name of the Earth in Russian folklore? Correctly! MOTHER cheese Earth. A direct indication of where we came from. And the fact that Gods existed above the heads of people also directly indicates the historical homeland of mankind - the dungeon. Why were the underground inhabitants called dwarfs? And who could they be for the Gods who lived on the surface of the Earth, for whom to build Baalbek

Was it the same as a brick building for us?

What was Adam made out of, huh?

Watch carefully from 7:38.

Everything converges. In the beginning was the word. And the word created everything, including man. It would be nice to figure it out now, did the Gods fight with the underground people, well ... with us, or among themselves? It looks very much like it is. And if everything is correct

, then the war was between land inhabitants. In the end, only a handful of dungeons and a couple of Gods survived. The gods, of course, concealed the most valuable thing, but added a self-development module to the troll program. That's why we have such inconsistencies with the material evidence of antiquity. Either a hammer in a cobblestone, or a bolt, or human footprints and dinosaurs together ...

four). And who said that the material remnants of a civilization that burned in hellfire is not enough? We look in the book, we see a fig - that's what it's called in my opinion.



City of Dragons in Primorye.

Mount Pidan. Also Primorsky Krai.

Shartash in the Urals.

Vottovaara in Karelia.

Ergaki park. Sayans.

Stone city in the Urals.

Arman Pass in Kolyma.

Are you not enough evidence of antiquity deep?

And about the remark about the traces of exposure to high temperatures, and it's ridiculous to say. Practically in all sandy deserts there are tektites.

These are pieces of glazed molten minerals exposed to high temperatures that do not exist in nature. They are found not only in deserts, but even on the territory of Russia. Where? What force melted the stone to the state of glass? Again, let me remind you of Mohejo Daro, where at the epicenter of the explosion there are a lot of glazed stones.

5) Well, the last. It is difficult to object to the volcanic theory of crater formation, but firstly, not all rounded depressions are located in places of possible volcanic activity. What could be volcanoes in the Moscow, Vladimir, Ivanovo regions? Secondly, the nature of the emergence of such structures as rishats has not been explained at all so far.

These are local radial fossils, mostly found in deserts. The only reasonable explanation for their appearance is the most powerful effect of high temperatures, coupled with high pressure. This is possible with an air detonation of a nuclear, or more advanced charge.

Another rishat. No meteorites and volcanoes have anything to do with it. It is obvious! But there are thousands of such formations around the world, is something written about them in textbooks?

It appears that an overground explosion of colossal power is the only reasonable explanation for the emergence of rishats today.

Secondly. If we take the meteorite theory seriously, and it is very difficult to do this, then how to explain the correct round shape of the funnels? How many chances does a meteorite have to stick into the surface of the earth strictly vertically? One out of hundreds of thousands, I think. But if it is meteorites that leave traces on the surface of planets, then why are they all round? After all, it should be the other way around, one round for thousands of ellipsoids, crashing into the surface of the planet at an angle, and generally trench-like, colliding along a tangent trajectory. But there are none! What is the explanation? Scientists are silent, but I will say. And nothing to do with meteorites. How many have fallen in the history of mankind? No one! Tunguska did not fly, Chelyabinsk too, but hundreds of thousands of craters. Maybe meteor attacks ended before the appearance of man?

Are such ring structures also from meteorites?

Is it possible that the funnel from a meteorite was 9.6 km, and at the same time the Earth did not fall apart into pieces from such an impact?

And this "battlefield" is also all about the foreheads of meteorites?

Nonsense! Complete nonsense! Not a single real description of a meteorite falling to earth has been preserved in the memory of mankind. Of course, this does not mean that none of them fell. Maybe they fell somewhere once, but this did not affect the course of history in any way.

The summary of the discussion is:
There are no grounds to assert that there was no bombardment of the Earth. On the contrary, the evidence is quite sufficient to substantiate the whole theory of intensive shelling of the earth's surface in the past. It was a nuclear weapon or some other, or unknown natural phenomenon, but there was something. And it’s not so important today, whether they shot at us from space, or the Earthlings - the EARTH people staged a war among themselves, or the UNDERGROUND people tried to lime together, the main thing is that someone finally says: - “Yes. The problem exists and requires urgent resolution. to identify the causes in order to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy in the future." But no... it is much more profitable and safer to swell astronomical funds in search of shards of mythical Sumerians.

And now, good luck, friends! Look carefully under your feet!


September 22, 2013, 22:50

Map of Hyperborea by Gerard Mercator.

Traces of catastrophic events in the ancient history of the planet are found on Earth. Many peoples have preserved various myths and legends that mention a giant catastrophe. Some Russian researchers in the Arctic, along with the research mission, had the task of searching for traces of an ancient civilization in this region, which allegedly died as a result of a global catastrophe. The task was never completed. And no wonder - a gigantic cataclysm swept away the traces of this civilization, but the traces of the cataclysm itself should remain.

Many researchers claim that about 12.9 thousand years ago a cosmic body (a massive meteorite or an asteroid) fell into the Arctic, which fell apart.
In addition to its own explosion, the body caused by its fall a violation of the solidity of the Baltic Shield, which ultimately led to a catastrophic eruption of the earth's interior. The scale of the catastrophe that occurred was so grandiose that it led not only to global climate change on our planet, but also to a change in the geological structure of the territory of northwestern Russia.

The explosion of the largest fragment formed a crater with a diameter of 80 km. This crater makes up the deep-water part of the bed of Lake Ladoga. The rest of the fragments, smaller, became the causes of the emergence of numerous lakes in Karelia.

According to another, unofficial version, the cause of the global catastrophe is considered to be an artificially created giant explosion aimed at the islands of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, which is the metropolis of the Hyperboreans.

A giant explosion and the subsequent water shaft destroyed the civilization of the Hyperboreans. Only accidentally discovered ancient traces of the Hyperborean civilization remained on the territory of the mainland of Russia. Found ancient ruined structures or stone blocks and slabs of artificial origin immediately fell into the category of forbidden archeology. It is probably almost impossible to find traces of an ancient civilization on the islands of Severnaya Zemlya today. Strong earthquakes and a sea rampart destroyed buildings, structures and mechanisms. It is possible that individual traces in the form of blocks, remains of foundations or structures have been preserved under the thickness of centuries-old ice. But it is impossible to reach them today. The rapid melting of glaciers on the Arctic islands gives us hope that these traces will soon be discovered.

When a giant explosion occurred, several tens of billions of tons of rock and water vapor were thrown into the air. A crater about two kilometers deep formed at the site of the explosion. These explosions provoked a series of powerful earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions on the planet. A large amount of dust, volcanic ash and water vapor were thrown into the air of the atmosphere. Cooling and climate change have come in many regions of the Earth. Especially, strong climatic changes have occurred within the Arctic Circle. The region was frozen for 2 days. A new ice age began with the rise of permafrost. Then the glaciers began to retreat, causing even more significant changes on the surface of the released territories, coupled with the ongoing tectonic activity, the destruction occurred colossal.

Dust tracks and traces of volcanic ash are found in some layers of eternal glaciers, for example, in Greenland, dating from 10-12 millennium BC.

Imagine only a force that in an instant twisted and lifted sedimentary rocks that had been formed for centuries in a horizontal plane.

During the explosion, small and medium-sized stones, as well as large boulders, were scattered around for tens and hundreds of kilometers. Some of these fragments fell on neighboring islands and the coast of the mainland. The monstrous consequence of the explosion was the emergence of a water shaft several tens of meters high. The shaft spread in different directions at great speed, washing away all life, even vegetation, from the surface of the islands and the mainland. Gradually, the strength of the sea stream weakened, the speed of movement and the height of the shaft decreased. Bumping into rocky islands, continental mountains, uplands, highlands and mountain plateaus, the shaft flowed around them, rushing into the valleys of Siberian rivers, lowlands and ocean expanses. Everything that was washed away from the surface of the islands and mainland land was transported over long distances and gradually settled on land.

The water shaft spread especially far along the wide lowlands, gradually weakening and throwing off all the washed-out material. Having reached a certain limit on land and having exhausted its strength, the sea current began to roll towards the Arctic seas, leaving behind a large number of lakes with salty sea water.

The direction of distribution of the sea shaft in the territory of present-day Russia

If you look at the geographical map of Russia, it is easy to understand that the main blow of the elements was taken over by the territory that today belongs to it. The most vulnerable were the neighboring islands with the archipelago, as well as the northern coast of Siberia. The low-lying territories of Siberia became the main theaters, where a grandiose spectacle of the elements was played out.

Mammoth Dima, 1977, Magadan region

The bodies of many animals or their individual parts are well preserved in the permafrost, along with the remains of woody plants. Among them there are carcasses of mammoths, rhinos, saber-toothed tigers, horses, bears and other large animals. In some regions of the tundra, skeletal bones form whole deposits on the surface. Giant cemeteries are found throughout the regions of the Far North, Siberia, Alaska, and the island part of northern Canada. Cemeteries and burials of animal carcasses form a peculiar strip in the north, called by researchers the "death strip", which stretches along the entire Arctic Circle. The largest and most numerous burials are found on the territory of Russia. This is understandable. The source of the water shaft was located in the coastal territory of the north of Russia. Animal bones are also found on the islands of the Arctic Ocean and at the bottom of the Arctic seas.

Traces of the great catastrophe are everywhere, you just need to be able to see them. Giant water shafts crushed the rocks and instantly froze. It is again difficult for scientists to explain how this ice formed.

An important point is the fact that the death of these animals occurred instantly and simultaneously in all regions of the north of the planet. Frozen carcasses of mammoths contained undigested plants in the esophagus and stomachs, according to which scientists established which plants the mammoths ate. It was established by various methods that the cataclysm that claimed the lives of many animals occurred 10-12 thousand years ago. The conclusion of some scientists is unequivocal. There was a grandiose cataclysm that caused a tidal wave of incredible power, washing away gigantic herds of animals. At the same time, dozens and hundreds of different species of animals disappear during this period.

Now imagine what happened to the structures that were located on the territory subjected to such a cataclysm. If Moscow had been subjected to such an "attack", then even dust would not have remained from it. But megalithic buildings are the most perfect that was created on our planet, especially resistant to the effects of this kind, buildings made using the technique of polygonal masonry.

Let us consider in more detail what is now left of the most ancient civilization on the territory of Russia.

Megaliths of Kolyma

A journalist from Magadan, Igor Alekseevich Beznutrov, reported that he had discovered strange stone formations in the vicinity of the city, the study of which suggests their artificial origin.

Remains of what was once a wall of some structure

Of course, in the structures of Machu Picchu or Tiahuanaco we do not see such erosion, such destruction, and even a razor blade cannot pass between the blocks. So after all there was no glacier!

What kind of structures were we will never know

Game of forces of nature?

A classic example of polygonal masonry of the Mesoamerican culture, but only in Kolyma

Megaliths of Taimyr

Canyon Kotuykan

All these photos, taken from the Internet, are amateur, taken in various places on the Taimyr Peninsula.

Pay attention to the "brick" structure of the far wall of the waterfall and to the stone in the foreground. In Taimyr, there are enough such objects containing even edges, edges, corners, but due to the fact that they are not so obvious, tourists simply do not notice them.

Very similar to the embankment, or rather what is left of it

Here are the remains of some ancient foundation, and on the left you can even see the steps of the stairs

Could nature have created all this?

Like the ruins of some ancient bastion.

Rock "Vityaz". If you look closely at this bizarrely weathered remnant, you can easily notice the rectangular blocks of which it is complex.

Pyramid ruins?

These amazing pyramids 16-18 meters high were discovered on the banks of the river. Bolshaya Logata by the participants of the international project CryoCARB during the 2011 expedition to Taimyr. The pyramids were formed after the ice that filled the cracks in the polygonal tundra melted. None of these scientists had seen this before.

Sayan megaliths - Ergaki

Ergaki is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places in Siberia. You could even say it's a gem. Ergaki - translated as "fingers", "fingers directed to the sky." The locals have many legends about these places.

Ergaki is the name of a natural park located in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The park was named after the ridge of the same name, which by the 1990s had become very popular among tourists, artists, local population.

The famous forty-ton hanging stone in Ergaki:

And all this, according to scientists, was created by Mother Nature. We look and wonder.

A waterfall, and above it, like a pile of fragments of giant granite slabs of almost perfect shape:

Especially the photo below, well, it looks very much like a natural structure)

In the same place, nearby is the tract Burudat or "Stone City". I think comments are unnecessary here.

The wall, and under it fragments scattered by an unknown force. Tsunami? Explosion?

Krasnoyarsk pillars: who is their creator?

The complex of stone remains near Krasnoyarsk annually attracts thousands of pilgrims to the harsh Siberian regions. Still, where else can you see more than a hundred rocks of the most bizarre shapes. Blocks with a height of several meters to half a kilometer with their outlines resemble either animals, or people, or architectural structures, then household items. Who did this miracle? To say thank you should her majesty nature? Or maybe once shapeless blocks of stone were hewn and polished by ancient people? Or did an unknown Something have a hand in it?

Geologists claim that the pillars are the result of magmatic eruptions that often occurred in these places 500-600 million years ago. But the molten magma then could not escape, and froze in the bowels of mother earth, more precisely, in its cracks and voids. But the surface rocks that surrounded the solidified magma were weak in the face of the elements. The sun, wind, water and frost gradually destroyed the calcareous and clay shackles of the future giants. In parallel, the idols were rising due to the activity of the Eastern Sayan.

There is an alternative hypothesis of the origin of the pillars and it is much closer to me. Its supporters believe that if the stone remains were not created by ancient people, they were at least ennobled by them. Allegedly in the eighth millennium BC there was an ancient "city of the dead" with tombs topped with stone sphinxes and birds, tunnels. But the city was destroyed.

There are two versions of the "end of the world" in a particular region. According to one hypothesis, the earthquake is to blame. Another legend is truly fantastic: the city collapsed during the great world war, which is told in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata.

Over time, these myths gave rise to an alternative theory of the settlement of ancient peoples on the planet.

"Feathers", height 30 meters

The arguments of the theory of the man-made origin of the pillars are simple: how could nature cut out the water and wind in such a clear form of many pillars? Take a look at the vertical pillars of the Feathers rock, what mortar holds them together?

Megaliths of Altai

This photo was taken on Mount Bobyrgan in Altai. The mountain surprises with its appearance, as if multi-ton granite blogs were piled into a heap, many of them have a cubic shape.

Rock "Iconostasis". I'm afraid that everything here is man-made, and not just the recent image of Lenin.

Menhirs and remains, i.e. what is left of some ancient structures

Another example of ancient buildings in Altai

Megaliths of Lake Itkul:

Megaliths of Primorye

Livadia Mountain - one of the dominant heights southern Primorye, is part of the Livadia Range of the Sikhote-Alin mountain system. The unofficial, but the most common name of the mountain is the old name - Pidan, presumably of Chinese origin, formed by the components: pi - great, big; dan - rocks, i.e. "Big rocks".

There is a myth that in translation from the Jurchen language the name means “Stones poured by God”, the mountain received this name due to the kurums (stone scree) covering a significant area of ​​​​the slopes, as well as directly to the top.

It is located at the foot, on the very shore of Peter the Great Bay. One can only guess the size of the ruined city

Not only was the city destroyed to the ground, but subjected to centuries of erosion, but what is hidden under a layer of soil is undoubtedly better preserved.

Some blocks reach tens of tons in weight.

Despite the colossal destruction, many fragments have survived quite well.

Even many fragments of buildings are well preserved

18 kilometers from the village of Nizhnetambovsky, Komsomolsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory, there is Mount Shaman, on which quite impressive structures were also found.

Some examples of similar objects in the Urals

Here you can find all types of megalithic structures known to science. These are menhirs or standing stones, dolmens - stone tables and tombs, cromlechs - arched stone structures and geoglyphs, and the remains of stone cities hidden by earth and vegetation, and giant walls.

"Wolf stone" in the south of the Urals, in Bashkiria. The stone is completely discordant with the surrounding landscape and looks like a remnant of a wall. Among the local population, this place is considered cursed.

This is Chertovo Mound near Yekaterinburg, the most popular place among tourists

And this is another most popular object of pilgrimage for tourists in the Urals, the rock "Seven Brothers", 6 km. from the village of Verkh-Neyvinsky, in the Yekaterinburg province. They resemble Devil's Settlement in shape, but are taller and more spectacular than it. Also, for some reason, it is considered the brainchild of nature.

View from above

And this is Arakul Shikhan in the Chelyabinsk region. This array also resembles the Devil's Settlement and the "Seven Brothers"

This is a rock chain stretching from east to west for more than 2 km. Maximum chain width 40-50 m. Maximum height 80 m.

The most common version of the origin of the Arakul Shikhan is its natural origin. They say that rain, wind and sun over millions of years have turned stones into granite blocks, evenly stacked on top of each other. It is very difficult to believe that this was created by nature, and not by man. Shihan gives the strong impression that someone has painstakingly built a barrier wall, a kind of older sister of the Great Wall of China, out of giant blocks of granite. It is enhanced by the features of this place, which is a pass with a magnificent view.

The main mystery of the Arakul Shikhan are perfectly round stone bowls of different diameters and depths, hollowed out in granite along the entire length of the ridge.

Secrets of the Karelian mountain Vottovaara

Until now, an inquisitive researcher can find monuments in the remote taiga corners of Karelia, which often do not fit into the system of logical ideas of modern man. The complex on Mount Vottovaara (Muezersky district of the Republic of Karelia), which attracts an increasing number of tourists from year to year, is one of such monuments.

Mount Vottovaara is the highest point of the West Karelian Upland - 417.3 meters above sea level. About 9 thousand years ago, at the place where Vottovaara stands, a powerful earthquake occurred, as a result of which a giant sinkhole formed. So in the center of the mountain a natural amphitheater appeared, dotted with small lakes and rocks. Karelian scientists believe that Vottovaara is a unique geological monument. It turns out that not only geological, but also historical and cultural.

On Mount Vottovaare, the highest point of the West Karelian Upland, archaeological expedition of the Karelian State Museum of Local Lore, 1992–1993. discovered a whole complex that occupies the entire surface of the mountain and consists of 1286 stones (seids). It can be assumed that in ancient times there was a city here. This is evidenced by the location of huge boulders, and traces of ancient temples. There are also stone steps leading to the sky, ending in a sheer cliff and clouds, and the remains of giant structures made of multi-ton slabs.

The generally accepted opinion about the cult purpose of such structures has limited further scientific research of the complex. It was decided that the location of the stones had no system, although no one thought to compare this prehistoric megalithic complex with other similar structures on the planet, for example, with the English Stonehenge, and, unfortunately, archaeological searches in this area were stopped.

Yes, and this is not Egypt!

As in Taimyr, the destruction is simply catastrophic. It's a miracle that anything survived at all. The traces of civilization would be erased irretrievably. And these stones will survive another catastrophe.

Scientists have discovered the oldest traces of prehistoric man outside of Africa - on the coast of Norfolk County in eastern Britain. These footprints were left more than 850-950 thousand years ago on the shores near the city of Happiesburg, and they are the first direct evidence of the earliest visit of human ancestors to northern Europe.

"At first we weren't sure about our discovery," says Dr. Ashton. "But it soon became clear that the depressions had the outlines of human footprints."

Soon after the discovery, the tracks were again hidden by the tide. However, the team was able to study them and capture them on video, which will be shown at an exhibition at the Natural History Museum in London in late February 2014.

Over the next two weeks after the discovery, the team performed 3D scans of the prints. A detailed analysis by Dr. Isabelle De Groote of Liverpool John Moores University confirmed that the footprints were indeed human. Perhaps they were left by five at once - an adult man and several children.

It is not clear who these people were. There is an assumption that they belonged to one of the species related to modern man - Homo antecessor

(Illustration by Happisburgh Project).

Dr. de Groot said she was able to see heels and even toes, and the largest print left was, by today's standards, 42 sizes.

“The largest footprints seem to have been made by an adult male, who was about 175 centimeters tall,” she says. “The smallest of those present was about 91 centimeters tall. Other large footprints may belong to boys or short women. That is, most likely, it was a kind of family wandering along the beach together - probably in search of food.

It is not clear who exactly these people were. There is an assumption that they belonged to one of the species related to modern man - the predecessor man ( Homo antecessor). Representatives of this species lived in the south of Europe, however, it is quite possible that they came to the territory of modern Norfolk along the strip of land that connected the British Isles with the rest of the European landmass a million years ago.

The prints were discovered after low tide

(photo by Martin Bates).

The human predecessor, the most ancient hominid of Europe, disappeared from the face of the Earth about 800 thousand years ago due to a sharp cooling of the climate - that is, shortly after the prints found on the coast were left. Very little is known about this species, in particular, that the human predecessor walked on two legs and had a small brain volume compared to modern people (about 1000 cm³). Also, representatives of the species Homo antecessor were right-handed, which distinguishes them from a number of primate predecessors.

The descendant of the human predecessor, apparently, is the Heidelberg man ( Homo heidelbergensis), who lived on the territory of modern Great Britain about 500 thousand years ago. This species is thought to have given rise to the Neanderthals about 400,000 years ago. Neanderthals lived in Great Britain until the arrival of our species, Homo sapiens, about 40 thousand years ago.

The sea hides traces, but scientists managed to examine and document them

(photo by Martin Bates).

Despite the fact that the fossils of the human predecessor have never been found on the coast of Norfolk, scientists have circumstantial evidence of their presence in the hands of scientists. For example, in 2010, the same research team discovered stone tools used by representatives of this species.

"The current discovery has definitively confirmed that Homo antecessor lived in our territories about a million years ago," said Professor Chris Stringer of the Museum of Natural History, who also took part in the study on the shores of Happiesburg. "We have received very concrete evidence. And if we If we keep looking in the right direction, we may finally be able to find even human fossils."