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Additional holiday packages for benefited children are available for booking. Additional vacation vouchers for children on benefits are available for booking. Prerogatives of certain groups of citizens

Social activities aimed at supporting various categories of citizens include health measures. As part of the implementation of social policy, beneficiaries are issued vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment. This measure is necessary for additional medical and social rehabilitation of certain categories of citizens.

Legislative principles

The main regulations governing the allocation of funds for health restoration are:

  1. Law No. 178-FZ, which came into force on July 17, 1999.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004, containing the procedure for allocating preferential treatment for health improvement.

The above-mentioned normative act contains important (for the population) principles for introducing social measures to organize health improvement. They are as follows:

  • referral to a sanatorium is allocated at the initiative of the applicant;
  • in the form of a standard document;
  • The applicant must meet the following criteria:
    • have medical indications for referral for treatment (prevention);
    • there must be no contraindications for spa treatment;
    • belong to one of the preferential categories.
Attention: you should apply for a voucher to a medical institution on your own initiative.

Let's look at the criteria in more detail. Many people believe that a discount form is a way to relax in a resort area for free. This is only partly true. In fact, it is necessary to have a disease that is treated in a sanatorium. There are many diagnoses for social recovery.

Namely the treatment:

  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • mental and behavioral disorders;
  • diseases of the eye and its adnexa;
  • diseases of the ear and mastoid process and much more.

In addition to the list of indications for sanatorium-resort treatment, there is a list of contraindications for such treatment. The doctor must also take this into account when providing social services, and if at least one of the contraindications is present, the issuance of a voucher will be refused. Contraindications include:

Important: the doctor issues a referral for preference only to patients:

  • who filed relevant complaints;
  • having a specific diagnosis;
  • undergoing treatment regularly.
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Rules for the allocation of health subsidies

The allocation of directions occurs strictly according to the rules established by law. Briefly this means the following:

  1. Health activities, as well as stay in a medical institution, are financed from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and the federal budget.
  2. It follows that each subsidy must be justified with documentary evidence:
    • preferential category;
    • the need for health benefits (doctor’s certificate);
    • no contraindications.
  3. A report on the use of funds for the intended purpose (tear-off coupon) is also required.
Important: the recipient of the privilege is required to provide a document proving his stay in the medical institution.

Categories of beneficiaries

The federal social program covers a fairly wide range of people. Medical and recreational activities are provided for the following categories of citizens:

  1. WWII participants.
  2. Disabled people of war:
    • soldiers and officers;
    • that period;
    • former blockade survivors with award badges;
  3. (from 1 to 3 and disabled since childhood);
  4. veterans of combat operations in hot spots;
  5. family members of deceased disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants of the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, family members of deceased workers of hospitals and clinics in the city of Leningrad;
  6. persons who worked at military facilities during the war;
  7. military personnel who served in military units, institutions, institutions that were not part of the active army during the Second World War;
  8. persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  9. :
    • military;
    • equal;
    • reserve officers;
    • labor veterans;
  10. Heroes of Russia and the USSR.

Hint: in addition to the voucher, beneficiaries receive compensation for travel to the place of recovery by ground transport, and where this is not possible, by airline.

Important! In 2019, the expenditure indicators per 1 social assistance recipient were as follows:

  • sanatorium-resort treatment - 133.62 rubles;
  • travel by intercity transport and suburban railway transport to the place of treatment and back - 124.05 rubles;
  • provision of necessary medications according to doctor’s prescriptions - 863.75 rubles.
Attention: not all beneficiaries are entitled to free or social vouchers to sanatoriums. Some categories are provided with discounted destinations.

Which sanatoriums can you go to?

Government agencies involved in allocating preferences enter into agreements with institutions providing health services. You can only get a ticket to a holiday home:

  1. an agreement with which was reached by the body to which the applicant applied;
  2. operating in the Russian legal field, located anywhere in the Russian Federation;
  3. if necessary, specialists will try to find an institution in the region of residence (if it is difficult to move);
  4. military pensioners and equivalents are sent only to departmental health institutions.
Hint: “departmental” means that their activities are financed from the budget of the Ministry of Defense (another ministry).

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Who distributes vouchers in 2019-2020

In general, the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) is responsible for distributing the budget for treatment. This organization works with citizens through social security authorities. But there are exceptions. Thus, the Moscow Region independently supports pensioners. To receive a health benefit, you must address the application to the appropriate Department of the Ministry of Defense.

Therefore, you should contact:

  • to the social security department on a territorial basis;
  • to the Department of the Ministry of Defense, which is responsible for the distribution of departmental subsidies.

The algorithm for obtaining a subsidy for sanatorium treatment is as follows:

  1. Visit your doctor and express your desire to go to a sanatorium. The doctor will send you for examination. Based on its results, if there are indications and no contraindications, a special document is issued - a certificate in form No. 070/u-04.
  2. With a certificate and passport, you should go to the social security or military commissariat at your place of residence to write an application.
  3. Wait for a response about queuing.
  4. As soon as everyone who has previously made a claim for the privilege is satisfied, receive a voucher.
  5. No earlier than 2 months before the start of the voucher, the person who received it must contact the attending physician for an additional examination, based on the results of which the doctor fills out and issues a sanatorium-resort card to the patient.
  6. Go for treatment.
Hint: form No. 070/у-04 loses its relevance after six months. If during this period the queue has not yet arrived, you will have to update the certificate.

What documents to prepare

To receive a subsidy for health resort treatment, a minimum package of papers is required. These are the confirmations:

  1. identity - passport;
  2. fact of medical insurance - a compulsory and/or additional medical insurance policy;
  3. preferential category:
    • with the corresponding certificate for almost everyone:
      • WWII participants of different groups;
      • Chernobyl victims;
      • pensioners;
      • retired officers;
    • disabled people provide a medical and social examination certificate;
    • Heroes are required to provide award documents;
    • labor veterans - the corresponding book;
  4. the need for recreational activities - form No. 070/u-04.
  5. SNILS.
Important: before your trip you should apply for a health resort card. Without it, the medical treatment facility will not accept the client.

What is a trip?

After reviewing the application, the applicant receives a document. It confirms the right to receive services at the expense of the state budget:

  1. A specific institution (name and address are indicated on the voucher).
  2. Within a certain time frame (the start and end dates of the course are also entered in the form).
  3. Confirms the fact of payment with the appropriate budget. To do this, a confirmation stamp is placed on the document.

Besides, the voucher is a personal document. It cannot be transferred or sold to another person. It is also prohibited to divide the period of treatment between individuals (this was previously done in order to go to a rest home with a family). The form states:

  • Recipient's full name;
  • diagnosis;
  • Course duration is from 18 to 42 days.

Hint: accompanying persons may go to the sanatorium with some beneficiaries:

  • with disabled minors;
  • with disabled people of group 1.

Accompanying persons are given preference under different conditions. They depend on the category of the beneficiary. The tour can be free or with a discount of 25-50%. Thus, military retirees can take their spouse with them. Her recovery will cost 50% of the full cost.

Important: the voucher is valid once a year (there are exceptions).

Prerogatives of certain groups of citizens

Reserve officers are entitled to treatment preferences if their service period is more than twenty years. Military pensioners are given a subsidy once a year. At the same time, they can take their spouse with them to the departmental dispensary (for 50% of the cost).

The same rule applies to retirees with sufficient length of service. The rest are not provided with preferences. Military pensioners include law enforcement officers who left service and some other categories of government employees.

Important: if there are several reasons, the social direction (free) is allocated only once a year at the choice of the beneficiary.

Is there a subsidy for pensioners?

According to the norms of current legislation, referrals can be received through the FSS branch:

  1. Veterans of Labor;
  2. Pensioners, including working people.

The circulation algorithm is described above. Only documents should be submitted to the FSS. The basis for the application is:

  • pensioner's certificate;
  • certificate No. 070/у-04.
Hint: after the reunification of Russia and Crimea, beneficiaries are increasingly receiving referrals to Crimean rest homes. It is better to come here in the summer, when you have the opportunity to swim in the sea. Although many Crimean sanatoriums are year-round.

additional information

The above general rules for the allocation of health subsidies are sometimes violated. Thus, for medical reasons, a beneficiary can be provided with a referral to a sanatorium at the expense of the state budget twice a year:

  • the doctor makes the decision;
  • he issues a certificate with a special mark.

Sometimes you have to wait in line for quite a long time. This is due to the small number of institutions providing rare treatments. It is advisable to submit an application in advance, immediately after receiving the certificate. This increases the chance of her quick satisfaction.

Attention: specialists are required to notify the applicant two weeks in advance of the availability of a voucher. True, sometimes they have to look for a client for a last-minute tour when a person suddenly refuses the trip.

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Last changes

In mid-2018, military pensioners received their previously abolished right to free travel to the place of treatment in a departmental sanatorium. Now retirees and reserve officers of the Armed Forces and Navy, including midshipmen and warrant officers with 20 years of service, as well as their families, can count on free travel to the place of treatment once a year. For vouchers, you must contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of military registration. This applies to any type of public vehicle.

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November 7, 2017, 10:28 Oct 5, 2019 19:44

Additional trips to summer health camps for children on benefits are available for booking.

Vouchers are allocated for children aged 7 to 17 years inclusive, who are in difficult life situations. The recreation will be financed from the federal budget. Using these vouchers, benefit children will be able to go to recreation centers located in the Moscow region and central Russia, as well as on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas.

Vouchers paid for from the federal budget will also be available to children who have previously taken advantage of a free voucher at the expense of the Moscow budget and the federal budget during the summer holidays.

Parents and legal representatives of children who are in difficult life situations are invited to apply for a free trip to children's health camps.

You can do this in two ways:

  • online via;
  • on paper by contacting the State Autonomous Institution "Mosgortur" in person.
It is noted that submitting an application to Mosgortur does not guarantee that the child will be able to be provided with a trip to the desired time and place of rest.

In order for the application submitted through the portal to be considered as quickly as possible, parents are advised to attach electronic copies of documents identifying the applicant, the identity of the child, as well as confirmation of the child’s preferential category.

In 2017, booking trips for children's holidays, paid for from the city budget, was carried out in two stages.

The first stage is from March 10 to 24. During this time, parents had to... The application had to indicate the type of vacation, the number of children in the family and the preferential category. In addition, at this stage, Muscovites had to choose three preferred regions for vacation and specify three options for check-in time.

In total, at the first stage, 48.5 thousand applications were submitted for vacation for almost 78.5 children. Because of this, the capital authorities for some preferential categories. About two thousand more places were allocated for children accompanied by their parents, 3,340 places for minors with disabilities, and just over four thousand places for children from low-income families.

In the second stage - from April 18 to May 2 - families whose applications were approved in the first round received the opportunity or a health camp. Among the options are country camps and recreation centers on the Black Sea coast, as well as in the Moscow region, Leningrad region, Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, Belarus and central Russia.

Moscow families entitled to discounted vouchers for summer vacations for children, including families with disabled children, have decided where they will vacation this summer. Most families chose the Black Sea and Azov coasts for their summer holidays using free vouchers. Camps and recreation centers in the Moscow region and central Russia are also popular.

The application campaign for free summer holiday vouchers in 2018 took place in Moscow from November 2 to December 10, 2017. These vouchers are provided under the Moscow government program and will be paid for from the city budget. Children from 13 preferential categories will be able to use them, including disabled children, orphans, and children from low-income families. Camps or recreation centers will be selected for children with disabilities, where an accessible environment for people with disabilities will be created.

During the application campaign, 59,681 applications were submitted for 93,717 people. The final list will be formed by the beginning of the second stage, which will take place from February 7 to 21, 2018, when parents will determine a specific camp or recreation center, as well as the date of arrival. If a positive decision is made on the application, the voucher will be sent to the applicant by March 15, 2018.


How to get a free trip to the sanatorium?

“The results are almost no different from last year. The Black Sea and Azov coasts continue to be the most popular. In second place is the Moscow region, and in third place is Central Russia,” the press service of the Moscow City Tourism noted.

Previously, we talked about conducting an application campaign to receive free summer vacation vouchers for children with disabilities in 2018. The vouchers are provided under the Moscow government program and will be paid for from the city budget. The organizers of the summer holidays for Moscow children are the State Autonomous Institution “Mosgortur” and the Moscow Department of Culture.

We also say that if the proposed summer vacation options for their children are not suitable for parents, they can receive monetary compensation in the amount of 30 thousand rubles and independently organize their vacation with their children. True, this does not apply to orphans and disabled children. The certificate can be selected at the second stage of the application campaign. Money for organizing a summer vacation for their children will be transferred to parents until March 18, 2018.

Mosgortur summer company 2019 for beneficiaries, children and family trips - a list of vacation spots (camps and sanatoriums) for trips to the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, to Crimea and throughout Russia. Every year, tens of thousands of Russians go to the sea and health camps, while priority remains given to preferential categories, which include orphans, disabled people, low-income large families, children from disadvantaged families and other categories of citizens. A free voucher for one person is provided no more than once a year, a voucher can be allocated for the whole family, the child can be accompanied by mom and dad, guardians or adoptive parents.

In 2019, arrivals are carried out in the city of Adler, in Yaroslavl, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Kostroma, Penza, Simferopol, Anapa, Yekaterinburg in sanatoriums in Moscow and the Moscow region. To obtain a voucher, you need to collect all the documents, as well as negotiate with the place of travel, due to the high cost and long queues, not all children can be sent to summer camps by the sea. Due to recent events in Karelia, some destinations are currently closed due to inspections of camps, but the number of remaining places still allows you to send a child on vacation or get a family trip.

In the Moscow City Tourism summer campaign 2019, the list of vacation spots for beneficiaries is currently as follows:


Number of seats

Boarding Resort and Sanatorium Center named after V.V. Volodarsky

Medical center "Yunost"

Boarding house "Russian Forest"

Resort and sanatorium center "Aurora"

Resort and sanatorium center "Dream"

Sanatorium "Dagomys"

Resort and sanatorium center "Silver Reach"

LLC "Sanatorium of rest with treatment "Alpha"

Children's rehabilitation and health center "Pearl"

Sanatorium "Crimean Primorye"

Diagnostic center "Krupenino"

Resort and sanatorium center "Salut"

Sanatorium "Black Sea"

Sanatorium complex "Slavyanka"

Resort and sanatorium center "Anapa"

Categories under the social protection of the state are recommended to take advantage of at least those vouchers that are available. It should be noted that many sanatoriums inside Russia have very qualified staff, and the territory has everything you need for a happy holiday. Sometimes, a trip to the Moscow region or the Urals is even more useful and joyful than a trip to the sea. At the same time, if it was not possible to travel through Mosgortur, you can look for discounted vouchers directly in sanatoriums located on the Black Sea. Very often, such institutions allocate a certain quota for children from preferential categories, which I managed to get a sea tour from a municipal enterprise.

The Moscow City Tourism summer campaign 2019 will last for several more months, until when the tours will be distributed - while the holiday season is underway. For preschool children, you can try to complete the documents even at the beginning of autumn.

Again about the sore point. True, all this has been published many times, but once again for those who missed it.

The amendment regarding free parking is issued at any MFC. Before this, you need to obtain a SNILS (also at the MFC, but at your place of registration) and apply for a transport tax benefit (again at any MFC), for which you need to be the owner of the car.

By the way, they forgot about free travel on public transport for one parent. And the impossibility of dismissing a father with many children if he is the only breadwinner. In some places there is also such a thing as a dedicated day at the children's clinic, when children from a large family can undergo medical examination. More work experience for mothers of many children. Somehow I don’t remember everything anymore. What else do we have?

It turns out that large families have many legal benefits and opportunities that are prescribed by law and which few people know about. After all, alas, large families, as a rule, are less aware of their rights than all other “beneficiaries”. They always have no time, they always do everything on the fly and draw up only what is “heard of.”

We have laws, and many of them, as it turns out, are useful and not bad. But for some reason they often don’t work. They don’t work, partly because we simply don’t know about them. That is, they act, but only on paper, not in life.

In general, we have a strange attitude towards laws: we want legality, we complain that no one follows the laws, but in fact, deep down and subconsciously, it’s as if we ourselves don’t really need them. First of all, we ourselves do not understand what they are for and how to use them. And we don’t know a lot.

And it turns out that this is not a bad state, which, it turns out, passes necessary and useful laws. And we ourselves are lazy and incurious. That's why we tolerate 24-hour shops on the first floors of our houses, near which drunks and teenagers scream all night. We get nervous, don’t sleep, and sometimes even call the police. Although, according to the law on silence and building codes, shops in residential buildings must be open until a maximum of 23.00, and it is enough to go and write a few pieces of paper to the council, district police officer or prosecutor's office for this disgrace to stop.

We replace leaking batteries in our apartments at our own expense. Although, according to the law, they are classified as household property for common use, and their replacement is already included in the cost of the “maintenance and repair” service, so in the event of an accident, the HOA/housing office must replace them with new ones without any additional payment.

Many people pay for the installation of water meters, although there is a whole list of people who should install them for free. This even applies to citizens of Belarus and Kyrgyzstan living in the Russian Federation!

This is especially true for large families. They, as a rule, know less about their rights than all other “beneficiaries”. After all, they always have no time, they always do everything on the fly and draw up only what they hear. Namely, a discount on rent and free travel - this, in general, is the entire list of benefits that large families most often enjoy.

But this is not all that people with many children have every right to.

Let's start in order.

1) The federal law gives the right to 50% compensation for travel by any type of transport to the place of sanatorium holiday for a large family, as well as the right to provide children under 18 years of age with free trips to sanatoriums, children's health camps, etc. That is, children under the age of 18 from large families (families with three or more children), if there are medical indications, have the right to priority provision of vouchers to sanatorium-resort treatment and other health-improving institutions.

To receive this benefit, in addition to documents confirming the large number of children and the identity of the parents and child, you need to take a medical certificate from the clinic in the form 070/u-04 and contact the clinic or the district department of social protection of the population at your place of residence.

Benefits of this kind can generally vary greatly depending on the region. Thus, every large family from the Moscow region can receive partial compensation for the cost of tour packages once a year. Moreover, no one forces you to go only where they tell you. You can even go on vacation abroad. This could be a sanatorium, a holiday home or just a hotel, and, depending on your family’s income, you will be refunded from 50 to 90% of the cost of the trip.

To receive compensation, among other documents proving identity and having many children, parents must provide:

Certificate of income

Document confirming payment for the trip (cash receipt or receipt)

Contract for the purchase of a voucher

A document confirming the child’s stay in this holiday destination.

However, as you can see, to receive this benefit, your vacation must be as legal and documented as possible. You need to have all the receipts, the agreement on the basis of which you vacationed, etc. It is clear that it is not always possible to comply with these conditions.

2) In addition to the well-known federal maternity capital, many regions also have their own, regional maternal capital. Typically this is a cash benefit of approximately 100 thousand rubles, which can be used in the same way as federal maternity capital. However, in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, money from regional maternity capital can be used to purchase a car, land, or treat a child.

3) People with many children have the right to priority admission of children to kindergartens and payment for kindergarten on preferential terms(depending on the region). Moreover, the discount on payment should also apply to additional kindergarten services (clubs), which are often literally imposed on parents, but they are not told about such a discount.

4) Children from large families study at a 50% discount in music schools, art schools and other non-profit institutions of additional education. In some regions, physical education and health centers that are part of the state system of physical culture and sports are generally free for children from large families.

5) In schools and vocational educational institutions, students from large families are provided free breakfasts and lunches. Parents with many children must be compensated annually for the cost of a set of school uniforms and sportswear for their children. The school must also provide free textbooks or reimburse parents for their cost.
True, there is a trick about compensation for school uniforms. Depending on the region, as is often the case with us, this benefit may be subject to conditions that are difficult to implement. For example, in the Moscow region, this benefit applies only to low-income families, and the amount of compensation is only 1,500 rubles.
However, it would still be wise for you to at least find out what conditions for receiving this benefit are offered in your region. After all, these conditions may turn out to be quite feasible, “within the framework”.

Also in Moscow, children under 7 years of age from large families are provided free distribution of dairy baby food products according to doctors' prescriptions. To receive this benefit, you must submit an application to the department of social protection of the population at your place of residence.

6) Many people don’t know that up to the age of six, children from large families should be provided with free medicines according to doctor’s prescriptions(to do this you just need to go to the clinic). True, as a rule, the list of such drugs available in a particular clinic will most likely be very short.

7) Also, few people know that according to the federal law, which applies to all regions of Russia, children from large families have the right to receive services in clinics without a queue(just show your ID). And the fact that this is not written on the doors of offices in clinics does not mean at all that this law does not exist and does not need to be followed. At least the doctors themselves are well aware of this.

8) Once a month, families with many children can go to a museum or one of the cultural and recreation parks for free. For example, in Moscow in the park named after. Gorky boating is free for families with many children, and on one day of the week you can take children on rides for free. Even in Moscow, families with many children can visit most museums, the zoo, exhibitions, botanical gardens and other entertainment and educational facilities for free, any day of the week. The Moscow Planetarium also provides a 50% discount on entrance tickets for large families.

9) All people with many children have a wonderful opportunity go to the Bolshoi Theater. The administration of the Bolshoi Theater allocates a certain number of tickets for “beneficiaries” for each performance. The cost of such discounted tickets is only 100 rubles, regardless of the stage (Main or New)! You can buy 2 tickets per ID. To buy discounted tickets, you need to find out the start date of ticket sales for the performance you want and arrive on that day when the box office opens at 11 a.m., or (which is less convenient for parents) drive up to the box office right on the day of the performance, about 1.5-2 hours in advance before it starts and buy a ticket. True, it is clear that there may not be enough tickets.

10) People with many children do not pay transport tax on their personal car.
In addition, recently large families In Moscow, the right to free car parking has appeared. True, the benefit is currently issued only in one place: at the State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” ( at 19 Skakovaya St. Opening hours: Tuesday or Thursday from 8.30 to 17.00. Moreover, there are a lot of people who want to apply for this benefit, and registration takes several days.
However, recently it also became possible to receive this benefit on the State Services portal ( Now you can apply for free car parking without leaving your home.

11) In addition, for families with many children in Moscow there is such a wonderful benefit as free use of - what would you think - the services of bathhouses, however, not all, but those under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government (Moscow Law of November 23, 2005 No. 60). True, the whole family can wash themselves for free once a month. Otherwise, people with many children probably wouldn’t get out of the bathhouses. To “wash”, you must present the ID of a large family when visiting the bathhouse.

12) Also, large families living in Moscow are entitled to a monthly compensation payment due to the rising cost of living. Regardless of the family’s income level, if there are 3-4 children, they are entitled to 600 rubles. for everyone. And for families with 5 or more children - 750 rubles for each child. To receive this benefit, you must submit an application to the department of social protection of the population at your place of residence for payment of benefits (compensation payments).

13) And also Large families in Moscow are entitled to a monthly compensation payment for using the telephone! In 2013 it amounted to 230 rubles.

14) There are also labor benefits for parents with many children. Namely, for employees with two or more children under 14 years of age (students under 16 years of age), according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, annual additional leave without pay is granted for up to 14 calendar days.
True, the question arises: why does a parent with many children need unpaid leave? To calmly gnaw on crackers bought with the same 600 rubles allocated for a child?

15) Also according to the above-mentioned law of the mountains. Moscow dated November 23, 2005, mothers who have given birth and raised five or more children are provided with free production and repair of dentures (except for dentures made of precious metals, porcelain, metal-ceramics) in public health care institutions. True, this will be the most modest version of prosthetics - something like iron teeth, for everything else you will have to pay extra. And it will not be easy to find a master for this work.

So, let's stop there for now. After all, this is not even a complete list - for all its modest splendor. Because there is also the right to receive a free plot of land, preferential loans, and financial assistance if the family is low-income. There are many more regional legislative nuances. After all, the federal law on large families, under which we live, was adopted more than 20 years ago under grandfather Yeltsin; it lists only the most general rights of large families, and each region sets the specifics itself.

But “uploading rights” in our authorities also needs to be done competently and skillfully. There is no need to make a scandal or prove something in a raised voice. And first of all, you need to study all your rights and laws yourself, using the Internet or by going to a lawyer, write them down on a piece of paper or print them out. Officials can resist and deny for a long time, but as soon as they see the exact name of a law or regulation before their eyes, their ardor immediately weakens. They are even more convinced if the person knows where to go to complain if they refuse, so be sure to study this issue as well. Moreover, be sure to demand a written refusal, with which you will later go to the council or the ministry - this works without fail.

And there is no need to be shy and ask: “Are there any discounts or benefits for large families?” This is not begging, but our civil right. After all, our society believes that people have the right to abortion, to get rid of children, and the state pays for this right from our general taxes. People with many children pay taxes just like everyone else, and at the same time give birth to children, which, as the state declares, it really needs. So why can’t people with many children demand what they are entitled to by law?

In general, if you look more or less impartially, you can clearly see that with all the abundance of the list, a good half of the benefits are either subject to difficult-to-fulfill conditions (like compensation for a school uniform or summer vacation in the Moscow region), or are essentially useless - like additional unpaid leave for a parent with many children. All this is true, but it does not change the fact that the first half is still worth fighting for. For example, free school breakfasts and lunches for children from large families or free visits to museums and recreation parks - all this is real, all this works.

So - take action!