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Freeride training in Krasnaya Polyana. Freeride in Krasnaya Polyana - prices

If freeride associated with skiing and snowboarding, it is a free descent along a steep, unprepared, wild slope, where the coating is snow in the form of crust, firn, powder and other conditions mixed with ice, rock outcrops, stones, bushes, stumps, etc. .

Mountain peaks and circuses in the Krasnaya Polyana area are ideal for both beginner freeriders and experienced professionals. The freeride season usually starts from the end of November and lasts until the beginning of April. Snow conditions - mostly powder, virgin. That is, these are not the northern slopes of Cheget: snow in Krasnaya Polyana always very pleasant, and snowfalls in this region almost every other day. And behind this unusual, due to the proximity of the sea, snow, riders from all over the world go, ski movies are filmed here and freeride competitions are held.

Krasnaya Polyana is doomed to success among freeriders. After all, at least for a couple of months a year, it turns into the best place in the world, of all possible. Super snow, varied terrain, mild windless weather and magnificent scenery. Expensive, of course, but there are things worth paying for. Among these things - freeride in Krasnaya Polyana.

Freeride in Krasnaya Polyana - locations

The main areas easily accessible for freeriding in Krasnaya Polyana are located in the area of ​​the Alpika Service cable car, they can be seen from the chairs of the fourth line of the cable car. These are the Sulimovsky and Shumikhinsky circuses. The more remote zones, where you need to go along the crests of circuses with skis on your shoulder, are the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Black Pyramid mountain and the Rosa Khutor circus. But they will remain “remote” only until new lifts are launched. The most accessible area for freeriding is the area of ​​the Alpika-service complex. It is very convenient to learn freeride here, starting from a height of 1500 meters and ending at 2200. There is always a track nearby where you can take a break from freeride and a cable car for climbing more and more.

Both circuses "Alpiki-Service" have a lot of routes for off-piste skiing, but you need to know all the entrances and exits well. It is better not to look for adventure without a guide, any route that is most understandable at first sight can lead you into a hopeless situation. At the peak of the season, almost every day, special services are engaged in the evacuation of “lost” from hard-to-reach places.

From the top point of the cable car, you can go down to the lower station of the cable car without ever going to the prepared slopes. You can drive through a free snowy field, and through a beech forest, and find rocky outcrops. If you go with a guide to circuses remote from Alpika Service, then you have a very big chance to see wild animals, because this is the territory of the national park. There are backcountry routes, to particularly remote places, for the whole day.

Of course, as in any mountains, there is an avalanche danger here. Every day, before skiing, the guides analyze the condition of the snow cover and its layers. Changes in pressure and weather conditions are monitored throughout the day. Almost all circuses used for freeride are northern ones. And all of them have in the upper part, on the ridge, large snow blows, cornices, which also represent a great danger.

There are a lot of cracks covered with fresh snow, breaks in the snow layer, which is also extremely dangerous, where these places are located - the guide who is in the Mountains every day always knows. The ski patrol service cannot always prevent accidents, especially off-piste. Therefore, strong advice: use the services of guides. The guide, if necessary, will always provide avalanche equipment. Only the guide will tell you how to behave in an emergency, conduct avalanche training and promptly come to your aid or call for this assistance if necessary. In the CP, as in other regions, before this season there was no single "control center" for the guide service. The Association of Mountain Guides of Russia is in the process of creation.

But now the project “freeride, backcountry, heliski” has been created, bringing together real professionals in their field. With guides you can arrange for off-piste skiing, backcountry, heli-skiing, freeride training. Freeride opportunities in Krasnaya Polyana great amount. Everyone will find their own freeride, by strength. It is very important not to overestimate these forces. Freeride is for the soul. This is not hard and monotonous work - this is pleasure and philosophy, requiring a huge return of physical and mental strength.

Prices freeride in Krasnaya Polyana:

*Price is per person
** The price does not include the rent of an avalanche transceiver (300 rubles/day)
*** The price includes the rental of an avalanche transceiver, probe, shovel, ABS backpack.
**** 4 drops (group of 4 or 10 people)
Freeride skis or snowboards are required for all programs.

Our guides:

Indeed, there are countless ways. But I will not write voluminous descriptions so as not to bore the reader. I will simply talk about expert skiing at the resort, paying as much attention as possible to the safety rules.

Let's start with perhaps zone located in accessible landscapes above forest level. Let's go, probably, from less simple to more complex, that is, from west to east.

Ridge towards the west, orienting from the upper station of the cable car ("Caucasian Express") and to the peak, which is located in the middle between the "Rose" and "Alpika-Service". All lines are clearly visible from the side of the cable car. In this area, there is a very unusual terrain for really "incendiary" skiing. Behind the wall, long, gentle fields originate, where you can have a good rest and prepare for the next race, opening the so-called second wind. If you stay away from this cable car, then, accordingly, the passages will be much larger, but the snow cover is getting worse and worse. This is directly related to the fact that these slopes are under the influence of sunlight.

The next area suitable for skiing, ? This fields and dumps located to the west of the "Caucasian Express". This area is pretty good, even good, visible and excellent rolling, although a very steep slope and descent prevails here. People often ski in this area in bad weather. However, it is worth noting that this must be done with extreme caution and utmost attention. Being closer to the elevator, so, accordingly, the slope will become steeper. In this case, the probability of going to the dumps without any problems increases.

More detailed photos of the slopes of Rosa Khutor

Huge couloirs, which are located to the east of the place where the "Caucasian Express" is located. A whole series of couloirs originates right from the top. The most famous today? FWT and, of course, Suicide. It was on them that one of the stages of the freeride tour of world significance took place in 2011.

Couloir FWT It starts out in a rather narrow passage. However, after a short distance, it turns almost the width of a football field. Note that this couloir is dangerous due to the fact that approximately in its middle lane there are faults of large dimensions, through which you need to drive very carefully, without accelerating. Usually, due to oscillating avalanches, these faults are exposed. Even the slightest mistake can greatly harm health and life in general. Therefore, being on the sidelines of FWT, you need to be extremely careful and, of course, very vigilant.

Entrance to the couloir called "Suicide" is, on the contrary, wide and naturally comfortable. However, after a short distance it narrows considerably and becomes steeper. At the exit there is a well-marked gap with a rocky fault. Toward the end of the skiing season, large avalanches fall on the dump in whole clods. But before you go to the couloir, it is worth finding out about its current state.

In addition to these large couloirs, "Suicide" and FWT, Rosa Khutor also has couloirs, albeit of small size. Of course, all of them are very complex and extremely dangerous. Their successful passability depends, first of all, on the amount of snow cover formed, as well as the level of avalanche action itself.

Two ober-couloirs originate where the road to Ober-khutor flows. They are directly accessible from this route. The very first one has the corresponding name - "First". It is long, but extremely narrow. The second one is called "Sweet", which is the most comfortable: gentle and, of course, wide. The third people are called by two names: "Nun" or "Tiny". To get to it, first of all, you need to turn off the road and walk about a hundred meters on foot. The most puffy snow is often found here than in the other three places. We note the fact that all, without exception, the above corridors lead to a flat, large field, moving along which for several kilometers, you can go to the highway.

To the left are the corridors, which, as a rule, face the eastern part. In order to be in them, you must first get to the ridge, and then walk along it on foot for about ten to fifteen minutes. The couloirs are exceptionally well lit in all places, however, they are very narrow and extremely steep in certain places. Entry into the eastern corridors, as a rule, are not noticeable.

shark fins? this is the name of rather powerful and steep descents, along which, having successfully passed, you can get a huge amount of drive, tone and adrenaline. Being at the top, it may seem that it is much larger than the bottom.

Moving to the right side of the "Shark Fins", you can see a large and at the same time beautiful wall with fairly good slopes and a wide variety of ways to move. You can climb into this area only by moving along the ridge.

On Yuryev-khutor, perhaps, you can only come using the elevator, since it is almost impossible to get here on foot. This descent originates behind a long and wide couloir with high rocky walls. It is impossible to enter the couloir in the middle of the season, that is, in the midst of the season, because entering it, as a rule, at this time is blocked by a huge cornice. Being in this place, you must be extremely careful and, of course, careful. At the end of this couloir, there is a wide field that leads back to Ober-Khutor.

stone pillar? this is perhaps the highest peak in this resort area. The easiest and most reliable method to get here is naturally using a comb. Several couloirs located to the east of the Stone Pillar are suitable for direct descent. It will be possible to go down only if there is a large amount of snow cover, the state of the avalanche and the existing cornices. It is recommended to ride here exclusively for professionals and athletes.

Forest riding in Krasnaya Polyana one of the most wonderful entertainment in the whole world. The resort has special offers for forest skiing for absolutely every taste.

In most cases, all forest descents made in this area end near the highway. So, it is necessary not to panic and be vigilant and be sure that you will never get lost here.

You should also not ride through the forest alone, because if you get hurt or lose part of the inventory or its separate part, then you will undoubtedly be very tight and, of course, extremely unpleasant.

From February 7 to February 10, the first stage of the Russian Freeride Cup 2019 will be held at the Rosa Khutor mountain resort! The best freeriders of the country will once again show what a professional sports freeride is - incredible extreme descents, beautiful jumps, and a friendly atmosphere of the freeride community are waiting for you.

The Rosa Khutor Freeride Contest 2019 is only held in the Expert category. Finalists from Russian and foreign freeride competitions from 2000 to 2018 are allowed in the Expert category.

Competition format: semi-final, final.

Judging at each stage is carried out according to the rules of the FWT on a 100-point scoring system, the main judge of the competition is Vitaly Ilyinykh.

The main criterion for evaluating the participants' rides is the overall impression that the participant's ride left with the judges, this criterion consists of the evaluation of the following components:

  1. Line selection while viewing the competitive slope from the side, the participant, using his imagination, chooses his line of descent. When evaluating this choice during the passage, the judges are guided by the criteria of the originality of the line, its difficulty for passage, and the descent must be logical - close to the perpendicular relative to the horizon (water fall line). The downside when assessing by this criterion are long traverses from one part of the slope to another.
  2. fluidity this term denotes the continuity of the descent, the descent should be without long stops, and look like a single whole. The downside when judging by this criterion will be stopping and throwing down the slope in search of your line of descent.
  3. Control- at each moment of the descent, the rider must control the speed and direction of his movement. Drives in the spirit of "may blow" will not bring the participant many points.
  4. Jumping and style– the overall impression of the judges is positively influenced by cleanly executed jumps using the relief of the competitive slope. Performing jumps with the body touching the slope upon landing (albeit without falling) has a sharply negative effect on the final assessment of the passage. Performing jumps and skating with characteristic individual features, properties (style) inherent in a particular athlete are also evaluated by the judges.
  5. Technique– the technical ability to fully control the snowboard / skis and the accuracy of performing various elements of the movement - turns, edge changes, stance and the ability to handle the slope.

Competition program 2019:

12.00-17.00-  Registration of participants in the Rosa Priyut VIP-hall (above the Berloga on the 2nd floor) (Rosa Khutor, Mountain Olympic Village, building near the ski lift “Reserved Forest”)

17.30-19.00- Riders rally, security information, issue of numbers, draw (Rosa Priyut VIP-hall)

09.00-09.20- Viewing the slopes, descending for the landing of the "Caucasian Express", ascent to the "Rose Peak"

10.00-14.00 - Start of races

17.00-18.30- Announcement of the results of the first day of the competition, riders meeting in the Rosa Priyut VIP-hall (Rosa Khutor, Mountain Olympic Village)

20.00-… – Viewing races, party (Rose Valley, Eskimo Bar)

08.00-08.10- Gathering of participants to the "Rose Plateau" (transfer between the cable cars "Olympia" and "Reserved Forest"), ascent to the "Rose Peak"

09.00-09.40- Viewing the slopes, descending to boarding the “Caucasian Express”, ascending the “Rose Peak”

10.30-14.00- Final races

20.00- …- Awarding the winners of the competition!
- Party, honoring the winners, viewing races.

reserve day of the competition


Applications are accepted in electronic form, and the day before the start of the competition at the registration desk. The number of participants is up to 90 people. Participation is free. Online registration is available at the link.

The presence of a helmet, protection and a beeper is mandatory, read the regulations!

The general partner of the competition is the Rosa Khutor mountain resort.
Competition partners: The North Face, Kant store, Roxa, Buff.
The Action Brothers team manages the preparation and conduct of the competition.

Krasnaya Polyana is one of the best places in the world for free skiing. This is facilitated by the geographical position of Krasnaya Polyana, the climate of the region, the special structure of snow and the relief of the mountains that form the resort.

Training in the technique of descents off-piste.

For skiers and snowboarders who ski confidently on prepared slopes, who want to expand their technical arsenal, make their first off-piste descents or roll out before heli-skiing.

The instructor conducts testing on the slope, after which you begin classes according to a special methodology, the purpose of which is to form your technical skills for off-piste skiing, consolidate them and improve your technique in general. Gradually you will be able to move to a different quality - you will no longer need an instructor, you will be able to make difficult descents with a guide who ensures your safety.

Off-piste slopes (paths).

For those who feel confident on unprepared slopes.

The guides offer slopes taking into account the snow conditions and the level of skiing of the participants, provide safety and show the way, thus, the possibilities of the group are significantly expanded.

Before leaving for the first "trail", a test descent is made on the track / off the track, after which the instructor decides which descents to offer the group and whether there is a need for the participants to take a training course. Simultaneously with skating, it is possible to correct the technique of the participants.

Freeride Backcountry

For those who feel confident off the piste and are ready to get some physical activity for the sake of a special downhill skiing or snowboarding. It's a completely different take on off-piste skiing. Having climbed on foot to the start of the descent, perhaps even having made a climbing ascent, you feel its value in a completely different way ... This is an opportunity to find your own, rare or only descent, completely breaking away from the world of people into the world of great mountains and snows.

Information and photos from the website of the Company of Mountain Guides

Ski / snowboard suit (jacket + trousers), off-piste skiing / snowboarding, boots, helmet, mask, gloves. Thermal underwear - depending on the weather. ABS backpack is welcome. A special avalanche beacon is issued individually on site.

Websites, like flowers and cars, need care. If the site is launched and no one cares about it, then sooner or later it will stop working. But the site is not just text and pictures, it is the face of the company on the Internet, a sales channel. And when the site stops working at first glance, nothing happens, but over time, there are fewer calls and customers. Those who visit your site will think that the company has closed - because its site is no longer working. Those who searched for your company on the Internet will not be able to find it - again, the site does not work. Only competitors will be happy.

"We ordered a site from our local web studio, paid for everything, and now our site is gone. The web studio does not pick up phones, does not answer letters, we came to their office - it turns out they moved out a long time ago." Unfortunately, this is a common situation. It still happens "a programmer worked on our site, he quit with all the passwords", "the company was reorganized, while they were sorting out the business, they lost the site" and of course "I don't understand anything about these internets of yours, help fix our site."

"My company, LLC YugPodzemCommunications, is engaged in laying and maintaining external pipelines, the site was made for us by local Krasnodar developers back in 2008 and everything was fine - they followed it, updated it, it was easy to find it in Yandex. But I don't know what happened - either there is a crisis, or they are tired of doing their own thing - an employee comes up to me and says - Andrey Yuryevich, our site is not working, today the second client has already told about it. I call the programmers - and there "the phone is not available." Site address on business cards everywhere, on official cars. What to do. I called my friends - they gave me the contact of the St. Petersburg guys, fixed the site for me and maintain it. Thank you! Sincerely, A.Yu. Mostovoy. "- client site


Call us at 8-800-333-16-58 or write an e-mail [email protected] to clarify the cost and terms of work. Restoring a domain and a website is not cheap, but the company's reputational losses and the cost of creating a new website are much higher than the cost of restoration work. The basic term for re-registration of a domain is 3 business days, site restoration - 5 business days.

Fill out a form for a domain for an individual (download the form) or send us the details of your legal entity. For works, the cost of which is from 7000 rubles. it is possible to conclude an agreement (download the agreement). You pay for work.

What is a domain:

A domain is the address of a site on the Internet, a set of letters and numbers, like a phone number. The address of our site is, the address of Vkontakte is, the address of Yandex is Domains are registered and maintained by domain registrars. Every website on the internet has its own domain. Your site has the same, only now the domain is down and needs to be restored.

To whom the domain is registered:

For an individual or a legal entity at your request. If you are an individual entrepreneur, then in terms of the legal status of domains, the domain is issued to you as an individual. For some domain registrars, it is also possible to register for non-residents of the Russian Federation (foreign individuals and companies).

Who owns the domain:

A domain is not an object of property rights (like an apartment or a car), therefore, from a legal point of view, it does not have an owner. Domain - an entry in the registry of a domain registrar that has an Administrator, who, in fact, is the owner (manages the domain, renews, can transfer the domain to another administrator). You can check who is the domain administrator through the Whois service at the registrar, for example, in Axelname - if the field Org: says KreoBits or CreoBits - then the domain is with us, if Private person - it means the domain is with a private person (in accordance with Federal Law-152 on personal data, the registrar does not have the right to indicate the full name in the public data and therefore "Private person" is written for all individuals).

We create an account (agreement) with an accredited domain registrar according to your profile of an individual or details of a legal entity and carry out registration of the domain for you. We create a new hosting for the site and rebuild the site pages with text and pictures on a modern content management system MODx. As a result, we get a fully working site that looks and is filled in the same way as the site that you had before. We give you passwords for the domain, site editor and hosting.

What is hosting:

In order for the site to be accessible via the Internet, it must be placed on an Internet server (specialized computer). This service is called hosting"(from English. hosting). Technically, a site is a set of files, it is hosted and becomes available from any device connected to the Internet. If the hosting is good, then the site is always available, works quickly and does not break. If the hosting is bad, the site will work slowly and intermittently. We host restored sites on equipment in the Selectel data center (Moscow), one of the best hosting providers in the Russian Federation.

What is MODx:

MODx is a site management system from English. Content Management System (CMS). It is needed for the site to work, drawing an analogy - just like Windows is a system for managing a computer, and Android is for a smartphone and tablet, so MODx is the same thing, only for the site. But unlike Windows and Android, there are hundreds of content management systems for websites of different purpose and complexity, the most common of which are 1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS, Wordpress, Joomla and MODx. The main task of MODx, like any other CMS, is to ensure the operation of the site and convenient tools for editing it by the programmer and editor (for example, the manager of your organization). CMS are paid and free, MODx is free, all management is in Russian.

What we will restore:

Everything that we can restore, including the design of your site, its content (texts, pictures), functionality - structure, menu, search, catalog, feedback form. It's like recovering data from a broken computer (hard drive), if the specialist is good, he will restore all the files as they were.


We are a small company, we have been working since 2007, we value each client and value our reputation. Our guarantees:

  • our company is not a one-day company, we are already 9 years old, it is easy to check, make an online statement of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for CreoBits LLC (TIN 7840363309). you can also look at the arbitration practice ("cases in court") in our organization, for 9 years of work there are only two of them, one of which we won, and the second is in process.
  • works for amounts from 7000 rubles. performed under contract
  • DRA is a registered trademark - .
  • gratitude to our organization from the authority -. We have been working with the Committee for Nature Management for 7 years already, we maintain and develop their website.
Better than any words

We ask you to be vigilant, because scammers work on our behalf, who do not hesitate to introduce themselves as CreoBits/DRA.RU employees and promise assistance in restoring websites and domains for a modest (or completely immodest) fee. Remember, we write only from addresses, for example, from addresses [email protected], [email protected] and if you received a letter from some other address, for example, [email protected] then they are scammers. Just call us at 8-800-333-16-58 and clarify all the questions about restoring the site. Our site