All about car tuning

Former stables not far from Mikkeli. Eastern Finland, Mikkeli city

Mikkeli is a picturesque lake town in the province of Southern Savonia, where I spent almost a whole year. During this time, I managed to see all its metamorphoses that occurred with the change of weather. We can say that he falls asleep in mid-autumn and wakes up in spring.

I can say with full confidence that it will be equally interesting to those who are heading to Lapland and want to visit other cities along the way, as well as to lovers of country holidays. It is especially popular among St. Petersburg residents.

Here everyone will find something to do and see - from the city center with its many bars, shops and restaurants, to the peaceful atmosphere of a country holiday. On the streets of the city you can meet people of any age, and it is simply impossible for a tourist to get lost: even the oldest resident speaks at least a little English. Every year thousands of students come to Mikkeli to study at one of the best universities in Finland - Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences.

But, in my opinion, the city is perfect for a family holiday, because it is so peaceful and quiet.

In addition to the university, Mikkeli is also famous for its neo-Gothic cathedral. It can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. And Lake Saimaa, on the shores of which the city is located, is a favorite place for fishermen and the largest lake in Finland. In the summer, from the port of Mikkeli you can go on a cruise to and admire the medieval fortress.

How to get there

Mikkeli is located 230 km from the capital, in its eastern part. And since this is a country of thousands of lakes, and the city itself is literally buried in them, you can even get here by water. But the journey from Moscow will seem like a trip around the world, so it will be much faster to get to the airport by plane and then transfer to a bus or high-speed train. Approximate travel time is 10 hours.

If you are leaving from St. Petersburg, then it will be most profitable to take a minibus or bus. But here it is impossible to predict the travel time: it all depends on the mood of the border guards and the time of day and year in which you get to them. We should not forget about the most comfortable, in my opinion, type of transport - the St. Petersburg - Helsinki ferry, which will allow you to have a pleasant time. But personally, I would prefer it for longer, cruise trips around Scandinavia.

By plane

The nearest airport to the city of Mikkeli, which receives regular flights, is located in the suburb of Vantaa. The main airlines operating such flights are airBaltic, S7, Finnair and Aeroflot.

I flew from Moscow and always gave preference to the last two airlines: direct flights, planes fly several times a day and the money was about 4,000 rubles one way if you took tickets in advance. Prices can be monitored.

While departing on an evening flight, I noticed several times that on the departure board Finnair and Aeroflot were indicated by a fraction: airlines often combined their flights, and there was a kind of jackpot at stake - whether I would get dinner or not.

The flight from Moscow takes only about an hour and a half, and the Finns offer dinner for money, so a sandwich on board the plane will cost you about 8 EUR. However, the drink will be a compliment.

The difference in price between flights from Moscow or St. Petersburg is not so striking and is about 1 thousand rubles. And the travel time from St. Petersburg is half an hour less. You can find out more details on how to get to Helsinki.

How to get there from Vantaa

Arriving at Vantaa Airport, you should take a bus to Mikkeli. The bus stop is located right outside the airport doors, on the second arrivals level.

Bus tickets can be purchased in advance on the Matkahuolto website. When purchased in advance for some flights, the company provides discounts, as well as benefits for students and children. The price varies and on average is about 10 EUR, and the travel time is about two and a half hours. At the stop there is a board with information about approaching buses. Sometimes the routes are combined, and after about twenty minutes the bus driver can announce a transfer to another bus to Mikkeli. The bus moves with stops and goes on different routes. All information about stops and times is listed on the company's website. It is worth noting that the bus is modern, comfortable and provides free Wi-Fi.

If you have a few hours left and a desire to walk around the capital, buses to Helsinki often run at this same stop. A ticket will cost approximately 6 EUR. Cards are also accepted on the bus. You will be taken directly to one of the capital's main shopping centers, Kaampi, from where you can then travel to Mikkeli.

The bus station is located on the minus first floor.

It is convenient to purchase a ticket at the ticket office (yellow kiosk in the photo with the Matkahuolto logo) or from the driver. The price is about the same as if you were departing from the airport. But Onnibus also has sweet special offers for only euros.

By train

You can get to Mikkeli by train with transfers in Finnish cities. This method will be very convenient for those who travel to the city for a long time and cannot fit into one suitcase, take with them their entire wardrobe, or even a bicycle with a cat, and also prefer the romance of the railways: sleep to the sound of a moving train, drink tea from a glass goblet in an iron stand and watch the changing landscapes along the way.

From Moscow

In Moscow, the Lev Tolstoy train departs daily from Leningradsky Station and travels through and to Kouvola. Such a ticket will cost you from 2500 ₽. Then you need to transfer to Mikkeli. Ticket price from 1200 ₽. The total travel time will be approximately 14 hours.

From Saint-Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the Allegro train departs from Finlyandsky Station several times a day. There will also be a transfer in the city. This journey will take about 5 hours and cost approximately 3,000 rubles.

How to get to the city center

Mikkeli train station is a two-minute walk from the city's central square.

There is also a city bus stop, from which you can get to your area or local attractions. It is very easy to find, it will literally be on your way from the railway station. The Matkakeskus intercity bus parking lot is located right next to it.

It is worth mentioning the train from the city. When I first arrived in the capital and went to look for the station, I was absolutely sure that this would be the cheapest way to get to Mikkeli. But it turned out differently: the trip would have cost me 55 EUR. I would like to note that the train is no faster than a comfortable bus. You can find a more economical option on the train website, but it will still cost much more than a bus.

Interesting fact: if, when getting off the train, you notice a six-fingered palm on the door, and now you reach out to it to make sure your eyes are not deceiving you, the trick was a success. The idea was to force you to push the door in this place, and not into the glass. Thus, the cost of cleaning glass is significantly reduced.

By bus

You can get to Mikkeli from St. Petersburg by a regular comfortable bus from the Moscow or Pulkovskaya hotel along the route - Jyväskylä. The bus departs daily at 8 am and arrives at the intercity bus stop opposite the Mikkeli railway station around 6 pm. It is better to purchase tickets on the website of the Finnish transport company in advance, as there is a possibility that on the day of departure all seats may be sold out and it will not be possible to buy a ticket from the driver. The cost of a ticket to Mikkeli is about 40 EUR one way. Discounts are available for students, pensioners and children.

This flight passes the border quickly and out of turn. And the distance from St. Petersburg to Mikkeli is about 300 km, plus there is a toll route. I had an acquaintance who bought a ticket to Vyborg, but stayed further on the bus. And thus saved about 20 EUR.

You can also get to Mikkeli by bus through Laaperanta by the Russian company Sovavto, it will be cheaper. The route is combined with the company Savonlinja Oy. The bus also departs from Pulkovskaya at 8:00 and arrives in Laaperanta at 14:05. The ticket price will be 550 rubles, and the travel time will be about 6 hours. Tickets can be purchased from the bus driver or at the sales center at the Pulkovskaya Hotel. When purchasing a ticket, you need a passport and a valid Schengen visa. More details about this route are written.

In general, there are a lot of St. Petersburg transport companies that carry out trips in this direction. The price varies, but on average about 2000 rubles. It is very convenient and profitable to travel with a group and order a minibus.

By car

Of course, the route to Mikkeli from St. Petersburg will be shorter than from Moscow by as much as 700 km and, as a result, faster - about 300 km. The route follows the E18 highway and the Lingonberry Highway through Lappeenanta.

A car, undoubtedly, could be the most convenient and fastest mode of transport, if not for the numerous cameras, huge fines and the Russian border with Finland (Brusnichnoe). I was told cases when the Finnish border was crossed at night, and the border guards at the Finnish checkpoint were simply sleeping; they had to wait not for their turn, but for awakening.

In general, it is difficult to predict the waiting time, but it is possible with the help of online services. Of course, the waiting minutes on weekends and holidays increases and sometimes turns into several hours.

As for gasoline, the price increases by one and a half times compared to ours. Throughout 2016, according to my observation, it was about 1.40 EUR per liter of 95th. Don’t forget about getting a Green Card; it will be impossible to travel without it.

By ferry

As with air travel, Mikkeli can be reached by ferry mainly through Helsinki. I will not repeat myself and describe in detail about the ferry to Helsinki, because everything has already been briefly described. I will only add that such ferries transport excursion buses and cars.


Mikkeli - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Ekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season? When is the best time to go

I spent all four seasons in Mikkeli and I can say with confidence that the climate is quite comparable to the climate in the Moscow region. And January was the only month with the onset of which I felt the northern location of the city.

In autumn and spring there are almost no tourists. I don’t recommend coming to Mikkeli in the off-season, because during this period it is very rainy in the city, it’s slushy in the forest, and you won’t be able to pick berries.

But in the summer the city comes to life: the natives are more willing to leave their homes, tourists appear, and fairs, theme parks, and concerts come with them.

Mikkeli in summer

Summer in Mikkeli is quite cool. The average temperature fluctuates around +20 °C. The least amount of precipitation falls in July. In the same month, the temperature warms up to its maximum of +25 °C, and the water temperature reaches +22 °C. This weather is ideal for summer sports and fishing, which is loved by men. And their other halves can sunbathe next to each other on sun loungers.

Mikkeli in autumn

For lovers of colorful autumn, September will be a favorable month for a trip to Mikkeli: the average monthly air temperature is 14°C, and the amount of precipitation, as well as for tourists, is minimal.

In my opinion, September is ideal for kayaking, because you have beautiful views, and the demand for rentals is not as high as in the summer.

You also have the opportunity to go into the forest to pick mushrooms and wild berries, which you cannot find in our forests.

With the onset of October, the number of rainy days increases, and the streets become completely empty - the demi season begins.

Mikkeli in spring

Spring is a period of calm. There are very few tourists in Mikkeli, and the city itself is turning into one huge lake. As soon as the thermometer approaches zero, locals can be found in T-shirts, short jeans and sneakers.

In May, all the snow has time to melt and nature blooms. The weather is sunny and it's time to open the barbecue season. In the courtyards of many houses there are gazebos with barbecues and firewood.

Mikkeli in winter

In winter everything turns white in Mikkeli. Finns are passionate about the environment and do not sprinkle roads with salt; instead, they use granite chips.

Residents decorate their homes long before Christmas, almost with the first snow. You hear Russian speech so often in shops that you begin to forget that you are in Finland.

In February there is a high chance of seeing the northern lights. I followed his forecast in advance on the Aurora Borealis website and went out for a walk on the frozen lake in anticipation of a miracle.

In winter, three main types of entertainment are available to tourists - fishing, ice skating (the central football field turns into a skating rink in winter) and skiing. The forest has trails for skiers and is equipped with lighting and maps. I’ll tell you more about the ski slope at the end of this article. The most favorable month for skiing will be February, since mild winter temperatures prevail during this period.

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

Mikkeli is a place where people come for a holiday with a group or the whole family. Almost every house here has a sauna. According to statistics, there are more of them in Finland than cars. Traditionally, Finns take beer into the sauna to appease the gnomes guarding it. This section will tell you where it’s best to do this.

Here is a screenshot of hotels from booking with subsequent descriptions. I advise you to book at the same place, and you can compare prices

You can look for cottages or apartments with locals.

Central part of the city (1)

Everything is at hand here: in the central part there are the main hotels, restaurants, bars, shops and attractions, including the cathedral, the museum of the infantry and Mannerheim's main headquarters, the rural parish church, etc. When arriving by train or bus, you will arrive here first. However, accommodation costs accordingly: from 50 EUR per day for a modest hotel Uusikuu or about 100 EUR for luxury apartments in the very center of the city. There are practically no cottages in this area. But the further from the center, the more affordable housing becomes. Along the edges of the marked oval on the city map there are many decent apartments for 500 EUR per month.

Southern part of the city (2)

Located among lakes and forests. This is where I first became acquainted with the game of frisbee golf. Local residents rent out their houses and apartments here. You can see the options. The price for a one-room apartment is approximately 500 EUR per month.

As a rule, apartments do not have a bathtub or washing machine. In my house, there was a special room for laundry on the ground floor with a paid washing machine and a drying room.

This picturesque area is convenient for its location: there is a bus to the city center, there are two parks (Urpola and Mikkelipuisto), a large Lidl grocery store is nearby, and the Tornimäki ski resort is located nearby. The Kenkavero estate is also marked on the map.

Eastern district of the city (3)

The housing here is nicer, and there are practically no refugees to be found. Mostly in this area there are apartments and private houses for long-term rent, so there are not so many tourists. Regarding bonuses, the Graani and Prisma shopping complex is located nearby. And at night white hares walk quietly.

Visulahti (4)

With this figure I specifically marked the Visulahti amusement park, which is described in this article in the “parks” section. It is best to come here with children and stay at the campsite, where you can rent a cottage or villa.

What are the prices for holidays?

Prices in the city for housing and food are comparable to Moscow. Most attractions are either free or cost very little. But the restaurants in the city are really expensive. Upon arrival, I always compare prices at McDonald’s: a burger (or salad for girls) will cost 500 rubles here along with a cola.

Let's calculate how much a day in Mikkeli will cost:

  • hotel accommodation per night - 50 EUR,
  • taxi ride to Visulahti - from 15 EUR,
  • bus ticket - 3, 30 EUR,
  • groceries per day - 10 EUR,
  • dinner or lunch in a restaurant - from 20 EUR,
  • 2 cocktails at the bar - 12 EUR,
  • ticket to the museum - approximately 4 EUR,
  • shopping - well, how it goes

Total: approximately 100 EUR per day per person.

You can save on attractions by buying a ticket, for example, to the Mannerheim Headquarters Museum; a ticket to the Communications Museum will be much cheaper. The total cost for both museums will be 7 EUR. It’s also possible to save on food, and the quality of the food is not proportional to the price: just use the buffet system.

Main attractions. What to see

The town of Mikkeli is not very large, but it is home to historically important churches, statues and museums. The main attractions have a historical theme. The city arose as a result of the Russian-Swedish war and was founded under the command of Nicholas I in 1838. And during the Second World War, the headquarters of Mannerheim's armed forces was located in the city. Most of the museums are associated with his reign.

Top 5

Below are the top 5 places that are definitely worth visiting with at least a couple of days left.

  • Mikkeli Cathedral, which is simply impossible to miss.

  • Mikkeli Rural Parish Church is the third largest wooden church in Finland with a capacity of 2000 people. It is a must-see for those who do not plan to go and see the largest wooden church in the world, located in Kerimyak.

  • Kenkavero - museum-estate of the parish priest.

  • Finnish Army Infantry Museum.

  • Visulahti is a large amusement and camping park, on its territory there is the largest wax museum in Finland.

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

The most significant and interesting buildings in the city include the following churches.

Mikkeli Rural Parish Church

The church of the rural parish of Mikkeli is located in the western part of the city and accommodates up to 2000 people, being the third largest in Finland. Its facade is made in the form of the intersection of a cross and a square, according to the canons of the Lutheran Church. Built at the beginning of the 19th century. Its doors open exclusively in the summer, and within the walls of the building is kept an exact copy of the image of the crucifixion of Christ, located in. Entrance to the church is free.

Mikkeli Cathedral

The main church of the city was built at the end of the 19th century, whose design was created by the Finnish architect Josef Stenbeck, and is a bit like a castle. The cathedral inside is also very spacious, its capacity is 1200 people. There is a small pond outside. According to legend, if you throw a coin across the bridge into the pond, your wish will definitely come true.

You can enter the Cathedral any day for free. Those wishing to attend the service should come to the main church of the diocese of Mikkeli on Sunday morning.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

There aren't many museums in Mikkeli. I will highlight the most interesting and historically important of them.

Mannerheim Carriage Museum

Mikkeli is closely connected with the history of the country. Here is the carriage of the Commander-in-Chief Carl Gustav Emil, created in the 1930s of the last century. There are very few such salons around the world.

The carriage was part of a train on which the marshal traveled more than a hundred times. But the trip during which Mannerheim accepted birthday congratulations from Hitler was especially interesting.

You can get inside the carriage only on the president's birthday - June 4 from 10:00 to 17:00. The entrance is free.

Mannerheim Main Headquarters Museum

The museum contains elements of military life from the Soviet-Finnish and World War II. Here, within the walls of the school, the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of Finland was located, in which he led the defense of the country. Most of the information in the museum is in Finnish, so I do not recommend entering it on a day when there is no Russian-speaking guide. It is unlikely that you will be able to translate and understand texts using Google Translator.

The museum is open 02.05.-31.08 daily from 10.00 to 17.00, 01.09.-30.04. Fri.-Sun. from 10.00 to 17.00, at other times by appointment.

Address: Päämajankuja 1-3.

Infantry Museum

This museum is located within the walls of two old barracks. It is located next to the Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences. The sound of hooves in the barracks gave way to an accompanying story from the museum guide about the Finnish army.

The museum itself is divided into exhibitions related to different time periods. Here you can see weapons, wax figures dressed in uniforms, as well as dry rations and much more, which will allow you to immerse yourself in the era of that time.

Opening hours: 02.05–15.09 daily 10.00 - 17.00. Ticket price: 6 EUR, pensioners and students – 4 EUR, children (7–17 years old) – 2 EUR, with a guide – 30–40 EUR.

Address: Jääkärinkatu 6-8.

Kenkavero Estate Museum

Kenkavero is located in a former priest's estate, furnished with furniture from a previous era. Over a thousand different plants bloom in its garden, and the halls house the Syreeni folk arts center and one of the best restaurants in the city. You can visit the museum at any time of the year completely free of charge. But the buffet will cost approximately 30 EUR per person. But its atmosphere is really worth it.

Open: Mon.–Fri. and all 10.00–18.00, Sat. 10.00–16.00. Lunch daily from 11 to 16. Address: Pursialankatu 6.


Mikkeli Puisto Park

One of my favorite parks in Mikkeli was Mikkeli Puisto Park. I lived on the outskirts, and often when I got to the center, I walked past it, admired it and took photos.

The picturesque park is simply created for summer walks and picnics: exotic plants, cafes, barbecues and animals walking around without fear. For parents with children, there is a cool, modern playground here. Next to the park there is also a lake with another playground and a beach. The park is located in the south of the city.


Visulahti Park is a favorite place for the whole family to visit and opens every year in the summer from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. There is a motor park with 10 tracks for karting and motorcycles, a dinosaur water park, a hall of wax figures and an exhibition of rare cars.

A full day ticket costs 21 EUR and includes the Dinosauria and entry to the wax museum, which features 80 exhibits.

Near the park there is a camping area with cottages and bungalows. The houses have all the amenities, including a kitchen, bathroom with shower and TV, and the bungalows have their own sauna with fireplace. The price for a bungalow in summer starts from 100 EUR, and for cottages - from 65 EUR. And a beautiful view is guaranteed :).

Tourist streets

It must be said that heated parking on the hotel premises costs 10 EUR. And in general, parking in the city center is paid. Failure to pay will result in a heavy fine. And the cost of gasoline is much higher than ours - approximately 1.5 EUR per liter.

In Finland, everything related to cars is very expensive. This is especially true for fines. Therefore, all residents violate it extremely rarely, which I do not advise you to do. Judge for yourself:

  • the cost of fines is calculated based on the income of the offender, and there is no upper limit;
  • communication on a mobile phone without a headset will cost 80 EUR;
  • It will be required to pay it, in the best case, by a receipt at the bank, and in the worst case, when leaving the country or home through the consulate (the commission of which will be 50 EUR;
  • If you fail to pay it in the future, you may be denied a Schengen visa.

Mikkeli - holidays with children

As you may have guessed, Mikkeli, with its green parks, water slides in summer and ski slopes in winter, cozy cottages and clean air, will be a wonderful city for families with children.

In Finland, they care about the environment and food, so a holiday with children will only benefit them. And if they like it so much that they don’t want to leave, there are excellent camps here with all the conditions and entertainment where they can learn English in a short time.

Ski holiday

There is a small slope 6 kilometers from the town of Mikkeli. The season starts on November 20 and lasts until March 31. This resort is suitable for absolutely everyone: skiers, snowboarders, tubers, telemarkers, and sledding enthusiasts. There is a cafe on site at the resort, offering its visitors delicious coffee and pastries, and lunch on weekends.

You can come here for a ride from 14:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and from 10:00 to 17:00 on weekends. It is better to plan the route to the resort on Google maps. The most convenient way to get there is by taxi or car, because buses do not go to the winter center from the city.

You can stay in cottages closer to the ski lifts. Accommodation prices start from 550 EUR per week.

Particular attention is paid to children at Ski Tornimäki. The staff is incredibly polite and treats little visitors with special care. The atmosphere and service are excellent and, in my opinion, cannot be compared with those in the Moscow region.

Ski passes

Ski passes are available at the resort ticket office. The minimum cost for skiing is 15 EUR per hour or 30 EUR per day. It is more profitable to rent for more days or hours.

Adults - Children:

  • 1 hour 15 EUR 10 EUR
  • 2 hours 20 EUR 15 EUR
  • 3 hours 25 EUR 20 EUR
  • 1 day 30 EUR 25 EUR
  • 2 days 55 EUR 40 EUR
  • 3 days 75 EUR 60 EUR
  • 4 days 95 EUR 85 EUR
  • 5 days 115 EUR 95 EUR
  • 6 days 130 EUR 110 EUR
  • Seasonal 325 EUR 270 EUR

Equipment rental will cost about the same price, and one hour at the ski school will be 40 EUR per hour.


Tornimäki has 4 trails of varying difficulty levels, one of which is for children. Almost all slopes are equipped with lighting; two rope tows and one multi-lift reach the top. For those who find the 450-meter descent of the track boring, there is a park and a track for boardercross and slalom.

In my opinion, the resort is more suitable for beginners, as it is relatively flat and small, but for professionals and freestyle lovers there is a large jibbing park.


Anything to add?

This region is famous for the fact that there are a large number of country houses where city residents like to spend their summer holidays. Houses, as a rule, are located in picturesque places, on the shores of lakes or on islands. Among the people renting these cottages there are many Russian citizens.

Mikkeli is the administrative center of the province of Etelä-Savo (Etelä-Savo, Southern Savonia). The city has a population of approximately 64.5 thousand people. The city is located approximately 85 kilometers north of the city of Lappeenranta.

Distance from Mikkeli to some cities: – 230 kilometers, Turku – 340 kilometers, – 300 kilometers.

The center of the city of Mikkeli can be considered the Mikkelin tori square. Near the square there are pedestrian streets, shopping centers Stella and Akseli and several cafes and restaurants. The square hosts various events that are attended by both locals and tourists. The square is located approximately 200 meters from the train and bus stations. The area is limited by the streets Hallituskatu, Maaherrankatu, Raatihuoneenkatu Porrassalmenkatu.

What attracts tourists to Mikkeli

The unique nature of the lake region of Finland is the main feature that attracts tourists here. There are more than two thousand lakes in the region, some of which are parts of Lake Saimaa. There are about thirty thousand cottages in the region, which are used by their owners or rented out.

Most tourists come to the region in the summer. More than half of the tourists coming here are residents of Finnish cities. As a rule, they rent a country house on the shore of a lake to spend one or two weeks of their summer vacation.

Russians made up the largest share of foreign tourists in the region until recently. Among the foreigners coming to Mikkeli there are also many citizens of Germany, Estonia, Sweden and. Not many people come from more distant countries (Japan, China, etc.).

Foreigners are attracted to the Finnish lake region by the same things as locals. This is an opportunity to spend a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in big cities. There are few places left in other European countries with such quiet, peaceful nature. Moreover, in summer it is not as hot here as in popular European and Asian resorts. In summer you can go fishing, swimming, hiking and boating. Boat cruises on Lake Saimaa are also popular.

The Jurassic Rock Festival is one of the city's most famous annual events. The festival takes place on the second weekend of August at Pursialankatu 6, 50100 Mikkeli.

Attractions and places to visit

General Staff Museum

During the civil war of 1918 and during the Second World War, Mikkeli was the headquarters of the Finnish army. In 1974, a museum was opened in the city, which was dedicated to Marshal Mannerheim. The museum later also included exhibitions dedicated to the history of recent wars and army headquarters.
Address: Päämajankuja 1-3, 50100 Mikkeli.

Observation deck

The observation deck is located on the water tower, on Naisvuori hill. The observation deck offers views of the city and the lake. The observation deck was opened in 1912. There is a cafe nearby. The tower is located approximately 400 meters north of the central square.

Sacristy in Savilahti

The Savilahden kivisakasti sacristy is the oldest building in the province of Etelä-Savo. The building is located approximately in the middle of Porrassalmenkatu street, at a distance of approximately 700 meters north of the central square of the city. The sacristy was built in the 15th or 16th century. It was part of a wooden church. The church was built in 1320 and dismantled in 1769 (the sacristy has been preserved).
Address: Porrassalmenkatu 32 A, Mikkeli.


The cathedral (Mikkelin tuomiokirkko) was built in 1896-1897. The maximum height of the cathedral is 64 meters. This is one of the most famous buildings in the city. The cathedral is located near the central square.

Visulahti Waterpark

The amusement park includes: children's adventure park “Dinosauria”, playground for children “Hyperdino”, wax museum, extreme amusement park XON, minigolf, tennis, volleyball, beach soccer. The amusement park is located approximately 4 kilometers northeast of the city center (along Highway 5).
Address: Visulahdentie 1, 50180 Mikkeli, Finland.

Ski center

Ski Tornimäki is the closest ski center to Mikkeli. The Ski Tornimäki winter sports center is located approximately 10 kilometers from the center of Mikkeli. Here you can go downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing or just spend time in nature.
Address: Metsä-Sairilantie, 4, Mikkeli.


There are plenty of places in and around Mikkeli where you can rent a room, apartment or cottage. Below is information about some places for tourists to stay.

Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna

The Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna is located near the central square of Mikkeli. The train station is located approximately 600 meters from the hotel. The hotel is part of the Sokos Hotels hotel chain.

Address: Porrassalmenkatu 9, 50100 Mikkeli, Finland.

Book a room at a hotel in Mikkeli.

Scandic City Mikkeli

The Scandic hotel is located in the center of Mikkeli, next to Mikkelintori Square. The train station can be reached on foot in a few minutes from the hotel. Shops and cafes are located near the hotel.
Address: Mikonkatu 9, 50100 Mikkeli, Finland.


Hotel Anttolanhovi is located on the shores of Lake Saimaa, near the village of Anttola. The hotel is located approximately 25 kilometers southeast of the city of Mikkeli (on road 62).
The hotel has meeting facilities, two restaurants, 19 cottages, 54 hotel rooms and 7 apartments. The recreation center also has saunas, swimming pools, and a gym. Tourists have the opportunity to take boat trips on the lake in the summer.
Address: Anttolanhovi, Hovintie 224, 52100 Anttola, Finland.


On the territory of the Visulahti amusement park there are several cottages that are available for rent. The cottages are located next to the shore of Lake Saimaa, approximately 4 kilometers from the center of Mikkeli. You can book a room or cottage online.
Address: Visulahdentie 1, 50180 Mikkeli, Finland.

Lakeistenranta Camping

Camping Lakeistenranta is located in a picturesque location, near the shore of Lake Saimaa, near the village of Anttola. The distance from the city of Mikkeli is approximately 27 kilometers. In addition to places for setting up tents and caravans, the campsite has small cottages. The campsite has everything you need for a comfortable stay (toilets, showers and a kitchen, cafe). There is a sandy beach nearby.
Address: Pitkalahdentie 215, Anttola, Finland.


In the lake region of Finland, a large number of country houses of different sizes and different levels of comfort are available for rent. Such houses are usually located on the shore of a lake and have everything necessary for a comfortable stay. City dwellers love to spend part of their summer vacation in such houses.

Rent a house in the Etelä-Savo region you can use one of the international booking services ().

How to get there

Mikkeli can be reached by car, bus or train. Mikkeli Transport Center (train and bus stations, Mikkelin matkakeskus) is located near the city center.

InterCity and Pendolino trains travel from Helsinki to Mikkeli several times a day. Travel time is approximately 2.5 hours.

Mikkeli has regular bus service with the cities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta, Savonlinna.

By car from Helsinki to Mikkeli you can travel on highways E75 and then 5.
From St. Petersburg: drive to and then along highway 13.

Mikkeli Airport is located approximately 3 kilometers from the city center. There are currently no scheduled flights to this airport.

One of the oldest cities in Finland is Mikkeli, which is located on the coast of Lake Saimaa. Today Mikkeli is a major tourist city, where thousands of tourists vacation every year. Many attractions will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, they are definitely worth a visit to feel the special atmosphere of the city. We recommend flying from here for a couple of days in Spain.

In Southern Savonia, this provincial town has become an important transport hub. Indeed, during the Second World War, Mikkeli was used as a headquarters; it was here that Marshal Mannerheim controlled the Finnish army. Today this history can be traced in numerous museums. By the way, the city was awarded the Order of the Cross of Freedom.

How to get to Mikkeli

Mikkeli Airport is located three kilometers from the central part of the city. Today, this airport exclusively accepts private jets and charter flights. Therefore, in general, it is possible to get to the city by air, only you need to take care of air tickets in advance.

Mikkeli has excellent bus connections to many cities in Finland. The bus terminal is combined with the railway station, so it is very convenient to get from the train to the bus and vice versa. Of course, the roads are well suited for traveling by car. The main thing is to prepare well for the road so that no problems arise.

Prices in shops and hotels

On Lake Saimaa there is an old mansion, which today is the Kyyhkyla Hotel, seven kilometers from the city center. All amenities are available to guests, such as a gym, indoor pool and sauna. Very suitable for lovers of an active lifestyle. The rooms are cozy and comfortable; their cost is about 3,700 rubles.

Original Sokos Hotel is located close to the market square and Mikkeli Train Station. Rooms have standard amenities as well as free Wi-Fi. The cost of one room is approximately 4400 rubles.

In 1800, a magnificent estate was built, which today is the Tertin Kartano Hotel. The rooms have a wonderful view of the garden. This place has old world charm with a mix of modern amenities. Despite the many advantages of this hotel, the cost of living is 3,800 rubles.

In general, shopping in Mikkeli stores is no different from other cities in Finland. The cost of goods is quite reasonable, so it’s worth setting aside a day to go shopping in the city. In addition, in many souvenir shops you can find unique gifts and memorable souvenirs.

What to see in Mikkeli

Mikkeli is rich in many museums dedicated to military topics. First of all, you should go to the Mannerheim Bunker Museum; this place once served as a command center for the Finnish army. A ticket to the museum costs only four euros, and it is open until five in the evening local time. In 1982, the Infantry Museum was founded, which is considered one of the largest military museums in Finland. Three wooden barracks house the museum's military exhibits, which consist of military tools, clothing and military vehicles. Of course, what is a military museum without weapons: machine guns and mortars used in wartime are displayed here.

Another famous attraction of the city is the rock paintings of Astuvansalmi. Experts believe that they are about three to four thousand years old. In Finland, these drawings are recognized as the best representatives of prehistoric rock art. These petroglyphs were depicted on the rock cliff. If you come to look at the famous rock paintings, you can also visit the peasant museum-reserve, which consists of twenty houses. Experts believe that these houses were built in 1672, so this museum describes the peasant life of those times.

Architectural monuments

The main square of Mikkeli is a landmark of the city, in the center of which there is a monument to Marshal Mannerheim. Next to it is the famous Lutheran Cathedral, in the construction of which red brick was used. His style is characterized as late Gothic. On weekends in the Cathedral you can hear solemn service singing and the sounds of the organ.

The square is surrounded by hotels, offices, a large department store, banks, and the city hall. The ancient covered market, which is located near the central square, is called a monument of northern architecture. On Saturdays the square is filled with market stalls.

The Naisvuri observation tower is an original architectural object, also located near the center. There is a cozy cafe on the top floor of the tower, so this is a great option for those who want to enjoy a picturesque view of the city while enjoying a cup of delicious coffee.

The delightful stone sacristy of Kivisakasti has a very mysterious history. Because no one can still name the exact date of construction and age of the building. According to some assumptions, Kivisakasti is part of the destroyed Savilahti (early 16th century church).

Festival City

Mikkeli's convenient location allows it to be a tourist center that takes special care of its guests. Throughout the year, the city hosts various festivals, exhibitions and concerts, as well as unusual excursions. Finns themselves, along with foreigners, plunge into the active life of the city. No one will be bored. After all, festivals often last until late at night, so after exploring local attractions, tourists spend their leisure time listening to beautiful music or watching an exciting performance. The city transforms during the holidays, so it is worth taking part in such events.

The city of Mikkeli is recognized as one of the oldest cities in Finland, which is located on the shores of Lake Saimaa. The patron saint of the city is the Archangel Michael. It was in honor of its own patron that the city of Mikkeli acquired its name. The local population received city rights only in 1838 by decree of Tsar Nicholas, and the first settlements in this territory were recorded in the 12th century. At the moment, the city of Mikkeli is considered a major tourist center, in which valuable attractions are concentrated.


In the city of Mikkeli there is a beautiful Cathedral, designed in the neo-Gothic style by the famous architect Joseph Steinbeck. The cathedral building is distinguished by red brick decoration and a tiled roof. This attraction was built in 1896 and can accommodate about 1,200 visitors within its walls. In the 20th century, a high bell tower was added to the cathedral, and a magnificent organ was purchased for services. In the eastern part of the Cathedral there is a large altar on which the scene of the crucifixion of Christ is depicted. At the moment, the Cathedral is open to guests and residents of the city.

Suur-Savo Museum

This cultural and historical museum in the city of Mikkeli has about 8,000 exhibits that reveal the multifaceted history, lifestyle and cultural traditions of the region. The Suur-Savo Museum is constantly updated with new exhibits and systematically organizes interesting thematic exhibitions for guests and local residents of the city.

Mannerheim saloon car

The famous saloon car was built in 1930 and was used for the trips of the famous marshal. This attraction includes a salon, five bedrooms, a kitchen and a toilet. The commander-in-chief made more than a hundred trips in this carriage. Today, the lounge car is open to visitors only on Mannerheim’s birthday – June 4th.

Naisvuori observation tower

In the center of Mikkeli, on a hill, is the 40-meter-high Naisvuori observation tower. This attraction is located at the highest point of the city. Local residents call the hill “Women’s Mountain”, since during the Russian-Finnish War, women watched the battles from the hill. The Naisvuori Tower is decorated with white stone in the style of the 30s of the 20th century, and also has a working observation deck. With the help of optical technology you can see all the sights of the city. A fun children's festival is held on the hill in early June, which is accompanied by songs, theater performances and dances.

Mikkeli Art Museum

In the central part of the city there is an Art Museum, built according to the design of Armas Rankka. Most of the exhibitions in the museum belong to famous post-impressionists. In addition to paintings, famous sculptures, small objects of art, antique furniture and oriental carpets are exhibited within the walls of this attraction.

Loki Communications Center

In the caves of the city of Naisvuori there is the most unique attraction of the Second World War - the Lokki communications center, which was responsible for telephone communications and communication lines of the Main Army Headquarters. The center's staff included about 130 people. There was also an observation center, a German communications center and recreation facilities. Today the museum displays telephones, intercom stations, weapons, radio equipment and equipment of Finnish army soldiers.

Museum-Estate Kenkavero

On the shore of a picturesque lake there is a museum-estate of a parish priest, which was built back in the 15th century. For a long period of time, this estate was the center of spiritual life for local residents. Today, within the walls of this attraction are thematic exhibitions of local crafts and art. At the estate there is a garden in which more than 500 species of flowering plants grow.

Country parish church

In the western part of Mikkeli is the Rural Parish Church, which is a large wooden building with a capacity of about 2000 people. This city landmark is recognized as the third largest church in Finland. The building was built in 1817 in accordance with all the religious characteristics of Finland. The church has preserved its original façade, the altar depicting the crucifixion of Christ, and the bells cast in 1752.

Infantry Museum

In 1982, the Infantry Museum was opened in Mikkeli on the territory of the old barracks, which houses a valuable collection of personal belongings of infantrymen, information about the history and development of infantry units of the army from the beginning of the 18th century to the present day. The museum's exhibitions are located in two buildings. In addition, the museum displays photographs of soldiers who were awarded medals, as well as military equipment.

Mannerheim Main Headquarters Museum

In 2001, the famous Mannerheim Main Headquarters Museum opened its doors to visitors. Within the walls of the city attraction are exhibits that reveal the main events of the war years, the features of the activities of the Main Headquarters, as well as the history of the development of the city.

The city of Mikkeli is the center of the Etela-Savo region and the administrative center of the province of Ita-Suomi (eastern Finland). The city is located 120 kilometers northwest of the city of Lappeenranta and about three hundred kilometers from St. Petersburg.

The city is home to the provincial administration, the command of the eastern district of the defense forces, and representative offices of government bodies of Finland. Multifaceted economic activities cover the areas of food industry, forestry, woodworking, metalworking, electronics and of course the tourism business. The city is home to Europe's largest plywood factory, northern Europe's largest gravure printing plant, Quebecor World Helprint, and one of Finland's most popular family holiday centers. More than 25,000 located in the region receive a large number of holidaymakers from Finland and other countries every year. The university located in the city helps the region remain competitive in the "high technology" field.

Statistical data.

Year of foundation - 1838
Total area (with adjacent territories) - 1,622.1 km2
Of these, water surface - 303.6 km2 (18.7%)
Number of residents - 46.5 thousand people.
Women - 52%
Over 65 years old - 15.5%
Population density - 35.4 people/km2
Provision of jobs - 103.2%
Unemployed - 13% (according to 2003 data)

Information from the history of the city.

The first people appeared in this region 6,000 years ago. It is assumed that these were hunters and fur buyers. Around the 14th century, there were already permanent settlements on the territory of present-day Mikkeli. The first mention of a settlement called Mikkeli dates back to the 16th century, and in the 17th century it began to play a prominent role in the region. The future city received its name in honor of St. Michael. In 1809, the territory of Finland passed to the Russian Empire. From this time on, a new period began in the history of Mikkeli. In 1838, by order of Emperor Nicholas I, the city of Mikkeli was founded, at that time the city had 63 inhabitants. In 1842 the city received its own coat of arms. As the city developed, government institutions, church services, and entrepreneurs moved to Mikkeli. In 1843, the provincial administration moved from Heinola to Mikkeli. In 1846, the first printing house and the first store were opened in Mikkeli, a provincial prison was built, and the city continued to develop. After Finland gained independence, the development of the city continued. The city's population had to endure battles during the civil war and bombing during the war with the Soviet Union. In 1960, the city's population exceeded 20,000 people. Mikkeli is trying to take advantage of its close proximity to Russia. Developing trade and interaction with Russian enterprises, Mikkeli Higher Technical School successfully uses student exchange programs with universities in St. Petersburg.


The town of Mikkeli, small by Russian standards, is rich in attractions. Attracting tourists (both domestic, Finnish and foreign) is one of the main goals of any settlement in Finland. Among the attractions we can mention the Naisvuori observation tower, the art museum, the Mannerheim Headquarters Museum, the Infantry Museum and the Visulahti Tourist Center. More information about attractions and museums on the corresponding page of the site.