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Sliding bayonet knot how to knit. Lev Skryagin "sea knots"

A marine or fishing business simply cannot do without knots. Experienced fisherman can always reliably combine different types of fishing line, or other gear.

Knowing the various knots is very useful for those who go fishing in the sea. You need to know how to tie a knot so that it does not come loose at the wrong moment. Bayonet knots allow you to create a non-tightening loop, they are very simple to perform, but strong and reliable enough.

Useful about knots

A knot is an old way of connecting one or more ropes. This happens due to weaving and tying the "root" and "running" ends of the rope, fishing line or rope.

The root end is that part of the cable that is fixed in a stationary state. It is a loose part of the rope, with the help of which we get a certain knot.

All nodes are usually divided into certain groups according to their purpose. Bayonet knots are non-tightening. Most often they are used in fishing and maritime business.


Simple half bayonet

Of the knots that do not tighten, namely half bayonet is the easiest to implement. They do it this way: they surround the running end around the support, then they braid it around the root end of the rope, as a result, the running end must be passed into the loop that has just formed. They complete the work with a safety knot, which is knitted with a running end.

This simple assembly is able to withstand strong traction. It can move to the support, but it will never drag on.

simple bayonet

This knot is obtained by combining two half bayonets. In this option, the number of half-bayonets should not exceed 3 - this will be enough, moreover, the strength of the knot will not become higher from a larger number of them.

In this case, the use of a safety knot is mandatory. Bayonet knots are considered very reliable. They are used when the rope needs to be fixed on a support for strong traction (towing a car or setting up a canopy crossing).

bayonet with hose

The main difference between this node and the previous one is the presence of a second hose around the support. Having a second hose will make the knot more reliable. In this embodiment, it is also necessary to use a safety knot.

Anchor knot (fisherman's bayonet)

It is this knot that sailors call the most reliable when attaching an anchor to a rope. This option is similar to the “bayonet with a hose” knot, but there is one significant difference. The rope in the "fisherman's bayonet" is also pulled through the second additional hose, which wraps around the support. Even with strong traction, the “fishing bayonet” sea knot does not tighten and holds very tightly.

tourist bayonet

This name was given to the wrong (inverted) "bayonet". It is often used by tourists.

Knot "bayonet": how to knit

"Simple bayonet" - one of the simplest knots that do not tighten. To do it correctly, starting from behind, wrap the running end of the rope around the object. Next, you need to wrap it around the root end once and thread it into the resulting loop. The working end must once again be carried over the root, wrap it and bring it out through the second loop formed.

Even if the root end of the rope is loaded, the bayonet knots will still not be tightened. They can always be untied without removing the load from the root end.

How to tie a "double bayonet"

(that's what the "double bayonet" is also called) - this is a vivid example of non-tightening knots, which has been popular with sailors since ancient times, and all thanks to reliability.

Correctly it can be done in this way:

  1. "Simple bayonet" is not recommended for use when tying a hook on a synthetic fishing line. If the pull is too large, the knot will slip.
  2. A knot called a "bayonet with a hose" has a great advantage - it is quite easy to untie it. Although it is not considered reliable, sailors and fishermen use it quite often.
  3. A double bayonet is a knot that is most often used for strong and reliable fastening of a cable with an anchor.
  4. It must be remembered that a properly tied knot will never fail. The advantage of all types of bayonet knots is that they will never untie on their own when pulled. At the same time, if they were tied correctly, they are very easy to untie.

The bayonet knot and all its varieties are reliable and strong enough in the case when the rope is strongly stretched. If the loads on the rope are variable, the knot may become untied. Therefore, using one of the varieties of the "bayonet" knot, it is necessary to knit an additional safety knot or fix the running end of the rope with twine or a thin cord.

Rice. 12. A simple bayonet with a hose

    1. A simple bayonet with a hose (Fig. 12).

This knot differs from a simple bayonet by one additional hose around the object to which the cable is attached. It also serves mainly for fastening cables and pearls when mooring for bollards, bitengs and pals, but, unlike a simple bayonet, it is used in cases where there is no need to quickly give up the mooring lines. This knot is also convenient for attaching a cable to a hook, fire, eye, etc. Two hoses around the object make this knot more reliable during long stops, in any case, due to the additional hose, it will not fray as quickly as a simple bayonet.

  1. A simple bayonet knot with two hoses

    1. A simple bayonet with two hoses (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. A simple bayonet with two hoses

In fact, this is also a kind of simple bayonet. The difference from the previous node is an additional, third hose. It increases the strength of the knot if the cable experiences constant friction against the bollard or bitten. Attaching the cable to the hook using this knot is a very reliable method.

  1. Knot bayonet with trim

    1. Bayonet with a run-out (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Bayonet with a skid

If for a simple bayonet with two hoses the latter pass to the side of the attachment point of the root end, then for this knot they are placed one on each side. This gives the knot greater symmetry, the knot, in the event of a change in the direction of the thrust, moves less along the object for which it is tied.

To tie a bayonet with a fence, you first need to make one hose around the object with the running end, surround it behind the root end and make the hose again, but in the other direction. This is followed by one or two half bayonets.

  1. Knot fishing bayonet (anchor bayonet)

    1. Fishing bayonet (anchor knot) (Fig. 15).

A Rice. 15. Fishing bayonet (anchor knot)

One of the most critical cases of using a knot in maritime business is tying an anchor rope to an anchor. For five thousand years of the existence of shipping, people for this purpose could not come up with a more reliable knot than a fishing bayonet. Proven by centuries of experience in maritime practice, this knot is recognized by sailors of all countries as the most reliable for attaching a rope to an eye or to an anchor bracket.

The fishing bayonet (or anchor knot) is somewhat similar to with a simple bayonet with a hose (see fig. 12). It differs from it in that the first of the two half-bayonets passes additionally inside the hose that wraps around the object. When using this knot for anchoring, it is always necessary to grab the running end with a scrum to the root. In this case, even with a very strong pull, the fishing bayonet does not tighten and holds securely. It can be safely used in all cases when working with cables, when they are subject to strong traction.

  1. Knot reverse bayonet

    1. Reverse bayonet (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Reverse bayonet

When mooring ships to marinas and berths, a situation often arises when it is very difficult to enclose the running end of the cable around a bollard or log. Sometimes you have to literally crawl under the pier in order to thread the end of the log or eye from the bow of the boat or boat. Using a reverse bayonet, you can wrap the cable around the desired object once and at the same time tie a knot with two hoses around the object to which you are attaching the moorings. To do this, the running end of the cable must be doubled over a length of 2-3 meters and, looping forward, passing it around the object, pull the loop towards you. Now the running end of the cable must be threaded into this loop, and for the root end, take out the slack and finish the knot with two half bayonets. The reverse bayonet is convenient for use in cases where access to the object to which they want to attach the cable is difficult or inconvenient for tying the knot, for example, to the tow hook for some car brands.

Any fisherman's favorite business is not complete without knots. An experienced fisherman will always be able to reliably combine several types of fishing line in a fishing rod, tie a hook, lure or other tackle tightly, fix everything you need on the fishing line.

Wisely tie the cage under the catch so that it does not get rid of. Knowledge of knots is especially useful for those who go fishing in the sea. It is always necessary to have information on how to properly tie a knot so that it does not untie at the wrong moment.

The article is devoted to the varieties of knots that will find their application not only in these situations. Each of the nodes can be considered unique, as it can be used anywhere.

We will tell you what a knot is, what type of knot is more appropriate to use in a given situation, as well as how to knit them correctly.

A knot is an old way of connecting one or more ropes. It happens by tying and interlacing the "running" and "root" ends of the rope, rope, fishing line.

The running end is the loose part of the cable, with which we form a knot. The root end is the second part of the cable, fixed in a stationary state.

All existing nodes are divided into groups according to their purpose. In our story, we will talk about non-tightening knots that are widely used in the marine and even fishing business.

To be specific, we will consider the following nodes:

  1. A simple bayonet.
  2. A simple bayonet with a hose.
  3. A simple bayonet with two hoses.
  4. Bayonet with carryover.
  5. Fishing bayonet.
  6. A simple half-bait.

When we have decided on the nodes, we can proceed to their detailed analysis: what kind of node, how it is done, where it is applied, step-by-step instructions for executing the node.

To create a strong quality knot, first you need to familiarize yourself with the main principles and techniques of knitting knots.

"Simple bayonet"

A "simple bayonet" is a knot formed by two simple half-bayonets. It allows us to form a non-tightening loop.

It is pointless to knit more than three half-bayonets on it, the resulting knot will not become stronger from an additional half-bayonet.

The "simple bayonet" knot is one of the simplest non-tightening knots.

Fishermen can use it to fasten the boat painter to the eye on the wall or, if necessary, easily tie the hook to the fishing line.

Make sure the knot is tied correctly. You can determine the correctness of the knot by moving the loops.

The knot will be tied correctly if the running end, both in the first half-bayonet and in the second, goes to the same side.

If you move the loops and their appearance will remind you of a cow knot instead of a knotted knot, then you did it wrong and if you pull too hard, the half bayonets will converge and the knot will tighten.

How to knit "Simple bayonet"?

The technology of knitting a simple bayonet practically does not differ from a "half-bayonet". It is only necessary to add one more half-bayonet.

  • Wrap the running end around the object, starting at the back;
  • We knit two half bayonets in succession;
  • We tighten both ends of the rope with twine;
  • We tighten the knot.

Note: using a similar knot to tie a hook on a synthetic fishing line is a bad idea. With too much pull, your knot will begin to slip.

"A simple bayonet with a hose"

A "simple bayonet with a hose" differs from a simple bayonet only in an additional hose. A hose is a turn of a rope around a fixed object.

Simple bayonets with hoses are used when it is necessary to securely tie a rope to an immovable object, such as a boat to a pier.

This knot can be remembered by those fishermen who go out to fish on ships and do not want it to leave the pier without an owner at some point. A properly tied simple bayonet with a hose does not tighten even with prolonged tension.

Like other types of knots, a bayonet with a hose has the advantage that it can be untied without any extra effort. Despite the fact that this knot is rather difficult to call reliable, it is still in demand among sailors and fishermen.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations, we give advice: to increase the level of reliability of the knot, before fixing the ends, tighten the knot.

How to knit a "Simple bayonet with a hose":

  • Wrap the object with the running end around the object from back to front;
  • Make two more turns in the same direction;
  • Form a running end around the root half-bayonet;
  • Make another half bayonet at the root end;
  • Tie both ends tightly with thin twine;
  • Tighten the knot.
  • Congratulations, the node is ready!

"A simple bayonet with two hoses"

The “simple bayonet with two hoses” differs from the previous knot with an additional hose. The additional hose creates additional reliability of the knot, due to which the rope is rubbed at a lower speed.

The knot will never tighten tightly, no matter what the load is on it, but it can unravel if the corresponding load is not applied to the running end.

Tip: fasten the ends of the rope with a thin twine, and for reliability, you can pre-tighten the knot.

In the case where the rope can be subjected to frequent friction or prolonged traction, it is best to think of a simple bayonet with two hoses.

This will prevent rapid wear of the rope under high tension. It can be used when there is a need for long-term fastening of the ship's rope on the pier.

How to knit a "Simple bayonet with two hoses":

  • Wrap the running end around the object, start it from behind;
  • Make two more turns with the running end;
  • Pull up the running end, wrap it around the root end and, into the loop formed, stretch the running end. Thus, a half-bayonet is obtained.
  • Make another half bayonet;
  • Tie both ends with thin twine and tighten the knot.

"Bayonet with a run-out"

"Flashed bayonet" - a knot that is several times stronger than a conventional bayonet with two hoses. Its difference lies in the absence of the cable sliding over the object to which the knot is attached, and therefore the fastening of the ends on this knot is optional.

The lack of slip is advantageous when there is a sudden change in direction of thrust.

Not bad for securely tying the cage to a stationary object and even if there is a current in the water, the cage will not untie and the water will not take your catch.

How to knit "Bayonet with a run-out":

  • Turn the running end around the object, direction: from back to front;
  • Stretch the running end behind the main end and turn the object now from front to back;
  • Next, bring the running end over the root, then bring it out behind the root and pull it into the loop formed - you have one half-bayonet;
  • Repeat steps to make another half bayonet;
  • Secure the ends with twine, tighten the knot.

"Fishing bayonet"

"Fisherman's bayonet" is one of the examples of non-tightening knots, as well as one of the oldest and most reliable methods, which is still in demand among sailors.

In its weaving, it is similar to a simple bayonet with a hose, however, there is still a difference. In a fishing bayonet, before knitting two half bayonets, the rope is pulled through an additional hose.

Its second name is "Anchor Knot", which indicates its intended purpose. Basically, this knot is used to firmly and securely fasten the cable with the anchor.

It is used not only by sailors, but also by fishermen who like to go fishing on a boat or boat. You can use this knot in all those cases when a huge traction is laid on the cable - it will not tighten, but it will not untie either.

How to knit "Fisherman's bayonet":

  • Pass the running end into the anchor ring at the back;
  • Pass into the ring in the same direction one more time;
  • Pass the end behind the root and pull through the loops formed;
  • Pass the running end first “behind”, and then “before” the main one, then point it into the loop - a half-bayonet is formed;
  • Tighten the knot.
  • Pull the two ends of the rope together and secure with twine.

"Simple half-bayonet"

"Simple half-bayonet" - the most common and ancient type of knots. It has a wide range of applications, since it is one of the elementary non-tightening knots.

By itself, this unit does not represent any reliability, however, with a fixed running end, it effectively copes with any traction.

No matter how much tension there is on the knot, it will never tighten, at most it will tighten the loop and thereby move towards the object.

Its main task is to secure other types of knots.

However, it can also be useful to fishermen: for example, quickly tie your vessel to the pier if the stop is short, or, if necessary, temporarily connect parts of the fishing line.

How to knit "Simple half bayonet":

  • You should wrap the running end around the object, leading it from behind;
  • Next, stretch, wrap it around the root end and thread the running end into the loop formed;
  • Secure both ends with thin twine;
  • Tighten the knot.
  • After the movements made, a simple half-bayonet is ready!

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, we told you about the concept of a “knot”, provided you with a description of several non-tightening marine knots that can be used in fishing, they said step by step instructions for knitting each of the knots.

All nodes are good in their own way and in this or that situation will show their abilities. If your knot does not hold, unties, review the step-by-step instructions for knitting a particular knot and repeat again.

A properly tied knot will never let you down. The positive side of all these knots is that they do not untie on their own under the influence of tension, and if necessary, if the knot has been tied correctly, it can be quickly untied.

The range of use of non-stretching knots is quite wide: from tying a hook to a fishing line, ending with securing a vessel on a pier.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes/carps/breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

A fishing bayonet is a knot that is designed to tie an anchor rope to an anchor. For many centuries of the existence of shipping, a more durable knot has not been invented than a sea bayonet.

The sea bayonet is made on the basis of a simple knot, it is classified as a non-tightening sea knot. A simple bayonet is a loop made on the basis of 2-3 half-bayonets. The fasteners are of such qualities that they can be easily untied and tied, even when the cable is held under pressure. This fastener is knitted from 3 half-bayonets.

Simple fasteners are highly durable. It is easy to perform and easy to remember the knitting method. Therefore, it is used by sailors. Climbers use this connection to fix the cable to the support in the manufacture of a suspension crossing, since it is necessary to untie the cable when it is strongly tightened. Other knots will not be suitable for this purpose, since they can only be untied when the cable is loosened.


Such a connection is used in maritime navigation for tying a cable to a parking anchor. For many years of using the knot in maritime affairs, it has not lost its relevance. For use on marine vessels, it is considered reliable, durable, and easy to untie when needed. The fastening does not spoil the rope as a result of grinding. Even under the influence of sea waves, this connection holds the anchor perfectly.

Step-by-step knitting pattern for a fishing bayonet knot

Knowing how to tie a knot with a simple bayonet on a vertical support, you can safely leave the boat on the shore. The free end of the rope behind the support is wound from left to right. The free end of the cable is thrown over the main one, led from below into the resulting loop. So they form a half-bayonet.

Then the free end of the rope is taken to the right, its center is taken in the right hand, and the part of the rope fixed in the knot is again pulled to the left, thrown over the main one and pushed from below into a new loop, creating a second half-bayonet and at the same time forming a simple fastener.

To make the connection stronger, you can make 3 half bayonets in the same way. But in a simple situation, 2 half-bayonets are enough. The free end of the rope is tied to the main control connection. Thus, the rope is fixed to the support securely.

Instead of a control connection, you can tie the free end of the cable to the main end with a small diameter cable. At the same time, the half-bayonets that form a simple connection do not tighten, and the connection is easy to untie, even when under heavy load. This is what sailors do when attaching a rope to a support.

For climbers, tying such a knot ends with the formation of a control fastening with the running side of the rope. If there is a large supply of rope, such a connection is formed with a double end: the running end of the cable is folded in half and simple fastening is performed as if a single rope were instead of a double one.

Alternative bayonet options

There are other types of bayonet that have differences and allow them to be used in some situations with the greatest efficiency. This is a double and triple bayonet with a run-out, a wet half-bayonet, a fishing bayonet, a bayonet with a hose, a bunk, a mast, a reverse one.

double and triple

Double and triple bayonets differ from the simplest in that instead of one turn of the rope around the support, 2 or 3 are made. These types are more durable due to additional turns. In this case, the impact of the load on the half-bayonets that make up the fasteners will be the smallest due to the friction force of the rope at the points of attachment to the support. In this case, the rope will not wear out.


To understand how to knit a bayonet knot with a run-out, first make a turn around the riser with the free end of the rope. Then the bundle is thrown over the main one and again the pole is twisted in the opposite direction. After that, half-bayonets are made, as with a simple connection. Fasteners slide less with a variable load direction. Loops of rope wrap around the pole on either side of the main end, which is subjected to pressure. With two hoses, a bayonet with a fence allows you to tie the cage to a stationary object. The design depends on the strength of the first and second hose.


The reverse bayonet is an inverted fastener with a skid. Sailors use it when obstacles appear when the main end of the cord is carried around the pole. When creating a node, the support must be bypassed once. When knitting a connection with a run-out, you need to go around the pole 2 times. This design has the same advantages, in contrast to the simplest connection, as fasteners with a run-out, but when compared with it, the reverse type is more convenient.


The bed bayonet used to be tied in maritime practice for hanging hammocks on ships. It differs from the simple type in that instead of the first simple connection, a figure eight is knitted around the posts. This design has advantages in contrast to a simple fastening. The disadvantage is the more complex and lengthy knitting of the bed attachment.

Possible errors when knitting

When forming an anchor node, you can make some mistakes:

  1. When forming two half-bayonets at the main end of the cable, a cow knot comes out instead of a bleached one. This is considered a mistake. When the rope is tensioned, the fastening may be tightened, thus, difficulties will appear during its formation.
  2. When forming joints, instead of 3 half-bayonets, 4 or more are knitted. This is a mistake, because creating more than three half bayonets will not increase the reliability of the fastener, but will only increase the time to tie and untie the fastener.
  3. At the end of a simple bayonet, a control knot is not formed, and the free end of the rope is not fixed on the main one in the way proposed earlier. This is mistake. Without fixing the free end of the cable, the fasteners can come loose under variable loads.

If, taking into account possible errors, you can correctly tie this marine knot, then this will help to fasten the anchor to the yacht or sailboat and securely fasten the vessel to the anchor weight or support that is on the shore.

A simple half-bayonet, being the simplest of non-tightening knots, is widely used in maritime affairs. It serves as the final element of many knots. Enclose the running end of the cable around the object to which you want to tie the cable, then around the root end of the cable and pass it into the loop formed. After that, attach the running end of the cable with a grapple to the root end. The knot tied in this way reliably withstands strong traction. It may move towards the subject, but it will never drag on. A simple half-bayonet is used to connect two cables with "alien" and "own" ends.

Two identical half-bayonets make up a knot that sailors call a simple bayonet. To distinguish a correctly tied bayonet (a.) from an incorrect (b.) bayonet, two loops must be brought together. If this turns out to be a faded knot, then it means that a simple bayonet was tied correctly. For such a bayonet, its running end, both after the first and after the second peg, should exit equally above or below its end. Inverted, i.e. an incorrectly tied simple bayonet, the running end after the second pebble goes in the opposite direction, not like after the first. When two loops of an inverted knotted bayonet are brought together, a cow knot is obtained instead of a bleached one. The main use of a simple bayonet in the navy is to fasten the mooring ends to the mooring fixtures, fasten the falls of the guy lines of cargo arrows to the butts and eyelets, and fasten the cargo pendant to the load being lifted. The maximum number of half bayonets in such a knot should not exceed three, since this is quite enough and the strength of the knot as a whole will not increase with a larger number of half bayonets. Old English proverbs speak eloquently about the reliability of this mooring knot: "two half-bayonets saved the queen's ship" and "three half-bayonets are more than enough for the royal yacht."

For many centuries, sailors on ships were bedded by a hammock-shaped canvas hanging bunk with a thin crushed cork mattress. In plan, it has the form of a rectangle, on the small sides of which there are eight to eight eyelets for the so-called shkentros. These shkentros are connected in rings, which, in turn, are hung by the bed posts to special eyelets in the beams or to the bed posts to special eyes in the beams or to rods made in the cockpit of the ship for hanging beds for the night. During the day, rolled-up bunks, along with pillows, blankets and sheets, were stored in so-called bed nets along the side of the deck and served as a reliable parapet from cannonballs and shrapnel during the battle. In the evening, before lights out, at the command "berths down", they were carried below deck and hung up. Tying a knot to hang a bunk is serious business. Here you need to use a knot that would not be tightened, easily untied and held securely. The most important thing is that it does not untie itself under the influence of the continuous pitching of the ship. Sailors used various knots to hang their beds, but the bayonet was considered the most reliable.

This knot differs from a simple bayonet by one additional hose around the object to which the cable is attached. It also serves mainly for fastening cables and pearls when mooring for bollards, bitengs and poles, but, unlike a simple bayonet, it is used in cases where there is no need to quickly release the mooring lines. This knot is also convenient for attaching a cable to a hook, fire, eye, etc. Two hoses around the object make this knot more reliable during long stops, in any case, due to the additional hose, it will not fray as quickly as a simple bayonet.

In fact, this is also a kind of simple bayonet. The difference from a simple bayonet with a hose is an additional third hose. It increases the strength of the knot if the cable experiences constant friction against the bollard or bitten. The use of this knot for attaching the cable to the hook is a very reliable method.

If for a simple bayonet with two hoses the latter pass to the side of the attachment point of the root end, then for this knot they are placed one on each side. This gives the knot greater symmetry, the knot, in the event of a change in the direction of the thrust, moves less along the object for which it is tied. To tie a bayonet with a fence, you first need to make one hose around the object with the running end, surround it behind the root end and make the hose again, but in the other direction. This is followed by one or two half bayonets.

One of the most critical cases of using a knot in maritime business is tying an anchor rope to an anchor. For five thousand years of the existence of shipping, people for this purpose could not come up with a more reliable knot than this one. Proven by centuries of experience in maritime practice, this knot is recognized by sailors of all countries as the most reliable for attaching a rope to an eye or to an anchor bracket. The fishing bayonet (or anchor knot) is somewhat similar to a simple bayonet with a hose. It differs from it in that the first of the two half-bayonets passes additionally inside the hose that wraps around the object. When using this knot for anchoring, it is always necessary to grab the running end with a scrum to the root. In this case, even with a very strong pull, the fishing bayonet does not tighten and holds securely. It can be safely used in all cases when working with cables, when they are subject to strong traction.

Here the original combination of two good knots gives a reliable and simple knot. First, around the object to which the cable is attached, a bleed knot is tied, and at the root end of the cable, an ordinary bayonet is made, which, as you know, is also a modified bleed knot. To prevent the mast bayonet from being tightened, the first knot is not fully tightened.

When mooring ships to marinas and berths, a situation often arises when it is very difficult to enclose the running end of the cable around a bollard or log. Sometimes you have to literally crawl under the pier in order to thread the end of the log or eye from the bow of the boat or boat. Using a reverse bayonet, you can wrap the cable around the desired object once and at the same time tie a knot with two hoses around the object to which you are attaching the moorings. To do this, the running end of the cable must be doubled over a length of 2-3 meters and, looping forward, passing it around the object, pull the loop towards you. Now the running end of the cable must be threaded into this loop, and for the root end, take out the slack and finish the knot with two half bayonets. The reverse bayonet is useful in cases where access to the object to which they want to attach the cable is difficult or inconvenient for tying a knot, such as a tow hook and some brands of cars.

To hold the mooring synthetic end on a twin bollard is a simple matter. But what if, instead of a double bollard, you have a single bollard (or biteng) at your disposal, and there is no fire at the end of the mooring line? For this purpose, in maritime practice, a network of several original nodes. Let us explain the principle of one of them, which can be attributed to the number of non-tightening knots. First, around a single bollard, you need to make several hoses with the running end of the mooring cable. After that, fold the running end in half and in this form, in a loop, pass it under the stretched root part of the cable, turn the loop 360 degrees and throw it on top of the bollard. This knot does not slip, holds securely. The cable can be given away at any moment, even if the mooring lines are under strong tension. To do this, you need to slightly select the running end passing under the root end and increase the loop, after which it will not be difficult to throw it off the bollard.

This knot is used to fasten the cable on the towing hook or on the bitten. They can delay or bleed the towing line. Due to the successive application of several cable hoses to the bit, the towing end can be etched from the bit, and when the tension of the tug is loosened, it can be selected again in the form of loops thrown over the bit from above.